PAGE EIGHT THE CAROLINIAN (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) \() ri llin\I. I.WV VIOLATION M.I.N Al.t hALi.S 1 Hii COllUU.i Li, lL,l\\.- ttLl iU L>ll,. ljll' xa A ivioiiUix loiiic> Cia«.c» i^VLiui uu.- Jli^ Uiu cuui^L ui lUu iiiui uii Ilia iiwiiUliitx; ui nil. Ouicii iHiiu Jua^L t ' i’caiaUllaiUI^ X>1*1', • jiiiiol ciiiuaxiu^cu ill.4ui.lix ll«.lcll«.C ll 01 ulU caac. uiuuixa, VMiu v\aa luuiivcii u. Uic iiiiiu ui nte aiii.’jicU ciiiiiu, i;i- iLic'U a pKju Ui iiu« ^uin^. xiiv u«.iciiaajii luiiiLU luxL'uji uii uc- cciiiuci Jx, xj-t-1. XJIU piuiicCUUliXX IXIVUIX- CU 111 XlIC CUdU UUblUiva C\ Ivuuiiiti lu Uiu aiiuiiiu cx'iiiic, aaj- illli lildl tile Uu> iuXl Uiu iiuu^b. L>> Ulc Gallic Ma> iiu ciili.i>.u, a>- lu: Uiiiixi ii'ixiUccxib.a avvu^. j.>iuuiU3 Wa,! aaiu iU Iiuxc Uacu a pa^ Ui ^aili uiUtaiicc b> ua> ul Ui>. ll'UXll UUU‘X'. OUxcuis ludixliou lu liie vulUbj- siun, wxiicn uiuy »aiu uiuy gui liuin Ulc- yuuui sauiiiy aiicr ii>. wan ax-xuniLU. iiic cumpLiuncy o: Uie bjuiucdsiuii waa U)Uia.Ujii.a jy Uiu ueli-iiiac un Uic xiX'uunun Uiai it wan invuiuuLai^. in ciiaiieiigiiii; Uib cuiUcnniuii. i..awy«.i‘ oau-n cununiUcu uiui uiu oiiiccm xiau iurceU tin.- buy tu abtml iliu exunu. Uuicn cuiniiit'nu.‘d Uiui BiuuKn nuul Uuil till. uiUccrn piuiinncd that tiun^n wuj>d go eany" uii hitn it' he- Luxilcnnini. Lawyer Galen agued tnal llie alleged cuntenniun was cuntru- verted by tire slate's witnesses, but Judge i!'rizzelJe ruled liiat xt was fimpete-m and admilied it a.s t . ideiice. Ml'S. Ktliel Bruuks, tiie buy's inotinr, and liiy Kev. G. W. Bii- hps, lucul Baptist iniuister, tuuk the stand for the buy. She claim ed liiat he was home at the tune the alleged crime was supposed to have been cuinmittcd. Lawyer Gatos spoke to Uic juiy for one hour and forty minute.'.. He pointed 10 what he called “tlie discrepancy ot the state's testi mony." He especially stressed the boy's ignorunct- and living eon- dtlions. Gates said that Biooks is beyond a doubt a moron. He slopped school in the sixth grade Lawyer Gates also pointed to the defendant's extreme youth. Prosecuting Attorney Moore said that Brooks had made up within hxs iiund that ne would cunuint such a crime. He spoke tor lurty mmutes. A large but orderly audience listened to the day unu a hall trial. 6.>ll 1111-ll.ull .N LOlvULb KbFtSLU iilL UALUU'T gists, clctkd, atio >uuiig OUaUiess wuiiieii; ulinuugii soice ieacli|ers Uiu cuol their aiikels ul tiie pulling place lur hours baluiday wailmg lu lake their loin at legisleiiug, siury gues. boiiie said "We tiad the oUice eoveyed all day isatuiJu;. but the registrar, sonichuw inunageu allude us." He said yes to Uk (xuaiy were Ihe buuks upen baloiuay, Lai lu;- Uicr discussiun levealeU tiia. Uve books were open ior legisUaUuu al an unaniiuunced hcaUxxuarlers, 111 aiiciher block. Said he "everyboay should have been ablic lo Iind me.' A man posing as “Jotm Smith teU-pliuiud tiu- legi; liar's oUiea an tm.u.iii>Eri)eeir i.ruJyL^ncrs,*xi; 1 ahoiliet- block. Saiu he "cveiyboay should have been abfcc lo Iind me ' | A man posing as ‘ John Sinilh ^ lelephomd the icgiUar's ollicc Monda> asking if one could regis ter, wiiereupon he was sold, "yes the books will be 'P|cn from two to five m ihe allerimon, but on going lo Uie ollice al four the .'anie after- noon seveial Negroes weie infuiin- I cd that llie books wx-ic closed. No one seems lo have an idea ol what will be the oulcoinc, SOLDlEBS~HECORD PRAISED IN "AT HIS SIDE" nuance crews. I Une ol Uie c.uos w-u. set up I exclusively loi Merrill s Maiaud-] OX'S, liuil lough ouuil ol juxxgi. hgiuei.i, alici iney Ji.ia .e-iOxn LU *rum the jungie uiUi naa eap luied ^uyiiKjiiia xxi xi xe .i Gx s iluiil uin. 1 uUUlts- ..lllle>.XlJ i-iegio—Ocgaii uioppuig UL ■ tVlxea all xVX. 1'.—o.iv oi Ulc iVlaiauUeaS—xxos usxeu •■>s uptUi- on oxx Uie hiuUer ui p..i.aug the UlUUUeis out ox a.xowuxg uie.a tu Slay, wxites iwisoii, 'hx looked eai'Uesiiy mto uie eyes ui uie mquucr aiiu expiesseU Im SexiLuiieiliS 01 Uie iougUesl xii* xaiiuy amt oi die LBi. lie repiieu, iua aui, 1 eouxun l put Uiose Xei- fuws out ul xiex'e. ixixs is jUsi like xxiy xiuiiie. xiU aruiig tile ftoad tLedUj uUie-r leUuws WexcuiUeU Us miu Uieu eiubs. xiiiu as iui the culured xeixuws, way Itlei. uand met us on uie iiuau Wiicn We were weaxy and UxseouiageJ, and gave us xieaxl lo go un. 1 jus> euuluix I put em uuu ' liuixoieds ui uUier uicxdcXi... Xiigliliglll Uie buuk—Stul'les tuiu uy zVIueiican lied uioss uvexsea.^ Workers, uiciuding mute Uiaii goo ^ x-iegro men ana wunieii, wxxo vui-1 Uiileeicd lu sliai'e ixuiit-ixile xioiu ships and uangers with U. b. ' iiguuug iiiexi. I SEE ARMY JlMCilOW BEHIND , MOVE TO OUST NEGRO army medics said Uial cuinuiunicaUuxx has beeXi i dispatciied tu uliiers itgardmg| iheu' objeeliun lu an xnactive slut- ; us. The aimy s move is xepurled tu be based upon its steadtast up-1 pusiUun lu use inlegiuUd aospi- , tul stalls uf Negro and wiule duc- turs. Those scheduled lo go axe Cul. Midian O. Buuslield ui Ciueago, head uf Uie sUiliun iiuspxtal and ' fomer heaiUi director ul Idle Bux- enwald fund; Lt. Cul. Hinksun, Philadelphia and Ll. Cul. iiuscue Giles, Chieagu, first Negiu grad- 1 uate uf Cornell university's medi cal gchouL Those who liavc already been released are CapL Al Buirell and . Prank Gareell, both from Chica-1 go. Three officers have been ^ iransfered to Port Devens, Mass., and five to the Veteran’s hospi tal al Tuskegee while Iransler orders have been received by 25 other ofifeers of the medical ad- niinistrative corps, who will go to Fort Benning, Ga., for mf2mtry training. An effort to “pass the buck” was made last week regarding the tranter and .shifting of the high ly irplT-Pd Negro army medical “men. The surgeon general of the army places all responsibility for breaking up the hospital on the 9th Service coniamnd. 'While the hosplital is reported to be still functioning, it was pointed out that cuniinui'd operation is in llie ^ a-i. hands of the commandintx gc-ner- (,.,0 , al ol that unit. i, ut ‘.i The 372nd Infantry is expected poad' to leave Port Huachuca soon and t)un the Negro hospitals staff will oiliier be returned lo civilian tile or UansfeTred to oUier posbs Cul. Bousfteld is reported to luut oppo.sed an inactive status. liu aircftmg oifice-rs wetiiix.iii as lo whtTe- he ca the liquor. The man aal lie gii il "un Garnei VEGROTROOPS IN 1 IRSl “DOING ALL RIGHT’ I^Vliirfitinnal i 'nnfprs»npsk ’ Superintendent Chapel Hill Schools; EiUllUtllUndi tiuniercnce -Nutrition and the Nursery School Child” by Dr. James Andrews oi roads, igan > PRISONER PUNISHED FOR CRITICIZING RED CROSS BLOOD SEGREGATION .11 90 days on the p; tided un payment '.f ia and cu>l-. The ease coneerning U.e- cal' iiscn fur ihe- Iranspoilaltoii uf hquur is -still un.'eltle-d. Milche-ll is fie-c lu resume his du- as manager of Uit' store on April 9. ••kOWI.IK SI.AIN ' ji ctor to war who refused to ac- n pi what lu- considered "the slave- labor system " of the Civili an Public Si-ivice- Camps, where- leligiuus obje-ctors to war work without pa\‘. He walki-d out of c-i mp, and for munths lieipcd • bi ;c u'.ald an inte-iracial cooperative '-'.e. .1! Detroit, till he was jaile'-d for viiilation of the Sek-evive Re-rvic iboni Act. '-I'lri. DURHAM Is-inr Carter. 2A- viar-iltl man '1 Dnruain, wn.s shot lo (hath l.l^l week by Oll'icer S. F Ray afler lie- had ;!rnck Henry ,{ 29:iO Mulbe.ry Stne'l 1 hi! a patrolman ith : vilh piiiwlt-r wa.-- se n walkin;; the Mayes h-me strikiug iiiul p- cring into wiiidow.x. Ves . . . Ibis .suite is sealed down in price . . . IniL not ill coini'oiT. Vou get llie fjully felted, pre-war quality coil spring . . . and the vanity with ruund inirroi’, vanity bench, panel bed, cliest of drawei’s. Si.\ pieces at LAST OP THE RHINE — "AU oar leporls so Lr have been good.’ These- words are fur the Negro Hoops who volunt^ecrcu fur combat duty re-ce-mly and who are ligliUng ill grand style with the First Army • asl of llic Rliinc. The- men are being watched closC' ty since thi.s is life- first Umc Negro Hoops have fuuglit the enemy along .de- ilutr while comrades. T breaking down in tradition must ii.e-us be- to it slow process, and the Aimy is feeding Negro fighters lo Uie- from griidualty. with one pla toon to each le-giment now in ac ton. Wee-Kiy reports on their mo- uile, fighting ability, casualties and thv numoer of Germans they cap- 'i,|o. are being made. Wbe-n the Negroes arrived al a veterans division's location they .ero accorded the same treatment as while reinforcements — each rc- vivi-d a penioiial letter from the omrrandiiig general, along w-itb Ihc divisional shoulder patciics. iii'-d were greeted personally by reg-, imental commanders. The Army has not set up a re placement pool for the Negro pla toons. blit as their fighting strength I re'duc'd that they can no long er funelion as uniLs, men from brok* units will be organized to form n full platoon. f’rane fm the men came from Tech. Sgl. Casper F. Koueh of Beaver Dam. Wis.. who hc'lpe-d lead .1 piab-un into action four days ago against the town of Berghau.sen. "W • (lidn t want lo give them > --.ugh a job in their first fight, " Koch .said, "so our platcon w-ent a street whcrio there were only about nine houses. We didn't hink there w-ould be many Gcr- m.nns in them. •Tn the first house the boy.s rap- - i-ed 11 .ferriis and killed two. By •he time tlu-y'd gotten to the end of the street they had captured 53 i)ri;onf rs and killed I don’ know how many. "They worked perfectly. They are eager to learn and ask a lot of questions. When you tell ’em to take an objtetive they want to know what to do after they get there.” HALF Afll.LION PLANES WASHINGTON — It is not un likely that in this country alone ■ shall have by 1950 at least half million private, commercial and military planes in active service ac cording tu William A. M. Burdc':, Assi--tant Secretary of Commerce. BGY AN EXTRA BOND! 01 The H. M. Holmes Nursery School CHAPEL HILL — The Harold M, Holmes Nursery School of Chapel Hill spunsure-d the first education al corifeicnce as a part of the in> se-rvice training of the staff of workers for both units, Saturday, Mill eh 23, at the Orange County Tniining school with Mrs. Disti* Caldwell, Administrator uf the School, presiding. Miss Juliette Phifer, Prinipal, Ne-wLuld Training School, Fayette ville. was the guest speaker and gave un illuminating, Informative ..nd inspiring uddre-ss un the Histor ic d background of Nursery Schools both in this country and abroad. Other six-akers on the program mcludi-J the- following: “Book for Young Childrea" by Miss Emily Moig.>-. University North Carolina; "Family Relationships and the Nur- .cry School Child." Mrs. D. M. Jarnagin, President of N. C. Con- s of Colored Parents and Teach- "Community Rcla’iunship" was the University of North Carolina, Another special feature was the illustrated lecture and 4^hionstra- tion with a group of the nursery school children on Music for Young Children by Miss Adelaide McCall of the elementary school faculty. Miss Diana Dent, Director, Honve Economics, N. C. College for Ne groes, Durham, was also a visiting guest at the conference. Lunch was served at the cooclu- sipn uf the nieeting at Unit 1. Music was furnished by members of the glee club of the Orange County Training School, and Rev. J. C. Clark gave the invocation. HORRIBLE WILSON — Edgar Snow, 16-year- old youth admitted in Recorder's Court here that he criminally M- sault^ a three-year-old girl. He is being held without privilege ol bond fur appearance in Superior Court. The child, Juanita Bell, who is reported to be seriously ill, was at tacked in her home on a farm near here while her mother was away. Two other small children were in Negro Health Council' Sponsors Health Wi Program Aj^ 1946. j^,with copper- itnir dust and get lo| pounds of peanuts In . _ la, says Howard Gar- _:tension plant pathologist at ColUge. discussed by Mr. A. W. Honeycutt, the house at the time, however. \ ■ 1 - • fci ; VICTORY GARDEN NEEDS Plant Your Garden Now! PLANT GOOD CORN. W* hava Truckow FtTorll#—Iowa Sullivan King—roasting ears in 63 days—Hickory King and other varietiM—Cannon Ball—Irish gray Dixl* QuMn and Kleckleys Water Melon IT PAYS HEALTH DIVIDENDS — WE HAVE THE SEED — SPECIAL PRICES TO TRUCKERS S. M. YOUNG 206 E. MARTIN STREET COATS and SUITS X FOR FAYETTEVILUI' Health Council '. _ - tywide health' TuAday, April 3rd at 8:00 p. m., at Person Street USO. During the program on the 3rd, two members of the nrfedical pro fession will speak. Other numbers on the program include musical renditions from four glee clubs; three high schools and one college choral society. Reading of prize winning essays will be a big feature, including one on tt)c college and on-i on the high school level. During the week the Council will send speakers tu each high school and the college. A radio program will be held with the three high schools participating on Wed nesday during the Health Depart ment hour. Nurse Elizabeth Thompson is chairman of the Council and Prof. J. H. Lewis, principal of the A. Armstrong High School is chairman of tUe program committee. CLASSIFIED . BUILDING LOT — 1200 Block . 'South East Street. Raleigh, 50 bylL 135 ft.. $130 Cosh. $150 time. W. O.^ I Wombte, Jr. 236 South Boylan Ave, Raleigh. When aaaing through Rocl^ Mount Stop at the AI.BEMARLE CAFE 204 Albemarle Ave. Rocky Mount, N. C. BAR-B^UE and FRIED CHICKEN Our Specialty E. N. ANDERSON. Prop. ♦ 301 S. WILMINGTON ST. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ^ - Buy Your Easter Clothes From O.K. Clothing Co. LAI)li:S SUITS COATS DRESSES BLOUSES and HITS a' ^ i| /\ 'V ‘ MEN’S SUITS In Drapes I i TOI’ GOATS FVXTS II\TS -IT-S EASY TO BUY THE O.K. WAY" Q.KiClothine; Co. 113 EAST MARTIN STREET FOR Easter Jaunty lines, bright colors and excellent styling give your new Coat and Suit eye compelling importance. Lead the Easter Parade with a choice Coat or Suit from MOTHER & DAUGHTER Budget Price* Tool 19x0 to 48°° EASTER DRESSES No better selection to be found anywhere! Our buy ers have really done a grand dress job for you this Easter Season. 870 to 1940 IN RALEIGH TTB pTHEM DAUGHTEft. 810 wntirni f0U(S' AT KIMBRELL’S 8*9 our complete line of nursery furnishings of every description! At prices that are easy on your budget! FABHIOIfB Insurance Building

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