1 ^ UUMSTOn lEWS THE CAROUNIAN PAGE SEVEN The "PEUb ' were eiiienotiMSl Miss N. U. Walsun aiKl Mis. B. Arntigtun at tiic huine vl Mrs. J. ArniiKlun uii 'i'huiMiuy luguU March 2il. Feisuiis atu-nding ihe ui lair were Mr. aiiU ^l^s. M. L. Wil- [ smi, Mrs. K. U. MiUvr, Miss Uailey l^irs. C. U. Siler, Selma; Mrs. H. H. I Uean, Mrs. M. L. llarl^ey, Cpl. ana Mrs. H- Beckwith, uiiu Misses A. I B. James atiu H. J Junes, Smith- I Held. ■t Pinochle and biidKC were Uie highlights of the evening with Mi-ss f. Bailey winning th'e club pinuchle piue; h. L. Junes, winning the guest pinuchle prize and Mrs. is. U. Miller, me buobj' pinochle prue. Mrs. hi L. Huriie> was the prue winner in bridge. Alter the gaiin: the hostess served very tasty le- freshments. SMlTHFXtLD — BY MISS M. RAYNOR Sunday was Rev. 11. U. Davis regular pastorial day. Service wut upened by singing sweet Hour of Prayer. Scripture lesson was read by Brother Buck Williams fruni the 2nd chapter of St Matthews anc the Lrst 12 verses. Prayer was offered by Rev. II. U Barnes Rev. Davis chose fur his text Jesus of Nazreth. A very spii itual sermon was enjoyed by all- 131.15 was collected. Evening service was opened by singing. Scripture lesion by Rev Buck Williams. Prayter by Rev Taylor. Rev. Davis took for his text A Soul for Sale. Everyone en joyed the sermon. 515 60 was col lected. Service for the night was con ducted by Rev. Williams of Wilson He preached a soul stirring sermon using as his text Jesus Is Cuming lo Your House. 51O.8O was collected Three Joined the church tor Bap- "Next Door" winch vmII be the second rXpnl. I .11. D. Davi:> Will preach all lion ehuren the isecoud Sun- ; [> Melvin Wat- at Red Hill ^t^p'cluck by Rev Lltt^'Jvn^^LQSt^'n hob leiurn- home frum Dilke H.ispit^n where hi- ha^ been a patient foi abuui three weeks. Shu is inudi iinpiuv- ed. iciids regitl vi-i'> much lo know tliat .Mr. Dai lean Oublin \eas Killed Sunday inghl. Mr. and IS. Dublin, you iia\. oui licail- It .lyiupalliy. l.iUle Atl.-s Duiiiile R>.>c AlcNed accompanied Mis. iJeiiucc lieu- unx to t.iiapel Hill Sainrduy lo pend sonic lime with her uuiit. Iriunds of .Air. Wtliie Util legrel to kiiu wthal he i.s v,eiy sick at his home. lu kiiuw lliat he is \eiy sick at his Sf. Emmn Military Academy Quiz Proaram hoin here, iNVE.SlKiATIO.N LNDEKWAV IS CASE OF .\BANOO-NtU INFANT RALEIGH • Pi.hce continue Ihuu i, eaicli lui the parc-iil 01 parents who ..baiiduiiud a tin 1 e-nionlhs-old-baby -prl in .some hedgts in Uie lUo block of West l.eiiuii Street la.^t Thuisday. The iiUaiil ciu-.- at l.JO a ui. at- uaeled the ultelllli/li ol pelsolis llV- ii. g III the iiclglibuthuud, and the pi'heu weie iiutilicd ITie cliild wa: found to be •lairly cUaii and wuil- .'aied lor,' aiid was t.ikeii to Sain! Agnsc Ho.-'pital wheie it will U kc-pt uiitil fuilhti iiulae :\\i.\llU.N .Mt.llll.M. ( uritSE CHIfACo - i'll* Msi inle«ijt.-J aviatn II bv medicine gi . by a collego of n..oleine in tli nntiy is now ln-mg'ofloieJ Ly liie .liege of .Mcdi. nic ..t ila- Uiuve ly of nim-iis lo t I.'. 1.!. in tl tilth year class. cour TED SHEAREI KNTKIITDALE TROOP 113 TO iiUl.U COURT OF HONOR I’erhups the largest iiuinuet ui Scuuis lu advance in uiiy Troop iiii Uiu Cuuiicil at any one of Court ui Huiior will lake place at KAigli,t- lale uii Sunuay, when uigliieuu Scouins will be advanced Irom Uie leiiueiloul lank lu second class, aiuch {iiugrcss has been made oy Uns iioup since Its oiganuatum in early January The troop is spon- suicd by the i-ockiiarl ElumeiiUry Scliool ut whko Mis. O- 11. Roberts is I’lincipal ano Cliailcs Williuliis Uie Scoulniasl*!. k.m.figii-wake county MOI T court of honor Pile Kaihgh-Wake County CoUiT uf Honor was held un Tuesuuy, March 2itli. at the Oueitin Road UapUsl Chuich Si outs advancing lu second *lass were. Mather Cur tis .7, rraiik WoiUi .77, Thomas rtViriy lu4, Hubert Atwater IW, Claitnce Walts 10-1, Loomis Horton UI, Keiii.ttli McLain Ul, Charlta Paige Ul and Chailes Royster 121 James Blalock of troop 52 was ad- vaiiecd to lust clars lank Scouts icceuing meiit badges with nuni- Un indicated wore. Owen iwy, Tony llintuii. Harold Dunn, Hobtii Sewell. Haloid Adams. Roland Watts. Davnl Johnson, Ronald Deb- naiii, Jacec Lyons. Prince Kelly anti iGcoige Scott. Scout- leceivinii 'awards for Civic Service were Geo I Scott. Lcn Ray Heniuoii. Archie Uiiy and I.-aac Joiu-s. The Court ' .\as pie.->n.cd ove-i by Dr iiaiiiel, Prosidi-nl of Shaw Univer sity. HIKIIA.M S OUTMASTER ROl NDTABI.E 'i'he Uinhain Scoulinuslcrs Round- -..ble will be- hi Id on Tuesday, April i.hd. insUad of Monday as usually .hi-duled The meeting will be held till- lioine oI Assistant Scoutmas- iei .M Har-.. 325 Gray Street ^•O^T^ T(» HOLD CAMP At a Council wide camping meet- .iig III R.il-igli on Sunday. March 2.')lh culled by Area Camping Chair- an J C. Hubbard The Scouters decided to sponsor a Council Camp, rhe camp will b.- held as In the past .■I Camp Whispering Pines at Cary. The Camping Period will begin on. July 23rd and run thru August 6th. Scuiiter J. C Hubbard and Field Executive Newell will release a bulk-tin in the next couple of weeks fiving the Scoutmasters details In regards lo Summer Camping Plans. RALEIGH SCOUTMASTERS ROUNDTABLE The Rak-igh-Wake Ccunty month ly Scoutmasters Roundtable will be held on Thursday. April 5Ui at the homi- of Assistant ScouUnater M. C. Hill. All Scoutmaters in the city HOCK ( ASTLE. VIRGINIA. Cadeta Of Uio St Emma MlHtary Academy were entertained at itn unusual {uiz Prukram staged by a nomber of the atodento at thto boarding high sohooL Qoeo* tions were hlghlv technical. Including phyaleal partldpaHon In the mannal of arms, musical teaU fur the hiiiMl nieiiilHTs. and competition between cadeta of Companiee A and B. Shown In tlio phutdgraiili, from left to right, are: Cadet Bobert Bock (Alabama), Cadet Harvey Honore (LonlsF ana), Cadei Kenneth Henry (iMnth Carottna), Cadet Robert Bradanaw (North Carolina), lat CapC. Uonaltl WUtz (l.(iuk:{anal, CapE LeBoy Davla (District of CoiumUa), Capt. Wilbur Clarke (New York). -M I.t. «‘c!l Rest (Connecticut), 2d Lt Wa'ter Roes tSouth Carolina), lat Sgt. Bartell Knox (Virginia). Pic. (ItfTord Stewart (Alabomn). 8/Sgt Raphael Smith (Conneetlcat), and Cadet Coleridge T ! ntiihlin (Alabama), lliut TToup j9 bpuncur.'d by the First Baptist Church would b« revived and that a nvw Loop would be Or- phaiiagu (or till' Coiurvd boys there. A brief talk wais made by Field I fulive G. F. Newell. DUNN MOl'TERS AND SCOUTS TO SPONOK PUBLIC PROGRAM Boy Scout TTuup lz-4 spuiisured by the Harnett County Training School wilt apoiisur a public scuut program on Sunday. April gth. The main ad dress Will be uehvered by G. F. Ntwcll. Field Executive E. C. Setzur i& the Scuutir.aster of this unit. I.OUl.SBUKG SCOUTS TO HOLD BOARD OF REVIEW The Louisburg Boy Scouts ot Tiuup 56 will hold their rugulai montiily board of Review on Fri day. April tith. at the Franklin County Training School. The Court of Hcaur wilt be held uii Sunday. April I5th. F (T'liway is the Scoutmaster. SCOUT LEADERS TRAIN- INfi COURSE Tlie Scout Lead* IS Training course for Scouters in Raleigh, Wake County, Dunn, Lillinglun, Apex, and Knightdale will get underway at the t.uciUe Hunter School on Fri day, April 6th. at 7 30 p m. J. W. Edton. A nmilar course will be held in DuiTiam. Duiham County, Efland. Hillsboro, and Chapel Hill. TTie Course will be held at the W. G. Pearson Elementary School. liAROLI) DUNN COMPLETES keqitrements for 1 EAGLE RANK ' it was announced iccently that Harold Dunn of tro«jp 57 in Raleigh has completed all requirements for the Eagle Rank. Plans are underway lo make this award at the April Court of Honor lo be held on Tues day. April 24th. Lewyn Hayes Is the Scotitmaster of this unit. Scout Dunn becomes the third Negro Scout in the Council to complete all requirements (or the highest rank in the Scout Ladder REQUIREMENTS FOR STAR, LIFE AND EAGLE SCOUT RANK The Star, Life and Eagle Ranks are respectively highest steps In Scout Advancements Those who at tain these honors of necessity ■should be real Scouts, representa- bttaU include: First Aid, Physical ouvulopment or Athletics, Personal iiealUi, Public Health. Dile Saving or Pioneering or iialety. For the c.ugle scout Award; G> Hu record i baUalaciory service as a Life dcout shall have been lor a period of at least six months; t2> He shall nave qualified for twenty-one Merit Badges, which shall include, first Aid, Life Saving, Personal iieaitb. Public Health, Cooking, Lamping, Civics, Bird Study, Path- tiiiding. Safety. Pioneer!^, and Athletics or Physical Development- llbbing advancement PROGRAM In order to become a Cub, a boy must be at least nine years old. but not tdlelve, i^d must past the Bob- wai luquirements, which are: Take the Cub Promise, Explain and re- P'.'at'lhe Law of the Pack. Explain the meaning of Webelos. Show the Cub Sign and Hand clasp. Gibe the Cub Salute. I'he Cub advancement IS based on a set of achievements and electives — things for a Cub to know and make and do. Cub ranks are closely lied up with the age ol the boy — Wolf Cub at nine, Bear Cub at ten; Lion Cub at ekvtki|i Webelos at eleven and a half. When the Cuo has met the Wolf requirements, he Is awarded the Wolf Cub rank and badge. Then, if he is ten years old he should be gin to work on the Bear Cub Acliievements. If he is not yet ten he may select Wolf EJectives. As soon as a Wolf Cub is ten years old he may work towards bis Bear Cub Rank. Upon reaching bis eleventh birthday and finishing the Lion Achievements, the Cub will receive his Lion Cub Rank Badge. Tbe Lion Cub AchievMaents include the Tendnerfoot Scout requirements, so •hat the Cub is ready to become a Scout upon graduation from the Pack. Cub Packs meet once a month while the Scout Troop meets week ly- V The requirements of our armed forces are growing. There will be a little less meats, lard, fats, and sug ar but nothing to g« alarmed about There will be a wholesome diet for everyone, says WFA. ONE FINED, ONE SENTENCED IN OPA HEABINa FAYETTEVILLE — Following a hearing before U. S. District Judge Johnson J. Hayes, one man was plicabte to tbe aims of the Red Cross Home Nursing Course,” said Miss Olivia T. PetersM), national direc tor of home nursing. "Not only do we teach bedside nursing skills to the homemaker, but our nurse-in structors emphasize also tbe preven tion of iSnesia.'* Following recommendations of the National Council on Red Cross Home Nursing, which met recent ly in Washington, home nursing committee will put major emphasis on areas where home nursing train ing committees will put major em phasis on areas where home nurs ing training Is most needed. Itiner ant nure-tnstructors are available where there are no nurses to teach Or Charlotte Hawkins Brown, founder and president of Palmer Memorial Institute. Sedalla, N. C., a member of the National Council of Red Cross Home Nursing, and Dr Mary McLeod Bethune. presi dent of the National Council of Ne gro Women, are outspoken in their praise of this program of Instruc tion. Dr. Philip Davidson, Dean of VanderWt University, also a mem ber of the National Council on Red Cross Home Nursing, urges more extensive organization of classes among Negroes. Promtion of home nursing classes was a targe part of the work of Mrs. Marion B. Seymour, who took six months’ leave from Freedmen's Hos pital, Washington, D. C., during the past year to work with the Ameri can Red Cross. Mrs. Seymour trav elled extensively, conferred with Red Cross area directors of nursing service on the best way to coordin ate the wtHTk of Negro graduate nurses throughout the country Many of these nurses are teaching th; home nursing course. Mrs. Seyniour herself taught sev en classes In the District of Colum bia. An outstanding member of one of her classes at Shiloh Baptist Church in Washington was Mrs. f-siwtie Blucxiura, tiie mutber uf 15 uuiuren, who was enihusiusUc ovur the course. t Camp Lee, Virgima, Negro army wives recently learned home nursing irom ivirs. V. V. Chavis, nurse-instructor. Seventeen wives ol uuieers ana enlisted men enroll- in tiie class. Mrs. ^'ruux M. Snowden, wue ol LU Col. Snowden, Lamp r.ee salvage otiicer, recruilea these women with the help of Mrs. O. S. Johnson, director ol the Hard ing Street USO, where the group meets lor luncheon once a week. This winter a home nursing class at Mine Number Three, Triodel- phia, W. Va., was held at a iitile mission house high on a hill. Though severe weather often inter fered with classes, nine completed th ecourse. A nurse-instructor ol home nuising classes for Uie American Red Cross Chapter at 'luinpa, Florida, is Mrs. Daisy F. Young, u graduate of Tus- kegee institute, who leceived her nursing education at the Lula Grove Hospital of Atlanta, Georgia. Mrs. Young has been leucbing high school classes in Red Cross Home Nursing. Mrs. Aiuia B. Jones, Grand Direc tress, Purple Cross Nurses, Colum bus, Ohio, has recommended that members of the Negro Elks Lodge nursing unit take home nursing us a background lor their work with fellow members. Whenever some one within the membership needs home nursing care, these women ar prepared to be p out. Mrs. HatUe Gray, one of the Pur ple Crosss Nurses in Youngstown, Ohio, is enthusiasUc over the home nursing course. "In cases of emergency or disaster ill our own group, we arc prepar- ed." Mrs. Gray said. "The course 1 helped us take care of our families : better, too All the fourteen mem bers of tbe class bought thcrmomci- ers so they could report the exact degree of fever to the doctor, One of the most inleresting and impor tant things 1 learned was to make a bed with a patient in it." HELD IN ATTACK CASE OXFORD — J(^n (alias Shine) Allen is in the County Jail in de fault of bond of $1,000, awaiting trial in Mayor’s Court on Friday on a charge of secret assault with a deadly weapon. The man is accused of attacking Georgia Alston with a knife as she walked along New College Street, inflicting wounds which required stitches lo close. Her case was considered "critical’ oy attaches as Susie Cheatham oHspitaL Allen fled to Virginia lollowlng the knifing, but was returned here last week. He has a spotted police record. BACK THE ATTACK !! LEGAL NOTICE EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having quaiilied as executrix of the Estate uf Geurgianu Wall, late of Wake County, North CaroUija, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate ol the said deceased to exliibit them to tbe un designed at 915 South State StreeL Raleigh, North Carolina, on or be fore the bib day of March 1941 or this notice will be pleaded In b.ir ol their recovery. All persons indebted to tbe tcid E.'tate will please make immediate t-uyment. This the 8th day of March, 1945. Mrs Bessie Wilson, Executrix F. J. Carnage, Atty. March 10. 17. 24, 31-Aprll 7, 14. CAPFf AL COCA COUA BOTTLmO CO. 81S W. Morgan SL Arcade Shoe Shine Parlor SHOE SHINES OF THE BEST IS OUR BUSINESS SHOES DYED ALL COLORS LADIES SHINES A SPECIALTY SHOES CAIoLED FOR AND DELIVERED ARCADE HOTEL BLD. J. AI. MASSEY, Prop. Dress Up For Easter DRESSES IN PASTEL COLORS AND NAVY l> scuutinasluis H.-ufl.llBBlS v^ill U held on Thuisday. April 5th at tlie hoiiK- uf Assistant Scouimuler M. C- Hill. All Scoutmaters in the city and county arc urged to be present ;is si.mo iinpoilant Camping Plans 'will U- discussed at this meeting, Tlie mt-cting will be at 8:00 p. m I O.M OKD-GRA.WII.LE UOUN'n' iSt'OI TFRS HOLD SCOUT MEETING “At lut Fvb hekrd from the wife — her allotment ii late." are respectively highest steps m Scout Advancements. Those who at tain these honors ot necessity should be real Scouts, representa tives Scouts — Scouts on the in side as well as on the outside. For the SUr Award: l) His record of satisfactory service as a First Class Scout shall have been for a period uf at least three months and (2) He j shall have qualified for any five ' Merit Badges. For the Life Scout On Momlay night of March 19. .award' (1) His record of satisfac- i.iuuiid LIU'* 11 Oxford Scouters mol tory .service as a Star Scout shail ;it the Colored Orphanage to dis- have been for a perie^d of at least u-^s the Scouting Program in Ox three months and (2) He shall have fold It wa& decided at this meeting qualified (or ten Merit Badge.s IN OPA BEARINO FAYETTEVILLE — Following a hearing before U. S. Dlxtrict Judge Johnson J. Hayes, one man was fined and another sent to prison, charged with handling counterfeit sugar ration coupons. James Jenkins, a merchant of this city, charged with handling appro ximately 100 coimterfeit sugar stamps, was fined $250 and was placed on probation for one year, and Fred Headen, also of Fayette ville, charged with selling counter feit sugar coupons, was sent to Fed eral prison for six months. JACK DAVIS Sf oo/AfC 1 1 jzvvy 1 ocw / V / • COfii OOf/Tj N J \lNT£ee£S£// /lV/V.4n 7k£ ' N V. [MATTS'/? W/rM / MiV— > ' J>J4 lUffir ZV//V-f/Afc. V J* ■ BREEZY By T. MHVIN JIM.STEfLC -tj-jiMsitae AFTERASnSRC- iipfWaBp INWe , '' -AVUM- /( •r MELVIN TAPLE 5AY,t-ie0THNAN'r/YOU W£Rej CHURCH NEWS The Varick Christian Endeavor Society of the Rush Memorial AME Church of Raleigh had a very Inter esting discussion on Love. Court ship and Marriage. We were very fortunate in having as speaker Mrs. L. F. Perrin, teacher of the Wash- inaton High School. She gave the members of this Society some very helpful information on the subject. We were very happy to have as a visitor. Mr. Alexander Chalmers. Our topic to be discussed next Sunday will be “Putting First Things First.” Our guest speaker for (he occasion will be Mr. George Johnson, a student of Shaw Uni versity, All young people are invited to come and Join in the discussion st 6:30 p. m. at the Rush Memorial A M. E. Church. 550 Cabarrus Street Martin Street Baptist Church, 1M9 East Martin Street Jesae Cleveland Saundera, Reporter Tho subject of the Rev. P. H. Johnson’s sermon Sunday morning was "Jesus of Palm Sunday,’ his text was taken from the lllh chap ter of St. Mark and the 9th verst. For along time the Jews were a depressed people and they were looking forward for the time to come when they would be deliv ered from their oppression. Just as the Jews welcomed Christ in Jerusalem, the people of tho World today need to go out and welcome Him into their hearts. Jesus was the true prophet Snd his coming Into the world was the fulfillment of the law and the phet. Man's only way to God Is by Jesus Christ and whosoever except Him shall have life everlasting. The victory of Jesus is not won by the weapons of war but It eomet throu^ the peace of Jesus. In order to receive this peace one must open up the door to their heart and let Jesus come In. ^ Red Cross To Emphasize Home Nursing Program During Health Week WASHINGTON — The American Red Cross will hOBie nursing program during National Negro Health Week, April 1-®. Sponsor^ by the U. S. Public Health Service, tbe thirty-first ob servance of this week devoted to Negro heiilth will have for its spec ial objective. "A Healthy Family ii» a Health' Home." "This ^ogan is particularly ap- —laPivuuLyjJu ■ ' ' IN PASTEL COLORS AND NAVY 599 •» 12®® Sizes For Misses and Women COATS IN BOW AND FI'fTED MODELS Plain and Chesterfields 19®® “> 34®® Sizes 10 to 20 sufrs IN SHETLAND:^. SWEDES. W(X)L CREPES, TWILLS 19®® •> 29®® Sizes 10 to 18 BLOUSES frilly and Tailored in White and Pastel Colon 299 to 399 HANDBAGS TO COMPLETE YOUR EASTER OUTFIT 299 to 750 SLIPS TAILORED and LACE TRIMMED White and Tea Rose 299 to 399 . 114 FAYETTEVILLE STREET MYjSHQP , RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA

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