. ) »Hm E.vi1Z-«-.iszåkiglsäj" ais-Z- JUNGE-tat r’,.HV>iS byvui^jf iiiiv *kU » V* Vfcjit i'»v i ail !**ft \bnn ■"' wtSk ‘tin 0%ifrtii 30ITQM W Wsl» ncjfirtt^ ‘.'ifi vLrt ggTgtr aim fc ,-"’•t cTrrtrt virrtw *HFVi: .i,,irv n,"n«1»». ar »■ - * ** : li* *>» ’ «H«7ir*"'V> lW(Wv» 1 v6C$k' Vi? / ! fj V*; H1I; ivt-rt --At %it#m | >'(irffctiili<vj bttrt Imohn j bfli % 'JOV4JJ ii| | '^qi'un 1 iiHm it 'in"» wti 'it* 'guawm.: Uipikn-iriisp ■! —m_LUiiiu N(JMBER4Q. ___ ■' ik f ,’S') adktH BB# ’'M- Ul”'MOM®, lECTCfftiSS OS,THE'FTJ?UIl« Jr rafc’rofiwn®" bAfln’1 r wit*****! m -*>.«£ »u itfadq w lVulton trrestnig leciljiNB.o^r^ie rfbovb tubjeFtinWX/M.'E^oncbVfch in oni\i 7 th" initaiirtb i M rml •mm'dfatfvd; iiutfteiiCe ill wbft^^i^popR. nere ing Je^f’nring >’«8 not Mb^iirticuhti onUug, but his sm fiKMttfe'tUfe ««f iia9«sa wifi *;« I&JlSF'iitdomt* Ik.-fatM*'*0*: w h*ne Ver a nopportii nity ^aa iliFereiT, a lecture on the1r‘ifcppWenieut of Kit race in '*U country. Fop over'5* fc WttttrWfaM^r • #m«pap'm W VCbrltfmn to preach tbi “ Ooi|tel ;’itt ‘ihind tttif, to help build up his race ;' night he Wished to preeent a few pni<£ tical thoughts «fa>‘ttU ’ etlhjCM. IK then proceeded Vitfi hit lOctitr^, frOiii which ?W" ihAiUh ‘’thi^'follWWfc cxttSLCt*' »Tt4‘r ’v lu ifot ^b*F«|-t < questibW tefcr* this U the iofeShl ^feVaHhtfdf theTT^l ttbe. ,‘mr nefil£«fe«U' tioTklW Mil1 m dispaHtf H,htft exists^1 ity eauwj the- s; cwr friction* that pre^ venfst^i' fiainiony of ^4 two rawk.* Hiithmviftg, ‘fdegrtfe^g, * taia veui^cln^ thc Negro,. aiifr prejidi*’ ingj annoying, and embarirassirtg th^ whk«.. - t*** >}<»<^ The removal of this social circuinstances df thh'twb'raV^j 18 ^ question ‘ oftfegWdgitftf social f^turfe siift •olut.un of' tLf. ^Ve respond bifitf upon, every' colored man, tfhoi1 holds the position of 'R leOd^y among Our people'/l^ l.e ”fargf&&, dUtiiSMti? Permit me hertilfiiy c6ntfodt?fo%dte this dUparitv «f gocial circfihngtkljfe^ between the white ahd coldrted r&fes in this oounttyJ UtM* -*n*i*«H*« fm1st m Tfie white race is educated*, takihg them as a class, while we are illiterate or lack general ihdt'O^fi education, which condition,* Vf \§mne, has t)eeu eulaile&orffied upon u{?tyjp Ue gif pc vunui viap uioeivij utci us (U claves, ym, fcttiW-'tftaitei Mw "ft girn -^m power,* and social *$ow&,T^r(il opposite is our *conditiod on rfiakinz them i education d.akin^thfin inde^de^ while the .lfegrg^degpn^ei^ ^PlHio cud disparity in , oi/cninat&noes,. jbe tween the two races.!*, the 2ndp>*e rttyeg to’*" ■:«* «*t u of m f.n^i t.iif r ■ atfich Is* pf «Qpl»! pPW f fhifeip^ a m <«Ms. aw iiriiggpF- TMf . mm fc LiiCj»^aL4-*.,<MW‘*4r^ T*^1 T*lTtf rtf '* ii*i»rlintf *«*i«ert fb.tad*Uim < im frW5i*!pftiiti*y - 4w> fanattif .„!W-JSfHSi, Imk - oJgrD^ijHv ttJtltpivb 11 l*cp‘ noil e lm bu*W/ MdTawpfcv* w mk\ M aom4<^^d^ fJti d* *kt 4tk,|>ii»ctt«tiier^ ,is fwfcMHP I «ft>*ta*n**< f*<l* •pri i eftjale ^ ^b|V^i«Vre^^|, <#e *4*Aj*t«.ra«y. aac; rtspact ^nto^tbote a&cml diapaft,, toml.iM.wr ^«M4»uwMWk *oc •***w*ot4,y j swUtojw »yyiriwv,*ep.ftpy *• I ^WlPfSwy^W >m< £>*#«*» «# tfertfoiAriH* ^ &« Hi /»«£ tat) k.u Jfa<»u*i4*)«rf*i*; .qf. tfrfi ;$o$Jf J ®T OdogjrtD^B, tepti **» fif *m.h tkhjWf®**^ m hioI kou^r^ef all tfm&rw-, to) d.i*m«togw>.oiMrfi pftffou* «J« FgtJtofaef EftHWIpn *tod Mwfteh fie i iumdmaidf. ^eceudly, in p r^Mth, ^Hiobf Wa*mw* iwqqire &> tp arn^Sc e4jf#4(ip£ ,*t»eH^he*#*** # *0 JfrtMiMfi*1i«ti|4| q* Mgage^ iifcMfcjK <M aitetWost< co^v^M»qfcft)r In nffteopfe Mt •& Wmfotkji 'ft cfeiwdugti^i Jfirsim*8* Macfcjwfcui, iiE^iqfMinpi ipgrsuttsr nm*A'V*fini »p] apndy pyjrstwrf HyiUgirfiUimm^ofe Vrooii^nHfttH <e8ptxji*Ujr 4( rieiijtuiw,) ?ro cari^ fta the«eiB<lm »* ai, pw^ubH iMirJ people; murt 'e*ta£, iiiboixl j*act«re'the eo-operative syft mm frinnaMrifHtfiniit*, the whit«^f T*ey «Kist }e»ra* 'k>repoee cd ia;«»d):Otke^«»fr<ip 0»f aod iowi* .4itoek»e<*v$ip putting theiif;iQMlNr;4ogfti^t fcppio** "tat&rpmem,’.^ ; ietf'ihatf nfeefc land <in ,&*k« wbertfnrgt d^elto Wfcddj. cfiicnp. , vFor in?, i^^in^fcjuteai^^.wirtnBfieOaecea. of' pripJn tand qmiMh^U^fr-for fed* iiig*»ti)Jdli«n;iitLptwir fiwpfr fiipim, * ofarrAarg* eta* Meat tmd tfce «equak>of the other t|r*|tyftlwr atfeitefftti ihArol^j '*»«»* 4-U fj ^eb/tfcn«j "i f »<f jfl<> ;W> !»fe9»r^ !*» »*t I JofMflFTM *•'-•=* lyimMu bitaeatba T *■ w T* * mA 4 Upon mi iRPr^TO \M-WIJ flVsTir me* BmSSStasm ejvpifkfdt from tit itotoMtiiaetoe cau lo he* in# that a l*ige percent of 6hr minis* iwlB&R jJI P UMiimrhVmiSl m* ^jerwWie^lia^oved >tt*ihr{ to be the ’Sf’TM wnf,. mytbv • v •- ; ,r?% r #^«W«ifiHM<(IJ»*JM»> *».«« ttAheaft«^><Ugbllbe,nbMt general recognition o(n religious body [q£ pebple, ftow*n hnd<?bfroubd oa* bei FbffT'f rft.-rp *hk> ter? Bht to'the pom^ljfetliren oerlairfy. I believe, a, remedy g* Paul ■ ,’iT HoHiifl J rT\v £ :<Swft^lllR**-j:A“4ffl0« mt me to propose <5 W*e,.. with- a [Hope me klther brother will) propose 9i*mpuimmb ba* wfrym V % ^fereoce giy* $<!«Ae*eg«tj» tp the ^^□pai confereoce a hand in this mat i4« % ^ jeqpeste^ MMmber ^tbe member ot,the ehurch •H,reP.^Wb>»4lbfc rISP9rfc^be «f5f by t^e ^istiict Steward, the Elder ,of the same, charge bring a repoit-ateor aad-aftcr - having [fekd or 'made his report, & tf§ual to ifbe conference, Igt irinrhand huj re port. to the statistical Secretary: let this secretary and tifc'distrietSte ward j|tj oncetooioare^repdrts,1 tlieothe dii |ijetr6t<?ward WH1 ibfc* M V tfce bdiif^r *nce as to wficthOrtbesereports agree e(wot7 No* Itw^iFthe? bobfereneb |o d4al with ariy-who bring-- iuenib cori^trepott, thes^-^eports btl be ^ng ia bhw, and apriioved- fey the con ierehce;-' Thia'bemg'dOh^Un- the last Annual f conference preceding f‘ the 0eneral*)«»ittenofc Oh ihd atoete $%{* thfe®efcgfil ^Gonftreiioe.' let c?StfeW*Wi hsm8 thafh in ItpHlieGenetat-Conference » rSeetetiiryy ani tlioB ybu' ^lkco 'in bis bands as correct repot4 ofea(*h‘district 4s yon can obtain. Now in case the Annual ipg his confereode through sickness or otherwise; itesi aadforwfcnd iff* ‘to the district, $teward'by raaih -' This, brethren, in ; teys)piBion;f %btrM he one means bf aobomplikhingthis long desired object P brethren we boast of our in teb 3defetehc*af the grand abilities yfthe ministei^etcC, dad yet/ let the teinisiber of*any white churches ask fby <rf*u»t«t they often do)' what the nimnr of £«**• entire nwmbewhipdh tbs Ctoanfebtfop ityjire;; each, 1 and all have tb shrink up with "idob?t know.’* This, is humilitating - intelhgeace to >h'hf !WrMi c.Siw Bedford, Mhw ‘<! >^m jfcW.i fWi« Mmm,frnr UV ^ mLT'° wrthf unbrOken-ranka to gtva an ac* count in the gospel -vineyard.; **j fdtlewiog officters oCthe, Confer, ience wemthta elected!) Sectfttttry ,J„ My &*ao*, of itfcica, Hdlfe* Riding Sebretkr^G.CiOMtefl of Auburn**^ #4 Statist.cal Secretaries, P G Mess enger, F Gibbs, GH*Tfler,s.Mid I Sleur *rK --vr M-Z' Vff ■ tvAM . "V/lov iitn ire*dtheoH£*ty>4r»t oh *p. 1 dpjtfwd the; pwphte’* inlatew <>«*h* > m&h thoiksead, and ,tho Oon joined in Binging* .tbefhviinn; eandeiog the song ©f Moaea s^JAmb^-'i; bant fitmbUdo ifio^ atop moroiugy aft?*-’ ^ ,devi> tlonal exercises, xbe Gen&reuee:-! pro ceeded nitli the exauaiuatio* oii Abo characters* ©fits members and reports Ctxrna theiriliferent cbargts Tvbieh were d)08t4 -yi#n4,0lie n being iqt; prevaitidf that the 'iMbWm # Were tap' On ^irtew—:W;A JUty, .Is $ Masp»,, J Tboma^G C;Carter£vjj<ft «1 adi it «.N " caJifTiSjrftSS. aon. , On Book Concern—-Jacob Thomas, W A Ely, C A Smith, S Steward 5 On Journal—J E Mason, G Tyler; G C Carter. On (^n^rC6nff^reitcl} ^att^r for the Delegates—C A Smith; WWM lins, IT ;\V Lacy,1 Stones.**1'" M in On Rai!rci(f Negmittibns1 ^ the Genereal Conference—J W'Lacy/- C A Smith, J6N Thototaf.' J’ fc'Mia6tt»« On* Presiding Elder's -Saftftiytii-A Walker; J W1^ If -W On Sabbath Sfehobl^sPE Mason, 8*' J Berry, Wm Sanford, J W Lacy. The featurekf tbd afternoon session Vtis the annual Episcopal kddrefc Of Bfc ReV. JvJ. Mddre,! oils!1 of the bishops of the A.‘M; E; Zion connec tidh which represents h W&Wberibip of 260,000 ite the lifted Stktds besides tW African t branch ‘ Which Ht!f Under Bishop Cartwright. BisbopMoOre is the presiding ofljder pf this apd three .quent preachy, lectually prepared for. hie; important keeping separate frdtanhe world, and less indulgence in worldly pleasures andatauserrrents. W*C, asTiiministers, must unite Sh urging our; people1 Mi erally to interest more aboht qursoOiW ^vWiQn In this doWtii^i- Ww must u^e people to labor more ardently tt 'ftet iwua oi inose th* equals ot $lfiU make ub race socially, io our annual .ittiioftonri 7r-r^J- vu^TVn 4jr^p condition in remedied or i^r^etuatedbv the op»T generationr^finslKmhjhTneet in retfiiBLk at <ta& m fkkrtoM* blnate moral religious- w I Bfdiir peo^e; ^ same w*tiw 4„ izffif'ji-udkiiui.J±^±L. ,^9, a^uisitlhnofVealtliih "coriteitflioft Mr .soci nl unity aocf rAtee £i1de:‘ FtfoWId also call yOur attention to oiie or' two fair AW GeU f>p»; ii tiettei'' ^ian,iitt)r fating the bishops and a more sue* The evening, s^psion was AM•“* h , . ^.jdthe Roches^H, B^aad R 4^sey; Q Rnuth ^W!J«hn ^•mjlli^cruae, N . F Collinga; Saratoga Springs, A Walker; £u Wo.^CCartwj Wilkm-Barre, W A SHjri Sk-j Jpnep ; .N^;, **»M '^Hw^^t^.A; >JM«sfe ^nv^Q*«Wp, A? m%b?J»arie, K*3> Rl-iggri >.^ohnst^^ |,^er VMaahiagtonis Towaada* , %rfr* JJttle falls, J W I Btewart; TaBaHateu«;""F,j,<iibb8; Watertown/ •/ l|$#ego* coufe rence conducted religious servic es in Music Hall', morning; afternoon', and evening. - NOT ©SADyBOT YiET lAIilVJBv : ,f..f -j;, ti.i;i-i-H . t .S y COKB^nOK OP i THE* WORK I1T / TBttft »:'( PART OP TOB.MOBAL VIKEYARDAC. " ‘ <; 111 f; t ; ’ BY, RRr. T. B.- lliCCAIJf. /J •>, ninnk I ( ; ,! i.j Xkttr Editor : I care not to pencih- you upon the great questionj of the' day appearing in your SrAB errery week “The Presi ding Elders system <fcc-;” although at beak we are all alive upon this im portant topic. Notwithstanding we are all playing smiF mourns feeling it is necessary to !pray more, end foot to the “All seeing one” to direct our thoughts, and help us to do that, at the appropriate time, which is best for the upbuilding oFChrist and his king* dom, for brothel Editor there is no doingpower in us;s So brethren let us pray more beseeching the “Author and Finish^ of all faith to help us in being very direful of what we write,» faff Wi' Will do more harm than gaWi ' Shdlify after mjr return from confbrehce to ihiswOMc I Was unable to dll my appointments *till about the second Sabbath in April, and at that time Fdid not anticipate being able ttiA kM)|L-i citaimjfcoioM ™ jSuIT many more. ?• "■ ; **> •?.. .oiaphftdO On fasfikut&iiy'. we had the pleasure o£ baying with us tie f£.,|2, Rj H. Simmons and Iadyvi* being ourihiid'quarter at ibil ^oint Sf± jfeffcL notepa*$«jh* rJEJ^ rJW^:Poking:I 'Wll, and I was happy to congratulate him attd> tody tfpon their new -life* cheered ^*7 much indeed. Hence I think ‘•Wth no impropriety sister Simmons tti** be calW jt||Ojgaej^ch»rer. Elder Simmons in opening the confer ence made i ft* bunted rem*rKfc? 'whicli were forcible, appreciative iuid soul firing, ;t<) every one present. On Saturday nigh*,^ tried to show), the power of God from the xxxii chap. j{ 7 and 8th Verses. On ^□hday pur ™telt<>( hold the assembled audipnce, theVewere ns many oat, doors aa there ;m were in the church. Noth withstand ing there was sport ou t door, and their minds weno liable to wahderan(f riun pW away from the occasion, our dis tinguished P. E. held us all spell bound for about an hour and: quarter, 'from t fine text; ‘‘Cotifie Idfr us rhwhn; togsth-*' the Lord, though your sins ibe 1 as ^cariet, they shall be as white as •. * mow, thoogh bored like crimson they - shall be jts wool”, I*jt me here, if there ever■-* Vrasha^ practical, plain, cdnyincing and heart revivin sermon preached, that was one^ participated in the commeaieb. i-r4vU 0, ac ■■ > J) ri.-j . 'imdi, NOTICE. The Goldsboro A. U. E. Zion, trict conference and Sunday School cdn.vent.ion will assemble in. the Wff». tiful thriving town of Greepville, N* Ci, on the 25th day of October, 1887, y and continue in session three days. ' The first two days will be devoted to the business of the conference and tl)^ third day to the Sunday School con* vention.. Rev. A. F. Moore and his members asked for the conference to meet with them; secondly a majority oi tne ministers lavor meeting at Greenville; thirdly, there has been no cbhhectibiidl gathering of any kind there for years. Ministers Will come prepared to makh settlement for the minutes, also'' remember the assessments made by the annual‘conference for the church es at Raleigh, and at Kittrell. ^Wby ; not let this be the banner district in all things ? for the joy of Zion is dnr strength. .jumv-Mi ■ vt Rt. Rev. BlslT&p tf. ^‘Thompson, Hbm John C. Dancy, and Others are expected to be presen t and lake part > in our deliberations. > f Yours for firoinpt meeting atJ ten I o’clock a im ■ t>wa fj.rni-- Mattocks. - »* i If the water happens to be low at Wilson, N. C., go to Green ville by conveyanoe the dirt road. All local elders, deacons and preachers; or members of the district eonferenoe also . Superintendents of Snaftay [ Schools. ... . 44 m Mattocks, F, K ‘-.-J \y " :,• ( ‘<i it* if&ttio ■'Xfi'imp.

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