IS. K43 JUB-O-MBCa rtoW. ■: Cr 36th Has Theatre Party Basketball Team Is Tops Weddins Bells Ring In Ml BC •t ^-mn. ▼. Mvmn and MT. T. BMOBflD WeddlDC BoUm:. ThoM dUmas are chhnlnt tar tbs bofs at tbs Mb CO me—e (be— daTS wttb OpL Louie Trotto manrisf local talen« and nice “talent'* too Loule--Stt.. “What can I do" Favro foinc bom to be married - and Pfc. ikuld Cummings finall* that fatal step with bto girl ' Well ^ * - Br 'Be. mKKMT OOOPBBItAN T» the Mth go— tba bODor «f| Btag tb» lint Bqaadron erer io| base a tb—tre pa^. os this OaNLl Wo had to got pemilaaloo from the War I>epartin«Bt. do laaa. to " * It. Were It not for our ag* » nv» lor our aa* .... ra«>Twn^ sumj . C. O. wo might »«*H bavo outfit and wo wl^ btm a kmg had toe swell tone wo did. iS?* Assigned to just know that both of them will'? b. ■•b«- puou,. good luc» bo!»!|JJ’'S.'*SS’"to“lh^’''or’S?'kgte 87 the Uzne this cohunn goes 101 Edith Rtfkin of BrWseDorL c£b* oecticut too totppy eJSSJs SS; of toe mallB— S—bold back again. >fter an emer- town while cu a well eamMi how tha ainiiMf.*geocr aDDendectomv Qaarg* ia »b!giao .. ?? Highball Pays Dividends Walker Dates Snow White rca feels about its sguadron iirtves* or do tout Don't k^ toem hld- ™ feet again and rartn* to golof'age a^' in eivUiu iir« «• to bsweyou back. Fellah. I attorney. The Sth Me— Orona Bare y^ tried O. Dlnardo wlsh- U. and KoSi a iSS ^ rBi-rSs ^sf." SSlSi^Sa!?w iSr5L5;lsSE“i,o*tiX aiaUadMrgn. rm d |p5mclSt^ SBrceh^°tt JSt •t' “*■ •> SSSrs JSS*?! eSJSS 'SJ'w™* • “ « •HouM be^ rtgSS ■p your «ieBir“ -PwTl to £ld*It'S‘D*^0**ta?^”SS ^ i“5® **“**’' thl?Brigi[df«r ojj! K foC’ “Clot too— to-Mders'aSrdarii toTfoJS Commanding Oeoeral , Mlater’* — T-a— Xd PDetney ^ Seymour Jobnsoo Field, must bo wQoderii-tew a coy eae to irarS ^la identity of atm keep toe backtode at his 1—»' ^WD b«g pro—i—Bitly dlBpiayed ' ... ■ 1Mm, tw*». Only two weeks ^ romance and your scribe will of marriage aito already Pete aara. ''Tft 4ft tKA * * IlgA .V*.— bare to ecurry ann^ and dig up jmotoer aubject. irren — I feel like a Cupid, (a 900 pound ooei and I know BiQ and Virginia really dp appreciate my efforts. Yeabfl Zf anything happens to me you all know why. To be more or 1«— otneioue we could —y, “‘The following named men have recently left toe ranks of toe Benedicts'* but no, we prefer to be softly senUir.sAtal about such things. We therefore can thto toe *'l«ve and Caieriah** department 3^y la tos big day for SBgt. Daniel teVeetae. Be la taVing his bride Miss RlU Merrill of lk»- ton. ~ - • • It la the best Ufa there la. Wish I had done It sooner.’* n»gn prol^ ably do— too Pete and we will have many Ioim yeara St »tB—s ah—d of you. »ur items and tor— bride* ■rooms. Looks Use toe New Eng. 6oti^ all eut for Morale. Lt Maurice B—uUeu. C. O. eC toe 40to Me— Sodn. is advWng hla m— to get m Miape for a comir.aod Inapectloo on toe ttrd and Mth of this month. Lets a— you fellows In toe eotb get behind *rttb an you'— got aod really pot It ar*wa. We know that you can do It. S-Sgt. Ed Krok, CpL Herb Dum^ Sgt Alfred Barvey and Sgt. Chats Ku McElmeti, are —ytng that trip to— took a while back w— very eBjoyaMe and hope to go iwalu soon. We hope — too and lake oi akBg dw next tone, to— we «aa aU aw—t out a tor— day j——. iBcklentaUy l must take ao—e golt 1—aoBs from Ed. Be used to bu pals wtto a former |wo and ■h«utf| be very good. B8gt Bin Marfcun— la out of tl— boephal and ready for wrestling some more beef over at toe Can* tral Butcher Stop. Olad to bare y— back BOl. we ml—sf you. Wen. gang i gue— this to toe limit tor DOW but.drop around wtto Ida eC hit Th^Pot^ b,lyh Me— Group. We of toe latb.mother, arrived In oSSort this your news Items.' We"wOI oe ^ad DODg p—oHsitly dtoplayed of onr men week where toe wedding will to have an you care to givo^ BUv with H. Bd end wewlSrte gSft^S^ri^ 3!?*® beceu— §5* place. CoogratuUtlona to both See you around at chowtime. g»p.^ r-r *1, o«ft. ^5£?.‘£g’,«5a.*'15^riJL‘^e*org^ Lt Heirtte. our a cm jo®”** *“0** tooWems whleh.are *"*“ * • In toe absence of MiaJor ldM«an.l*®M^ future llv—. kept Uiingft humming »»»* le^lotereatlng to note that this MPoqlMy In OUT Swadroi. MM n JJJS any bow —lanlma—It the ^ mla day, toe lento our SQueSco te— tsk—month. November, berdlng **foat4r totoerk— *• Tou'^*^"^Jf yoarm ago, the Hepito can a a^QsT5ttarulf »£y[£,i2^ ~ at toe men may be wtoiili 1 bis i^iii Tai-8en. This b— k—t toat ban roUte aks— — w** accognpllabed through the over- ST-^^iSiswerVoSedSIim ^ “*® Jneumbent Mancbn 5^ kS^r a^ L°y®“'yv“d Is comparable to Ju- tboM are* b—n w« mm mi **mi*> Foluth. onr Independence Day £te I!?£STsh5to2f 4?a^l *or thought: I wonder wi “Porkle'* Xind h— t ln|“‘ - ^ • Cou 8 be be- US. We hope toe pianos are more eun— e( 0— near arrtval ef hla,la tune th^e than they were In better balft •Yto.** -Tea** “M g:gC ‘onr Orderly Room - •‘Never fear tommgw montog.** • Just a ate;Pow—s is bere,” has s deep sd ttte,** ru a—,** Swmds Hke « walk- Bdrer In toe not too dhn naek- tog toformatton booth - Jual a w—d gruasd - Bow do you do It, BtQf plcUirs of our Sgt Major. toSgi The winds blew, the ski— of toe [barracks bulg^ out Men used any Wuric:. flgtl—sans at sxtt avallabls. ^ O-r ««t. p«t« loom ot the ftthl ait Irts^eSt ESidVSe tthft. _Th^ta«t.hle la, h^mrodlll.MgB andh, Pete mH Mm. Iodic I Tho^S her rtSid ^-BqShmdig SSSrdiailPerfcPfeads KSip "HliSantoroMhillag By B-Sgt. ADAM 8KNDXBSK1 .whether people were torowtog dirty By PVT. JIMMT HEABNB foar da— until Christmas '^ooks st me — I wiped the wtad- ^ .55: oe ba|B»stI A emreltil uj^la dleckM wiKn •0“ that a soldier tout sd^i. pwr ex gradual, ample: agt WUUe Bam— wStsaljL.*"*qutolet Is to mail tiag — tost he esn dettver toe'^JLfS*^^ ^ pwen by wtnntog letters tostesd of bsvliig toe boys a®®** ^ tor— oaU for toetr men. BebMIer— te wouM wear out Is— toos lestoer V^ouith of this month .w- clatmed by aU who attended — a four star hit A young book could be finished on the mrnnleiii -m of toat night, but tte to—co Is lacking — a eon- *f ciMmi- ■.■let Awiv tm'elHr ftn eftnili. FM*. The Wolf by Sawono Peftoto a—bury and his obaRU-lsnd stm sren*t ccnyincud tost to— . B,*^ were them —joytag te sie toe “YWrgoCtso Men." wd^ fternO— — was Lt-Z>uDesa Pot rsoent Id— tbmi the ">»*» los— ter s^ hte . . . Lt Potter, r»- oouU bs better lo—ted ta te Ouy gpyssd see M toe eki— s buys Boom has areused oeuamsut asto Fbanos In te first world confllet, WCBs’s r—enns of the —*» drew planrttts from the ttnng olithtok Bmt WUBs to seB-oonetoous. SAd te. bosrs wtto bis fbneyiThs aaO Is te only ysasou the 2S5* tet^pSSi °m£!?* —- i5*^_ ™ Mgt Te—sty Dorsey. Uyod m •» his ntoknume of The Oilef — he dM s wtinoptot war danosnsar te sell drtak eounter to te ‘ tut St plaama-curdltog yw Ms boddl—. . .- “Anlasle^ Dl too— I _ - of our beloved- eugud ^wtmastsr. Maybe tbs Itos- Itae— In between msi's «yhf oiyt toe here en te window maka wnils uneasy. Oenta’s Onlst—as Itot oon _ ttaa—: T-8gt John Dolgnan wotod . 'Anlmsle** Dl Uks a camooflsgod son tost wgidd I dotog hUarlous faa.'stffl ensbie M— to work witeut „ and skiu for tbs bstog seen aiM bothered. Sgt Herb tti^ Westarfeld would Uke “ — Esn^S*af*te 304 bsrraokmateu. Aknmy St—le did roysl ly to bis aiClng miot. maktog toe enneuBcenaents and doing a ter- itOe Job with the singte work. . CtolB- Bshrmtm. TatU, Baler and Sgt Saodrot ape^tog their time ~-. cn a WAO lovely. . . T-Sgt *Cblck- of si ■n** Kemsa added to his doduIsiv with toe boys by his T-8gt Beckholt cutting his wmy too— partner to partner cn te teye floor. .. a raft of sweet stun fro— toe various offle— on the field were there havl^ a tiw*v with the soldiers toat they work wbh an day long. . . BA Miller Tony Boehner. Merle AgiMn^ Chemical Warfare Cha—. ‘T^ork* TherkUd—a, Al •'Eonga Bing*' Sedottl. Joe Walker and others al- — led toe merriment. . . n— top per w— toe drawnout barbershop quartet walUngs in el latrtoe way Into toe a. m. . . OoL; O you could sboot as wen *>• so expert Rookls: eir. Z’vs bed this rlDs te two woeke, and Tvs been eat-, tag for two years. a rids to town torn seme of te obesa skat— toat pa— by ' s—pfy oars. Not te msntton » but onr tlremi tral ta te Batton Baard.** New oandhiat— bayt turaud s«l ‘ praetles se—lam. Pn, ' JS: >’>K7 bATtag pb^ two^S F»c. Oui Ibladdta ftlll th. b Ilk, , ofti- SrtM tem Ia tAVft MM' TT*t*}*^ to Uk. cm Bmt wlMoncki; agt. Moutol. Ip. don't want to sasm mqiilsk- •|W— M wha bar my ear tod^r" Kmeet atatt, 'i oeulBBt .taB so—ar- and wlU na -- team’s **rovftDg te* ward.” ^ T-Bgt Blab a aet-tei drIBi taaysd on te Boor— Blgh trsm ta te M and sporty town of Boor—. Mtofalg^ Be al— ptoysd wftb I Ward fleklne aimms Oto^i Its, a aerntpro toato Mors etber IntereitiDg membsia of tbs tosm will appear ta tola Beturalng to bis btwMM gtatton sB te obrlst—tag tos now baby. M* te. Blchard—n mads too follow* tag etatsm—t: “i am going to sug> gssi to te War Department tet salt water be Buhstttatod te obam* paftos and oognlao fa obrtotsnte ahipa — that mors would bo avad^ ■bto tor the proper ebrtotsnli^ si teitae. At te lato bottl— siu b- te busted osar ships and ntana* ft. J

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