Wi 0 SMITHFIELD HIGH TIMES GLEE CLUB CONTEST On Friday, March 17, the rrxembers of the Smithfield High School Glee Club journeyed to Durham High School and the IJistrict High School Chorus Festival. The girls were scheduled to sing at ^:30, but the time was moved up to 3:00. ■^s the girls went on stage, with butterflies fluttering in their stomachs, Mrs. McLean, the director, gave her last direction, ’’Smile!" The two songs, "Jesu, Joy of Man's l^esiring", by Bach, and "For the Beauty the Earth", by Kocher, went surpris- ^J^gly fast. Before the girls even realized ^t, the performance was over and everyone off-stage awaiting the final judgment. ^t finally arrived and the two verdicts were excellent -1- (B+) and a Superior - (A- The girls and Mrs. McLean were "" ^f^rilled, and the trip home was filled with '^^ngratulations and a little harmonizing in ^^parate parts. Jenny Thompson TEEN DEMS ELECT NEW CFFICERS The Smithfield Teen Dems Club held last meeting for this school year on 9, 1967, at Nelson's Restaurant, '^urteen members were present. After dinner, each member was pre- ^^hted with tne newly published "Footbook" North Carolina Teen-A.ge Dem.ocrats j^^ich contains the by-laws, constitution, ^^story, and other interesting facts about Teen Dem organization. New officers elected and are as follows: Shelley ^^stleberry, president; Kathy Reese, vice Page Perkinson, secretary- ^ ^Usurer; and Johnny Pitchi and Jane ^hningham, publicity chairmen, j Kathy Reese and Nancy Johnson in- PO '^ed members of the Teen Dem Convertkn ^ held in Raleigh, June 9, 10, 11. All ^^^ibers were urged to attend. 1^ Immediately preceding adjournm.ent, president Joe Morgan expressed L ^opes that next year would be a good ^ lor the club. Ann Jones STUDENTS ENJCY BEACH TRIP Carolina Beach was hard hit on Friday, April Z8, by a tidal wave of energetic teen agers frorri the First Baptist Church of Smithfield and the Methodist churches of the Smithfield Sub-district. That night the boardwalk was hardest hit. Teenagers were seen riding moon rockets, bullets, and bumper cars as well as playing pool, dandng, and shooting basketball. Around 12:00 the boardwalk was calm, but the storm had just begun at the various cottages of the area. Finally, after much activity, everyone set tled dov/n for the night. On Saturday, after having very little sleep the night before, everyone relaxed on the beach, rode motorcycles, and learned "how to dismount from an elephant". The night was spent at the boardwalk, on the beach, etc. V'/orship services were held Sunday morn ing by the different groups. After lunch, the afternoon was spent cleaning the cottages and preparing to leave. A few took time for a last minute swimi and sunbath, and some said good-by to their new acquaintances. After a fun-filled weekend, the storm of teenagers returned to Smithfield, and by Sunday night Carolina Beach was calm, once more. Sue Stephenson Jane Kate Brown GIRL SCOUTS WILL JOURNEY TO NASSAU. Girl Scout Troop 608 has expectations of an interesting beginning for their last siiamier? as ati active tfOopi ' For-fbui''^Y^3-^*s the troop's eleven girls and their leader, Mrs. James P. Blow, have been planning and working for a trip to Nasau in the Bahamas after graduation. To raise money for the trip, each girl has sold Kathryn Beich candies. Several scouts who have rriade the trip have spoken to the group to give them helpful hints as to expenditures and activities on the trip. Troop 608, Mrs. Blow, Mrs. C. P. Batten, and Mirs. Harry K. MicGee will de part from Seaboard Station on June 11 and will journey by train to Mliami. There !»