f ih 1943 AB-O-mCB hhmtm rM4. Wf r- Every Dog Has His Day And Oh Boy What a Day By BGT. IfTLIUS TSILBN l^iArer*'la taking the ribblnff ttns Came »lme for the meaa attend* •"? ■eemlngly rajoylng ant roll calL Ihere waa Sgt. Heary **** dubious bonor. Camp (time out while you Say, that waa some birthday >our remaiks. . . Oetai ugt. uake Pfc. Edward Mangell re* calling the roll. Half way through beau- he came to the following: *‘agt—> decorated with two Anerl* . Cpl . ' tbexi.'‘8ct. Ci^.- and an eagle. Ed aays Lo and behold the Detail S^. was the cake tasted delicious accord* Ing to what hla barracks mates told him. Neat time he'll know better than to bring in the cake daring the daytime. Tnm somewhere on an APD namber cornea word from Major' Thomas D. Jordan, former squad* ron C. O. Major Jordan, at pres* eat with the 7tb AAP, sends his best regards to aU. "And they lived happily ever after.." Which should be the case with Pfc. Clarence Jones and ius bride. Clarence middle - aisled it last week with his childhood sweet* heart. Peggy Manning. The nup* tlals took place In OdUca, Booth Carolina. And as is our usual custom, all the best to the newly* weds. Oterved la Town: Pfc. George ffoing on MA tool Tb tthe Casuals. It was a dream ooms true, ^habln In company with his tether SSTJS'.f'kirS-SlSSrpr.^ ^ *n St • ti. tt.-. AT. CT» M bem ramrM Tb, llAs kow tbat hi, wU, hu con, sad^aM brlghteoed up. "fibnon back home. Improved running Miall ^ hWaytentl be tbs order of the day for Pfc. M dear readers, ttaa did the Prank EUenbogn. Wtv Ha’s. WTth Permaoem btnesom part - time runner. While w i f e s out with mops, brushes, pots. . was avlstting Prankls Just couldn't concentrate'on his nurnfay.' But,, a successful tour of MA duty Frankie solemnly san be Is now Cau^l unprepared by the change back "on tbe beam.^* te evai was Bgt IXmy Ardulno. Rstumed from furlough, losing' told a certain young femme refrcMted and fit as a Addle, our mt due to droumstaooes beyond tst. Bgt.. namely. Howard K. Watts Teach *Em and Feed *Em Is Motto of the 4th AC 794th Attains Highest Mark The wtnalng sf the ExeeDeaoe Award was seasaacod te tbe mem bers af tbe sa^Bsdroa thle past week by the Cemmsndiag Officer Major Jenae D. Malone.. In wm- alag this award K is believed tbat the sqaadrea received the highest mark ever attalsed at this Held. Here Is a new one on this Held. Tbe men of the squadron were given a BEANO game here last Thursday Night which went over big with tbe men. Tbe nrlses in* eluded books of theater Ucaeds. cod refreshments were served to aU. Yes. even seconds sad better. Friday nights coaunue to be Sports Ni^fc In the squadron. The squadron boxers under the direc tion ' of Sgt. Joe Harfman stand ready to have an Inter *> squadron tournament with any outfit on Bie poet. The baseball team has pro* greased so ter along now tbat it hardly looks like the same team that started out In the league. The boys are really playing some top notch ball. The past wedc hrougbl two new OtAoers Mto the squadron. Id. Jo- seim F. Oattagfaer, end Lt. AUck Mt^rhftlli The Officers expressed their hasptnea in belmr assigned to tbs Mn&squadroa wnb IPs firis reputatton. Tbe OfAuers and men of the squadron waloams the new Oflleera who we are sura will so ls back at hla desk. The 1st 8M reports having bad a swell time back In MMsourL A oertaln pret^ senior at North Carolhia University srrmo to b e By SOT. JOSEPH A. ABBNA .fellow I hla control he was going on oeurers. BOy, abe sbouU h seen him maneuver that Ot bnah over that long Mem Han floor. OpL Pete Ohotna Is of wear^ a new insignia on hla uniform . . . a sort of pot and pan eooUdnatfon. Cpl. OUly Sslugeu tor a Miaiwe didn’t go up for thirds ... be Just sts oonttnuously. We’ve been gettfog a tsrrltlo kick out of that speetef recording of to know iriasn he Is his eigar. (What .) The boys who teach tbe students here at Beymour Johnson Field.; ^ _ N.-O. .r. now doln. MaMthln. elm for them. They are now dolng|two players on the AM to iSt ifB “••• Attesident. The Arst men than tn a game of pool In their hftiiHn* the A# pfA : to do this MA were aU BgtB., Bob* own day room. Bo if you are any oidfiSrman. with Hal waxing Adams, Myer AlpsrL wmiam ybere nay Bid »1 drop In and about —M lArmstrCBg, Joseph Bdixioer and tff your'htck. Fool canb are M BodMlfMea' 91.. last but not least your reporter j cents thb is one ws/ that tickets week-ending wtte bSb^Pte JJ IwUed MA ^ one be sold, se^ Rose. Pfc. Cecil'Usher en- *? ^ ***** OredS Were Credit Is Me SSL.* S 0™>P *»“ — Tf Locke. TbTth Bgt. Msjw. “0ur|dsy8. Open Letters From The 7S1 Br PPCS JOE MAETIN ANB OTB BBOWN BQUADRON: Can* his ears. Tbe "licorice • ntlck" genius can make him coo like a baby. Signed — Tlpater. TO CPX-. OLUX (MAIL-BOOM) SNOW: Please, it's pronounced NAP-POLB-E-L-ORI Signed — Pfc. Johnny Niqwllello. TO WBCNd XT MAT CCBtCERN: wn somebody send an acoustteal- .I A. syatem taslste tmon about* in aiwther. BIsd^ — Vie Beys TRCh The Tired Ears. Plsaas, pieaa^ dounllarttn* nSs- .DLPUIS: W hen M ABVHwww fliMatfiMM we nearn Tha Teist Squadron. TOUNO MAN WRB THB BOBN, sa'.- Rlgned — Tbe New M *Ti^" anymore. Samattmss you oan make it mund ao blue and beauttful to tha dark It makaa a PVT. JCm STAinON; DM I pay you that two booksl Stgnad Pfc. Joe Martto PERMANENT PARTY OF TT(B Hist; Okayl We didn’t go ar— full of laaghter daring toooe aneboly mass aftendsot dayg but east yoe amlie a UtUs at break* test The "serving Itoa" looks like tbs reostvtag end of Artag •qusd. It moos our sppstltes. OCHfED. — Student With A Leer. TO THAT RED BEAD 8rANl>- DIQ IN FRONT OT THE OOmS* BORO BOTB. LAST TUBDAY: WOWIII SIgnsd ~ Any Q. L TO LT. OBORGB KOSnO: Tear O. O. E trlok of oarnrtas your vtufXed to pour sox Is a We don't Uke bulgtas • Ohaln Tlneent Donato Penna tpiide and Joy and A*1 SpagbetUi _ ._ Bender la now wUltog to aerve this TtMb WAlt *®*® I wonderful dlMi to any one who has' ■ HH tV Qli you bad gone homa ou a furlough* all we could think of was "(rora beana to Boston.' ~ "" ®iJ*'» ««« wtotoertcl dldl to to.7 _ am. place and time and moat of “ w*€betu. Vtooent i. bet- lu" •“* mtt. tome • "'T ■“MW viFB tt ti. rSta*“ MxslKt. could m llln be cu oook. TO im. MKRT SMAIA-Woot. l,^”3tol?*^Se?‘£55'.SS TSgt Melville Enis sure do de* The 10th Academic mme out on serre ^anto of credit tor the won- top at tospecOon walking away dsrful work that has been done, with tbe (ExceUenca BaimiiT ever The fellows who help make ttils tbe Mb and tbs Uth and aoeordlng Supply Boom the best on the vrtioie to Oapt. John Morgan CO of the Add are Sgt Joe Sehrelber, 10th, he says (Quote) (We will keep Jamea Setvere. and Win on wtonlng it every week) (Ud* both Cnls. Pfe's John Deromaano quote). The IMh M very proud of Jotai f&w, OpL Harold Inns. taSLJS pfc* KWT who waa once 25IlL^£2*-j?“L*^®2S5,0«“® Autry’s tevotjta tea has S? ^ changed atooe Gens Joined the Ar* Afbter and he hwies tolm^. now lovea Bov Bonra Im bring back more victories. |^ed Si by^yS s?Sr ?t The lest thing that could hap- the show watditog Roy ride his pen here Is about to happen. Isi bona Trigger. Pete now hae In his Bgt Robert BleM> * Bat) ZHx Is posseaslan a Rd9 Rogers Ou pto- gotog on furious The boys will tol with Roy's autograph. BeboM miss his calling tbalr name on tbe to gei another soon aito also a gun P A. System, Sgt. Dix is another i belt my, my, what the moviee BUI Stern. . . wUl do. . . Joy being with us. The night that Bgt Peeotaki and OpL Mike Hrynyk were forced to spend the nl^t here tn Ye (Bde Squadron waa quite a night First M hsd to be proven that they couldn't bc^ fit to Barracks 440 and 1-3 which Is tbe hens bar racks. Saooodto tb^ had'to prove that they hadn't forgotten the man^ ly art of O. ling u tbelr banka in tbe monitog. Alter nmoh de- Itotf atlon d>ey were al owed to stay on tbe say of Pfe. Jackson Arm- 'TR be trank with you.** said tha soldier, you’re not tbe Arst gM rve ktored." ’’And ni be frank with you.” sha replied. ‘You’ve a lot to leani." Mond totog your bot-records back! Tha aquadron's gloamy without Mr. Goodman. Signed—Music Lov- peckr loaokt TO Tf ftadle: l hlng 1 PeftolMon ot a to kesp toa _ _ _ _ _ to oten. TO B-SBIFT BUDOn: That Fted Wartag chofr far a fuB . That. —The Boye to ■uRnaka-MB.I TO ADLOFHB MENJOU: You’d be grren with euvv tf you saw the new OABAROZNE "fatigues" Wghert — The AAF. works in the personzie oIAee. 'itie reason be was picked ie thet Itex has been takbig care.of dlacbarg- ea and we think ttiat It la brave of him to see all thoee dtoehargi are not type one up tor him eelf. . i ..— i Sgt. Tlncent (Disappotnted) Ee- _ _ Ay*nttoP 2?**^*?*’ pojilto has somethtog bard to ex* P*®®n* h*o* Signed—Iplatn to an the fMlows. About two Beau Bnmunel. weeks ago. Air O tbM TO THE WEARY OID WORLD: he wae go^ home to be married. Thke U easy, pop. We’D have you WeD, be came back Co camp an teal like a new man to no ttma right but poor Ykile waa not *■*—■* ried. So now tbe boye must back tbe cigars. . . Old. Edward (Bid LL) Moete bas just come back from a well earned furlough which he mnt with hts wUe. CpL Moore's nick nams Just came to btm weeks sge when be paesed tba O. C. & BoaiA. Private Earl (Judge) Peek wlm works so dellgently to his Itttle heUhonad MA Aft Cbarlto Fap*l pagiwie potto AtobMen yen. tryi b gto ooM Ariti tew aMtoP ^ Then there Is tbe one about the glri who stole her motber’e corset and dlduT have tbe guts to wear IL A BOB killed in the lost minute of tke war is as daod oi one Uled with the opening shot— BUT BONDS AMD EIID THIS WAR AS QOICXLT AS WE CAM Judge or time be leaves tbe efSee to ge to m eeto olgM. The judge to • soul bySaniono