l«y—i **■ C. Ring Sight Seat: AII-0-«CB II. IM3 Flexible Gunnery Competition Is Pepped By Individual Awards Indoor qtorta were enJoTed bv the membws of the equedron ri^t , ‘ -'X ] ■-pf- >1 -i_ ss. ' . f/-- ' *» .'I - ^ i :t , \ i : ■ " - ^ i '■ , ^ f? v ^ s ■* S>i t\ • : ;?r i ■ - ■■■ topoetab stadeat cnnnMs wboi perUclpete fa tbe woAfa - * ** wuBttuy Inter • school comi DOW have more ttuui >usc the per* I msl snttrfncttcp forth tbalr best 906th Goes Over SS'SISi Top on First Day Sport Night li The 333rd Mj Sfft. FKANCIS T. FEENEY Plastersnatch Again: Shots Sabotage Stalwart Soldier; Rambunctious Runner Ruins Record It wss Reggie’s first dsy as a!you won’t get a foj^locker and alter pay-diy and “SSSSoS wSf^ was do^ ^ adt^- ^ £ru2«'iKrcoy.*,ST the front of his field hat Be had gargantuan mirth, lust gone from Bangar Number •nw HookI Now Reggie k n e a One to the Post Bospltal and was “shots” were. With a beav> pursuing a fairly regular course heart be mounted hla bike ana bach to his squadron. Ererythlng gped back to the Bospltal. was going about normal . • . ^ Retumliw seven hours later, be chain of his bike was sfipplne> the found that be bad missed t w o were keeping up a signing with supply, ano chattering, and be was riding on carried AWOL for an hour -treet „ O^. *'Dog-T^” Borlre »•» •^'fuS'^fiedgrt runner with a full- mi2atcb^' fa^CQ*SiIw aT^R^r^ I?SL5!y*“5 ***J£f*^ i!2Qe«l*«l runner’s duties. That;~^^^'gj mS a "J—h«"g mo- 52SS^^^^^el£?k**he “®*’****’ S?®** *£$1^ »*“* *»is fingers acrom bis Instead of being a F. O. cltfk, doughnuts from the cafe- anH uttered a blood-curdUne **“• teria and being sent out for a few S blidi sUctog ^ trafatag toifruct**^ C* things like. .10 calibre band gte- to have known you.” able. Cpl. “Bad-fiack*’ Walden went to visit Goldsboro last Friday evening *nd bad g beetle evening on two bags of peanuts. Tbe picture “SUngerr Sawchucs keeps on his shelf, the one of bis BBBT girl, Is Very elusive for every tifiKi toms around the Is up on another fellows shelf for a abort ' the wrong side of tbe street. ^ _ I Reggie was now full fledg ■ fledged : after up the Job of Squadron Mess-msna-1 steady rut of running, ger, be claims be was loalng hls’o^ bUdng, whkbever you prefer, remaining bair trying to get tbe lined up In time for chow. :lBnond,^va. got s break this past week wbm Opl. “Ourkg” decided to take a three day pasa. Maybe he is going there to have bit bafar waved. Our “Denny” Is on furlough these days and we aU hope that the oer- fate Him In Ohio is having a grand We wonder who ttie lad m llS Is who OLzrtes on a conversatloD wltti Kiwt—If every nlghL Be esreful fat- tow. you’re Uabto to give away an Important aecret. Huh, SgtV Hey feUowa, nafa la sport* log a iteture of ***«>«^ with Bqt^ Orabto; you aro afl wetoome to vMt US and take s gander at It. free of ^large. Pfo Robert B. Las to doing s great job aa to detafl agt Clark. Bobert X. to fa ehsrge of «je detail, you know pide* rix-teain” meet, ’rie name ef the * casual observer ^ ^||, ,nd ptok-up that. school reprassntad by the wtamfag *“*5 . t.m' Ofi. •Vrobitm Chi:d" ’Tweedle team tofaeSfaed on cup. -UfttS “Vlng much Omse days, trephy remaina at tbe winning SSSS has derided to study up on boola Vera's post uota the next * *he proper method of ^wros^ ly meet. B to deoorstod with s'Boi^ Md ezoe^ . •ry^ iStIr M gtmner'a wfags. hy tttt on the very first day, ai A^Titae dummy J» £f SSSi ss'TJij? Si s the ot hlsjP^ td mOltary courtesy mat to Qufacy. Private, sir. reporting as dlTMted air, to tbe OommaxKiliitf OfOccr. sir.” Reggie mumbled, bu tight hand wavering tn the vlelnlt> ef hla ferehead and his toes point ed apart at a tt degree angle. Tb* CO returned the salute and tolc Reggie to stand at ease. *Wbat do you want to see about, son,” ho said. ’’Sir. I wa- orders to report to you. sir, Beggto answered, and as an after- thouiht ffalshed. "I’m the runner. AWOL Si mriulng?” tbe O' ■sunced adoptloo A the fonimfag PW. FAT CAMPAfHfA^ tsoahies awards: ^e vs dons It. We^e dons It, (I) A « S«(r^Ob“ to dm oppqtotsseg. wavs of bond buyers at tbs Dot. ; towi QUO. I Tbs Drive was given a running wn U. OdATVl « tM (J> A silver wrist looked to the ground and mom- chain to each centsstsnt« "'*■ ■*“ "* “Sw thatto^rontefS^ of tbs Quartermaster fa the egsou* rP** ^ 1 U(D> of winning tbto war. fariden- THE NAZIS HATE YOU.. -T/4 GRONVOU noMn rt,rt to vozte. oaoembltac aebool (ndoota. legardlra of SDors. An Identlffca- everyone did his pari and feU & disc Inscribed wtoh tbs Air way that Quartermaster f > Jff* Corps wing faslgnla to attached to there would be such a morale f««« the rhafa, 'Xbers fa omes lor the concentrated on both tbe home and'rSSii owner's name and army asrl* me war fronts, that it would sweep S** al number. the Uka a burricana. i ®- ^Sknldi, me purchaser of tbe 7h lAredo Army Atar Field wmt arfiuv* this amashig toiowfag to Ant bond sold on ^ Mid and T* tbe dtotlncUon of be^ tbe first to "Bond buying” Uee Sie energetic ;4th Jori F. Oronvold. Ibe pwclM have He nama appear on the team and untiring efforts of fad Lt. WD-^ ^ kond sold tn the trephy. lArede’s gunners won the u^m b. Bto tatka. hto cam- Quartermaster outfit, firs. competition. July. palgnlng, eTxt hto 17J . counts, to BO little The second "slz-toam" engage ment, beM at rnninsii Army Atoi Field fa Arieona, Sunday, August Ittb was wen, appropriately enough by tbe Elngman tora, and tbe blg| levfag ewi now elands fa poet head quarters at Kingman. The wiwg—M> vtetory was fea tured by tbe amaafag uei foe manes, fa tbe blindfold aasembly event of ; Sgt. Ames O. Strawder, Houttrto,' O^. a qualified armorer trafaed' et Lowry and Buckley Fields, fa tbto eontost, tbe partlefaanto. are bUndfolded and placed In front ef, the nerritto parts of a cal. .M free tiring gun whlrii haa been die* sembtod fa a comptote and deCalPi ec atrip — xwt Just a field stri> At tbe sound of tbe whistle tbs ssa' Then foUoiwed w lirem of Bond > eonscsous eol-- dtora whra Hmtted meeus afford ed faem the porohsee of Bonds of "»*»*-*• denomlnattons, and kept the two war weary fapewiitors go- ueUl the ungodly hour of At one point daring the /* the writer ef this artide WM ever heard to remark, wish we oould get ■nrittwr typmeiiter In the Orderly Roem.** tfV Prop erty fieotton toke notloe). and wt^ fag his fewebead on hto buddyh, TLMh Xiouto a: Tateo’s, garrim hat, be continued on bond Buretaese annllcatloBB. The Oral ta&y to certafa to re veal a greater amowit fa escem ol the goal allotted to the Det. Mdth QM Ob. aa orghnlsatloa of tbe tWrd Air Beee Group. One Oeemaa General said that “Ho, tor.” Reggie said wpi nuich fVeHig. “X am the runne Be .raportod back .to Ms didn’t get back UD Just now.” ron. I^ooktag up at him wttb ttw. •«qrben was tbe last time yo. supreosed smile that most peopjo ,|^d vour imrwinu—Iniec* bad when (bey looked at bhn. fae^tn^fi" tn* cO asked Rcggle- Sergeant-Major pofaM ^ fl“^r^%st before l came to this at him and said, AaM. air/' vrao tbe anrwer. Thf wiw ww y^ at loaot Yon bed ^ too, tor." toiots to take. | •'Whet saade you want to tax * twas cwt running. Barge, ,Bot- them all ever agato?” The Ci gle answered, vaguely wiswenng bfcimnlng irrtteted. '•**5? ’•mots” ww. ^^ I Want IbemI Beggto stood sgha ’Oet down to toe ImpItoX again thees worfa- BiaylK iheyll let you have i *bo rcaltos ut>t mu mlmec the 6ct.-MaJor said, as Beggto'^n appaSLam?at toe mfautoe to do It, tad; be .back*Mi,a^ the navroll. an here to obeck fa with sappNr av gm was wttfaout a ror ner for most of the day?" The C- Hq & Hq Menaced r.,,. ■i»Tr*A Be bad been mad at th whole world CtB this minute, bu the thought that be had failed fa hto duty to tbe squadron redneei. arrived a new era kkn to a whlsspertog. oh«>eom' for IfesrtqinrtrrH Bqoadrmt. Strict- rafalar- ‘dropped ^hto eyes ana ly m ttie »«■» fa tbe new motto tbe floor with his shoe- Zul K^or the guy wtaeteeafaa '*/* he said with a sob. ”i rSte.^SrrlmdwllhS-BS^- khoottag to ^ X dm^.” ly worfaag as the OR of tbe day ,^5®? *t?uo one mutt keep strlctiy aware of mmtaiy career. Be knew tr u o tbe gestopo «no lurim briilnd ev- eway. to estabUrii an AAF ' report to Ilfnllde' PAtfareig warfare Is Ideal for the few weeks' sgo. S etudento dM •befr — Uri a~^econto. vtoers flrtng with tbe JB rifle and Qnartarma^. ^ D. 8. , SHCttT BCKFIS automatic BB gia. Sxperience has ^^rsaaskR to dotag a mperb Job Tb tin the ever • tncresstac de- proved that, though faterestfag aad « supplying evn tto fafaeat mov- (Or flexible guistontoe AAF tun. these weapone add Uttto 6b tbe tng uslt^ our flght^ forcee and Ttatatas Command has directed trafalng program. Therefore, tbe hi the Wer Bond Drive, tt otm- qf q esventh gun- Ant ffali^ miaae for all students, tfaueo to Ufa up to Its fonettou of nery r?a«*«u The new wfll to. now regalatton skeet Tbcbnleal supporting every “drive.” be toeatod at Ytoma, Artoona, ■»****** gnduatoa who report to gun t — — ■■■■ -- where tbe ^ the Yuma gunnery sctieoto. new. wlO start { fa civUlaa Ufe a fia who picka Army Air Field, tormarty tbe stto rigid .fa Masting the clay pigeons up butts to o(— of a twfa cagtoe bomber tnfafag wttb shot guns. , ^ Aimg he’e barking tor PFC. By Strict Firat Sergeant ery window. xnddmtoUy OR Orderly Boomer. Aliemt comei to our attaathm tbe story of one private wbo hasn't been ffa. almost a year. Hto chance for a fortough bed eoase. prlvato had beeay busy as a nuner he had fargotVm his General Orders. With about tOO guys fa tbe Orderly Room tbe barraesed private had to i the orders. Our dear Ftost int has a golden rule laid down. .t every man excited tn the an- ticlpatloD of tato furlough mast calm down and recite the Orders. OBd. Note; X'U probably get me attendance tor ttato- And BUi _ move over, X’U help you clean the latrines.) The squadron weloonted member a few weeks age. Some how, X think they are eony did, because this todlvldnef up ’til the flret hour of mnnttog pounding out Boogie Woogle ea the piano. The eigninrence of all Ibis Is that Us name to Pto. Xas- lie WaBer. . . Be resembles tbe renowned “Fata Waller,’’ fa wel^ pnd name. . . but ^xtiled the real thl^ by- being a ahjwle lighter. loldbrtek Is a guy who will trough a revolvhv door — someone else'a iwali. A sol go fare . and devotion when be saw tt. •^rtsstorenetrb.’! he sekL ’Tm gefag fa give yea saofaer chance. Pm gefag Vo ssake tt poaNble for » lepelr tbe desiage you’ve If tt eaa ever really p: re- patted. Xfai gefag fa put you on laem dety as of now. Pm going to see whether you cea take It, ' " Itafak you Mate Call Ay MStan Caniff, awtar of Tooy «*A Pirafo, Co West, Young Man ’’fa addlthm to my regular du ties, rirf” nri|[1i asked, hanging eagerty to each word. ’^ca.’* aakt tbe CO. sbnpfa, “Tlieidc yoe. far.’* said Reggie on and bto heart was free sgafa. (Yis.be Ctoalfaaed)

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