On* of the Beal Fain ly Papers in Eastern ' Carolina, {Subscription: ei.ooaYeai^ VOLUME 1. TRENTON MAILS. akrivaL and depasture. FROM COVE : Leaves Trenton at 7:45 a. to. Arrives at Trenton at 12:00 u>. Leaves Trenton at 2uM n. w. Arrive* at Trenton at 0:46 p. m. FROM s Leaves Trenton Tuesdays, Thursday* and Saturday# at 6:00 a. m. Arrives at Trenton (same days) 3 p. m. FROM RICH LANDS. Leaves Trenton Mondays, Wednesdays and F>ld > vs at GsOO a, m. Arrives at Trenton {same days) 7 p. m. FROM BONUS: Leaves Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 7:00 a. m. Arrivaa at Tranton (samedays) 4 g. m. D. 0, Bjkkkitaqb, P- M. COUNTY OFFICIALS. COMMtMTOXBRS : J. Harper. 8. H. Moore, W. B. Isler, Lewis Byuum. Clerk Superior Court. S. E. Koonoo, Resistor orDeeds. W, H Cox, Sheriff. D. H. Harrison, Treasurer. Lewis Kins Corooer, L. H. Mallard, Surveyor, A. F Bee ton. Standard Keeper, Beni. Huggins, Pubiie School Ex’r. Thna. J. Whitaker. List or Appointments Ist 8 inday, Lee's Chapeli 11 a. m. Ist Sunday, Oak Grove. 3 p.m. 2d *• Shady Grove. 11 a. m. 31 ** Cypress Creek, 11a.m. 3.1 *’ Trenton, 7 p. m. 4th ” Trenton, 11 a. m. 4th '* Maple Grove, Bp. hi. J. M. Benson, P. C. a mvwm. Fesple Coming and Going, and Wkt Tbay are Dang. HEWS AOOvT THE TOWS \\ GEXEIii!., ETC. Cotton and other crops in this sec tion rre generally good. Mr. W. C. McAllister went to New Bame Monday on business. Misses Joe Francks and Maud Kin sey scent oned*y last week in Kinston. Quit# a number of Trentm.ians at tended church at Friendship last Sun day. Mr. Fred 'Tomer is also a commercial tourist of well known rep utation. Mr. and Mrs. James McDaniel and little son: Master Jamie, of Kinston, returned home Monday after a bnei stay in our midst as the guests of Mr. Mrs. J. P. Brogden. M»J. Frank Brown, one of Got. Bus sell's staff, went to Raleigh last Satur day where he joined the Governor and party, who left Sunday afternoon sue private car for the Nashville Exposi tion. 6am Ltptnan it receiving new cloth ing by almost every steamer. His salts ere the latest style* sod be sells them very cheap. You will need a new suit for commencement week. Go to Lip man's and get it, I Mr. Frank Koonce one ot Tuckahoe V most charming young gentlemen, was in Trenton Friday, and returned in the afternoon >ccorn periled by Miss M*od Kinsey, one of Treuton's most charm ing young ladles. An earthquake shock was felt by a number of people in this section last Monday afternoon between 2 and 3 o'- clock. The sensation produced was very mnch the same as that of tb<* shock of August 31-t. 1886. We acknowledge tbs receipt of an invitation from Mr. L. B. Haskins to attend the commencement of the Lexington Bible College, Lexington,! Ky., for which we return many thanks. We hope to see our friend in Trenton soon. luvitatimift to the commencement exercises of the Trenton High ■ School, were sent out the latter part of last week. The exercises from all appear ance premises to be good, and it will be worth any ones time to attend these exercises. Miss Ora Koonce, of Cypress Creek, who has been visiting in Morehead City and New Berne, passed through ths city the latter part of last week en roots for home. Mr. Paul Koonee ac companied her from here to her home, where he spent Sunday. The street lamp* have arrived and are being put lu position. They seem to W a very good lamp. There is general rejoicing among our people that our little town will no longer be clothed in darkness. This is but the beginning of the many improvement* needed to make Trenton attractive. The W.. M. & N. Rallro d will be sold in August under a decree of court. Let bur people remember that there Is a possibility of having this road pas* through Jones, byway of Trenton, If proper effort is made. You cannot be gin to estlmaleihe value that a rood through this section would be to uor people. ‘ Messrs. R. L- May and L. T. Hunter, of Trenton, have Invented titd had pat ented a machine forr’reasing mill stones. This, iu onr opinion, is a valuable in vention to mill owners and to all stone workers. Mr .Crabtree, machin ist of New Berne, is mannfscturiug one of the machines, which will toon be on exhibition, it la already attracting the attention of soma of our promt nant mill men. We hope these gentle men may realise a rich harvest from this new invention. A P APER FOR pLASSES OF WANT THE J-ATRST NEWS. TRENTON, N. C., WEDNESDA Y JFTNE 2. 1897. Pollokavilla Items. Picnics are In season. We had four in a week. The last was the largest, and all enjoyed themselves. The Centenary Methodist Sunday “cbool nf New Berne, about 300 strong was here on the 27th of May. It re quited two steamboat* to bring them. Alt seemed to enjoy the outing, espe cially the children. We suppose the voung men and ladies look forward to such, as a day of pleasure aud possibly are esldoro disappointed. Miss Lola Ward returned from Wil mington where she went to attend the Baptist Convention which is said to have been the largest religions gather ing ever iu the state. The witnesses In the case of Terry vs. Wclntire return*! on a special trair complimentary for that purpose. The managers Os the W. N. and N. B. R are gentlemen of the right kind, and deserve oar appi sciatlon and patronage. T. A. Bell and Bro. look to the feed ing of the hungry ouea, as they had a lai g* lot of flour come up a few days ago. This firm is a large oue, and by close attention to business aud square deal ings has won the seteem and coufldance of the people. The Rev. J. M. Alderm an, pastor of the Baptist church hare, expects to have k protracted meeting with this church, commencing June 7th. Rev. J, L. Jenkins will assist. Hop* they will have a good meeting. Qumerly Items. Crops arc suffering from cold dry weather. Mr. S W. Barrington did not grind at his mill today, as be broke a wheel that turns the tucks. Mr. G. B. Kilpatrick went to New Berne on business yesterday and re turned otlay. It is getting so dry about her* that some of the farmers are putting dowu pump* to water their hog*. Miss Nepplt May is quite sick, Mr. Lemuel Bar.blck and Park Woo ten, were visiting at Mr. J. M. Woo llens Saturday and Sunday, They re turned homo Sunday afternoon accom panied by Mi»s Nannie Lane, and Mas ter Leon Wooten. Three of our men went A thing today and caught “one,” but they said he was so small thev could not count him easily. While three other* went and were back by 2 o'clock and had—well how many? “only ninety-two floe perch. ” Some of the boys dou’t know how to fish do they? The Disciple Sunday School, of Grlf ton and Quinerjy, and the Enlace pa Is will all picnic at Jolly Old Field the first day of Juue. All are anticipating a fine time rowing, gaming etc. Some of the people from this commu nity intend going to Hookerton to the K. of H. Picnic. Mr. J. V. Barrington, o"N«w Bern*, representing the Journal was in town today. Bonus Items. May 29 cb, 1898. Mr- w. M. Tyndsl. of Dover, took Miss Lula Gilbert to Pleasant IXill Sun day. Mr. Joe Moore, of Cadeg, was hap pily married last Wednesday to Mia* Betti* Taylor. There was a large crowd went from her* to Pleasint Hill last Bundpy. Everybody is chopping cotton, some are nearly done. Dr. F. A. Whitaker expects to move soon, to Kinston. Mite lots Phillips left for home Sat urday. She baa beau visiting Miss Laura Grasn for the jpast two weeks. Mr. J. E. Gray took Mias Cattls Gilbert to church Sunday! Mr. J. Huggins and wife spent Sat urday night and Sunday at Mr. J. E. Grays. ■■H 1111 111 The crops of this section were very much beniflted by the recent foil ol rain. Field a Item*. Rev. B. N. Nash ureaehed at Lonsln Swamp Sunday morning to a large congregation. Therein that fell Saturday evening was a welcome visiter. Mr. B. P. Speight is quite sick. Messrs. Joe Abbott and Will Harri son spent Saturday and Sunday at Mr. James Harrisons. Mr, Dill Dawson, of Falling Creek, spent Saturday aud Sunday at Mr. Jeeee Fields. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hunter went to Institute Saturday and returned Mon day. Mr. Tiled Askew's stable* and barn were struck by lighthing Saturday and were burned np. Sever* 1 hone* aud mule* were killed. Losses about $2. 000. The History of the Kite The Invention of the kite is usually attributed to tbn Chinees. The first man on actual record a* having used tbs site is Archytes (about 400 B. O.) For what purpose h* employed it I have beau nnable to ascertain, but It Is not probable that he accomplished anything of scientific importance; and it was not until 1749, when Dr. Alex ander Wilton and Mr. Thomas Metvlll*. in Scotland, used it for taking tbs tem perature of the upper air, that the kite showed possibilities oJ becoming a use ful and scientific apparatus. Frank” tin's well-known experiment of ob taining atmospheric electricity by means of a kite again drew attention to it. It is, however, within the last decade that the kit* has gained nearly all of its importance and this is dne to* its development .by men who have studied It and the forces acting upon It, in a scientific way. Among others may be named Marvin. Langley, Har grave and Eddy; by their labor** hith erto useless toy has become an impor tant scientific apparatus. Mr. Isaac Horner, proprietor of the Burton House, Burton, W. Va.. and one of the roost widely known men in the state was cured of rheumatism af ter thres years of suffering. He says: * 1 have not sufficient command often - guags to convey any idea of what I suffered, my physicians told m# that nothing could be done for me and my friends were telly convinced that froth ing hut death would relieve me of my suffering. In June, 1894. Mr. Evans, then salesman for tbs Wheeling Drug Co.,recommanded Chamberlain's Fain Balm. At this time my foot and limb were swooleu to more than double their normal size and it seemed to me my leg wou.d burst, but soon after I b»gan unug the Pain Balm the swell ing began to decrease, the pain to leave, and now I consider that 1 am entirely cured. For sale by J. P. Brog den, Trenton N. C. ~siks At III* residence in Pot Nock on last Thursday ulght, Mr. E. E. Koonca as. ter a long illness. Largest Stock, Greatest Variety, Best Quality, Lowest Prices to -mb Fovjm SMeriojf* Mdlorls Agent for two of she largest Flour Mill* in this country. mffSugjur direct fiom the Refineries. wOur Goode are bought from first bands, saving the middle man s profit, an<| we sell at Manufacturer'* Prices. Our Dry Goods Deputasnt •fiJBifIfiSSBSC fithrtaa fur Spriujf and Summer wear, with everything necessary fur Comforts Oar Shoo Dsputawt ‘'o, st, °" "* *° l '” J. H. HACKBTJRN, (Soooessors to Hack burn A Willett.) NEWBERNE, N. C. 1 Subscription: ) f 91.00 PER YEAR, i | M Cte. Six Months, i P» y- yHJTAKBF, fPITOF, Kichlands Items. Weather is yet cool and dry. Crops somewhat retarded, but are In a fair condition so for as work hi concerned. Health of the neighborhood is im proving, though we are sorry to have testate that onr good Bro. Forbes, preacher in charge, is quite sick—hop* uot dangerous. Preparations are being made for tha school exercises at tha villaga, Walter bnmphray has returned from Blugliara. Johu Boystt. wife and daughter, and Jas. Doyolt and wifi, of Warsaw, N. C„ were the guest* ofF. D. Shaw, Esq., test week. Mr. Andrew Scott has ceaaed to ex ist lu Jones connty. 11l tell yon about the melons next week. Big Business at Morehead Our correspondent tells us that tha Atlantic Hotel at Morehead has al ready booked for the season the largest crowd that has been there lor some time. Forty rooms in the cottage budding will be occupied by a party cf young rtnUemen. The entire house wltl be under the supervision of Mrs. JBlftckuali. which indorses it for good mapagement a* Mrs. Blackball I* conceded by all who know her as on* of the beet, if not the very, best housekeeper iu the State. la miking this assertion w* fekr no con* tridiction. K Great Advance in Weal he Fore cast*. The most significant development in wtather forecasting for year* ha* been attuned by the weather haresu as the result of experimeuti with kites down at distances of one to two miles above the surface of the earth. The ex per l mtute were conducted in this city, and the tact has been established that shifting of the wind occurs at a mile level above the earth's surface from twelve to sixteen hours before the same change of direction occurs on the tor foe*. This will enable the weethsr bureau to moke more accurate forecast*. The roropian* investigation*, as an nounced today, have reached a point where it can be stated that wlthlu six months the goverumaot weather bu reau, for the first time lu the history of auy meteorological service, can con struct a telegraphic chart based ou air conditions oue mile above the earth, —Press Visitor. SIHON HTOWTTZ healer in—— MUTTCH, HYDES, ETC. Highest prices paid for Hydes. He also sells Milk Shakes to cool you thia hot weather. TXSAVO# AT. C, NOTICE. A S much of my time is occupied on ** my farm, and other enterprises out of Treoten, I request all pereons having business with me to call at tnv office in Trerton on Satunlays arid the first Mondays. LEWI* KING. NUMBER 18.