Fsf* 2 Nmiibn 12. 1243 IMA m. C nuE avvapaper la paAtMMd VMkly Wf ^ iS —XTiL.' M a. Bidar Iht Mraettoa ot fcaeMl Bermoar JonoMi r, w» — — -- •»nne4 OCfleer. Pull coreraf* « Oa^ **tr*P*P? 5S’!!f*AB raoatvcB. All maMrlal » iwnwl P«WJe CMBca All paotor/ascw. anlaai ottfwi— er««MA. ^ Anay trapba. Newa aigwartiiB to tola papar to tor lanc^ rrtaaaa iiioiHlai propor eradft la ptom BMO. OXN. nfcAMCaB M. BXADT MAJCMI J. a. rtc. Ualto Wallar M/flii. BIcMrp a. TbM THE AIR-WACS Btodi fai'psily SVMMV* 1942r whan th* tidp of tida war woa ruimlng ogoiaat m, tbo Womoii'a Atbt Auziliary Corpa I IQQ, SUSTAIN THE WINGS NoeI oolumna in North Africa and Ruaala waro knifing through raaiatonoa. and tha fopa pat amug and aacura on Ibair foT'flung ialond atrMigbolda. Wa warn wobbling In tha ring—trying to ab^a off tha roondhouaa punch at Paort Harbor and aquara off for tha fight. Bom la coa of tha aotioa'a do^ houra« tha WAAC pitched in with a will that hoa olways dioractarixad Amer ican woman. They took thair boaic training, laomad thair apocialiiad )db«. trained Ihair oifioara, ond than want out to do thoaa ioba afficiantSy. la Aalnani af Ala yecr, tha WAAC, oa on organixation. woa tarmlnotad. In Ita place, tha Woman'a Army Corps was brought into being as a eomponant* of tha Army of tha United Stotaa and not on auxiliary. An OTorwhalming mo- ferity of Its personnel ra-anliatad in tha WAC. They had dona their }ob ao wall, had gamarad tha praise of ao many high-ranking ^cials. that tha Wor Da- partmant had reason enough to bring them into tha Army on tha soma laral with enlisted man and officers of tha AUS. According to tasaarch figures, there ora 628 Army spa- cialixed Jobs, of which 406 eon be handled by WACa. Bosad on strength reports, it hos been ahovm that osar one million men are now amplof ed in those 406 jobs. In order to use fully the skills and aptitudes of present WAC personnel, but 155 of thoM positions ora being filled with women. Ml Aa god in slaw, ultimately, will be to place prop erly qualified women in those jobs. And, with that in mind, tha Army has initkxtad one of tha greatest WAC enlistment drires in its history. Women with skills and knowledge are being allowed to apply for a specific branch of the Army, ond every effort La being made to see thot they are placed in thoae jobs. In iddilion, they will be given every opportunity to seq how ihe WAC iM run, and how their jolM ore new being handled, even before enlisting. Il is toow postihls lar woman to enlist in tha AAF. They'll be knovm as "Alr-Wacs" and they'll work side by tide with man now in tha Army Air Forces. They're going to taka over a multitude of jobs, and tha Army believes that they will do them as wall, or batter, than tha man now in those positions. Thus it is. that on tha eve on what wall may be a great, all-out crtlock on tha Axis, tha women of Amarlco are called upon again. It is fitting that they respond with all tha pa triotism and loyalty they ora so oopabta of giving. This time, woman with special quolificotlons ora needed. Woman who will step Into a job they have bean familiar vrith or hove tha skills for, and curry it through. Tl^ IfaMe apacldiiti ora needed. And this time, as be- Hospitals Brightened By Red Cross Ladies Ot sU the fobs whicb the Amer- lean Rad CroM handles for Uncle Barn’s armed aces, one of the most Important la its wtrrtceB to man in hoapttala. As one soldier put H, ”Tbe Bad Cross makm you want to break a leg." Bere le the aetmp you’ll find watting for you, should you some day ^k up a broken bene or a couple of aal- crobea. At the station hospital bere at Seymour Johnson Fiw there le a Rad Grose Aesistant Field Direc tor, Pearl* Bourne, who la under the command of the hoe' Ital’s commanding effloar. Her »b la to keep you and your family 1 close cmtact, to handle your problems lor you *'■* of aetton, and to ... goes wrong at home. The local Cross chapter to cr nearest your hrttwB town win make all necessary home Vtolta and report back ta her, with the result that your family win be apajtA some unnecessary worry and yow mind eased tn ease of sleknes or trouble at borne. contains a theatre for moving plo- turee or stage i^ys. ae well as reception room and reading room for oonvaleacent eoldlera. OlfU made by chapter veduntaers may Include cucb Items se warm lour area stroll afgbsns. ewesters, socks, bedjracks, over Tbs CHAPLAIN’S Message _ . ^ , It Ov imd should wstk througb ty Include such Items se warm lour area stroll tbe bar- jhane. eweaters, eocks, bedjracks, over 'toe brMgea snd bags, or even something army ’**^]tbrsngb tile palte and trmila of thto know ae a ’’bousewlfe.'’ which is post; and If be *1^*1 Vi stop many nothing more or leas than a sew- of ne encoorsgtng sdvutog m Ihg kit and a fairly necessary’^ gotle and understanding group pm to a ba^to exist-[way; U Be ehouB ask some o fue enee. 1 know of a certain Colonel [what we are ~.trnth burta who tuTHMl up »t R«1 ejoM bad-hit sbconl; wo miut uiowor quarters a #hlle ago asking for a •‘Taking a Tacatton." BMW “hnniUttHfA *’ fVww hi* nlri ^ while you arc out by right because that not*-* - ... ’honsewife." flnnins his old one. which be bad carried and used faithful^ slnoe It was given him during world War I. had worn out. Accept these servtcee as youss / right because you. In tom. are Id the service of mis cotxitry: but accept them ae coming not merely from an orgaalsatioa caHed tlie Red Cross but as coming from a A vacation yes; a vacation from serving Ckid; ocstirary to the com* men opialoo our temporary aer vice fai the Army does not excuse m from enr obligatloa to Ood. Wa don't slop going to dnireh leviag Ood Jnet because we are wddlers A mldler *ould be closer to Ood than any ethe* person in me world. 4.,-roas oui ae coming irom a ^ miJht - kw,. people called Americane, who are 1 to R«t onw Who Ei.Zirs'JuS'J’Sr'fsi SJS put their faith tn you. Comnass. Who's Got The Comnass..Huh? beUevos in Ood or not —the Angda stffi are to heaven, the majority of mankind still belief la Him. Only a fool has no tsar, se x can't fool myseU that Ood saeaas nothing in my life. What are we Oghtlng tor if there is ae Ood ta besven. emt’e thlr baloney about bapplDess, dn> naocraoy. love and "fte^ thtags" H we Uve ae if there were no Ood to be rstoMCtedt But we are flgbt> tag that the UUle diUdren sc our bomee can be bitsmbt up ta lbs tear of Ond and a liope ef bapim Tub nya with * rm >» to »ty ft-ton to It for by _ . This spectal eemmoDicatlons sye- loro, tbn WAC will gnt Ihooo specialists. The WAC is ^ii?*baA.*”5? SScee ponding on the women of AnericQ and the WAC won't be sway some ot the Isotation s hospital bed, and tome of the let dowxL hflnloeinret X know of a oaae of BULLETS ARENT CHOOSEY I One rhfiiv about this j^ of being o soldier which wo'vw bd to hia bM t^**P*' oallod to your altentioo from tine to line Is this; that wfaot- *-*''''**^ •vor your speciality, you nust be t^ove all, a fighting man. We know of non iHio, because they were classified •as in structors, objected to ^ing sent tovNon^ons Schools, who o^oetod to tho rnquireuent that they dress, and look like soldiers. They seen to have the idea that because they're jnstr^ers now. that they'll never be colled upon to fight-^ or to*act OB non-oon. Perhops they think the Germans or the — - « ««« V2a •• Japs will say: "Oh, you're an Instructor—stand aside while ^ 5!“wL . limitouiSr ^ hta toiSSi'S ^ rhla to ^U V*n1et. foumii aoldli hadn’t heard from his mother or hia gM friend ta what seemed an awfully tong time, and was be- rS? to~know to contact both ef them for him. and that ttae etectrleal jokers have ^ imane beoe. This Armv wlnts then c®*"® “P a dilly. Xt's a naw brave soNUets. and iroSn’t b e boola. kind of compass that they claim brave soldters unleas we are good 5*0®. *• »>•*»« on advance as tom A good man fears Oo^. iol* ^ improvement v^r^MiMew compsss wss over the lode- dlerlni Is a neoessary evll,‘aDd — to.;, k»._ow tonto M_T X ahoot that Infantryman.*' A RUMOR IS BORN — - - Imh ■Mia.'’ toiicl Ihw GI in tU chow lino. Ho hod a a, dtorteme, omnowl tor ^ to u -rh. iiom joooo onrw. particular dlolito far bwnui. and ollhough ho got thom onco to* *!? to iff cllto! thST i^SSl *rdM ho^ a week, it was ohroys 'ogoin to him. ^ lUving without taxing bis weskened eorrecUy under sU oo®*****®®"- **** Later in the day. as he rode a bus to towoo he turned to heart, and arranged UtrouA the, ^»tas. turns, dives, snd ettmns — .. .. . J. tho JouKr no*, to him. "Thai wa. what I call a [«•> ito Cro« choptoTfanum to Ooot oH« «. - lotised-up dftow we got today,*' he said. “They call it food.** the other soldier said, poison." “I call it [ locsl Red Croas chapte# for him to dent affect It. Ton can even Pk*lform^ SS*Se ‘ secure the proper medical simer- rade Betty Ormble past tt and tt SSuce iroSSsaaSigTmd vIsloD at home. won’t Dicker. It’s the last word ta ^ heretofore tttOa Wbfle you are kept stricUy to J^***’,^°** y^lknownta an American army, is bed and are ta none too cheerful growing tale ttsbkm; hs hopes the w-^v ** Mk*i2rBBrli® Hiood, you'U be saved frem get- oid;fashloned _ neefle wb a Oxed ocitoers will, by example as wen X heard two guys got sick from it last week, retumeo,!^ gf thiny py the mag- coil in which actuating carrenw^ p. tnfhirrirrn^ig the 1st G. He hod dipped deep into his store of lotrine-o-lupies and various comfort arfl- combine with the earth’s nagnette! it, opd that both they and ^ mm prto*M2. that daoKv xrilh a little exaaaeration, it eerv-'etas gtvm out every day by vol- ■yf***®-,.*!* matattaned at an nh- wlB reflect that we can have ttttle grans m doosy. and wiin a luiie exaggeruuon. ••rv ^ borlsontal by a gynweope^popw of tbe blcniiig of Heaven on ed to moke his point. .jsaven tn gray veils, and so are stabiliser. our if we tnenh tt by cur . impigty fCDy; addM to mis, tt is a rice so neap and low. without any templittka. tbat every man of Sanaa and character, deteeto and IL- make bis pomi. , .. leavers tn gray veils, and so are staouiser. T what they put in the stuff, but it tastes lousy, ithe gifts titey bring with them I Okay? Oct It, now.-It’s a breel- ij 4V,. j TIb lunl a cold, but hc knew when'which are made or collected by,fort snafulator by-paaaed tbroogb sedd the second eoldier. ue fioa a ooia. nu o* anew wawu throughout tbe country, the fourth-stage eSnSow and m- eonething tasted lousy. As for convaleseenoe, Qrsy liS- risAed with cramsteel vorps. Vnn AtodL sllQ OiMbBp they got off the bus. dies are good recreational work- function slmUariy, tramgk^ bent* Did U do obygo^? It did hove one effect. The elderly g™ throwers, and n^ dort. veep. bio. v^. bio. veep, lady sitting within earshot bad pidied up everything. Tsk. tsk. she mused to herself they expect Iboee poor boys to * - win a war and then they feed them poison. And, still musing, she got off the bus and went hom» to tsU her asAghbon. throwers, snd now have a plaos to throw a party. Uim Both McDonald, a, tralined Red Croes reereatlon work er, superrisM tbelr activities wtal^ are oentered in tbe Hospital Reereatlon BoHdtog connected with, the ■ta^^BQspttSL Ibis WMtng Bie. Then there was tbs stleetoe wbo wrote his draft board. Upon clostng, tastead of patting yours/* bs wrots B yon wWi m plaos aLong ton tbS/Opentor at tbe time you plaes tbs can. U ttie party yaQ*TO ttotoBiwBiWtM asrosa to aeocM ttto riurtssTte^cSoto san wm tl

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