J GCINGS CM! ! Well, this edition is our last chance to report on our friends and enemies, V/e hope we haven’t hurt anyone's feelings dur. ing the year. But all's fair in love, war, and the High Time Right ? We've finally found where all the senior go to dance since there isn't anywhere els^i to dance on Friday nights. How about that Heath, Boo, Chuck, and a few we won't i-nention? If you v/on't tell, then we'll have to! Okay? BEHIND WILSON'S POND? I Since when do you have to make the '•ounds of Teague and Morrison Dorms Mien you're supposed to be at the ortho dontist, Kathy and Ann? Hey, Gail, next trne you go to C, H, with them, remember to ask first before you get something you Really don't v/ant to drink. Kathy did ^now what she was talking about, di^'t ^'"^e? We hope you know where the bell tower is by now! ! Boy, did somie people have trouble at Norton Arena, May 8th! If you're not §oing steady, why worry? It was rather '^used up though! - -Gail Evans and Warren : Gloria and Phil T. , David R, and ^t^et R., Ann and Denton, and Van Evan ^5id"PiggyH^ Don't v/orry about it, Gloria ^ ^^'11 turns out for the bestj V/e've heard of people cidding the sections their SAT wrong, but we've never heard Q^nyone's adding the date with his score, about that, Mary Pat? ^ oeems some of the Freshmen girls have ^^2:med a club! vVe're impressed! ! (Mayb^s need something more than a club!) ^ Bradley, we hope you have given Crys confidence, v/e hate to see her get ^pset with you every time you look at ^^othe ■ - Vo r girl! Bobby, did all that dancing really make ^ sick at the Ember's Club, or was it the you were dating? Seem.s you and Chud. something going! Gordon, you say you lost one of your contact lenses when going to the beach by accidentally hitting your head on sometiing. Are you sure it was something? Ihis was another good year between the Juniors and Seniors--the annual egg fights, trying to find out the theme, etc. This year there was something new. Anyone for a mud fight? - -but let's not get in trouble for disturbing the peace any more, boys-- okay? Some of our "original” senior girls had somie "wet" fun, too, when trying to "roll" cars! Hope you didn't catch a cold, Jane and Sylvia! Those water balloons really do get you soaked, don't they? You could blame Kathy for parking the car so far away! Is it really true that an early morning run around the block is very good for your health? But Allen and Eric had a little more going for them. Running a race at 5:00 A.M.. at the ball park with cheer leaders (Justine and Janet) cheering them on to victory is quite a different thing. By the v/ay, who won the race? f you better watch out. Vve know your h renen seat is very conifortable second period, but you better quit talking about your loves when there are so many Vears" around. First loves are always the hardest to get over! Good Luck! Seems like a few people who went to the Bermuda party were with their one and only. Right, Diane B., Sandra A., and Freda Bo ? Seemis that Ted has a new hiding place for his valuables I Remember tc stop at the right stop sign, Ted! I If any of you boys would like any hints cn getting a beautiful corsage for your favorite girl, just ask Bob K. or Randy C. They cam.e up with a very original idea for the J unior-Senior. It seems that Margy Hinnant has finally decided that Eddie is..her one and only Icr/e,