FREE WILL BAPTIST | V. 16, No. 43 Nov. 10, 18971 raqment c.opy] I •t.fcyr BUOTHKRL. LOViS COKTiSfl N. C., Wednesday, Nov, lo. .897, On motion of Eld. D. Davis, the Lodge church be droped from the lis at present, its members having unite dell church- On motion of Eld. D. Davis, Neuse C'h| be received from the Central Confere- name entered on rhe list of churches, the Central Conference be informed o: On motion of Eld. P. T. Lucas, aco' iippnt-n+ecl Liol- '• Red Oak Grove churcn. The fobowi pointed said committee. Battle Nich T. Nichols and H. C. Taylor. On motion of Eld.'D. Davis, New H be carried over and Eld. J- • Cox bej continue working at that point. On motion of Eld. D. Davis, the com| finance and missions retire and mak port to the Treasurers of the saniv; on Devotional Exercises report for to. R. H. Earp o])cnand Eld. C. K. Pearce minutes, and conduct a testimonal me^ On motion, conference close until S;' Saturday morning. Praise and prayei L. T. Phillips. SATURDAY MORNING. Conference met according to adj Praise and ijrayer b3^ Eld. B. W. Tippetl of yesterday read and approved. Rc| Committee. The committee appointed ing T. Chapel church make the followin We the committee suggest that a com three be appointed to see Bro. T. T. 01 garcl to purchasing the church propej Chapel church. d, Winston. Levi Green, I as. Morris, J. H. WMiley, J. W. Barnes, On n/iotion of J. J. Morris, wereceivetj concerning db Chapel church tee be discharged. ' The iollo\_ ed said coiHJ^iSLis Sua J. XT: Sa.ssor and Br| I't of committee on BiograpicalJ L* committee appointed at the la I write a Biographical Sketch of ll present tlie same.(see skeeb T Jingo). C. R. Pearce, E; T. Phillips, Co| G. W. Davis,] lotion, the report of the comniiti lihical sketch of Eld. Mozingo was^ limittee disehared. lurer’s Report. Funds on hand ( |ice none received from finance cefl J. W. Barns Inittee on the spread of the faith. :tee on the spread of the faitli suf report funds reported from 1| j$89. 11. |Eld. J. W. Valentine from same J? ■nt really left over, Int received from churches and| la minion fund, * 111 bv individuals at this Confer. | Total. lllowing disbnrcemeiits have bed lild. J. VV. Valentine, $ 1 T. T.. Strickland, E T. IMiillips, j C. R. Pearce, I B. W. Tippett, IP. X. Lucas, Total, $(] It on hand, $4! T. Phillips, J. E. Davis, f |)odard Griffin Holloman, J-Con| Ricliard Joyner. J Itiou the report of committee ol Ith be received and the cominitll lion, we continue to take collecj I'meetings for iiiissiun work. Inounts were pledged as a missl |.id in at ths next conference. J'rom J Grove, Waj-ne Co. $5; Jerusalem, Wil- lt\- 25c; I^eoples Chapel, Wilson county- , Wake county, $1; Pleasant Union, linty, $1; U'eiidcll Wake county. $2; ■uals J. J. Mnrra\' $1; W. T. J(;ncs 25c; lining 25c; B. W. Atkinson 2r.e;J. W Contioueri on 'iburth page.