( : i \ Umfwmm Mhhmii fWM, Vt Cr Jm-O-MBCH OcMot t. IMS Fofe S Skelton and Garfield Top Week’s Film Fare w«ll balanced quintmt oi scre«a offeringa ore on top ior the ediiicotion ol Held morie^oen this week at the Post theatres. The menu ranges from musical comedies to spying dromas and back agoin. Coming in lor a one day stoud on Tuesday is "THE FAL* . LEN SPARROW*’ a grade "A" siupenseful story of romance and espionage. Why it wasn't booked for more time is a mystery in this comer as with Maureen O’Hara. Johnny Gar- ' Held and Walter Slesak siKzrking the cost it figures to turn out to be the opplause stealer of the wek. It is engrossing, intense, eerie, exciting film lore which should get a royal welcome from those who like their oction entertainment tempered with depth. LoTelies Moureen O'Hara, Patricia Morison and Mortha O'Driscoll don't figure to scare off ony AAF patrons, either. Gorfield and Slezok contribute fine per formances to the pic. B-26 Returns To Base After Tough Fight Hq-Hq Pants King. Smashed Quota And Jhnorous Doings Top Gossip gkeltse snd Swlnf A 5tmorKasbord' of snickers, snorts. sUpsUckj end synco^tloD under the title of I DOOD IT fes tures Tbursds; snd P r t d s y *1 screen fare. Xt*i s pretty hot stuti eeneeetlon rhythm snd ro- msnce with Bed Skeiion snd Bss- Bor Poweil tep- Uninf the esst.t^ The Metro schew> ten ebh the red top simpUss the Isu^ snd Powell saslres with her tMosl bisfa-powored tap rontlBe. Mwt sUraetlve asaoe oe the Une- up are those eC Jlauar Oorsur. Lens home and Hasel Soett. X>ar> asy's snide, ine^ert. tooUtnts oo ^ site -mx helped up by a hsUsr Bond Round-Up (Continued from Pagel) ••8l2ta WAC Det— **8Uth Si« O. Det— **S06tta Qjf. Dei— 1,500 500 •»13th Od. Sq— •SdTtb O.M. Dei— •906? Od. Det— 900 ••Otyflisn Employees— 154)00 ••IlMiive Det.— 850 ••Rq A Bq So— •mod. Det— s; ••OBTO Onmis ••Am Osdsbi F-TA— UM ii.on ayiuwr seuBdi for the Ql's tympsale mihrsne sad yoe esn't to wcsmf whm fcu sre kMlac the eyesttagsr ever that aepte sweetheart o semf hmm Bones, asoirs tricky, breaks aaek keyboard letWBfi are a timr> salea at dIVMfItsg minutes, lee— tad this ftmnsea antle isn't eneOy anesslc, Mtheri OORTSm K-9B with Randy Ssett. Oa Babass and BarrT Wm- garald pisye tomorrow and Moa- day. IBs stars ararn’t so briW^ ' and cheaeee are ttist the ftldker at hm»rU any Academy Award It deals with the esa •tnocld be seen by all Wavy 1 as the field, wdthout feO. nwm ObBtarTs Moiaal . . meettnys may be held. If the mem Lon GhansTb Masslc role ef the bers so wish. Miss Ruth Boramsnn. PBANTOH or ras OPERA It qf the CMdaboTo D. A O. USOCiasses (OmttDued from PsfM) Tuesday. Oolober iMh. at loot, ki ttmsame piaee. While both olssses barn bean pisainad to run Ms weeks, wtth two By Pri. JDCMT HEARNS > MOONLIGHT AND ROSES Hall to Cpl. Joe Ptifflqeri I^| Djq you notice the beautiful Zinger, Prince Among Men. Savior, friendship that blossomed betwut atubby wings and all. the B-lTs of Sad Soldlera. It waa teturday pgt. zamparelU and Cpl. Mettee. of tbs Northwest African Strategic 5*** down the main yupl They were three uy passing Air Force pounded bell out of J? wldaboro were Pledger, ‘ together. Just a lovely platonic ro- MuasoUnl. Bm'a the doings of •“ AM Instructor and t^ wntor. ajence. . .They aay Sgi Ttosleys one of the Martin Marauder groups JJ** •>**^*^ *■ “uch worse than w there now. |W« to«ed through the thlcke^ bite. . .CpL Mueller week-ended t started oo a bright June day of®**® ^ W worth of assorted candy. the MediterrSean)^ the boys Til* fsmlly. . .Of course you know were brtrfS for^a nuSononsn Ji“* i? 8»t. Crout, who did for Jit bar- ItSLi ^ fteld to aES The a“'***•. ^‘’![S'r®cka what beer did for Milwaukee. rtS^aSu on l^^wia ima aT®^*"”*'°*^w?“T**^®f'®?52*lWeh.-and this U tbe goapel-he thiwf of the past and Nortbwestin w®*?®^®**-!***" *• buying luncheons for every gsl iKSf.iTaS 7xv'®* toaned each one of tbe two |m AmT^Al Just to set a certain neS Sl,uto*SSSu«r^lTt !>•»>'“• trouMraiauiht .tort ^dr jnloiu. . .iart.*S Setotu u ?u7. *nr vili fcfdlrtli. ®*®“ ®**®®* ’'® prevailed' gonna be linked to a very beauli- ,Kga^5S.!?=^:!«-w~i'w.-s2iS Wi'a.'ffls-r- a-benefactorl. . .*^.Corpbral' SQUADRON SNIPINO *^P>'®y- ‘irtll-wbls of 965. waa( fskl Tskl We note that the Des- sim^ up to the one and only'pot of Den No. 954 el pretty teed ®® “*• recent furiough and I off about last week’s awell plug notice tan’t even neces- we gave him. Some people nevw ^**“**’ uMer jjpy lo make this news known to appreciate anythlra. . .T-tet. Pod- iMar^ cut the ^tchee and got oheer^il chatter gives hto away, about Nie of girls on Iot field adamsvil£b stort ^ Do you know ^^?oSSd bi. Do?: • by the time be had feattiered . . .ifike “SpMlal Order Schroll. othy?. .Andy Elias e* . latrine * **** ^®® ®'** ®nd,wtU yon please tell us what the manager with this squadron, viatt- everythlng waa rosy. lattrsctlon is st AdsmavllleY Is It ed his former bsr^k - mates In ' Nothing to worry about ezceptjthe brew or tbe broadsf. . .'The 218 and reported on hla progress being over UcUy. flying on one same query smiles to Set Myron's* AM school. . .CpL Charley Mlnt- ) engine, loaing altitude sod drep-l‘'Turk'’ T.^erklldscn and JcAm-'ser spent the week-end to Raleleh ptof behind the formaUon. And ny Thompson. We hears tail thatlsnd reports that the femtotoe sl- 1 as they dropped their bombs and their maroon convertible Is a fa- tuatlon Is well to hand. . A-Sgt. Itumed away from the target, the miliar sight about Bmithfleld. Richard Aljlan, noting Congress’s i ME-108'8 before they got dlscor./- ‘'Huf’-dwellers Is wbat • they i recent plans to up the allotments sup. But let Lt. Van Matter tell are. . .Creeping stealthily Into the lo mani^ ois, ts considering mar- ( the story. 'Day room the other pm. we con-1 tied bliss in tbe "•s* future I "W. vers lartDf idUtude • m,“*!.“> empty Ordwlj. Room eonunimlquM I ooul^’t stay with tbe main for- ®oda bottle and scouted* someof from Uadquarters and Headquar- matlon. But there i *“ ’ '—**'* •"‘■•*'** **'• — .w.. . .. l|crtpplee. so we j ; lead ^lane'^g^^ 1 only had one !®®JorV’ handle. Tray BaelBm|tli^ ki tbe'bend Drive, ‘fhe boys lengtoe. My right wtog plane bad ‘J? quite all teamed together and sent tbe Ms hydratole Rratom riddled wlthi^ the 5 oa. weapons.jbond barometer skyward. flak nelas and his fttM Itaea cut. I i 'On my taCI waa a 'W with batf'BeHaBy Bjisktog Ok, Urn Pear UMsf hto rudder akni aaray and looktog I Ever wonder what aO tboes num- _ a little naked. Ttosn I spotted my,bers meant to your esrtol mum- J**® Mlchl- maaber four man. Be was sfalntot bert The tliwt one ts aiwuys either JS, "h*? .yP®tu..h*we ocme^ up Hke a Bsw Mhwr deUar. Every jl. 9. or I. 1 mraits you snUatod.^ • ‘toeW'Jdea tooh of akto was teen oB his right 9 means ysu earns from the Na- ®* gets m^lH^lBacn wtog fiomitw root out to the iStot tlonal Ottard, and 9 meaiia ttswr ,**" ®®0®*®®®.b »*tt**hoek wlto JO tube, and ftok bed tarh the tip came and got you. Tbe aeoand',®®9^ % ■ ••oh eat good for otf eemglately* jmimber runs from I to » and ® o« toe oaaa^. Aooording *'Tbs square heads had thelriStaads tor the Bervtos Oenunandlif > ***?* PsMIa itoos, who Is Mass STS rhml Its to high gear. bM from ^Ich you were todueted. women etadeot*. made all toalr attacks from dead,Tbs other ato digits signify tbe ^ of toa whtoe soheuie is astern, as we didn’t fat a craokl order to srhloh your toduotkm S ^ uade:” with tbe main for-®oa& oncuc ana seowea* eome ox from nadquarters and Headouar- m, wrt. full. . 'SS Pta. ten Bqwdion Aow a.t th. wt- I Jurt brol. on .nd Wkji wCimiiM ion. w«y, my mr (b. Up t ai oar own. I wii those two Bugmr .in soraSirtno the quoU land, for ... * Renert” handlers. Tonv Huehnerlthetw tn t. bfougni hack on Wednesday wHh a modem east of emoters and stag ers dou)f their best to put It seer. With Kelson Eddy. Susanna Foster and Olsnds Raines heading the roster, thla teehnleolor producttan abapes up as a pretty fair blend Of sbowmanMilp* Of course. Mdy turns m bis nsnal wooden -faced Job wtu tbe acting bnk there Is his and Fower’a stagfeM to Rena totaM no to this nusleal vertora e( tb* oM-thae thrnisr. Otande Ratoee la the menactag nhantoes end dosa bto imsal superb job. ADVBNTURBB OF A wlO be meaked tele the thli SBond^ end wB k ttarougoeut the day to all _ tag eustomera Ten wqolte’t knew the Dimes to tha ' leave that out. The theme M the ~ la used to attempt M toagha. Shma fentam \ tty to tava eookteg y, and Is sad antritton, bustoeas Btflloh tor the very near future. All Interested women may ooDtaet her at the U. 8. O. building at 116 South William Street or by A feature designed to get serv* Ice wives acquainted with eaen other which la IttUe known to men on ttM field ta ttm U. A O.’s weekly "Oet-to^thar Tea'" held every Fri day aftanmoD at 1600 to tbe club rooma Tbs tea glvea new wives a chanea to most tbs wives of men who hava bssn stationed here for . . _... piano flytng Rear tote tha Army waa scbednlod wtth- ^® ®**®*L^ • JSf* ^ Snd Obarllo without the sUn toox to the Servtoo Command, Simple, niedm, M * pttl* Boirentng when earo a( them by otmattog down two noY jou •top to think of the thousand MB-lflO'a balom they got encour- Stork, dlarfc...whs’o Oet tbe StarfcT ‘'*k> •o® hotter ways to wte thi aged.) When they quit attacktog.. Ffc.. Martin Ftoneran. 94. spent ™ X had ay gtmners Jettison thehr two weeks of hla furlough paetog Saalipy LHtIo Oaa Bht iaimmmttlpB snd it Ugbtoned ihs ths floor of Us New York, home. Wy- whiya^ oom from tbai plane enough ao w« could hold tt'wUle Us wlfs momsntarlly ozpoet- raUdrra sf an taO storlas which Straight and level dotog about 170 ed a baby. To while away tbe Bxm, f^dcaito. . . miles an Umt. Ihe read up on a Uttle book so- ths Wto^ City. It seams a Miss "But tbsre to no need of stretch- titled "Pre-Natal Care: What to porto ZXise (that’s the first uiibo- tog your lock, so after we were Do Before the Doctor Comes." Uevable an^e) was walking along back over Cape Bon Z decided to Juet as be finished, the hour ar- a side street, of which CUcago has set down. Tbe other three planes rived, and tbe doctor didn’t. JWhlle a great many —et least to these kept right on going for home. At-|hto mother-in-law .'alnted, and otb- stories, anyway. All rf a sudden ter apotttog a field, l got the nose,®)’ members of tbe family ran a man Jumped out and dangled a iwhsM down, tbe doors under tbe around tocoherantly. Ftoneran snake before her shocked ayes. roqlPM opmiRl, bat the nutin Una- t®l-ed up U i^ee. took a Urt Mil. Dum - (thera'i that nmi lag gear stayed up in the nactUes. i Btonce at tbe book, and went to again) looked and let out a bUler. So I started to, figuring ra work. When doctor arrived, an nen ^ man, so toe stoiT goes, my noes wheel and tall ^ Jamas Carter of Lincoln* Mtim, England, to tbe happiest wamaa to that war-torought tend. Stasto Wtod and dsaf, and her danMuta has •suciossded in keep- bar. Bspa Mm sever ftods out, toa tog kpeirtedga of the w« from "When we were ra ttie final tog 1 onfeatbered the* right prop to keep the rigid blades from uHtog and ground loeptog us. Whan f did that, there was Just enough fluid In tbe pump to lower the main gear, but Z didn’t know tt. About- SOO yiuds out, 1 cut the •wltcbea oo mv good motor to iiJe- vent tha poearontty of a flro and started a steep, glSdtog spproadi. ,8toce I didn’t have aay fups, *t waa a Uttto bet oomliw to. about 186 miles an bour. I bad tbe ncaa bald up Ugh and kept waiting for tbe tall to toad). It waa toa smoothes*. *^‘»**t l have mad6 and my taiggeat , , when 1 lo^ed out and aaw we had Itt oa the whs sis. We all took a deep breath and Jumped 'out, only to be grabbed bv the French who owned toe field and wM^ to knew What the beU I waa ttTtag to do. And how eeuM t toO them I didn't know my wbaels .were dewnY" "Boameraag" la back to opera tion now and by next week w*a ^ebabty have another ateyy up jibe Oavo af i^dllba, Na BaaM ohureb to . . .. _iw a Itttia . - fly to toa window and Ugnt atop the oigaa. Be waved and aod made peculiar nolaaa. buTtoa llttla bird atayed there for day after day. Wbm toe Uttle btrd started hulldteg benalf'a naat to ana of the organ pipes, the pastor gave up peaceful metoods sad took ^ road of faroe. Be oaBad a local cep, Mm. to tbe forthright fasUoa of all poUeemen, took out hto .36 and shot the bM. No eggs. ^’Hamanahar the Moginot Una?, qn aacireUng moVamant.. • •** Tha Gannona moda Sooaa P-61 Mustang figbier planaa roceatly Moducad wera :aquip^ urtth fear worn, csbdsr erpuMe of exglodtog loeomotlvas and deatrtqrtog ywii merUiaat bour later, all h® had left to do slugged bar oa the uoggto sod was to ooQgrstulate the mother, knocked bar colder ttwa a mack- tha psr^lrtog father, and 8 1-3 oral. Wbam^be came to the snake pound Ann MadeUne Ftoneran. No- waa gene, tbo maa was grae, and bodF botoar to revive the mother- to was bM purse. Ah, ter tha days to law.*Ipf Al Oapopal ^'vprvr et'J ^ ^HtjNotA MUMt caserne 4# eeMtvy* _ 7vce«,4w/nqww ...ass ' raver. Aar r