• 11. 1$43 Ity—I lohMMi FMd. Hi Ci S S) m W Sports Sparks By Sarge It Is too bod ttist regulftUons fOrUd Cadets mixing with iq boxing shows. Word has It that the Cadets are going to hold a ftght program with tbelr own men at the ^rts Arena real soon and 11 the winners «i this show could only be paired oil with the better ElC sluggers a real rlp-sntwter of an eiwbitloa could be staged that would probably more than euoal any event yet seen on Seymour Johnson Field. The Barge bad a peek and a half at a whol fleldfull of the sky* bound Cadets a few days ago and they sure nuff look like a bundi of lads who could really be holy terrors betwen the ropes. Naturally, they are all w>lendldly built men and amongst a large group of them can be seen many with perfect physlQues for glove dueling. I know that when you aU grt a glimpse of them at their coming flidtt show that you'll agree that it would be quite the thing for them to be stacked up against the likes of Williams, Jackson, Cavanau^. Trent, Weinstein, et aL Almost forgot, though—regulations say "nr can do." We can dream though. BOTCH POtCH . . . The gttli ATUtton’s hardballers donned their aalferms again to play an exUUtlen game with the first*ptace TSSrders ea Thnrsday an •**"*'*^ It an Interesting game for the lead* era.. .Vpeet have ben the erder of the day in the B. B. leagne. Ihe nines in the lewer brackets seem te be pasting the topmen with an* neylng rerularity. The 7ttrd Itself was npoet twice in a row last week. It wasn't bad when they dropped one te the Medics, bat, In tbelr next eating they were slapped down by 7M oellnr^wellers! . . . Accord* faig to relisMe senroes, the 7g7Ui qntntet will be s sartorial revela* doe this season If notlilng else. Lt. Besemorgy Is having the beys completely ontfitted with nnlforms of sstln ... As soon as the new Sports Arens Is span It will be made available eveulnga for prac- Uoe sessions so that the hoop team managers may select their teams fsr the seasen . . . Three beantifnl trephlee for the first and second place baseball leaders and the playoff winner are ready at the P. T. offices. Fight Show To Feature New Talent A nine • bout boxing card featur* j ing a freah display* of new talent will bead Wednesday’s evenlng'B sports program at the field. Thon- ou^y establlshnl as the biggest sports show on the field, the scrape come off at 9000 at the u«^ battle scene — the Sports Arena. The teiUattve lineup schedulea many new faces along with sev* oral old hinds at Arena aluggl^. Bobertsen Faces Pealer Popular Stan Robertson fsom the ‘I^dth wlL enter the rlxig at about 171 pounds against John Pealer of the 703rd at ITC. Pealer is noted for his aggressive spirit and alms to thwart the plana of powerful Robertson to stretch hk versary. Lloyd Walker, who neat second found kayo Job on the last show represents the 703rd against recedl AM graduate John O'Brien of the 796th. This light- heavyweight tussle figures to gath er a lot of raves from onlooklng Ol9 as Walker Is riding hl^ at the moment in Arena rlval^ while O'Brien was very Impressive in his last showing. NEWCOHKB DEBUTS The fans are^anxloxu to have a look at Ughde William Leo from the 791st who takes on a tough apple In John FarrelU of the 796ui. The Leo lad Is said to be right paole NAMES . . . The two all-around men of sports at the Arena. Cpls. -U Jacobs and Lavenoe tehobji really rate a snappy salute for the great work they do in keepi^ the a&Ietlc program operating. They have charge of setting up seats and other equipment for ball games, fights, horseshoes, etc. . . . 8/Sgt. Frank McLaren, was a bright star for the baseball teams of Ithaca Colege up In New York. FoUowing the completion of his school days, he was athletic di^tor of the Waverly Sunday’s Games May Decide BB Champs A wmuk of upaots and form wins behind them, the flTe leogue teams in Seymour Johnson baseball ore reodying themselves for the drive down the home-stretch to th*' pen nant the playoffs. Sunday's doubleheader may w.aciide the championship along with which teoms will be eligible for participation in the playoffs. deft with the mittens and capabi of banding Farrell! a dose of whai FarrelU handed to Marie Crespo on the past fi^t night. A two round knockout was racked up by the 796er that night. With the accolade of the crowd still ringing In bis ears. Johnny „ _ . Trent of the 793rd makes another Also coaled the vari- appearance at the Arena. Freeh Quarter Finals Being Played In Horseshoes TTie first round in the Borsesboe Tourney having complete, the winners of roimd are now in the midst of sec ond round competlUm. Other first round winners who have passed through the pitching In the rear of the Sports Arena are: Harold Sanford. 11th Acad.: 6. Kocher, 10th Acad.: R. Oustafsen, 799rd: Beadling. 796tb; 8-8^ O. Westermark: 9tb Acad.: Pxc. F. Oalsel^, 797th: Opl. Paul Boyer, Hq A Hq. The first man to enter the quar ter final round by beating A1 Ja cobs of Hq A Hq Is Gustafson of the 79^. Serious tossing of the shoes Is now starting In this round as the tourney moves toward Town Community House at Waverley, N. Y. . . Also coached the varl.|“P^»rance ai we Ar«»a. rr e eh ous sports at the Waverley H. 8. . . It's too bad that opposlUon can’tl^om a pa^ of split deeW^ jrtth be obUined for Jimmy wnUams the touted lightheavy who has ap- S?***^^® . Harry Weinstein, peered but once on an Arena card. He trains.dally and is quite willing to meet any lightheavy or heavy on the entire field. FIGHTIN' WOBD8 . . . "Get me this Cavanaugh. I'll knock him. ontt" So says Pat Maoola, Brooklyn amateur boxer with the 71Stt Tng. who wanto to tackle any 145-poiinder on the poot . . . 8UI1 another oqnared eircle warrior i^o la out after Cavanaugh Is Jim my Jackson at the Mlta. Jimmy has challenged hit recent conqueror to a retora boat and feelo that be win take the Chfeagoan In another meeting...CarroU Grant, 716th Tng. and Akron. O.. is a MO-posn^r who demands notice according to Eddie Wagner, boxing instructor (or the Trafnlnf Oronpo. "Carroll came here at a raw product. Nev er had a pair of gt^es on. Didn’t know a Jab from an after three weeka of the best eeachlng that I eonld offer him I think he la ready to saeel anybody on teh field,” aald the ex-rlng star Wag ner. OFFICER'S CORNER ... A Utle birdie from way up In Uie £^)orl8 Arena rafters has whispered to tbe fiarge that the Officers vriU have a regular league team ,ln the basketball loop this season. H ^«»e piSaUe Uneup wlU inidude MaJ. J. B. Murr, MaJ. OUea. Lt. ^kxnan. LtRoBMblum, U. Roeemurgy. LL Weei. Oapt. ders Lt Mitchell and others . . . Major Muir had a two-hltter to ^ nnnn^nliin until the last toning of the softball All Star s game wito the mto Guard Squadron. The 9l8th got four runs to steal the contest 4 to 3. In a ■oflhall game Wednesday night, the SS3rd Air BaM Sqeadrn beat the 716th Tag. Op., 7 to 4, Malecki had fonr oet of four 333rd itram aadLeatherwood wadwd a homer for them. Eddie Wag ner atarred for the losers.—J. H. Air-O-Mech Sports Quiz L—Who Is the only man to hold a win over Omm Tunney. reClrod beavywelgL^ champiemf _ . f —Bowcloee dto Qreenberg come to equalling Babe Ruth'a mark of 60 homers to coe season? , . g _Wbo bolds tbs American Indoor Mile of 4.04.4. oat at x>artmouth’a track a few yean back? . _ . 4 ■ particular phase 'of footbaU did ^ank Carl- *• d^^SXBrtSaey^ETlc Tipton ,*“? I.^Wbo was known as the Belting Bellhop wb^ tbe middleweight boztog Utle? Now a member of a gun 6.—'Sb*wum*of ^ney Franklin la associated with vrtmt fpltchen were known as The Big Trato and Tbe Meal Ticket? , ^ , s _vniot state was Joe Louis born to? t —Prom *Siat sip>rt is the term Stem-CSirtotlaM takM? 10-Soto as too Nebraska Wildcat ho ^ terrific battles with Mickey Walker. Who la be? (Answen to Quls elsewhere on page) Trent will tackle a touted new comer, William Pheipe of the 791st. Trent has shown to be one of the grandest litUe pugs on the field. His gamecock heart and whistling starboard drive to tbe head make him exceedingly rugged competi tion for Phelps but with the ratio of upsets at the tights what it la. ansrthlne ‘can hapoen. The men should Up the Toledos at 155 each. IIGHTING LINEUF Everett Barnes, 791st. and Ben ton Long, provide the fireworks to another ligbtheavywelgbt Ult. Mey er Havls. 155. 796th, and Nassam Abraham, 155, 715th meet over three rounds. An inter-squadron brawl with a pair of 791 boys making up the oppostUon will make for the only heavyweight acrap of tbe night. Ed Fournier and Earl BoOcs will fight for the squadron tumors. Frank Vanex, 7lltli. Tbg. Gp., and CarroU Grant, 719th Tng., Op., will flail away at each otn still another Ugbthea' Louis Vlsane cl tbe takes on Thomas Falese, 791. also scaltog tbe same as Vlsone. Lt. Chesler and 8-Sgt. Cutrone win attend to the reftt^. Judging wm be handled by Major J. B. Murr and Lt. Ool. Prohaska. LT. RANK ORSENBBM. for mer Detroit Tigers first baseman, said, "X haven’t seen a ball game In over a year” when flexible gunnery students at Harllngcsi, Tex., asked him to pick a pennant wtoxier. Note students to full equipment ready for an "alr-to- air" tiring mission over the Gulf of. Miadoo, with goggles, ear- ^Mnes, throat mikes, "Mae West” life Jackets, and parachutes. 716th Tng. Gp. Hot For Sports Last Sunday at the Medlea IMa- mend, tbe 794th had the Jump on the Medic's nine for most of tbs fracas only to have tbs BoneseUeis rush to tbe lead to tbe late to- ntogs and oop the game, 6 to 6. The next day saw the hapless 794er8 again leading a favored rlvst the 793rd. With Lof^ hopes of at last cracking the Jinx irtUeb ap pears to envelop them, the 794cb bung onto thtir winning margis until the first half of the fifth to ning wboi tbe 793Td put across most of tbelr nics and Held onto the lead for a 6 to 3 victory. Deoble Upset Tuesday and Wednesday the first and second place teams were taben down a or two by tbe two last place nines, the 797th and the 794th. The 797tb bad six runs against three tallies for the Medico Tuesday. This win cemented tbs ‘797eto to fourth spot In the loop. The next morning 'Death lowcast, grey sgles, the last plaoe TMtb dropped I3th Mess nine Into third place in the standings with a 9-to -2 shellacking. Robertson was thoroughly plastered by the 794th Once again softbaU tO(A the spotlight amMig the afterduty ac tivities of the 716th Training Group. Both the permanent par ty and the attached men were represent^. The permanent par ty turned to two wins during tot wetic. They halted a late game raUy of Headquarters and Bead- qua^rs to defeat that team 7 to 3 and also whipped a team of attached men B to 3. Not quite so strenous are the nlghtiy ping pong games In the AAR room. Both attached and oer'Aanent party have several very promising candidates to be en tered in tbe planned tournament. The group’s two pool tables are also being used/to capacity every night. Meoallght Fttehtog Although the two group winners were eliminated to the post touma-^ ment, horaesboe pitching Is still popular. 'The two pits are used nightly with the more enthusi- kvy meeting.' asUc devotees (rften playing by 798rd at IM the light from the day-room. Another activity is boxing, which Is supervised under the watchful eye of Pfe. Edward Wag ner at the sports arena Wednes day. ANSWERS TO QUB 1. Barry Greb. 3. Be had 58 roundtrlppera. 3. Olsnn Cuimlngham. 4. Kicking. 5. Fred ApostoU. 6. Bun Fluting. 7. Walter Johnson and Oari Hub beU. 8. Alabama. 6. Bkitog. 10. Ace Bttdktos. Flayoff Palaver Ibis makes Sunday's games likely te be deciding of the first i^ea team In the league as well as the fourth position nine. The fourth spot to the standings la bslng as strongly fought for as the first place dot The team which ends up to fifth and last place will not be able to enter the Post Playoffs and thus tbe furious oentesUng for thi« place. TTie 797th Is in the valued fourtb bracket at the moment and at their record. H seems ae thotigb tbe 794tb will real^ have to pull a minor miracle to catch them be fore the finish Itoe Is reached to the race. TSSid oe Spec N Aooordtog to tbe way thirds shape up. If the leading 768rd cap tures two out of thetr three re maining games, they win be to. If thsy drop one of their three games, the worst they can do to te for the championship. Should tb^ lose tbe whole three contests. It will then be an set for the second-place Medics to poee the titular crown on their heads. Twelfth Meess vs. TPSrd TBS and 797to TBS vs. 794th TBS, that’s the lto» ap for Sundays twta bill. Other scheduled games may oe found to the Weekly ^wrla Calen dar on this page. BASEBALL LEAGUE STANDDfO As or Sept. • Tmm W. L. 798rd 17 T Medics 16 t 13th Mess 17 9 797th 11 U 794th I IS Weekly Sports Calendar WEBLY BPOfVn CALENDAR SUNBAT BaeekaH 13tb Mess vs. 793rd—1436 TMtb fS. 79Ttts—1806 MONDAY \ fltftki" omeerU Sortball Playoff—1706 Post Ptayoffa. Sports Arena—1800 TUESDAY Beftball •mb Od. 8qdn. vs. Avn. Cadet m£^ ££« va. Offlcek AU atara—1769. Mt Ptoyotca. Bporto Aroa—1900 WEBNESDAT Baseball 794til VS. 13th Mess-4)900 79Tth VS. 793Td—1715 Post Playoffs, Spmris Arena—1900 Boxtog show. Sports Arena—8000 THURSDAY gcftbel! Officer AU-Stara vs. Tng. Op. Ot- fleers Pos Playoffs, Sports Arena—1900 FRIDAY SoftbaB Officer AU -Stars vs. Avn. Cadet Officers. Poet Iteyorfs, Bparit Arena—1900 i '% ■ - J"- ' ' ' - ' ■‘•i' - -/ A' • J, » f., ON THE TRAIL , . . Setting the pace for a large group of boxing students ae they travel ovw bin And dale to J8m "Bitopy” Forlane, popular and competent Qporta Arena tomrnetor. Oooa every we^ on a designated day, aU mem- bars of tbe pugUtotle forums held at tba gym taka te toe road for aa "outdoor day.** lhay do -road wo^ vartooe ^rpee of oaUstosnioa, engaga to boto Qy eontaot games, spar to toa opea air. to, addWtoR to olbar aottvlttaa whtob onttvan toetr weairsetoato

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