.11 NO. 19 Bessemer City Record A Newspaper Devoted To The Service And Betterment Of "The Town With A Heart” BESSEMER CITY RECORD Published every Wednesday by General Publishing Company, Inc. Bessemer City, N.C. 28016 Office at 211 W. Washington Ave. Phone MA9-2654 Subscription rates: Single Copy, 10 cents; one year (mail) $4.12; six months; $2.58; out-of-state: one year, $5.15. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Besse mer City, N.C., under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. BESSEMER CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 28016-WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6,1969 PRICE - 10c The Contestants City Gives Go-Ahead HARRIETTE LEE DAVIS For ABC Construction Harriette Lee Davis is one of the ten contestants who will ipete on August 23 for the title of Miss Bessemer City 1970. : pageant is sponsored by Bessemer City Jaycees and is to e place in the auditorium of Bessemer City High School. ; rising senior at BCHS is the daughter of Mrs. Harry Lee ds and the late Mr. Davis. The blonde, blue-eyed candidate studied art for four years and been a member of the school id for five years. She has had a year of baton training. She ns to present her art for her talent. At BCHS, she is feature tor of the Purple and Gold and belongs to the Beta, Journa- 1, French' and Dramatics clubs and the FTA and FHA. She ald like to further her education at Wake Forest College. : is five feet and seven inches tall and weighs 118 pounds, pageant hostess is Mrs. Allan Farris.’ A public hearing was held Monday night at city hall for the purpose of rezoning pro perty on West Alabama Avenue for the erection of the town’s first ABC store. The property is located on Alabama Avenue and is almost directly behind Robert’s Super Market. It is part of the late S. J. Durham estate and is now owned by Plato Pearson of Gas tonia. The request for the rezoning was made by the ABC board. Serving on the ABC board are R. W. Thornburg, chairman, Roy J. Bullard, Clarence Adams, D. W. Smith and Boyd Morgan. The full city council was present, including Mayor Clyde Servis, Ted Williams, Donald R. Carpenter, Neil Barnes, Jackson Parker, S. B. Pearson and Meek Capps. There was no formal pro test to the rezoning request. The council granted the re quest The brick and block ABC building will consist of the ABC store with offices and warehouse facilities. The store is expected to be in operation by October. Other items of business were also done at the meeting. The town at its last regular monthly meeting, had voted to join the Gaston County Regional Planning Board, joining at that time With Gastonia and Dallas. Now as a member of the board, the town votes on other county municipalities joining with the planning group. At the meeting Monday night, Bessemer City approved of Mt. Holly joining the group. Mt. Holly had filed an application to join. The tentative budget allotted $3,000 for Bessemer City’s joining the county planning board. The council granted a re quest from the Woman’s Club to permit the organization to place a cement picnic table and trash collector container in the downtown park. The town has purchased a used patrol car from the State Highway department The council voted to keep the old police patrol car, keeping it on hand as an auxiliary to the recently purchased patrol auto. Mayor Servis appointed Par ker, chairman, Williams and Pearson to a committee to out line work projects for city em ployees to follow. The projects will be scheduled according to need, priority, etc. Second Class Postage Paid At Bessemer City, N.C. 25 Years Ago- In Bessemer City SPLASHING GOOD FUN FREE FOR ALL-Pictured above is the first group of swimmers in the portable swimming pool which is now opened free to the public at the Bessemer City Community Action Center at 127 West Pennsylvania Avenue, the pool was given by The Charlotte Observer Charities to the Gaston County Red Cross unit which is loaning it to the Commu nity Action Centers in the county. The Red Cross unit supervises its use. The pool is opened from 9 a.m. until S p.m. and is closed during the noon hour. Life guards on duty have their salaries paid for by the Town of Bessemer City. Tom Ritchie, center director, says that depending on the usage, no set schedule for the differ ent ages will be made. Should the need arise, a schedule will be arranged in order to see that all age groups can take advantage of the free swimming. Tommy Sherrill is assistant director of the center. Photo by Rev. Mr. George Shuford. DONNA EUGENIA DAVIS Donna Eugenia Davis is a rising senior at BCHS where she i varsity cheerleader, was first runner-up for Miss Golden Hours e, served as Junior-Senior waitress, and belongs to the Drama- >, French and Journalism clubs. She would like to further her ■cation at either Sacred Heart College, or, take training for an stern Airlines Hostess in Miami, Fla. The daughter of Mr. and s. H. E. Davis, Jr., she is five feet six inches tall, has brown r and brown eyes and weighs 132 pounds. Mrs. Edgar Hol- >ok is her hostess. MABLE LOUISE DAVIS The following news items were carried twenty-five years or more ago in the GASTONIA GAZETTE. Lois Lynette Sex ton was correspondent. Among boys who will report to the navy induction center at Camp Croft on Saturday are Jerry Savage, Meek Capps, Bob Kincaid, Bob Payne, Stowe Wy ant, Bayne Whitworth and James M. Whitworth...Joe Lemaster has returned from Squantum, Mass., where he visited with Lt. ( jg) and Mrs. Caleb M. Le- master. Lt. Lemaster is with the Naval Air Corps. Joe also visited in Baltimore, Md., with Mr. and Mrs. Fred New. Mrs. New is the former Elizabeth Hoover....Mrs. Paul Long has returned from Duke Hospital where she received treatment Pfc Wilbur Tucker of Texas City, Texas, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Tucker....Pvt Ruben Jenkins of Fort Bragg spent the week- end with his parents.... Herbert Whitley is a patient at Duke Hospital where he is undergoing treatment..Harry Dameron is stationed at Low ery AFB Base, Colo, and Pvt. Fred Dameron is at Miami Beach, Fla. They are sons of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Dameron... Pvt Robert Metcalf spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Metcalf...Mrs. G. H. Tarpley is a patient at City Hospital, Gastonia, suf fering from a broken arm and leg. She was struck by an auto while leaving Gambrill Milt According to police report, no eye witness to the scene has been found.... A feature article with photo carried on Staff Sergeant Ralph J. Boone gave the ac count of his receiving two oak leaf clusters and the silver star along with three stars for three theaters of war, pre- Pearl Harbor, flight, good con ¬ duct and AmericanDefense rib bons. He is quoted as giving the Red Cross workers a plug- especially the girl Red Cross workers, saying, “We fly for coffee and the Red Cross Mo bile Unit,” but hastily added,” and to chalk up those missions that are so necessary to get us back home.” He serves as an aerial photographer gunner on a B-26 ‘Marauder and com pleted forty combat missions. Along with Red Cross workers, he enjoyed seeing the enter tainers, Kay Francis, Martha Ray, Carol Landis, Bob Hope and others An impressive Memorial Day program took place near the honor roll board in the down town park on which names at the boys and girls who are serving in the armed forces are listed. Mayor 0. R. Black made the address. The National Anthem was played by the Bessemer City Band; the Boy Scouts of Troops 1, 2 and 3 gave the Flag salute, taps were played by Dot Sisk and Arnold Shul man. Rev. J. B. Pearson of Garrison Memorial AR Pres byterian Church, led in prayer and Rev. G. W. McClananhan of Grace Lutheran pronounced the benediction.... Miss Carrie J. Mauney left Monday for Greensboro to at tend the 25th annual session of the North Carolina Pastors School and School of Missions... Pfc Harley W. Whitesides has been promoted to corporal at Fort Sam Houston, SanAntonio, Texas....Mrs. Ernest Carroll and daughter, Mrs. Gary Hollis, have returned from visiting Pvt W. A. Buddy Carroll at North Camp Hood, Texas. Pvt. Car- roll has been made co-captain of the 140th Bat. Baseball team at Camp Hood....Mrs. (Continued on Page 4) OES Masonic Banquet Was Held Monday Night Hable Louise Davis is a 1967 graduate of BCHS where she nged to the French. Beta and Dramatics ciubs and the FHA. lists hei hobbies as sewing, cooking and basketball. She Id like to further her education at Gaston College. For her it, she will recite an original skit in which she will also sing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey L Davis of Route 1, she is feet' four and a half inches tall, weighs 120 pounds, and has ■m hair and brown eyes. Mrs. Don Carver is her hostess. The members of the Besse mer City Chapter of the Order of The Eastern Star No. 263 entertained Monday night at a banquet social which honored local Masons and their wives. The Masons are members of Whetstone Masonic Lodge No. 515. The banquet took place at the Masonic Temple on West Pennsylvania Avenue where special guests along with the OES, Masons and their wives were Mrs. Janie Dodd Kin caid of Kings Mountain, Grand Treasurer of the Grand Chap ter of OES of North Carolina, and Mr. and Mrs. John Owens- by of Gastonia. Mrs. Owens- by is the District Deputy Grand Matron of the 17th Dis trict. Guests were greeted by Mrs. Charles A. Harmon, Worthy Matron and Floyd Noblett, Worthy Patron. Mrs. Noblett kept the register. Appetizers and punch were served upon arrival b£ Mrs. R. M. Kiser, Mrs. Dan Rhyne and Mrs. Edna Hoyle. Dinner was served in the dining room where the table laid with covers for seventy four were placed in U-shape, covered with white linen cloths and centered with pink runners interspersed with miniature pink roses and ivy. A large greenery centered the officers table. Butterflies were also used in the table decorations, which symbolized the Worthy Grand Matron’s symbol of “Happi ness.” Mrs. Harmon gave the wel come and Mr. Noblett gave the invocation. David Kincaid, Mastor ofThe Lodge was introduced. He in troduced the Masonic officers and the past Masters of The Lodge. During the evening, taped recordings prepared by Nancy Harmon Spencer were played. Waitresses for serving the meal were Angie MacDonald, Susan Lindsay, Rosemary Bry- mer, Mary Harmon, Pat Har mon and Nancy H. Spencer. Officers of the OES had charge of the dinner arange- ments. LINING UP FOR NEW ADVENTURE-Youngsters were stand ing in line Wednesday morning, waiting to take advantage of a public portable swimming pool. Some of the eager swimmers had never known the thrill of taking a plunge before into a gen uine swimming pool, a situation that added a touch of tension to the fun. The swimming pool is free to the public with the only restrictions that swimmers must be at least seven years old and four feet tall. These restrictions are for safety purposes. The town of Bessemer City is paying for the services of life guards for three weeks. In case more money is donated to the project, the swimming pool can be left here for an additional week. The pool is located on the grounds of the Bessemer City Community Action Center at 127 West Pennsylvania Avenue (the Woltz build ing). Photo by Rev. Mr. George Shuford, Action Council Chair man. Head Starters Visit Library Students enrolled in the Head Start program at Central School were guests recently at the Bes semer City Branch Library. Sixty children were conduct ed on a tour of the library and were instructed in checking out books for reading from the lib rary stock of books. Stories told the group were “Rosa Too Little” and “Char lie, Did You Carry The Flag?” Each student received a book let containing information about the library, giving its opening hours, etc. Book markers in the form of book worms were given as fa vors. They had been made by Faye Varnadore, library youth worker. Mrs. T. A. Lynn is librarian. MAKES VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright and sons of Illinois visited with Mr. Wright’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wright, and with Mrs. Wright’s mother, Mrs. C. A. Summitt. Robert Wright is a U. S. Navy career man. Mrs. Wright is the former Pearl Summitt. Church Women Sewing To Build Parsonage The Ladies Auxiliary of the Bessemer City Church of God have a sewing program under way as a financial project The women are making face wash cloths in the fellowship hall where they have set up three rented commercial sewing ma chines for the operations. The sewing is done by volun teer work of the church women who take turns sewing on the machines from 9 a.m. until 12 midnight The women have an order for 140,000 dozen terry washcloths. The order was placed by the Church of God state office in Charlotte. The state office will use some of the finished wash cloths for is own uses in plac ing them in church institutions such as the state orphanage supported by the church, youth camps as well as distribution to other church women groups who will in turn sell them, also as financial projects. The women mark, cut and sew and pack the wash cloths. The state office sends a truck to pick them up. This past week the women were able to ship twenty-five dozen cloths. Although the women do the sewing, youth of the church assist in marking, cutting and packaging the cloths. Proceeds from the sewing project are to be used to pay for the church’s new parson age which is now under con struction. The brick parson age is located adjacent to the church building on the Besse mer City-Gastonia Highway near Sisk Funeral Home. Profits from the sewing pro ject will also go for paying off the remainder of the debt owed for the church sanctuary and fellowship hall, and for pav- ing a parking lot area. The church’s fellowship hall is air conditioned. Rev. Winston F. Clark is pas tor of the church. The Ladies Auxiliary has three presidents who work with different groups. Auxiliary pre- sidenis are Mrs. Jesse Lowery, Mrs. Erney and Mrs. Lloyd Butler. Calvin Wins Tweetsie Trip Calvin Johnson was the lucky winner of a free visit to the tourist attraction “Tweetsie” at Blowing Rock. He also ap peared on a pre-taped pro gram of the “Little Rascals” which appeared Sunday over WBTV on the Fred Kirby show. Calvin participated in a con test to win his Tweetsie and TV visit. His card was drawn as the lucky winner and his name as winner was announced on the “Little Rascals” program this past Sunday. He went to the WBTV studios in Charlotte on Thursday where he was taped for the Sunday TV program Calvin is the eleven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy John son. AT SIX FLAGS Among local residents visit ing “Six Flags Over Georgia” in Atlanta this week are Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Phifer and son Jimmy, Lisa Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kane and daugh ters, and Mr. and Mrs. Char les Burnett and daughters.