Vol. 1 No. 27 SEYMOUR JOHNSON FIELD, N. C. June 19,1943 Post Welcomes Four New Chaplains Four now cbapUlna r^rtod for duty this week et Seymour Jotm* eoo Field Captain Jamea B. Tafiit- er. poet anaqiuDeed. Xt was made known simultaneously th^ a oomidete change In asiSiD- ment of chapels has been made so that all (dtapels will be used by all denomlnatkins of faith. Tl» chaplains that arrived this week were Captain Sdward J- li^ Oormlek, Catholic; Lt. Lance Man* Ue. Presbytertan: Lt. Edmund Me* Qrath. Catholic: and Lt. Earl R. L. Lantioop, Baptist. Chaplain McOormlck oame to Sey mour Johnson Field from Fort Dlz, he had prevknisly served at Pecoe Anny Afar Field. Be has been In the Army Air FM'ces since March, IMS. Ihe Captain oennes from the Little Rock, Arkansas diocese and halls from Brockton, Mass. Be-Mteres Servioe In active servioe lor the sec* end tiwi^ Is Lt. ' Lance Mantle. Mio served 10 months overseas In Ambulsnce Company K of the Seventh Division. Ot^laln Mantle served a pairlab at t^clnnes, In diana before re-entering service. Re attended St. Dunstan's. London, (Conttnued On Page Three) Hold Your Hats, Gang, All-Girl Revue Is Here! Who Was This Guy York? New Firing Range Set Up Those rough - tov^ marines may be expert marlcsman and have cer* talnly earned their reputation for spotung Jape, but men of the Army Air Forces aren’t going to confine their to knockmg down Zeros and Messersdbmltts. That became known here this week with announcement that men on this field will fdlow up their prellmlnaTy instruction In small arms Icy actual proficiency tests on. the range. The range — brand new with facilities for use M all types of small arms — has been construct ed here by Army Bigineers. and the sound of firing will soon be added to the drone of airplane eglnee at Seymour Johnson a se* rious reminder that the Technical Training Command Is part nation at war. Tbe program is under the super- vlsimi of 8-3. Plans call for bl- vouaclng utxler conditions closely simulating Conditions closely simulating codltlons In the field. Tbe men using tbe range will live In pup tents, eat from mesa kits and when not engagM in firing will receive Instnicuon In com mando tactics and other combat methods and exercises. First Lieutenant Rixford wlU be range officer. Tbe canm wlU be In charge of second Lieutenant Keimetb Adams, and specially train ed non-coms win supervise tiring. New Way to Send Lettere Home Launched On Field A sew way of sending letters, hone wat'lMMbed at Seymouri Jdmaoo field ttils week when a recording was Installed at the Servioe Chib and began cut ting slx-litoh dlscB of sokUer's roieea. Tlwre Is no charge to the OI. Operated as a free service for men la uniform by a soft drink company, the equipment Is In cbMBv of David B- Man^um, who saya be finds tbs vrork about “tbe moet interesting X have ever dme.“ - The soldier talks Into a mlero' pbone and his voice is transcribed to the small record. The record is than played back to him for his O. K., and la than mailed by toel oompaay to his sweetheart, wife, I atother. father, or to wiiomever| tbe eoldier wlsbee. sveraM g| k en-fito i coe proposal s w^k 4. ords,^’ ssanghAw^ saM on arrival here. “Some sbldlers say It ia the only way they actually have nerve ehouidi to pop the question. ” Tbe records can be played by tbe redplent on any onlfaiary phonograph. Sixty Per Cent Jm Meihers Wives and mothers draw most of the records on tbe “Voice of Tour Mm In Service” program, receiv ing 60 per cent of the recorded let- (OontlDued On Page Tbree) AlTMJfTlOW 0.1.*e Want to Uvef WML Wen t^page three and flni enl A new weekly feature en flaging starts BUs week. Honor Roll Tbe following squadrons of Seymour Johnson today are on the Alr-O-Mech’s Honor ReO. They are the squadrons whlA struk a blow for the Allied cause during BCay. For the en tire memtb they were without s slnsie AWOL. Tbe squadrons: aivd Bass B«. * Air Bass 8q. Tth Air PM BM •HOi SigMl Oe, G. 1.S Can Have Eighty Dozen 'inkers' Hooily A apsclal dogbnut sbob capable ot turning out a total of 90 &nan douflbnuto an hmir has been set up In tne main VX Cafeterto. and week b^nn making tbe n u t- brown goodies. Two dou^mut-maUng ere placed In production this week mrough the services of Fred Xuchlln, repressntatlve of doughnut concern. “Tbe shop Is without doubt one of tbe most attractive in tbe ar my,’ said Kuehlln- wbc aald be had helped establish similar shops la 17 states. Bach of the two mnefatnes is ca- paUe of turning out 40 tosen dou^muts eadi hour, said Capt. David A 8M>erstone. Poet Sx- change Officer- Not only will the shop provide doughnnts for tbe cafetem and for retM sale at the shop Itself, bu* will aUo sui^ly all other outlets on toe field. 12-YeM-Oli Really Wanfod To Sw Brother Using money earned delivering telegrams after school for toe 1000 mile train trip, Gerald Wayne Tay lor. 12 years old, arrived here from Mobile. Ala., to visithle broth er, Pfc. Rutherford O. Taylor, 10. at this AAF Technical Training Command station. First member of the fainily to visit Pfc. Taylor since be In tbe Army October 17. 1042, Ger ald made tbe trip atone arriving bare lajrt Saturday after a 3-day train ride. Tbe boy’s sister, Miss June Taylor. 18. le aq>ectod to do the same tolng* ohortty, when Ger ald returns home* A seventh grader. Gerald saved toe money for bis trip out of earn ings ftom about Jluw w«^ of afternoon work. ‘Xbe parents are Hr. and Mrs. V. B. Taylor. 423 B, slahama VQlitge. Mobile, iya. As soon as be la old enouob. 0«ld wnata.io follow his brother kM^wwniiy. «i>n ^Boi. LAWBSNCB CASK 46 YMr-014 PFC Wasls Ts Sss Action to M ^ ^aya. .4»geu>oM Lawrenes- due — a private first * |W graduate of- toe AM ~~ to leave Seymour for some place “work on tbe une." hoping that It won’t he can cross toe 40 toe same thing — ^And he’s be long ocean to for toe second time. For PfcBiawrence Case, former ly of Sale^L Mess., enlisted in De* trolt, Aug. 17. 1917, and saw 17 months and a days of service overseas Mto toe 60th Air Group durl^ toe' First World Wsr. When tbe Armistice was signed. Case was s 0e|MSBt first clsss, equlv- aleUt to aTSOb Sergeant of today. Overage ., “Sure," ,Oaee aayn “I know I'm over age.iand maybe they won’t let me gofback across, but I want to. 1 enlisted because I want to go back and see stoat It’s all about. Maybe I can help a little — can’t be a guzmer, but X ean help keep those planes to repair.” And don’t think the air bases of World War I were “safe pla^.” Case tells tbe story matter • of- factly. but you learn that tbe 50tb Aeco Group bad its share of action. It lost “something like” 83 of ficers alone. When tbe outfit moved Into tbe Champagne sector, tbe Germans spotted Its location, and soon bad it under direct ar tillery fire. “No bombings,” sasrs Case, “but we got plenty of she^ —and they weren’r nice things to have falling around.” Trained At Kelly Fleid After enlistment In Detroit, Case an shipped directly to Kelly field ex-, and there with a unit under went his training with an outfit which was made up of DH4 Mar tins. planes for strafing and reoon- nalsance equipped with Packard- Llberty motors. “Tbst Is one thing that’s a lot different,” says Case. “We were trained as s tmlt with toe planes we were to serviee- How' ever, I believe this way of special izing may be better.’^ The SOtb Aero Group shipped out from Hoboken, N. J., to Xiverpool, England, wtoere-Case arrived on his birthday. For four months, tbe group stayed In England, preparing for front Une duty'“Then we got it — all over France,” Case ex plains. la Majer Adlans Tbe outfit was in almost every major, action fialnt-Mthlel Meuse Argonne and “are even found tbe famous Lost Battalion and dropped food to it," says Case. Job of tbe SOtb Oroiq> eras to direct artillery fire, pour mcblne gun fire on enemy troopis, and see was going on bMitoq toe Unes. Case worked as a wi^dianut, a ebauffeur for toe commanding eOtoer. and at, (OonlliHwd On >aga Tlk«a> Ada Leonard To Play Camp For Two Days Whoopee girlsl . . . Whoo pee music! ,.. Whoopee gagsl . . and, well, lust plain whoopee! niat’s it. Gang. Slick back your hair, see that tooee inspection khakis are creased end fitted, bring almg s magazine to read while you stand In lins, and mske way to attend tbe Ada Leonard AU- Amerlean Girl Revue, opatlng at 19M tonight at Poet 'Tbeator No. 1. A cast of stellar, sightly, mu- sieal and “simply dellsh” gals will perform throu^ four shown o n Seymour Jdmeon as part d tbe USO-Camp Shows program to keep OXs happy by revealing to them some of tbe things they find worth fighting for. Other pmnrmeTicen are s^eduled for 8016 Saturday, and 1600 and 1980 Monday. Frae AdmMan Admission Is “for rfree.” TTie pulobritudlnsat Mias Loan- ard's career sad background ^ auM ia forowm for OIs. flbs boasts of havlnt^Di^ Indian blood in her veins. Is proud .of toe fact that her ancestors fought In tbe American Revohitlan. and that her girl musicians come from no one section of the coun try, but ball from an ovew. tba ‘«d. Her band Is strictly la toe groove and Ada bersMf plays tbs piano and cello. Supporting act# Im elude btg-tlme theater and nltfit chib iierformers. teniytUmg Oatb- erine Westfield. Key Taylor and Maude HUton * Co. Seventeen Oals in BmA There are IT gals to Ada's band, and It has idayed such clreults aS Warner’s. Xtowe’s, and RKO, plus bookings for tbe blg*^e It spots. Tha outles tourad na- tlMiwlds last winter for USO-Oamp Shows and scored Ing so One of toe novelty acta Is that of Catherine Westfield, a puMeteer, who has played theatres to tbs New York ares, and clubs through out toe South and Canada. She operates a troupe of six almost UfeHBlse dolls, fashioned after the celebrities whose mannerisms they are. Tap Dsnoew Key Taylor le a talented and at- tracUve young tap .dancer who has plcyed BO many clube they are dif ficult to name, and was featured to tbe Broadwmy produetton, “Too Many Girls.” Aztolber corpuscle exciter Is El inor Sherry, p^. pretty and more than ^t popular wrlto OIs. ss toe thrusnes songs done to tbs heart. She came directly to tbe Camp Shews circuit from tbs Roosevelt Hotel In New Orleans. Then toeit Is Msude BlHon k Co., a comedy act Miss HStm has toured the world sa. a stogie , Act) and has Just returned from • ten-monlb tour to Austria and tbe Tivoli Circuit The Idonard band plays bit tunes. Instrumental apecUSltiee an,! I«d hot vocals. Home town of ICas Leonard, wttoae beauty is renowned to the atre circles. Is Lawrtan. O^labo- Qumge in Sun. Movie Schedule O. X.S will now have sa addition al movie SB Sunday aftemooBB. Theater Officer IA. Dwl^ Mc Cracken announced thin week Thera trill be a 1889 shew at Theater No. 8 on Bimgaya onlyt Tha anr sehadula wfllBO into «f-

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