SRMOOI JOHRSOH FIEID, N«C. Am-O-MECH HAT 1, 1943 PAGI 3 Rally froB pBf* oo* No SoUeltatioiio SoUeitotloM of Hon will not bo nodo. ill eontrlbut- iono will bo oeooptodf ood it io «» poetod that oil ooUoUd non will Biot to hooo o part In oondlng Udor oon piano off to fl«ht tho Aada* All Qffleor and elvUlaao Bill bo aakod to "boy a otaap and liek tho other aide.* 9rorx ota^> purebaoor Bill bo glTon a blue and gold ribbon to bo BOrn during tbo 15 dajo drioo to algnify that tho Boaror haa added hla bit to help tho Alllod eauoo. A roll of honor will bo oroet— od alongoldo of tbo nock P-io and 0T«r7 poroon who paotoa a ot^ ia oatitM to add hio nano to tbo ho-> nor roll. Boothe eapablo of Ing four oiDgla liooo will aloo bo built boaido tho piano* There will bo BO waitif^g to purohaoo ota^a irtiieb will bujr tbo purenit plana* Quick Plnloh Planned Tho driTo will officially elooo AuM If but Air-CMioeh foole that by tho end of 30 daj«, SoTBour Johnoon Piold*a purouit pl«e will bo eoBing off the aaoeably linOffor who knowo bettor bow wltal planoo ^ re to Alllod victory than aon in unifbia and particularly of tho Air Foreoo? Oontributione under U will not bo aoeoptod boeauao it ia felt that all aoBbora of thio poat will bo BDro than willing to cut down on tho cigarottoo or forgo that boor for one owoning to bring victory a little ooarer* SoBotiaio during tbo 15 day drivBf a ohoWf packed foil of ontoi^ tainaont will bo aponaorod by tho dpoeial Sorvico Section* No artBl»« oioo will bo ebargodf but donationa for tho purouit piano will bo a^ copied* Tiao and placed will bo a onouneod later* Tho drive ia in eouiunetioo »- ith tho natioD-wldo victory loan drive idiieb waa opened by tho D* S* Troaaury Dopartaont i throe wooka agOf which baa a goal of lUfOOOf- OOOfOOO* FIRST REMDI waa given and oocoeuted* Tho oco^ ■aanding Officer Inopoeted eadi un* The bond began to play, aado a ri^ tuxtif paaood tho length of tho rai^a in front of tho reviewing at«d followed by ooparate aquadrona* Tho Oolonol*# eonont wao "good*" OFHCERCANIWAIESCflOOL Conti naod trm page ona lhay wBTo T/Sgt* Joaaph Ghie* ciaog 3Stb Mooa Sq; T/Sgt loo 0* AirOf 333rd Baao Hq d B| 8q; S/Sgt Bdgar t. Barton, Rq A Hq Sq; S/Sgt ClaroDCo Z* Jbfanoton, Hq A Hq 8q AU four arrivad whan S^jaeur Johnaon Field wao juat atarting end aara aaai^iod hero f ron Chanut# Fi eld* Chi col AO waa flrat a^plc^od in a aquadron ordarly rooai Aira work- ad at a group hoadguartara. Barton in tho Judgo Advoeato'a Ckffieo, a^ Johnaton in tha 2Q1 filing depart- ■ant* Othora aoajgnari to Mlail Boaeh 0C8 war# C^do Vllliaa U* Ainaaorth, Ooorga H. Jack toA Everott Phlllipa. Pvt Vinaton U* Bullard of tbo nth Acadonic Sq, waa fronotad to tbo grade of Corporal and aaaignod to to nginoaring CCS at Ft Bolvoir Virginia* fl/Sgt Edward P* Balo, anotbor Qffie« Candidata, waa tranafarro d to Flnaneo School at DurfaaBfN.C* Tmk 8. Parry waa aoalpid to 9IC CCS «id will ropert at loo, 7a.f no lator than Tmiati HEW POCT TELEPHONE BOOKS DISTRIIUTED^ Oontinnad frun page one anal and will bo of eapitol iiq)ort-> once in locating tho right xmbor- whon you want it - and in a huny* By far tho noot ooBprohonoivo directory of ita kind over ooon on thla fioid , It mo gonpilod by tbo Signal Sorvico and printed and oon- poaod by tho Ropioduetion Diviaion of ^oynour Johnson Field. It io oe- lay fbr uoo on thio poet aoi ncHio are raaoldng tho hands of tho publ ic* Swory bnaoh in ovary oeotion on tbo fibld will have one and alr» oady tho "Bravoo” and "Husaao" are •karting to rooound throughout tho omtp fron haraoood C.Q.s, poraovor- ing oivvio poroomol BiployBoaf at alf who have loaoonod the burden of tholr work via thio booklet* For OMBploi Tou nay find your first oorgoaoto njibor undor an error-proof listing of your squadi^ on nuidMra* Uata on your oorvioo rocoard io yours liaq)!/ by dialing 365* Oo you know idiot ooBbinatiM of dlgito to dial idion attaqiting to got SoyBOur Johnson ^iold , itoo- IfT Caro to know/the nunbor of tho Station Hoepital? Any of tho Hess Hallo? Tho Guordhouoo (don't anaw- arl)? Thaao oan oaaily bo thuiH>od to in.,thio ooneioo work* ^he Signal Sarvloo aad Rapro^ uetion have indaad bestoaod a oomr- onianoa vpon tha ooUeetivo organi- lationa of tha field and on behalf of tho donooo of thia favor wa are axtonding our folloitationa and tl^ anko to both thoao groiqpt* FIFTY.THIEE Oeatiaaod tram page one playing tho role of a saboteur* "The only thing I could do af ter that waa to onllat** Crewford •aid* Hia big prebl«B waa hoe to oaliat* But Crawford wao not a aan to bo oty^od* Ho hod aado up hlo aind to do a thing, and that 'thing* was to got In tbo Amy Air Foreoo* The roorultiag a orgoant back at Chorlaatoa* Naat Firglaia waa atu^p* ad too* but Crawford aanagod to fi^ aaong Anqr Raulationa a atataaont to tha fact that any aoldior who had onllatod baforo* who had not paaaad tho ego of 55 and who had attainod A least the rank of corporal ia eligl^ ble for reealtstaBent provided the aroQT physical ia paaaed* Crawford reentered aervlee Octebor 31t 1943 The 55-year old student said that he thought he could be of scae use to hla country* He would like to be an Instructor* but llkea the idea of being a crew amber* At preaent bt la in the top third of hia olaaa acholaatleally* Durizig World War 1* Crawford enlisted iu March 1918 and want fna the rank of prirate to corporal Is sergeant. He was then ecaaiaaionod a first lieutanant and tent to Franca where he worked with auppliso and aasaably* Be received hla dia- chargad in June 1918* FIRST CALL Tskphase Cester Gont. Tued froa paga one Db.. telephocM oentar ia deaignad prifflBrily to keep coaifortabla the aradouB aoldler awaiting a long dif atanos call* Mr. Nad Huffuan, who ia in ob- arga of the canter, ejq>lained: "Ws are not in a position to guarantee tho faster ooaplotion of oaXlo aa a result of tho new sotiq). Whui wo are hoping to do is e^qMdite the placing of calls and to provide a emifortabla place for the waiting soldier eond. daring the elrevnstan* cea." At the opening oermonlea held laat weak. Colonel Donald B. £bith, Ccoaandlng Officer, placed the flz^ at call—to hla wife residing in Goldsboro* Tho Colonel said ho wao pleaA- od with tho new oott^* Tho tol^hone is one of tho first to be built in South ern Aiay eaapo and providoa tho wo^ Iting ooldlara with reading and wr iting facAUtieo* It will provlda mange to tha aoldler, answer h^ queationa and has on hand the tele phone directoriea of tho prlncipil citioe in tho country* A piooooring vonturo in itself telephone autborltleo are hewing that it will set the eaaple fbr elalUar aotxqia in other Amy cai^e She center will be open wem- daya frcB 6 I'M to 10 PM and onCun days froQ 9 n to 10 PM* teplnyeoa of tho now eontor includo Miss Tlrginia Jadcoon of Kinotoni Mrs Hianlo Horton, Mrs* Mildred HUliaae, Him* EUaabeth Quinn, MIm Doxls larriefc ondMlm Bertha Lee, all of Qoldmoro* First Milliday Oontiaaod froa pago one Col. Coorga Opdegraff, tha first d- fieor to arrive at this post, Gen^ ral Halter J. Bead, rnaBSndIng oftW ear, and Major John C. Hagan, Jr., had already reported at thio atat- ioo. Shortly after tbo survey wao cos^letod, tho railroad spur wao eo^lotod thus paring tbo way for eonstractlon of Soyaour Johnson Flold. Construction contract call ing for ovor 10,000 wortcera wao lot on May 23* Tho first Enllotod Moo, a groap of ten arrived May IS, fol lowed closely by the first troepe on June 10. Men were etatlooed at tha WiUiaB atreet school gyanasiun and tho llrat Poat boadquartom ware on the third floor of the W^oe County court beoao building in Goldsboro. Cooplotion aS growth of Soy- aottr Johnson Field oxoopllfloo aod- em Aaorica's eapobilitioo of prod ucing whan necessity arioso* LEGAlTAmTANCE Gontinuod froa pegs one in operating the Post Legal Aaalot- anee Office. While the Legal Aooiatance Of fice will be esaentlaUy a poet fb- netion, the Judge Advecate'e Office here stated that any asobar of tho Field Foreoo dooiidng legal advice ia wslcoae to contact bin or acqr oeober of hia office at all tiaoa* According to a recent (ar partoent circular which authoriaoo craation of tho Legal Aooiotanoa Office, such an off lev will bo un der the diroot ouporviolMi and con trol of tbo ata^ Judge Advocate of tho ecoBond as tha direetor of tbo offied'* The circular eaplaino that tho War Dopartaent end tha Aasriean Bar association hsvo sgreod to sp^ nser Joints tfas plan In order to asks adequate lo^ advice and as- sistaneo available tkrougfaont tbs ailitary oatsblishaont to ailitary poraonnal in the conduct of thair Daraonal affairs. All typBS of legal advice will be given. In cases wham it ia deaa> ed advisabla the Lagal Asaistaneo Offlca Bay mfer tba earvieaaan to civilian counsel for mtontion by the servieeaen vpom the usual civi lian basis. Rights of tho soldier undor the Soldiers sod Sillora Civil Be lief Acta art tha aost eoaaon quas- tiona brought by Aray personnel bofom legal advisors today, tho Judge Advocate's Offlcs oxplalnod* The Relief Acts proWet tbo sorvloeaaD in «any typos of legal action—he ia alloasd to delay psy^ aant of his federal inecas tax ud^ six aontba after tba uar if such payasnt naeessitatoa a hardship ooiq in 4 dlvoreo action no Jud^Mant can be obtained against tbs eerviee aan unleaa ha waives hia rights un der the Relief Acta or unless the court appoints an attorney to rep- msont in tbs esaos them esn be 00 foroelosum of s aertgsgs while a aan is sarvlns in the sm^ forces and no forfsituri of his rii^ts of Gootrset such as la tbs purohass of an antoaDhlls on a tias payasnt plan* BHY STAHIK BUY STAMPS