t J i' I r WILMINGTON MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON, N. 0, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1922. t. SIGHT Tnl.Mf rk RK O. 9.Pat. OS.) fCopyrtskt, 1920. V 71. C FUI. TBy BUD FISH MUTT AND JEFF- xcu Tvwrv BUT- X THOUGHT XO IWTT, to AN 3 PfV THtTy BviClcS c cl. p.fv ? we A I Bought a MY CoNTeMPT FOR HIM Buck till Bo ' foR THe fedcVTAC .joe AS. A MUSICIAN THAW PVJNK P1A.NVST. Awswefc we THAT BvWlNG A Boy AN!) AM L6AV1NG IT .EIWPTY 6M THe GIVJING TOMOOVAJ M6HT. MR. SMITH cvtac: f th i-i J j punk'. J D XOVJ DO Hr: Bray Is President Craven County Fair Plans Being Made for Showing In September. (Special to The Star) NEW BERN, March 17. Fred L. 13ray, prominent Craven county farmer, whose contribution to the production of good fairs here for the past decade - has been significant, was last night elected president of the New Bern Fair association and made the executive in charge of producing the association's tenth anniversary exposition. Along with Mr. Bray, Albert T. Wil- lis, secretary for the past three years, was re-elected, and the following: complete the new board: John M. Aberly, first vice-president; Mrs. Clyde Eby, second vice-president, and W. H. Henderson, treasurer. At the meeting last night preliminary plans for the fair this year, which -will be held Sep tember 25 to 29, inclusive, were dis cussed. "While the directors made a rather detailed survey of the plans for the tall the only definite thing accomplish ed last night was the acceptance of a '.contract with Gloth's Greater Shows for the midway. Secretary Willis was instructed to close with this company Immediately, with the understanding ' that they would bring eighteen attrac tions and five riding devices. It is un derstood that these shows played at the Greensboro fair last year and are of the highest type. The agricultural feature of the New Bern fair will be a decided improve ment over past years. Mayor Edward Clark, a director, predicted, as a result ' of the agricultural campangn which is to be carried on through the spring and summer. In fact the general con ditions for a successful fair will be helped a great deal from this fact, the officials believe. Roused By Officers As Flames Takp Home Most of Furniture Destroyed in Fayetteville Fire Special to Tfce Star) ' FAYETTEVILLE, March 17. Awakened by a city policeman pound ing on their front door, Mrs. W. A. Fry and her son. Duval Fry, found their home, at 121 Mumford street, in a light blaze and escaped to the street only a few moments before the roof of' the house fell in. The net property loss caused by the fire is estimated at $3,000, Insurance carried on the house being insufficient to cover the damage. Moat of the household - furniture was de stroyed. Among the articles saved by firemen were a chest of silver and a trunk con taining war relics belonging to Mrs. Fry's son. Captain P. T. Fry, of the United States army, including a deco ration awarded Captain Fry for distin guished gallantry in the battle of the Hindenburg line. The flames reduced to a solid mass of metal a handsome silver , pitcher presented a number of years ago by the citizens of Red Springs to Mrs. Fry's husband, the late W. A. Fry, an Atlantic Coast Line en gineer, for heroic conduct in saving the life'of a child by making his way to the pilot of his engiiac and lifting the tot from the track of a trestle. The flames, which were- discovered "about 2 o'clock, are thought to have originated from a smouldering spark on the roof. Firemen were delayed several min- .utes in reach ins the fire by the passing of a' freight train. . . Duval Fry, who makeij his home' with his mother, is a member of Fayette ville's "Wonder Eleven' high school football champions of North Carolina, and suffered a broken leg in the final ,game of the championship series with rWinston-Salem, from which injury he 'has not yet entirely, recovered. NOTICE SAI.K OF GOODS BY . TRUSTEE j v Under and by virtue of the power ' and authority in me vested as Trustee ' t in Bankruptcy, for the Thomas-Miller company, bankrupt, I will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the store of the Thomas-Miller company, in ' Beaulaville, N. C. Duplin county, on Wednesday, March 29, 1922, at 11 o'clock a. m., all of the stock of mer v y chandise belonging to the Thomas- Miller company, consisting of groce ' rles, dry goods, shoes and' a general p- stock of merchandfse, and a general line of hardware. The stock of mer- " --chandise will be sold in bulk. I will require the purchaser to de posit with me, in cash, an amount ' equal ' to ten per cent- of his- bid and . '.this Bale will be,, made- subject to the rV confirmation jof Hon! Joseph B. Chesh . Ire, Jr.,' Referee in Bankruptcy,' at Ra leIgh,tN. ,And no title ..to the goods , - will- pass till the sale is confirmed, and , at that time the remainder of the bid r ' will ,:be required. i , . ' ' , .... F.L. P;OTTKR,V y i ''C'; 'jv, ; , .TruitetfHta." "Bankruptcy, Legal Notices (17) SUMMONS AXD NOTICE OF ISSUANCE OF WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover In the Superior Court. Cement Products Company vs. The Dil lon Mills. To the Dillon Mills: Tou are hereby notified that the plaintiff above named has instituted action in the Superior Court of New Hanover county, by issuing a Summons and Warrarft of Attachment in said action, and that the plaintiff claims that you are indebted to it In the sum of four thousand and fifty dollars; Now, therefore, Tou are hereby com manded to be and appear before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, at his office at the court house in the City of Wilmington, on the 17th day of April, A. D. 1922, or within twenty days thereafter, and answer or demur to the Complaint, a copy of which is. now on file, under penalty of law. You are further notified that the plaintiff has sued out a Warrant of Attachment returnable before the un dersigned clrk on the day and date above mentioned, claiming that you are indebted to it as aforesaid, by reason of not paying the amount of the con tract made between you and the plain tiff for the installation of septic tanks and sewerage system, which said War rant of Attachment has been levied upon all the property and effects which the Murchison National Bank has in its hands belonging to you, and also all indebtedness due by the Murchison National Bank to vou, and you are fur ther notified that if you fail to appear qtii a iwir- or demur to the Complaint the Judgment will be rendered against j you. This the 9 th day of March. A. D., 1922. W. N. HARRISS, Clerk Superior Court. 3-11, 18. 25 4-l-4tc NOTICE OK SALE By virtue of a juagment in the Supe rior Court of New Hanover county, wherein Maria Broughton was plaintiff and Mrs. Franklin Howard was de fendant, the undersigned commissioner will expose for sale on the 17th day of April, 1922, at the court house door In Wilmington, N. C, at. 12 o'clock noon, the following described property, lying and being in the City of Wilmington, and bounded as follows: On the west side of 11th street. Be ginning at the intersection of the southern line of Meadow street with the western line of 11th street and runs thence westwardly with the southern line of Meadow street sixty "(60) feet; thence southwardly parallel with 11th street 36 1-2 feet; thence eastwardly parallel with Meadow street 60 feet to the western line of 11th street; thence northwardly with the western line of 11th street 36 1-2 feet to the begin ning, beins part of lots 3 and 4 in Block 161 of the City of Wilmington. Subject to confirmation by the court, and a deposit of 10 per cent on the bid will be required. This, the 10th day of March. 1922. J. A. STEVENS, Commissioner. 3-11, 18, 25 4-l-4tc SAVE $1.25 weekly get $ 1,000.00 $2.&0 weekly get 2,000.00 $5.00 weekly get 4,000.00 $10.00 weekly get 8,00000 $12.50 weekly get.... 10,000.00 In new series maturing' about 11 years, reserve or buy shares now; splendid Investment. We pay the taxes. Caro lina Building and Loan Association. Assets over $700,000. L. W. Moore, sec retary. "On the Comer." 3-13-7tc CORNELL BUTTERMILK STARTING MASH Give thft little ones a fighting chance. Start them right 4 CO 100-POUND BAG 0l3U RELIABLE FEED STORE Twelfth, Between Grnee an Walnut Telephone 1604-W ; How to Take Care of Your Savings The First Safe Step 'Not at all," "replied, the other; "you become a capitalist by taking out an adequate amount of Life Insurance- as much as you can carry. This is the first investment any young man should make." THE MUTUAL LIFE ' IXSURATXCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK A. B. CROOM, JR. Manager Wilmington District 301 Southern Building . Wilmington, S. C. , IT WILA. pay you TO MAKE A LIBERAL USE OF "THE STAR" WANT A D PAGES THE MORNING STAR Classified Rates Twenty-five words or leu In this type, 25c each Insertion; lo Cor each additional woixL BLACK-FACE TYPE ADS TWENTY -FIVE WORDS OR LESS IN T11IS SIZE TYPE. 60e EACH INSERTION c FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. Blank spaco, paragraphed, and double column want ads,. $1.12 (:er inch. Clawi&eii ada on strictly cash ba&ia. Classification not guaranteed after 7 p. in. ALL CLASSIFIED AD3 CARE OF AIORNIHG STAR ARB STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL The Morning Star will only be i sponsible for the first incorrect insertion of any advertisement. Omission of "keys" or errors which do not iesaen the value of the advertisements will net be corrected by "make ucood" inser tions. Want Ad Department Phone SI Help Wanted (1) YOUNG MEN. over 17, desiring gov ernment positions, $130 monthly, write for free list of positions now open. J.Leonard (former Civil Ser vice Examiner), 1307 Equitable Bldg., Washington, D. C. 3-17-4t Agents-Salesmen Wanted (2) WANTED Salesmen to call on every auto owner in town; easy seller; good commission. , Answer "Automobile." care Star. 3-17-2tc FRUIT TREE SALESMEN" -Profitable. pleasant business for hustlers. Write today. Concord Nurserius, Dept. 147, Concord,. Ga. 2-28-o0t Situations Wanted (3) EXPERIENCED soda dispenser desires position in Wilmington; am willing to take any other job. Soda Dispenser, care Star. 3-18-lt WANTED Position by young lady stenographer, with six years expe rience in general office work. Address A. B., care Star. 3-18-2t Wanted, Miscellaneous (5) WANTED Producers' prices on stand ard size hewn cross ties of following timbers: Heart and sap pine, oak, all kinds, black and red heart cypress, hickory and' ash. Don McLeod, Row land. N. C. 8-12-7t WANTED 20 copies Tuesday, Feb. 28, Star. Will pay 5c each for same. Star office. 3-16-tfdh WANTED To hire fifteen dump trucks for hauling asphalt; all hauling over concrete base or asphalt surface; full season's work beginning.at once; terms per hour or , per ton mile. The West Construction Company, Kinston, N. C. 3-18-3to WANTED Resale nitrate soda. Port Wilmington. Wire or write amount, price and date delivery. C. S. Britt, City. 3-17-2t MOTORCYCLE WANTED Will pay cash for three speed Harley-David-8on or Indian, in good condition. Ad dress A. F. G.. Box 634, City 3-18-lt WANTED Baby carriage; must be in good shape and cheap P. O. Boj 12i5. 3-18-lt WANTED All kinds of alterations and repairing see Mrs. Massengale, at Willard Dry Cleaning Co. Steam and French Cleaning; . auto delivery; 17 Princess St. Phone 85?. 2-9-tfc Business Opportunities (4) WE START you in the candymakjng business' at home, : or small room any--where, furnishing everything and buy your candy. 'Experience unnecessary. Big pay Men-women. Candymakers Co 721 Walnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. ' ' 3-3-30tc WANTED. You to invest money in time certificates of deposit iiu.good barfks. -Have 'several thousand dollars r fcrtin nates running 4 to 10 months and will sell so they will Held 12 -per centt to theiinvrfstor J'.k -.J Parnate, Union,S. C-l--- 1 . 3-16-3t MORNING STAR WANT ADS. For Sale, Miscellaneous (6) IT WILL PAY YOU to look over our line of lndestructo and Neverbreak trunks; also a complete line of bags and suit cases at a very low price, at Chas. Finkelstein'e, Cor. Front & Mar ket Sts. Phone 642. 3-18-ltc WOOD a G. Southerliana will sell pine, $1.90; oak. $2.25 per load, deliv ered. A pleasure to serve you.. Call phone 281. 3-r0-tfc lumber: lumbers lvuberi IiATHSJ LATHS Be sure to ;et prices from Bry ant's mill before you buy your next lumber bill. Lumber, Laths, Laths, Lumber Mill at HUywb. Phone 743 12-31-tlc WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! Order your wood. Pine or oak. Lowest prices in the city. McLaughlin and Polite. 1210 S. Second street; phone 1710-W. 1-13 -tfc FOR SALE At bargain prices; build ings must bt removed from The Texas Company eite;hotel, consisting of 112 rooms, with electric fixture hardware, screen doors, etc Can be moved in sections. Price furnished delivered and set up at Carolina Beach; alar. 1 000 000 feet lumber, all sizes and f grades; doors with hardware-, glazed sasn ana irames; conuuii anu yiyc, electric fixtures. . Maryland Wrecking Company, Carolina Shipyard. 2-22-tfc TYPEWRITES USERS I Please remember that our new Ser- vice Man has had EXPERT TRAINING -with the Royal, Underwood and L. C smith Typewriter companies, and la familiar with aU make.. WE GUARANTEE OUR REPAIR WORK. WILMINGTON ' TYPEWRITER AND . SUPPLY CO. 'Phone 22 S3 514-514 Murchison Bids. 2-12-tfc PIANOS Player Pianos and the G,rand, also The New Edison, , the phono graph with a soul, for. sale at McGrath & Co. Phcne 777. Highest quality musical instruments; moderate prices; easy payments. 2-26-afc FOR SALE Full line wood and steel pulleys, shafting and hangers. E. Warren & Son, 25 Market St. 3-19-7tc FOR k SALE CHEAP One sideboard, large plain glass, three white iron beds, one 5-drawer. drop-head Singer sewing machine, not scratched; must be eold, parties leaving city. Call at 113 Chestnut St. 3-18-lt BARBERS Save money and time by ordering your supplies from the At lantic Chemical Supply Co.. "Tile Pro resstve Barber's Supply House," 315 1-2 North Front street, Wilming ton, North Carolina. Write for our new price list. 3-S-14to SWEET POTATOES Nancy fHalls, Porto Ricos; both eating and seed. Write E. M. Chadwick. Gloucester N. C. Shipping Point, Beaufort. 3-13-9t WOOD FOR SALE Well seasoned long-leaf pine, $6.50 per cord, or $1..9D per load, sawed and delivered. Phone 387. 3-10rtfr NEW WOOD YARD just opened, 106 N. Water St. Bone dry pine and oak wood. Phone 942-L3. Spencer Murphy. Prompt delivery, - 3-18-7tc FOR SALE One bed. spring and mat tress; in eood condition; first $20.00 takes it; also tackles, jacks, barrows, shovels, etc. . Phone 2289-W. 518 S. Front St. 3-18-3t "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" Week end specials: Baskets of flowers, $1.00; jonquils. 75c per 100; bloomins" plants from 25c up. Fifth Avenue Florist. Phone 2072. 3-18-2C SPECIAL FOR. TODAY 100 doz. chil dren's fancy sox and 3-4 hose, from 25 to 75 cents a pair; also a complete stock of Keys'er's 'silk' and chamoisette gloves. C H. Fore & Co. 3-18-lt PURE FOOD. MARKET Bis bargains in Florida tomatoes: 4' full qts, 40c; egg plants, bell peppers, - finest 4cale, celery, lettuce; all kinds fresh meats and groceries. Phone 1493 for prices. We deliver -anywhere in city,.' Pure Food.Market.- - ' ' Sf-18-lt DRY CUTC SLABS $1.60,- loll slabs at $1.25. Delivered anywhere in the city. Phone 611. Cnadbo urn -Bare Co. . . r C ; 2-23-tf-0 FOR NEWSPAPERS : and Magazines see or phono Gor-lon iBros., 1 Prin cess : St. Phone 745.. . : - 1-19-tfc L For Sale, Miscellaneous (6) WOOD! WOOD! WOOD!-For nice pine or oak wood, big iloads and quick delivery, call phone '940-J. Williams' Wood Yard. 3-15-30tc COKE Can be bought in convenient paper bags at most groceries. Ask your grocer to deliver a sack with your next order if he 'has none call us. T. W. P. Co. Phone 1700. 3-15-30tc Automobiles (7) WE HAVE A nice big Six Buick; seven passetiger. This car is a dandy. Wo are selling It at a sacrifice. It has only been driven seven thousand miles, and is selling for less than one-third of list. Chipleys Universal Motor Co. 3-18-2tc BEARINGS We have a complete line of roller and ball bearings. , also special thrus bearings for Borg & Beck, Fulle Brown-Lipp and North way clutches A bearing to fit every application in every car. W. D. Mac Millan, Jr., 105 K. Second St., Wil mington, N. C. 2-L2-tfc Poultry, Eggs, Livestock (8) CHOICE STOCK AND EGS, WHITE ROCKS, REDS, LANGS HANS. AND WHITE M1NORCAS. TWIN OAKS POULTRY YARDS. HAW UIVER, N. C. 2-15-30t WHITE WYANDOTTE eggs for hatch ing; one dollar for 15 eggs; No. 214 Red Cross. Phone 1957. 3-18-2t , PURE BRED Collies, fox terriers and bull puppies, either kind; two months old males, $15; females, $8, each; hound puppies, $15 pair; other kinds, and dog medicines. Order direct or stamps if reply. Darnall Kennels, Williamston, S. 3-18-4t BABY CHICKS Hess White Leghorn chicks at pre-war prices; quality as good as the best. Gocd Barred Rocks also. Ask for prices. Hess Hatchery, Harrisonburg, Va. '1-7-Sat. only-17t COOK'S pure bred Single Comb Buff Orpingtons, from Madison Square Garden", prize winners. Cockerels, $3.00; hens and pullets, $2.00; pairs, $5.00; trios, $7.00; delivered by express. Also eggs at $2.50 per 15; 50 for $7.00; 100 'for $13.00; 10 doz. for $15.00; delivered by parcel post. Poole Farm, Smith field, N. C. 2-18, 19. 25, 263-4,5, 11, 12. 18. 19-10t FOR SALE Four good fresh milch cows; three Shetland ponies; must be sold at once. Davis-Daniels Co. 3-17-3t Seeds and Plants (9) FOR SALE Porto Rico sweet pota to slips; $1.50 per bushel. E. D. Wil liams. Market St. Road. 3-16-4t PLANTS FOR. SALE PANSIES AND ENGLISH DAISIES, C AND IT UPT DAHLIAS, GLADIOLUS. CABBAGE PLANTS, ROSE BUSHES, BLUE BIRD FARM, 5 MILE POST CASTLE HAYNE. 2-20-Mch 4-ll-lS-25-5t CABBAGE PLANTS for sale Varieties Early Jersey Wakefield and Charles ton Wakefield; price 10 cents per hun dred plants (undelivered at this price). Address all orders to J. B. Dempsey, Wallace; N. C. 3-18-6t HEDGE PLANTS Amoor River privet, one year, $1 and $2; two years, $3 to $6 per 100, delivered. Evergreen Nur series, Conway, S. C. 3-12-7t CABBAGE PLANTS Yes, millions of them.: Charleston) Jersey,-Wakefield, Succession varieties. Quick shipment; fine plants, postpaid, 100 25c, 500 $1. By express collect 5,000 up $1 thousand. J. P. H6pe; Sharon, "S: C. 3-12-7e BEAUTIFY For permanent planting, with hardy1 ornamentals from Bostic. WriteCfor catalog. Valdesian Nurse ries, Bostic, N. C. 2-17-30t CABBAGE PLANTS for sale $1.2-5 per thousand; 5,000 and over at $1.00. By express C. -O. D. or cash with order. Lewocfd McCallum. Rowland, N. C, , 3-ll-8t I IIA5TE ON HAND fifty bushels of North Carolina hand-picked -j seed peanuts f or ' sale at ne- dollar? er bushe f. o. b. Hollyridge, N. C. J. T. Shepard, Hollyridge, N. C. 3-17-3t Lost and Found (10) LOST Black and . white setter (fe male); about 6 months old; new col lar with name on it; reward. J. A. Fettel, 805. N. Fifth Ave. Phone 1254-J. 'YX?- r- 3-i8-.ltc Lost and Found (10) $25.00 REWARD A reward of $25.00 is offered for information leading to the conviction of the person who stole or is found in possession of the stolen parts of the turpentine still belonging to tb,e estate of E. G. Goodman. The same is the cap and arm from the cop per still. Maria S. Goodman, Admin istratrix. 3-18-3t ' For Rent, Rooms, Houses (11) FOR RENT Furnished room; suitable for one gentleman; convenient to bath; with hot and cold water, lights, use of phone, etc Phone 1175-J. 3-14-7t FURNISHED room, furnace heated home, private family. All conven iences, near bath. Walking distance oC business section. Telephone 1628-J. 3-16-3t FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms in new house, with private family of two daughters and father; next to bath, with hot and cold water; suitable for business lady or gentle man; $2.50 per week per room for one occupant, or $3.00 for two; could fur--nish meals if desired; 1402 Grace St. 3-18-lt SEE MRS.- BAILEY at 5 1-2 Princess St.. for private rooms or light house keeping. 3-18-lt ROOM AND BOARD in private family. Can accommodate four gentlemen or two couples. Phone 1512-J, or call at 322 S. Fifth Ave. 3-18-2tc FOR RENT One large bed room next to bath; hot and cold water; in pri vate family; suitable for one or two gentlemen; 214 Red Cross St. Phone ?957. 3-18-2tc FOR RENT One small furnished bed room with or without meals. Apply 317 North 4th. 3-13-tfc FOR RENT Rooms for housekeeping; 510 S. Front St. Phone 2312. 3-13-7t FOR RENT Three furnished rooms. for housekeeping, to couple without children; or one furnished bed-room; close in. Phone 1101-J. 3-10-llt Wanted, Rooms, 'Houses (12) WANTED TO RENT Two furnished or unfurnished light housekeeping rooms; centrally located; must be rea sonable. Call Phone No. 1369-J. Real Estate (14) FOR SAIjE OR FOR RlSNT Property formerly occupied by Universal Oil Company, comprising five frame and brick buildings and one frame shed. Total square feet 22,458. Apply J. R. C. Boyer, 25 West Broadway, New York, N. Y. 2--9-30t FOR SALE Ten-room dwelling, desir ably located. Further information ad dress H. A. P., care Star. 3-17-4t-tf 207 No. 15th st. has six rooms, also large lot. We have a reduced figure on this property. Investiffa today. James and James, Inc., phone IZS, Southern bldg. 2-14-ifc TWO HUNDRED CASH, balance like rent, buys B-room modern bungalow in Carolina Place. This is an oppor tunity for the man of moderate means. H. F. Wilder. 3-18-3tc NEAR 14th and Castle we have 6-room house, all conveniences, for1 $2,500.00, on very attractive terms; also one for $3,250.00, which we will sell for $250,09 cash, balance like rent. Inquire. H. F. Wilder. 3-18-3tc LOOK We are selling one-acre tracts on the Gordon road, near railroad station, for $500.00 each. Half acre frontage, two acres deep. When do you want yours? II. F. Wilder. 3-18-3tc JUST A FEW lots left in the West brook property, South Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets. Every purchaser Is more than pleased with their bar gain, which is certain to increase in price. It will pay you to ask us about this at once. J. G. Wright & Son. ' 3-18-ltc AT SUNSET PARK For sale. No. 407 Northern Boulevard; easy terms;, ask us about this pretty bungalow. J.' G. Wright & Son. 3-18-ltc DWELLING, No. 413 South Eighth St., "for sale at-particularly easy terms, j. G.. Wrirht & Sov f-'"' ?J ;. " . '.3,-1 8-1 tc '"HB yewtcrdav fcv iininu "Idea)- Lnundry method. Smith i. ?n charter m.mbt of " I he I)r( Fraternity They all )ook close uh.. .1 BO hroi,Kh t pinnt. In one of tk- mont eonipie( i ii in part the eoimtrr YOU WILL FIND "THE MORNING STAR' WANT AD PAGES SURE BUSINESS GETTERS Special Notices (le: LITTLE JOE Electric Shoe Eepalrlnr 113 South Front street. All goods sent ior ana returned, special attei. xion to an parcel post orders. Phoci 'Z"5- M6-tc EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING ty WOfk men wim iiicuroe experience. years with Price fcros., Inc. Servlc guaranteed, smun & bawaraa. No. m uock su successors to jonn Olsen. WE ARE LOANING MONEY dallr-. Stockholders- only so tet in New series now open; $2.!1 week! replays loan $1,000.00 about H year Subscribe for shares now, April i3t series. Carolina Building and Loa: Association, L. - W .Moore, secretary On the Corner." 3-1 3-7tt PATHFINDERS CLASS of Trinitr Methodist church, 14th and Clarke: streets, invites all young men of tht city who are not now members of Sunday school to be with tht-m Sunda at 9:45 a. m. J. N. Jenkins, Presiden 2-25 3-4, 11, 1S-4-' WOODROW WILSON,- formerly wif the Princess Shaving Parlor, is iw located at 713 N. Fourth St.. and wi! be glad to serve his friends there; als we solicit your cleaning and pressing Union Dry Cleaning Co. 3-H-;t B. & L. 25 CENTS SERIES. Hanoror , association, opening Saturday. Apr 1st, at Wilder's, 207 Princess stmt. Each share worth $100.00 at maturity. This association has successfully ma tured 22 series and is now opening lt 36th of the 25 cents stock. Your moiK? is safely Invested. The Hanover asso ciation has never had a loss and ha no bad loans and you get over 6 per cent net at maturity. Subscribe no. J. W. Yates, president; Marshall Shrltr, vice-president; H. F. Wilder, peeretary' treasurer. 3-17, 18, 19, 28. 24, 25, 26, 30, 311-1,!. lite. FURNITURE repaired, upholsterei painted, to match any wood; autt painted, topped, upholstered, 1 ininp dyed; awnings made or repaired. S lob too small Or too large. Give mei trial. I'll give you a Square Da. E. G. King. 301 S. Front St. 2-21-5 CARD OF THANKS To the Friends of Mrs. E. J. Roger? We thank you all foi your kindn during the illness and death of or beloved mother, mother-in-law, gtm mother and great-grandmother. Sincerely, MR. & MRS. R. a. CARTER. 3-18-lt CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the m.iny frlfn'i frr thflr IrinrlnAsn 1iirintr the illnCS and death of our dear mother, Mrs. l. j. seese and family. Legal Notices en: MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage dJ made by E. J. Irving and wife, Beatrice Li. Irving, and T. A. watsnn. ' Wilmlne-tnn Homestead & Loan As"' nlolnn rir Aaits VoVPlTlber 2?t 1919, and duly registered in Hook " over county, the undersigned will ' at public auction, to the hiphest m der, for cash, on Friday, the 31ft a of March, 1922. at 12 o'clock m.. t Court House door In the cm m!nrtnn f nllnwin ir fie S(! T t hf 1 PT0V' erty situate in the City of Wiimln N. C- tr wit- ern line of McRee street ini-rsects northern line of Taylor "tru..r thence westwardly along "orU1 , line of Taylor street 37 1--' l-' '' northwardly and parallel ' 'j street .60 feet; thence eastward nqrollnl -nrifVi TovlAr otlpel -I7 1- 10 me western une ui thence southwajdly alons w': tl)J line of McRee street 60 tu , beginning, and being p;irt 01 Block 350. This 27th of February. 1'- '- nA WILMINGTON HOMESTEAD & ASSOCIATION, Mortgage. t By JOHN D. BELLAMY & S--'' . . Attorneys. 2-28-30tc ADMINISTRATOR'S NO I This ia to notify all P,Til".,li I cerned that on February -W- fS'taI, qualified as administrator of t'Jf ,ij of Mrs. Winnie C. Cronnvelh n's-: All persons indebted to tlf- are requested to make promi"- , ment with the undersign-'- ,,,,1 nersons having claims '-tl -:;. estate - will present them- '.ot proven, within one year from 0 this nftttco will be pleads m ,--. -v i : ' Acliru"iral - 3-4 4 II IS; t5 4-l-6t C ' .

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