aBCMLKiR jomu rmi>, n.c. All-MIESH APRIL 3, 1943 PAGB 1 r PriwittllZISSr CoBtiauMi froa ?•(« 1 prooadar* uMd for haadlia^ ■ail and parformlns diraotory aar* Ttaa ct Mmioa ^laM la IMai Mail la daliaarad to tha Sta* tlaa Paat Offlaa diraet fraa ttia railroad atatloB ty Any paraoBOl ■vloyaaa of tha Paat OTflaa Oapart* ■aot* aaaiatad by allitary paraowMl aaparata ordinary nail addraaaad to ▼arioua unita* Ordinary aail ia dO' liTorad dlraat to Squadroa aod Da** taohaaot aallroau twloa dally by authorifod nail elarka of tha Sta tion Poat Offlaa. Oatfoiaf aail la piekad by thata dallrary trucks* and oarriad to tha Staties Poat Of- fiaa for dlapat^. ParaanoBt party paraoaaal ara raquirad to eall la paraoo at ^a unit oailroca to raaalTa thalr aail Studanta ara raquirad to ranaia la quartara durla^ nail call aad da - llrary la aada by autherisad ualt ■ail olaiicB oaly. Clarka ara la - atruotad to dallrar sail to tha addraaaaa oaty. Sarrlea aladowa at tha Statioa Poat Offlaa ara kapt opan trm 0800 to 2180 dally aad from 0800 to 1700 Suadaya. firiy linr Coatiauad froa Pac* 1 AZS^MOCS latarTlaaad 1QLAC ra- aruitlac a(aata she aara la Oolda- boro last aaak and oaaa forth with tha folloalac lafomatloa • aaawara to quastlaoB that tha WA^a aay aara aoat oftaa aakad by aeldiarai A 1UAC aoplloaat auat ba a oit- Itaa of tha U. S.* ba bataaaa 21 and 44 yaara of a|a» hara aa axoallaat oharaetar* praaaat two oharaotar ra- faraaoas* paaa a aaatal alartaasa taat and qualify aocordiag to haight aad walght. Mlnipai standard for walght is 100 pouBda* alalaw for hal(^t to fits foot* aairliM for ha* ight li ais foot. fha HAAC ia tha oaly woataU orgaaiaatioa* asalualwa of tha Apqr f^rao ^orpa* author! aad to aorro with tha Amy* It offora ABarloaa woaoa, rogardlaai of raca, oolor or arood* aa opportualty for aarrioo. fha orgaaiaatioa la oat a« loag allltary liaoa# iBoludl^ a dirootor* aaalataat dirootora* flold dirootorai first aaocsd aad third o^floori aad oarollad aaiibara* nto oarollad ■mbora hawa tha oqul* ▼alaat gradaa aad pay of anllatod ■aa of tho Aray* All MAACa ara oarollad aa aux« llllarias. fhay ara giwaa a four maka baaia tralaiag oauraa. Aftar tha four waaka* aptituda taata ara glTOB to datamlaa irttat typo of* wait lhay ara boat flttad. RAAC8 ara gowaraad by tha Coda of Coaduet aa- tabliahad ia MfcAO ragulatioaa* Army S«nrte« Forew ThkM PUc« of SOS fba ASP *> Amp Sarvioa Pbroaa ia tha aaa nma of Sandeaa af Sup- plp« aeaordi&( to an annwinomant ■ada by U. Qaa. Brahen SeBarvall ia a pioaa aoafaraaoa raoantly in idkioh ha ravlawad tha anwfillalnail of tha aarrlaaa of Sopply duriaf ttm paat yaar. fha SOS aaa laaufuiatad oaa yaar ayp than tha War dapartaait fanaral ataff aaa raduoad la aim irm aiyroaiaataly 500 to 9S offi^ artf aad tha dutlaa of adalaiatarini tha Amy mrt aaal«Md to tha ooaa- aadara af tha Amy Air POroao and ^ Saraieaa af Supply* fha ehaufi la maa of tha Sarvioaa of Sivply to tha Amp Sarvloa Poreaa bringa tha Amy ateiaiatration umar thaaa thraa foroaa* MM OF THE WEEK *B>'a « tough Egg" thay sagr .t HtadqutrUn wd tfsadquirtoM Squ^ dran id»a thif talk of lot Sgt. Ad- •Ibort Kml*]r, but tho bojro oloo ad ult that ho lo doflnitljr o rool oolr dlor. Liko ths ohoroetoro of otery^ book fletion, Sgt. XotOoy hao hod o tough tlao tTM ourly Ufo. At tho ogo of 13 ho uoo hlroody on siphuh, ond ooen lo ho groduotod ftuai High School, ho gon Tont to hit ddolro for odTORturo. Ho onliotod In tho CCC ood oorrod aoro than 5 yuuro. Ho mo lot Sgt la tho oidd outfit up until 19A0, ohm ho roUnqulohod hio pooltion to uttond tho South Ookotu Stoto CoUofo. Ho otudiod Clou laginooriag for ouhllo, but tho yoam of onqr lifo oropo Into hit blood, ho onliotod ia tho Air Corpo during tho flrot aoath of 41, and mo oont to Chaiwta Fluid uhtru ho uorkod at Chlof Clark af tbu 37th Tooh Sehool Squadron. In Hoy of '42, Sgt. KoKlby mu promoUd to Flrut Sortunt of tho Hoidquurtoro tad Houdquortoro Squ^ dron of SiyBour Johntan Flold. Ho hu oorrod at that pooltion orar tinea. Rio oquodron It ana of tho boot kapt tad aoot rigid oltna on tho flold. Iho foUom "play rool boll" with hi*, ond tho huraony lo notleod ^ oil. 4n outotoadljif dlotlaotioa wl^ leh XoiOay holdo, lo tho foot that bo wao tha flrot lot 8ft. at Soyu aeur Johnoon Flold. Tho 24 yoor old "tap-klok" la airrltd ond rooidoi in lit. dim, R. C. Ho erlglailly holla fro* tho wild! of South Dikota. Ha la an acw dant fkn and playw of tlaoat oil oporto, with football and biMbaU topping tho Uot. Anothor of hli hohblat art photogriphy and laathoio Draft, tha lattar ha formrly tau^ ht. fi tmWNQ IQUADROIIt Coatiauad frm Poga 1 rootloB. Thla will bo followtd up by dlrootloB by oallotod mb la . otruetaro. Ibo purpooa of tho aoag tupor- rlolm lo to toooh to aony ooago at poaalbla to tha ma not oaly to ha^ la aarohlag horo at Saymur Joha- oon, but la tho oroat tho aoa ora oont ororotao thoy ulll Ibow oaau*i tonga to bo oblo to atag for roUiotiea and oatortalaaaat. Wed Cross Driwo ''otitlBuad froB Page 1 la aplta of tba feet that goal wao aot raaohad* lb’. Brtaa aal4 tha raapoaaa to tha drlwa waa azoallant for ?Asa alta of ttia Poat aad for tha auaibar of offleara aial elTlllaaa. dilated bob gawa wary gaaaroualy* Hr. Braaa aald, araa though they wore not aolloltad* INFOMEr Coatiauad froa Poga 1 It ia dadignad to ba road in eon- Junetioo with a am* Md oaaka to. mP*Ai partieularly to aoldiora by ij» faota not uauaXly gisaa in civilian nawa itaav—dataila of terrain, of taetiea uaod, aod the like which can help tha future fi^iting man at thia poat to viaual* 1m aoaa of tha problaaa Uiay aay aaat later in aetual coabat* Utilising all tha regular nans aouroaa auoh m AaaoeiaUd Praaa, Uroitad Praaa, Intamstiooal hawa Sanriea aod Tranaradlo for factual inforastion, tha nawa ia iaanad froa tha Special Sarvlea Olvlaion at Waahington, D* C,, where nawa gathering and writing ia eontlmiad until aa lata aa 3 s.a* before tranaaiaaion to Savour Johnaen Field and other pointa* Thia aa- auraa tho lataat and aoat authori- tstiaa auBDsriae sTailabla for GZa hare, ovary day* Tha "loformr” ia diatrlbutad avtry aftaznoonia eopy la dalivarad to aaeh barraoka and departoant on tho peat* Preduetlon of tha "Infemor" ia haodlad froa tha Air-O-Mach office under tha dlractlen of Spaoial Sar- vioo* lOIAI. 8417401 Thort'o torip BOtal In tho* thar bills, it ma dtaUtd at s ISTfa Aiay Poat in tha mat - and aooB now, thay'll ho loylnt, thoro HAS BOtal tbora. bsamtlon of tha obutaont ba- hlnl tho targots on tho flrlngrtago has bsguB sad It Is sstlastsd that 70 peuMs of Bstal fro* spsot bul^ Ists is ylsUsd fxos smiy yard of aaitb, CKAFLAIK coon DOS KaiO'S OIATH Chaplain Alaxsndsr B. Goods who Isft Ssyaow Johnson Flold a fsw ■entha a*e far parts uaknoan la r^ portad to ham diad a baro'a dsath aooording to an ayawitnasa aeodunt pubUahad In tha Haw Xerk Hass. Thara ara aany of ua who will rwaanbar Chaplain Goods, as ha waa statlonad bars last yaar. Chaplain Coods la tha first Jiwlah Chaplain to dla in ths praasnt eonfUot. Bmldas Chaplain Cooda, ttaars mrs tm protastanta, Chaplalm Caorgt 1. Fbx and Clark 7. Folim, and ana CathoUo, CMplaln John P. Washington, tramling on tho eaxg.* tronipart ship whlah waa auk. Aesordlag to tho Haw lark TUm aoeount, a 19-yaar-oU asrohant ssa- aan, a awvlrur of tho tragle sink* Ing, aada thia statsaanti "Just bafbrs tha ship want dam tha shaplalna gam thalr lira pt.- asrmrs to asabara of tha orsw. Thsy mra staading on tha daak, praying, ahsn our llfabont drlftad out of tight." Fnmted Coatiauad fron Page ^ end Joeaph L. Grady; of 799th Tech Sob Sq., Coxporals O'Brlan, Sathar- Xand, Sadaor^g Baodoa; Corperala Blooa, CoUatU, Raeea, SharldaB* end Ruaaell of the SOlat Toeb Sefa Sq*i CorporeLa Varadian, Kelly, Ulo- vieh aad Saundara of tba 8^nd Taeh Sch Sq.; of thb 41at Moaa Squadroa, Cozpwela Albrant, Par toy, MeOXyaa, Waldron, Helaa,Siafroa| of tha 39th Heat Squadron, Corporala Oig>roo,Ba^ ley, JohnaoQ, louag* FapP*** Saith and Gaynor; of tha 7^at Tachnleel Sch Sq., Q;)la* Dupula, Flnkalatain, Oerrerd, Hsailton, Sarlo, Stanton, Wlngerd; Cosporela Faleiani, UeOocw nail, idUar, Oliver, Rondeau, Whit ney of tha 36th Taeh SchSq.;Corporal Frenela J* Omoa of Hq* 4 Rq* Det*; Corporele Saith, lO-ohale, Jbrdsn, Sharrad, end Aaaanovleb of tba 796ith Taoh Sch Sq*; and of the 40th Mom Squadron, Corporala UlUan, Toalln- aon and Wood* V COHTaiAIj Primtoa Flrot Clast Andruaklaidea, Cortroebt, Hill, Eur- nlek, Pfolffor, Sehwarti, Stophona, Theapaon, ond Prlmto Fan Oyko of tho 797th lOoh. Soh. Sq AAFi of tba 794th Taeh Soh Sq AAF, PFCo Btbitn, Bogdan, Brophy, Ctnaaln, Kouaioa, Umrty, Eolao,HalTln, UUar, Mono* aawakl, Fosotakl, Shoaaakar onl Wal dron; of tho 793id TOeh Soh Sq AAF,. Primtoa First Clast Darldaoii, Dil lard, UoCoy, UlUor, O'Brlon ond Sohlogol; Of Hq 4 Hq Dot. 11th Ttoh Soh Op, Pfe. Cloronco 0. Porlln|of tho 799th Taeh Soh Sq., Primtoa Flrot Cloot Ctllohon, Amlng, Call, Catmtokl, Nomek, Aquiline, Penall, and Jaaao; FFCa. PollMk,Roiaand, O'Mara, Uaa, IFouti, Htgonan, Roat, PeroaUl, UoKannt. ond Hhlta of tho SOlat Meh, Soh Sq.; Prlntoo Flrot Clooo St. Beaaln, Feglaaon, louttar, NOwiakl, Rlttonhouat, WlUlaat, Stembumar, Woldon, Hytro, Bailor, arakt,Boaao, lioHally, WUllt, Storkay and Kordtn, of tho a02nd Taeh Soh Sq.; Of tho 39th lioto Squadron, Prlr mtao Flrot Claoo John W. Atohloen, Clifford J. Doughorty, HlUla* Xnoblleh, Chariot H. Claoelo, Carl 0. Sehulti, Joaoph F. Haltoro, ond Prlmtoo nronk Z. Anatoborgor, Oul- da 0, Cerrldori, Loo J. Duooault, Allbod Hour, Howard E. Rally, Ooorgt Ftrenlih, Carl 0. Prltohdrd, John J. Hafun, Anthony Rigucel, Har old C, Rinnan, Jams F, Strlokland, Jeatph B. Qraonataln and Soleaen Hoaeowlta; Of tha 40th litas Squadron, Frl- mtaa First Clua Jetaph A. Bartem, Fatar A. Indies, BelMh Nagay, and Prlmtaa Carlton, Curry, landcli. Jolly, Rlaln, licriarty, Perraea, Bya, Starks, Stamrt, Bobart, and Uattaon; FFCa. Qlobattl, Htamy, Hansom, Harrow, Santln, Tttgat, Tatrault, WUaon, and Prlmtu Ballsy, Clnetr- alia, Dunn, Pabbrloino, Elkar, lot, Lamsha, Hutaliah, Naylor, Paraom, Bahtina, Ibeapton, Sanuk, ShtUy, Wtlah, SUmmtn, and Farquharttn of tho 41tt Hesa Squadron; of tha 791at TOah SohSq., PFCo. Clagttan, Deylt, Jenat and Satll; of Hq * Bq Dot. 9th T. S, qp., PFCo. Emrott 8. Louoka and John Lutay; Prlmtu Flrat Clua Abrau, Almy, Brand, Chaahira, Farat*u,Hofa, Hennouoh tr, Parklm, Sshalta, HaaCanaland, and HaRulty of tha 3^ Taeh Soh ^ Of Bq * lt| Dot,, Prlwatu Flrat Glut BoUay Fatrlok tad FTad H. Lawton, and PriwaU Charltt J. Ham ganaro; of tba 796tb TSah Bob. Sq. FlOs. Argsnale, Arastreag, CaantUy Chrlatlanaon, Ka^urg, Itabbarg, Rupftr, Boeuy, Butharlbrd, Bate, Sohulta, Snamlay, Bannaaabtlu and Habvo,

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