FREE WILL BAPLISr •♦-fORQAN OF-f-f 5 I The Free Will Baptist Church, j NORTH AND SOUTH Published Weekly ♦ ♦BY THE^^ Tree WILL baptist pub. co. "LET BROTHERLY LOVE CONTINUE"- Vol. 24. Ayden, N. C., Wednesday, March 21, 1906. No. 32. CIRCULATION, 2,500. ( All Kinds of Job Work > Neatly Executed at 5 This Office. \ : WORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. | OFFICERS. W. R. Sawyer, President, Florence, K E. E, Dail, Vice Pres., Reostoii, J. M. Barfiei-d, Trea's., Ayden, E. T. Phillips, Secretary, Ayden, BOARD OF MANAGERS. Walter Barfield, E. H. Craft, A T. Dawsox, Eld. P. McLawhon, Luke McT^awhon, G. W. Dail, Eld. P. T. Lucas, T. I Sawyer. Ayden, N Rountree. Institute, Wiiitcrviile, Ayden, Ayden, Lucama, Mirritt. PAYING THE TENTH. BY REV. J. A. BLALOCK. OUR AGENTS. - Ell. J: W. Sewell, BiAafOrt,' J. S. Roberson, Cove, A S. Basnu. Eureka, Eld C. S Churchill, Keiily, EM. B. W. Tipaett, Eatmou, Ell L T. Phillijs, ■ W. R Sawyer, Eld. il Cuniiinghai Eld. A. E. Ko se, Eld. P. T. Lucas, Geo. W. Dai!, W.J. Moore, Eld. J. K. Ruffii, J. W. Swain, W. T. Kirby, Mcrriit, ,1'eep Run. Seven Springs Lucama, Ayden, Kinston, Spiingbope, Jerry, Eld-E. A. W. IluskethCretdinoor, Wi son, Ori ntal, Wildwood, Clinton, Pinkney, Kenansviile, Saratoga, LaGiange, Ke ly. J. ?. Wilson, Eld. G. C. Vause, Eld. W. B Avery, Eld. R. I. Corbett, Eld C. C. King, E’d. C. A. Jackson, Eld. R. C. Jackson, Eld. W.M. Howe’J, L J. Potter, Eld. J. T, Bur.dy, Eld. J. P. Hill, Eld J. W. ATord, Eld T. P Wallace, H R.Jones, C. 0. .Arm -trong, D. A. Wiiidham, Rev.J M. W.lson, EM. W. P. Cause, S B. Norton, Eld J. E Richbourg, Foreston, Eld. E. L. StClaire, Eoism, Eld-W. C.J.>nes, Cordele. W. D. Gill. Tazewell. L. C. Weaver Sr., Hilton Sta. J.J. Davis, J. W. Angli J fferson D. Stephens,Marianna, Eld G. W. Cherry, Dothan, R. L. Kendrick, J.W D.Shannon, Naaman Border, Rufus Stowers, W. C. Austin, G. W. Hollis. Eld. Dell Upton, Wilson Columbia, Kcencrr"’ Sci anton, Dunbar, Sowh'ifehee, Coalville, •“ Bag^ettsvilleTenn. Echo, Swcetland, Eason, Brompton, Waterloo, 0. T. Ala. W. Va Town Directory. CHURCHES. Free Will Baptist, services every 4tJi Sun day at 11 o’clock, and at night. Elder E. T. Phillips pastor. Prayer meeting every Fri day night. Sunday school every Sunday morning at 9:H0 o’clock. Prof. T. E. Peden, Sup’t. Amphictyon Society meets every Tuesday night. Missionary Bapt’st Cuurch, services every 3nd Sund^at 11 o’clock a. m- and at night. Rev. T. H. King, pastor. Sun day school 3:30 p. m., W. C. Jackson,Supt. M. E. Church South, services every 3rd Sunday at 11 o’clock, A. M., and at night. Rev. Stanfield pastor. Sunday school at 3 o’clock, P M-, W. M Edwards, Sup’t. Christian Church, services every 1st and 3r I Sundays at 11 o’clock, and night, Rev. R II. Jones, pastor. Sunday school at 10 o’clock, A. AL, E. L Brown, Supt. Ladles’ Auxiliary meets every 3rd Sunday evening at 3 o’clock. St. James’ Episcopal church, services every 4th Sunday, except months contain ing five Sundays then on fifth Suudyr, Rev. W. E. Cox, Greenville, N. C., rector. Sunday School every Sunday af ternoon at 3:30 o’clock. E. 6. Cox, Sup’t, LODGES. A. F. A- M., meets every first and third Thursdays, li. W. Smith, W. M. I. O. O. F. meets every Monday night at 8 o’clock. Dare Lodge of Rebekah meets every Friday night at 8 o’clock. ’Town Commissioners meet second Fri day night in every month, E. G- Cox, Mayor, R. W. Smith, Clerk. Ayden Land Company offers desirable business and dwelling lots at reasonable prices and easy terms. Apply to J. R. Smith & Bao. Postoffleo Addresses. Eld. P'. T. Phillips. Treas.JIome and Foreign Mission Societies, Ayden, N. C., to whom all money lor Missions should be sent. Eld. Tlios E. Peden, Treas Gen eral Conference and Education Society, N. C , to whom all mon- rv for General Conference and . Education should be sent. Eicl. Silas Moore, Treasurer Ohio State Convention, Zaleski, Ohio, to whom all money for the work of the Convention should , be sent. Eld. E, L. StClaire, National Evangelist, Edison, Ga. Eld. W. H. Goff, National Evangelist, Clinton, N, C. Elcl. R. C. Richards, National Evangelist, foplin. Mo. Bid H, F. Wogan, National Evangelist, Bismarck, N. D. Eld. Dell Upton, Notional Evangelist, Waterloo, W. Va. E. E. Daii, Treas. Free Will Bap tist Theological Seminary, Win- terville, N. C. Mayor Barnard,of Ashville, has begun a crusade against the immoral houses of that city. The law is being rigid ly en'^orced and the disrepn- table district is being cleans ed. This can be done when the Mayor and police officials go into enforce the plain laws which they are sworn to en force.—N. C. Baptist. Some peopleclaim that pay- ing^tbe tenth, was a law in stituted by Moses, but we find in Genesis 14: 20 that Abraham gave tithes of all to Melcl izedec. Again, Jacob vowed a vow that all the Lord blessed him with, be would surely pay the tenth unto Him. See Gen. 28: 20, 21, 22. This being a number of years before Moses’ dayi^ which shows very clearly that it was not a law instituted by Moses. God speaks through His phrophets in the words, “Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, “Wherein have we robbed thee?” On tithes and offer ings ye are cursed with a curse, foryehaverobbed meeventhis whole nation. Brings all the tithes unto the store-house, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now here-with, saith the Lord of Hosts. “If I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devours for your sake, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast the fruits before the time in the field,” saith the of Hosts. Mai 3: S-12. Five years ago last sum mer, at Falcon camp raeefing, through a sermon preached by Dr. G. D. Watson, God opened ray eyes to the doc trine under consideration. Then, for the first time, I saw to fail to pay God His tenth, was to rob Him. There on my knees at the altar, I decid ed to bring all the tithes into the store-house and prove him, as commanded in His Word. Previous to that time, years came when insects, drouth, rain, etc, damaged my crop very seriously, since then not- witbstand the short crop years, that have effected the crops, generally', God has blessed me with abundance each year. Surely, he rebuked the devourer and has not de stroyed the fruit of my ground. I believe on the au thority of God's word, that many of the financial losers among God’s children, caused by disease in man and beast, by fire and many other ways coo numerous, to mention, is because they fail to pay God His tenth. I believe if the sisters would pay the tenth they would lose less chickens. My wile con- secratred one of her hens to the Lord when we lived on the farm, and the first year her increase amounted to over $2.00 and the second, over $3.00, besides she was more successful with her other chickens than she was before. The sheriff fails to collect his taxes some times, but God certainly can collect His tenth. We Free Will Baptist believe in washing feet, in Jact we preach and practice it, as a to pay the tenth. See Matt. 22: 23. May God wake us up to this great truth and help us to ba consistent along all lines. The Apostle Paul preached this doctrine; “No concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given or der to the church in Galatia, so do ye upon the first day of the week, let every one of you lay by in store, as God has prospered him, that three be no gathering when I come, God prospers people who practice this, while His curse is upon some of those who do not. In confirmation of this statement I quote the iollow- ing scriptures; “Honor God with thy substance, and with the first fruits of thine increase so shall thy barns be fileld with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out .with new wine.” Prov. 3: 9-10. “There is that scattereth and yet in- creaseth, and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to pov erty.” Prov. 11; 24, -‘He that soweth sparinglv shall reap sparingly, and also he which soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully.” II. Cor. 9: 6. May God convict those of His children who are negligent concerning this great doctrine, and may they vow to God as Jacob of old, that all He blessed me with, I will surely pay 'the tenth unto Him. A GEORGIA LETTER. Dear Editor:—Here I come this morning feeling fine, and bow are you? Enjoying the best of health I hope. Well, again the dear old spring time has come, bringing with it the beautiful birds and sweet flowers, to gladden the hearts of all, old and young Well, I am at a loss to know what to write this morning, as it has been so long since 1 wrote to the dear'old paper, however I will do the best I can, and I think I will do ray duty. Oh, what a different world this would be if every one would do his duty! loften wonder if we will ever get to- together, and all pull togeth er for the right, but where there is one tor theright, there are ten for the v\ rong. I of ten hear that remark. “Bring up a child in the way it should go, and it will never depart from it.’’ There isnot a mother but what wants her child to live right, and she strives to bring it up in the way it should go. Aslongas this child is under the protect ion of its mother, it walks the right way, but as soon as mother’s back is turned, the child, where is he? Is he in the Su day School or church? No, no, not one out of ten. Maybe he is off fishing, hunt ing or walking the streets picking a fuss with some of his associates. Is that the way mother taught him when he was under her loving care? No longer than last Sunday evening, I went to a little town to attend Sunday School. , , I gathered up good church ordinance, because many little girls to go with Christ said ye ought to do it. | me. Well I had a good time. I am sorry to siy that we One or two were anxious to lose sight^ of th? ffct, that go, and the others w’anted to the same Christ said ye ought go walking, I said to them, “would you not rather go to Sunday School than to go walking up and down these streets? “No,’’ they replied “I much rather go walkingon Sunday evenings aqdifitwere not for mamma making me, I would never go.” Now, this poor mother no doubt, has tried and is trying to bring up her cbildren^right, but must find a little fault with mother here. Why does she not take her little ones and carry them to the Sunday School and teach them what it is for^ And again, do moth ers bring their sous up to drink? No indeed, no! and boys why is it you go so con trary to your mother's wish es.” Don’t you know her poor heart bleeds for you? I must tell you what I witnessed last fourth Sunday. I attended a double wed ding, well everything wenton lovely. A large crowd was there before the groom ar rived. It was announced that they had come, but there was only one. Of course every one was wondering where the other one was. Sogje time passed before he appeared, but how did he appear? Drunk, be was deeply under the in fluence of the demon whiskey, and he was beard to make the remark that be did not care,whether bis girl had him or not. How much better off she would have’beeu had she not had him. i'bor ignorant girls never know, until they have sealed their late. Oh, what misery it must be to be drunkard’s wife, and a thousand times I had rather be in ray grave, than to be a drunkard’s wife'., I often sing the song of temperance. Many are the homesthataredark to-night. Blighted by the curse of rum, Many are the hearts that aresad- dened at the sight, Longing for the end to come, 0 God, of heaven make bare thine arm, and stop the fiend from work too black to tell, give us strength to stay his hand, drive the monster from our land, that we in safety once again may dw'ell. Well, if I thought there would be room in the good old paper, tor more I could talk all the evening, but for fear I have said too much I will close, asking the prayers of all. Yout Bister m Christ, Ida V. Myers. Sessoms, Ga. COMMUNION AND FEET WASH ING. FROM ADEL, GA. Editor of Baptist:—Please allow me space intheBaptist for the first time. Dear Bros, and sisters I am a widow’s son, and was brought up in Clinch Co. Built’ the first Free Will Baptist church in the county, and have gone through many hard trials and struggles. I am now liv ing in Barrien Co. near Adel. I have organized a church with 32 members, and have the ground and most of the lumber for building. Weneed the church so bad, but as spring is on and money short can’t build it without help. Any brother or sister that will assist me please send money order, to Rev. j, I'. Pap'ford. Adel, Ga. Our Master said, “If you eat not ray flesh, and drink not rny blood, you have no life in you.” You see brothers, a dead Christian is no good, and if j'ou wash not your feet you shall surely die.' A man must live a holy consecrated life, or he^wilfi 436 lost. Rom. 8: 1. “Thereis no con demnation to them that be in Christ Jesus.” Stjohn 8: 12 He that loUoweth me, shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” St. John 3: 5. A man must be born of the water and of the Spirit.” The natural child cannot look into the bright ness of this world, neither can a man look into the glorious things of Christ, until be is born of water and of the Spirit, and he is then fit to go to the Lord's table. Stjohn 13:2,4 “Supper beingended he riseth from supper.” Ex odus 30: 21. “They shall wash their feet that they die not.” St.John 13; 8. “If I wash thee not thou hast no part with me.” Weseetbat it means death if we wash not. Timothy 5; 10 The qualifica tions of the widow if she has washed thesaint’sfeet. Christ says St.John 13: 17 “If ye know these things happy are ye if ye do them.” Now brethren, can any one show raefin-the Bible, where we can find any happiness promised and leave off part of his ordinances and com mandments? 2ad Cor. 7: 1 Having therefore these prom ises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse our selves form all filthiness of the flesh, and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” May God bless the Free Will Baptist andmayitever grow and prosper to carry the good news. Yours in Christ. H. N. Smith. Chicora, Miss. MINISTERS’ CONFERENCE. The ministers’ conference, of the Free Will Baptist, of the Union Q. M., met with the Guyandotte Valley church, Friday before the first Sun day in March, 190C), at 2 p. A MESSAGE FROM CORDELE (GA.) Dear Editor:—Will you please allow me space for a few words? I have been very quiet for some tinic, also have received letters from friends whom I love, asking me if I had quit writing, and as I have not written anv thing for some time, it does look as if I had quit. I have been res ting and thinking that I would quit entirely it is such needy times, not for the lack of money, or raiment, but for the true word of God. I am proud to say that old Chris tian Flill Church, Wilcox Co. Ga. is coming to the front. We had our first mission sermon there the first Sunday in March, and we had the presence of the Spirit with us. The church seems to be some what warmed up. Praise the Lord we are just going right ahead, and planning for a glorious time this sum mer, and while we are look ing forward to the summer, we are praying for a blessing all the time. I will close, pray for us down here in Ga. that we may be a blessing to each other. Your brother in the cause. W. C. Jones. Prayer by Rev. H. Iv. Free man. Rev. C. T. Reynolds elected as chairman, and brother Jackson Akers, clerk, pro tein. The character of ministers was passed on, voted that ministers leavetheroom while passing on his character. Names called and passed, viz: D. M. Deitz, H. Spears, J M. Turner, H. K. Freeman, H. S. Spears, W. A. J. Smith, R. L. Stanley, J. S. Stanley, C. T. Reynolds and N. L. McAlis ter. Essays were then read. On motion the subjects written on, be given back to the same ministers to write on. On motion that the essays be sent to our paper for pub lication. Bros. H.-K. Free man and J. J. Jarvis were ap pointed with H. S. Spears to give subjects for next meet ing. Motion the minister’s con ference adjourn till Friday at 2 p. m., before the first Sun day in June 1906. C. T. Reynolds, Ch’m. Jackson Akers, Clerk. UNION’yUARTLEY MEETInA. The Union Q. M. met Sat urday at 9 a. m. Called to order by the clerk and praver by Rev. T. Murphry. H. S. Spear was chosen moderator, Rufus Stowers clerk. If. K. Freeman and G. W. Stowers were appointed executive committee, pro tern. G. W, Stowers was appointed treas urer pro tern. Vistcing brethren were in- viced to seats, churches call ed, viz; Brown’s Chapel—C. Vick ers, Charley’s Creek—^Jackson Akers, GO; Fiee Union, not re presented; Good Hope, G. W. Davis; Guyandotte Valley, 50; New P'ountain, verbal report; Pleasant Valley, verbal re port; Pleasant View, verbal report; Pine Grove, H. S. Spear, 70; First Union, G, W. Stowers, $1.00; Y o u n g’s Chapel, H. K. Freeman. Reports from messengers and visiting brethren; report from Rev. W. E. Lane, Pine Grove, Ohio; report from Rev. J. B. Yoak, favorably; report from Rev. J. Thomas, State Evangelist. Conference adjourned until 2 p. m. Conference met at 2 p. ra., prayer by Bro. Eli Plumley. executive com’s. report. VVe your committee agree to recommend the following terms in regard to the calls for a council to examine, H. C. McNealy for license be de- fered until the June Q. M. We grant the request of Good Hope church for the next quarterly meeting. W. E. Turners license are restor ed until Sept. 190G. We ask the conference to vote on J. F. Robert’s case, leaving off dis cussion. Voted unanimous to restore his credentials. C. T. Reynolds was ap pointed corresponding mes senger to the Kanawha, Q. M. H. S. Spears appointed '■o Boone Q M. ILK Free man appointed to the Pine Creek Q. M. Ohio, W. E. Turner, corresponding mes senger to the Raleigh 0. M. Moved and carried that J. M. Turner preach our nextin- troductory sermon on Friday night before the first Sunday in June. Conference adjourned until Saturday, before thefirstSun- day in June 1906, unless oth erwise directed by moderator. H. S. Spears preached Sat urday night, Hebrevvs 12: 1, social meeting Sunday at 9 o’clock, W. E. Lane and I. M. Collins preached Sunday at 31a. m.. Cor. 16: 13. Kev. H. K. Freeman Sunday night Luke 10th chapter and last verse. H.S. Spears, Mod; Rufus Stowers, Clerk. SHALL A MINISTER MAKE EX CUSES IN THE PULPIT? No, first, btcause ifheisto preach the gospel he is to make no excuse, for Paul says ‘How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gos pel of peace and bring glad tidings df good things” again be says, “woe unto me if I preach not the gospel ” Isiah says, “Cry aloud and spare not,” and Solomon says, Whatsoever thy hands find to do, do with thy might. Again it is stated, that those who believe shall be saved, and faith cometh by hearing, and haaring by the word of God; and how can he hear without a preacher, and how can he preach except he be sent; Then he is sent to preach, and not to make excuses. God has ordained preaching to save the world. Excuses is not preaching. The Lord is set forth in the gospel as a feast, and those who neglect the feast, shall never taste of rny feast, sayeth Jesus. Jonah was bidden to go preach to the people of Nin eveh, he.excused himself, and in the belly of hell, he cried, by reason of his affliction. Excuses will never save ones soul. C. T. Reynolds. PINE CREEK CHURCH. Mr. Editor:—T h e Pine Creek Q M. has been very greatly blessed, through the labors of Rev. Dell Upton, and Rev. Jones Turner. Rev. Dell Upton held a meeting at Antioch Church and the church WaS revived also six converted. He held a meeting at Pine Creek church and twenty one were converted. He is bolding a meeting at Wheelersburg, and having great success. It seems that the Lord is bless ing his labors, and every thing is going along alright. He broughtRev, JonesTurner to Union Church, and Rev. Turner held a meeting in which sixteen wereconverted. Eld. Turner held a week’s meeting at Porter Church. The Lord is blessing bis la bors. He expects to move bis famllv here soon. Yours in Christ. Eli Hartley. i '1

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