SATUBDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 1946 THE CAROUNIAB PAGE THREE j lNTHE\y^AKE O^The News t DV ATTY. ROGER O. O’KELLT RRIOGEIIEAU AT WILLIAMS ANI> MARY hi tl)v«e luucby aayb, when th« Nu^is liuve made all men mure than e\'ei- cunscluus of the evil import of recu uisr ''inaiiun, the affair at the College William and f'.u’v has, disp' lucal and temporary .nreat tu pus free speech, cheering ele ments. Miss Marilyn Kaemmerle, who wrote an editorial in the cam pus paper neatly and competently disposing of "white supremacy none- sense” along with Nazi race theo ries-. is still in college. Only the paper, "The Flat Hat," is .suspended, al'Jiougti the college board of vis itors has voiced "through disapprov al and condemnation" of the editor ial and ordered corrective and dis ciplinary action. Their reaction re calls that of some members of con gress when faced with a somewhat similar text in a factual pamphlet called "The Races of Mankina," in tended for use in Army orientation courses. Demands of Mr. Andrew J. May, House Military Affairs chairman, and others, though low- pitched in tha intellectual scale, were shrill enough to effect a work ing censorship of publications issued to soldiers. What really calls for ihre^ rous ing cheers In the Wllilam ai.u Mary case is the attitude of the student body, who would have none of such cenosrship. This is the oldest college of the South, whose students have read m their own newspaper an oracle, completely heretic fr. .,1 the Southern point of view, suggesting that the time may come when Ne groes mingle freely with their fel lows on the Virginia campus and even "frarry among us." Do these Junlor^Growers, Offered Awards itudents, must of whom doublles.s ii-e trained in the Congressman May ype of rauction, give vent to emo tional debt of the hersy'.’ Then do not. Railier, they rise in true Vol- tairean spirit, not to defend Miss Kaemmerle's statement, but pas- donately to defend her right to say it. W’hatever the outcome of their protest, the stand of this group,of -ollegians in the South itself, sug gests really breath-taking advance the outlook of this new Southern generation. It is as though u bridge has been thrown across a formida- tream while we slept. A birgehead of tolenancc established by youth on the other side should itiistand any counter-atack aging forces of reaction can muster. Editorial New York Herald Tiibune of February 15. tfl45). efcOLKAL t'Ol'NCIL DESCRIBES DIR RACIAL BIAS -'NON WHITE races, who cunsti- .ute the vast majority of the human race, are nghtly tired of the atti tude of superiority of those who, though a racial minority, control (he governments of the world, .;dys the Federal Council of Church es in Its annual race relation to the churches. "Those w-)io have meas ured themselves with their white comrades in ser\’ice and have found no reason for shame or apology will not accept in peace itiat which m war they opposed unto death," .leclared. The message was released .It the beginning of Brotherhood .donUi and was intended to bo read ;n the churches on Februaiy 11. The neai't of the message consists of the lullowing twelve "musts" for Chris tians: ' 1 > We must realize that we have .i.orul ubiigatiuns to all men. (2j .Ve must demonstrate m practice our belief in the intrinsic worth and .ligiiity of human being. (3) We must recognize that lines of division uased upon color alone are unjust iiid tyrannical. 4i We must substi- (uie pride in the human race for aciul pride iSi We must break iway liuin the prejudices of con- .cntioii and caste. 161 We must xiake suie thta ever public measure :o improve the quality of life of our iieuple shall apply equally to all citizens. i7; W>' must insure, inso far as legislation can, equal oppor tunity in every kind of useful work for ail persons of equal skill and nergy. igi We must make sure that NoiUi Carolina vegetable grow ers between tlie ages of 12 am 21 are eligible to compete foi $6,000 in awards in the produc tion-marketing contest of the National Junior Vegetable Grow ers Association, it was a n • nounced today Out lining how boys and girls could share in the s c h o 1 a rship . awards provid- I e d i i> the „ I na 11 0 n • wide , the life of a person, his standing ... I ^ntest by the; ^he community and ability to meet I i his needs is not made to depend and Pacific Tea HarritI I upon race or color, but only upon I character and willingness to con- Company, Don- .Id Mowery ot Terre Haute Hid,.',.„„„ president fl 'he jumor gfom-r.. I jharletens end demegi. I gues, giving no quarters to those leader in North Carolina and contest ciiairman in the Southern Region, Jomed in stressmg the It it -ho would fan into flame racial animosities. 110) We must support M v. rvir.» and material speak. Mrs. Roosevelt will be heard on Tuesday night, March 20, and Col. Johnson appears on Thursday. .March 22. Each year the institute dramatizes ihc importance of home and family relations, and this year the tneme will center around the returning sol dier and the family he re-enters. The institute will be carried to ;hc rural communities of Guilford County for two nights during the -..-?ck. and on the other nights the jirogram will be held on the Ben- ' nett campus . Canning vegetables and fruits saves money and ration points as ucll as food, say Extension home economists, l^e family can be pro- V uled with more nutritious meals the year round. 5* CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLOIO CO. Mt W.Movgiae* Shown above is a portion of the 106 students who earned places on the honor roll of the Agricul tural and Technical College of Greensboro, for the fall quarter. The ranking students of the group are standing in the front row. They are. reading left to light, .Art-In.' Cunu-mn, 1 of Jones boro; Hernt;.ii, senior, .f Ruffin. Robirt H-'li, junior, of Tliomasvillo .Miss Dorothy Sim- moiii?, of Greensboro, and Miss Althcra Smith, sopho- nil,re, >'f Winshuw FSi HEI.PS VETER.4N GET STARTED Robert G. Milliner, a World War II veteran who is grtling a start in farming with help from the U. 8. Department of .^Kricultnrt's laim Security Administration, U ahown here with his wife, on their .mall farm near W’etumpka, Alabama. When .Mr. Milliner retnwd a iiie(iit-;l dis charge from the Army two years ago, he had alinuHt no fuiiiiin.: cqiiii). ment to make a crop. With an FS.A loan of $412. he bought a mole, plow, feed, aeed. and other supplies. Last year he made a gnod n.ip and paid off a substantial part of the loan. Aci-urding to a iivi-nt .'.•n.y aur>ey, seven percent, or Sti.UUU, of the colored enii.-,ted invii diiiiiuely plan to enter farming after the war. WWW w a w T. F. .NEWELL itlLL IttUUrS LEADS i\ HECRITTIXG Doling Die WLi-k lioup 107 ,puii2ui'e ij> diliL- Oiaiigo County n-ainiiig ltd all troops in the . • uiicji 111 iiuinuei ol Scouts ic .iiilt-U l-.U-\en new S.'ouU Wet- ^■i.oii'u oul.i.B the past week b.; -o.itnia.'Ui .-V J Caldwell. Th- >,p Jis., piacid all ulUc-r lor ai. . .,..^1 .(.x. i xig ..nd a Hoop flag .v p Sc-.ui seivice is being nelu . 1 iiu F ir.-t Churcii at Cliap- ■I hni Sun-.iaj, bebiuary 2alh The ..■.nil uduross will be delivered by i ieUI Executive O. F. Newell. rutitJI* Uti KK( F-IVES tH.AK- I'EK .\.\D t KKIlFiCATES Tm- mo.'i’ l•ec-l■lltly organized tioop in Uie C’/U.Kil, troop 126 at the Staio Seiiool lor tiu- Negro Blmu :i ihe Gan.A Road, received Ih” oop charter and the scouts wer' picseiited then- official membership This trtop is being sponsored by itie Mechanics and Farmers Bank with the aid of the Harry 1). ehia Fund .M H Crocket is Uie .scoutmaster. .NUKTii BAPTIST EXECtElVK SEC'UETAKY DELIVERS FATBEK- .'U.N BA.NQL'ET ADDRESS Two hundred and thirty four scouts Scouuirs attended first ratber-Sun Scoui-Scouter Banquci :o be sponsored by the Raleigh- ,j\Vcdne»aa> nigiil of i>eoruai-y 2t. anlk c'uf.N ty DIMSIO.N.XI. C'OMMilTEE Tlie iIcndci.-oi.-\...:. . Coudly D;- VI loiiai C./'i . lii-Jd its lega- lar monthly niectii.g on i'ue.,oay, February 20th, at the xicndcr^un ,/ibtitute. The n;ccHn„ •. it pie.sided over by W. E. Ganu?. c . »irman of the Hciider.on V.m.c Coun.y Di- vi-iiona) Conimitti (• Scoutcr,- pre- rent were Ur. H. T. Bond, 1/.-. J. D. llaw-giri>. Rev. St P,.ul Epps L. 1. Ihace. Ally C W Wiiiiamson. and were two main items on ihc agenda. Troop.s loi sponso.vd by ti.e citi zens League wa.s registered the past week with nnioty p.r cent of the former Scou'.- : -r • ring. I .Mrs.\elt To Sjicak .\l ISennett (.ollegc GREENSBORO - Wiun Bemiclt College opens its Iblh annual home- making institute next namth, M.-s. Eleanor Roosevelt will b. .unong the three important pci -ns who will speak to the gnnip. ri.e otiitr.s au- Katherine Li i.root, di'ector of ih. Childrens Bureau, and C>-1 Can.p- bell John.«cn, assiftant to the di rector of Selective Seivico. Wa-h- ington. D. C. Ttie program will u.^in Sunday. March 18. when Mir- Li t will Don’t Let GRAY HA Make You Look it. You feel as young as you ever did— you still love a good time—still enjoy the admiration of men. But gray, drab hair makes people think you’re *a-a "has been". Win the look of youth and loveliness through the rich, beautiful color Larieuse will give your hair. LOOK YEARS YC UNGER Color Your Hair This Easy Way To give your hair new, rich, natural-looking color (black, b'-own. blonde) start using Gods* froy's Larieuse Hsir Coloring NOW ... Acts quickly—goes on evenly, easily—won’t rub off or wash out-—unaffected by heat— permits permanents and stylish hairdos... Known and uaed for 45 years. Your dealer will give your money back if you're not 1X)% aatiafied. ^ BEAUnSUUY COIORID NATURAL LOOKINO HAIR COLORING RALEIGH’S COMPLETE - and L. R. Harrill, state 4-H Club leader in North Carolina and contest Chairman in the Southern Region, Joined in stressing the nera for efficient production and marketing. “Just as we have had to em ploy efficient methods to increase wartime food production," Har- riU reported, "ft will be essential for tomorrow's vegetable growers to know what to grow, now to ^ow it and how to market qual ity produce. Winners in the 1944 contest of our association proved that better methods pay divi* dends whether utilized in back yards or in commercial acreages of vegetable crops." Awards for tne flfth annual contest include a national cham pionship of $500, four regional awards of ;>200, sectional scholar ships of $100 and state awards. Contest leaders urged early en po8e~aTr^ and demago- gues, giving no quarters to those who would fan into flame racial animosities. (10) We must support with counsel, service and material ■ esources all constructive efforts for eqqual justice and opportunity for all ()]> We must sponsor study groups, forums, fellowship in wor- . hip and other interracial means through which men learn coopera tion in meeting common needs and mutual interests. (12) We must make sure that in our churches thsoe of every race and people -hall be welcome to full member- hip and fellowship. — iChristian Century of Febru :>iy 14. 1945). The old European castom of lubbing wax on stocking heels and toes is worth reviving in war time America, the Department of roTimerit'licVuV'a'sludy course Agriculture suggests. Staking precedes the actual vegetable which have been waxed will production by each contestant wear four times as long as those Entry blanks can be obtained by which have not been treated, ac- writmg to the junior growers' cording to results of experiments advisory chairman, Prof. Grant B in the textile laboratories of the Snyder, head of the Department Department. Simplest and most of Olericulture, 103 French Hall effective of the methods tried for Massachusetts State College, Am- applying wax was merely to rub herst. Mass. • a piece of ordinary candle at par affin on heel and toe areas of the stocking. For Peace Jfieod By GEORGE S.BENSON Pr«eiJ*ni of Hording Colleoe Searey.Arkansos m PROSPERITY in America is the fni step in the direction of last ing peace. This prosperity ought to epfead, as fast as it can, to other countries. It is in America, however, where men have the key to prosperity and the United States must l§ad the procession to high living standards through open competition ... the only way to obtain a more abundant life, for ourselves or other:. At first thought, some people may not agree that prosperHy has anything to dn with peace. But they will convince themselves if they will think back. Troubles that built up to this present war were economic troubles. Hitler and Mussolini both climbed to ^ power over ruin; ruined fortunes, ♦ ruined hopes,, ruined lives. They got a following by promising peo ple relief from misery. Want is PEOPLE will be pa- * Serious tient, and content I f themselves to wait for solutions to ordinary political problems, but they will do des- erate and violent things when ungry; when (heir families need food. Prosperity helps to maintain peace, and fas I said in the first sentence) prosperity in America is the fnt step. 'The reason is plain: Uncle Sam is the whole world’s best customer. ^ How different the United Sutes is from other countries! We have only 7% of the earth's popula tion and yet we buy 40% of all the raw materials In the world from which manufactured g^s are produced. When wheels art turning in America, markets get active to the four corners of the earth. Our prosperity is the world’s prosperity and the key to world peace. Post-War FOREIGN lands proa- Probperity per when they tell freely in America. They sell to us when Jobs art plentiful here, when most Ameri cans have money to buy what they want. Jobs-are plentiful and go^ and workers prosper, when b^uii- ness is expanding. Business ex pands when investors see possible returns from investments. They could see such opportunities now if they were not afraid of taxes. Very few busineas men in tha United States have any idea to day that they will be able to ex pand in peace-time pursuita. Most of them know they can’t afford to expand if our 95% excess profitf tax remains in force. It was en acted as a war emergency meas ure. I don't think it ought to be repealed this hour. But we ou'^t to make certain now that it will not outlive the war. Taxes very seldom get smaller but unless taxes on business get smaller after the war, investors would be insane to spend new bil lions for expansion. Business men want to plan peacetime sales and 'inploymcnt now. When Congresa lakes a reasonable tax law to be come effective with victory, world peace will have its frit guatantee of long life. It will have to be done this vear. TfflfTJWffWiailBffllf FHA Helps Returning Vets Get Started As Farmers Nearly 1,500 wiiite and colored veterans of World War II are al ready gelling a sound start m fanning with loans and other aids from the Farm Security Admmi- slration, the U. S. Department of Agriculture reports. The veterans received rehabui- lation loans for the purchase of livestock and operating equip ment, or farm ownership loans to cover the full purchase pri(:e of a family-sized farm. In addition, they are receiving guidance from FSA in their farming operations. More than 5,600 veterans filed ap plications for assistance at Farm Security county offices before the first of the year. Department officia.Is point out that Farm Sectirity loans to vete rans are made under regular FSA programs and are not relat^ to loans made under the provisions oi the GI Bill of Rights. Most FSA ijans to veteran^ are made to those unable to obtain credit from o^er sources on reasonable terms. Veterans now in farming repre sent only a few of those who will turn to agriculture after the war, officials say. According to an Army survey, seven pre(;eni, or 50,000, of the colored enlisted men \;ho have been approved for FSA loans is Robert G. Milliner, 33, of jWelumpka, Alabama, a colored Ivotoran la^ nix^tlir^) veteran, (see picture) Milliner re ceived his medical discharge in June, 1943, and returned home to his wife with plans to get start ed in farming ^ain. He had little _ ing^exjwrience, a few household I Words Fut On Statute furnish^gs, some chickens, a pig —and a $22 debt He tried working in the Wet- umpka planer mill, out found that he was unable to put in regular hours because of his asthmatic condition. Veteran Milliner know that he cculd make his way on a farm once he got started. With that idea in mind, he a^^lied at the county Farm Security office for a loan. FSA surveyed his situa tion and loaned him $412 to i>ay of his old debt buy his operating needs, and provide a subsistance living for himself and his wile un til they could harvest their first crop. Last year the Miliners made a good crop of cotton, com, sweet potato^ and hay. Elijah Kennedy of Kingstree, South Carolina, u another color ed veteran of this war who has been helped by FSA. After his Army discharge a year and a half ago, he to Farm Security for a loan to buy a farm. With the loan, the 26-year-oId veteran pur chased the farm that his father had worked as a tenant for many years. I Kennedy says his father want ed to buy the farm himself, but was never able to save enough to make a down payment co it. When FSA was ab^ to *«■*** a I'aj'in ownersiiip loan to the fath er four years ago, tiie senior Mil' lint-r di^. On his 262-aae farm, Kennedy is raising crops to meet war food and fiure needs. At present ne nas 40 acres under cultivation and is ctearmg 15 additional acres. Last year t. e young veterans harvested 14 acres of cotton, la acres of corn, live acres of oats, Uiree of wheat, and smaller acre ages of sweet potatoes, tobacco, and Irish potatoes. He aiso raiseu six hogs, jUU cnickens, jncludmg 30 layers, and milked two cows. Joe Thornton, another cuioreu veteran who has been iielped by FSA, is also making a coniiibu' lion to Ute nations wartime lunn production program. Alter nis Uis- charge from the Army, FSA loan ed him $523 to put a 210-acre iarm hear Cusseta, Georgia, into ope ration. Thointon bougiit a cow, brood sow, some chicks, a mule, and iarming equipment wiLn his loan. He used his $200 mustering- out pay to purchase furniture and other household goods. ‘T've always wanted to be a real farmer, not a half-hand," Thorn ton says. “Now the Government is giving me a real chance." L^t year he harvested 15 acres ol peanuts to help meet Uie na- uon's vegetable oil snortage, as well as 12 acres of corn, two aci'os of truck crops, and raised six pigs. Los Angeles Columnist’s LOS ANGELES CNS) — "My aay will coinc. my day whose dawn grows warm and bright beyond ap proaching horizons. Night’s chill re- cetde night’s chill which came with dark, loses its bitterness before the 1 face the sun. 1 feel that light of faith. The day of which I dream IS liere." These words from the pen of Erna P. Harris, Los Angeles col umnist, are engraved at the base of statute by Janice Pclteo. Miss Harris called her poem "Perception," so the statute of Miss Peltee takes the same name. Visitors to the man branch of the Los An geles public library will have the opportunity to view this fine piece of sculptor through out Negro His tory week, fur the statute, a gift of the Los Angeles Urban League will be on exhibit throughout the week of February Ji to 18. Janice Peltee, a resident of Bur bank, is a native of Colorado. She has been a student at Otis Art In stitute and at the University of Southern California. Her work has been shown in many galleries and has taken many prizes. The Santa Monica branch of the Fellowship of Reconciliation financed the cast ing of the statute. BUY AimXRA BOND! Two hundred and thirty four scouts Scouters attended iu'si e'ather-Son Scout-Scouter Banquet 10 be sponsored by the Raleigh- vYake Co. Negro Divisional Comnut- (oe of the Boy Scouts of America. t.ach of the 14 Boy Scout Troops and Cub Scout Packs were well ‘presented. Troop 121 of Apex and oop 37 of Raleigh had the largest attendance. The main address was de.'ivcred last night by Rev. Thom- us Kilgore, newly elected Executive Secretary of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention. Remarks were made by Father J. H. Thonap- .son, Divisional Chairman and by G. F. Newell Field Scout Executive. -.OV'S LIFE BENEFITS THE .-COI NING PROGRAM Buy’s life is sometime referred to iis the silent Scoutmaster. Boy's Life the official magazine of Scouting :nay benefit the Scouting program m the following manner: I. It makes available a wealth f Troop program materials. 2 Tii'' articles emphasize the importance . f the patrol activity and provide program siiggestion-s for the patrol. 3. The magazine itself creates a Scouting atmosphere in boy's mind, itirough the fiction and stories of ScciitA. It develops the romance Mid adventure of Scouting in a way (hilt nothing else can. 4 Boy’s Life stresses the Scout Adviinceirent program by teaching new skills and improving old ones. It provides an exchange of ideas cetwerii individual scouts and bc- iwccn patrols and troops. 6. It ' makes better scouts out of those who j read it and definitely lenghten their' tenurfe as Scouts. I could city many xamples ot prove this statement. 7. Boy’s Life serves as a clear ing house for Scouting Information j for the home. 8. Boy's Life serves basic part of positive Read-1 mg Program among Scouts. 9. Boy’s' Life in the hands of boys who are not Scouts will intensify their desire to become Scouts. 10. Our advertisements provide a rcaliable source for Scouts equip ment. We need more Scouts and Scouters reading Boy’s Life. ST. JOSEPH AME CHURCH hPO.NSORS SCOUT BANQUET Under the direction of Scoutmas ter F. C. Pendarvis Boy Scout Troop 105 and Cub Pack 10.5, sponsored the Fourth Annual Parent’s Ban- j quet on Wednesday night of Feb.' 21st. at the St. Joseph AME Church, i The occasion was a very colorful ; affair and (illcd with the Scouting >pirlt. A brief history of Scouting i and Cubbing by St. Josoeph AME j Church was given. Remarks were made by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Valentine. F, C. Pendarvis Is the Scoutmaster of Troop 105 and W. O. i Rhodes is the Cubmaster of Pack, 105. Fried chicken on the southern j style with all the trimmings and j dressing formed a part ol the eve- ning menu. RALEIGH-WAKE COUNTY 1 COURT OF HONOR ' The Raleigh Wake County Court; of Honor will be held on Tuesday j at 8:00 p. m. at the First Baptist 1 Church. From the attendance at the 1 Board of review indications are that | the Court will make several awards j to scouts in rank and merit badges. The Board of review was held on' litJIIIUn JILI^L ror Wemen Sl Girls Mother & Daughter • FASHIONS FOR WOMEN • FASHIONS FOR MISSES • FASHIONS FOR JUNIORS • FASHIONS FOR GIRLS NEWEST FASHIONS DAILY ! • Daily arrivals at MOTHER & DAl’GHTER assure.s you of the newest smartest Fashions for every season—Modem arrangement makes sliopping a real pleas'ore. LOW PRICE POLICY TOO ! • MOTHER & DAUGHTER brings the newest F’ashions at lowest Possible Prices. We always mark every garment at the very lowest possible price in keeqing with good business. COURTEOUS SALESLADIES ! • Every one of the many Salesladies at MOTH ER & DAUGHTER are thoroughly experienced, courteous and helpful. They really want to help you with your shopping ! It’s always a pleasure to see you at Mother & Daughter. Modsm Rest Room and Drinking Fount for Colored Women. IN RALEIGH IT’S. i MOTHER DAUGHTER] FASHIONS Insurance Building

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