T ' -..ioB 1946-'47 INTRA-MURAL GAMES IN REVIEW THE ORAHOE ECHO WHERE TO FIJSD THE IS J^’TH GRADE THIS SUMMER PAGE THREE year of ’40-47 seems to havepvhilc tlie Pantlicrs’’ boosted sucli as more mterestiog year io sports I B. J. Davis, ■•Mule" Merritt, H. rmerly, especially in the gamejBarnett, and Sebrew Ford. ' Several Go Out For Softball 1 football. ourse, it is somewhat late to )out the football season; but ulG like the readers to look ler the football season at some stellar players in intraonura) under the direction of Coach Kornegay. irdcr to build up strength for r.^ity team, he organized foot •nnis in the classes from the h grade through the tenth and at the end of the season 1 two-all star teams called tlie ■s’’ and the “Panthers.” Icnts from the varsity team as coaches for these intra bouts. The coaches for the rs” were T. J. MuDuffie, head and M. Farrington and rs’’ Barbee assistants. Head of the “Panthers” was Sam and assistant was Sam Head. Softball has attracted a much hirgcr minibcr of players this year than last. The chief attraction, per liajis, is that the l>oys and girls have boon promised a softball toui-namcnt within the next few days. If and when tlii.« touruainont i ln'ld, wc jilnce oiir stake on ninth o-taders to win tlie finals. * * * D.'seover Hidden Talent In Basketball Tlie intra-mural I'askrMjall at 0. C. T. S. has been one of the most enjoyable features of our school life. Class teams were formed from the sixth grade up to the twplftti. Coach PS for these teams were selected from the varsity team. The three out.stand ing coaches were Willie Edwards, 5se students coaches developed over the tenth grade champs; Martha good players, such as Charlie • Hargraves, with the ninth grade )0 Choo” Davis, Willie Brooks, champs; and “Lish” Burchetfe, over George Jones for the “Bears,”(the runners-up. y Day Celebration ns High Praise At inge County School .generous applause. At the end of the celebration, the students sang Alma Mater. This fea ture was followed by the recessional. Thirty-Four Girls And .lARGARET FABBINGTON Beporter u the celebration of May Day, ige County Training School andi Boys In The First ■ echools of. the County, outdid, pait in presenting n "bigger Gradc-B Doing Fine better” May Day Festival. . .e .affair at O C T 8 was held - thirty-four girls and boys-a,;, undecided. A happy v.acation ev- thfe plyaground,. May 1, at one )ck in the afternoon. Vacation time is almost here. We have already made our plans. Here arc ;ome of them. Polly Purefoy may be found in Baltimore. Jessie and Lcssie Dorsett want to see President Tru man, and attend a Big League Base ■amo; therefore they will visit Washington, D. C. Laura Hackney will take a trip to the seashore on week ends. Mary Brown will vi.sit Hollywood. Floyd Foushee told the class that he is going to spend the summer like the grashopper. eatiua. ulci'piug, having a good tiiue. Etta llan-ington ivill visit her Uncle in Xi’i'folk. Genrge I’nylor wants to learn Imw to swim. He will lie fouinl on the creek banks. ELsic Geer i- going to grow a garden. Puby M water is interested in ivorkiiig, sav ing her money to be a woll-dressed junior. Pearl Boldin wants to trave' Frank Mcrrit is “planning o fitickiiig around liome” and “sort of” helping out the older folk. Al Barnett will raise chickens. Etta Baldwin will vis'^ a sister in Con nccticutt. Moses Davis wants to work, save, and have a fat bank ac count in the fall. Doretha Edwards' is bound for the Big City. Sadie .Tones, Hattie McCauley, and Eliza beth McCauley are planning to take life as it comes. Polly Purefoy and Nancy Minor are going to spend their rime reading. Goldie Atwater is get ting married. Flora Briggs, Maurice Cole, and Helen Watson are going to be in Atlantic City. Joe Hargraves Seabrew Ford, Thelbert Harris, Leonard Powell, Harold Robinson Wilbert Snipes, John Mason, Charlie Davis and James Cates are going to organize a baseball team. Annie John- .'son, Clara Baldwin, and Ella Johnson Mr. R. 0. KoriiPiray, foauliur of chemistry and director iiitra-mural sports. in the first grade B. Mrs. Smith is ervone. j the teacher for 1-A and Miss Young, 1-B. cfore an unusually large audi j , the celebration commenced with We. have enjoyed this school veer May Queen and her attendants, bom-uso we have had a good time. We •ie Alston, senior, was the queen.'hove learned to read, write and do was dressed in a beautiful white I urnnher work. The class has also ling gown. Her attendants wore'learned many songs, prayers, games ises of matching beauty. The train potras. and dances. Wo have learned lefully marched the full length of I bow to keep the body clean as well as grounds, giving the whole andi |bow to eat the right kind of food, . a/good view of the procession, | Fvory boy .and girl l.as had a chance •he program consisted of dances to play in the liliythm Band Some YOU WANT TO KNOW ? WE’RE TELLING YOU tenth GRADE TATTLER THE FRESHMEN the olemcntary grades, music the elemciiLary Rhythm Bund, iits by the high school boys, mn from the high school b.and (which becomes a regular and expootod tine of till* school’s activties). s. Clark of the Mcrrit School gave Six Members Of 3-B Class Have Been On Honor Roll All Year took part in the May Day Exercis es and others in tlie elementary operetta. We liave enjiiyed many of the chapel programs and even enjoy ed playing our part in the different di'i’.e.s conducted by the school. The First Grade is hoping that noxt lovely number with her school. there will be two classrooms so y Pole winding was done by the day. We have enjoyed the good lunches served in the Lunch Room. MIRIAM HOLMES, 1-B jrth and fifth grade girls^. They dc an attractive picture that tvpi :1 the spirit of the day. They wore sp colored costumes and received There are 14 pupils in our class. Mrs. Lamoley is our teacher, We liavi worked very hard tliis year. Six mem bers of our class have been on the Honor Roll all the year. We .ire menibors of the Rhythm Band and enjoy playing very much. We have stud ied very hard this year to make the fourth grade. .4.11 pupils Ilf our '.‘lass are promoted to the 4tli grade. We have studied about the foods we sliould eat. W'e have learn ed to like some of tlie foods we did n’t like before. We eat in the Lunel Room. ALLEN MASON (3-B) The students of the Tenth Grade B. Division want to wish each of you a happy vacation. Ere your vacation begins, however, here are a few re piinders of school life. Ponder over these as you stt idle this summer. Bettye Edwards will be vacationing in Mexico. Perhaps she is to take lancing lessons from the Mexican girls. James Atwater will vacation in Durham, taking business and typ ing lessons. Lucille will be married | and bring her husband to school next fall. Robert Carver, Reaford Crowe, Jessie Durliani, Henry Old- am, .Toseph Nevilles, and illiani O’Kelly are going to bo quite busy raising geese. Next year, each of them will bring a nice fresh goose feather cushion to school. Thir .vill serve to make thedr scats more com fortable in the English class-room. Catherine Davis plans to go to Georgia. There she will sit all day and chew pine rosin. Bernice Dav is chooses to work in a chewing gum factory. Next winter may find her in Ceylo.n, India, or Burma cliewing beech-nuts. Willis Edwards will re turn to New York to complete hia .speech lessons from the Hebrews. Annie Eubanks, Dorothy Farring ton and Betty Foushee are going to complete their lessons on being sweet and modest little ladies. Should ■■ -. campus feature the delicately charm ing “ferns” against the brazen, boisterous type that often dain the limlight, these three girls will be prepared to stand the teat. Fred Kobens and Albert Hogan will com plete their voice changing stages this summer. Mildred Taylor and Mary Hargraves are going to read every- hing they can get their hands on. The first day of school they will be ready to take an Intelligence Test (along with James Atwater). The princi pal, alone, must give and grade this tect. Mrs. Nickers and.Kussell V. ai- .on are going to spend their time industriously. Herbert Paylor will, of course, be at the theater. He m.ay teach Jessie Truesdale the trade. Nancy Barbee will primp. Thomas Pendergraft is going to bed and get himself a good summer’s sleep. FOR QUICK SERVICE CALL -- HOLLYWOOD CAB 414 W. FRANKLIN STREET PHONE F-3672 —FOR— Bicycle Parts And Accessories; Auto Parts And Accessories; Tires Recapped And Repairs VISIT PATTEBSON TIRE CO. 421 West Franklin Street Phone F-2841 - COMPLETELY REBUILT PLANT - "COME a-EAN WITH US” NICK'S DRY CLEANERS 416 W. Franklin Street Chapel Hill, N. C. WE PRESS WHILE ‘'U” WAIT ' Pictured above are the May Day Queen, Car.ie Alston, a senior, and her attendants.