Mile. Ka>«oKl f IT 0« i! - I FREE WILL BAPLISL I -♦-fORGAN OF-f4- i The Free Will Baptist Church, I NORTH AND SOUTH I Published Weekly ft ♦♦BY THE^^ "LET brotherly LOVE CONTINUE" I^REEWILl BAPTIST I I.CDJ Vol. 24. Ayden, N. C., Wednesday, January 10, 1906. No. 22. OFFICERS. W. R. Sawyer, President, Florence, N. C. E. E. Daiu, Vice E’res., Rcns-tou, '• J. M. BARi'iEi.o.Treas.. Ayden, E. T. Phillips, Secretary, Ayden, BOARD OF MANAGERS. Ayden, N. C. Rountree. Institute, Wintcrville, Walter Barfield, E. H. Craft, A T. Dawso.y, Ei.i). McLawhon, •; McLawhon, G. W. Bail, Eld. E’. T. Lucas, Aydei , I..ucama, OUli AGENTS. r>I i. J: \Y. Sewc-d, Beaufot-t, I. S. Roberson, Cove, A S. Easim. Eureli.T, Bid C- S Churchill, Kinston, EM. B. W. Tippett, Eatmon. El 1 L T. PlulHus, Se'ni-i, W, R Siwyer, Merritt. Eid. 11 Cnniiingham,Pcc|) Run, Eld. A. E. Ro se. Seven Springs Eld. F. T. Lucas, Lucama, Geo. W. Dail, Ayden, W.J. Moore, Kinston, Eld. J. K. Rniriti, Lucauia, J, W. Sw\in, Terry, W. T. Kirhv. Kenly, Eld. B. A. W. IluskettCrcedmoor, J. I. Wilsun, Wi'son. Eld. G. C. Vause, Ori-nt d, Eld. W. B Ave.-y. Wildwood, Eld. K. I. Corbett, Ayden, ■ Eld C. King, Dutham, E'd. C. A. I ickson. Dunn. Eld. R. C. jaclcsor Eld, W. M. Howe L J. Potter, Eld. J. T. Bundy, Eld, J. F. Ili'l. Ekl J. W. Ah'ord, Eld V. G Brittain, n R Jones, C. O. Arm trong. D, A Wiulham, R. :v. I M. W Iso) Eld. W. P. Gausc S. B. Norton, Eld. J. E Richbourg, Foreston. Eld.'E. L. StClaire, Adel. Eld. W. C.J >nes, Cordele, W. D. Gill, Tazewell, L. C. W.averSr., HdtonSta J.J. Davis. Fai fax, J, W. Anglin, Sowlntcht J ffersun D. Stephens,M.arianna, Eld G. W. Cherry, Do han, R. L. Kendrick, J. W 0. Sliannon, Naanian Border, Ruths Stowers, W. C. Austin, G. W. Hollis. Eld. Dell Uplon, Kcnansvilic, Saratoga, LaGrange, Dnrde s, Pollicksville, Fountain, Columbia, Saratogo, Keener, Sci anion, 5 Coalvi B igiettsvii Rcbo. Sveetl ind, Bromp'.on, Waterloo. Dear Editor:—I would like to impose on jcu again, if you will allow me to do so, While this is the same char acter as the Babe it is never the less a different sketch. As a child he was a wise and bright one. After Herod had threatenened his life, and slain 0 many children of His age, of course it frightened Joseph d Mary. Being in Egypt they heard of it, and would ot go back to their native city to live' anymore; as Herod’s son reigned in his stead, he was doubtful of the young child’ssafety,although being told by the angel of the Lord, to the land of Israel. He turned aside, and in Gal- illee he went to dwell in a little village called Nazareth to await the changes in the kingdom, if any. While waiting, he no doubt became ttached to the people and place, and concluded to re side there and rear this child of God, the only sonofbeaven was the first born of his spouse. .He knew all this, for God had warned him too many times, for the least doubt on his part. See the carefulness they take of Him! This king of Israel that no Town Directory. CHURCHES. I Free Will Baptist, services every 4th Sun day at 11 o’clock, and at night. Elder E. T. Pbillips pastor. Prayer meeting every Fri day night. Sunday school every Sunday morning at 9:^0 o’clock, Prof. T. E. Peden, Sup’t. Ampliictyon Society meets every Tursday night. Missionary Bapt’st Cuurcb, services every 2nd Bund^at 11 o’clock a. m. and at night, Rev- T. H. King, pastor. Sun day school 3:30 p. m., W. U. Jackson, Supt. M. E. Church South, services every 8rd Sunday at 11 o'clock, A. M„ and at night. Rev. Stanfield pastor. Sunday school at 3 o’clock, P M.,W. M Edwards, Sup’t. Christian Church, services every third ■ Sunday at 11 o’clock, and at night, Kev. D W Davis, pastor. Sunday school at id o’clock, A. M., R- W. Smith, Supt. Ladies’Auxiliary meets every 3rd Sunday evening at 3 o’clock. St. James’ Eolsoopal church, services every 4th Sundiy, except months contain ing five Sundays, then on fifth Sund^, Rev. J. II. Griffith, Jr., Kinston, N. C., rector. Sunday School every Sunday af ternoon at 3:30 o’clock, E. G. Cor, Sup’t, LODGES. A- F. A- M., meets every first and third Thursdays, R. W. Smith, W- M. I. 0. O. F. meets every Monday night at 8 o’clock. Dare Lodge of Rebckat meets every Friday night at 8 o’clock. _ Town Commissioners meet second Fri day night in every month, J. J- Stokes, Mayor, R. W. Smith, Clerk. _ Ayden Land Company offers desirabh business and dwelling lots at reasonabh prices and easy terms. Apply to J. R. Smith & Biio. AN HONEST OFFER. To any one sending us $1.25 w( will send both the Baptist and the Home and Farm tor one year. The Home and Farm is a well known farm and Household jour nal issued semi-monthly at 50c per year. It is a large 16 page paper. There is perhaps no bettei farm paper printed in the United States. It contains articles writ ten by able writers from Maine to Texas No farmer who wishes to be well informed about field and household can well afford to be without it. Bill Arp’s letters,Un cle Zeke’s letters, a dairy and poultry department, woman’s woi'k department and answer to correspondents well worth the price of both papers. Send us $1.25 and both papers are yours for twelve months. Address Free Will Baptist, Ayden, N. C. and its adjourning localities hen he grew older? It would be it good lesson if we would study the scenes of this child, I mean imagine the company he would be seen in, and his associates, and how he wouhl correct rude boys and girls when they did any thing that was displeasing to him. How he taught them the right way. Hemusthave instructed children then, as be did men and women in after years. As we do not know exactl3’ all that occurred in those days by reading the Bible, we only know he was a good child, because that is his record, and we love to ead over there in Luke be cause be gives us more of his young, tender life than either of the Evangelists. By read- carefully we can surmise a great deal more that he did than is written of him. There is one thing we do know and that is that he went about his Father’s business, at a very early age, and that should teach us that he meant to do good at the very earliest opportunity, and con tinued to do so all through the thirty three years of his life. I remain your Bro. Joseph Kigsbee. Pinner’s Point, Va. it be remembered that our receiving of the exceeding abundant blessing which God has for us, now ready, now waiting for us (not to say, long s-nce waiting but not vet received), depends very much more upon our attitude harm should come to Him. After staying inNaz:reth for quite awhile, we canttellhow long before be decides to re main, ami commences bis trade as a carpenter, but we o know that he was mind ful of his step-son, for the Book, tells us that He was subject to his parents, and waxed strong in wisdom, and increased in stature, and in favor with God and man In wisdom because, He was wise, in stature, because as well as other boys He had to become a man in due course of time, in favor with God and man, because he was the only son of God, and had a mission to fill that no other hild could fill. With man bicausehewas the Son of a virgin mother, and the first born and was a great bles iing among the jews in that lay. So it was a double blessing to Mary because it vas an earthly one, also a heavenly blessing. Well night she be proud of this noble chilli ot which heaven ts self named, and gave it the name of Jesus in whom we glory to day. We can say he was working a plan ol salvation for us, through his jhild-hood, on the streets and in the work shops, with his father in the village of Nazareth, away down in Galilee, where it was said, no good thing could come trora. This child knew all the while the purpose for this He was willing to be brought up any where, His parents thought best. How different from all other children! We get the of our information from StLuke. of bis child-hood days, which is very little with the exception of the scene in the temple at the age THE LINE OF DUTY. than upon God’s willingness of twelve years. If he could to bins. Innumerable bless-' men of the ings are heaped up at our Qt that early age, what vpru f’rtrs cut we have not ’ , u j opL«d lhe’dcorstotakethem do you suppose he could do Dear, Baptist:—Another year has almost past away. [ wonder how we have lived up to all those wonderful re solutions we made, to do so and so for Christ? I was at church last New Year’s day and listened to some fine solutions, wonder how they have been kepi? I will freely confess, dear brothers and sis ters T made some lesolutions myself, that I have fell short ol, and as for me this coming year I only make one resolu tion, and it is this, I am re solved to live for Jesus, know that life is too short and precious to be spent foolishness. So dear sisters, and brothers, let’s let those foolish resolutions alone and resolve, God helping us, we will live for Jesus I enjoy very much some of the artic les I read in our paper, especi ally, Eld StClaire’s articles. We await the paper each week with much anticipation of his articles and we have so manv good writers. Alll Free Will Baptist ought to take our dear paper and thus commune with some of our best people Brother Upton, one ol National Evangelists, was with us when we received our last paper and pointed out to us as special, brother Pool’s letter from Tenn. Wish wt had about a hundred Poolsin our church, we could have some work done in our de- nominatirn then. Yes, it we were properly organized, and had a few good live men with an education, andabilitysuch as is needed in the world to day, we would do something in our day and age of the world, if we were properly or ganized and had a few good educated men, and the money soon sweep the world with a mighty wave of Christianity, and the grand old Free Will Baptist would stand first in the ranks of winning souls for Jesus. Then brethren, let’s sit down and quietly study the matter over aiid see if we can not see the matter as Bro. Pool puts it, and get proper ly organized, anj^ure acol- lege^cqnipped witu the Very best teachers, and plant a Seminary in each state, and have it carried on by Free Will Baptists and none other. Now dear brothers, do not take this in the wrong light, to be sure we have our dear old Seminary in Ayden, and we love it \ erv much, yet it is too far for some people to at tend, and if we only had one in each state there would be no excuse for any body for not getting an education, for that is what we need above all things. Then if our peo ple were properly educated, we would be properly organ ized, and there would not be many blunders made among us. 1 know what 1 am talking about for I have education myself, and every day I see the need of it. 0, why don’t the young Free Will Baptist educate them selves in order to understand just what to do, and know how to do it? But, dear brethren, forgive me, for I did not mean preg^h ^o you^, or advise you wnat to do, (especially not knowingwhat to do myself) but getting started I said more than I en- tended to, and a great deal more than I should. So I will say no more now. Your Sister in Christ, Laura Hobstetter. Sciotoville, Ohio. and if we have not, let ns be gin to day, to live more devo ted to our blessed Saviour than we have before. Let us do more for the Lord, than we ever havebefore. Wemay hide our faults from the world to a certain extent, but we cannot hide from God. He knows our evil thoughts, but oh, how merciful and freely he wiir forgive, if we only will go to him and ask for giveness. Just think how many blessings he has bes towed upon us^l He has spared our lives when we have done things contrary to his will. We ought to live Dear Brethren and sis ters:—As I like to read the letters that are printed in the Baptist, if the Editor will al low me space, I will say a few words, concerning the church, and the cause of so much coldness. Brethren, 1 for one think it is for the lack of Christ like , libve tor one another, I fear there are more Akins in the church, than there were in the camps of Israel. I fear there church members just as guilty as Akin was. My Bible teaches me that God is love, and if we have not the lOve of God in each day as if it werethe last, for we know not the day nor l^^arts, we are not the hour wherein the Lord com- eth. Dear readers, it is my desire to live in this world so hen I come to die I can have a clear conscience, and can say fare-well to the vain world, that I am goinghome. I ask the prayers of all pray ing people, that I may hold out faithfully unto the end. Your sister in Christ. Mrs Nettie Welch. Beunavista, Ga. FROM FAIRCLOTH, GA. HAVE WE DONE FOR JESUS. Dear Editor:—Please give me space for a few words As the year is about gone. 1 think we ought to examine ourselves, and see what we have been doing for our bles sed Jesus, the one that has done so much for us. Have we been holding up the blood stained banner^to a sinful world, or have we been cru cifying him anew? If we are not doirg our duty we area stumbling block the sin ners. They can see our faults better than any one else, and we ought to so live that Qjfi- ers seeil^W9^^5bd works may be constrained to glorify our Father who artin heaven. Brethren and sisters, let us be true followers of Jesus, the one that has done so much for us, and promised us life everlasting beyona this vale of tears. Let us put on the whole armor ot God, and the breast-plate of righteousness, so that we can stand the temptations of the evil one. [ am afraid some of us are getting careless, and letting the things of this world come before us and our Lord. The Lord says, first seek Him and his kingdom, and all these things shall bj added untovou. Now, let us stop i-Lfor a mon,ent and think over Dear Baptist:—Please al low me space in your paper for a few lines. lamenjoying the blessings of God every day I live. He wonderfully blesses me by letting me live and enjoy health, ,There are so many people, even church members, that seem never to think of God, only in trouble, and then they are ready to abuse bin. Let me beg you not to abuse God for what the Devil has done for you God has only promised to care for those who love him, and keep his commandments, and to do that I find that we must pray always, without ceasing, and tor all men. Il you will get your heart this condition, y'ou will not want to abuse God when trouble comes, but will want to praise his name, for the blessings he has in store lor you. It you will bear with patience the troubles and trials of life, trusting him the rewarder of those who dil igently seek him, don’t you think that everything would work together for yourgood? The Bible says, “everything works together for good to those who love the Lord.” We see in 2nd Thes. 2:11 12 these words are written: “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusions, that they should believe a He: That they all might be dam ned, who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” So now il we dont believe the truth some things may work to the destruction of our souls, and that would not be good And now, if you do not want trouble to come, just read St- John 14th chapter, and act according to its teachings, and Christ will bear vour troubles, and make you hap py in this life, and give you a home of pleasure it« the other world. Yours for Christ, A. L. Sellers children of God. If we love God with our whole heart, and Christ as our elder brother, we then can love each other in a Christ like manner. Let us examine our hearts, and see if we have God’s love, and if we have not, then let us ask God for His love, that will enable us to reform, and come out from among the world, I believe we need a great refor- raaiion. You cannot reform for me, neither can I reform for you, lor it is an individual matter with us. Let ns as church members, of all the differentdenominations, serve God in spirit and in truth, and let us live for God and each other. Let us walk provcj to the Godly, and world that with Christ.' Christ day, them to work and to keep them into the fielJs all we have been Let us live in for He is the light of the world, and if we live in the light, we are, the children of God, and it will guide us in the way of peace and life. Let us humble our selves as little children, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. We that profess Christ let us live for Christ, and for the glory of God. Let us teach our children and I grand-children that to love God is the beginning of wis dom. Let us thank God for his great love for us. Now, dear Editor, as I am behind some on my paper, you will find enclosed SI. 00 on my ubscription. Please send the paper to Sprotts, Perry count}', Ala. R. 1. Now, Ed itor, with your consent I may write again. I will close by asking an interest in the prayers of God’s children. Your brother in hope of heaven James Orr. Sprotts, Ala. SIN AND SINNERS. Every one that has read or heard read, the fall of our fore parents, Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, knows something of the beginning of sin and its deadly work in this world of ours. Every one that has reached the years of accountability, and has slimed in word or deed, and was made concious oi the fact that they had sinned knows something of the be ginning cf sin in their own person. They that have continued in sin, know truly that they are sinners in ’eed, therefore it is not needful on he part of the preachir to I All Kinds of Job Work Neatly Executed at This Office. I^ORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. should tell how and whytley are sinners, and tell them the danger of living and dying in sin. They should point them to the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world, who came not to call the righteous to repentance, but did come to call sinners, that through repentance and forgivness, that they might have eternal life. Some think that sin originated in Eden, when Eye partook of the for bidden fruit, but I am sure that sin was of the Devil and in the Devil, and the first act of sin showed itself in heaven just before the great battle was fought between the devil and his angels, and Michel and his angels. Michel and his angels prevailed, because they fought against sin, and for the righteousness ofGocl. So will every oneprevail in the name of Jesus, if he is living and walking in the righteous ness of Jesus. A man in sin, who is obeying the lusts there of, and knowingly doing things, that God says not do, surely he is not in Christ, and never will be, without a won derful change, wrought only by the love of God, and power of the Holy Ghost, through which we are able to over come the world, the flesh and the devil. When we get the victory over these three we can fight a good fight, keep the faith, finish our coursK with joy and know that tience forth there is ' a crown laid up for us, that the righteous judge will give at his appearing. He that for sakes and confesses all bis sins he it is to whom the blood of Jesus has been applied, which cleanses from all sin, and he it is who enjoys full salvation, and is able to point and lead men along the gospel path of rectitude, to the fountain of life, and pure waters of God’s won- derous love and grace. Paul said after a man had received the power of God and the Holy Ghost, and have tasted of the good things of the world to come, if be sins wil fully there is no forgivness for him, and what can that be but sinning against the Holy Ghost. Can one drowning man, help to save another? If so one sinner, can help save another sinner. L. T. Phillips. the our pa;t life, and see if we The la^it word of God is notUell them they are sinners. THE GOOD WORK GOES ON. Dear Editor:—Allow me a small space in the Free W ill Baptist for communication. I have just closed a two weeks meeting at Lodi church which resulted in twelveconversions and accessions. I have began protracted work at Chase Chapel. Christianityis at a lo w ebb at both places. We or ganized a Sunday-school at Lodi church. There seems to oe a general revival at Lodi now, considering the condit- cion in which I found it on my first visit there. There were none who would take part in worship of God. To the brethren who read this paper, we ask your prayers that God will bless the work. Yours in the work. W.J. Carrier. do you suppose he could do them into the faelJs all the our pan me, auu .. 'T" I ^ k x.erv necessarv that thev Carlton, Ohio, to those around Nizareth.l time. Brethnn, we would 1 have be;n living as we ought Uoom, but redemption. jit is very necessary that tn y (