PAGE TWO THE CAROLINIAN SATURDAY, Raleigh Personab UK VIVIAN .McLLNDON wirs. Violti I’ulicii, tuicjspuiiUuiri »• sccivUiiy >iiiu >vlr:>. lYuii .NicikoL. . DSiiibtunt bCL'tL'Ui> "I L-rS WCI'V (lie tiUChU J1 AllIlK Wjikci vl tuquj^ bpiii(is uit bun-, day, March and o.jjdin^cu uw. > ^ War MuUicr^ Uicic. j J'dui VSilCoU K-y. •>lc\ValU j Aialc “ Kiii)! Ciua^ ha.-> been ((tvcii an iiun- Uiabic UlsciiaitiL llnj.l bic MeUIkk.' Llcpurtn. .Ill ul the Na\>. lie ,ielVea uverava.' m Uic Asialu i'aciiic ineu tru ul upciatiuiia. lie u inc sun ui Mrs. Willic Uicy Kay and Uic laic Dr. Juhn Walcull Kay ul ItalcibU and Wilininitlun. Duui.^ nis lian>- jnti pciiix.1 a: iiainbiiUbc, Md., in. was hultui lllall ui ills euinpany. llic d-A Cluu heij its ie^ula. LUAVbllidGUlb Mis. Shauc Junes ul C Aslic Xci- raev WHO nus been ill lur scvcial days n> rapidly impiuvin^ tu the dc'liiihl ul iicr niany XulIjUS. Mr. Tuby biuitli ui Clay tun In Uic city nver the i..»k ii.d visit ing Ins SlslCI, Ml I'-Uie Daley uf 21 SinlUl rla/Ul ha.s been oUK and cuiilim-d tu iicr ai/aitin« nl tui several weeks. Mrs'. Mabel Osuuiiiic ui -1 hyde Terraee inulurcd tu A.^buiy, last Sunday wlieic slu attviiuea the lun- eral uf Airs. Maitiiu Wilcux. Mrs. Fluyd I'lnliips and cllildici: uf C Myde 'leirace- were i|e dn) ncr guests uf Mrs. i'niliips grand niuthvr uf Ellnigtuu btieel un last Sunday. Mrs. Ada Dark of 23 Lineuln Ter race uccumpaiiicu her sistei and brother-in-law, Mr. and Alts. Dun- oiet Clump uf VNfes'. ItaUigh to Ausbiny. last Sunday where Uicy attended the funeral ui Air. Crump's sister, Mrs. Martha Wilcux. Mrs. Lue Alva Aliurd uf Ports mouth, Va., has returned hume af ter visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James A. Watkins of b Ife- dell Terrace, Air. Jolin Wright of South Carutiiui, bi'utlicr uf Airs. Watkins, also visited her leceotly. The "Swans Art" Club held its Weekly meeting at ihe hume Mrs, hjenry Fields, 13 Fianklin Ter race on March 2l8t. After refieshmenls were served the club spent a delighifu e vening crocheting which is unc uf their pro Jects fur the inunth. .Uis. ilh „ a nrialuU.. icpaj. ..a,-, s^il.U ilk- lio.iker T Wasliingtun Ciab .id as icgnlai iiuei.i.^ wii Sunua/, _.riii ..1 ,nv nu...c i>i .li.. ui.o Juhn Cn.ivi. ui o.-t aou\(. sa. Jiu o ic-t .v.ill Mia. .vUa IWi.tu ncxl lueclille. beuu.i Cblti , I un iuvaU-o icuU ui .liuna.iy uMluUHwCu n> In The Wake Of The News UY ATTY. HUGER D. O'RELLY (Louis received a divorce today from I Wake County. And there Is no rea-1 Jue Luuis, Heavyweight ouxinglson to believe mat the standard! champion. She told the court that]"* not aa high in Wake County ai Louis, now an Army sergeant, de-|^ ‘"y o^er county. serled her October 2, 1M3. H)i was I .LVUliVe «Jlln..l^. atcsuaUi aait, i‘. ucvuiie and p. . ul Uic lucal Vai Mua.c 1, ..pint i'alin bunuay Uic 'oalin..d Uic , 1 liey c tlie guc.i. itnd.inp Lnn.tli Alls: Aluiia Muoic iCllM Ul.1. etI.L . llCd i cli-t.ilvi . 1 me O;. ifitniy m ceieii.u i-h Cn.’d.:... Coll.. .'.n iiuugold, > i;.. .sign.a ; uidi.i till v ..lulnij 111! I. •>* 1’ iJ. Hauiinv. Iu.m ^Ui pli.iii.iaC ;"i u.: vi.'il... .1. the CAKuLi.'-.i-AK Ihii O.nIuIU I. ptw - ul Itll. 51. Auguslmc s iu Ail Week it.-cLi-lCiw - i.a.-i-. ,.c .\i. at a. □ay at i/.i» p. lu. . he Alt Dck/a.n..« «■-.Icoi-. will Uillll lie n-n ipiei. t.ui; i C. L. Avery uf Oaiin-r pleaded guilty to illegal pusscssiuti and tronspui laUun of a half pint of non taxpaid wshi.-^kuy, mid was ordered to pay $lo and cusls or serve days. Also ill the car was NaUiani|el Hodge of big East Muriui Street, wbu was cuuviclcd of illegal Uans- p:>rt-s>v_-o cf noii-taxpuid liquor. He was lined costa. ■l.licfcC l^hu ui'..liuii III liiv uin ihiucd .V T .'dcD.iii. .s, c., Junii tiiiihl .l.ihn Ihiiuci., Duiii. li ,11. Di iJus." ll.« uiicck, .\. V. .'UcnUi I li,.ii. . til', ei. 1 Uci' , iMin ii'.: III.; Iiu' ciirunat .S.iiMi.l H.ll, .t.du-i/ur- Alph Jut- li. WH.idiv Kii; p.i Alp i.i 1* I. Wi Wasnii;l II. IJ. C'., I'm. and Mis- Iloilf Alpha Kappu Alpha. AlcDuugald, junior, was ul the Tau ni-gu I'sl i’hi nics held at ,c ivceiilly. , inunbei uf and un huil- Icgi, was uf-' .vli.,s Lncla , scinui, the Lliicarl. inbcis at N. .l.nued the ..nquel cele- •jg luuni In- .1, Kuck Hill, :.i. Durham; .Hid Wil- acs. Murnior- dicr /-ili- cantpus 1.1 wit- iicludid I. Alpha Phi- . flary,Ind, ili iin Uowic, l.ippa Alpha liSC C'lcuzot. un i-.y. A*,i I 0, . piu„, Whu wa.S CuUViClcU Ul illegal uana- tf nun-tuxpuid liquor. He was fined costa. Glen Super of 102 West Johnson Street was acquitted ol charges of assault witli a deadly wc-apun — a — aud (Imnage to property, ^^^iie piusecuting vviuiess, Ethel ^^lae Raft, was fined cusls for "Iri- volous and iii.ilicious piusecuUon." She Kslilied in' court Uiat he was cut by some ghess. uiid that the furniture damaged by Super be long'd to him. Magdahne WuniacK uf o22 East Uavic Siieel was oi Jend to pay costs fur "frivilous and malicious prosicutiuii" 111 causing ilie uriest of Rayinond Fluw*-is, all! E. UaVie Street, whom she accused >1 cutting her with a kiiifi. In vuuri slle "did not know anylliiiig about it." Flow ei's was acquitted. Tliree inembei.s of the Williams family of IW Strunacli's All y, were acquitted of a charge ul assaujt with a deadly weapuii, a rif|i‘. on Jftnie Mae Perry ol lOa Slronach's Alley. Not probable cause was found in the ca-se uf Marvin .lack Morgan ol 113 Bragg Street charged with breaking and interlng and larceny and receiving a !>tio radio from Vance Evans. Tlic State’s principal witness. Arthur Lee Wright, faded to appear for trial, and a capia.'; has been ord ered for him to shuw reason lor this neglect. ulIV iVc.i ill i-ylur lint uircctiuii ui li.c i.iu ucp.-ii- :enls. bo.u uiid giuJp iiuniuk'i.i in. ..util niusiC aiiu daiivc wid uu pii." ’ .'ciiled. j I week progiani will uuii-| i-iudc un batuiuay, mlh the Uia- iilatix Expiscsiun Cuntcsl lur the Dubignun-ballci'Wliitc i'liZu ni lay~ Hall at 3 p. in. Nine cuul)e..taiiu,; wn from ..wiy cD « m Un. col- ' lege, will tuiupi-lc. Unc ul the judges will be Ul. Anr.i. Cooke, di-1 rector uf the Cuinmunic-tions Cen-1 I'er, Hamplun liisUlulic- Dr. Cuuke will debvi.i an audre:>s in Taylor Hall at 3 p. m. the same day. Tlie Art WccK Cun.miUec; wins !'_a J A bi.udgiasia .aid .uijs Elio ■ lit Taylur Hall at 3 p- m- me same day. I'hc Art Week CuniiniUtc; Alias Pearl A. bnodgiases and Aliss Etia .Mae Willians. Library; Piol. Theo dore C. Aiayo and Mrs. I.illi.-n U'Danit'l, nuisii- djepai liiienl, .Mrs. Julia Dclaiiy, Lngli:h depaiimciiq Allen E. WcallKifoid, pJiysical edu cation depaitmcnt; Mrs. Mrs. A, E. Wealheifoid, l osluincs, and Mrs M M. Latham. .iEKSE\ 1>E( IHI.S LOW .M TKITIO.N nti-i-iive beiViW Head XesUllcs At: . tieaiing On bill 1 ur bebool i.uiicbcoiui WAblilNCiiU.N, Aiurch 27 —Low ' i.ultiiiun ivu.> a large l.ictur iu the rejccliuii by belccUve bervice ul -t,acU,uiiU^ratii.c&, Major Gen. Lewis u. iltishcy, Seleelive Service D»- iLCtur. tuuay loid the House Agrl- lu.iuie Cuii.iiiiilec at a iicaruig on .1 bill for a pc.iiianeni scbuol-luocn- uuii, .nlrouuccu uy the Committee's Ll.ani.iaii, Hep-Cs>.ntaUvc John W. i luii-gan, ai., Democrat of Vir.gujia lui-nctal ln.rsney aDu said that inu ai«.a ul iow ui«a rejections cui.Lidcd ian'iy clusely with what we l.kc to call die oiead basket, • lit. gieal luud-piodui.lng Slates.’' VviiiU- Lilly 2 ul 3 per ceiil of the t-jecliuii.-, wile ;>p-eiIicaUy called niuiiioii .nun ca:'-, lack ol proper fuuu wa-. tu a laiac digiee respon- ibh- fui oilu-r (lelt’cls, such as den ial iifiiciniH-s, wlui'ii cause die .niliing ui '200,OoO of the first imltiun men luund deticienl. I Gemiai llei.-.iuy aid he thought ..e cluIU tal.i the mill lejt-cted as cinutiuiiully unslablc,' I'eed them lip .md niukc laiily passable sol- diert out of them, tlv told o1Ja*v- nig been at one lime mess officer iui lUO boys for one inuntb and in ihat time, by diet and . xercise, add ing an uvciagc ol seven pounds to • ;lK- weight uf each. "In other words, the GuvernnAenl has to build up tlicir bodies before they begin to make soldiers out of them," commented Kcpresentalive Oiville Zimmerman. "Yes. and if they have gone too l'ng we c.m't lake them.' said Gen- cval Hershey, I'h- Fhiiiagan school lunch bill calls for a pt-irranent school luncn- con pn-gram "as a rreasure of na tional seciiriiy and os a means of encouraging the ilomestic consump- iiing of Jolmslun County. After conioi’s inquest Mattie was placed ill jail to await trial and Cora Thomas was held as material witness. tion of agricultural cummodilies" uiid iiaintuiiii tnui its operauoii win Mibguaiu me tieaiui and well* • Ol me inniutia cmiut'eii. feu- lai a.>siaiance wouia be' coiuined iiiciiy to iuiin.>iimg agiicultuiai coiiimooiues and me uumiiiisUaiioo wuulu oe enliieiy in ibc haiuis ul uie beueuiy, ueinieu as the oecrelary ol Agiicultuie or the Wai ?oi>a A(liiuniau:aiur. Waiiiug to be Heard were repre- ,etitalr/ea ui the Aineiicaii Assocu- Uon ul Home Lcoauiiucs, the Na- iunal Euueuuonal AaaociaUun and me Nallunai Congiesa ol Parents and icacnei's, wnu cuiiieiid the school luncheon prugiain snould be piiinaiily lor liie ueiielil ul chit- uren rather then tor leauiig up agn- culiumi suipiu.'icn, and whu lavur having it kryi'd in with the educa tional system of the country. itESlOKLb g7bt lO t lilt AGO l^HlcAGO, March 27 — From Kith the Uteaiier, who was known as Jusie Baker bclore she met Father Un mi*, the city s conscience lund gleaned g7tiu today. A tetter tu Mayor Edward Kelly III wtiich iiii.ney orders for |7SU well- encioMd, explained that twenty yeji.s ago Josie Baker re vived that uinouiit m a law suit .moi'ist the city Father Diviiu's spnit and leach ing is cau.smg me to go back and righlen cveiy wrong uf that old life." the jciier mailed from New York said. Tlie letter asked that the return uf the moniy be credited to Father Divine. It was signed “Miss Ruth the Gleaner Peace.' Rarncl lludcs, c(>ropration coun sel, said his records showed a Josie A. Baker received |7(io in 1925 for personal injuries when a taxi in which .she was riding struck a hole in the street. WIFE DIVORCES JOE LOt'18 CHICAGO — Marva Trotter in court lor the t.earing, but did not] March 29, 1948) contest the action and said nothing. His attorney said an out-of-court settlement included tbe payment of 8200 a inunth fur the '•upport of a girl 2, and the creation of a trust fund for her. bATiSFACTOBY' Defenders of the ABC system of tiandling liquor will have their work cut out for them if they attempt to defend the action of the Walu County ABC board in reinstatl^ the manager uf a Ralei^ storey was caught red-handed aellinR bottles of rationed whiskey to ■ tlft- gle customer, who is a notoiioue bootlegger. This extraordinary action was taken on the ground that the man ager's explanation of "over selUng" a customer was "satisfactory.” About the only comment ttut can be made on that kind of reasoning is that the Wake County ABC board is very easy to satisfy. The only ex planation offered is that tbe man ager adm.‘*.{ed error. There was hardly anything else he could do after he was caught. Even the most ardent admirer of the ABC system will be forced to blush at this exposure of the stand ards of those responsible for the •'iperation of the ABC stores In (Editorial News And Observer of WE CAREY A FULL LINE OF BEAUTY and BARBF.B Write For Price Lists We Ship Anywhere -ji Laundry ■““41 Sf «1 0*«lla «o»d PAINT - PAINT 1.49 Cal. 11 years ol satlafaeUeo. All Color»->-StalBS a^d BsmaidH* Mail Orders Promptly FUM Railroad Salvage Co. I?*) South Wilmlngtmi St Itvv. .M. \V, Williams, president of iiic CUisens Commit- t c w.i- tiic gu«;^t speaker March Beauty KUREX Products Co. St Aiigusliue’s l.lub lo Sponsor Eellovv- siiip Uiuner KALEIGH - The Raltigli Si Augubtine's Club will spuu*or a "Dutch FeUuwblnp Diimc-i " Fiiday, Apiil J3, at the -Morgan Tea Hoorn. All graounU-s and luinier Hudciii. of SI. Augm-tine's living in and ai'ouiiii Ualeigh arc urged lo take paiT ill llii.i affair as niany maUers coiiiit’CUd with tlie Alma Mulei will be discu.iscd. Dr. EMson Black- n un. Pri'sitU'nl of the Gi-ueril Ai- uniiii IS i xpeclcd lo be pr. senl. All persuns wlio wish to take pail are j .i.skvd to pay a fee of $1 00 so that I tcMTvatiuns may be made fur you. This fw should be paid on or be fore April 9. It may be paid to eith- i-r of tne com'nitiec or you may .-end it lo Mrs. Bertha Butler, It rdgecnmbi Termce, Raleigh. Let us makiC this homecoming fu: nil Raleigh St Auguhliniles. lav. -\i. \V. Wllliuins, picsident I uf tiic Citizens Commit- | itc was the guqjtt speaker March . 23 to a group uf Meicdith College { .sttKi'ni.s, faculty members and Sniidny Seimul wuikers at Mere dith College. Rev. Williams has rtcently re lumed IiHim Newark, N. J., where he .bpvnl two wicks Uachiiig at •Mv liupolitan Baptist Church of which Dr. li. F. Johnson is pas tor. 173® FULTON STREET Brooklyn. DM, New York 1730 FULTON STREET Brooklyn, D3). New York DRIVE IN CLEANERS Cash said Carry 326 S. Bloodworth St- !1AUJ CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLIlfO CO. SIS W. MerffRa 8L You Too May Get RELIEF FROM ASTHMA SPASMS; Do those wheezing choking at-' tiK'kf kMp you tran your work or rob you of your sto^T For orer; hnlf • centi^ BRA'nR’S POW- countkss sullen from spems ol I DER bos brought blteesd rrilcf to [ sethme. BRATIR'8 POW*i DER, you tM mey find soothing | reUel Easy to use. Ceution, use BRATER’S POWDER ente •• di rected. l^rge el» boat |1J0 et your dngprt, or send caeb or money oraer to us direct No goods meiled COD John K. Brater & Co. ntc. Ml Srd An, Ktw Ink, M.Y. (U) IB .m. B M. I .la Sun-tlicai'i Killed S.Mil'MFIKI.D Claitnce Dub- 1,i. i\',i*lliriiit uf Mattie SPwaiT, la.s stibbod jn-,1 ub'ivc the li^eatl II ' k,ill«il b: ..l..tlii. Sund.iy iiighl, ,iiriJi^ ..II ..Jtu.nenl ;ti the home of I fTieiid Cur,I Thomas, htiiie SU'Mirl ihen lfl .^milh- i .if:er the fray and was later UK -i-d .11 hurlKiin by Sheirff Den- AMBASSAnOR Now Playing Br.b Hope Virginia Mayo — In "Th* Princess and Ihe Pirate" In Technicolor . Sun.. Mon.. Tuer. "Bring on Ihe Girls" In Technicolor with Veronico Lake, Sonnv T'lfts LIAHCOtN Slarls Wednesday "Winged Viclory" with All Star Cast FOR TASTY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN’S Tea Room and THICKEN SHACK Half Chicken or A Chicken Sandwich BEER SOFT DRINKS Comer Cross and Lnko St THE NEW Royal Friday and Saturday Don (Red) Barry in .... ■ OUTLAWS OF SANTA FE' Also Edward Morris in "PRISON MUTINY" Sunday and Monday Easter Special Charles SUrrett in •COWBOY CANTEEN" Tuesday and Wednesday . "MANPOWER" with Edward G. Robinson, (jeorgf Raft Thursday BARGAm DAY Double Feature SUN. - MON. . TUES. APRIL 1-2-3 Sweet And Low-Down BENNY OOODMAN and hia band, UNDA DARNELL , I.YNN BARI, JACK OAKIE Disney CartMn “HOW TO PLAY FOOTBALL” Novelty “MEDICINE ON GUARD” “CLIMBING PEAKS” Specialty NEWS WED. - THURS. APRIL 4-5 An American Romance IN TECHNICOLOR Starring — BRIAN DONLBVY PLUS Chnpt. 2, '‘Valley of Vanisbinf Men” CARTOON NEWS I ' ' '' I You usually try on dozens of hats before you find THE one, so DO be careful that your handling dex-sn’t soil the meicJ.jr,fise. Greasy hair and dirty hands soil hats. Use sample hat when re quested. That the sad occasion of a funeral is observed with the utmost dignity and beau ty—li you ask ua to take care of every detail Raleigh Funeral Home C. A. HAYWOOD. President Phone 2-28S5 Raleigh, North Careliiui 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE rn FRI. . SAT. APRIL 6-7 Trail To Gunsight With — EDDIE DEW, FUZZY KNIGHT alto The Chinese Cat Sidney Toier as CHARLIE CHAN “The Chinese Cat' MANTAN MORELAND Epi-ade 3 of “THE MASKED MARVEL” CARTER Electric Company Anything Electrical 9 Eait I.enlor St. DiU 20MI ^ 'ttvit

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