4 ••4;' January 15. 1944 SEYMOUR JOHNSON HELD, N. C. Vol. 2 No. 56. Nearly Fill Quota As Drive Hits 2nd Week Roundup Oi Latest World'$Wai News ... Pagt 2 Read Your Squadron Column For Gossip ...PaSMt,? The Sad Story Oi :See Page 3 Conservation Of Electric Power Vital For Victory SlectrIcUy is one of the owst lin* portaat war weapona ttUa aatko has. Prom ooe coast of this busy country to the otbs, man’s new est aerrant works twenty-four hours around the dock the tools of war and the products of peace. That aO UMlaoB waste of SMh a vital sUItty Is harsM toes wlfteot sayliw. WhMt the eathe nattsn is' stri^lac its taslng them to the an effort to Match work on alreraft 'tnifa' diaws-te power from eleeirlel- that i M WW yw dHU hnt wtat siSiD ra^n^ yon ^ nUs: ha the ^ou .tfinit lhaV ow Armr"^ ok^ hasn own souM' df moS^' Wins IstTWo Games ... Page 12 Leathernecks To of thep do. But . as do the majority of pottl. draws Hi new ■ er from the regular utility unw Play Basketball ...Page 12 NewsFromThe Cadet Detachment ...Pagsll AllYouWantTa Know About Gunnery ... Pago 10 Male Call And The Woli Cartoons Air-O-Mech Salutes... Thb WMk, Aid.O.JlMk MbiiM th* olHcan and oMn •! Ih* TtvraM Hai- •hol'a Offica and ttn lOlltary Pollen. Om good al Ibo galas lo SorsMar Intaisg Plaid and Us nuin insloUa- Usu, &a SHB oi Um HP stand lhalt posts in all oraothar, oMddng son fhol ■0 Moniheiiisd ponsa onlots Of laooos Ota Bald. Dndai tao dlrscUan al ■Shjiie Satald K. Elilat Iks anllta sac Smi sttaA laody al oU Umas la da Us sMIr ninliisii and soldlariinass ■iSt .aM tasdals let on oibai taUl. JHWyATE'S^DBEAM OFIEI(PTQ(B...ISi| 'M -y;? ... out of Goldsboro and surroundtng Instead a sebane baa beeo territory. And thereby hangs a worked out by Army and story....one Oiat should make you officials, ynmi the tunnel la go* think twice before you leave a ing to be' used, a wanabm lignt burning unnecessarily, or al* h seat oat to the entire 'WmIscw ^ “ oi»®>|md oencral secOons of Ohio and DM yen kanw that lUo wted timnef'^lH^^H at any Of the h'gSlM bW'‘Mlg