PAGE TWO THE CAEOUNIAN SATURDAY. FEBBUARY 24, IMS Raleigh Personals BY VIVIAN MCLENDON •Mr.'--. G vv Gause and Mrs. John- Dll- .loiies of New York City recent* ly :i« nl two weeks in the city vis- itiiii; their mother, Mrs. Agnes Rog- or.-, of 2oy West South Street. Mrs. Oiaries Burrell of Washing- t' i\ D. C., recently visited her par- ', Air. and Mrs. Leonard Lassiter ' f Lee SlrecL .Mi.>is Jessye Cooke is visiting her juiients on West Lenoir Street. Mi.s Cooke if employed by the liovornment in Washington. UlAVbi MIGHTS ALW L. BUOADIE Ml... AiiJiie J, Syde of 7 Hyde Ter race has rc'iuiiicd home after .'pondmg tJie week end in Wendell. N. C. Mrs. Liikir Alw.atcr of 23 SmiUi Pluita IS able to be out again alter b'Uiji coiuiiied to iier apartment. She wishes to thank her friends for tile nice canU and flowers. iVIrs. C. Al. Sniilij of 4 Hyde Ter- i.'.ce celebrated liis third birtliduy rcciiilly. Alaiiy of his little friends weie invited for the parly. Happy birlliday, Clifton. Airs. Clara Dunston who former ly lived on Church Street now re- •sides in Chavis Heights at 11 Hyde Terrace. Airs. Edna Chalmers of 8 Hyde 'JViracL has returned home after sp. tuiin^ several days with her hus- Mr. Alexander Chalmers, Sr. of J’ortsmouth, Va. Alls, lloulah Edwards of 1 Hyde Jetr.nce has a.s her guest her moth er, Alr.«. Steward of Apex. N. C. Mr.s. c -M. Smith of 4 Hyde Ter race i.- .1 p.itiinl in St. Agnes Hos pital. We wish for her a very speedy Mrs Sadie Norwood of Pettigrew treel and Mrs. Liliie Gregory ol Smilh/ield Street spent Sunday af ternoon in Wendell, N. C. Airs. Sam bmith ut 423 South Swam Street was seen out recently liter being coniined to her liomt- or several weeks. She wishes to xpress hei gradilude to her many Iriends lor their kindness during illness. The many friends of Mrs. Katie rewer of 558 hast Davie Suoet are ill deep sympathy with her in the passing of her cousin. Airs, Cora Scott Bright who died in ti'usliing- , U. C. The funeral was held liie Olivia Branch Church Su Wake Forest on February llih. ■cry. Ml’S. Clara Diclcson of 19 Smith I’l.i.'u has been on the seik list but IS able to be out again. Airs. Carrie Kendall of 21 Chavis Way IS on the sick list. Hurry and get Well Airs. KendalL Alr.s. Stephen Morning of 1 Bruns wick Terrace has been on the sick list but is doing nicely now. Mr. Edw.ud Norwood of 8 Chavis Way announce the marriage of his daughter, Aliss Hculab Norwood to Air. Alelvin Glenn on February 8th m Soulli Carolina. Congratulatims to Air. and Mrs. Glenn. St, Ai. 3-0 Edward A Hinton, sta tioned at Bainbridgc, Md. has turned to camp after spending a y-day-lcavc here with his wife, the foimci- Miss Versie Steward of 20 .Snuth Plaza. S. C. 3-c Andrew Lee Blount of Ekaje, N. J. recently spent his leave visiting his wife and children of 23 Smith Plaza. Afiss Alary J. Baker of Wake Ft- cst, N. C., was the guest of her aunt, Airs. A. J. Slide of T Hyde T-'-'-n''" ■"‘'".nUy. Rev. "^frs. Bessie Campbell of 2 Lincoln Terrace is iU at her ap.. ment. Her many friends hope that .she will soon be out again. Ma.'.ter John Bullock, Jr. of 17 Mrs. Hester Stanley of 1104 South Street is ill and cuntined to her lioiiie. her many friends hope for iier a very speedy recovery. .rs. Aloliy Biuiicti of 013 South Haywood Street has been ill fur several day». Airs. Ehie Taylor, Mrs. Alice Walker and liUic Aliss Pauline tiamiKoii of all South AIcUowelF Street were the recent guests ol friends in Chavis Heights. Airs. S. M. Bell of Henderson, . C, was III the city this week on uusincss. Mrs. ficU is a former resi- Jent of this city. The Booker T. Washington Club 4’ i T' . f? will meet on Sunday. February 25 tarU lOUniameilt TOr at the home of Airs. Harriet Boy kins. The attendance of all mem bers is requested. lilts, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Saunders. Air. AMiiur Vuuiigbloud of Wash ington, D. C., IS visiting relauvcs ana iriends here. Uii E'ebruary 17, the Home Mak ers Club met at the home ol Airs. I. L. Coley. Mrs. Toole gave an interesting talk on clothing. Her topic was, -How To Make New Clothes Out Of Old."’ Miss R. Peacock was hostess to “The Peds,' the faculty club on Thursday evening. Highest score was won by Mrs. E. Miller and second highest by Mrs. Wilson. George Washington ice cream and cookies were enjoyed. soithernMes The Adult lass in Home Economics finished -.ts first unit of the school year on Thursday evening, E'ebru ary lath, when a class of 18 adults completed a course in Red Cross Nursing at the Home Economics Cottage. This cour.ce offered practical work in not only keeping the fami ly well but Hie community also. Cleorliness was stressed as the corner stone of good health. Plenty of good soap and water is one of our best disinfectants and certainly w-ithiii the reach of everyone. Im provised equipment was made, such waste paper baskets and cups bed pans, and many other articles I'lum newspapei-s, U was also found that newspapers could be used in- ^lead of a rubber sheoL Irs. Eidith .McLood, Moore Coun ty Public Health Nurse, was the instructor. As a token of appreciation, Airs. Alice Grady presented Mrs. AIcLeod a rose colored crystal vase and salad dish from the class. V. The Business and Industrial Club met on Thursday night at dhe Y. W. C. A On Wednesday night. February 23 the club held its monthly party celebrating the birthday of mem bers during the months of January and February. Nine service men from the E. P. R. C. outfit stationed at Camp But- tier were invited and everyone pres ent appeared to have spent a won derful evening. The repast consisted of hot cogs, slaw, sliced tomato, potato salad and coffee. Peanuts and candy were also served. The members and guest'- played cards, personality bingo and danced to the music of many named bands. Miss Laura Brown and Vivian McLendon won prizes for being the first two to have bingo. This was the first monthly birth days were celebrated were: Misses Maggie Leach, Blonme Slade, Doro thy Lilly, Warena O'Neal, Lula Har ris and Vivian McLeondon. This was th efirsl monthly birth day party of the club, out they plan to continue the affatr throughout the years. Mrs. A. Levingston is the advisor of the group of young ladies. Aursery Sciiuol A Grand Success The GSO's held their me .mg on RALEIGH — .Monday night, Feb. 19, at the Bluodworlh Street USO u card toui namcnl sponsored for the Chavis Height and Sliaw Nursery Schools was a distinct success. A large crowd was present and enjoy ed playing whist, pineochole, and bridge. Top honor prizes were awarded to Dr, N. L. Perry for bridge, Miss Anita Stewart pine- cholc and Mr. W, C. Harris for hist. The sponsors, staff, Miss Spear man, hcaa teacher are very grate ful to the parents and friends of Raleigh for their whole-hearted sup port and cooperation. Funds $91.75 derived from this effort will be used to supplement the tuition $30 per month of children whose fami lies art- unable to pay the weekly fee of $2.10 per child. Organizations contributing to this fund so far thfs term art The Omega Psi Phi Fra ternity $2.50 monthly and the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority $25. DIVORCES RALEIGH — Divorces were sued on the grounds of t.vo-year separation to the following persor,s: Major Booth vs, Anna Booth, Cur tis Robertson vs. Sarah Robertson; and Jedey Howard vs. Minnie “ Howard. Darlings Of Rhythm On Raleigh Zetas Observe Stage At Lincoln : Finer Womanhood Week RALEIGH — Amerlc.i's No. 1 All Girl Orchestra, “The Darlings Of Rhythm which appears on the stage of the Lincoln Theatre one day only, Tuesday, February 27, are making Helen Tabom Sensational Vocalist Darlings of Rnythm their first public appearance in tlie city of Raleigh. Tnese sensational pcrfurnicrs were a four weeks hit at the Grand Terrace Cafe in Chi cago. as well as drawing 9,698 paid admissions in three days at the Roosevelt Theatre in Cincinnati, Ohio. The all-star girl artists each have individual talent and under standing of the style of music spec- iali.'ed in by the orchestra, each having been once a member of oth er famous girl bands of this genera tion. Thus a swell knit organiza tion has been welded together which has already won the plaudits of critics everywhere and was select ed to reopen the famous Grand Ter race in Chicago, where Father Hines, Count Basic, and Fletcher Henderson made history. An un derstanding of what the dancing public appreciates places the Dar lings of Rhythm in the forefront among orchestras of today. You'll commit a crime against yourself if you fail to see and hear this, the greatest attraction in the world, re gardless of name and price. HALF GH Omicron and Omicron- Zeta chapters of the Zeta Phi Bela Sorority join wtih the National Or ganization in obs' rving the last full week in Feliruary as Finer Wom anhood Week. The Raleigh chap ters will feature special programs around the ihcnie. During this week to Suror% will use their talent and infUiciice to in.'ipire. encourage and challenge all women to keep the torch of Finer Womanhood brightly burning above the chaotic cundi- tion.s this world faces and to so ex emplify thosi- qualities that yoath may catch the spirit and so direct and dedicate their lives towards the noble ideal of E'iner Womanhood. The 194.") observance was initiat ed Staurday ni.aht. February I7th, at the home of Dasileus. Soror Maye E. Ligon. when the Sorors met to re view the history and achievements of the organization and to evaluate their local sorority program In terms of the motto "Labor Conquer All." Saturday night, February 24, the annual ' Rcdiidicatlon Service" will be observe din the form of a closed Banqiift, The group will worship at tlio Fir't Church on Sunday morning. E’ebruary 25 at which time Spiritual Guidance will be ricoivcd from the Rev. O S. Biilloek, pastor. Culminating the celebration, n Culmin.iting the celcbraticn, a public piogram will be presented at the Shaw Univcr.sity Vesper Hour with Dr. Nancy Bullock Wi'olndae. profe.ssor of English at the Kentucky Municipal College as guest spe.iker. Dr. Woolridge is the damither of Rev. O S. Bullock, and is Raleigh's own, having received her first decree at Shaw University and later the advanced dx-’crees of Masters of Arts, anil Doctor of Phllu.ihophy i' .he University of Chicago. Raleigh will join the Zetas in weli iiring Or. Woolridge. A “Coffee Hour” honoring the guest speaki r and all friends of the Soror ity will follow the public program in Fsley Hall Reception Room from six to seven o'clock. Activities At USO PINUP girlcontestI EXCITES INTEREST | RALEIGH — The debutantes of Raleigh arc enthusiastic and quite interested in the Raleigh Pin-Up Girl Contest now on. A report from the College Wom en's Club, sponsors of the populari ty contest says that the Registration includes Raleigh's most beautiful and glamorous girls from all sec tions of the city — Chavis Heights, East Raleigh, West Raleigh, Lincoln Park, St. Augustine’s and Shaw, the nurses at St. Agnes, Starks Beauty College and Payne's Secre- terial Scohul. Names and pictures of the candidates will appear in the CAROLINIAN at a later date. Watch the dale girls! March J2lh and those grand prizes, spring out fits and accessories. '1 call upon the mlUions of vic tory gardeners who have done so m-jch to swell the nation's food supply in these war yean to con tinue their good work," President Roosevelt says. PAINT - PAINT 1.49 Gal. 12 TMra of aittafeiTHon. All Coloro—Slalat tad EmmoU. Mall Ordan Promptly FUlod Railroad Salvage Co. 329 South WUmington St For Peraosaliaod Hand Laundry Phone 41U0 MODERN Hand Laundry III Obnllit Road ST. .AMRROSi: OIRL CHOIR .\T RI.OORIVORTII STRFFT CSO BUY AN EXTRA BOND! 'Iho Gls. Gaus aiiu visitors ex- peiiL-iicc a IvjI liL'at ol fine music on BuiiUay allviiiouii, Februaiy 18, when the all gii'l choir of the St. Ambruse Episcopal Ciiurch appear- cu ut Uu- Bloudvvuiilv Stieet USO Club at b o'clock iii .i sung recital. The guis were very well received by the audience. From a quite large rc-peituir the choir rendered My Task, A Mighty Fortress Is Our Gild, The Lords Prayer, On Bending Knee, Thy Kingdom Come O God. Miss Pearl Weaver was soloist with Miss Alice Morgan at the piano. Thr all girl c’huir of Si. Ambrose Epis- cepai Church is under the direction of Mr. Hubert Townes. ACTlVmES for week EM) OF FEBRUARY 24TII Saturday night's program at the USO will include dancing, social games, quiz program and Fortune Telling. Sunday’s program begins with ‘ »i— biiur at FOR TASTY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN’S Ten Room :hicken shack Half ChicktMi or A Chickan Saadwicb BEER SOFT DRINKS Cornar Croat and Lako St i Llm...A IS !1! al W! ment. Her many frienos hope that she will .soon be out again. , -• Xla.stcr John Bullock, Jr. of 17 Chavis Way is ill with pnuemonta. T-Sgt. Josh Hunter of Ili has re turned to camp after spending sev eral days with his wife. Mrs. Rosa HuiUcr, the former Miss Rosa Clark of 11 Smith Plaza. of the group of young ladies. JOHNSTON COUNTY NEWS V- OBERLIN ROAD NEWS BY ANN MORGAN Ml'S Margaret Manuel of Mary Pi'l'er, Oxford, was in the city over llie week end. The Ladies Auxiliary held Its weekly meeting at the home of Mrs. Rosa Kelly on Monday night A Vdentine Supper was given in the social room of the Methodist Church on Wednesday evening by the Willing Workers and Home Guard.s Club. Tlie Wesleyan Club met at the home of Mrs. Cameron on Wednes day evening. Missc.s Mary Leake. LctiUa Fields and Juanita Stratford visited the Blind Institute recently. It was a very inferc.sting trip. Mrs. Mattie E'. Lynch and Mrs. Clorine Hinton of New York ate vi.siting relatives and friends in the city. NOW YOU CAN SEE IT AT REGULAR PRICES! On* *1 th* « er**1*tl ptctiir** «f all tim*—Cx* •efty at ih*wft at CARY COOPER INGRID BERGMAN AXiM T.AM-AOFF • ARTUM DE CMDOVA CM LC'A ma KATINA PAXINOU ’ SAM WOOD ;N itCHNICOLOR The GSO's held their meeting on Tue»Jay night at the USO. -V- SMITHFIELD BY MISS M. RAYNOR Mr. Dallis Morgan was called home recently on account of the death of his father. Mr. Jim Morgan. Mrs. Mabel Grantham of New York City, is speiidii.j a few days with her mother, Mrs, Lenora Grif fis’. 129 South 5lh Street. Friends of Mrs. Annie Murphy regret very much to know that she continues very ill at Saint Agnes Hospital. Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Tood were happy to have all their children home on a visit: Mr. and Mrs. Theo dore Hearlley of New York; George Tood, St. Louis, Mo.; Wilbert Tood of Winston-Salem, Teachers College. Margaret Adams of Colum bia, S. C., spent some lime with Rev. and Mrs. Tood on her .. ay back to college. Mrs. Julia McNeill left Wednes day night for Scland, Washington, to spend some time with her hus band who is stationed there, Mrs, Lillie Raynor had as her guests for dinner Sunday Mrs. Ma bel Grantham and mother; Mr. W. R. Collins and son; Mr. J. C. Watson, Miss Hattie Hobbs. Mr. Walter Sanders, Jr. The dinner was given in honor of Mrs. Grantham. Mrs. Mabel Grantham spent Mon day in Wilson with her sister-in- law and little nephew, Master Wil bert J. Griffis. IN’ LOVING MEMORY OF MY DAUGHTER. ALNIA Two years ago today my dear You entered into your home above. I often think of you my dear, Knowing you are happy up there. tis Robertson vs. Sarah Robertson; and Jedey Howard vs. Minnie B. Howard. Washington School News giimcs, quiz program and E'onune BUY AN EXTRA B0ND!^™'‘„"|;,^.^ ! breakfast and devotional hour at 9:30 followed by Wings Over Jordan CARTER Electric Company Anything Electrical 3 Elast Lenior St HOBCB-COOKED FOODS And what a aaal It will ba— seasoned exactly rlcht, aiul av* ery dish baartlag a real bea^ conked fUver. B&HCAFE 411 8. BLODNT ST. CJ^PITJOi COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. 515 W. Morgan SL DRIVE IN CLEANERS Cash and Carry 326 S. Bloodworth St. Dr. j. C. Perry, M.D. Announes the Opening Of His Offices For The PRACTICE OF GENERAL MEDICINE AND SURGERY 402 EAST DAVIE STREET Telephone 3-3776 OFFICE HOURS. 12 to 3 P. M. 6 1. 8 P. M. And By Appokitmant iLIHVONJII THI SUN., MON. (2 Days Only) FEB. 25, 26 a DRAGON SEED” -With- KATHARINE HEPBURN — WALTER HUSTON AKIM TAMIROFF—ALINE MAC MAHON -AI»o- DISNtY CARTOON NEWS L'osipiled By Alexander Chalmere and Margaret i.arkiw The new course initiated this se mester for tlio Seiiiurs is allractiiig much interest and attention among the btudeiils. The class, under the guidance of Mrs. Louise i'. Benin, has been very busy this week plan ning their program and schedule for I heir Service-Activity which begins on next The students with iheir ’’special kits” are ready for Uie signal lu go out into the cuminunity ' ' worK and learn. Group chairman selected are; Alexander Chalmers, Catherine Should, Mary McGhee, Carl Crud- up, Helni Faucelle, and Murray Selunoke. Willie Catherine Howell and iMudic Bennett were selected us class Librarians. The group will serve as iluspilal Aides, Nursery School Aides, Recreation Program Aide, Health Department Aides and Home Maker's Aides. The Consultants and Directors had a special planning meeting at the school on Tuesday. A Rotation -•ichedule was outlined to give each group an opportunity to serve in the six areas of interest. Mr. Williams will assist Mrs. Per- which will culminate in a program which will culmintae in-a program of School and Community Day in early May. el. The characters are William iiul-| loway, Willis James Mt'Daiiald,' Murray Schmukc, Atikelu Marche- Chester Dolby, William H. Wil liams and Johnny Hawkins. The following T'hursday, "Under Current,'' will be presented. ITie Characters are Lorenzo Haywood, Herbeit Ellis, Robert Ciiaiil, and Angela Marchena. The above play lAill be pie»ented . the Dramatic Tournament in Rocky Mount, on March 9 or 10. Alma, since you went away. I havenf had sunshine every day. But I am humbly pressing my way Doing a deed of kindness every day. How I have missed you no one know. All because I loved you so But God, He loved you best I know That is why you had to go. 4 Days Starting WEDNESDAY 25^ Doora Open Plus New Tax 2:00 P.M. -STATE TOEATRE— I am sure we will meet again When the Heavenly Choir begin to sing. When I am through with sorrow We will meet In that glad tomorrow. MOTHER, Mrs. Lillie Raynor SELMA — BY CATHERINE LASSITER Under the direction of Mrs. M. S. Blake and Miss Asia Thompson, the Junior Choir and Intermediate Choir of the First Baptist Church gave a splendid program at the St. John AME Church. Miss Mamie Smith, pianist Miss Rita Kell of J. C. T. School. Smithfield. was the week end g^jest of Miss D- M. Freeman. Miss Louise Revels .a freshman at Winston-Salem Slate Teachers College, visited her parents. Rev. and Mrs. L. R. Revels. Mrs. Jeffle Lee Fry, Mrs. Maggie Fryer and Williard Frederick, Jr, also visited the Revels family. Rev. William Saunders of Shaw University. Raleigh, visited his par- After successfully completing the semester in foods, all homer-.king. students under the supervi ion of Miss Diiren have moved into the clothing department. Just as in the foods department the girl.s will have special problems and a home project c.'irri«‘d out. In the foods department were served over 54 meab, served leas, Halloween parties. Christmas par ties and Valentine entertainments. Also a display of canning was spon sored. Several projects were carried out. In the clothing department our first problem is to check our per sonal wardrobe and try to complete it my "make overs" or "make it do’’ plans. Special new problems, old problems and interior problems will bo carried out. "Good grooming" is being stressed each day to aid the girs in choice of colors. Many ideas are constantly secured through group work. The seniors of the Washington High School will soon be flashing their class rings. Among the numbers that Washington Band has been prac ticing on are Easter Parade, which will be played in Chapel in the near future and Romance in E Flat. A play on the subject of Negro Hi.story Week was given In chapel Thursday before last. The students that participated were members of Miss Hick's third period English Class. They were: Justine Harris, Doris McKenzie, J .B. Allen, Brun- hilda T.awson, Margaret Larkin and David Sanders. Festival, ’'Bill Perkins Proposing," act play was given in Chapel Thursday morning. The characters were Johnny Hawk.ns, William H.| Williams, I’ailricia Haler and Uoa- sie Wallace. Next week. Where Ihc early and take delivery when Is iModo." will be: pic,;..nt«I in cilap-1 „„ olfcred. el. The ehamclers are '.Villiain Hoi-1 * Broadc.nsl at 10:30 and at 11:00 Church Invitation and Information services. At 2:00 Dinner will be served to men and women in uni form. with obsciA'ancc of Social Hour at 5:00 and a movie program at 7:00. Mrs. Lula Turner and Mrs. E. M. Kelly, assisted by GSO hostesses in charge '>f the week end acti vities. F.armcrs should order their fertil- WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BEAUTY and BARBER Write For Price Lists We Ship Anywhere KLARFX Beauty Products Co. The Grade Mothers of Wasliing- toii School, Mrs. Ruth Taylor, presi dent arc sponsoring a play to be presented at the school Monday night, February 26, .t 8 p. m. This play, ' Walch for the Grcinels," is' have been given by .Miss Sims. 1 successful plays employing the tal ent in the flemenlary department have been give nby Miss Sims. Therefore a large crowd is expect ed. Tickets are being sold by the Grade Mothers. Tile first year French cla^ was organized recently a French Club which met during the class period on Fridays once or twice :■ month. Officers electid were as fol lows; president. Franklin UeLaine: ice president. Mary Thomas; sec- clary, Annie R. Wilder; iissislaiU secretary, Doris McDow; licasurcr. Charles Webb- program chairman, Geraldine J« os; social chairman, Rose Morgan; publicity chairman. Bertha McNeill. At our first mceitng we enjoyed looking at thi beautiful book ol French costumes which our cadet teacher. Miss LoFlore, from S». Augustincs College brought to us. 1730 FULTON STREET Brooklyn. (131. New York AMBASSADOR TIm Raw Royal NOW PLAYING "Music For MUliens" with—Margaret O'Brien June Ally.son, Jose Iturbi KItN.—MUN.->TUfe.S. Hedy Lamarr, Gt'orge Brent In "Experimeni Perilous" WEU.—TliUK.—FKI.—SAL. The Second play of the Drama Claudette Colbert, Shirley Temple, Monty Wooloy In "Sine* You Went Away" Friday and Saturday CHARLF,S STARRETT—in "Frontier Fury" also—Lulubelle & Scotty—in "Swing Your Partner" Hiat Tired Feeling SPENCER SUPPORT Designed Especially For Ym Phon* 2-9111 Mrs. MAUDE Z. SMITH 518 E. Worth St Bklalgf Sunday and Monday EDDIE DEW—in "Raiders of Sunset Pais" Tuesday and Wednesday NINA FOCH—in "Cry of Werewooll" Thursday BARGAIN DAY Double Feature DREAM A NUMBERS BOOK” What did yen dream laal aifhtf D* you pUy PoUey (Naabersir tten gel ibla book! It's based en peyehel- ogy of dreams and nnmlMra . . . Why gnemr .. Uae It as jott gntde. If yon believe In Lneky Nnmheis A Dreams, let this D**k hsssuia yonr yenr better Inefc keyt Send SI and we will maU pestpaid er write card and H wlU be sent COD (Pay $1.34 en delivery.) Try I* ebange your ineky. Dent delay. Order nowl Denneo., Dept. S1^ Be* SSI7. lUiisas City IS. Me. You Too May Get RELIEF FROM ASTHMA SPASMS Do thoee wheezing chokins at- tacka ke^ you frosn your work or rob you of your sle^T Tor orer half a eentiOT BRAtER^ POW- countkds suffers trem oasms of D£R has brou^ bleMsa relief to asthma. BRATER’S POW DER, you loo may find sootblng rebel Easy to uae. Caution, uas BRATER’S POWDER only ns di rected. Inrge size box |1.00 at your dngM, or send cash or money wder to us direct. No goods COD. John K. Brater A Co, me. 389 3rd Ave., New York, M.Y. (16) Thai the sad eccaalon *f a funeral is ebserred with the utmost (Ugnlty and banu- ty—if you ask us to take care of every detail. Raleigh Funeral Home C. A. HAYWOOD. PiMlitent PlMO, 2-3335 RaMph, North CuoUa. 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE AMJl l.HllllRUPli- -Al,o- DISNEY CARTOON NEWS TUESDAY (One Day Only) FEBRUARY 27 ON THE STAGE! America’s All Girl Orchestra 1 Darlings of CHARM I Rhythm f9 TALENT 1 PERSONALITY ! nmn SECTION—DARLINGS OF RHYTHM **Every Girl An Artiat” ADMISSION (To All) Plu. Tax 50 —On the Screra- “SLIGHTLY TERRIFIC with LEON ERROL WED., THURS. FEB. 28. MARCH 1 ‘Hail the Conquering Hero’ -With- EDDIE BRACKEN — ELLA RAINES -- ■ -Alec^-— Chapter 1 CARTOON “SPY SMASHERS" NEWS FRL, SAT. (Double Feature) MARCH 2, 3 BOB LIVINGSTON "WOLVES OF THE RANGE" —And- DAVID BRUCE ANNE GWYNNE -- VERA VAGUE MANTAN MORELAND “MOON OVER LAS VEGAS” Chapter 11 “GREAT ALASKAN MYSTERY” i

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