SIvIITHFIELD HIGH TIIv.ES WHO IS EDUCATED? A. high school professor in Chicago is reported to have given the following test to his pupils. He told them that they were not really educated unless they could say yes to all these questions: 1. Has your education given you sympathy with all good causes and made you espouse them? 2. Has it made you a brother to the weak? 3. Have you learned how to miake friends and keep them? 4. Do you know what it is to be a friend yourself? 5. Can you look an honest man or a virtuous womian straight in the eye? 6. Do you see anything to love in a little child? 7. Will a lonely dog follow you down the street? 8. Can you be high-minded and happy in the nrieaner drudgeries of life? 9. Do you think washing dishes and working in the field just as compatible with high thinking as piano playing or golf? 10. Are you good for anything to yourself? 11. Can you be alone? 12. Can you look into a mud puddle by the wayside and see anything but mud? 13. Can you look into the sky at night and see beyond the stars? 14. Can your soul claim relationship with the Creator?