fM 5. IMS JUB-O-MECA la|«HT |«li— Fm. W. C. mii newsjMper te publkM VMkly by and te the of Beyznov Mom Plek. H. d. wder Ibo dlrocitei of tte ^»aci^ Bervic* OtBoer. Ml coaoria of tb» Ci^ Hew^per to received. AH materiel to pamed W tbe PabUc ^wtograpbB. unleM uOmalae credued. are Army Alr.Perces pqyt graidis. News appearlDc In this paper to lor latew retoaae provided IHoper'oredlt la given. OOL. DONALD B. BMITBa Oommaiidlng Officer MAJOR J. B. MDRR. Bpeclal Bervke OfBeer M/ggt.lUcliardB.Tbtt Pvt. Ferter Ward OpL Oecaga Dmra. arttod. Peat Photo Seottoo 'Defimtion of a Soldier definition of a aoldier, printed by The 1 ahiah that htm m in the uiaed MAR WRO TA] We like thia Caribbean Breeae; Thia Sa ■ uiwwev to the Mob i been toaaed by nninfomed writera cd the foreea. Soldiera today are inloRned peraona. They are cm fai^ telUgent gxeiip with a keen aenae o! hvmor. The type of 'Imahwidi'’ handed ont derlng the mauve dc ing the queuing rookie, the hard-hoUed eergeant. beana for chow, revefne at 4:30 a. driickma foy or Aeqwndent glooaa at mail cnM. cigar ooupona need for money, emd oiU the other jtmk that ie auppoeed to minor tbe average sol dier. leaves na witb a bod taale in ear month. To pel it mildly, oar reocKon is **HoraefeiHmiar* The rookie, oa we find him. ia o Mlow who might be ony age from 18 to SO. li be ia U. the chanree are that he has hod a enfiicienl omount of achodling to give oDilooh on life—whether it is a Ufa cm o civilian or o aoldier. He if net the ttopid fool oarioatoxed by cartoon- iats. nor ia he the wise guy portrayed by eensatioood writ ers. ' He ia probaUy o likeable Aap fully et^oUe oi and willing ie adapt himeelf as reodily cm poaaible to Army life. He hoB no hoed of the "hard-boiled" sergeant ... If the rookie is the more advanced age. he hem jncdsobly spent o of years in some industry and his reoctkms ore matme. He, too, bos no need for the "hard-boiled sergeant. It COD reodily be seen that the "hanl-bcdled" sergeant if olao o myth. The sergeant, cm a rule, lives vrilh the man be either trainf or leads. A ruthless leader would soon alienate .the‘quxxt of ooopexotion among his underiings nn- 1am ha were in a poaition to didota even their thoughts, sack as is evidant today in Kasi Garmony. The aergeonl doea not have lbs* complete control of hit a^en. Thme are loo^iolea through whicdi a disaatiafied group con aacope. The looiv holes in the case of the "hasd-boaed** sergeant ora gold- briding tripe to the dispensary, tiansfar to another organi sation and many cither escuaas. The very fact that a number of men in a group may aaek these outleU indioxtes improper tiodning and poor mnale. The eexgecmt realises this. To gat the moat emt of his men be must be somewhot of a psy chologist. He must learn to get the most out of his Uirough coop.ration. lor It i. a cortataly h. ^ iojo ibioagh tore. Hi. OMuxing fact ia that SOLDIERS ARE JDSI—PEOPLD WHIM SKOFINE TXHCH$ VO tIVE OH? 1 CMto a toast to some Bdr lad Tint I sue nsfar know. WboH ebat rm lin tUDm rve starimt a^cr Ben fintob them lOr am. And change sg faaBs to stoppiBg Ae I would have tlum bs. May Ood be with ymk lad aa tofr. m an Fou start to do^ And h^ jon oWr Bn river vUa. And see you aafrtr tliraad- 1 drtak tine health to you. datr As a brtde-groam to his bride. *“ * t that 1 BatlCd knows bow rve Med. -.jpie. o. W. JemlsnA. Jr. Uoyd C. Doaglas in his book 'Green lAPd’* e^s. *Tt len’t matter of mental capad^ or ev en of teimimameni. The trouble Ie that the average tadMdaal ksv- m suet of htotMkBnnfhiirtied.hls DMntal tasks la parttcular. The werld ie fUrfy uvmled with tnm- —ad minda he^finslng to peofde team tbe sew i» to three fteta and two dntpa. U tbay are intereted *~ be written In. a *'* Chapfri Ra S Uturgleal Holy Oommunkn .MOf Oeneral Servlee ORR* Oeneral Bervloe lOm Qmeral Service 14M General Sendee IM Ml te banpene to fcta»i*r ngnature, r to tranoxne It toto one of the keys they have learned cr give li up- Meet per *- tey to get ateng wMb a vombul . et about six hundred eorda. Tbto enables them to underatand* what Is going on to tbe kttriien. tbe and on tbe streeL Any Idea ttiat cannot be translated Into kltchai - tore, rtiap - tore or street- ~ re la dteBataoe(L‘*. M .MM ■ wo «l H tbto to truaand I am coming UAvtfl IHamv BndAtodllsioreaiidiBorelo believe that It to UQIU WwllLflllPHll}true, then we are xniasing moat of Bfo becaxiao we are not wUUng to *‘La8t Mp Ptoee Wiped Out on Atts." Vtr toree days sew the nan nerts of Japs (Ohadtehei JCnouf, $m . B have been dotag Joined Um .R*?y. m^AVRS. s^ e nice Job to ttie Atedtoos. ^re^j^every pent. mn^Sto them at luikto^ Attn...Provtag that psb-U«ery pnrttKite...R appears ae If Dte beck hone want aokhers to be ja^ »«• vnann. - - - I for hard toe mami- rrttthig CSSSS ol .pordi. ten (tvn l»ln> ^ gMn to at Him Jteto. Mora eqnlioiiiM .onto. Poott ew*w- tton aa to wbothcr a aoldier ^ AteAs ti ccawldft^ Im- elgn duty, to Yea. aecosdtag toa W riwwiMey of toe' Ravy to ig a two troet war. with the last We at L.. KiM mni^ take heM ef this battle and rsiHw that to do this Job of wtotog the Jap. eat caaB- nlittflj to golDg to toBB bard Bw I each one of ua. r vl ■ at at olhm ramps away the tbeetres of war have a tre- Job on oar bands—(hat to to make sore tost each ene ef i:kxhiik e nnp uwBfc wsm wn. aad bto wife again him... Milton Berte tokm hie physical Jana llHi Drartltnr on Army maas to June M. ao that’s why MiMWii Bmch and AUantle City bfrtrtff are bemg dwved back to eiviltoa owners.. .Heart • breaktog to the owners; wiM»ni Beach got ~ MS te mntato from Thiele thto tost year. Jto-CCBgrcms- Btoek taatots (bat the next Presidential race line - up win be F. D. R. and Oen. MacArtfaur. on the Oemoractto ttckeL: Tom ey and mnk Knox, mi the ' Ucan ticket...Back in 1 home state. Ms book Is known as **WaadrtrB OttlUvcr*8 Travda.**... Samnrt HepklBB Adams wOl do a blogradiy of tbe tote Alexandef Weolteon...Ai^e Ooogan. fenam movie 8^. to a Byte officer (gUd- er ]^> stotteoed m Maxtou. ^Phit Baker astod for a wild dni^ to tlte WMwuiAn toe other day. Walter came back wtlh. “Wa have u wild duck, but I can get you a tame one and let yen Irritate ttf". .Tom HarwMB. Ibsmer AD- Anriean footfean atar baa. arrived 'to Rerih Afriea lor doty as a hihb fighter pilot. the aacend tWwM Office Pearl Harbor, ttaa fa- As mnch aa we eeom them, are ady uoraelfea if we ftkto tltot tbto bostoese of defeat- tag the Japs win be aa easy vto- Ltturgieal Boty Com- mrnilon Wbd OtOP Ltturgkal Bhdy Oom- anmlcn Tliurs. UW (Chaidalns Green and Qukk) Ctotocf No. g Chpk Davis. (Nasa) General Servlee OMO General Service UW Oeneral Beryice 140P Genera! Serrtee IMA Midweek Oervieea Wednes day um CATHOUC 8ERT1CB8 Chapel Rib 1 Girl Says *Ra^-aad Th a grrgraal CAMP PICMRXT, Va. CR8) Sgt. bide Himnecke got tato tomi- dry back tram tba Poat cencwnilini last wc^ bride was a nob. writ ten in a fantarine band dr-crihing in tempting detan tbe fumtohlttgB| of an apartanent. At the bottom was a idrTs name. Brennecke- ain’t slow on t be draw. He wrote tbe young lady at tbe laundry. compUmented her on her taste to apa*w**^ men- ithmed, casually, that be was ato- gte and wUUng. Be got a prompt reply. She told him over the pbixie that the was faunlted and'toat be had no buai- neas reading her raAU. Aril or Tte wv^ Tbeiw to a atorj SDOig toe roanda about a WAAC who wot her Amt . Pte an boor ihe tried to lem aa her bleuaa. PtaaSy she gave up. pay the ptfce to llva on a hlgber aM more tadrlllgerd ptooe. We are aansAMl to be one of the crowd with oar tocaa tamed toward tbe dfat when toe whole reatan of pea- rihllWtsa to nfe to open to toe man rrito to Intorcstod enough, to team a Hve on a hlgber tevri. great peo|de of a day paaf _ thorn who were notaatteCted to ptoy “Ctoop-atteks" or **Peter. War. Bater^ but felt toil only the mom dttflcult bar- montos of Ufa were worth play- taig. Great paraonagea like Bdiecai. Jane Addama. Pastour and others would not Hve tai Cwatoral aad aa a result they made a contribiltloo to life that we aever WIU forget. In our day we have left govem- ment. worid •**■*". morate. relt- glon. to fact most ci Ufe, ta^ the haaoa of others. When we found that moot of ttfe to too difficult to translate tato as stanpte a key as we would like to play it In. we try to d*"***— aO of the prob- teme and hope toat aotneobe etee Is Interested enough to figure them out. The day has come when all wte are worthy to exist are gotate 1 have to be wlUing to learn bo' to Uve. If life la bnrd then w.. must learn bow to live tt. S we are baring troctole ftoding our 07S0 Masses lOQp Masses UOO Masses 1319 Manfffti 1100 Dally Maas riM and 100 Chaplains MeOuire and Thlnter) PRO Chapri Re. t ^PaMtoth Servlfcs Prtdig ^^a^STservlees Sat. 000 * idM Sabbath Secrieaa Sat. ISW kVtag place to me tt may Be becauae we are trying to put w of onr trouble Into C - Rafinml living. In thto day of stress many of our prri>- leiu cannot be answered to any- tbinc short of a complete mastem of me. Then, and then only, wm all ef the pomlblUttea ri Ufe oiicn up to us.—Chaplain Lester B. Ol son. Dally. Moii.'PrL .... 1000 to lOW (Chaplatai Goldberg) ROSPITAL SBBVICB JewWi (Annex) Catholic Per six days, a Ol to usually wen preoceuptod. On tbs seventh day bs usually rests, looks around lor acanatotaig to do. If seivtaas am available, toiy not go to..chnrrii? RemcBtoer, ^ rsi^piMtwi ^ your friend to tti&e of need—wby not show yow rsritect by attending bis gl0j0O.O0 MsatUy Fall O. I. De- RRWARK, R. J. (Ofg) ^ Ap proximately $10,000,000 to paid depeadoiti of aarricemen Im the War Departancot **■■■§* Its office bore. An sntim If fleer g to ocLopito by tha Ui itoxay offiesra and 0,00 riesfta wba mall sot the eaab at Am paea of $30.00 par boor, lorgiri RB- gla motohly ehecfc 0 $» aWch is 8«B$ to toa oua and toa Uda 0 ooa iSrt, Ptokerton. 14-Year-Old Ends Career In Military MMP EDWAKUB. Mua. — Fourtaezk-year-rid Ctoartes R. Keen became toe seoand Qamp Edwards sridter m two days to receive a dteriiarge becauae of tolnortto. Sarlter Ortho dherldan of kCayo* rille. Gs., was dtoehargud because be was ebly IT years old. Tow Kam was test February 3$ and was amt te Gamp Edwards frmn a West Virginia Boemtt Becrptkm Center. Lest Anuarj he daddad to grt Into too osrvleo and wmt to tato draft beard aad told them t» was 3$. Ik: Do pea know that gbl ovar fberwT Pvk: Tad. mru Baton Garra. Sgt. Bow la toe on a park k to toa aprtng. a yaung.i

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