SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1945 THE CAROLINIAN PAOBnVK Behind The Play In Sports BY DON DE LEIOUBUB NEW YORK — This is a story of a gentleman who came from the very bottom and who has been in there punching ever since. For o while he punched for himself and did well at it. Now he is punching for Uncle Sam, Somewhere in Europe you will find Sergeant Harry N. Wiley, Jr., with an Engineering Regiment. You will find Harry still making hLs con tribution to mankind while so many of us are at home sleeping undei warm blankets in cozy rooms as he sleeps in fox-holes with his ceiling tiie sky, snow to keep him warm and eating C rations because he has the guts to keep slinging. Harry Wiley is boxing in its grass roots because he came up in such a way that his every experience has been tied up with some phase of the fight game. Alvin Moses once wrote about Wiley's having guts in the ring and on the streets as a kid. Before Har ry ever boxed with any knowledge of the craft, he would crawl under the ropes and try out such fellows as Wilbur Cohen, Wee E..rton, and Danny Edwards, who were actual ly his teachers. ACCIDENT STARTED HIM AS TEACHER Harry had a naccident which put one of his legs in a bad way. and his dad stopped his boxing. HoW' ever. Harry's love foi the game forced him to continue in the best capactiy he knew, teaching other lads the art of self-defense. The road was rocky but he never turned around. From water-boy for Harry Wills, Jack Dempsey. "Panama” Joe Cans, Leo Johnson, and many others, Har ry reached his goal as the first Ne gro Olympic Coach on a boxing team. That was in 1932 at Los An geles, and he took such gieats as Richard Carter who, imder Harry's tutelage, won six amateur titles in one year; also Marc Hough, Tom Chester of Brooklyn, and Lou Sa- lica, former World’s Bantomweighl Champion. That was when Harry met Henry (Jackson) Armstrong. "Hammering Hank" of later years who was box ing in the 118 lb. class. Armstrong fought in the elimination of the Olympics at the Civic Auditorium in San Francisco. Harry Wiley w-is the coach chosen by the AAU for this monumental task. Harry likes to recall that in he met Joe Louis in Boston where the future Brown Bomber was a sensation in the A. A. U. finals in the light heavyweight brackeU. PICKED BY THE AAU The A. A. U. picked Harry Wiley year after year to coach the Metro politan National and Junior Na tional Championship Teams at Bos ton and as a Golden Gloves Coach. The indominatable spirit of Har ry Wiley has never been quieted, war or no war. His record shows boxing stars. He also assisted Har 'ry Armstrong in coaching Henry at vamp and in the ring. AbVSiilMAN OfcTa aAI CARD Harry Wiley lists among hts great est accomplisnmcnls the incident when he and Adiiaii Ue Costa, hand in liana, got Aby!>sinian Bap tist Church an A. A. U. license. The Rev. Adams Clayton Powell, now Councilman, appointed him as dele gate and represemativ'j for the box ing club at Abyssinia on the AAU Board and, 1 understnnd that Powell nus written Wiley to lake up the work again when he comes home. '1 have given all 1 could to iny race and my country,” Harry writes to me. "Even now 1 am on the front line doing niy share. 1 have work ed hard m the army. The second day I entered the coach at Camp Upton picked me js his assistant I hadn't even been processed, but 1 Was in the field fixiiiK up a ring tor hiS exhibitions. " It was Harry who set up things for Pete Scalzo, former champion, and Ray Robinson. Incidentally, il was Winnie Johnson, the beauteous chorus girl who intioduced Harry to the millionaire Staten Island broker. Harry then made airange- ments for the sportsman to take over the sensational youngsiugger. I He next got Bill Robinson, the tap dancer, to manage Tommy Hogan, a more than promising young light weight. Promted Bouts for A.A.F. 1 understand thdt during the last fifteen months that Harry has been overseas he has promoted innumer able boxing shows for the R.A.F and played a large part in balancing the Joe Louis' exhibitions in Eng land. Harry predicts lliat ti.e one boy wito Will make good lifter the war, if it doesn't last loo long, is Charles Perkins of New York City, a form er amateur, who boxed on all of the Louis' curds in Europe and has n't lust a fight. Wiley also thinks highly of Burdette Burton of De- iroit. He is training botii Burton >id Perkins on his team. Hurry plans to return to Harlem .'Ume day and do bigger things than aver. He has been saving his mon oy, I understand, and has a pretty good nest egg with which he intends kU open another bar and grill and promote fights on a bigger scale ^an ever attempted before by a Negro The boys overseas swear Harry Wiley and this is borne out by the numerous letters your columnist re ceives in wliich Hurry is mention ed very favorably by the boys in khaki. It wouldn’t hurt to mention also that Harry Wiley also trained Canada Lee when the celebrated ac tor was a threat among the welter- wetglits in the ring. Elmore Harris Seeking Five States To Be Repre sented At Tournament N. C. EAGLES DOWN SMITH BULI^, 48-27 Pvt. Fcldmoo Motley, now sut- Uoiied at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, has been the subject of much re cent discussion. "Winter football quarterbacks " are still praising his "Flying Tackles,’ while playing right tackle on the Post Football Team of 1944. Pvt. Motley is a na tive of Anniston, Ala., and attend ed Delaware State College. WINSTON-SALEM —Teams from five different states are expected to attend and take part in the Sec ond Annual Boys Invitational Bas ketball Tournament to be held at Winston-Salem Teachers College, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. March 15. 16. and 17, 1945. Lust year. Avery Institute of Char- le.stoii. South Carolina, won the tournament Runner up was Elkhorn High School of Klkhorn, West Vir ginia. Both teain.s are expected to ruturii this year with strong teams. From all reports. Mary Potter School of Oxford, North Carolina, !promi.scs to push last year's chum- ipions; also word ci>mc->- from Booker It. Washington Higli School of Col- ! umbia. South Carolina, that they are ! expecting to carry home their 'share of ihe tropliics. A team from Asbiiry Park, New Jersey, Inform ed me that they ha\e no intentions of traveling this tar South and go home empty iianded, A good, well baUnced tournament is expected so be on hand, don’t mis the fun and MORGAN SWAMPS SmTH, 61-35 BAl.TIMORE, .Md. - On Fviuuy nigiit, February 16, Morgan State Coitege ovc-wheUned a scrappy aohnson C. Smith University quintet ol-35, m the New Albert Auditorium III Baltimore. After constant iniaiies by both ..lUcs Smith jumpi-d oil to a 1-0 lead on a foui by their center. Rain. Mor gan soon look the lead on u foul ahot iiy Irvm and a field goat by Brown, iht score was now 3-i Bowers, on a nitty sliui, once again put his team in the game oy tying ine score at 3-3. Morgan assumeu khe lead on Day's foul at 4-3. uua was never lieaded or tied through out the game. The score at half time was 30-13. Morgan lesuined its scoring right after the beginning of the seeonu period. Brown and Irvin worked the ball and advanced the score to 46- 16. Mills, who scored more Diiin half of his team's poin*,s, constantly dropped in baskets during this per iod, but to no avail, in the mean time Brown and livin continued their scoring pace until the score was 50-24. At this point Coach Hurt rushed in a new team. From this point to the end of the game each team scored >1 points. Brown of Morgan and Mills of Smith were tided for scoring honor.s at 20 all. Brown had ten field goals while Mills made nine field goals and tV(o fouls. Morgan thus aveng ed its lost to Smith back in 1943 when the varsity had been crippled by the calling of the enlisted re- M-j-v- mwi inl.i anly. .Inly. New-comer Wins in SpUt Decision NEW YORK (C) — Johnny WU- lianis, a new brownskm scrapper from Montgomery, Alabama, beat Iviaxie Shapiro, an cast side Ugnt- weight in a split decision before a sizeable gathering at the Broad way Arena. Williams, substituting fur Monte Fignatore, confused the favorite Shapiro in the early rounds will! his jabbing, j.ggy style. How- ever, about halfway, Shapiro gain ed control. Ringsiders thought Max- ic had a shade but judges voted: Jack Benning for a draw 4-4; Harold Barnes for Williams 5 and 3 and Referee Harry Ebbetts for Wil liams 4-3-1. Williams scaled 138 1-J before bout. excitement. ino iiuinovi ui teams this year will oe iiinued lo 2-t, invuauons will tie sent lo teams in me near luiure, dead line tor. accepting m- .anon will oe iviarch t), 1945. Harris Set 16 Give Herbert Still RatHe NtW VORh. iCj — Twenty year isliiiurs Hams, is all set to give jiniiny Hcibert, veicran nuler, soou UuUie baiuruay nignl at the iscw Vork AC gullies at Madison 04uai'c Garden. Coach Von islUng. WHO also coacited Herbert four >ears when tie was NYU ace, iieves Harris to be in line fettle ue- spue his deieat to Herbert in the oou mile MiUruse games last week. Explained von isliing, "Harris sliowed his lack of indoor runnmg experience again in Boston. Every lime some one started to pass him, c.lmore challenged alternately, sput- liig and lagging. He used up a lot of energy he snould have saved in the stretch. 1 don't think he will make the same mistake again.” Sports Writer Hype ;oe Dies NEW YORK (C>—Veteran sports writer Hype Igoe of the Journal American, died here Sunday, was 67. Besides his liberal writing for the Hcarst-owned Journal-Amer- lean, Igoc penned a biography of Joe Louis rolled "The Brown Bomb er " which was released in 1936 just before the first Louis-Max Schmel- ing fight. It's a good time now to have cot ton seed tested for germination so as to make sure they are satisfac tory for spring planting. *g' Harold Hunter of Kansas City, El- vUle. ma McDougald of Chicago, Gus “All- Score at halftime. N. C. State Col- American" Gaines of Marmoneck. N. I lege 24, Smith 12. y.. and Frank Galbrcath of Fayette- Officials; Williams and Bumctte. DURHAM — Johnson C. Smith's Golden Bull cagers, playing iiere Monday night without the services of Cal Pass, Bill Turner and Isaac' Thompson, their veteran stars, drop- ped a lop-sided 48-27 contest to North Carolina. The Bull cagers are academically inegiblc. Three waves of Eagles reserves wore the Bulls down. ■ As the Eagles won their lOtb vic tory in 11 starts. Coach John 13. j McLendon, Jr., announced that charge into a nuuble-hemcr With Delaware State and Fayetteville Teachers in Durham. Henry "Big Dog" Thomas ex- Navy enlistee, paced the Tar Heel scoring attack against the Bulls | with 16 points to le'd his hig). tal lying team-mate Stanley Burt, who accounted for 12. In the forefront cf North Caro lina's great defensive ga:nc were Willie Williams and George Sam uels of Durham, Rioluird Miller and A Lifetime in Flames Why lake chances onJ»umin0 up a lifetime's effort in a single terrifying hour when it's so simple and ineiqMnslve to pro tect yourself against any possi ble mishap. Your home and family can be absolutely pro tected from ANY disaster at but a few pennies a day. WeTl shew you how. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT ATruit We l\eep We keenly appreciate the trust oar eUemti place in us and we make every conscientioiis effort to keep faith with them. Elvery dtsfLJirom first to last, is given careful supervision. ing is too small, too unimportant to do—u by so doing we can console or be of service to the family. CAPITOL FUNERAL HOME 1012 E. Flargott St. Phone S-2416 RAIoEIGH, N. C. Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. Wilmington at Davio — Phone 3-3231 The indominatable spirit of Har ry Wiley has never been quieted, war or no war. His record shows that he has promoted succesfully boxing in Harlem for the Golden Gate Arena, the Renaissance Ball- room, and the Lido Pool. Harry even tried a new kind of Jack Dempsey Bar in Harlem also, the Golden Gloves Bar and Grill where he sold tickets for all the big fights and it was the only place in Har lem where one could pick up tick ets for the big ring shows at the Garden, the Polo Grounds, or the Yankee Stadium. It was Harry Wiley who co- haudled Ray Robinson. Buddy Moore. Tommy Hogan, and other jewels In the tiara of modern-day WAKE SALVAGE CO. We Buy and Sell Everything of Value FURNITURE — STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS ^ RADIOS 337 8. Wilmington St. Phone 2-2327 wetgiils in the ring. Elmore Harri.s Seeking Track Record. Ixises To Herbert NEW YORK (C) — II was a bit ter pill lor Elmore Harris to swal low Saturday night when he lost the Sheppard 600 to 29 year old Jim Herbert at the MiUrose games in Madison Square Garden. 21-year- old soft-spoken Harris had set out to shatter the 1:10.2 murk of the late John Borican and later equaled by Hugh Shoit. "I've been working out the NYU’s track and 1 negotiate the turns nicely" he had told re porters. "But, the main think is the fact iht I've never raced 600 yards." This is probably the main reason for his defeat. Harris, himself, blames his defeat on his own racing mistakes. "I'm not going, to lay back and let anyone else set the pace next time,” he promised the Shore AC speedster. I'm going right out, grab the pole and give it- the gun.” Spring pigs should be immunized against hog cholera, is a suggestion from Dr. C D. Giiiiiiells, Agricul- lural Experiment Station velerinar- al State College, What happcni to ttio moDor thomandf ot Notth CwoUdo Hotwl tMtoYholdon mj « pniniwiMT bftMsd h • ymM let ml» hi» Moko tho futuro at TOUT fimllj Mourt wldi dopudablt North CWo- liiia Ifatual poBdoi. Nx MMmI doUm me hat •wtAtgr at Irak, ttm raotnoododt^g I PoBex ■Id oomtiiif opMMi k mIA hivoitod 1b to- twMoi wfakh jidd ooB- ■MmI ratunii, firntby ndBtlBf tho ood of 7«tr kMMMO iJratMUoa to 7M through tho pay. ddWdfdB N08TH CAROLINA WmUL INSURANCE 80MPANY CCSpmiUi^rm MineuttiH ed its lost to Smith back in 1943 when the varsity hod been crippled by the calling of the enlisted re serve man into active duty. Former Morris Brown Football Star Still In Tile News Cpl. John Moody. All-American full-back and former star of Morris Brown College, once again rose lo prominence in the Spaghetti Bowl I game played in Italy, on New ' Year's day, accordlngto Tom Meany. veteran sports columnist of PM. Scoring the first pair of the three touchdowns which enabled the Fifth Army to defeat the Twelfth Air Force. 20 to 0, Moody was as sisted by Sgt. John Brown, center, formerly of North Carolina State Teachers College, Mr. Meany re lated in an interview jointly by USO Camp Shows and the Army Speicul Services Division. "Moody, who played end for the Los Angeles Mustangs, looked a lot like 'Bull' Karcis,” Mr. Meany said "He plunged hard for those touch downs and then he had to pick one point after touchdown three times. Each time he split the uprights but some penalty would disqualify the kick. He went back five yards farth er each time and kept on until he made it good.” “Brown nut only feo him the ball perfectly each time but was ail over the field. The boys got a great hand from the 25,000 service men who saw the game." Mr. Meany acted as master of ceremonies in the USO Camp Show unit and was accompanied by Leo Durocher, manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, Joe Medwick, New York Giant outfield, and Nick Etten, Yan kee first baseman. The unit covered some 20,000 miles in less than two months. More than 90.000 farm boys and girls in North Carolina will man thbir battle stations during National 4-H Club Week, March 3 to 11, in an all-out effort to help win the war. RHEUMATIC PAINS? I Aljearu~1 , ALLENR with lemon Juice Men and women who suffer nagging aches and pains caused by Rheumatism, Neuritis, or Lumbago want to relieve such symptoms promptly. To get such relief... try ALLENRU! Mix 2 table spoons of this fine medicine with one tablespoon of lemon juice in a glass of water. Untold thousands of folks use ALLENRU. Get ALLENRU today . . . 8Sc ai any drug store. ... YOU CAN BE SURE OF IT WHEN YOU MAKE A PERSONAL LOAN WITH THIS BANK If it lA necessary for you to get nitmey in a hurry, to get it without implicating a friend and without paying exorbitant interest, you will appreciate the services of this bank. Our cashiers or oi.e of their assistants will be eager to help you. You’ll be able to put all your confidence in the person who han dies your business, for he will treat it aa it were his own. This bank is composed of individuals who want to serve, individuals in whom you can have utmost confidence! Mechanics & Farmers Bank DURHAM-RALEIGH Member Federal Depoeil, losuronce Corp. Look, Mrs. Brown, you don’t have to hoard elcctrifity — no matter how much you value Its convenience. We make it fresh every minute and we keep plenty on tap all the time. There haven’t been any shortages and there won't be. And as for price, that’s been coming down steadily through the years. What’s Somebody should tell Mrs. Brown mcM-e, It has steyed low, while odw llh ing costs went up with war. Better fold up that big box, Bln. Brown, and save it for acr^ i You can depend on our ft^ks to ihfirtf aU the low-priced electricity yoall i need for aU those wonderful post-waff appliances. And thay*!! ka^ thg service friendly. • NELSON EDDY in "THE ELECTRIC HOUR" with Roitrt Orchtftrg. Evtry SmnJmy gfltmoon, 4:30, EWT, CBS NHwterk. (CAKOHWA ypWBH O IiIOMT OOMrAItT) oorr wuTE ELEcrnoin nm tteuat in mar lan miwmbi