PAGE TWO SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1946 Raleigh Personals BY VIVIAN McLendon .Mi3. Lane, local teacher Cabarrus Streit, Sihmukc li ijijiind in an auto accident tliree j, it..clier ui tbe West Chaii»iie a^o. IS convalescing at her . 2i:i Ka>l Cabarrxis Street. iiiiiii Sctiuol ana Haloid, ■ i.t iln UniveiMiy. Mr.. Ol.via Shelton, another ■i't injured in the sanu* acei* d- III A ilh Ml'S. Lane, was report ed :■ I 'lVeiing at St. Agnes Ilospi- 1;.: lust week. .\Ls. Slielion lives at 3H Last Da . a. Street. .Mr.', U Walter Vick, wife of a stall pay. ician at St. Agnes Hos* p.'.ai. visited her husbands sister and 'h.«itiM-in'luw. Dr. and Mrs. iN 1-. Heny, I lOa £>. Person Street, Ja.'l week. Ml Louise Lalnam, former iiLsloii uaciier at Washington ilinii Sci.ool and now assistant deal! oi Women at Howard Uni- Vel'ili WaaiiUlglon, VlSlted ilef :a:i..iy at 7d-l S. East SU'Cel dur- u, til. i.ididay season. iM (.'h.ii'k^ .MeCullvia ielt loi leevnlly i.Jtel .'pelldlllo lIi .■|jriMir;»> H..lidj.\S wnh reiaie..,, .1 buJ Caiuiun Sluel. I’r desaioliul Chib elaborale.; ...ed at inv Club Colon-a. i alter P-*rl>. .Mein- lU guests, puselit weie. .M>-- o..iue.> Cora Siiiuit. Marina Hay- svoud, Mary Lane, Maiy Ncwniaii. s.uciile Young, ana Maiy E. Colt .ti ..iisscs Eli^abelli Pough. Effie UoU- lU'S. Mary Jones and .Mae T. Joiin* son. .Messrs- Waltei IJiaxt.j:.. Ji iu.- L..n HoneybUie. Ed Coiry ai.d Jae^-.o •\iiiaker. Me•^'l ^•. ana ..icsdatn. > Ja- .•on .Morgan. Gaston Jones, Whitaker. WilUe I'hilput and Ben nie .McliU. , ,, . Out of town guests were M .- Higgs, son of M/- Vallie Joidai. and tarius- ics Higgs of 2iy East Lc- jy^.Hj„,n ot l' ..nd ... . visited his parents, und MiS. John Crawhad n ■ . tin- i \uHusta. Ga. ,;. p.i. .1 at UliS tune m Uie New j • • - ,, ;I Oat UUlce. . V- ____ ;.ir. .vlphoiibO \ E. Stumpy - Payne. InaUigb. e‘-led la iouw L'liivei-sily gradu- n..iida>s and ha^ - - a e aOU poet «illU weider at llie . j'lainlield, N- J- U.I. „„ u,..u stieel- loinieily c.iy ovu- .he t 1... 1 r'i / VH * . ^ ■ 1 , ‘ ■ *■* • / f'l .1 fc t. / /- •• ■' I .n OBERLIN ROAD NEWS Pvt. Paul Shepard of Fort Den ver, Mass., spent the Christmas holi days with his parens, Mr. and Mrs. Busier Shepard. CpI. Ralph Hlntcm of Fort Denver. Mass., visited his parents, Mr. .md Mrs. FJurke Hnuun recently. .Mis J.^hinic FLgg has improved alter being ill for .sometime at her tioinc on joint Stri-et. .Seaniiin 1 C Ernest Curtis is visit ing his mother. Mrs, L. B, Curtis and fan’ily in the city. Mrs, Josephine Wiilt.ims rpeir the Christmas holid'jys with her daughter in New York City. Nfrs. Julia Bii.wn and children spent the Christmas holidays in Gren.sboro visiting relatives and friends. Afrs. Marie Maye is back In the rity after .spending several months n Sanford with her mother who is One sign of a good sportsman Is a match stem broken in 3 pieces. It isnt' the cigarette that stars the fire but the match with which the cigarette was lighted, says Exten sion farm foresters. ill. Friends regret the passing of Mrs. Mayo’s mother *‘or P*r«onaliMcl Hand Ls'indr. Phone 4100 MODERN Hand Laundry CARTER Electric Comunnv Anything? Electricai Fas? I.i-nif.r Hbl 20841 11 Obarllo Road ^OR TASTY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN’S Tea Room :hicken shack Half Chidren or A Chicken Sandwich BEER SOFT DRINKS Comer Croat and Lake St. ill Haieigii loUowUig sdvcial iiiuii'iiid wui'k «it lilt Atlanta Uni- vcidiiy bciiool of Social Work ..a* b. W. Lawrttiice, giuduaU: oi U.v D. D. and B. lni»litule and .■>nu,v University. L,awitncc muKus hb> home at Lii bast Soulii bU’eet. ..i-oo bvciyn Pope, of the ii-> aUlii a; Diiiard University ui *'«ew Uiueans, La., visited her i.iiii.iy at oil Wiliiiuigloii Street .. .t uoiiiig liie iiuiiuays. Her „.ou;, Mii,a KuUi i*. Pope, iioilie > coiiuUiiCd ',eaeiiei unu JeaiieS i>..peivii.ui oi Orange County i.v...i;ng aciiuol, Cnapei liiii, waa .. a. iioiite Uieu. .Mrs. .Nc-Uic Hinton ol Hoy^J oriuior, .Mr. Elmo Jonos "*^^^- sloM'oTsmr-'l" Hmmn,‘cpl. Eo - niun W Jonos nnd brothor bo.-i ui Ilaleigh also. t'lul. and Mrs. Hob«rt Luii ot boning Hope vJjlieM i>US. bai'is i-...eiiis. ine Itev. ana Mrs. A- A. .Uuii.sey at jfU S. Biount Street 1.,.-; v^ceiy. Hioi. bail a> pruieipal o. oue &p..iig Hope Seiiooi. Mt»s • • .Motrusey, iiuraiian and 1 ai Bi'ieko, also viaiWU her .vnts. i ivoiaeiil ana Mrs. il. L. Tiigg ol Hie c-hizabeUi City State '1 • eehei’s. Cuilege and tiieu' Oaugli- ;i.i, Melba, Pa>K Umveisiiy iresh- iiiuii, spent Uie Holidays at the iiMiei ./ircade. Joiin C. Usher, Springiieid, .Mu:>s., bu;> man, was a guest • X*. JOrfVic ,0b. , *17 iyy the Holidays Mrs. Maiy Sai ders of New York City. -MiSi Anne Pieslon, dean of wo- ■ men at Virginia Stale College, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvresler Bailie blUiert, Va., was Uie house guest yl New York CUy aie the guest Charles L, Wil- . i Mis. Bobbelt and Mrs. A. : -Vlr, onu ahs. Ch Mis Tr-vis -M. Wh.le ol BM’U mure.’Md.. •= m lelutievs and trietid^. .dr>. \\h -^e 1 rormei- .Mns- this city. Mr J. N. Jones of S. Blount S’... nas retained to the ^‘u, spending thel Holidays w.ui n. brother,*^Mi. Elmo oJnes ol CiUj ton, N. C. Mr. Cai'l Easterling .^pt•nl tlie Holidays m Uie city. Miss Mary Ann Evans me her parents, Mr. ana -‘1 * “; H?nry Evans, Sr. on S. ^Miss EluaboUi Edwards rooonuy visitod her parenls. she mr me oast several monUis lue, i^>-n employed by tne government m New York City. Mr. E. K. Swam and Mr. Chai- life Walker motored to Wiinung- lon, N. C. recently. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kelly of Si., ou0mt.M (uau, woa a gue»r ^\rr. auu luia. Hie Hotel AieaUo Uuimg the ^ Davie St. has as their g^e^i \ .p —1. . ^ Misa Anne Pi eslon, dean of wo men at Viiginia State College, blU'iek, Vu., was the house guest Ol a\Ir. and Mis. Charles L. Wil- hains, 714 S. East SU Uurmg the cnribimas season. IJil'a U NW* Mr and ilrs. Sylvresler Baiiie ol New York City aie the guest oi Mrs. Bobbeti and Mrs. A. S. Hall ol 225 Freeman St. Ml: Gcoi McNuu ol New Ilk C‘il> was guest ol the Uicks of 4zli .SiUiUi SUet-l lor liie hoUdaya. Mrs. Margaret Spngges visited her parents and son on w. Lenoir St Bi 1).' Aiiiiic Hicks Davis and lit- l.iiigliiei-, Fiances ul New York , aie ihe ugL'Sts ol Mr. and Mrs. .1.1' I'll I man ol Soutli Blount St. Miss Zimmie Julinson was Uie gutai of her parents, itev. ana Alls, and Mrs. A. B. Jolinsoii. . .vli'. uiid .Mrs. James Bunch of 30y l.'e Street liave reurned iiom Bal- tnii'ne. Aid., where llicy spent the (J... tma.s Holidays with tliclr broth- • • lid -sislei'-in-law, Mi. and Mrs. .N.iiliaiiiel Bunch. Mis Hula WiUiams visiud her parenls. Mi. and Mis. JesSie Williams. .Miss Ehyuibcth Schmnke and bi'iHier, Harold L. Schmokc, spent the Christma.K Holidays with their nii>'hi-r, .Mrs. P. D. Freeman of East \s> ‘^baby: By Ullia’* B. 5ierm» 1. n i' iii praetici- of gradually II • ' oil:}' H variety of foods dur« IT- tie I.)-: year of yotir baby’* litv ■' iiiin u variety of !' , '.'II'. viianiHii. lilt food, n • i'lUy telecud, v'ves him tho he need' Just by way of .iig up on tiiese vitiiinint and ;i' loods which cmitain them, wa I I .'111 them ! Ik col1t.^lll^ ulniosl averything > .'iLy needs, except for rrita- I .a • IJ and C (ascorbic acid). \ I I> dues rint otcur in foooa III a!ei)Uiiti. uiiiounts SO we giv* Cud liver oil or some otiic-r concan- trau-d foini Vitamin C, or th* nii’i-scurvy vit.'inim, ii most abun dant in citrus juices H*d tomato juice. These two vitamins are given ill tiic'se forms m the first two to four weeks of life whether tho baby it fed from the breast or boU tie Prunes do not contain Vitamin € although they hnva olhar vlM* mint. i ' Vitamin A is nccassory fet growth and Is abundant In eod liver oU. There u eome In mllh, It ie in cream, moat vegetabla*, fruits, and agg yolk. AU of thaao foods art ^ven early in the flrat year. By the time the baby i* aix months old, he Is getting tome od these sources of vitamio A. The B group of viUroiii* is n*^ essary for growth and aid* tb* ap petite. Even a good appetite Ie not rutrnied by eddltionaf B rltamiae, and they help the devebpoient of a sound nervous system. The B vitnmins are found bi milk bot mere are dealrr.ble. That la th* raa- ZS9 the special bibv cereals have added or, as w« soj^ are fortUlad in the B-etemina. They are al*o pres^ ill irriielahlni and froH^ we supply tbsM vitAmlv li> the foods list^. ws w pot jufc to be coocffned aboot tk* MSf vitamins ^ « Mr. Wilkie Noble was recently in liie city. Aliases Virginia end lidcil Sanders visited ui Uie eiiy. Miss Doloris Williams visited her paienls on Pta'son BlreeU Mintf Jonaie Page of Milibiooki, was the guest of ner aunt for Uie iiolidays, blrs. E. Hockaday of E. Jones BU Siiow n here is the bridal par- al the ChrisUna.s Day wed ding in Dui'ham, N. C. of Di. and Mr*. David Bennett Cooke, Jr. Mis. Cooke, the former Bar bara E-sthcr Logan, daughter of Ah', anu Mrs. George W. Logan, Si., ot Durham is a member of the inu*it faculty at Hampton Institute and Dr. Cooke is con cluding his internship at Dur ham's Lincoln Hospital. The attendants were front row, left lo right, Miss E. Mari on Cordice, art instructor, North Carolina College, Dur ham; .Miss Margaret Williams, graduate student, Columbia University. New York; .Mrs. Maigarct L. Murray, Washing ton, D. C.; Mrs. Jessie Logan Peansun, matron of honor and sister of the bride, whose mar riage of CpI. William G. Pear son was solemnized in Los An geles in August; Dr. Cooke, Sirs. Cooke; Miss Betty Light- foot, maid of honor, Washing ton, D. C.; Miss Rosaline Eagle- *son. graduate student. Brown University, Providence, R. I.; Mrs. Lola Ingram Riddick, teacher in the Durham City SchouLc; Miss Alma Slieger, tcachei*. Louisvilc, Ky., City Schools. Little Ernestine Lewis of Newport News, Va., center foreground, was flower girl. Ushers were Herman H. Rid dick. director of athletics and head football coach, Hillside High School, Durham; Dr. J. S. Stewart, Lincoln, Durham; E. H. Bradley, head technician. Lincoln Hospital. Durham; and Charle.s A. Ray, faculty member and publicity director, N. C. State College. Durham. HOME-COOKED FOODS And whet a meal It will be— seasoned exactly right, and ev ery dish boasting a real bome- cooked flavor. B & H CAFE 411 S. BLOUNT ST. CILWN HEIGHTS .Mrs. Ellic Dailey of 21 Smith :'laza bud us her guest for the lioh- Uays Air. fuiu Airs. Ed Holly and tier son, Hubert from New Bern. Airs. Jc*s]e Faulk ol 3 SmiUi i’Lza had as her guest for the nolidays her brother and jisier m law, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Fork from L.uinbertun. Miss Lillie Brown of 4 Chatham Terrace is spending a few days’-wilh -“'■jlives in Washington, D. C., Bal- H-re, Md., and New York CJty. Miss Willie Rogers of Philadel phia has returned to her hnmt id ler .spending several days with her l„L. A i-l.-' Mr. Willis of Wiimingtou visit ed the office of THE CAROLIN IAN lost we^ Duinoni—At high noon on ^(1 in Eleanor blue and wore Cnrisunas Day at Durham's St. ;ecrsage of talisman roaes. Mrs. W. F. Taylor visited hei husband, Mr. Taylor. Mrs. Joyner spent Uie Holiday* the city. Miss A. Fleming visiled hei parents. Aiyce Lewis of Washing ton, D. C. is visiting her moUiei 111 the city. Titus’ Episcopal Chui'ch, lavishly dtcoraied wiui palina and wood- waidia ierns, Barbara Ester Lo gan recited her wedding vows to become tile uude of Dr. David Bcimeite Cooke, Jr. , . , A ulessmg loilowed Uic double 1 mg cei emuny wlucii was read by Uie Rev. Othello D. Blaniey, rec- toi oi Bi. Till*' enurch. The Bokei T. Washington Club held their regular meeting on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Col lin Walker, S. East St. A delici ous course was served by Uie hostess. The next mectmg will be at the home of Mrs. EvtUyn Westly, 10 Ashe Terace on the se cond Sunday in January. The Club will have their Santa Claus on Thursday night January 4Ut at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Davis, 600 S. Harington St. Mis* Vivian E. Irving, clerk in the office of Inter-American Ai- fairs, and Miss Florence B. Irv ing. of the Office of Price Admin istration, Washington, D. C., were tne guilts of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Irving, 615 Sruth East St. on Christmas. Mrs. Alma Tatum William: j*per.t a few days in Winston Sal- I in, N. C. the guest of her mother. I The Raleigh Garden Club held I'.s annual Christmas Tree last Tuesday night, December 26. at tnr home of Mrs. Belle Burnette "H SouUt Haywood St. Charles G. Irving, Jr., has re turned to Howard University, Washington, D. C., to resume his 'tudies, after spending the holi days at home. Acreage allotments of tobacco will be the same as in 1944, says , Che AAA. Two per cent of the al- i lotted acreage in 1940 will be used (0 increase farm acreage.s found to ^ be Inequitable. Logan-Cooke Nuptial The altar vases and pedesUj baskets in the church were deco, rated with white pompons anq giadioles. A program of nuptial music wa^ rendered b Mrs. Virginia Wiliam. *on Alston, soloist, and Alm^ Steiger, organist. Mrs. Alston saog the Bach-Gounod "Ave Maria- and Oley Speak’s ’’Prayer Per. Ill-IL, .IIU., J!U AI-'W 111* LW Miss Willie Roger* of PbiMel- phia ha.s returned to her hAma ivr spending several days with her sister. Mrs. lola Brown of 4 Chat ham Terrace. Mr. Oscar Kcndell of (Pa., was Home for the holidays visiting hla family at 21 Chavis Way. Mrs. Ludar Hardie of Washing ton, D. C., spent the boUdi^ with her family at ll Smith Plaza. Mrs. William Davis and children of 8 Smith Plaza have returned home after spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Curtiss of West Ra leigh. Miss Mary F. High ol Boston, Moss., Miss Chri.steen and Delories High of 7 Chavis Way, have retum- d home after spending a few days with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hall of Oxford-. Mrs. Essie Chandiier of 11 Chavis Way and family spent Christmas Day with relatives and friends in i Durham. ! Little Miss Patriach Hinton of 12 I Smith Plaza b on the sick list. Hur ry and get well Patriach. Little Miss Mary Louise Lucas of Clayton, was the guest of little Miss Nina M. AUbritton of 21 Smlh Plaza for the Holidays. Mr. T. Smith of Clayton, Is spend ing a few days with his sister, Mrs. Effic Dailey of 21 Smith Plaza. BUTLER HAYWOOD Tne bride, daughUT of Ml’, and' feet.” The traditoinal wedding Air*. Geurge W. Lugan, Sr. uf Dui- naiii, wore a gown gl magnolia biocaded satin faihioned with hearishaped netklme, long sleeves wiUi point over nand, lilted bidice and shirt simred on lull at hipline and ialimg into Uie train of the diess. Hei veil ol illusion fel ixom a haio. She cairied a prayer book ahuwered wiUi lavender orchids. Belly Lighiioot, maid ol honor, and Ml'S. Jt-s.-ie Joog^ Pearson, matron of lionor, brides sister, were gowned m bonbon pink, satin bidicc with heai isbape neckline with net sleeves below the elbows and net shirred on 1 lU at the h'.p lines. The maid and matron vurried bouquets of bon bon pin:, roses wiUi while and yellow pompons with blue rib bons. The five bridesmaids, Alariun Cordice, Margaret -Williams, Lo la Riddick. Margaret Muiray, and and Rosaline Ikigleson, were gowned in azure blue, with lines loliowing those of the maid and matron of honor. Thev carried arm bouquets with pink ribbons. Little Emcsline L: wis of New port News, Va., the brides eousm, was flower girl. She earned u lit tle nosegav with flowers match ing those of the other attendants with pink, blue and yellow rib bons. The bride entered on the aim of ae.' father, Mr. George W. Lo gan, Sr. They were met at the al- tai by the oridegroom and his best man. Dr. W. Thurber Arm strong of Durham and Rocky Mt. Tho bride's mother wore an orchid crepe dress fashioned with gold. She wore a corsage of ri’d roses with matching flow’ered hat The groom's mother was gown- marches were used as the procc;] somai and recessional. , Ushers were E. R. Bradley, Df J. S. Stewart, Charles A. Ra>;^ and ilerman H. Ridick. Immediately following the cenj. mony a reception was held at thb bride’s home.The receiving lin^. was composed of the bridal partj^ and the parents of the parenlQ (A tho bride groom. Bridal flowers were arrange^ throughout and the bride’s tabi^ wa-s centered by a wedding cak.. After the reception dinner w.',3 served to approximately thirty guests. Mrs. Cooke is a graduate Fisk University and studies Julliard School of Music. Dr. Cooke is a graduate i-j North Carolina College and tl.^ Maharry Medical College, Nasi,, ville, Tenn. : Out-of-town guests: Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lewis, Nev,. port News. Va.; Mrs. Ruth Eq. wards. 'W' Idon, N. C.; Mis.s Irci.e Sanders, Harnmon Institute, Vs ; Mr. and Mrs. William Hines. R»il leigh. N. C.; Mrs. Christine Da-,, er. Raleigh. N. C.; Dr. and Mi^. Robert Holiday, Statesville, N. C.; Dr. and Mrs. David Ingram. Nev'.’ port News, Va; Mrs. Charles Bv. num. New York; Mrs. Jean Dei,, nam. Philadelphia, and others. Funeral services for Butler Haywood, 70, of 418 S. Haywood Si.,‘ were held from the St Paul Methodist Church on Sunday af- ctmoon. Mr. Haywood, who worked as a plasterer here for several years, died at his home on Saturday night. WELL-KNOWN NASH COUN TY FARMER BURIED Nashville—Funeral services f«,i. John P. Arrington, 64, well, known farmer of this sectio;.) Swift Creek Baptist Church. • ' were held last Friday at 2;30 «it Mr. Arrington, who died une^. pectedly on 'Tuesdaywith a heapt attack, was prominent in ehureii activities for many years. DRIVE IN CLEANERS Cash and Carry 325 S. Bloodworth St. Now Playing "Frenchman's Creek" In Color JOAN FONTAINE ARTHUR de CORDOVA Sun.-MotL-Tu*t. 'Something For 'The Boys" In Color CARMEN MIRANDA MICHAEL O’SHEA Wad.. Thura., Fri. Sal. "Can't Help Singing ^ In Color DEANNA DURBIN ROBERT PAIGE CAPITAL CAB CO. U MOBB 8CBT1CE Th« New Royal Friday and Saturday Don (Red) Barry in "THE MAN FROM THE RIO GRANDE" Also Rosemary I.ane in "TROCADEHO" Sunday and Monday Tex Ritter in RAIDERS OF THE ROCKIES Tuesday and Wednesday "JAM SESSION " with Louis Armstrong & Orch. Thursday BARGAIN DAY Double Feature Mra. Otis Reid of Ra id^ N. C tcAcher in the High ScSool M Whitevile, N. C. before her xnarriatt on Dec. 34 was m*m Slsie Elizabeth Yeer- giio, daughter at Ui*. and Mrs. James W. Yeaztki of RaMA, Ur. Reid is tne aon at Claudia lo. Reid the late Ur. John Q. Reid of Uuifreea- boro, N. C. He is now aervlng as a Mechanic First Claaa In the Norfolk Navy Yard. Surviving are his wife, Ura. Annie Haywood, of this two daughters Mrs. Annie Thorpe and Ethel Merritt, both of Wash ington, D. C.. and three sons, Charlie, of Raleigh, Herbert, of Baltimore, and Wilbur, of Pitts burgh. Pa. BUY MORE BONDS !!! PAINT - PAINT L49GaL 12 yean of aatialactiea. AU Colors—Stains awd gw™***^ MaU Ordan Promptly FUtsd. Railroad Salvage Co. 329 South Wilmington SL "OBEAM a NUMBERS BOOK' Wtuu did yea dream last aifhtT Da yoQ play Pelky (Nomben)? than set this book! It’a baaed en payehol- ogy of dreams and oomben . . . Why goeaar .. Use It as year gaUe. ir yon beliers bi Lsefcy Nnmbm St ureama, let this baali eeeame yoor year better lack kayl Bend |1 and we wiU maU paelpald er write card and It wtU be sent COD (Pay $144 an delivery.) Ity te riiaara year Ineky. Den't detoy. Order now! Denaeo.. Dept 67, Beat 8617. Kanoe City IS, Ma. In Time of Sadness Id time of sadness there is need for courteous under* sUnding attendants. This is a consistent consideration of the personnel of our mortuary. Ambu'^nco Servico RALEIGH FUNERAL HOME C HAYWOOD, PTMklent Fluiw J-a»3» DEANNA DURBIN ROBERT PAIGE BARGAIN DAY Double Feature -TuatATnRK - SUN., MON., TUES., JAN. 7-8-9 J... I darn - The Eve Of St. Mark ANNK BAXTER, WILLIAM KYTIIK MiniAKL O’SHRA Disney Cailoon “SPRINGTIME FOR PLUTO" Novelty “DOG HOUSE” METROTONE NEWS I o WED.. THURS., JAN. 10-11 Take It Big Starting JACK HAIJJY, HARRIFTTT HILLIARD. MARY BETH HUGHES AI^O Popeye Cartoon “SPINACH POACHIN’ “ NEWS Novelty “G.l. FUN’* Episode 2 “Spy Smashers'* m FRI., SAT., JAN. 12-13 KEN MAYNARD Phantom Rancher -Also THE GREATEST GANGSTER PICTURE OF THEM AIX! The Hitler Gang The Inude Story of the World's Greatest Genirsters Episode 4 of "GREAT ALASKAN MYSTERY” / J

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