RICilARDCOli E. HARGET RALEIGH, I- FEPC FILES DISCRIMINATION CHARGES AGAINST CAPITAL TRANSIT COMPANY OF WASHINGTON FEWER LYNCHINGS Tu*k«gee. Ala- A decline in lynching# during 1044 vra re ported recently by F. D. Palter- #on. President of Tuskegee In stitute. . . Basing hi# statement on inior- m’'ion compiled by the Depart ment of Records and Research, Dr. Patterson taid in hi.s annual report on the subject that two persons were lynched during the past year. The report added: "This i# one less than the number throe for the year 1S)43; three less than the number five for the vear 1942: two less than the number four for the year 1941; and throe less than the number five for the year 1940. "One of the person# lynched was a 65-year-old minister- farmer who was taken about a mile from his home pnd §hot to death by a mob: the.*ner. a 17-year old trusty at the Ten nessee Stale Training and Agri cultural School (a reformatory) was taken from jail and shot to death by a mob. "Both persons lynched were Negroci. The offenses charged were; Hiring a lawyer to safe guard his title to a debt-free farm through which there was postibilily that an oil voir. ran. 1: murdering wife and daugh ter of the superintendent of the reformatory, 1. "The states in which the lynchings occurred and the number in each are as follows: Cites Company For Refusing To Hire Colored Applicants HEARING TO BE HELD JANUARY 15 AND 16 BY J. FRA.NCtS PRICE WASHINGTON, D. C. — The willingness to accept referrals with Presiacni's ComnuUee on Fair Em- out regard to race. While this THREE PERSONS PAY WITH LIVES IN GAS CHAMBER National YHead Appeals For Race Relation^fund Accoi-Jiny ipersons ' DURHAM MAN TO MEDICAL DCS y Ihrtfe jsphyxialed on Fri- dav :n tno gas chamber at Central 'I'nson iiert—two tor the murder u" a white taxi-cab diivc-r in Charlotte, and a third for the rap iyi a 12-year-old girl in Scoilanu i Ft Bc-iining Ga.—Cpl, William icouniy. J- Kennedy. Ill, of Durham, was ' Ttiose sent to their doaiii m- jone of 12 soldiers recently trans- volved Be.ssie Mae WiliianT.. ID'fcrred lijjin the Ft. Benning Re- Mississippi, 1; Tennessee, 1." FREED OF INGEST CHARGE;DRAWS TERM FOR NON- SUPPORT Cup White, 48, of 312 Majjle Si. was Sentenced in City Court* last week to 12 months on tiie roaci, chargr-d with non-suppoii of h . wile and seven minor eiiildieiv Not probable causi- was found in a case charging the man with making improper advances to Ins daughters, aged 15 and 2 1-2 yis. Testimony wa.s offered by Mrs. Sura Brower, probation officer for juvenile court, who said that sh>- was asked recently by the man’s 15-ycar-old daughter. Adeline, to draw a warrant ordering, her father to provide fuel for the home. She found the children at tempting to warm their hands in- .side the stove. Also, the only food found in the house consisted of a sma'f » iioojil xf m'at Bnh flaui. At the time. Mrs. White was confined m St, Agnt's Hospital with a newborn child. .,..d K.ilph Thompson. 18, ol Cnar lolte, and Melvin Wade, 24, of Laurmburg. Miss Williams and Thompson admitted their pait in the murder of .Mack Minvard, the driver, v.l.ile Wade denied to the end that :u- was guilty of rape. Witne-ssing the throe executions Were tive mim.ster.s. Twenty-eight persons witnessed the youitg wo mans deaUi. 25. for Thompson s, .itsd 12 remained lor Wade's. Iie.-;.>;:e Mae. who wept during till proci eduie ill tlu- death room, j ..a.-i the fir.st woman to be exceut- ; . -.1 in this state in two years. Tnompson went apparcnlly i.iimly to lus death. Both believ- • ■•i th.it they had he.n saved thru tnei; praycr.s. W-ide. the only oih- t« talk after i..ering the '■hainber, asked if it ...re ii.e.-ssa;y to place the hel- 11.'-t on his head. W'hen told that e was. tie wavL-d good-bye to his Catholic priest and Chaplain WalUs. He loo, that he was •ready to go." Annie .Mae Allison, 15-year-old gill, involved in the Charlotte iiiurdei, adn sentenced Ip die. r«- ctived a last-minuU* commuta tion of her sentence by Governor Broughton. She was given life imprisonment, wholly on the ground.s of her age, the chief ex- ■ecutive said. A fourth member of the party, Clgve Johi^n, plead’-d guilLv CHICAGO. III. — Dr. Clianiimgj^ H. Tobia.s, nuliwiial V.MCA hea#*" and member of the board of diroA-' tors ut ihe American Council on, ilace Relations, his week urged Ne> - $10U,ut>j of Ihe total has been con- tnoutr $IOU.OOU of a f.6U0,0U0 fund- .o rairy on me Councils work SIUO.UOO of the total has bon con- tribulcd airiady by the Mars', Field hounuaiion and the Huaenv Fund. Tobias said. Negiocs siionlU subscribe in der for the race 'to have a propor- loty interest in the council ’ and in oiuer lu previnl the kind uf situa-s tion of somebody doing something ceplion Center to the Medical Ad mmLstrative Corps Officer Candi date School at Carlisle Barracks, P;i..it was announced this week, Kennedy is the son of W. J _ Kennedy. Jr., vice president and for'the Negio'mstcad of’all of u* [’j secretary of the N. C. Mutual sonicthing iccethcr to ad- i Life Ins. Co., of Durham vanco tlio cause of democracy m l rhi- .lien will bi commission- ; Amcnc.i.’ Tcblos «.sscrlcd. ^ on second licutcnaU upon salLStnc- Fuiicti .mnK on ;i iialional seal,. S WILLIAM X LAUNCHED MEMORIAL SERV ICES HELD FOR CITY EMPLOYEES pioyment Practice has req'uesied me Capital 'iruiisll Company of Washiiiston, D. C., to DC present on January la and lu at public iicar- ings ai which the C'lC win be cjU- vu upon to present leoUinony in re gard to me t tPC’s cnarge Uiai me Capital Transit Company has vio lated Ihe Piesidcnl's oraer torbid- uing discim'inat.un in war indus- tries because ol race, creed, or color. The FEPC’s compaml charging re strictive racial hiring on transit lines serving Federal war workers workers was served on the Com pany Tuc.sauy. January 2. accord ing to an ofticial statement rcleas- bruught lOS applications from Ne groes for positions as bus operators, motormen, conouctors, and checkers, ital Transit Company said that the company refused to hire the appH- c.int5." In a prepared statement the Cap ital Transit Compjny said cthat th Company would appear at the hear ing and will "present all available facts pertaining to its employment policies at that time." The company claims to have ap proximately 540 colored persons on its payrolls and insists that at the present time it is finding it difficult to get colored applicants fo** posi tions.” Negroes in Washington express special interest in the fact that there are no Negro bus operators. tory completion of the ocurse. V- PROBES OUSTER 0F15SEABEES I set up in four viork .puiticipation hT the i turned State’s evidence, and was sentenied to 25-30 years in pri.son ' Abramson, on a charge of second-degree fh-lief Con The campaign to win justice for 15 discharged Negro Seabees, in which the National CIO War Be lief Comnutice has worked with other urgunizations .produced re- sulbt December 11 with the open ing of Washington hi^arings on Ihe case before the- Navy Board pf Re view for Dischai^es. The men were summarily dis missed as "undesirable in October, 1943, after they had protested a- gainst segregation. Two of the men, Harvey Steele. 2G, former shipfit- ler, 'second class, and Isaac G. Mc Nutt, 27. former .slorekeeikV, third Ntf-W¥fjr1c. l.i.d ipf (he- council divisions. r| First, under a conirnunily servict'jf division, u stuff uf specialists in liuusing. employmctii, police ad ministration. recreation, health, ed- ucatiu Hand other fields will be lavailabic to communltie.s for con sultation; i2i a national clearing house will g.tther national informa- inter^lroup rclnliiiiis; 3i a national' information center to tiunsmlt formation about the most successfd) practices in solving the problems oi intergroup relations; '3> a natoingi iiiformtaiun bureau will be u grou' (Continued on back page) Among the five persons me- nioralizcd on Saturday at the „ sixth annual memorial service for ed by the Office of War Informa- deceased city employees who diid lion. It stated that the Company had III 1944 were David Augustus and refused to hire Negroes as "bus , u John W. Warren, employed in the operators, motormen, conductor# | conductor.-*, etc . representing the \s a re.suU of Public Works Department for and checkers." | Capital Transit Conipc-ny for me , . manv vears. The service was held Fourteen Negro men and women Nation’s Capital, while in other oluntecring their Baptist Church applicants have been refused em- larne cities such as N?w York, Lo* (white) at 3 o'clock. pioyment in the capacities referred Anselr.s. California; Philadelphia, Dr E, Broaduc Jones, pastor to according to the FEPC. and others. Negroes arc serving In of Uie church, spoke on "Angeli The FKPC slateinenl as issued similar capacities without abnormal ol the Night," pointing out how reviewed the hiring policies of the mishap. It is regarded by many as • these angels are our benefactors CTC over the past two years saying break of good faith with other m- c , ,4 freeing us from prisons of ,hui "an original order for "white tions of the world to have this dls- bnstrucUon Co., on ^aluraaj, i j.qu} pja^fd with United States crimination exist in the city which a’.I A 1 The speaker explained tl.al our Kmnloyment Ser\-lce of the War scorns destim.d k> becorne the cct- SS David H. Atwater on Apiil when we shave Manpower Corrmislon was later ter of international relations for mg ceremony. g^i-rows of others, and while modified bv an exprc.sscd company peoples throughout the world. Arlee Cox, widow of i helping our fellow-men we win ’ - - - itt Cox, who went down withj, r.jir^plvM that roveted libera- _ 1942, christened the latest ad- u,|Sehes us Oh a lile ELDERLY MAN DIES AS HOME BURNS runswiek, Ga.- ^^00 workers ■* -aN’ices on Christmas Day. the liborty Ship William Cox. nam for a merchant seaman, was to slide down the ways of the ;wick yard of the J. A. Jones llion U) the United States iner-j^j beauty and happines. Miss Lillian Cox. neice of the 1 ^he Rockingham — Seventy-five- went up in flames. Because of hii •aman. and .Miss Julia Dowells. (j^e debased were con-'>tar old Watt Hines, w-as fataUy feeble L* plant, w'cre to-: present city em-iburned on last Wednesday morn- w-as unable to make htf the CIO, 'and Irving ehainnaii of the War Commitlcc, l4»uk the matter »»- T-4* .«• u r,. * I tributed by the present city jjisora. Miss Dowells, has the ^ ^ ;ord of only one day’s absence ring her 15 months of employ- •nt with the company. ■■he woiker.s had set as their il seven launchings for Dccem- and in order to complete their , volunteered to work gralis Christmas Day. Their time was Rated to the United States reasury and as a "gift to the )y8 overseas.’’ Franklin Co Elmancipatioi Louisbui'g—For the 79lh tinui| tli^ Fcttfsklin coualv'-Eiuancipd^ AssoctaUon has heU a * ctirimioraUiigi the -i;;r..,-i/ Emancipation Prociamattui th^ Hich brougnl freedom to the col ored people of Uris great nation small anioaiit uf moat nniri naut.,vtrttcIpbtion m' titc liTUracr^onm At the time, Mrs. White wasiturned State’s evidence, and was confined in St. Agnes Hospital ;.senten£ed to 25-30 years in prison with a newborn child. -on a charge of second-degree Upon investigation, While told murder, and sentenced to die, re- Mrs. Brower that he purchased rest, but was later taken into cus- (Continued on back page) ,tod in Ohio. Retiring Gov. Assists In Bronze Star Awards I pealed to the CIO, and Irving I Abramson, chuirmati of the War ; Relief Committee, look the matter directly to Secretary of the Navy* James V. Forrestal. Alsu acting on behalf of the ' iiu-n .nre the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the American Civil Liber- lies Union and the,Lynn Commit tee to Abulisli Segregation in the Armed Forces. Serving as special counsel is Arthur Garfield Hays. th^ Emancipalion i'rociamatfon wnich brougnl freedom to the col- Fort Brag, N. C.. Dee 29.—Mak ing his last public appearance be fore retiring Iroin t-ffice next week. Governor J. Melville Broughton of North Carolina to day assisted Brigadier G- neial John T. Kennedy. Commanding Gen. of Fort Bragg, in presenting Bronze Star awards to the la^ei of a Negro enlisted man killed in action and lo a Chaplain now sta tioned hereafter service overesas. A tour of this vast military re servation gave the oulgomg Gov ernor a glimpse of the scope and magnitude >f the^ work done by the Army laeivice at Fort Bragg. He visited, fthops>. warehouses, and other faacHities of the post. He observed the mi- mendous tasks being accomplish ed daily by the Abf I er.sonnel Center, where North Carolina and South Carolina men are inducted and received into the Army, giv en special educational naming, processed upon return from oyei- seas for furloughs and reassign- menus, and processed throagh the Separation Center. Governor and Mr.*'. Broughton, who wer«' escorted tlirough the tour b\ General Kennedy, sho-v- ed particular interest in tlu- woik being caried on by Fort Biaggj Supply Division.He was surpiLsed to learn liial vast amounUs of clothing and ••quipnunl ate sal vaged and repaired at Fort Bragg weekly. Urns saving the govern- nitni ihousandi^ of dolIar.s annual ly. The .size i'f For? Bragg s U.uii- dry, considereil one of Hi.* laig- est in thi‘ nation, astounded the Govi-rnor. , , ‘ The Govi-rnor expressed plea sure at wlial he ob.S4-rved m a tour of one of Fort Bragg s hospitals. He visited a number of wards, where he talked with .«r,Idler pa tients. Surgical rooms, laborato ries and ot’ner facilities of the hospital also were visited. Soldieis in various stages of training for combat duty were ob- > served. Men taking basic and ad- w* veneed Artillery training were ' among the troops .seen by the Governor. , .. , Governor Broughton described his visit here today a.s hi.s last of- hcial appearance as Governor of North Carolina. He took occasion to praise the harmonious rela tions that have existed btMw’een Fort Bragg officers and North Carolina officials during his term of office. ^ ^ Joseph E. Ray of Rouli- 2, St. . Pauls, N. C.. received the- Bronze . Star aw-arded posthumou.sly to his 1 son. Pvt. Deormy Ray. for ‘‘hr- L roic achievement" in connection L wiUi military operation.s against 1 the enemy in the Solomon Islands. Chaplain (Captain) Alvin E. Clark, son of W. A. Clark of Rte Bentonville, Arkansas, was Ki. pifSeiited the Bronze* Star tTW’ard- i‘d for nuritorious acluevomoni while .serving at New Georgia. Solomon Isl.and-s. Personnel of Fort Bragg’s Sta- t!(*n Compk-nu-nt look part in the ceiemonies during which the awards were presented. Music for the- event was fiirni.shed by die •1411th .Arm.v Ser\: e Forces Band, a unit compo.sed jf Negro Per sonnel and direc ted by WO Ruth- eilcird Strider of Lexington. Ky. ' In spi-aking durin;; the pre- |.■'eIllJllion cerc-monic's, Govc-rnor iBioughton paid .special tribute to members of the Negro race who !i:.vi made tin- s-jpreme sacriHce hn the war. He said that these men not only hav«- "reflected great jcredit upon tlu- miliatry service blit also have add(*d an outstand ing chapter to the hLstory of the [Negro in this nation." He express- led pride in the "close harmonj’ that has been manife.st between I the races in North aCiolina" dur ing his term of ofnec. I (Continued on back page) n dthc CIO has filej a irenioran ihini with the biiard as "amicus Uuiiae"—friend t»f the court—point- y.ot lli.n 'll would L>e must legret- ' table if a preccileiit were estab- li.shcd for such summary discharges that places the burden of an in herently unjust situation up'n I thu.RO innocent of any actual in- : fringement of rc>gulatiun.s.'' Tlie aim of the CIO and the oth- [er organizations is to gain honor- 'able discharges I’or the nun. since I the m.mncr of Du-ir dismissal pre .eludes their enjoying benefits tin dci the GI Bill of Rights. Th-- fiftten were discharged im mediately afl«'i- discussing tlic seg .legation and oth'-r racial problems •It their Carribean base with their while commanding officer, who had invited them to a meeting to ‘get things off your chest”. The "yel low" di.scharges they were handed denies them bt‘iiefits Br.inted hon orably discharged men, such as mu.stering-out pay and post-service eilucation. Th-- CIO’s memorandum to the board said the Committee "has giv- (Continued on back page) ored people of this great nation. The program was held at Frank lin Co. Court House Louisburg v.’here a large gathering of the county population had assembled. i Local speakers for the occasion, included Mrs. Elizabeth Hawkins and Rev. S. G. Dunslon boUi of wliom gave fine ••xposilions of phases of race relations The main aadi'css was given by Mr. W. c. Greene. Mr. Greene in hi.i address and in speaking about the civil war said, "the destiny of the nation' to become a land ol fiee men was understood." His address pointed out three emancipations that have come to the wurid and suggested the fourth about which he said. “The fourtli great emancipation ust be the fulnllnienl of ifte (Continued on back page) ling when his two-room house ;ot the dwelling m um^^ I way out ASK ABOLITION OF LIN COLN UNIVERSITY, MO. Kansas City, Mo. . , Because the Missouri State Conference of Branches of the NAACP believes facilities at Lincoln University, [Mo., are inferior to those at ^e, ! University of Missouri, which [does not admit Negro students, the State NAACP is suMosting; .-rAt v _ m the abolition of Lincoln Universi- SO.MEWHERE IN ITALY m !ty common veinacular. units oi the • David H. Grant. St. Ixjuis at-ittznd Divuiou, lighting along ine ^lorney, offered the afegestion end I.sen-ftio Riv.r aeuior - m luiy >prop»ra that a bill Vo submitted iweex, "pulled a fast one on iheu !lo Uie Missouri Stata Legislature German enemies when they escap- lembodying the poina* of in his ed wnat seemed to be 92nd DIVISION ESCAPES WITH CLOSE CALL from the men since this was their most potent weapon in freeing themselves. Durm.; inis hand-to-hand scrap two of the men. Pvt. John Boberta ,of New Yor kC.ty, and pvU Alotuo perfect Uap Gardner of AtlanUo City, manning All ll„ I 'toniey, otfered the aiggeation and propiMM that a bill aa submitted to the Missouri Stntd Legislature embodying the poinv of in his prc^josal. \ Grant's bill would ubolish the Negro institution and admit Ne groes lo the Slate University. GOV. CHERRY AD VOCATES PROG RESS IN ADDRESS Bishop King’s Resignation Deferred By Fraternal Council of Negro Churches MAN FOUND DEAD BY SCHOOL CHILDREN FAVErrEVn.l.E - Mr. Samuel Biiins of thf Sw.in Cr>'ek Com- iiiiitiiiy wjK found d-'acl on a side |••.■d. in the Swan Creek Conimuni- ly oil Friday, DLcember 29th. Tlie biKly was liscov«-red by some school |cliiich't-n ;iiul iiew.s was dispatched the Gmily of Mr Burns. w)io had 'b-«-ii clung for him durnig the d.iy. He k-l’t hi.mr uij Thursday und I Lilted to return. Corfmor.s’ inquest .-epuited that [inditakons wcie that he came to hi-; death a.s a resull 1 a stioke of '.Iji brain. 1 Funeral services were conduct- led Sundiiy, Du-ember 31.-,t at Swan Creek B:i|>ti;l Church of which R' v, Bobbitt is pastor, 1 He is survived by a wife, Mrs. ,I,ul:i Burn.-;: ‘me si-ter. Miss Cuanna I Burns; six children: four sons. Ray mond. .Tiinior, Van. NJthaniel: two dauuliters. Pauline and Essie Mae. ‘hr- former is now Mrs. Pauline Sul- ,ton. anti the latter. Mrs. Essie Mae Burns. Ijilxtr Coiulitioiis In M ilmin»tnii Improving RALEIGH - Wilm’nRton has been moved from a Group II, labor .vlnn-tago area, to a Group III area, with sii'jht labor surplus, in the January I classification of labor Continued on back page) Mr. Burns was a highly respected Christian citizen in the community and ill his church. Resolutions were given by Mr. T.iylor Bryant, Rev. John R. Mc Nair ai'id others. S200.000 LIBRARY FOR I'KAIKIF. VIEW COLLFGF Prairie View. Tex. . . . construc tion plans for a new $200,000 li brary to be named in honor of Piincipal Willelte R-Jlherford Banks were announced hen* this week. CINCINNATI. O.-The executive corrnilttce of the Fralviiial Coun cil »>f Negro Cliurches in America met today in Allen Temple, 6lb & Broadway this city Dr. E. W. j I’c-rry. President of the Oklahoma Baptist Convention, who is vice prosidenl--it-large of the Fraternal Council, presided. Di-, W. M. Fraz- I ier. Presidint of the Mississippi In- [dustrial College, acted as secretary. , Leading Churchmen from various paits of the country were present, I among iln-m Bishop.s J. A. Hamlet. [.J Kansas City, W, A. Fountain ol ‘.Atlanta. Ga.; R. C. Ransom and IR. R. Wright, Jr. of Wilberforce. lO. J. H. Clayborn of Little Rock, Ark. Rev. V. M. Townsend of Ar- • kaiisus, B Julian Binith of CJiicago, W K. Wilkes of Georgia. B. M. Hughes of Kentucky. P. R. Wash- 'iiigton oi Oliio, A. W. Womark, A. I'F. Davi.s and F. D Coleman of ' TeiiiH-ssec, Bishop 1) H. Sims and Bishop J. A. Gr''}’g, Dr. J. (' Au stin and Dr. C- T. Murray and oth- |ers were represented by proxies. The meeting decided not to accept the resignation of President. Bis hop L. H. King, hoping that lie will suffmntly r-eover from his illness ' til be able to continue as president, it adopted resolutions approving uf a Rural Life Committee, and lis tened to a report u( the executive secreary. Afu.-r receiving funds from the various church leaders, it adjourned to meet in St. Paul A. M. E. Church, Columbus. O.. Wed- ' nesday, February 7, 1945 a t 10 o’ clock to consider matters uf mo- [ merit. The membership drive will be continued by ihe - xccutive sec retary who i.vpes to gel 25.00U new jmembers by the time of Die Feb- , ruary nii-eting. Enfield Soldier Com- RALEIGH — In a 14,000 word addiess delivered befure a capacity audience in the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium here Thursday, His Excellency. R. Gregg Cherry out lined a program for North Carolina that will assure a progressive admin istration it carried out. Governor Cherry recommended; 1. Studies of State policies pre paratory lo declaring North Caro lina's p4)sition respecting Federal, Foreign, and Domestic matters. 2. Retiremen of the Stai«-’s bond ed indebtedness. 3. Maintainence of present tax structure 4. Re-enacimenl of the Stale Em ploye’s bonus 5. $12.5.00 per month for beginning teachers with ‘A’ certificates 6. Machinery for proper control of public school funds 7. All weather road-; for every section of the State iContinued on oack page) serenm Riv-ir aaufw--m lUiy last wetnc, "pulled a fast one’^ on iheu German enemies when they escap ed wnat seemed to be t perfect trap set by the Krauts. All the territory lost temporarily by the Americans was regained with comparatively light casualties. The story goes In this wise — On last Thursday hardly a Biker of hope was left at the command post for the units whose freedom or lives were believed to be lost. No report had been received at the post for two long days, when on Wednesday word filtered through that the rcconnaisancc patrol had fought like madmen In a fierce counter attack and were holding Ihcir positions. Once .igain "home” the boys told how the Germans descended upon I them suddenly, first apparently I ui.«Kan eurinirino Into I them suddenly, iirsi apparvmij- I bluffing, and then swinging Into j full force all the mechanic power I they possessed, concentrating in the j center of the lines. Our boys resisted with every pos- isible means, but were losing all Ihv [time .nnd becoming deeper and deep- ;cr in the clutches of the enemy [This kept up all day Tuesday. On Wednesday allied bomber ! fighters came to the aid of the units, and dropped their lethal loads in the path of the advancing German:, in order to retard them; tactic.- which proved most effective since not many targeU were missed. Then came the time to smash through, and this they did v*ith the use of hand grenades, small arms, rocks and wh tahave you. In cidentally. th elowly hand grenadt gained for itself supreme respec Duruaj this hand-to-htad senp two of the men. Pvt John of New Yor kCity, and pvt Aliywyt Gardner of AUanlio City, a machine gun "up front" were cut off from their company for twenty hours. They eventually mada -• way back, however. When most of the shooting 'was over, it was discovered that tha enemy had been shoved back cotn- plelely off the territory once hild by us and which we could claim again. It was also discovered that the Germans threw this terrific offensive to clear a path to Lucca, the city taken by us m September and rcknown for Its beauty. It was a great and dramatic fight with our boys quitting themselvea like the men they are. RED CROSS WORKERS MAKE SAFE VOYAGE FEPC BILL LABOR’S BIGGEST 1944 FIGHT mended by (iommand* ing Officer ‘ WITH THE AR.MY AIR FORCE ENGINEER COMMAND IN COR SICA - Fred S. Wilkins, oi Enfield. . N. C.. was recently commended by ^his Battalion Commander, Lt. Col- ' onel James O. Johnson of Hunts- '.ville, Ala. The commendation reads iConiinued on back page) Senate and House Committee approval of the LaFollette-Daw- son Bill for a Permanent Fair Employment Prictice Commission constituted the major labor'^ rights gain of 1944, Morris Mil- gram. Workers Defense League National secretary, declared in a New Year's day statement. “The impetus gaind by the FE PC bill in recent months must not be lost by permitting Congres sional committees to stall progress of the bilk," Milgram sair. “Ev- HEROIC N.C. SOLDIERS HONORED IN FRANCE Somewhere in Franci*—Dedica tion of the Daienlal Bridge, the largest in Franco, to Pfc. I. D. Dickerson of Pikesville, N. C.. and Pfc. Albert Amos of Cave City, Ky.. honored two of the war’s ho- loic Negro engineers in cere monies near Rouen recently. Both re members of the 392nd En gineer Regiment General Serzico. Dickerson, who was killed at Carenton by an anti-personnel- mine while clearing a mine field and Amos was killed by a anti personnel bomb while on duty in Brittany. The Rouen ceremony, aside from dedicating the bridge to the two ht-iOic engineers, al^ signal ized the remarkable engineering feats accomplished by American Negro troops in this sector. Flwing Nazis placed 40 tons of TNT under the columns of tho Rouen Viaduct, blowing avv-ay nine arches of the bridge. Eight days were required to remove the debris, even with Americans ulil- i'ting the most modern equip ment. Tho men had to dig nine feet under the ground in order to get a solid foundation. Then were no timber available conseque.''lIy the man had to go into the forest and fell huge trees to get their lim ber rejuired for the massive struc ture of the bridge. Special bolts were made in the French machine .jhops. The French railroad of- jlprials provided the battalion with j^bod lights thus enabling them ' work on a 24 hour shift. They to face an auduous task for . perpetual rains had threaten- to rob them of the record they re trying to establish. Coupled ih this there was a sea of mud lich added to their difficulties, 'ievertheless, the job was com- -led as aranged much to the as- .lishment of the British and ■ench officials who said that il is impossible of accomplish- *nt. In order to demonstrate the iistance of the bridge, two en- les Weighing 200 tons each were tfii ’ ’ (^upled together and made a run across which was distinct success. Il was a great achievement for the 2nd battalion and high military and civil dignitaries including gathered to pay them homage. Ameicans. French and British, Tha Ceremony The ceremony began with a luncheon at the Grand Hotel De La Poste where Maj. Gen. C. B. Moore, chief engineer. U. S. army, ETO, was tho principal guest. Sit ting beside the general were Adm. Rivett-Camac, commander British Naval forces, Rouen; Brig. Mon guy, FVench 3rd rerton; Brig. Hynes, commander British Rouen Ganison: Capt.Horon de Volle- (Continued on back page) eiy community organization which believes in equal job rights for minorities — Negroes. Jews, Catholics, foreign bom, bapanese- American, Mexicans—should seek to get definite commitment from their Congressmen for immediate passage of the LaFollette-Daw- son Permanent FEPC bill with out amendment as to coverage or enforcement powers. But fair em ployment without full employ ment will prove a mirage. Thus all who seek to put 1945 down in history as as year when Con gress made job discrimination il legal must also see to it that we plan for full employment. We will not eliminate discrimination, as long as we have employment, cr the fear of unemployment, tor menting a majority group." EPIPHANY SERVICE AT ST. AUGUSTINE’S RALEIGH — The traditional Epiphany service, sometimes called tho “Feast of Lights." will be held the chapel of St. Augustine’s College Saturday. January 8, at ?'30 p. m. The Feast of the Epiphany celebrates the manifestation of the infant Jc.sus to the gentile world through the Three Wise Men from the East, and has been marked by the special Feast of Lights service at St. Augustine’s for many years. WASHINGTON. D. C.— Amerl- , on Red Cross worittrs whose ar- -'ival at posts In Laly, Norib Ain- . i and Inoia Is announced this week include six Neg^o me.. a.Ki women. I India arrivals were: I L. Bernice Grice, staff assistant. . :516 North 28ih Street. Omaha. .Vebr. Emily May Harper, assistant club rector, 1501 Dewey Avenue. . anston, 111. Arived in Italy: Malcolm G. Cotton, assistant field director, 6 West 128'h Street, New York City. William C. Paul, assistant field director .122 Adams Avenue. Mag- noUa, N. J. North African arrivals: Odette Harper, staff assistant. 45$ East l87th Street. New York City. James G. Tyson, club director. 3533 New Hampshire Avenue. N. W.. Washington. D. C. Miss Grice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grice of Omaha, was employed in the War Department, Office of the Surgeon General, in Washington. D. C.. before her Red Cross appointment. She is a grad uate .)f Technical High S^ool, Omaha, and the University of Omaha. Emily May Harper was an inter viewer in the Raleigh, N. C., office of ho War Manpower Commission before joining the Rod Cross stail The daughter of Mrs. Lulu Harper Jackson, of Evangston, Ill., she is a graduate of the Wendell PhllUpi High School, Chicago, and Howart University. She received her M. A. degree from Columbia Univeraity in 1932. Before his Red Cross appointment. Mr. Cotton was with the Dobbirui Coal Company, New York City. He is a graduate of Knoxville College High School and attended Knox ville College, Talladega College and New York University. HU mother. Mrs. E. L. Cotton, resides at 607 Lanson Street. Durham. N. C. Mr. Paul taught school intt|i|Men, N. J., before his Red Crosa^'^SJoint- ment. He attended high tenool In Baltimore. Md.. and is a graduate (Continued on back iwge) I

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