- A Message From the President I want to thank you for the opportunity of serving as President of the North Carolina Community College Adult Educators Association. This has been an enlightening experience from which I have learned much about myself and this organization. I am pleased to have accomplished many of the goals that I set for myself and the Association this year. We must continue to look toward the future. As our Association grows, we are better able to assist and support our community college system. It is an honor to have Mr. Martin H. Lancaster as president of the North Carolina Community College System. With his support and openness to our needs, Continuing Education will be better able to serve our communities by placing students who are prepared to meet the challenge of the new technology Into the workforce of North Carolina. I want to extend my warm regards to our president-elect. Bill Adams. May his leadership in the upcoming year strengthen our membership. FROM YOUR CONFERENCE PLANNING CHAIR . . Marian B. Baer Get ready for an exciting and workshop-packed Spring Conference April 15, 16, & 17, at the Holiday Inn Four Seasons in Greensboro. We are introducing several new presenters with state of the art information, as well as welcoming back many of our "oldies but goodies". A reception, honoring the Vice Presidents at the NCCCS office and the past presidents of the NCCCAEA will be one of the highlights on Wednesday afternoon. Another bright spot on Wednesday will be our keynote address delivered by Mr. Ralph Mitchell, a Senior Associate with Learning Systems for the Center of Creative Leadership in Greensboro. We are very pleased to have the 82nd Airborne Choir for your entertainment at the luncheon on Thursday. I think we are in for a real treat. This group has performed for us in the past, and if memory serves me right, they are fantastic! I would like to take this opportunity to say a big "THANK YOU" to my committee members. They have worked very hard and it has been a joy getting to know all of them on a personal basis. For your information the committee and their areas of responsibility are as follows: Debbie Harris - Co-Chair; Heidi Whitesell - Occupational Extension; Gloria Drew and Sara Bourquin - Community Service; Claudia McLean and Michelle Melscheid - Basic Skills; Joe Mullis and Jerry Thrift - Senior Administrators; Darrell Miller - Specialty Occupations Education; Renita Allen - HRD/JTPA; Sara Bagwell - Support Staff; and Charles Koonce - Small Business. If you see these fine folks - be sure and thank them for their efforts. Thank you and enjoy the 1998 NCCCAEA Spring Conference.