. t' • * 1'AU£S1X THE CAROLINIAN SATUrjIAy^MARCH 31. 1946. New York Showfronts »Y IH)N Ul lj:iOUKC'!> A I'ltOULK OI A MAN WHO (iA\h Ul 1 ^l.UUU.Mu Is JOBS lOll NICIMIO TAl-EXT llu- USU NHW .VUliK VNiU' mvt al Ihf Waldxi 1-Astm 0 for ils foiirUi aumv. i^^ry luma- con, the ouuijit lui' USO-Cainii Shows, Im., lioin Joiiuaiy lU-iJ was said to have b«.on in ixctsa oj $1U,0IIU.UU>I it Is CUlllUlolI kl.owlL-dii. in USD and liicatrical circles no-. Ihal the Xfnio has been allulleJ uppruxiniatc'ly I-IO of this employ- incnl in USO-Canip Shows Thi.- means lhal Neijio pcrlonr.eis ni USO Camp Sh-.ws wcie paid for employineiil purposes alone, dunni; the year I!H4. over ♦1.00u,0tiy. One million dollars tor Negio t.a- t-iil IS a tot of money to spend and, when the fact is revoalod lhal all of this money has been .-iieni thin one exfcutne m one Uepaiiim-nt of USO-l’amp Show-, lh*-i. i.- im mediate I peculalinti .1- to who «h' Uil.ules this .md how it is bpeiit. Al ll.O l‘'p of l amp Show, ••talent lining c.inmiKei-' is Ditk Cumpl>-ll. r.imiibell i-. appaienlly doing a v«r> good j"b, and In abil ity to buy talen! which will i>lea->e the GIs has nut with unpu'ied.nl- ed sueces;. Wua-'.it iiiiderpa.\ nm and without exploiting acior?. la usually the custom ni lltoadway thejv daysi. Campbell has c uductvd t- himself and his oftue with suC' - M-m ■. mployoi s.” Item;; -addled wilti admim. o..- ,i !.■ - and offici pioiediiiv n i,e Deiiai tmi-nl oi I’liLlic Wclf -i' d-lo Uiiighl him Uu' c-iiecl way to uii all l•ffa■^', aiul no iiiiiie .n Caini) c.nt.y urn Ih-o. ns Kinall:-. a i.i .iceuuies a. :aughi him ho' ,un .iiid iieoi tlchoUlo' ” 'ikI to pi-i .Uocer.-.al ..ir aide issues. IMc ale a lev, of I,..' ways C.iinpbcll l-.is n.anugiu to a.- ;-.n;.iatC till' p. i' \e” oi -Mil l.i tide of pou.ic c.ii.ei-ni o,. i.i,- l.-ition of n.u-m for the lih- l■n^’. I'aii.poell hus hired all typi • d n- teilammeiil ui.d iio one can •>' ,t he has f- ll'.wed 'h.- p.i-ler.i of N.aio . nu rtaii.-net ■ \ mjdilii-.l .n lJioad...i.' ■-ii-J Hoihwood. ll Ihe Christian c ling piople ih.itge that th • .1.. Campi ell will po Chinch ■ f 1 . tin lida. iiior'i- o| 1 , , V ( r h rd-in Clm I'l',,! .. ■ Hediih .1 I ' .ipp seiMc for Ills ..nd Ctiai-l. ..f ,dl faitl. . Caiholic. . .iiid Prote.'iant alike. I* !,a- in'ilhit'inl Ncttrn ft'cnipt ,.iil that noi f tin lii.e ul urestitie intelligence, and straight-' C nnphi II will point ’’fl h’ ‘‘‘ ] KS u:!'"!!;. — . . ..le.. ;y - formers wlio he has found nete- t-mious eouceri aitist. La.t.m sary In disi harge foi violation ot military regul.itiotis wdl not ques tion his integrity and fairmmded- ncss. DKROCATORY REM.ARKh ARE DEt RIEl> True, there have been one or two perfunners who have attempted to make derogatory slatcmeiils m his direction bicause special piivilcges ond favors were not crauteel their, but their feeble indictments have met with D flood of protests from bundieds of other performers who realize that here, m an official capa city with millions of dollars l spend, is a true understanding frinends and co-workers who is not afraid to fight and who is getting results in dollars and cenU. Campbell has built himself and his Department up t-> the extent that any one performer who Uies to undermine him is liable to find '•coals of fire” heaped upon bfs head by other pi-rformers who will rise up in protest Why? For no other reason except that Campbell has astutely succeedi-d in '•spreading the jobs around.” He has reached down and unearthed rank and file vaudeville acts that Broadway nev er heard ot but who were go^ legitimate performers needing only a chance to prove their metal. Nor iias he iiermitled himseU to be pressured” into hiring perform- iri.:- Ji the.fact. •hii h i.-: ii'iw with ihc ,!l2iul H.mm-'H in Italy If it i.- per- 'ttn or music.ll corned: you would .VC the boys hear. h. w.T tell y ui ihi.i the imini-rtul G'-rshwin muri' .,f -Porgy and Be.--" .. 'ning d .no ii.liHiy wit): Mt-nny, c- turn*-.: and all trirr.m.ng,- 'Whnb ipbcll per,-..n.illy d.rccH-d* •; the South Pacific by .. con i>.ii-y ■ ’ 17 Nivro p*'! f.'inu'i mT.sT-VMlING ATHI.EIES TO GO If you claim ••^v ihould h^v U-aditig athletic figure-ft I" go ovci (o display dicmseh a before boys for inoiale pu!pu>e.'. Camp bell Will point to the li»l of othlctCs sent over with Dan Burley in .barge, and including .-uch out standing athletics as Heniy Arm strong, Kenny Washington, Joe Lil- lard and Bill Yancy Campbell at tempted to secure Jesse Owens, Satchel Paige, oiid Brud Hollad for this unit also, but draft boards and illness prevented this trio from ji.iiiing the unit. If it's vaudeville, there are any number of such units which have completed the Foxhole Circuit in horde.'i, from Italy to Iwo-Jima. If it is orchestras you think the boys should have, Campbell has one in .New Guinea, headed by Snub Mos ley who is making lustoiy light iiuw, and more on Uie way. \ \HIH» f AREER IN THE Louis Jordan Pleas For Better Film Roles Ul UULOKLsi tAl.M.N . pi, Xi.vV i'UitK C-lsV I LXdl—Louis I liic lai .cay .. >tlic-ut oflciidaig Joidaii, ih. nation's l..p Ncgiu re- coium^ ail:.-.! ai.u woinoo leader, Wao n.iVlIig lloiiblc 1.110001116 a Ue l-i n.alCh Ins '.al. lioUse.o olid pui- pic ^ac.it: Oackilagc a. Uie Paia- n.ouiil 'Ih.uiie; The one he wanted -.i ii.i-.l to .V nil-.m„. ll. a lew iiio- I... ..t he aoanuoned li.cin and was ta-o ex..rclx laiitly l.ilkm^ oi h.s .aic. i -..iv.iitu.e in sv.iiiguoii' "Cal- doiiia.' Not lung .igo, Joiii.iii relates, a MiiUn-r oveisi-.is ■.i. '.e i.mi a Ictlei pio;-. t.i.„ 111- pall he played m Uin- versar.-; •F.-llow The Boys. The b.ildn : - ad he tilougii'. the lulu Was ton typed." .S.LMily, Jordan thought so too. Kve: . .n-iicnis of hi.-, public's ru- - --1 11..lU.- oWQ . UUCP n.i.uialiy i..i. oig alUacuun or v.ui'| doina. ills iyii-paiiy Tive tnow si* with tin. audition ol allOihet hoi 11 Uioweri, play po..i inuticiaiis unuei the ruXIlc-d leaUeiJnp of Joldail, wi.o-e aiilBi-nd, CalUoina, keeps iniii: ii.iin ge:img .o Holly wood. To the end, Joidan is :.liugglm6 for lecogmlion alter being gipped out -.1 many uppoituniucs. That part ... i.'.pically of Louie's own blu. After md hiS aggregation were kiiock- lu -ound a years, be wa> sure i. mie and JoiUan tiaveled in uif- fir..iil direction, i'o be upp*-d tioin $12.'., Uieir fir.sl y, ti tfiu four fig- ii. i they now 1. i, Joidan is grate- 1-. to ,mili--AUi Lin.i o sequel to hi-. UalioU Blues, kept lecenl f'atainouni patrons lid darling, i.-jpltaumg fur more. Tnree weeks al oil of ■t.'al-,lhc iheatu, and it was a known l.icl lhal J.irdaii j;ve closely luiitl- cu the siiow's loose ends. Loiuf's post war plans, uuUide i.f hu dieaiii.* ol a mure receptive Hollywood to Nigru performers, .ic mild, lie says his hie iiuw lakes much out of bun that be would .iKe to rclnu caiiy. He waiiu to iM- a bandleader with a band jiisl V. alkiiig on stage now and then, .\avmg a stick, to see that the IfU or more Jurdanites keep together. Of course, he is only kidding. No matter what his schedule takes out .f him, he'll doctor hitnseU up and i.i! i,j1 a i U K... UuI- Jui.1.1., SEEIN’ STARS BY U01.0RE8 CALVIN NEW YORK 'CNSi — NEW PLrti bOR BROADWAY — News uicktf over the week-end that Now Yorkers may expect soon one of tne most inagnificent showings ul Negro talent when Ethel Waters and Josh White gel logethc’- lor a Broad way production of "The Wishing memory of the famous trunk that used to seivc ar a casting center for actors in fiont of the old Lafayelle Theatre. Dances will be staged by Kateiie Dunham, new songs willl be wrillon by Duke El lington and the Hall Johnson Choir will ling out. Produced by a new corner, Irvin Shapiro, uaditions- are now being held. This is the first time in many years a sh...w of this ly(>e has been scheduled (or an ap pearance on the gay while way. CURFEW CRACKS — It's now 1:00 for N. Y. birds to turn out the lights and cafe owners are grateful, thou they angled lot a wee bit move time for business They still can't get in another show, but things won't be so rushed meting the lt;45 deadline fur drinks and 9:30-10:00 'ast show, THIS IS NEWS - Lena Horne, reading “Freedom Road.” thinks luw.rd Fj.it Wonderful Marva -.ouiK, after a ligid work-out m New Yoik Apollo debut, appeared ll. Chicago court to sue Joe. While a’t the .Apollo sp*A. Acme spent 4 hrs akiiiit a complete "day with Marva" ijv- ut in pictures Frank Sinatra jJdreS'^es World Youth Rally this k at Carneigie Hall. The first ol Negro Waves 1. Harrle Ida Pick ens la a d« legate to the meet Miss Rh.ip‘-ody. singing the blues, arrives In Kansas City next week for an engagement. Nina Mae Me Kinney did justice to her role ir Dark Waters' 'as a pretty Negro maid, opposite Rex Ingram as the fired butler and farm-hand. Nina Mae said few words, but her ability tory modern buildings cost 9 mil Uun, located 132nd Street to 135lh Street, streithing from Fifth to Park Avenue, overlooking the the Har lem River. I.ILl.LAN HOWARD celebrates her first anniversary fur her swank oar and grill 2U29 Amsterdam Ave.. all the gang wish her continued cess Stuff Smith ami Trio retum af’er t-ngugemeiit at the Benkasi. Dee Cee. Cosy Cole, sensational drummer added attraction to Billy Rose's Lively Arts at Ziogfeld Thea tre and Mr. Ruse is reassembling his cast of Carmen Jones for a r >ad tour. George Randei, baritone, p iw in cast of Anna Lucjsta in recital at Times Hall. Charles Ray, popu lar emsee returns after 4 years at Downtown Theatre. Chi.,-etc. Haze! Scott, delectable imp of the ivories, plans concert tours after 5 years at Cafe Society. Gladys, wife of Lester Walton. U. S. Minister to Liberia, glad to hear of his safe arrival in Africa, strolling with her grandson. Joe Loms doesn't like the curfew, and has not been night clubbing' since it came about. Ray tSugarl Robinson a familar scene at the Theresa kibbitzing with the boys. Neil Scott did a splendid job in pro moting concerts for nls wife Carol Lovely Savannah Churchill, the vivacloua chanteuae, who hae thrlllec miniona from coast to coist, signed a new contract with Irving Bermar and will be booked eaciueively by Cale Agency. Acclaimed the out- etanding feature attraction by Broadway critic# when aha recently appeared at Loew'e State Theatre In New York with th# King Cole Trio and Benny Carter'# Orcheatra, Mlea Churchill who hae Jwai p.'esaed four aides for Manor Record# will soon appear at the Paradise Theatre In Detroit, Michigan, and In all leading theatrea ae a headline attraction. She la the new shining star and la declared a potitive find ••Daddy. Daddy." "All Alone," -'Dancing On A Rainbow,” and "Why Was I Born To Love You,” are the Manor recordings watad by thii •cmUilatina etar for whom many predict a bright future. Brice at Town Hall — also Anne I their Hollywood nome MkUi to act was slill theie. INt’iDKN’rALLY — W B Gia- iiain Associates he was formerly key-man with Pabst Been has a well done-up story in Tide Mag.i- zine, exclusive (or the advertising- businessman set. Richard Wiighl whose latest &etisjli'ti is "Black Boy " is profiled in the NY Post. He says he gets up at seven and writes all inoriuiig — that is. when the mood is on him He never diut-- himself. "I don't yet think of writ ing as a profession,” says the bronz ed boy. “If 1 can't bet money for it. that's fine. But I'd rather wash dishes than write just for money.' WATCH AND SEE DEPART MENT — Ed. G Robinson was with Rex Ingram and Leigh Whipper gave a vital and important message to the air in "Too Long. America" presented by the Urban Leag'uu. Look for exclusive pictures of Lena Horne backstage during her current appearance al the Capi'ol Theatre in April Newspic. One. a rare shot catches Lena with Xavier Cugat and Robert Walker "tired out. " Louis Kaufman, Jewish violinist and friend of Negro musicians searching for an artist who painted Negro farm life in New Orleans His name is WiUiam Arce Walker and he’s been dead since about 1923 Louis, with his wife, Annette bought several of his paitnings on a recent tour in which they passed New Orleans and admiieu his work. They sent the paintings back to, - - ” - —> "— -vhere' i^mML .te artist Walker, end they may do it! CtNUlNfe LCATHCAfcZiPPEK MAKE UP WT ONU» ^ 0 0 Chftir* of BLACK. RIO, BLUl, BROWN BIAUTIFUL GENUINE LEATHII lUhr-ra » ZlPf lerbf* > re>aa-«Uk liM-e. ttlll, IM SPECIAL ; oHoca Toosy. t»« ii *ia if, rt4mM ,Tt(. util »l 20. •* ut*f c. 0. 0. Ply Put- '■M fl.20 pibl PIIUH MO l»- F. R. NOVELTY WORKS. DEPT. lA 71 EAST BROAOWAY, NEW YORK 2 legitimate petforim-rs i.eeumg o..., a chance to prove their metal. Nor lias he ix imitted himself to be ‘'pressurea" into hiring perform ers. This is perhaps due to the fact that Campbell is secure in lus m- dependence of his present job and can make a decent living in so many other ways. NA-nVE OF TEXAS: HHRCIAL WOKER A peep into the brckgmimd of Campbell's education for his Job finds him perhaps the most qua- - tied man to be found. From a strict ly educational point of view, he Is a college man, having n ceivcd a IJ S. degree nearly 20 years ago Paul Quinn College in Waco, Tex, and Inter worked out n Master’s De gree In History and Science at Teacher's College, m Columbia Uni versity. Special study in Swial Ca-ro Work and three vears of actual employment as Social Worker for the New York Department of Pub lic Welfare equipped him with the power to analyze and understand human relations, something which he has carried over int" the iin- dersUnding of the problems of hla Andy Andy Kirk Set For 1-Nighters New Volk-The boogie woogie trend has broueht about a Jetuand for many of Andy Kirk's Decca l••(-ordillgs and ae a result Joe Gla- nei husannounced Ihnt uiaealro Kirk and bie Cloud# of Joy are set for a series of one- lUabtei s. Kerently fee- tiiifd Oh tbe Coco • 'ula Show, bav- tiig .ilso played a giciit luatiy LSO .Miuy camps, na val bases and bospn.d .show Ktrk wbo biis a grcitl recuid hs a box office seiisadon leiid.s a band that plays sweet iniisle that l-s blended with hot rbythni .-yn exclusive Decca recordltip aitist hl.s waxing of ''Little Joe I'lotn Chicago" It In popular demand Two others, “So Blue" and "Apollo ihoove” are fa vorites too. The lour Is an -xiended one that will carry the nuislcai aggre gation to (he we.-it const. Everyone knows of KUk'-i •'I'nlll Tht- l{.al Thing C o in Along”, and all ears will 1> e perked up as Ben Jenkins gives out wUb that oiM- Jenkins, called Tony by his friends, (tils full handle Is B>-nja mill Anthony Jen kins) atiiibuti- bis success a.-^ .i voiallst 10 the leader of tU-' band who spotted him in an ainat»-ui contest when but 17 and has given him guidance and through knowledge In pleasing theatregoeib Klik's work played to capacity crowds recently Apollo Thcalic here. ouKi nave, c.aiii»o. ■■ a--v .• L-w Guinea, headed ny bnub Mos ley who IS making lustoiy light now, and more oil the way. AKIEU CAKEEK IN THE illl.ATKE WORLD Ihiougliout his vaiieU tarier lU olhiT fields, Cunipbeil has iiiver- theless always been up to he- neek n thealricali.. He ha.-> oeeii a iiignl lub singer, dancer, Ugilnnule ai I'l', .M. C.. oiuclor, playwiigiil and manager, inteirinmeiilly for the lufl 20 y«ai». As a niai.agcr, Laiup- bell I.- ^.■ld to be 111 a class by lum- -If. l-.ii iii^laiue, It 1.* generally iiown aiouiid New Yoik lhal ienl or inaii.igii on the gay-whiU- ay hos been able to oul-inorieuv-ri It • luighiy-M-iU' ol Uioadwjy, Bil ly Hose, in a contract. But tins .. pi ccisety what Campbell did to Hose wtien Campbell's Aluiiel Uaim as essaying Uie title lole of 'Car nu n Jones' for Rose. The coiituel in que.slion protect- d Aliss Rahu from having to nore than four perfcimaiices Caimeii" per week il she ekcled not to, and stipulated special bon Uses lor her when lae diu luoi ihau four perlormaiivts pel week. Tne story goes Uial Hose couipUeu witn Uie terms ol tne eoiitracl whenever Mis Hah did her legu lar lour peiformaiiccs oi more, and paid liei the stipulalwd bonuses. H»-wever. once when Miss Hahn was ovei-woik J by the cuiilinueu illness of her aileruatc in "Car nun Jones ", she elected NOT to do luielhaU her stipulated four pe;- ,jrmaiice-s a 'week, bonus oi no mas. ll was tlien that Rose d.a- -\eied he had been oul-maueuv- e-d by Campbell in a contract. Ttie ideistudy had lei go on. For, liched n a simple phase in a sim ple little clause mixed m with lal of whereas Of wheieofs" w the line, "Miss Hahn's week sliall eoiisisl ol lour peifoimances." IRST TO STAGE GARDEN I'.AGLANl Campbell Is today perhaps Auier- ■a's greatest Negro director, bar none. He was the first Negro I" age a pageant in Madison Square Garden, having written, directed and pi'iducod, "Tbe Watch Word is Forwaid" for the March on Wasli- .nglon Movement before 22,000. Hundie-ds of youngsters, as well IS grownups, have al some lime cr •tluT come under the- directorial ^emus of Campbell, and Broadway has found some of its best Negro talent in his former Rose McClen don players, a group he e-rgaiiizeii i id directed for seven years nnUl ‘ was called to lake over his pri nt job. Indeed, the Rose Me- j Clendon ph.yers wcio the forerun- j ners of the Community Tlieatie in Harlem, which has been succv.>sfully followed by the Amur- ] ican Negro Theatre who gave to I Broadway "Anna Luc.isla.” Some ol the players in "Anna T.iica.ita" are former Rose McClendon players and received the balk of their training with th'- Ros-’ McClendon plovers under Cimpbill's direction O'NEIL AM) CARTER ARE TOPS Fred O'Neil. ..hosr p‘rforinanre 1 has been pointed out by critics, was | one Fred Carter, who has become a top-flight radio actor, is anolht r.! and Helen Martin who i-ssayed thi* role of Canada Lee’s sister in “Nu*' live Son" was given her first stage, training by Campbell. going, straight from Abram Hill’s play; I "Pn Striver's Row,” which was first I , ..iJ nc UiuUgiit tile lole wfjs "OpeiJ.” S.eiilly, Joidaii huughl so too. F.vei i.-n-iious of his public's re- •lion.s .'iiU italizing good Holly- uihI P-Ii:-. lor i\ii,roe‘s arc a bil I llu- i.ir and in-betweeii” side, iiui.> -*l out willl youthful, uggi'o- \ > BCI !• Ad:im.-. his manager, to Jo Ihui bn to combat .1. They sunk ; i-a (leal >'1 m-'iK-y into the muk- .-1' ' I'ald.-ma.'' a 2i» iniuulc film o.; '.\lmh, evn wiUi its faults, aik' the lieiiinning of the i Ihf' .lie living ■" !’*'• veil .1 ill.one, J ir.l. ii not only id.iy lo lift Milt . but Negroes III dirccliutii I'o be upped Bom $12.'), their Br.st y, t-'S Ulu four fig- tliey now e i, JoiOan Is grate- ml luck decide., to smile on him. Vdung at 3(5, Louie now knocks himself out doing one-night tours, liitali'c dales and donating hut ses- sum to tile unifoi'Oicd boys, many of whom still crave his "G1 Jive.” Decca has sold five million of his ■'(‘eord.H -- yet l.ouie continues to Cl calf injections that change any- tiling the lioys play to the disinclive .lorti.in ilyle. His peppery version Hum and Coca Colu,” along willl You Can’t Get That No Moro.ll944. Of course, he is only kidding. Nu matter what his schedule takes out if liini, he'll doctor himseU up and start out again. Fur Louis Jordan, ih his hopes and beliefs for a belter musical world to come, just isn't an easy quitterl WASHINGTON — In building 96,396 planes last year, the Unit ed Slates aircraft industry main- tjinc>d an average production rate of approximately 8.000 planes per inonili nr about ll planes every hour of the day and night during Theresa kibbitzmg wiin me Doys.ia recent lour m vv.i.lii . Neil Scott did a splendid Job In pro- New Orleans and a'imued his vyork. [ moling concerts for hU wife Carol I They sent the paintings back to j Brice at Town Hall — also Anne I their Hollywood nome tv-here, Wiggins Brown under his guidance. Louis is free-lancing violinist .or Tondaleyos. now torching special hot | studios — he has played in over 50 songs written for her reharslng with : film) and are digging up every six male dancers. May go on suge. reference book they find, trying to F. R. NOVELTY WORKS, DEBT. lA 71 EAST BROADWAY, NEW YORK 1 DKl'O ATORFA. DR.tITY SllOPtI, .itlirr Ri'luil Outlet*. tVrIlr toi Wliolr- •.lie I’riree. See The Nicholtie Brothers, world-l'umuiiii dancing team Harlem Beam by floyd g. snelson NEW YORK CllY iCNS) - BE- ced b> liic Uo.^c McClendon 1 pl.iyc- .-im l. lci by lli> Aiiioiicaii j LaVTFD TOPIC — CURFEW. . . . .\'t .;m. li.i-.rUi, to Bioadway. Mur- Still a soic humb on the main-stem, u; i:.(.ii iccwuid ail ol her dm- LulCal view -- uriew On The Skids, n.aiu u.mmig lhrimd!i I'ampocll ;luo fut drastic modification or re- ai. d Wa., pioiiL-d mlo one of llic Iia-‘i)(-al in next fortnight or sioonci'. t. oii' .! p-Xlighl niiKcrl attiaclious. Cuifcw seen as breeder of crime by hii:. also. U'ce ..iid dchlerious tifect on war Camp: L-ll kiiuw; th, backstag-,- iiioiulc. Brynos like Volstead will life ul ihi pciiiiimcr loo. Ycais down in history as Ainciica's ■pim .!.• ..dor 111 .inch pioducUons' mo.-.l detested lawn.aker. Curfew de- as "Cabin In Tto Aky, ' "Native | ih.i'i d another example of bureau- Sii-i" '.l.iiii.j.i's D.iiiblilor,' andjcr.ilic idiocy. imiJuals -uch as (.'omm': 'Hot Ch.j-| HARLFM always act "kick-in- :[ 'I'hc Blues,'' us the-panl-v" v.hcii iinythms happen.s i.- :iiid Nile Club j Birlliday party in swank Sugar Hill . coa-'i to coast and ii aided b.v cop.s a.s -peal;, it’s now \' 11 him a slant on imlawful fur a );r(jup of freinds to i.i an acquiantance chuckle aiinind a biimixT ol beer iiiKitualU-d by anS" .’fUr ciiifcv. Heminds .ne when 1 oloi cd .show bust-1 w.is a kid, to be caught out-of-doors afUr curfew meant a spanking. piie.r ll Lm the . t .the p. I'fol II t agi lit II CORDbU (iiCKiVIAN fUlUKEO IN REPUBLIC’S BIG BONANZA' • TED YATES PUBLICATIONS Cordell ITiekman, talented young Negro actor, best remembered for bis excellent work in **Thc Biscuit Eater," is shown with a (Jhineae friend, Hayward Soo Hoo, and Bobby Driscoll, in a scend from Republic’s rip-roaring melodrama, "The Big Bonanza," whicq start Richard Arlon. Robert Livingston, .and Jane Frazes. CHIT - CHATTING — Spring's ound liie corner, circus, baseball, lay» and Uie lu»niun parade, etc. iuiidaleyo» celebrity parly for Mar- J Loui:- I'uesday waa a suckeroo lid Alai va wa& the lile ul her own p.-rly. She bauniercu from one table o me- oihci greeting licr irieuds iiiU aiiiiuicm and got a auhd "luck .ijiidiiig at tile bur, where all Uie vnd lor honors in having urink willl the wife ol Uie champ Inc aiiuir was u cozy and cun- gcniai aa a huu:>epaily— everybody eiiu-d to know each other and to btrangcis it vsaa all Uie same, vi Die guc.-,b, wcic; Fjiime Robin- .son. Thcliiiu Carpenter, Bessie Hu ha..nail, llubsie Hawkins, Marion unJ l-xldie Mallory, Izzy Rowe, lyii Harding, Ziggy Johnson, bill Graham, Boh Cohen, Ben Web- ter, Billy Frtnthe, Lawson Bow- uan, Ruth olid llai'iy Mills, Taps Milk-r, Muiial Keller Elhs, Juanita Bosseau, Jaraliul, etc. The lovely and talented Una Mae CarlUsle will be iionured al this week's celebrity parly ul Tondaleyos 2(» and the Mills Biolhcrs t37). THE INK SPOTS, hq^est salar ied quarters in nhuw biz returned Zanzibar replacing Bill Robin son and Nicholas Brothers. Luscious Lena Honiv still all the rage at the Capitol, A supplemental ork of " muster musicians provided the mus ic for her hot type and are making Miss Horne’s V recordings for over seas armed forces, Lena was special guest of Burney Jusephson at Cafe Society, ill dinner party other eve. FINAL, CURTAIN, may I pause here to pay respect to the bereaved families. Dr. Gordon Jackson, M D., Ilf Chicugn who won fame Harlem when no married tbe Mme. Walker liairess in the glamorous 40 grand) wedding a rwell pal and find friend. 'Julie' I'Talk of the Town ) Jones, women's editor of tbe Pitl.-buigh Courier, my classsniate lit Willzei-force University and co- wiirker in Pittsburgh, a smart gal and swell person. May their souls lest in peace. CURFEWGEE - U'e out of place to see gay Broadway and Harlem wrapped in such melancholy. One or two places open all night and when you get there it’s a stampede to gel in. I went to Chinatown the other morning and found two eat eries open, and two hours to get food. We are terribly lament. Ghost TOWN!) Ain't that sumpthln. Post war building program to give Har lem the Abraham Houses, 1289 low rent apartments in graap of IS

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