taf* 2 7. IM3 A1B.^>WCR SayiMni |alaua IMd. M: Ci br Ml! lor me ptnoasd m wymour^MmaoB Flcfd. if C.. wder tb« dlrcctkai of (too * the CMHn Neirapeper 8ei reived. All melerlal la paaaed hr the PuWlc RaUtlooa On». ou photyrapu, iBleti etherUae ctedlted, an Aimj Ab Florcea phote- araplia. Kein appaaniiA In thla pspai la for cenaml nleaaa proniM proper credit ie fleea. COL. DONALD B. SICTBa ComxBeBdtiic Mflcer ICAJOR J. B. KURRp flpectal Servlee Offlctf BDROBIAL Cft Joe Buter* ^1. Porter Ward Prt Jamee Beane opL Oeorve Deaea, artist U/8fft. RMiard B. Taft Poat note Secttas Your Job—^And You The great diatancee. the extreme apectoliBottoa of serv ice branched, the mammoth tixe ol the Amertean miUtary establishment tod^ mohee it difficult for the overage G1 to reoUse thot upon his efforts, no matter whot his iob, rests the efficiencT of the Army. Sure, soys the GI. but what am I doing? Swinging a SM^ ond bvoomi Pounding a typewriter! Corrying mee- aogeel Answering a telephone! Running a mimeogr^h moehinel Leomiog the fob of a mees altendanti And so it goes. Eoch fob, to the individual, is not big enough for him—is not Important in the ovsroli s^eme of things. And there is the hit^ the overall schesae of things is entirely depMdent on the Gls who swing brooms, pound typowriters, file letters, drive trucks,- teach students. With out each individual doing his fob and doing it well, the overall scheme falters through the "weok links’* in its chains,^ breaks down. The Army operates on the theory that each man must do his fob-»and do it well. .So for that theory has operated with omasicg results. Never in the history of the world has such a mammoth oTgdnlsotioa as the American miUtory establishment sprung into being in such a short time—and functioned with deodly eificien- cy. The infantryman on Sicily, oloeg with his Signal Corps. Tankmen. Artillerymen. Parachute Trooper-brothers, would be.uncMe to cerate without a long life-line behind him. You. as port of the Army, are part of the life-line. Your little bit may seem insignificant: but along with the other thousonds of little bits, it goes to moke up the whole pic ture. Yup, Soldier, your fob is important. . Somebody- bos to do it. Somebody has to see th^ thert tiny portion of our military liis is oared for.' Why not you? So You Havoi't a Thing to Do? It's a common oomploint among soldiers, no motter where they are, that they h^en't a thing to do. Seymour Johnson Field is no exception. Gr^ after gripe about this tmag- inotive condition is heard. But Is it true? C*mMi now, yvurseli the question—Isn't there a thing to do here on Seymour Johnson? Maybe we're all wrong, but it seems to us like the>e*s n.ElfTY to do, and it isn't going to cost you much to do it. ^Mt Exchanges, movies, library. Service Club, radio shows, the Goldsboro USO. the Wayne County Ifemoriol Community BuildiBg, boxfog shows, day loosu with ra dios, newspapers osd magasines gvdore. letter writing facililiee, special USO-Caa^ shows every eo often, dance at both the USO and Service Club, open oir-bond con certs. athletic facilities for individual use at the Sports Arena, and a host of other recreaHoni that may be found in your barracks av*ci. such as basketball and volley bcdl. No, there are a lot of things here for the soldier to do. Btififf that, the peisoa w^ is entertoiBed easily is usual ly the man who is willing to entertain himself. And that, too. is for from impossible. It may be a long ^iray to Sicily, Tunisia, the S^osaons or Attu, but well bet you right now that there's Bany ma Improvised game and entertoizunent under way in thoee theatetm. The focilittes aren't provided like they ore here. A thousand itesas of desired equipment are lacking. Bat not Yankee ingenuity. And thot makes up for it. No. we on Seymour Johnson Field.wheB comporing our let with others, are pretty hicky Gls. There are plenty of to do. Each To His Own Peg! lyMMBS (jJhabdvDL JOtow, ^ Muster-Out Pay Planned President RooaevM has srisn ^ idee of what men of the Atmsd .Rircea ars sntttlad to whan ths war la over. Accordlsq to Army Timea hie Idsa h this: ' L MBBtertug-oet pay to ewsy nwmbsr of the arsMd foresa and merch^t marine when he or riw la honorably dls^iarted, targe enenim to mA eeae to cover e leasnwabts period «f tisM botram hiB dlseharpe and tos Ttodtig sf a 2 i^^eeao no Job is forad atlar dmpent search, than sneinnlnp meet Insuranoe, if ths Individual rsplstarsd with the Vnitod Btotes Employment Service. 2. An oppsttuaMy ter munlHrs of ths armed aenicee to get farifasr edeeathm or trade tralwm at the cost of toelr fovcmmsnt CbedM Bftad 4. snowancs sf eredtt to all membsfs of tbo prsaad fasesa. wa der and Padsral old-age and surrlverav tnjuience, for thrir potod of oed their esaphiyimet ^ liahllltedcMi and medhiel sjHe disabled msnhevs the br Bein Skawest of the CBB Talks Departoieet teOa of the dramatle actreae, beaei who reed e Itoe ‘XItve the ban e pOl*' tostaed of **gtve ths baO a |NdL*% . . The one^tene Prsneh an- per-Uner Normandie mag yet get kin priamt. I m ths war —ea a troop eaerkr. oa neve, aoerstly ths war —ea a troop ee ■ are betoe ton down htnttog that oomplsttan la near. Up rlghttag btt haa hean one of the gmatast martoe salvage Boos. . . The War Department has ‘ a policy of graidtag _ to cslkled men gidag overseas if they have had no fur lough dsrtog the preceding alx months or stooe their can to duty. Oommanders hseve been fa: atnictod to wIlhhoHf fnriooghs only If Bw nsHltoi^ alfantlto pomlts no other recourse. OarmsB Ifttmada, th* BtasOlan bembrtsH.** Is **d o 1 nleely'*'foBowtog an operation for atomarii QlBeBB at a hosoRaL . . Iba Navy annnwricwd faat Lt. Oan- mander J. B. (Jock) Itothsriand, ionan footbaB ceaeb of jhe.Pw toe proCmsIona] Tb^nolljn Dodgers, bee taken ovei dtoke aa an Aaratast mtrale Of Beer to the U. S. Navy. . t , lOm Itotfa Berg, MlaieapoBr tamed «A —' freckled faced xvdhead may be pky- her laet toamament golf In the O'flkanler oxtrav- k mat theea baa never been a Ome to our ttvee wbea we -ihave been fa a poatUon te rendw •ot^ so much real aerrice. Eiwry day ^ and hnfr of e« ttow are tomor- nere lae never tasra a ttow have hseo ' vtvsie sgansB. Patty, rated the oeimtiya jbest woman goiter, baa paaaed aB ^ 6. Itwrora, MM P»-VJ*- ... .. *lBriBe Oorpa. Her- papers have eng to WajhiDgton and If ap- iroved she soon will becenw laatheRwck. t. SBCtkkdt pMMtons abl.d merabere of the i dll I grtos including many of tha above provlBlowk the Praetdant mU that aarriceman •‘must not ha demo IblUsed into aa envlroBinaBt of te- Oaplala isha B. unkr, a veteran pOot of Mn-American-Orace Alr> srays la one of toe few fUers cred ited vrtth 2B.QN home to the air. to tu tbe boon, be has spend me ccutvatait at twe and one fuartera yseri to the air flatka and jplace on a bread ner selling ■ spies. ..— phis 1 eqntvaJeot a around’the world. 112 trips Humm Value* BOWARD DAVa, O. O.. USA Ike great wgentostlon ef the Army often gl^ tbe todlvldiial soUlsr a leeltot that be ktoelgM- flceot sv uelmportant. Mkny of es have come frem small ciUee, towns or vUlagee wbeve ths greatest amr- al feiet has bssn eoamuntty 100* alp. Tbto btodtaw toftoence to. ’ -Tfseet. itn ways wanted to kkk a free leg. Portbsrmere. we feto that ne cm .fenB produetag the Jh eur Uvea. oar . .jmus, zruBUi. mae boumi r - tat me b pbyrisal bealBt TWe k oBfa poe- smis whan we are kerUng etoen. Bvde. gmtas the atoenghi of 1 for It'S Bkeegm , Tea. we are Bring a nrw kind ef Bfe mtoer new and strange elr- ~ valuea time, 1 The General Save: "Thanks Upon bis iwlinquithing comomnd of the Army Air Forces Teehnioal Tioinang Command. Mo}cr General Walter R Weaver bos requested that I convey to you has ^predetioa of your eSorts in making possible the ao* ocu^iiahment oi tbe mission of ths Teehnieql Traintog ^ I The disbandment of the Army Air Forces Technical Trainizag Command ond the transfer of its organisation, personnel and equipomt to the newly activated .Azmy Air Forces Training Commond in no woy deersoses the importance of our obiecUves. which is to moke our max- contribution toward ths wizming ol the victory. ABHOU) N.'EBOGSTAD Brigadier Genend. UJ5JL Comodfag. Fifth District. AAFTC. . blaek one. A few mtoaks Istcr bs spot ted s psdestrlsfi wearing tbs same r*nntihnmtie^ VU- I 'both men fade usut where tbe pedestrian iiptoksd bs bad trad- »ed kft ^ — or on a cor-| jori IfcCrm baa famed bk 2,- Ws murt, mis,gap aore raamk into a vtotory-gar. of waging 'to do a^us^?''to^ Itoa aeme^UvTe^^^mofeod^idL flctent and lU^oasldered Job at tbe'uatte . . . Bert Pkb, American last moaamt.'* Ikftoktor to Pcrtagal dkd last week ' lof heart disease. , . Dtnab Wbota SHOE pinches so t^ITlLlAN (Mt only singe, bet dances far the SWIPE ONB PBPW GOB \***^ ttow to'her prufeaefanel ca came apaa e ukepmg amiBr we^ ^ ^ Oene Autry heebem trana fwmd te ‘Itomoerblrd Field for advance tratotog to twlametored flying- Be then goes toto c duty. . . Bbw aboot the " heart of tbe Plgbltog Prento" title member of Boh Bspe'e waadarf mlnstrris. ehe’s anqg to a totol S.OPO.OOO service men. Ibe Army-Navy feetbaU game could be witotosad by 1S.MS to 100,MO persona vrttfaout fadenrtw *>10) ewenttol aamrteney naeda^ sen. Jamm M. Meed. N. T., an in roiewlng an appeal te save a ef the nstton's hmaast ilvelrim. Eg mmim ago today SETlfOOB JOHNSON RAD pbbruaikt m U« ^vust UarshsI ennnisiisil sD artvmtety ewned vebfcka ated an the Held aemt be . CaB>- Scan troops occupy liq tbe Trsbrt ands faund tbs names ef nsttve villages unpraMQDcsshle so Ewy reebrtstonsamem. Akng toe east as Boston, New York, Bilriffi. Be side has New nrlssnu, Tberakaae and BSoad. to fes esninl neritan ■ CBy asdOms- parts of Bto wQvi^-^:~wfflf ~bM torke] ‘ " — - - - Ihc mat sad With Won tbs fkld bsekettsB tonney. to a ceasai toknt of the PE asks girk It tnsd sot that tte iktembt vscy.tafably ef lbs aol- dSen—“Soldiers are so nice.** pn. Jtom Baaa. ef too IMih. iA for bmes on fawtougii to ass bis wife and jiinignef and tos wttr and yewngtowr left Dom for Seymour Jotoimn Ptold tbs same day to see bfm. Tbey fi nally set to-gethw. TO EEBBAUmART NEW YORK CM8) — A water- melon was part of a meal eaten by a couple of soldiers and their gito tax a restaurant here despite tbs fact the menu failed to list tt. At tbe scddlen and sailors cluo on tertagton Ave. between 11 and 27 Btoeata bmw one of tba aokUera brnu^ to s tosge paper |pg. When tizne far Bamert same K^calmly opened tbs bag and nitbmsn tbe ate besrtliy while tbe MOULTIU^ E C. (GNM~ A newly msBa eoipoval ashed a aoldlan — even pel to pstot thevisfe an bfe to- ttgaes. lbs pet ebHjsa sad tbs eorpoml was totopy -mtt nlftat- fen. Then be dtomwatOfat bla btond bnd dvnwn the stripes with tomtaous pstot.