i'A(;esii THK CAEuUNlAN SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1946 New York Showfronts BY DON UK I.KIUUBDD sI-LAKi.Abl DAYS ."VIAY KK- ^^ I.T I KO.M NAUON U, Cl Ul lAV VOI{K W.ir Mubili/i.tion . > n>r, Jaiin'. Dyruvs, Frt’sulo.il unlil-h.iiid man in tis :: O': 4.. Ihr buy* a fit. Fu >l iiMil. lap al tiic ^umbti-rii wi u Ihi- rail' Hid d:iii Rochester And Jack Benny On NNN W Radio Program : '-ii Kan.;!' City Call !l'.- N\ •••'Vt .-k lit ly 111-- fa- lUSi.l'M. Al . ..n^.nlK 1... J.ick U. lIM ItlK-lfLS- f . Ii. iiiiy t>M>i4r.iin .is In- 1 (init api»*ar- I .1 i-udi.) Inaiii NKC N' f New>t).ipr on F> briiary 24, p- p il.ii 1 bt JK’Iil .>i.ila.'s. -1 11^ Wdll a..-, inrichcuiu and . p tin fiitire .a»l r pli. b. the al lists -k.,].. dull llL'illlA .1.1 III '• ll .III. .’.Ill’ 'A.iini Ic-llow .. l.Vtl-li Ihfll, 'Al.;'. C.iliiula' and I'lu 'i-i i II.: to, uuiiiiaucsbip be ll iiocliesU-r, de- .ntf > ais uf work- try to pcopli- l.iUi^n, ' says Ucii- ••.•!H'iis l)U.--iiicss. Each of 1 u ;v .,,1 u.d piuple. We I'l 111 i.ub oni- a disUiitl , .'.bich will binyi u syni- ji.-uiut.c I i-.-p.'ii A- fioin listeners. • I'liil II..in-. 1-4 nut repr-’senU.iii .in\ or ,.ii .i:i;lie.'t;a le.idi-is, lie’s llaiiio Ho. Ill 1 i» not Eddie Ai.-o .--n pluviiiy 111. loll of a vul. I !io.s Ijoti.- tv'., .iiKi believe ni, lliiii-'.-v ii.iboiiy else like him! i;. .ili.-iii j ih- tm'- requirement of Ibe Itiim.v AllliOUilh .iii- i:o,.i-.Cv 1 - .lie «ei,rl..>y considered ap.ii I from the pi '>gr«yi itself, Don Wilson, on the air, is a real person, .i vii;,i p.irt of the Benny show. Wtieti thi- h w travil.s. a require ment . Ihr.i Uochester h.-ve equal ,,, • In St .lusi^^ih. Wilson, 'in lUu air, is a r^l person, u Vital part of the Benny show. When the show travel.^, a require ment is that Roche.ster have equal .•iccnmmodations’. In St. Joseph, Koelu.ster and. Mrs. Andcr.'on stay ed in the s. le li'itel with the oth- lioiiny and Rochester were heard -•.'V NBC Saturday. February 24 r.l 2 30 EWT from Station KO.A, Dii.vi r othcr-s on the program were Paul RiilKi.s„n. Brnadcasling from San Fiaiicisco, Lionel Hamp ton and his erchcslra from Chica go, ;ind war correspondenls from rrarl Harbor, London and Italy. • R.idle ter,.’ Benny and the on- ihe toes of Ilf •n llu'ir living ii. e game by u n ■ ti.ii-.. loi- i-iiiff.\- that started l.i.t .Monday. Ti. - tdii'i t-i elo.f down eviy- ihing at inidiiigl'' in order to .save fuel .iiui lu coJi.serve manpower and d-;.n-pi)iUdion is ilu- i-ne bl-'W to.' lu V belli iiV the amii.--eii--'d -IM-.-.l. I , V. ,1 as ptiforin. .- .ill aloni'. ’i'll. M I- no (loiibt that Uyrne.s' u laest js iei!iiMn,.u- The cuiirsc -.1 ;ii;. V :ir f i.,M illing evt-iy ac’li.-.i on the home fi'..nt .iiid only until ii"W M- people h-giiiiiiiig to I ili/e ;:i what w.tr means. The ••■oil : !l hj -oldn-rs and olhers ■•■.ll . 1...M i-wnie li.iek fiom the figii'- fi'.iil III Europe and the P.-eifie aio irplite with di seniitiiin.s of lertrictioii. pi .(-.(I .>11 civiliaii life by :Im' ii.ih'.i i;i- in Ih-- vui'iuus w..i /'•I. '1 p-1\il.ili.iii.s that jx-iph* h. iv. ;.i uiidei ,v. in i-ountrii-w uliei- Ilu- invade., hiv put m llieir ap- pi-.i' .i-ee .111- hot dimly undirst.MHt .Ml- heie, W.i'lungtoii feels that i' 1-. lime we .stalled i,> understand Jii.-iwhat K,.III:-oil Whether Wa.sh- iiii-/ 'U -.•• i.^h; IS not the qiii-.-tiuii. I'he Older 5i...s b • ii given and llu-i.- ,.1. t--w who wii; have the leiiieii- di.sil>ey However. ;ii. .i-pects of the wliole mailer bun. ii e to the belief th.it I ei II..lie 111 lijim tray come ahoai thi.'in-.ni llie i-oinplcle chaos th.it will ri'igii III the aiiiu.senient fn lil (!.||,|... III.- lust weeks of idjustiiu-ot o iiiw -eh me of things. The p-- - •ilidily 1-- iroiig that Hie old .speak- i, i.y. the hole-iiitlic-wall, the good- time n.it. amt the hou.se rent party w;l! i-.i.ii,. ,i.i .iciuality again a* 1.-!.. dy eliaraetei-.s move out of fhe I pul I 1- ev. .!it.i ttf hackroiims [I i e ‘ll, le to i-viiiy on ncfarioui » r.Mi. - s th:.’ V .mot do the home i.i:l n-'.rale any good. I'he i*-i irn ‘>f th-‘ f.andlady as lai.iiler to be reck->ned with at .1^ |a-riod merely a return to the -Illy 192()s when prohibition was I in effect and W’),. n the landlady, wi h lier hafi-l h'.iise I'at, her chif- llim- p.oty. her whi-skey served In the milk hoilc or tomato can, wa.s the cailiai figure in the amusement plans of pe'iph- from many walk.s life. The Baines’ directive may i-imu the I.andlad.v far gn-ater fame than -he ever enjoyed in the days of prohibition. The Colored entertainer Is ospec- ially affected by this order since there are few places even today j where ho can find employment and 'line-- many of them are women. Of Course, big orcliestrus, ''kc Lionel Upton, Count Basie, Krskine V kills, i.iicky Millinder, Andy k, aiid 1-Jil Hines, which play niiilil sluiids as a lulc and raise young foituni'.s in siicli appearances, hound to siifiL-r In communi- :md town.- while people finish . .ll livi-ljiirty or six o'clock, he im-. have dintH-r, cliangi. f. and do olhir chores, and liiiu- foi the average dance • 1.- I Ml I». .M , with the la-.l •'l l bi ing playi-d about three iK .md, >1. -‘MIC instances, a: .. t. Ill- oii.-ck, I; will work a u h.iuiship with oui tuuiing • li. havi- to opi-n up. say, at I'l-lock. and lio-c down a n-llni'v 111 order to give th- iii.v .1 i-hance to j>«-i out of th*- plv.ci- in oidii to conf.irin with tlie midnight Older of Director I'loinotirs will think twi'ie ■on,, in ihi-ir pock-ts for big I.' ■ to our top bands idi i- till- conditions as outi til- new W.-hingloi] edict, in N'w' Yolk, t'afe Social/, Ijiiown and Downtown, has come It with a decision ttiul has a lot of >mo:. i V ,iiil musicians in a dither, iiiicy .1 > iphsoii, owner ol Uic ■i Id laiiiou- .Spots, li.is announceJ .: is -.“iiv Cl ling i.is two places .o iii.iuiai ' It simply incana i.ihi-s .itid ciiairs on oui nci- lli-iis,' tic said, ’’aiKt rc- Tticii- IS a iiut- . Ol . ' w nil tlii-in too. I u't know l..•w wi- Will work that i, tor Us Ill's n.o'.'• is necessary > >i- w I'o.ddnt meet the cost uf ' I t.imiiiciit with u dmnvr show ll/. Ttii .lii.vcptisoti ciuiTtaitiei's il..il- lij/cl Sc queen of the >o.;ii-.wo..,-.iv ivoites, the tk'mund Hall Oii-iii-siia, the Gene Fields 1 >-. till- I’hil iMooi’c band, newly ‘01/ 0, Jusli While, (aiiiuus gui o .-pei-ijhsl. .m.t William Franklin, III- toimei star of •’Borgy and Bess." llie /an/ibar, however, i» plan to cut Us stiow down to two tartiiig the first at seven o'clock and me .MCond around 10:lt0 P. M. inu,. ^.viiig the people two com- l iiie Miows iiistcau of three, and .>1-0 n-v 111,; tin management time to cic.i lout oi the place by rald- iiiglil. i’ossibly Jose-phone of Cafe .SiKifty may change his idea and I'-'k to coiilinui- on a smilar^^licy a- ill.it at the Z.m/ibar and Uie oth- > 1 liUbs whl'l. Il«- owners are al-j ii-ii jy making plans on how to keep thin uusiiu-sscs going. In Hailcin, where cabarets were t-iijoymg a ‘.ilher mdd boom, the ciiaiige in .schi-dules for shows is no to have a serious affect because ii.iil m (’iti/.(-ns out for a night uf fun are those who get off from work .ii-ound 6 00. 7:00 or 8:00 P. M. and who do not gel started until 11:00 or 12.00 P. M. How it all works out IS a g'-od study lor somebody in hu man U-havior. HARLEM BEAM NEW' \OHK CITY .y'Nb) L'UlttEW JsHALl. KING TUMulil. ihc aUililig uewa tiial icaclicu us .vloiiday ui the inidmglit closing was ■ he giealest shoik ol the wai to Lliuauway . . , never beloii- lias •ueli a calaslluplie stunned the day lights out ol tile gay white way . ■ out they aio game sports and can on Hie chin ;usl tike Jot- Luuis. Nobody IS quick to make a move. . . . just wailing patiently to see wtiat.s going to iiappeii. Uwneis ol places on Swing .‘>2iidi Slieel are singing the blues, . . as SL-ldum any thing happens here before mid night. W'hat's going lu happen to such high salaried entertainers like Gladys Bently and Billy Daniels at Tondalt-yos. Dorothy Dunegaii the Three Deuces. Art Tatum at ihe Duwnbeat, L'na Mae Cailule at the Onyx, Haael Ecott a’ Cale Society, Bill Robinson, Louie iSatchiiio) Aimstiong, Maurice Kocco et al at the Zanzibar. Wiseacres are mak-iig a valient at tempt !u get a c-mpiutnise with the powers to stretch '.tie closing Ul a. m. and close down completely u ntglu a week -Mondays to equalize the situation. Swing i.Wridl Street, the voice ol "lln-pan-all-'y, ’ is still in a peck ol trouble. In no danger, despite many rumors that tlie world’s famous nit- jery sector is due fur demise at the Rockcfelleis lepuiedly want the' .ground fur a new lou story addi tion to Radio City. As slated some Spijking of fine furs and dain- K!!, Toiidaleyos i.- keep-ng hi-i Intu- laii.e eumioi..ibk uiidi 1 lu .vaiiiilli ol a luxurious rtalmg i-./x silt, a soil, veiy soil lexture ul a>>- inat-it-allitfis liial “U. putss an /v.>- ;uia kilU'ii. i-;i-i letti Uiir.ht. t allnj ng I ihn^ Uto ,*l.ii null.. leiy, III' . .Ih ht-i queen ui ai.miuii:. •t at Tonil.-k‘>' uaiid, T. Sgt. P U. Woodson, i-n- ouie lu luskegee r lying tschuul Mine lie Is localkd. I OUI Giecn, sing, r, yu.'t back liom LSU toui to Egypt and Hie far east Jimmy illie laeer Butts creui ng much laughiei ilh his eoiiieuy at Tondaleyos. Coolie Williams and Eiia FiUgnald al Uie Broadway p-iamouiil 28lh Katherine Dunham and secretary-manager EiU cn Hamilton uccupaiitb of the ir-a niiHion dolla. Iiome III the exclusivi- Vus wvie g:-. 4-II a summons to court to aiiswei charges uf nuisance m eunductmg a Calypso uancing class. WiHie iFari’ol-iiust-) Biyanl back in luwu for a hut iiunule eniolt- to Deli and Washigtun. .Maurita Guidon, the diminutive pianist and song stylist, the newest ovation in cntertainnieni at Tondaleyos, neeiitly uf Pony Pas tor* is the cute little co-ea who graduati.-d fiom How..id U. wink playing in a nightclub t>i covr . x- pense — was given ultim..ium b> the volh'.i f.-iculiy to quit or el- JIVIN UP THE BLUES . . . ■S./iigstres-i Lena Hixm-. star of "ZitgMd i olUes." gives the east a lual with a little impromptu ii.jiic with producti-compiiser Huger Ed r The elnirming Lena IS feitured in two numbers in this Lciic: ,MGM tectmieoh Now York, Capitol Theatre gat's bani' (ll am Now goes into Uie vith Xavier Cu- d engage- beginning Marcn ist. iiMc.ii quality she went thruugli rr piugrarn with great ease and iidi I (aii'iing demunstiating that I’l- veice w.i-1 always at her slight- .t coinmaiid. 1. if the sup.'ib artistry uf Carol 1 lie was nut enough, her brother !id aeeotnp.iiii.st, Jonathan Brice, a iii-hed pianist, offend three num bers much to tlie delight of the h-.nie-li'wii folks who marvelled at the talent of (he .-ister-brother >nil>ination. Miss Bum opened with an Italian 1 • Hut Lip • p.iAfc with his great baiiii is on a lour uf the South af ter playing the Howard (Washing- lull, D ’) and Royal iBalHmore, Mfl I theatres where the ork play ed tu e:ipacity crowds. Rosetta Williams IS the featured vocalist with the band, F.xeUislve IPS Photo llaniptun Players To Pri-sciil "iMght Must I'all" March 2 And 3 IIA-.IPTdN INSTl’l'UTE. Vo. Aiinounceinent has been made at Hampton liihlilute of Die east for ■Ni.hl Must Fall.' a production of the Communications Theatre at the Ciiik-ge, which will be presented in OmI- ii H..11 .March 2 and 3. iiirceti'd by'Mis.-; Mary Wildhack, in.-tiucl' . ol iliamalics in the Com inuiucutiuiis Ceiiler at Hampton, the (-•v-i of the drama includes the fol luwint; suidenls: Mildred Hunter of Roanoke a.s "Mrs. Bramsoii;'’ Joe- qiielini- Brandon of Corona, N. Y. "Olivia Gmyne;" Richard Clayton of Norfolk, ' Hubert Laurie;*' Nao mi Thomas of Indianapolis, Ind. ■Niiise Libby;' Parthtnla Robuison of Hampton, “Mrs. Terence;*' Pau litu- Mi-Uaniels of Atlanta. Ga. "Dora Pai-koe:” Henry Madison of Tulsa, Okhi. "Inspector Belslze;’’ unml Fred Alston of St, Louis, Mo. ns "Dan.” In addition to Miss Wildhack and Dr, Anne M. Cooke, coordinator of tlie Communications Center, the production staff for the play Is as ialiy nffecled by this order aineelwh.i do nut get started until IBOOL, sector is due for demise at the there are few places even todny|oi' I2:0(i P, M. Huw it works out reputedly want the vvherc he can find employment and | is ,n good study for somebody in hu- ,, ^ew 100 story addl L-.lncp many of them are women. Of man behavior. SEEIN’ STARS With Dolores Calvin LlL GUttN Lil Green, the biucs quceti. has igned a contract wilh Joe Glas er and is booked to appear in nite spots, and theatres througli- uul the .u I book this I Joe Glai liy. ihoiiioters can riKtiun by wiiting hifth Avenue, / York (20). N, Y. J-JoLLYWOOO Jn ^RONZE li\ KLBV ISEKKLEk fiOUDWLN liULLVWOUD iC.NS) NoHi-- tig ill tile tii.--lury ul Los Aiigeiei- IheaU’e gucis has iiit Iioliywuud and cm nuns as Paul Uobcsuii'o (Jlhellu,” bccui’ding to the buys in Hie Know. Each lught secs Iranlie enthu.-i.ists nulling about Hie tuyei ul Uie thealri lioping iiial somebody 11 e.iiiicl se..ls I'siialiy, it's no diee. Lve days after .-,'jaU i'or "Utheilu' went oil public sale. Hie Uiree Ks supply u£ tickets were ex- liausti-d. Even the benefit perfor- laiiee fm Hie ■ ouikiI ou Afruaii Atfatrs, wl.ich cost >ieket holder.-. SIX and ten oolloivs pel scat, hung lit ll '■ S. R. U. sign. Draiiialic criliis vxltausled super- ialivi s after opening night, declar- thai Hobin.son's reading ol .Stiakespeari's lines ale un -valed Their raves are reminiscent uf the leviews given Hie late Charles Gil pin when he inofed Hollywo- d w Hi Ins p-jrtrayal “f limperor Jones Wtiile Jose Ferrer’s lago .‘Hows the line aelor scope lu p.tiuy Hie vvily. .-clii-iniiig plutler, Ula H.>gv» makes an appealiii,{ Dcsdeu.ona whose love for her husband is nev er le.ssened d'spite his misiiu.-t ol tier. Hubiiisun is m.ijestic as the brave Moori.eh gciiPi'.il, worshipped by his young oificers and highly ie.'pi^td by slate officials. His love for Desdemi.na n lender : follows: stage manager — pearl Ri ed uf Lynchburg; production man agers — Evelyn St-ai- of Norfolk lid DiTi’Sta Griffin of Corapeake, N. C , electricians - Zachariah Mil- burn of Hampton and Wallace Per- kin.s of Chicako; sound — M'-rl' ii Han is of Baltimore, business maii- rjger — Gleiamat Primus of Hurdc- ville, S. C.; pi-i>perlies — Cecilia Gainer of Greensboro. N. C.; make up - Sadie Brewing'.on of Rens selaer, N. Y., and Thelma Johnson of Tulsh, Okla.; costumes — Carrie Norman of Roper. N. C.; program— Geneva Simons. Staten Island, N. Y. Scerrery for the production is being constructed by members of the Cornmimlcations Theatre and the theatre workshop class of the college. -..'il.lul aii'i lie plays the part of i‘-\ei v.itn tine icstiauil. Ralph ,..>>lni as C.issio git.-s llie rule ai iiiliciiy -ii.u .'-.iii.itii .i.s th.- ky, uii ii.iiii V, no • also u Hayed by . EdiUi Kn.* ... i-ay in waiUug i De.deiiioiia and Hie Wile of lago aUp--l . sbi. upua r lov ed Al'A'i', wliu kills ills beau tiiui wile wii-n lie ut-hevt^ srie i: un'ii’u-.' lo him. I()S( AM.M Al SIIKINE Atloio tusLaiiUW ceuus to Los Ai.geks 1.. conduct the PluUurin. 1C oiche.N.i’j lui u singk peiloi- nu.nce .it Hie Shnne AuJi>nuin March 2. .W'liiey la.std Irum the c uceit will bi used hi stall a ] siuti fuiid Ii>i niembct.- the or- chv.'tia. 'iln Souine.u C'ahfuuua Syiiipn-uiy .\;>oi lau--1 hopes leah/e $7(),IH)U Hum ihe conceit. Tu most of u-'. Hit- noted coinpu.'-t renn-niber* d U i-.uise of liis Lu Die like h 1 • id but ' 1 And- I hull ersuii is III di (1 yLjxs." rillNGS Jit) l.(H>K I OKWAKU TO 111 --..rly --piin,, .-ppeaiuncc at th« I'tiiHti.iiii.uiiie in concert on Febru ..ly 2U, Roland H-.j- . come.- tu the Emba- y /'• hl-iiium un March 3 Doiuihy .M..ynor is scheduled P-r all e:.l\ ;pniig ..j.i/--.ranci- at the J’mHi.ii monic and it is lumored that Hi --i.tin- e.i t of ' t’aniici Jone: ." ht.id. d by Mii-iel P.ilm wii ii- . I t! • .Shi ine .Audi.ornini !>«■ foi iimim i rolls around. Mtll, t AKIEK I•uiill(•l-•t I*! ( C -ler, will) did I-ti111 icily for M (ro-(f--|ilw’yn-May--i • ll '('.ibin III ihi- Sa'/,' has iii.iv‘1 hi- typewriter out to Biirli.uik an. i.s doing ;p'ci,tl publicity woik fu Waiiui r.roHiers Sind." Phil wii act iis publicist and advisor on al W.oiiPr P.ro'hei:. pic'.urt s, helpin Die :tudio to vteer clear of materi.i obj(' tioii.ible U) N’e,;io tlwalre pat rons. Warni-rs is lo be commended for this fnrvv >rd-looking move. Now if Warner Brothers will ju.-d dis cover Monici Carter, Phil’s atlrac- ive wif>', and sigii her for a good role in pictures, we’ll say they are very smart. Monica, aside from her .NEW YOUKCilY tCNS)—RU.w Uwio Hus wc-cK, broke all records •ND LULA Lul-.L lir~SUL'lS IN A'at Lhic.igo’s Downtown Uiealre. illlNud . ■ • ' itu ihu iiwiiuiui SOI .'untry. ills Vveek tU be uuiu iur iiulc /Vii.c i'..s.sO, a -Oilg wriucli -'ll ycais ago oy Uiuiiel Lni Aesio iiiuMc'iali. uc-lasCU iias 111 against Hie pubiisneis. Urai.i, a 'i ni.iviauiun, v.nu iiam uou LoC'a c.ula, uU'.iiiis , lie took it Horn a popular aiu.tu two-step inelouy -iiu niaue .lauuiis. lie sold it lo ivioiey •sieiuuni, a young coi ediau, u u-uugiii It to tills cuuuuy ana u noS been iiiiioUUc.'U US the cum- poscr oi me song null sella 3i,uUu > a uay. .tlLaiiwhile, ise:- ui'ounu saying lie wioic Loeu Cola aiiu Ivioroy •ViiisU'iclaiu lias Uone likewise. IAUNeL HAHl-lONs BWli-„ r.- •rdings niaue especial'y toi Hu; tlWI, will be shippeu lu I'oriugai. Belly SmiUi, wlio wioie "a lice utovvs In Brooklyn,' has u sou m oJlege whos wriliiig a play toi m jH-Negi-o east. . . - ”Tiie ieiiip- sl is having Houbtf proving it la lot a iiiusKial and n-d to use lo iiiusiciuns III the pil 111 a scale ol ^2 insli..‘i ol ^,1 since ope-iiuig ■I’hiy d.iim mnsi ale unneces sary muaieijiis and blame I’eliUiu. -lie OU’T ban on nighlspols, so lai', has cut buMnes.s m New York Za IK'i’ cent. Ji'- Ziggy ■ Johnson 1. .m L’hic-.-go'.s El Giotto, Is irec-ianciiig lu N»\v York vvtiere lie will begin le- new sli'-vv at Hie l{endezvoUs. BENNY CARTER, wlio drove back fiom Kiciunond .. day before lehai.-als for iheir i.oews Stale dale week, also ' hack m lime lo Us sevintee.. year old daughter, B.-rhar.i, leave f.ir 11.my wood when- ivy h.ive Jii.-t b'jugtiL a home. She juie to Crhrislnias with bin: lid liii-sii’l b' . n able lo get a reser- adoii Miice to go back. He is st.iy- ig will, hi.v Msler at 565 Fxlg. • Diiibe bifoie making a l5ur of onc- niKlitei’.-. that lead him and Uie band back to Hie loa.-^l Mabel Fairbank: .-kaluig Ihrough news reels ol All-Am«rican. Mary Bruce, whose Siarliuds peiformmcd -•t the Bela» Thr.itre Sunday, was ill for days ttial /ollow.-d. i.eighla Whipper, ^ple’s cover, lias changed her ,1 .ilmiil Hollywood She wan et out th--ie :ind see if ^he can e lyiics for (h.- fllnu. Louis Jord.iii is what makes the ount show. Toiidaleyo. formi r Wilh-dminD ray, now vvif.- of c-f-' owner Johi •vy iHk- cafe was n:iim-d for h-’i’i lias :i two thou-aiid doll.u pl.itn. T that ti.i-- Bns»Jw-.iy looktna twice Dorothy D." Iridge- N'chol i- Iriwl to get -me lik> M bul wj''- un- •iiccp.ful. Miir. Louis goes into the Apollo .dai.h 2nd with Cecil Scott’s blind UIK1 I>eek Watscsi and his Brown txits. Marva. say,. Bill- John Slnieklefuiu, Cleveland aitur- • .--Leing the town alter 21) years. He was lormerly Irum Arkansas. lUi/el Scott a.d Adam Powell quar- iclled al her Cule Society spot. LENA HORN comes lo town this Vv.ek fol her Capitol Tlieatre ap pearance. Newspic Magazine, Amer ica s fastest growing Negro maga- £ine, bcoopc-d the country on ac tion ihuis from Lena's new picture •Zicgfeld Follies" in thier February i>sue. The film premieres at the A.slui- 'Theatre here in May. Inci- deuuilly, Newspic's young editor, Edwin Jenkins, from Birmingham, .stayed in town al a Theresa Hotel suae u few days planning a gigantic stibscripliun drive in this area. Mildred Bluuni, celebrtaed hat de- .‘■igiii r on the coast, is moving from her cozy 4 room home because ol war prices- and is house-hunting. .She is one uf many affected with new luling.s. WMCA’s first Negro iff annnuuncer, Gordon Heath, be- is this week. ,Mury Bruce’s Starbuds Slrul Stuff On B’way. NEW YORK (CNS) — With a lispl; of 65 dancing kids, Mary driiee brought her talented group nlo the packed Bclasco Tlieatre on 44th Street, off Broadway, for o::e night in their second Starbud show >f tile sci Cutest of the evening was 4 year lid Baby Cynthia Schueler, iiiw ’'Slormy Weather" dre.-- liun tu Radio City. As stated some months ago in this column, the block in question bounded by 51st and 52nd street. Sth and 6th avenues, IS slated to be the first new struc ture for mid->town Manhattan. Tondaleyos and Club 18 next do-ir already have had new leases denied by owners and given 90 days notice for evacuation. . . but that's uniy a legal formality and not definite. Of course, the war hinges on the whole matter, with no immediate alarm. News Around The own. . , RHa Moen, star of Porgy and Bess, re cently returned from natiunwidf^ lour in from the Pacific coast, feet- gucst of honor at Tondaleyos Cek-jrity night Tiaisday. . .also were her two lovely daughters, Sue Moton Burnett, and Gladys. *rhe lat ter Mrs. Gray Is a resident of Ja maica, L. I-, while Sues is the wife of Dr. Stanley Ish, Jr., interne a' Freedman Hospital. Washington. . the party were Mr. and iMrs Cyril Crocker, chemist In ‘he Bu reau of Standards and his wife is statistician in office of the U. S. Quartermaster General. Millionth serviceman lo visit the Harlem Rec rention Center on Seventh Avenue arrived about 10 p m. lust Friday and was greeted by executive di rector Willie F. Parris, and her staff of lovely hostesses. Reservations were made for them at Tondaleyos R .nday. . .he was Seam.in 1-c James (Jimmie) Taylor, uf AHiquppa. Pa., escorUd Miss Annetta Sylvester, a hostes-s of the Center. The prety. port June, wife of Bil ly Eckstein ,urk leader and tp-oon- er, planed to Los Angeles to cud dle her sweet singing papa, wearing a new dyed fox lynx cc>at that is the feast of all eyes. L Ulv L'UU' llUlli UU-tfU ^uim graduated from Howaid U. while playing in a nightclub tu cuv r ix- pense — was given ultimatum by the L’ollgv faculty lo quit or fh---. Bob Howard, riiiy Grin-es amt Jimmy Dukes at the Spotlight. Kiiic Cole 'Frio, Jimmy Kugcis al I.ocvs^ Stale, Andy Kirk al the Api.H-> That was a swell parly at Cafe So ciety wilh Hazel Scott, i.ary iG(h>o Deal I Sleele, Count Ba.sie, Leona Lucky and Conj'reiiinan Adam. . Duke EUingt-in calle-l his office "secretary department. " Oh yes, the Duke’s lu-wfsl song ’Doiit You Kii'iw I L’aie’ i. a honey. It is hoped Hial the lamil.v feuc iM-lween Fiedi Washington, fo.im-r star "f stage, m-ne nccntly then-^ trical editor of the People’s Voii’i'.' N'' who is seeking assistance in her i nd claim to hold her position, may bring about an amicabie setlleirrnt The Newspaper Guild of New Yui k has asked Adam Pow«-!l to rescend the order for her dismissal GkJiiii Swell, noted chaleuse. Is greatly im proved after her rccen'. Illness ati'l her brother, Randy Dixon, (nerte.i' correspondent of Hu- Courier, is al -i on hia feet after being hospHahz •-! At Tondaloyes , Mr and •M''- Ted Poston. OWl, Washington Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. A Nurse; Mr. .md Mrs. U. S. Poston; Mrs. G Warner. Robert Anthony, Bobby Sawyer. Chick Gaylotd; Sam* Wilcox and Mrs. Ixniis Burrell, of Cafe de So ciety. Chicago; ,Miss Oeilrude (BH- Morrii. caroiTbrkY" CAROL BRICE oup 11 Mio Bel Foco,'* by Mar- Ho. ' Lungi Dal Caro Bene," by I'll rid "Vittoria. Mio Core," Car- let me," she held up both hands. In . one, she was cairying a handker- who I chief almost as big as she was. Ip long I between phrases, she would dry th a buckgroLirid of ‘chorus' her tears.’ Cynthia also brought :irls in long diesses walking arouitd’down the h>)use witti a rendition of h.iking Hicir heads. When she sang'Shoo Shoo Baby in a short blue all I do is pray tlie good Lord wiHldress. When she sang "but now f^'s wearing the navy blue," she looked atlractiveness, is one of the prin cipals with the Savage dance group In her spare time, she dCbigltf stun ning hats as does het cousi|. Mil dred Blount. TREVOH BACON Tievor Bacon sensationsal sing er appearing with Tab Smith and hia orchestra at Cafe de Society in Chicstgo. down at her dre.ss. then tupned her foot in bougie woogie styh There was everything from ballet • to boogie woogie; Leona Laviscount did a ballet solo and boogie was represented by little Daisy Gales, who did the Shorty George, in un imp costume. "Following the Lead er" featured 4 year old Glenn Den- nard's talent to do routine work the I older boys did. He would follow them, doing it longer and harder. The Starbuds. all elaborately cos tumed. were a definite credit their coach. Mary Bruce, former Chicago dancer Bill Robinson, great friend of Miss Bruce, came in be fore intermision from his duties as : performer al the Cafe Zanzibar and I brought Claude Hopkins from that revue to play for him. "Uncle Bill. ’ 'as the Bruce kids call him, expUin- led the fundamental and intricate steps of soft-shoe dancing as his 'eager listeners gathered round him 'and watched in wonder. Mary Bruce has indeed made a step forward in the theatre world for the Negro. We can surely ex pect her starbuds to be stars at any future time. But, right now Mary Bruce just sighs when she’s congratulated for the show anil says "I’m Just plain worn outr’ -'ltd group in German con- "Dei Sclimctti-i’ling Ist in Veilicbi.' .111(1 "Im Herbsi," l)j Rob.it Finn/-, and "Lllernei." .•tllainai'iil.’ by Schubert. B. in- piOsciitcd "Noc- ' Sliaip Min r. ” by Chop- liitcrni-’/zi,■” by Brahms; ;e RitucHe de Feu." by D-- Falla In Miss Brice's next group she cd Huvni.iii l.iillabyc'," Maslon; V Di-iiin." Onex. ' 0«.me Down tc Kew." Dies; and "The Tryst." by Sibelius. She concluded with Hie followinc roup of spirituaL- "Talk About A Chile That Do Love Jesus, " "Hard 'I'liaD." ’’Oive Me Jesus," and "My Good Lord Done Been Here.” nsK JI BILEE SINGER AT AAT COLLEGE TR11IMPH.S AT HOME OREENSBORO— The Fisk Jubl lee Singers appeared here at A. A T College in Dudley Audltorlun Friday night. GREENSBORO — Carol Brice re turned to Palmer Memorial Insti tute and to her many friends re cently (Tuesday night February 20) and brought a brilliant contralto which, it is generally con ceded. is designed to carry her to. untold heights The capacity audl-1 Try This New Amazing COUGH MIXTURE Fost Working—Trfpl* Acting You Foot ttie Efftet Inifonfl) Tb« Kins of all couth medleloM ... , , . _i. w,,-,...- couthi or brcmchlal IrrlUtloos retulttni ence which sat in Annie Merntr eolda in cold wintry Cansds la Buck Pfeiffer Chapel on the Dennett Col- lay’a "Cawadiol,” iiixturw-r*st Work i,g. cMnp., -bid with ™ irs thuslasm during the masterrui ren- —rleara air paaaagra—aootliM raape ditions from the luscious voice. j raw tiaauaa. ona or two •jif it*, tn Mia« roufhlne ipaam aaaea. Teu sat riaulta faat Among the many assets to miss compounded from rar* Canadian Pina Brice's credit is the exceptionally Balaam and other aoothlnt heaUng Insre wide r.i.ge of her voice O'™ to broad low tones to Ihe extremely ^ t>o(tia today at any S^ drug atari high ones of unusual clearness and THIS eRAND MEDICINE Blade etpeelelly to relieve ‘PERIODIC’ HMAIE MIN And Its Wsali, Cranky, Nervous Fcelkip— Taka baad If you. Ilka so many woman and girls 'n auch days ■uffar from cramp*, bMdachaa. (yy-Xfiot'e ws*k. DefToua ferUngs. dtstrsH of ''IrreguUrtilea"—due lo funotloDAt monthly dtaturbancaa. Bt*n uf once—try Lydt* B. Ptnk- bam'a Vagetabl# compound to re- Ueea auch aymptoma bacaust tbia famotia mMictna baa a aootblng effaet on omi op wouair'* most ih- poatam oMawa. Taken regularly tbruout the montb—l*. balpa build up raatsUDC* against aueb aymp- toma. Tbouaanda upon thousands of woman roport benefital There an no harmful oplatM In Ptnkbam's Compound—It la mad* from nature's own root* and herbs I rlu* Vitamin B. I. rr hh#* MAnm. iUbo ■ fin* stomachic tonic! FoUow UtMl dUacUon*. Worth tryingl Lydia E. Pinkham’s yiGETABLE COMPQI ^jj