s 0) Till- FR ■ F WILL li. 1 rrisrciirRCii OF XOKTII CAROLINA. rrBLlSHKD ^VKi■:KLY. -UY THK- FREEWllL BAPTIST PUB. Cn. DFl'ICUKS: Hi-i). (I. Davis, I'rvsiilvnt, I’iki'villv. N. C F, F. Daii., \ icv I'rcs., - - " M, Hai{|-ii;i.i>. Tiv.-is.. - - Ayikn. " [ 1!.)ARD Ol-' .MANAC.l-:kS. Walti k liAiu in.i. - i; ll-L'KAhT, A. T. Dwv.-.'s, \V, k. SAWVKIf. r;l.l>. I'. Mc!,A\Vllii\, - 1.1 -1. Mcl,A\ViliJ\. - W. Daii.. l-.i.ii P. T. I.i C's. - Ay.li-i, knmiiri'i-. liislifi-i', AUTICLES OF I' A.ITH, ’, W’c li.’liuve tliat th-.Tu is i>ut unvliviiijf .fi.i !■ -riiiiUi’Ml, iln- hitlicT »1'wliciin tliiii^--, Inmi i-vcrliiitim; to i-viTi-st- i.i,', iiluii III' .iii'i imiimtalilr in all llisanii- DTiU's.—l C'lr, viii, U. Isa. xl, as, a. Wv liclii'Vc lli it .1010 isciii-Dor.ljt'sus Olirist, by wli-im arc ill tiling'?, tlio nrly bub'oitoii S 111 ol' Ooil, born ol' llio Viririn I Al.iry, wlii>ni Oo.l irooly soiilintoiliis worbi, boo.iiuso ol till' .irnat love wlicrowitli In- lovoii | tlic wonl.l; .iinl Clirisl as irvlv jravo liiinsoll ■ ii .aiisoni Ur all. ta.liiii; ilu-itli l .r evoiy | inui; wiio w -s Inirioil iiivl rose au'ain tlio ' tliir-i il ly aiiil is.'oi) k'4 iiUci H.mvoii, Iron’ ' wli •ii,-.- wi! look for Him, lii” soi-oiid liuio, 111' lie oloii |s ol’ I lo awn, a I tlio last day to ■ jiid'’o IiolIi .iiiiok mill do id.— 1 ’1 im, ii. .'3, li , Moll, ii, 1); 1 loliii ii. Ikv- i, 7; Arts :i4. ;5 | loii.i ih. Hi. { 3. Wo buliove that lliort is one l!,>ly ' Db >st, tile oroeioiis gilt ol' the Ft. ler, i through ills dear Son, u'Uo tlio world, win. quiokoiiotli an 1 drawoth siiiiiors hoinc lo I Uo.l.—Joiin X'. i, 7 aud 8; Aids ii. 4: Kph. iii ' 1: Eph.iv, I 4. We iioiio .'c that ill the begdniiiinr God Ji.ide inaii upright, mid plai'ol him in a stale 111'glory without the hii'-a mixture'd I misery, I'r on which he voluntarily, by I transgression, lei', and by that nioans I bro; ghl on hill.■‘ell a miserable mid mortal | S'.ite, siiiijeol lo death.—Ueii. ii, 17. iii. lb. ! 0. We iioliov" that God is I’ot wiliinglhal any si.on'.d perish; bet tliat all sbonlil ome i to ri|>onlmioo and tlio knowledge ol tlie I triitli. Dial they might be saved; lor which end Gli:i>t hath oommmided tlie Gospel to, tie proa died among .all nations and '.oevtry cr'.Mturo.—.Mark xvi, l.'i: Luke x.;iv. 47; I b hii iii.15-17; 1 Tim. ii, 4. rt. Wo 1 elievo tliiil no mmi shall snlTor lioll lor wantt'hrist who dieii lor Ir poetry. mornir’ I have in myTiouth; my tongue is coated; my head aches and I often fed dizzv. I have no appetite for breakfast and w'lat food 1 cat distresses me. 1 have a heavy feeling it my stomach. 1 am petting st weak that sometimes 1 treniMe and my nen’es are all unstrung. 1 cm getting pale and thin. ' am as tired in t!m morning a at night.” What does your doctor saj’? *• You arc suffering from im pure blood.” What is Lis remedy? AVluirt* is Votir 15«>y T»-Xij;ht? •i lo, Lite is tooining with i Tiio gates ol'sin ari Till- rosy ling r.s ol'i.leasme wave -And biokoii the young inside, .Man ot'tho w old, wiili i]ijii piirsv. Seeking voiir own dcliglit,' fai se. eie reason is wholly goir- Wlierc is voiir liov lo-niglit'^ , You must not have consti pated bowels if you expect the Sarsapr.; ilia to do its test work. '' t Ayer’s Fills cure constipc- ii'il ns the JH;rip!'ire liHS said, I'or denying I lie L ird that bought tlicm; because they • .’i.lieve n -■ they e name of dll'only begotten | ■ "1 ol Uiii.eUel.lbeivlore, being the I a.iM' wliv the ju-l iit'd riubtvo'is God of lleiiveii « ill eoiidi'iiiii Hie elnldren of nieu; , il I'oliow against all eohiradietiun that .ail I •i"ii, at me tune -t i>ther, are found insuch ‘ .. ■ ipaei.y as that •.hrougb tliu grace of God | i!i •> may be eternally saved.—Acts xvil.3l): j .lli'iivi, IS; lieb. Ill, lb; 1 .lohii V, 10. I 7, U'.-believe lie wii.ee Sonptnres are in-1 fdhbty I- tn ‘ r'eit lliey „re ibe only | rules.■! Il ••taetiee. t Tl im. Iii, Ul,17 I doctrine of General Sirens :iie >iiiging on every band I.iiritig llie ear of roiith. t'iildcil falseliood wiili silver notes Drowoetli the voiee of triitli. Dainty lady in costly robes. Your parlors gleam with li.glit, Fate ami beauty your senses steep— Where i.s your boy to-night.^ Temjiling \vliis|)ei-s F'lalter llie ymiihfid soul Ivagerly entering into lilF, Restive ol all lontrol. Neeils are many, and tlulies stern Crowd on tlie we.iry siglit; F'allier, buried in business eares, Where is your boy to-niglu? I'itlfalls lurk in the llowery way, Viee h;is a golden gate. Will) sb.all guide the unwary fi.a.-t Into llie liigliAay slraiglii? I’atieiit worker w tli willing hand Keeping the liome-heartli bri,glit, Tired nioilier with Icinler eves, Wll re is yoiir boy lo-iiiglit ? Turn Ids feet from tlie evil jinths lire ilivy have entered in. Ke'ii tiini imsjioiied wliiie vet be ii stained v lire he ii.as leanieil to follow wrong, Tencli liini to love the right, Wateii, eiv w.ilehiiig is wholly vain— Where is your ii >v lo-iiiglit.’ -Selected. OURiNEW BERNE LETTER. TOWN DIKHCTORY. CTiritcni; l Fro Fmi ii'tit.. the Go- all miTikii' AVill lbii>:i.s|,serv I'l'.sovery Itli Siin- Cliiisi. forhe I f'lG’‘*1 ^ i '"'i .''k A-\I | Kldor K. T. I’hil- who ri'i'cnt and be- 1 liiis pii.-'or. XIV, 1(1, 17, 18, 1», ' i,3-5; Luke I M. K. Clniri’h Sortb, lek A. .\I., every 3rd icr A. D. ^0; .Matt, xxviii, lb, 2u; Luke XXIV, 4 7: Aet.iii. Ill; Mark i, 15 Svindiiy 3 'rVe believe Ibiil sinners me drawn to | Letts, | G.rtl the Father, hv the Holy Gliost, tlirough i . Christ llisS'ii, .ind that the Holy Glio.sc i ^‘‘^^"'aary Itajitisf C hiirili, serviee-s every I'fer' Ins divine aid to ili the human fami- 2n ) ..^iiMdiit' at 1) o’lduek A. .M. Elder W- L- ■ all roiglil lAcy give I'lace to His di\ii will re.i-, -••• ' who d' ■' • i.npies'ii'n' 'His H ny :-i..r:L s|, u, ,it a ulurv ilay, oMi their ei • '• iii.e '.'.ioii jii-i, dinmati'i.i " williilly r. ling iln'iihrs .ce.-.^I.tlt. . -r, hn vi. 41, (id; IV 1. I f t. ii, 11, lii..ler, ' 1(1. Wetwlii'V, that liii'i. n it eo-|S|dend -duply as men, but viig lly men. wi iii'l ordained to condi lllliatl'iu; colisidereu -Itch who turn the giaei ol G"d intolasciv i iil-ues«, denying Hie-m'v Lori God, and ujr Lord .'vs'i- Christ .... ■ '«mght Hieiii, and Hu n • '.c. 'IviU brifi.g y.i. •!! the iis.,ive. swift de't.'i lion; 111.' wl ol *erve Hint they, u-id sueb Hie Aiioslb -ailb * Hiey rc e'ive not the I ve oft!ie‘":'h, 'Fm' tliuy miglil be saved; tiierefore the in bgnation aad wrath of God is upon every soui ofniaii tliHtdiieth evil, living end dying iheitin; for there is no respeet iil peisons with God. —/mle i, 4; II Feter ii, 1; IlThcfi ii, 11. 12; rtomans ii,and 11 .. We Di'iievt that all children dying in infancy. Imping n 'l 'n i ; idv transgressed against Hie law of G i in . ,. i;- own per- Boiis, iiv' only sub), t P> •' i r-t deatli, the fiC'' Adam, mu'. ■ ' (hat •. on,- ,)( them dying in Hull''a'•, shall - .' r pnji- ishiuont in Ill'll by the ill of . iti's-in, for ol s'li-li is the king 'in or l-.Ii'.- XV, 22; Mall, xviii, 2, 3 Mall, xix, 14. 12. We lielii've tnai fruits ol a saving biilh Clniroli. vould Dillito. p.i- W.C.jark' Chri.sHaii Sunday at li.islnr. Siindav • A. Joyn.r, Supt every W l Inesday • ■IiikiL3:3i every lllsl •k, FIder C. W. llow.in! hold at ](i o'cliH'k .\. .M., Clirislian Kiiiieavoi ^.i• light. .1- A. Hand itoko- Clerk. Aviieii l.-uid Co . Il l dwi lliiig lilt- at Hsy terms. ,\).ply I'viv lirsl and third ris,W. .M. •rs meet every .Mondav igtoii. Mayor; .1. J. s des'irable business .siiiuble prices and . S.MITil & Bro. t.5; M e ! that I ol iho- 13. A bef.ire U'l I Hii'ougli 111- •I. iti'iov will' h lie b'l« Gij, tliro'.igb'.fesii.s Ctr t. all believi-rs fir Hieii i i wiHi Go t.— Ho'ii. iv. 24; .1 "’e believe Hint -ill • Last S itHi’cltiy .miuI Sunday a-'Gl 1 wave swept over the 11 Mill halt of I’'lorii]a, doini; eonsi !trah!e daiua;,;'.' to tiie early vegetable ernps, and iii- jurift^g' s ntie c.f llic orjin'^c .Kfcvi-s. At Jaek.sonville ilie ine.'i.'iiry went to si^t^v-n (R-- grees .above zero, and in soinej .‘ lo.ailities foiisaJe''ablc shmw 1 kli. Tile (fleet of the wave I was Icitcven in Ctilri. where' ' the lem]icralure went down to oiS deorecs above zero, and a', one point to -4-0 (K^’:rees. MoHiilSan I’icilfa, whieli is 0,000 leet was covered n till' wisdoi iifGo. Iiv per glife.i t GikI kni'T me tupass; not as h:i. •tinp d'' " I)i-:ar Flitoic.-TIic follow- in,;^ fame to niy notice a lew years a,Ho and I send it for ]niI)!’eatioD. While it may not be alioMctlier toe ease to day, it will show the condi tion of our coLiniry just a few years .'ij^o, Tliere are in the United States one hundred and forty thousand lic-insc.l litjuor sa loons. Ifforincri into astreet with saloons on caeli side al io vinj; twenty feet to each "^ahion they would niaken: street two hundred an(lsixt4- live mites loi\i;. Let u.s im agine them lironght togetl'.er into such a street, and let us suppose th.'it the moderate drinkers .oiid tlieir familiesare mareiiing into it at the upper end and ict ns sre what that street turns out in one vear. What army is tliat wliieh comes marching down the street in solid e.ilunin, five abreast. extending 570 miles? It is the army of five million men and women wlio d.iilv g(4 to saloons for intoxicat ing drinks os a bever.agc. Marching twenty miles a day, it will take tlieni more than twenty-cigiit days logo I)v. o\v tiiey are .ejone, and close III ir rear comes anotlier 1 army, marching five abreast land sixty mil(.s in iength. In jit iliere are 550,000 eonfinn- I ed drunkards. Tin-y are men and women wlio liave lost III- Il lHl llpl'i'ir ' - Hie, ail'l tile Hllguilly, wli- i;u.' pi sin Bill"'lentil.-Heb,. iv, 13; I'niv. viii, 22. 23, 2L25.2'l.‘27.2''‘.2'.t.3fr, 31; MiUt. .xxv. 31, 32. 33, 34, 35, 3«. 37. 33. 311, 4C, 41, 42, 43, 41 45 45 15. We believe ;v« liiiii'liiMg G ispel nrili nmiee-i. in b.'lii ve.is’ b;i|)H-m, laying iii oi the ll'lll'D, receiving ef the s:u re.menl in breii'i an ! wine, wi-liing the saints’ li'ct, iiiiiiiiliiig tbe'ie'e with nil in t!;e name m the Liir.l. fasiiiig. prujing. sin^iii'.’ praise in with snow. An excursion i 'train was iiia I'ruai Saatia.'0,C“""'"' tl'''ii-npi'ttitfs wiio , to a point where the nioini' jails and peni^2ntiaries they come. At the head t'f the army comes a long line of persons whose hands are bes meared with human blood, With rope around theirnecks, they tire on their way to the Kalows Others are going to priso.i fori fe. U'-cry crime known to our laws has been c nnmiticJ by these persons, )\lnle under the .••■i.tluence of drink. ’ Hut harki Wfe^ce comes those yells and whi'-t^are those bound with strong chains, and guarded liy strong men tiiat go raging by? They are raving maniacs, made such l)y drink. Their eyes are tor mented with awful sights, and their ears ring with aw ful sounds. Slimy reptiles crawl over their bodies, and fiends from hell torment them before their time- They are gone now, and we breathe more freely. Hut what gloom Is this that pervades the air, and what is that long line of black coming slowly down the street? It is the line of funeral proces sions. One hundred thous and who have died thedrunk- atd’s death are being carried to their graves. Drunkard’s do not haA’C many friends to m.iurn their loss, and w’e can put thirty of their funeral in'oeessions into a mJe. We have thus a procession 3,335 miles in length. It will take a good slia.'c C’" ti t. year lor them t.T go by, lor funeral procersioi.s move slowly. Yes, most of tliem do. but every now and then an nneof- lined corpse'ii a rough cart, is driven rtipliily by. and we hear the brutal driver .sing: ■ ijuick, rattle his Ikiiim, rattle liis bmics, Over tlie stiines, He’i! Diily a ])iiiiper wiiom milmiiy owns.” Look into thecoflinsas tliev go bv. Seethe deaddrunk ards. Some died of d.lirium tremens, and tlie lines of ter ror a^c still marked on their faces. Some froze to death by tlie roadside, too drunk to reach their lumies. Some stumbled from the wharf and was drowned. Some wan dered Into the woods and died tind rotted on the face of the earth. Some blew their own lirainsout. Some were st.'ibbed in drunken lirawls. Some \\ ere roasted in bm n- buildings. Some were crn.'lnd to shapeless masses nniler lli.-cnrs. They died in vat ions wa\s, but strong drink killed liic'i; al!: and on their tombstones -if t hev h.ave any—mav lie .itlv inscrib ed, “lie (lied a drunkard’s death.” Ch.se iiehind them comes another long line of funeral proce’^sioris: we know not But here comes another army—the children—innocent ones, upon whom lias lieen visited the iniquities ofllieir fathers. How many are there? Two hu.iiJrc4 thous and, marching t'vo abreast; they' extend u[) the street thirty miles. Bacii one must bear through life the st'gma of being a drunkard’s child. They are reduced to poverty, want, 'and beggary. They live in ignorance and vice. Some of tliem are mofining with hunger, and some are shivering with cold, ftu' they have not enough rags to ke. p them warm. A large niimlK r of them are idiots, made so before they were born, hy brutal drunken fathers. .And worse than aH the re.«t, many efthem have inherited a love for liquors, and are grow ing up to take the places and do the deeds of their fathers. They will fill the ranks of the awful army of drunkards, that move in unbroken col umns down to deatii. It has taken nearly a year for the street to empty itself ofits year’s work. And close in the rear conus the vanguard of the next year’s supply. II this is what Ii(|uor does in our land in one year, what must be Its results in all the world through the long cen turies? Thus far we have lis teiied to the story that the figures tell, but they cannot son of man e inic noi to be ministi.re(l unto, but to min ister. ami to give ITs life a ransom for many." If we have taken Christ .as our Savior, his mission is our mission. Chi'ist is a comi'u-r- or; but i' is :-:ot Ins ])lan to ns prixm-M' r- lain could b.' pl.ainly retn c'nul hundreds ol Cubans there sawspowlor liietiist time. TT’i-is said to li.ave been the coldest wether ever Kmown m the island,—CiDspcl Messim- gc l” ■1.1.: 1 The n.l till' ii’ililii' ith i'V.TV iiiitituti >ii nt' ili" L' ft'1.1 ill Hiv Ni'W Ti’sUn.. iii.—1. 20; .r.iliM .\iii, 5 til 17;.T;iiu s v. Hi Wv’i G.'s;;-'l iii-’.lo of t.iip ' gives ti«m i' by imiiicrsioii, anil H -ii the lidiwcrs arc fit! iinlv niliiucif. for Liptisiii.— Man ', 13; ’M'lfk 1, 5. I>: Acts iii, 38. 3f Iiaiid ;e liesi videt'ce treat- tire in the regular liabit of liow inany, but lliey areniore getting driuik, and making ^ mimeronsly attended bv beasts of tlieinsclves. Alareh-j inourning friends. They con ing two abreast tlie army is ^ t^jii ^iji- i cinains of those who L)0 miles long. Sean them ^ ],;i dpatli through the' cliiscly. There are gray-hair- irlcssiios and cruelty of cil men and fair-Iicad boys (Ipiuiken men. Some died of TIutc are, a'as. many women , broken hearts. outline of the tumble tragedy ' tliat IS going on around us. Dear readers, tl;ey eaiinotpic- ture lo us the wrctciied s([u'il- lor of a drunkard’s home. They cannot tell us of the un kind and cruel words strong drink has can«c(l otherwise kind and lender hearted liif;- brimlj and fathers to utt r to tlieir dear ones. They cannot tell us how manv lilows have fallen on the faithful wife by a drunken luisband, thcrebv breaking hi.> marriage vow to one he liad promised to love and eherisli through life, ami also sinking his soul low er in sm and degredation. Alas, they eannoc tell half tlie misery and woe that dri.'ik has cau'-ied. heveaii- nol tell ns of tlie scalding tears, and tlie prayers that Cxod has seen ami IiearJ a faitliful motlier utter as she sa'V a darling son becoming i (Irnnktird, nor of the wiiite hairs that h;ive gone in s r- row to tile grave. Dear renders, ho.v manv oi us tliat can v()tc for licen'^e alter reatling- such startling facts as these. My praxei is that iheaw.'iil traflie eould be sunk to the lowe>t (leptljs of perdition, and that men would be men, ami Ict ilie lerriblestniraloiie. Yonr.s in eternal hope. Mas .'Vjjciv I.ri’To.x. MISSIONS. guard .’inv of l>ut woul ! Dnn'e.l’.'.leiv enroll us ill hi.; eoiKj a : :: g .• :• . \i>t gird on ns the whuij g-.s; e; ' an.; armor, Jill t iiK.> i ii; ini'. ^ uu'" i the world wide eoinmi"i iiijinr i and into oiir hearts t .e high ! In. 1 i princip’es of love, loyalty ami | ll cor.Si eration. So chat Chris' i we o motives iire to iKcome on.'1 i.i ui; motives, and his mission onr i I i\l' miS'ion. The very term tire I j liis h 1>.' '.'liri-t to dc’^eribe the re- jgive lat if.ns t xisliHg Ijci ween him d s i| and otiri-elves behooves ns to ^ b ie m enter hear'ilv ami iiecessarre le iiiL'i il-e mi>sio.i spir L I-L3eiple'. wiiieh ni- an ers, pnjjil'-. is the iiisl n.M'ie given Chri: t to ili-.x' •. ' ohtyc'l his call. “hh,' ,.w me." It :s (iiiite I’aLiirai I ” pupil- to ea: (ii the -spirit -• i. , follow ihe p) I ns of tht ir'c.icl'- er. Christ I'S tliegreat t.a di ergav.-maii/prac iea! le>s > is in set king a d -; i vi 'g the I.jsl Ills comin,; to ■..■ii'i.li w.is t!;e grent obj.ec ksson in lortign on. Wl.eii I his great; .s' of all itaclii rs triM-e to iV'iiv- er his baccalaureale a Idre-;- Li' ll:s t lass o! ]nip is cr disc’[d'.s, ! he chose as h's sahiect; wi;; id ■ ' wi'le evang. hz'i i ion. the U:;i 1 ol \v hieli is a U-"! ill nba I I js;; ' l .’e .\ws A- .w. ’ ■” reahy 1 nthliil (Ii>e|)!es unless I we leaiii ii'S guat It.-son iibou t g I vu g ' 11. g'is pel i o all the lost i I r e w r'd? Ag.aiu Chrisc aiUliesses us as ser vants, sa. ing, “It istnough for tlie servant tiiat he be as Ilia Ivord.” fliv I^oiii.aii eeiuu- rion said. “1 am a man liav- ing soldiers u -d r me say to this man, go. got c! : and to aiii'il t r ami ! c coineth; am! serv.i'i*, do liii-.aad In doeth It.” WiKii bsiis luaal it he marve'ed that tiiC servants of a ktnnaii eeniiirion should o b e y wicliouL h- silafion. while h;s own servants (juts- tion and uft-.n refuse t j tihov at all. The centurion said tti his servants, “Co and do this,” and was obeyedat once Christ says t') us to-day. ’'Co \c in fo all tile world and pi each tlie gospel.” Ami iiistea'i ofobey- \ve say. 1 wtni! ! i; 1 h.'id meessary means, or i. is the duty ofothers ;is v ell as my- or will not thehtaihen be excused bec.iusc ol his igno rance? “Why call ye me Lord, Ininl, ami tlt> not the things hieh I sav?" Cod gets closer to ns by tailing us lend s C r e a t e r love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for Another passage: Ve are niy friends, if Yc do whatso ever I ctimmand you. .Hence forth I call you not servants: '•th- Clir,>t n iiii'S'.cn. Cl'i ; •, wn.'i: ' 1 .d-1 p.-ir .1 (| u ami 1 iid he come, '» m\ .p:;m. ti .1 11’.' ->1 ' 1'2- I 11.t lit The iniss>(»n of J- ; ns i - e were I .set lor til 111 the foil o .\ mg p-iss-i in tli.-iL army Minir to deeptr I'oaliy murclcrcd. Some weiejagcr. ■'The Son of man isoonie ' depths tliaii tlie nun. ijccause j.nrned to deatli in buildinys j to s ek and to save t‘mt wliieh of the greater I.eiKhts Irani s^et on iire by drunken men. was lost;" "h'or this purpn-c ' com,n-,nds which thev fell. It will take Some were horribly mangled ! ^ gg,, ' them seven davs to pobv. It "" i'ecntise ol is a sad and siekeninf,- sight; panken engmeers orllngmen. t'Vi t (Jiiue sl( ps (Cl il);n; ih.'.cj)- tive crii-it in-tanl'y sinks i.ut of s;giit beycml i’opc (>: res .'lie. The suc’idt ros ,'iiv on a lewl with the sin I,me of ihV desert. 1'in re i-t DO d.-iige,’ signal to in.'irk them, and their snrfaec caiiiK c b.' (li-uingui-hed by the ordinaly eve from the hard clay that surrounds tlem, ddiey I'ceur most Ire- cjnenlly in th^ alkali-eoveietl fiats, and aie often fifteeii -'r Iwei-iy iceL in (Jiaiiieter. Soai. lini', s they re fui! v lit ilc po.-i;, ts or w ells that a man can leap .aero, s: Init the hneg- liole has never found tiieir ■ b i to -tone thr.iw u tiirou.gl: ilierr eriist sinks t(j unkiio \n (I'.ptij--, ami noniau who (■■.’er le'l iiuo one ol them w.’s I’."-, ued. 'I’iiey account f'jr the Diy.-lei a) liisapjie.tr- aiie-. ol manv an. i am] cattle. IIo v .niggc: live these sumi- deios (d til,' (It'c L are of tiie dese ipt'on wliieli Jesus gi\ (.s ol the man wl’o ennes to know '1 tile Cc sp.'l and its salvation, n.!(l _\et (lo(.s not iiet on it! Of' him who knows the i\ (|niienieius (.f he Lord, andyctlivts as thmigh i.c had never heard of' theiii. |e- sn.-’ sa\s, “lie sh di be likened unto n foolish man, wlii-eh built his house unoii tlie sand; and the rain (le.-eemkd. and the floodseame. mill the winds blew, and bsal upon that house; audit fell.''—1 lomiletie. j for the servant’s kn.jwethnot , what his Lord doetli: bull have called you fiiend. Christ laca-ures our friendship for! He who fail;-: t > him by our obedience to Ijjs ; D’lil;. as lie Are we willing ^ was manikst- that onr friendship for liim j .,T,, c, • 1 1 -1 • ■ \4 Miuiiixe-ii VI.g.iieeio Ol icigmeip. be measured bv his last great I iT..i.ar,„f;i,.t mil s.mui, I,, IS a Sail aiul sickening sight; ^ ® in.. ,t,-.rH " ..i- • t tou.vo , asiiy 1^1 , . ^ were blown upon Die dcMl. J-or eommaml? We .are m'sde mt Uonot tum aw,-,y j.-t, st.-imboat, livetiuse ,i Jrunk- when we were yet without „„„'c thtm friemls. He er:ile All .1,toihereeomcs tiuolher army eii i a|itaiii ran a race with a .strengthen due time Clirist us hretlii eii. I lis gi ea t lietirr I .ve li-lits up 100,000 eninmals. From rival b.iat. , died for the ungoillv;” The is made hare, all funiialitv is v ill, ■cvebness niid up O tv.ITS Continual secret pra eer m.'ikes consistent jnililie prac tice. the loved Gift of Mrs. Minnie H. Oct. 27, 1980 Chandler

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