CHUCKLE Mountain climbers rope them selves together. It’s safer that ‘ way. It also keeps the sensi ble ones from going home. VOL. XXXVll NO. 2 'EVEN STEPHEN' The average couple splits up the Christmas chores. Sb© signs the greeting cards and he signs the checks! CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA DEC., 1957 T^c Lincoln Students Stress War On Tuberculosis RESEARCH SHOWS .luBERCuiosis GURABiE | guy Cfirisfmos Sca/s And Help H Ai.- j: • z-. II.. 1.1 1 ■ By JESSIE FARRAR I. Tuberculosis Is a very old and dangerous disease, which dates back to prehistoric times. Many examinations from bones in mummies showed that they had T.B. which was called consump tion. IL Statistics liave shown tliat the cure of T.B. is improving greatly. Deaths iiave dropped a great deal. In N. C.'. 1918, 3,400 people died and in 1956 and only 253 died. The reason for so many deaths in earlier years was that tile people stayed home rather than go' to the doctor for X-rays. Many of tliem wait until they .see a symtom, wherein there arc many cases where no symtoms at all are shown. III. There are usually no symp toms in the early stages of tuber culosis. A person may feel well and yet be sick with TB. Tliis is the time when the diease can be most easily cured. When signs do appear, it may mean that llie di sease has entered an advanced, more difficuU-to-cure stage. Sym toms may include one or more of the followingi^' Excessive fatigue, toss .of appetite, and weight, fre- queiit*^6ids. chronic coughing, ■'■1^ fever, indigestion, niglit sweats, Vij^-.and-spitting up* of blood. Doctors use a combination of four methods to find...fubef^il6sis„ i —i. JL luOi^icuiai" ,‘Vfesi7~^ IV i c Ii . shows ifitliere are TB^germs In'the body. ' A chest X-ray, which can • . ivAiShow if TB germs have done . any. damage. 3. Labratory tests, which finds out if TB germs are growing . A'lnd escaping the body. . 4. Alhorough physical examina tion with medical history. IV. There is no complete suc cessful vaccine for tuberculosis. The only one in general use. B. 'C,G. .'Bacillus Calmette-Guerin > doesn’t prevent TB in all in stances. althougli it assists, it does not replace, other method.s of con trolling. BCG, in the United Slates, —" used mainly among people wlio are constantly exposed to TB in fection. of the disease. Generally, there are: ! 1. Rest—usiialiy in bed, at least during the eany stages of treatment, 2. Drugs—to help bring the germs under control. 3. Surgery — the removal of damaged parts of the lungs, when necessary, or collapse of the lung to help it lieal fater. VI. The greatest advance in the treatment of tuberculosis in past decade has been the discovery of drugs which can be used effective ly in TB. The principal drug in use today is isoniazid; other lead ing drugs are streptomycin and RAS 1 Para-Aminosalicylic Acid). While these drugs, when used alone or in combination, do not kill all TB germs, they do sup press further growth of the bacilli. VII. There is no need to go to another state for the treatment of tuberculosis, because climate has nothing to do with TB. The best place for most patients to go for treatments of TB is a hospital near home. This is why: 1. The hospital furnishes the best in up-to date medical, nursing, and surgical care. 2. There is less chance that family and friends will catch the'disease. - S. Instructior»4s to..tbkKvcare hospital. ' 4. Many hospital .employjjiouu-’ selors and other staff mem bers who can help the pati ent prepare for his return to family and job. Vni. For the cure of tubercul osis N. C. offers 4 liospitals. They are McCain, Southern Pines, Black Mountain, B.M.N.C., Wilson, N. C.. and Gradly SanTlorium in Cliapei Hill. N. C. These liospitals ha^'e at least 1600-1700 patients at all times, and these hospitals, the pa tients are treated by special doc tors in the field of tuberculosis, TX. Yes, TB can be prevented,' We are well along the road of prevention when we realize that tuberculosis is not only an indivi dual problem but also a commun ity responsibility. Tliis means everyone must work together— physicians, official and voluntary Wage War On Tuberculosis V. The medical treatment of TB varies according to location in the body and severity of the in fection. One or ;more methods may ' agencies, and all otlier interested be employed to halt the progress persons and groups. By HAROLD FOSTER How does the army of Christmas seals fight the enemy? It does it in many ways. To begin, the peo ple in all areas of our life must purchase Christmas seals, espe cially the citizens of our town. This will give ammunition with which to fight. The seals makes possible research into the nature of tlie disease and metliods of curing it. Too, the purchase of Christmas seals makes possible tlie spread of new knowledge gained by pro viding literature to be circulated among the people, and the secur ing of books and magazines to bring cheer to the discouraged pa tients in the sanitoriums. Who does not thrill at the sight of a happy, smiling patient, who has found an absorbing hour in a book made possible for him. Further, The purchase of Christ mas seals help to provide an ef fective program of control, which includes a broad range of acti vities. Community organization, health, education, “patient serv ices,’^ case. supervision'- -and fact finding are but a few of these activities. To achieve these, the citizens of our town, the school, the teacher, the students ,and certainly the parents must give tlieir full sup port by buying and using Christ mas seals in large numbers. 60 LINCOLN STUDENTS LISTED ON HONOR ROLL “A” — 93-100 “B” — 83-89 GRADE 12 “A” Honor Roll—Joseph Petti- ford; “B’ Honor Rdll—Harold Corbett, Juliet Baker, Markethia Baldwin, Lillian Farrington, Rich ard Fikes, Helen Jones and Hugh Stroud. , GRADE, 11. . •Hohor'Roll—Ndrrnan^Burn- ette and Barbara Worth. GRADE. 10 “A” Honor Roll—Curtis Farring ton; “B” Hpnor Roll — Minnie Baker and Sylvester Bynum. GRADE 9 “B” Hgnor Roll—Mary Atwater, Renee Booth, Rena Headen, Peg gie Hogan,'Brenta Jones, Annie Peral Neville,' Garrett >Weaver and Christalena JiVorth >•- k]^i By Barbara Worth •^GRADES* Some Facts About Tuberculosis U By Harold Foster One of the diseases heading the list of the great killers of the American people is Tubercu losis. Facts will show this to bs the case. Let us look further into this matter and attempt to learn why* this is true. As I think about it, I find that there are several rea sons for the high death rate. - First, many cases are undiscov ered; second, it is highly com municable and third, public fear and ignorance are important con tributing causes. Considering the first reason — how can we dis cover whether or not we have tuberculosis? There are two ways of which we all know: the x-ray or fluoroscope ad the tuberculin test, or skin test. The tuberculin or skin test is usually given un der the skin of the arm with a needle. At the end of a certain time, the spot on the arm is checked. If any inflamation or rednes appears then the test 1.5 said to be positive and an x-ray • is recommended. The fact that. • a skin- test is positive does always meaii that you'-.have'-the disease,,,but it-does mean. . you have come in-,contact with-rxi^ the. germ at.some test is negative • necessary, Library Club The Library Club welcomes Miss Ruby Alston, a senior, as a new member. Already, Ruby lias ap plied herself diligently to the task P.T.A. MEETING HELD Oil November 25 the P. T. A. met in the school cafeteria with Mr. .C. A. McDougle presiding. Guest speaker for the evening was bur associate superintendent. Dr>. Jos^h M. Johnston, who gave an address to the faculty, parents and friends. : Tim iLihcoln High School chor us performed, singed two beauti ful numbers. This marks the . tliird time that Dr. .Johnston has spoken to the faculty and mem bers of the Lincoln High School. —A Sfifdent There is a basic freedom that we are in danger of losing—the freedom to be one’s best, the chance for the development of each person to the highest capa city. This freedom has started slipping away from ns because of three great misunderstandings. First, the misunderstanding of the word democracy. Second, the misunderstanding that concerns what makes for happiness. The misunderstanding is in the area of values, ^ Most .Americans siitiscrilie to j certain values wliich they learn in childhood. One is a basic sense j of fair play, Second is a respect for the ti-uth and for the right to liear the truth spoken. Third, is a concern not to be played for a sucker—not to be treated as an underling. No individual, no group, no nation can be liappy under a system that gives it an inferior place or recognition solely on tlie basis of its power to rule. True democracy is the type of society and government devised by man for the welfare of man. This type of society or government must be understood before it can be effectively livtM. It is formed by two Greek words meaning peo ple and power. Democracy con cerns itself with the welfare and happiness of all mankind, regard less of birth, color, inlieritance. status ,or creed; with its respect I for human personality and its faith in the wisdom of pooled j Judgment. I believe in a democracy tliat The program committee* is busy gradually develops by tlie strug- of promoting tlie smooth opera tion of the lil)rary. Her quietness, dignity, sincerity, and industrious- ness make lier almost invaluable in tlie capacity of an assistant. Tlie club has begun to plan con structive meetings for the new year. From time to time, demon strations of policies aiui practices will be made by various members. Book reviews and round table dis cussions of books and authors will also be promoted. Each member has been asked to - read, at least, one book each month. Thomas fAlston. Virginia Edward.s,, Thomas .Farrington, Charlene, Mc Dougle, -.Alice Terrell - and , Sandra Weaver. “B”. Honor Roll—Winfred Atwater,. Betty Baldwin. Bernard Britt, Bettye . Burnette, Barbara Bynum, Sylvester Bynum, Carl Edward.s, Earl Geer, Juanita Faye Jones, Carl Maddox. David Mason. Kannis Minor, Delaine Perry, Car rie Webb and Minnie Wililams. GRADE 7 “A ’ Honor Roll—Mary E. Als ton, Barbara Scott and Siierdenia Thompson. "B'’ Honor Roil—Bet tye Lou Alston, Mary Frances Bar bee, Thomasina Briggs, James R. Brlttian, Barbara Burnette, Thom as Bynum. Annie M. Edwards, Nellie Lee Edwards, Biilue Far rington, Bernard Farrington, Ca rol Johnson, Janie Jones. Thomas Mason and Vivian Terrell. Honor Roil Committee — M. G. Frazier, R. M. Reese and C. H. Barnes. working out tlie final details . of the Christmas party. .A good time is in store for everyone. To you, we say. “MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR"!! Lucinda Edwards gles of man lowai-d a more en lightened status, Do we really be lieve tliat evei-y individual should learn what are the advantages of democracy over all t>ther forms of social living. Any system (hot (See. DEMOCRACY, Page 4) CHRISTMAS SPIRIT! By HARRIET BARBEE Christmas is a time when the whole world seems abstractive, yet, it’s the most esqiiisite era of civilization. For the Christians it is extreme joy. for tliey realize that for that reason tliey were saved For the children of the world it, is complete liappines.s, for it ha.s long been known that Santa is tlie- upmost thrill at Christmas time for the tots. Even our comrades at war. the bed-ridden, the blind, the mule, and the crippted get a sensation at Christmas, as no other time in the year, it seems to be some thing natural and God given! But for the ordinary people, as you and I, Christmas is a time of great joy! love! beauty! But most of all, a time of extreme praise to. our father for tlie gift of Jesus Christ our Lord! the disease -is- present-.a spat-r/.>. show: TTiere is.'a> difference. in ^ the x-ray and .. :, . that the x-ray'pririts;-a picturt.^ -" while the fluoroscope does not. V My second reason given- was that it is highly communicable. By this I mean that it can be easily given from one person to another. Some of the way in w’hich it can be done are through. . coughing: eating with utensils used by an infected person; liv- _ ■- ing' with an infected person and ■ coming in contact with articles which contain the germ. Thirdly, I have listed public fear and ignorance. This is very important for if we know more about the disease 'and are no longer agraid of it then we can help control it. How many of u.s have heard someone say, “t won’t go to a doctor because C don’t want to know how sick I am or if I’m sick?” How many have you heard say, “I can’t leave my family?” Isn’t it better to learn that you are sick early enough to be cured—or woulrl you rather die? Wouldn’t it be better to leave your family for a while and return to them well and happy rather than give them the same disease? Some people learn that they have tuberculosis, but refuse to tell others. Tuberculosis is noth, ing to be a.shamed of, but it is a serious disease. It must be found and cured—not found and hidden. Now let us turn to the disease itself. Among the things we would like to know-are these; 1. What is tuberculosis? 2. Whah causes it? 3. What are its symp- tons? 4. Can it be cured and if so, how? 5. After being cured, then what? ' Let us discuss each point by itself. 1, Our school dictionarv de fines tuberculosis as a disease affecting various tissues of the (See FACTS, Page 4)

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