Mitjmmm |^in^^n^ FteU* Nt Ci JUB-O-MECB 11. 1S43 Quel cbkl Tree, tree beeui Ibe oyster-Us Kbakl Dresa Uniform iB a versatile arangement In subdued colors which natters the com- plexloo and does things for the figure. Fashionable wearers combine the khaki gabardine uniform with a matching hat in the overseas style. A must In every wise soldier’s wardrobe. The Army Khaki Shirt, realisation of every fashlon>taUor's dream, shows chic and verve In every line. Note the swoop of the lines, the finely cut,ezquisltely contrived Insweep of the lateral seams. This form-fitting creation Is B|>eciaUy designed for the 18 to 88 year-olds but anyone with a lucky enough figure may enjc^ wearing It Lucky, lucky boyl He's »"««i»ung the ultra-modish Olive Drab Dresa Uniform. Observe the clean, wedge-shaped cut of the jacket—the flattering drape of .its lines. Style authorities condone ths wearing of the shirt with this ensemble, definitely the smart thing this year. Obviously de signed for carefree dates Joyous hours of pl.Asure, the OD uniform marks a new height in a» Just the thing for off hours, the two-piece, herringbone twill fatigue suit demonstrates a happy eombmatlon of- style with utility. It is careefuUy planned to suit many occasions, and may be worn in the stylish shlrt-out-of-tbe- trousers mode. Pashlon-wlse stg- diers plan their evenings around it. makli% a showing wherever seen. Stylish soldiers who spend frantic minutes deciding on the eerreet thing to wear in unseason able weather have hit upon this harov and serviceable solution. The Government Issue Raincoat, an inspiration in oil cloth an-* sheet rubber, blends with the Sun Helmet to afford ample pro- tectlou from Mr. Weather’s ad vances Recognised as a vital se lection In the man-about-town’s clotbescloset, this combination, minus the hat and a few other articles of apparel, does yoeman duty in special inspections, Naturally, guys, we’re Just kld- di^. A 8^ler'6 clothes are designed for one purpoee, mainly— to bcQ) him do Us Job to the best of his UiUitlsB. We thought you might like to aee how some of the aUek f aahko - miM uilM ^ .(ll.jiii..