T Oat of the Beat Fam-J ¥ly paper* m East «rn $ 5 T Carolina. I f Subscription: »i.ooA)feA*^ VOLUME 2. TftENTON MAILS. ARRIVAL AMO DKI* ART'S RE* FROM COVE: Leave* Trenton at 7:30 a. m. Arrivaa at Trantou at 12.-00 no. Leave* Trenton at 2: 0 p. n». Arrives at Trenton at 7:13 p. R>. FROM rOLLOKHVILLR : Leaves Trenton Tuesdays, Thursday* and Saturdays at 6:00 s. in. Arrives at Trenton (Mine day*) 3p. m. TROUT atom,AMDS. Leave* Trenton Mondays, Wednesdays and Fjid lye at 6:00 a, m. Arrive# at Trenton (sama days) 7 p. m. THOM BONUS: Leaves Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 7:00 a. in. Arrives st Trenton (same day*) 4 p. m. F. F. GREEN, P M . i WEES I TREBTON. Peopla CemiaT ani (hong. and What They are Doing. vm ABOUT TBR TOWPB SMERii, ITC. L. H. Whitehead, of Dover, was in Trenton lost week. L. A. Haywood spent a few days in Kinston last week. J. C. Wooten, of Kinston, was in Trenton last Saturday. Lon Taylor and son Buck, went to Kinston one day last week. Sam Yoffee spent a day in Kins ton last week on business. The editor and son Grover, were at Polloksville Saturday on business. T. C. Whitaker- and wife spent Sunday in Kinston with Dr. K. A. Whitaker. Miss Nettie Kilpatrick, of Pol loksville, is visiting friends in our midst.' * Mrs. Lon Taylor went to her fa ther’s, sheriff D. H. Harrison, last Saturday for a short visit. A. E. Hammonds, of Cypress Creek, was visiting friends and rel atives in Trenton last week. We regret to learn that the con dition of Mrs. E. A. Rhodes is not so encouraging as we go to press. Mrs. Windley returned home Fri •* day from Polloksville, where she had been visiting relatives for the past week. F. P. Koonce went to Tuckphoe Friday after his sistar, Miss Cattie, who spent a few days with her par ents in Trenton. ' T. S. Bender, wife, and children, returned to their home in Polloks villc Sunday, after a short visit ot the residence of S. E. Koonce. The Ladies Missionary' society will meet at the Methodist church next Thnreday afternoon. All the members are earnestly requested to be present. The saw-mill of S. Barker, is again at work, and it is pleasant to set and listen as 1 * it plays the sweet strains of "Planko off Log- :tto. F. B. Waters, author. Large quantities o'jjnbcr is lying in the near Trenton, waiting ■for high water to float them to mar . ket This business is quite an item ' in Jones county. The Eastern Carolina News may Rot make its appearance next week on account of some changes that are being made in its publica tion. Our subscribers will be duly Notified in our next issue. . Some of the finest farms in Jones county lie in the Beaver Creek sec tion. . We were especially impressed with the plantations of Frank No bles, R. B. Dumb W. B. Isler, Frank Green, our postmaster, and others. Truly. t>e lot of the people living in that section is cast in gooity lar , HP (lllllllVt mis, Two services were conducted by Rev. T. M. N. George at the Epis copal chqrch last Sunday. At the morning service the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Brogden, and Master Joe Smith were baptised. Mrs. George accompanied her hus band to Trenton and was the guest of Mrs. J. P. Brogden. We saw our townsman, S. H. Windley at Polloksville last Satur day, and he informed us that the engine and boiler to run the plow factory in Trenton, would be shipped to Trenton at once, and active work begun to get- the factory in success ful operation. J. 11. Bell is one of the promotors of this enterprise, which means success. We noticed last week as we were going to Kinston, the erection of a school house in a swamp not far from R. B. Dunn’s. A gentleman remarked to us that the children would havfe but little time to study for keeping the yellow flies off. The teacher when he wants to punish a child has only to tie his hands and let the flies bite. Worse than using the rod. When the steamer Howard ar rived at Polloksville last Saturday from Trenton, there was no one at the bridge to open tjic draw. It was found that the machinery was out of order and could not be opened with the crank. A number of persons happened to be present and b; r great exertions shoved the draw back and let the steamer through. CapL Jones informs us that he is having trouble with th& bridge, and somethhing must be done to remedy the evil.. The keeper of the bridge is paid by the county and he ought to sec that the duties required are faithfully performed. ’bonusTtems. Rev. J. M. Benson filled his regu lar appointment last Sunday at Sha dy Gryve There was a large at tendance. Messrs. Myers and Fordham, from Kinston, and E.F. Smith, of Coaho ma, spent Sunday afternoon at Na than Gilberts. Mr. Harrell, who has been look ing after the building of Mr. Dail’s new residence, has gone home sick. Miss Sallie Gray and brother spent Saturday night at Nathan Gilberts and attended church Sunday. Mrs. Dr. F. A. Whitaker, of Kins ton spent last Thursday with her sis ter, Mrs. Bryant FOWLE*ITEMS. Feb. 14,1898. W. T. Emett, of Cedar Poipt, was in our community last Thursday. W. M. Hays returned last Wednes day from Franklin county where he had been for several months. Mrs. Meadows, of Polloksville, spent Sunday and Sunday night vis iting her sister., Mrs. Maides. Mrs. J. T. Maides, who has been quite sick is much better now. Miss Emett spent several days last week visiting the Misses Foscue. Farmers are progressing finely with their work, guess they are go ing in the tobacco business as there are four bams going up. It’s reported that the “wedding bells” will be ringing it] this neigh borhood real soon. The family of Jno. Cameron is preparing to move to Maysville, where they will make their future home. / fAPER. FOR JZLASSE3 OF fgQPLE O THE pITBBT J^EWS. TItENTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1898. TRENTON HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI. 1 We were glad to pee a letter in the Nfws recently from L, B. Has kins, a former student of Trenton High School. We predict for him a brilliant future, as he was one of ours best students. Frank Hammond, another one of our bright students, is now attend ing school at Trinity college. We are glad to hear of his success. T. W. Brogden, who for several years past was one of the best stu dents of Trenton High School is now, wc are glad to hear, doing good work at Trinity college. I Tlie students generally, of our school, take a high stand at college. The Principal, W. It. Rhodce, re quests thorough work, and has been untiring in his efforts to make the ! school what it now is, one of the best preparatory schools in the State. The people of joues county pay attention to education, and keep up 1 with the times as much as any peo you will find. PROMISE ITEMS. Wc have had some very warm weather this week and were glad to see it. The farmers have done a fine weeks work. G. W. Padrick and daughter, of this county, made a pleasure trip to Brown sound this week, and will re turn to their home next Monday. Mrs. Padrick visited the family of Bryant Huffman last Sunday, Rev. Mr. Grubbs passed through this place last week on his way to preach at Christian Chapel the 2nd Sunday in this month. Arthur Cox has sold his tobacco bed and is preparing to build a bam. Several new bams are going up in this county this year. People who have to buy horses and mules cannot pay for them. They cannot make cotton at the present price and meet their debts. NOTICE. 1 respectfully ask the chairman of each school Committee to give us their statement of the tfioney that each school is entitled to and their nuipber, neither 1 nor the Superin tendent know. We would like very much to hear from you, gentlemen, soon. LEWIS KING, County Treasurer. Feb. 18th, 1898. A d. Pollock, Dealer in all kind* of Heavy and Fancy Grocsriw, Confect ioneries. Tobacco, C 5 {tar», Snuff, Cigarette, Farming Implement*,Shirt* j Spool cotton etc. Order* received for extra casting* wPI be filled 00 short notice. Farmer* can make my store bead quaters fur their produce. Highest prices guaranteed. I can always be found at Whitaker's old ataud, Trenton, N. C. Mtwv If you get hungry when in Trenton call on in mmm He b prepared to satisfy any appetite. OYSTERS! Board 96*00 per Month. turn l Ttowj l fa, . [Branch of the Virataia-Carolina Chemical Co.] MANUFACTURED A IMPORTED OF HGIH GRADE FERTILIZERS, -AND- Fertilizer Material, RICHMOND, VA. /■ unne—iiiiii / Tinsley Celebrated Brands: Stonewall Guano, Richmond Brand Gu mo. L u Brand Guano, Powhatan Corn Guano, Stonewall Tobacco Fertilizer, Wheat and Gras* Fertilizer, Stonewall Brand Acid P»i £* s**l* cS 2 S Rlus*l© -T I clsjl-gl 1 09 g alg Sis IsfS-a a s3:st*ill*!c§3 “ llfes Iff falsi! I Kfl m ■■ F=l -IS*; is fi J§ ~H2 s g .£.£“! S S ?# 5 § Sin tbs: 3 "sS g Largest Stock, Greatest Variety. Best Quality, Lo'vest Prices TO MS FOMD SECTION* Mdler’a Agent for tuno oi the largest Floirr Mills In this oountry. gFdugerdirect from the Hettoeries. «TOur Goode are bought from lint hante. caving the middle man’s profit, and we-ell at oce. * Out Dty Ooods Deparlmant ranrlos for Spring and Summer wear, with eve y thing neoemry for Comfort. . 1 • Our Shoe DsptrtmkatSlTilfu?' J. H. HACK BURN, (Suooeasors id Heokburn * Will|M. , _ NEWBiiRNK, N. a V X X w Bub»criptlon: fl f 61.00 PER YEAR. A f 50 Cte. Six Month*. M JVJTJjfHITAKEF, jpDtTOR NUMBER 3.