THE FREE WILL BAPTIST, E. T. I’lIlLLirS, - Editor, J. M. BARl'IIvLD. Hus. Mok. niitrrcd nl lilt-I’ott Onicc nt Ayilrn, N. C„ am Srcimd CliiM Mail MaIIci ANNOUNCEMENT: Atlrommiinirnlionii ■linuUnwadilrciaciI l(> the Fhkk Wii.l nAi>Ti«T PuhllahiiiK CuiDji.iny Aylcn, N.C. . . he iin|tcr i« not rcccircrl reKuInrly ""tify u» ut IhiM ofTice. Whi'ti ordeniiK a i-han){c of aildrcH, it it iirccMary to ntatc Lite place to which the |)n|irr it now tent, at well at the one to which it it to Itc tent. Ill aitorilanrc with tlic- ffcneral ciiHioin and winhen of n’mott all tid>tenl«rt. ttih- «cri|)tioni> aie iindcrtlood to Ik- continnoiiM, iinlctt otherwitc ttated. Tnc )ia|K-r wilt In- «lof>|K d at any time, if tlie HulitvrilK.-r to rri|Me«tM and remilt the araoiint !iic for the time hr lint recciveil it. Send money liv I’ott Olficc Money Ordrrt when they ran lie olitained. Thin it the iKtt way. Olherwiic tend eheekt. KcKitlrred leltert are tomrtimcit lott ihont;li tint It iitiiallv a tnfe way. Small amonntt arc titiially tafe tent in n well diiri led cnvelojic wilhonl rcxitlrulion. Stanipt may lie teal for amounltofr>0 • enit and under. AYDIiN, N. C., Whdnksdav, Aii^r. 2‘J, l‘JO(). MINISTI-KS' MEETING AND UNION CONFERENCE. The Ministers’ Mct tinir niul 1*0*011 Coii(> in*e (rf tlif I'rtv Will lirtfif ist' .fNortli Cirrylmn will tonvem* witli Bcthniij c'liirfli,'1 li-tnilcs west olAy- ilcn, Wednesday licforc the I’rd Sunday in Sefitcinber, lUOH. Wetinesday and npor- tion of Tliitrsdny will he llic Ministers’ Meeting in wliieli Buhjeefs wilt he discussed per* taining to the welfare of our cause and for tlie general ad- v/ineeinent ol the ministry. All ininisters in the State should attend and take a deep interest in the meeting. l.,argily the sneeess of our de nomination is in our hands under the guidance ot the Ho- Sjtirit. Mretliren, let ns come to gether as one man and diseusH (piCKtions that fire of vital importanec to the ministry and to our cause. In a mul- tiiude ofcounsil tlurc is safe ty has been sfiid. For the love ol our Zion let us come together. niauli letters have been sent out to all the ehurehes in the State where wc couhl find the elrrks imme, inviting the churches to dclegnte l.\ the union conference, lluitis soon to 1)0 held tiL liethany church, Pitt, Co , near Ayden atul Wintcrvillc. Keniember, this is the only state organi sation wc have in existence. 'I'his meetinghasfdrendy been tlie means of setting on toot some ol the must worthy ob jects that have tended to the promotion ot our cause. It lias had a teiutency to unify our brotherhood and keep us as one. It should bo the hub of the wheel of our state work. Semi up good men wlu) love our cause from the elinrehes. We feel the need ol fniuls ami hope you wilt eon liibulc libirallly as yon did last year, hut above all glvi us the bodily presence of min isters and delegates. KDlTOillAl NOTES. Last week wc sent out nearly -lUU samples ofSundfiy School lileratuve. Wc ixpcci the seel sown to ylild a bountiful harvest with cul tivation from our brethren. Then* is no exenso about S. literature a)iywhore. Semi on your order for the -l-tli ([uarter. Itethany church sends $1 L*U lor the henelit of our Sem- iuary work here. It would surpiiseyou how uiueh this eluirch has contributed by sending in small amounts this way. Many others could do likewise very easily il they had the willing mind ^lav t'uxi create a spirit ol this kind in many others. He it known to all men that a committee appointed by the SuH'klioldcrs of the Tree Will Haptisi Seminary, nt Ayrleii, lo elect men to work in ililTcr- cut sci'tions and solicit stoek- hohiers and eontrilnitors for our Seminary work in the town of Ayden, do hereby ap point the following: For the Central Conference, I‘)ld. K. I. Corbett, ofDrmonds- v'llle, N. C. * I'or^the Ivaslcrn Confercuce, W. I?. Sawyer, of Merritt, N. C. I'or the West era Conference, Ivld. P. T Lucas, Lucama, N. C. i;. li. I.'AM., T. F. PlCDKN, I). I). E. T. Pun,MI’S. Committee, EDUCATIONAL NOTES. Hrethrcn, remcml)er IbiU the Ministers’ Meeting meets at Hcthany church on Wed nesday biforc the 3rd Sunday in September, letters have been sent out. If the ehurehes have had their ipjarterly meetings, get theniemberH to gether some way and do not fail to be re[)resentcd in this meeting. Help yonr minister to get there and delegates al so. Come withy our heads and hearts right and let us have a feast ol reason and a How ol soul. Hethuny is a good jilacc to meet at. You will Hml it so if you go there. Ministers liring up your (piestions for discussion Hint will he for the upbuilding of our precious cause StnyofTs growlers and kickers will not lielf tt>^huiUl Uj birl 1 > down. Let us come together and consult for the good of /.ion. PRAYERS IN THE WELSH RE VIVAL. Writing in the American Review of Reviews ol the Welsh revival, Mr. William T. Stead says. “The prayers are largely autobiographical,and some ol them intensely dram atic. On one occasion an im passioned and moving appeal to the Deity wasnccoinpanied Ihrougliout by an excpiisitely rendered hymn, sung by three of the singing sisters. It was like the under tone of the orchestra when some leading linger is dolding the house. They call it the Spirit ol Ood. Those who have not witnessed it may cull it what they will; I am inclined to agree with those on the spot. I'or man lu’ing, according to the or thodox, evil, can do no good thing of himself, so, as Car dinal Manning usell to say, 'Wiietwtir you ImIioIiI a thing, there you see the work ing of the Holy (ihost.’ .And the rsvival as 1 saw* it, was emphatiesilly a good thing." "Taking life through and through," said a thoughtful woman the other ila^’, "the larger |)art ol thesadness and heartache it has known has not come through its great sorrows, hut throw little need less hurls and unkindness; not so much through the order ings of Providct'ecas through the niis-ordcrings of hnmani ty. (Hi. the days that are spoiled by small hurts! Spoil- oil hcenusc somebody has n foolish spite, a wicked mood, an nnreasonahlc prijudicc that must be grafted ami have its way nomaltcr wliose rights, plans or heaits arc hurt by it."—McCall’s Mag- aziuc. Shall wc have two hundred students the coming year? There arc nt least four hun dred who ought to be here. The mi/ve for dormitories is a good one and we hope it will succeed. There are many who prefer hoarding in them and wc would have no trouble telling students where to go. Eld. R. C. Jackson also at tended the meeting and ap ptared as much at home, as though he had been born and lirouglit up among th' “htickeyes.’' His visit did great good that will increase ns the years go by. In Ohio no teacher gets less than lofty dollars per nto*)th Wc hojK* the old North Slate will follow the example. Teachers ought to have wa ges enough to justify tijcm in making teaching a jirofession .'ind not a mcresteppingstone to something more remunera tive. The call from the churches lor consecrated pious ediica led [ireachers, grows loiidci and louder. The young man ho lails to obtain a liberal education will find himsell str.'Uided before be is thirty I'ortunately every one car obtain a thorough cdneatioi and use it to the honor and glory of Ood. Every lainily ought to have a good library, tor children will read and if parents do not furnish good reading matter they will find trash ami from hnliits of tlionglii and imagination tiiat will prevent them from ever lie coming througli scholars, or making good cit’zcns. If our people want our Sabbath School (juartcrlici- C('>ntmued, alf ouY schocHr: should use them. The way to make them chcaiicr is tc give them a laigc circulation so the publishers will not lost money. I'or pity sake don( take something else just to save a cent or half cent a cpiartcr. He loyal to yonr own denomination. Ehl. Dill Upton was ap- [)ointed Corresponding incs senger to as many of the Con- fcreiicc.s, in the Soulli ns he can reach. He is I'inancial Secretary of our benevolent societies, well recommended lor the work and we hope the brethren will meet him with open hearisand pocket books, We must do more for all out interests. It is n call of God and wc can not refuse with out guilt. lild. M. R. Allen ofthcTheo logical Class in the Seminary attended the Ohio River Year ly Meeting at I'irst Kygei Church, tialliaCo. Ohio, Aug. S to the IL’lh, He was well received and nccepteil bv Hit T'orcign Mission lUmrtl as r candidate for work in a fore ign land, lie iu>w belongs tc the Denomination and wi should sec Hint he is in scliool until he is prepared for his work. b'ree Will Haptlst parent; should stc to it that there is a good Sabbath School ol our own lor themselves ant their ehihlien to attend, reg ular preaching and weekly prayer meeting. We hav known some to drive thcii children to other denomina lions and to linal destruction, by failing to provide a suita bio and pleasant Sabbat) home in which the Inith is fully and kindly taught by our own ministtrsaml teach ers. Parental responsibility ought to be nuu'b more fully realized ami umlcrstood. OHIO RIVER YEARLY MEETING. A GOOD WILL. DiiAR Hai'Tist;—Just home from the Ohio River Y^carly Meeting, where wc met all the delegation, and corres- poning brcthrci. from the difl'erent associations, Yearly Meetings etc. Among whom were Dr. Woganand his dear companion, of Hismark N Dakota, whom wcliavclearn ed to love O so fiearly, on the account of tbeit life service and sacrifice to our dear cause. They have laliorcd so faithfully, and finder such a great ( not having the co-operatior. and help of the denomipatiwn to sustain their work, that it has been O! such a dark road to travel but we, ni^n th /bHiCyc that now, tin* tiavTis dawning when they w/ll be brought to the font with their work As they have secured some liclp, they arc securing labor ers to return with them, there will be three families to go from here, witk them and as they go onward on the way back home thy will secure such heljierslhat they know to be loyal to the work, so you see: Dear brctliren, we believ the day is dawning for tlie Hismark University. Pi ay lor tliosc dear (fnes that they may live to see the work, that they have sacrificed both life and lortune ko put lortb moving along, Istcadily and lii Mily. 01 lor nlorc workers for that licld. llrcthren. why not seek to obtain lulp foi them in every way possible There is a great work to he done in that field. Then let's put our sholdcrsto the wheel find help to move in that way along with our other work, lets help lo ilcvisc ways and means for both lahorcis, and money to . hvlp' th;m in this the greatest u. .vc-thai ever was put forth in )ur beloved denomination. S ) comcalot.g eo-workers and lets storm the fort in Nortli Dakota Hut why is it that wc arc so dilatory about our work all around, for instance; the State department, wc spokt of. When wc found the camp meeting could not be carried on wc abanded the liopc ol the sale, by the way I prom iscd to report whatever was given for the sale and allow me to sinecre‘ly thank dear old mother Dean, or Wheelers- burg, for a cofit. vest, some cuIVs and ties, wliich she so kindly gave to us; which were all the donations wc received along that line, we shall try to sell them iiad turn the money over to the proper ones. And to Hro. and sistci I’oolc of llcmlcrson, Temi. Many thanks for the money from them. Hro. Poole wrote me in response to my jiloa for help that he would dtmale some books, which he was to have l.irought to the camp meeting, but be was deprived of the opportunity of being there. Hence, he ami sistci sent me $3 00 instead of thv books this too shall be given to Hro. Upton lor tbc mission riry work. I btlievc this is tbc report as near as I am able lo give it. Pray for us that the woil ihat we believe th.'it Hic Lore lias Jissigaed to our hands •nay be faithfully done. A’our sister in Christ. l.AV'KA llonSTKTTKU. Seiotoville, Ohio. Dkar Baptist:—I ftel so grateful to the many brothers and sisters who write such good pieces in the Baptist. 1 Ice! weak in the Spirit, so I can not write good pieces like some do. As 1 was sitting in my room this evening feeling very despondent, the dear old Bai'Tist came in, and as 1 commenced reading it, it re- vi\ed and strengthened me in my Spiritual feelings. And I |)ray that I may trust in the mercies of God, foritendiireth for ever. Not by works of righteousness, which wc h,avt done, but according lo his mercy be saved us. In order to be happy, we must trust in the mercy of God. All that are not trusting in the mercy ol God, may they first seek him and his righteousness, and begin life anew, so that hap piness may be instore foi them. A good many make a sad mistake in not seeking our Saviour in their early days. Wc are like children stumbling over the little cros ses and perplexitiesoftheday. Though we could stopstumb ling if wc would. May wc all ••esolvc lo do belter in the future, our progress ma> seem slow and dihcult and we may be able to discern very little improvement fron) day to day; but looking back we are sure we can all say to our Iriend®, that we are far happier and more hopeful than in former years. So let us look forward to the future in trusting in the mercies ol God. Look for the true, the good the beautiful, and you lielp the world to manifest those qualities. Give no thought to the smaller life, but give your whole heart to the larger life that i,s now waiting to rcceivcyou. When al! the thoughts of man are good, and good only, then sliall the sun shine on a happy world. I willsay a few words to the aged members of the F. W. H. connection. May God deal with them verj gently for they are those who are on the down hill of life. Our own time is coming to be where they now arc. A liorry head at the fire side, is a crown of glory to the house where it ilwells. The bless ings on the age is as a dew on the pasture as the falling of sunlight in a shadow place. May God continue his mercies especially to the aged ones for we know that soon they will pass away, and youngei ones will have to take theii place. Though the world may know me not, may my thoughts and actions he pleasing in the sight of God May God bless us all and fill our souls with his pardoning love, is the wish of your hum ble sister in hope of honven Mrs. WiNiMK Roi.mns Sr. LaGrangc. N. C. Oi-clei- ISlaiik. Do not waste a minute— not a second—in trying to dc- nioiistratc to others the merit of your own perfot matice. If your work does not vindicate itself, you ea’inot vimbeateit —Thomas Wentworth IHg- ginson. To Frkk Will Hadtist Prn. Co., Ayden, N. C., (^—Find enclosed $ , for which you will send to my address the following S. S. Litera ture tor the (luartcr of ^ il'lj Dozen Junior Quarterlies, (>i 50c $ |Jj |f| Dozen Child’s Primers, (n 30e $ [f,i| [n\ m L Co Nolc.—Detach and send above. Remit by.M. (). wlien obtainrdjie olhe ilered letter or si.amps. Total- Xame.. , State.. wlien obtaii iic f'^rward fwr ^royot- otid a great many bowed in tht congregation. I look for a gracious time here. Yours for service, C. S. Churchill. ITEMS OF INTEREST. I have resumed work, and [ am now preparing to visit my South Fla. m’ssion. It is also my intention to spend twenty days with the breth ren. ofS C. and il possible tt attend the ministers Union conference in N. C. but I am not sure yet, whether I can attend or not, as my timt will belt ng to the S. iL breth ren. 1 have visited Ala. also MEETINGS IN JOHNSTON CO. Dkar Hro:—I have closed tw’o good meetings, one ai Clayton, the ollu rat Tippett? Chapel. I was at Everetts Cliapel nt Clayton two weeks Eld. Tippett was with me tin last week of the ine^-ting The church was greatly rc vived and six added to hei number. At Tippctt’sChapel, SVC had a very interesting meeting severe! that had grown cold were revived, and on Saturday morning 1 buried three precious souls in bap tisni. 1 came to Pme Level and found Eld. Worley just starting a meeting. I preach ed for h'in last nig it and we had a glorious tinir, several field a lively incelingatanoth- er place. Owing to fact that I have more calls than I can fill, I liave this day ap{)ointed Eld.J.M. Emanuel, of Oak- park Ga. as my assistant, national Evangelist for Ga and Ala. Brethren, needing an evangelist can use him for he is a sound F. W. B. and knows the doctrine I will say to ,thosj brethren who want me to do work for you, that I will not be able to give you an answer till after the Mid Way Association meets in Oct. as I am under some ob ligations to that body, but if the Mid-Way docs notdo any thing at its next session, 1 will be open then for an agreement. To all those wlio have con trihuted to me and written such kind lettcrsofsyinpathy, I can say, "Thank you dearly beloved, God bless you ’’ 1 am indeed in much sadness, I cannot realize that Mrs, StClaire is gone, only when I come back to Edison. To those who have written, wanting to know* what I will do with my babies, I re ply, I will keep them, they are the only relatives 1 have in the world. They ore mine, I will not. I cannot give my little ones away. Brethren, pray for me and my little ones. Dr hills and other ex- [lenses have placed me in debt, but 1 will f>ny alt and when 1 get out of debt it will not cost me so much, though I will feel free when the last debt is paid. The Lord bless 'ill win) read this. Your servant in Jesus, St. Claire. Edison, Ga. Frpo Will IP.nfisf hoc the vic tory, and I hope and trust our Savior will give us strength to carry it on miiil the end of lime. I sec a letter in the Baptist from sister Anna Skinner, which touches me so mucli. [ like her—loye the cause of our Lord and feel as 1 should do more. I have a desire to g t abroad and spread the glad tidings. Hut as I am only a |)oor girl, I can not hll ny disirc, but dear friends and readers it dot.s not hin der me from trying to do his will at hoaic. I hope some day to be able to go ahead and tell to others what little I know, and I want the pray ers of one and all to help me along on this road. I often find myself asking: Shall I be content with one star in my crown? The an swer comes back: Strive a cluster to win. Now how sliall I get these rare gems for my crown? Must I wait till heaven I gain? Y«s, yes. Hut toil here for the Master’s ri^noun day by day, for the Lamb that was slain. Wc all sec clear, liicnds it is toiling and laboring for the Master, that brings us closer and clo.ser to him. Let us all work for the beautiful crov\ n wbioh is laid up forthosethat do our Mastci’s will. Don’t just work for self. Hut woik for others. You may be a help to some one else to win a crown, and yours will have mother beautiful star. Will loping I have not said too much. I will dose, asking the (»ra\ersof all. May (kid he witli and bless ns all is the [iraycr of one who loves the cause. 1 remain your unworthy Sistrr. Ida V. Myers, Scssonis, Ga. WORKING FOR A CROWN. Dear Bro. Editor:—Allow me a small sjiaco to say a few words in the jiapcr I love so miu'h to read. It is a wd- come visitor to our lionic once a week. Oh, how I w’ish I could get a good paper each day of the week to read. I See an account of so many good meetings in today’s paper. How I wish I was able to at tend some of them. I do en joy g u)d meltings s) n udi. ;1 feel as though the dear old MT. TABOR. Dear Editor:—Will you al low me space to let tlie many readers hear from Mt. Tabor church? We had a revival to commence the first Sunday night in Aag. 190G. The meeting was condneted by Hro. J. E. Lnpton assisted by I. T. Hiillcr. Bro. J. R. Me. Caskey visited us ami preach ed a nchle siTinon. Wc bad good attendance, and good prcadiing, and the brst sing ing we e ver had at Mt. 'I'nbor The choir was out home peo ple, and all joined in full of the spirit. Tlicre were thrie additions to Hie ehureh. The church giaiucd Bro (». W. Levy license to pteoeh. We wish him great success. Your H)o. in the cause. T. F. Daven{)ort. The Jordan River cnijiiics into the Sta of (bililce rind (Jalike pours itself into the Iordan again. The 0:»1 Tes- (ament impnits all itsfulli css to Christ iir.d Christ ng.ain coiivevs His fullness to the New Tekan int.—Gill >id.

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