• ' * f.-?- E- HARGETT ST. R-LEicn. r.. c. Request Seat On Hoard Of Education ARCHITECT WINS NA TION’L CONTES7 DURHAMITESASK FOR NEGRO ON BOA'ROOFED. 'by STAFF CORRESPONDENT^ UURHAIVl Speciali In aii uii- luuel dispiuy u( unity, Durham Ne- iji'oes reprefeniiu^ iiuuy ul the city's orgoniziiiioiis appealed be* tore the City Council here Tuesday iiiKbt to request tlu* appoininent ui t> Negro to the Buaid uf Educutiuu Or. James E Shcpord, pi- Icn of North Caruhiia State C')lkg.. uiu Dean J&me& T Tayloi. State lil'A Information officer on Iea\t- tiuin Ills poet of dean of men jt the c>>l Uge, were spokesmen fui ihr city , Jd.Otiu Negroes Ihey wcie present ed to the council by John H Wl.eel- ei’, Duiham baiikvi and chaiitniN of the Education «ectior. of the Dui- hani t.'ommittee on Ni-gro Atfa.i Whctler said the n ovemc-nt had thi approval of Di C C SpaiilJit.,. noted Durham business executne. who was uui ■! the cily the tiint- of the meeting. Dr Shepard, appearing Lef..ie the council fur ttie fii.--t tune in It- SO years' lesidi-nce in Durham, urg ed the uldeiineii to cun.-,ider "tin- justice of appuiiiling -i Negro to Iho board of education' and said a Ne- fto knows best what is best fui he people ■■ The tducatoi' retmnaYd the coun 111 that Negioes c.iinpose 3.“) percent of Durham's total pupulaliun and 4:1 percent uf the total school p.ipu* lalioii, Dr. Shepard pointed out 'Th board is a six-member comn iltei- Dean Tayloi, m his spet-cii t-> the Council, appealed “for a place uii the board when you have Ihe next vacancy. Appointment of a Nearo to the Duiham City Council “will be saying to the world that we not only preach democracy but put it into practice." Taylor said. Wheeler. Shepaid, and Taylor emphasized that the delegation came in a spirit of friendliness and ccoperatlveness. Mayor W. F Carr, who along with all other members of the council listened attentively to eech uf the speakers, comph mented the group for then fine pint" and assured then, of the (ouucil's willingness to listen to cit* ueiis at aU times. A P Wigging, councihiian. also complimented Uie gioup on the “fine and dignified manner'' in which their appeoli were made. And although tne council, acting later Tuesday night aftei listeriini! to the Negroes and other citizens speaking on a variety of civic mat- BE . CARC'LINIAN \ I il.l .Ml. ' .W. Ml i:: SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1916 RALEIGH, NO»H CAROLINA PRICE FIVE CENTS Ben McGhee Files For City Councilman PAUL WILLIAMS WINS NATION- ‘Mhi By Verna Arvey liwiiywirod . ^oJalvuig ^ew DR. LANIER RESIGNS HAMP'ION POST Dr, O'Hara Lanier, dean ol me lacully of iiampion Inati* lute, who on last Saturday tendered his resignalion aas uccepied the government poa^ ition on Aprii 2 as assslant administrator. United Relial and Rehabilitation Admiid* stration n Washington. Dr. Lanier will assume lh» post as soon at possible. He expects to leave Hampton to thirty days. A native ol Winston-Salem Or. Lanier has served—ad« ministrative capacities at Tus« kegee Institute, Florida A Ic M. College. Houston (Texas) Municipal College and acted as president of Hampton la stitute. He came to Hamptod from a positon as assistant to Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethunc in the National Youth Ad* ministration as director ot Ne* gro work- OTHERS MAY ENTER RACE AT LATER DATE krltUh Coabinc i'hotv) upp.'i.ii-.l .A.- if C'aiiLvibury. Gt-offrey Fraacii . I ..t .1 .i-.licjUiK svvt-n Church Army mobile I .M.ik .111.'Ill 1.," .Hill' .i luicf..,. The rerenioay took place iiy.iiJ ..I l.il:u..., PiiU'i. Press Fight Against Labor Draft Slavery MAKE PLEA fUHHuMtS Waxtiuigloii, D. C. — tWDU .t-yiouisi a I i>i.-ico numes Vrojwa i li'.iissoun u> .the national caytuii U' ask Cungrusx loi reUet irom k'vicuon oruercu by tliu aFriii hc- LOiiiy Aaiuiiualrauun. H. L. Mit- ASKS PROBE OF FORCED LABOR IN C. 0. CAMPS Washiiiglun, D. C. — lWDLa — Calling upon thv Mead Comniil- tee, successor to the Truman Com- niitle- uf the Senate, to investi gate abuses in C. O. camps and liie whole GPS slruclure of forced laboi, the national act'.un commit tee Ol the Workers Defense League raised the question of how the mauitenance of what amounu to slave labor camps ac cords With Uie purposes of legis- talion legardiug conscientious ob- jevtois. Only those C.b who have oeeu accepted as such by Seiec- iveJiervioe are seat to CPb camps wh«re they are supposed to do . w(tfk ox rtnyifmal JBtportallM bUt msaad tney at dan^ Hiba dB-afid aafl^4F*My.MHp yUl jobs witAOMt p«y, receiVInc sie^ inunUuy allowances ot irom $j.75 to $7.bU. bince the Workers Defense &nntia ia nnrtnaMl tn nil fnrma r>t j ben McGiit-e, produce dealer ol ' luiiUigiaii aiiu ai uiJL- tnne a piacticng lawyer, iiieQ tor ciiy couiiciiiiiaii iasl Weeg. Ml. ^vic- unee uui not indicate ins paiiy aiiiiiaiton wiicii nu iiicd. iiis ati Ici'vuteu a stir since no Negro had uieu lor puuiic oliicv iiL-re lui avariy liny years. luuneuiaieiy upon McGhee’s til ing. a local daily uug up nis re cord, wiiicn snowed inai McGhe. nas served lime m a tedcrai jail. Many ooservers remarked, how ever, that other puouc tigures had servea time in prison and return ed make good. :some Negroes siyied Mconee as "looiJ&o tor maaing me race.' Others admirej ius grit, auumg that "i was more Ulan wnat oar so-called leaders Aave done.' As rumors filled the air, it ap peared mat another candidate may enter the race at a iatei aate. Several meetings have been held lor this purpose, out it is understood mat no canddate has oeen agreed upon. McGhee attended one of the iiieeungs m question, but he was not introduced to me gatheriag. l)lfiL$ CONTINUE JIMCROW FIGHT The' Rev. Bravid W. Harris, who has accepted bis election to be .Missienary Bishop of Li beria, West Africa. Mr. Harris has been in charge of Episcopal Church work with the Negro people in the United Sutes, and soon will be consecrated to the Epixcopate to lead the work of his Church in the African repub lic. He will be the third Negro bi.sliop in that jurisdiction, the first. Samuel D. Ferguson was consecrated in 18S4, and the second, T. Momolu Gardiner, a native Liberian, who served as Suffr-irjan from 1921 to 1941. i'KilllOi\ TO lASEAT 0/ KtFKts;t.\TAliVts bcivicvj . . Fust prize in u uttuou wiue compeiuiou *oi me i-'racucs »uaucie i'osi'Wiu' aiuuie itas gon lo iuipii Vuugiui, yuung toiorci liiiciiiicci wno IS now a sciuor se utsigiier at -Vi-Vj-^n stuuius in cui vci G.iy, Galiloiiiia. iiic coiiiv4i Was held oy TMi iiUiloDj^itt, a traui jLUitiai puuiisiioa m Cmcagy joi I cuuuactors, realtors and so on junu the inoi pr»ze amounted U ione hunaieu ooLars. An aruclt 'aooui am. Vaugjui appeared k me Tcoruaiy issue ot me aiaza- xuie. Tor mis coniesi, Mr. Vaugiui siiupiy sent in pjiotogiapus of liie .nome he Uesigiivu and built for ;mnjseix ana nis laiiuiy, Along v/iih ms sxeienes ot what he in- I tunds to do to 1* alter the war is :o\er. i/us home is located at 21- il West 26th Place, m JLus An- I gelcs. Immediately after Uie an- ‘nouncement of mat prize, Mr. i Vauglm won honorable mention iin a nation-wide comj^etiiion held oy llie Colotyie Company (m be- aiuej lor a glamourous yet piuclical batnroom. Kajph Vaugnn came to Los An geles irora Wasliingion, D. C. and v.as lor a tune associate with Paul li. ’Aihianis, an architect of CdUibiished reputation. Lat^, he oegan ills work at the Culver City film studio, and while mere hwif designed the tallest buuaing on Uit- M-G-M lot, and the longest scenic backing ever made at M' WASHINGTON- A pctiiion from the SoutluTii Electoral Kelorm i,fague, asking the iinseatiiig oi .iixty-eight hepieaentaUves from Southern poll-tax Stales, has bteii roceivcd at tlie office of the House clerk- Tlic petition, accompanied by ev- .dence collected m hearings con ducted by the league, came lu a sealed package which will be ex amined by the House Judiciary Committee for a report. Moss A. Plunkett, president ol the league, contended that the Repre- ssauUves whoa* saaU were coatest- ed were illegally validated by tb« House, because a majority of the voters in their States were barred from votine by the noil tax. DR. SHEPARD AND COL. JOHNSON INST. SrEAAERS RALEIGH iSpt-cialj — Dr. Jam* E. Shepard, presidetn oi North Caj ®hna College and CoL Campoei C, Johusou, executive assistant, I Maj. Gen. Lewis Hersngy, NaUoni ISelectlve Director, ar,- the pricej paJ speakers announced tor Um Urt annual Public Weliare losinute to Uratt Slavery Ana anr.ougir lilt later Tuesday night after listening to the Negroes and other citUens speaking on a variety of civic mat in*, renamed K. G. Stone and Basil {yj^vv Yoik--iWDL)—Calliiit; Watkins, Incumbents, to the board, for last-minute mubilizalioii of op there were indications that a Ne^o position to home front slavery un- woiild be seriously considered for j "compromise biil the next vacancy. on manpower regulation." the The movement fo ra Negro board ^ (Jilmartin. nalioiia; of education representative follow- fhaiiinaii ot tile Workers Defen.;e ed closel> in the wake of spraodic Lt-ague. denouue ft tin- C'i>ngrev. agitation for a Negro city counal- ^ju nal i nfeeincf upoiT a-' '‘flae- iran A vacancy exists on that bewy ij.ui itulation to the United now, but due to a city-wide voting front oJ War and Nav\ depart- plan. Negroes are not like to pool ,^n_nl hra.ss liats. old guard rt- sufficient votes to elect a represen- actionarns in Coiigu .s^, and an- tative. J Henderson, property spec- labor forces every who: e, aided iallst in a local insurance firm, was ^nd abetted in thi.'i instanc.- by • Continued on back page) administration le.adrr.- -ga. U».Ul«.u U.,u »vu-ltlg‘. UMjtou., lULulu w. piuuuviivny -pile- uiiaiiilUDiu oppOAiiioii" Oi 1 g Ui 1 llWl Id v> liO». luapoiUiiuiL- loi lliia iliiliiotia Ol W,iuac ; in Uie oj iiu-u svrvic -UllU TSI^SCS S^apSCi ' tc axk Congresx for relief xrom jevicuon ordered by the oE'rin &e- 'coiity Aanunuiiraaon, TL L. Mit- ,cneu, president ol me boutnerii lieiiant li'armers Union, appealed jiui iegislauun u> prevent ox tiie homes and to coiiuiiue guv- iLiniueni operation uf me project, .where JilU while and Negro lami- [lies nave lived xn amity and mu tual iiupxuiness. I Tne trip to Washiiiglon was : authorized at liie last meeting of line unions general cxecuuve liouAc Ol Aepifaeiiiauveo Meinpiiis, Tenn, 'ihe WHITE MINISTER CALLS FOR FAIR PLAY Wilmington — The Looney case, w^ch has been in the limelight Jor some days, has elicited much comment in Wilmington. Recent ly speaking for the two-member- minority of the five-member city civil service commission, the Rev. J. F. Herbert, ministerial member of the commission, issued the fol lowing statement relative to the case involving Officer Looney who was accused of cursing a white waitress and assaulting a discharged Negro war veteran, while the officer was intoxicated. The statement of Rev. Herbert follows: “1 feel that the time has come to say that the decision of the civil lervicc commission not to have the hearing of the Looney case last Monday night was a i to 2 decision. 'T myself, made the motion be fore the commission that the hear-, liig be held. My motion was so-' cunded by Dr Murchison, but it I was defeated by the other, three | number.-? of tiie «\,mmisstoii. ' We havv a oast- bt-l'-if us in '.‘.Tjioh it IS cb'Hi that a p.ilici' of- ficvi wa. intc.VK-ated uiiilv on du ty. and that, ui thu- vondiMon, );'• aiu-.sted aiiJ .ui.su.--d a n1r'>n i.u.. auupu.'u tins su-caiivu coin- i^.ujiasc, cciuuig loi uiuaiie pviiai- agauisi lauor as wen as iiian- agcniem aiiu Oesiuwmg lyianni- eai powers upon James r. oyrnes as Head oi Uie uxiiee ol Wai' Mob- t,i/.uiiun and Ueconveisioa. X'/ie uiKers Dtdeiise Deague Miiemn- i> protests against uus larce ol loiving inru 'taiicrgency xegisla- on wnen all me xacts prove Ui%. piojeci was erected by the gov ernment in I9J9 to iiouse evicted sharecropeprs who iiad been dumped out on the highways. With tne experiment ended oy Congressional order, the FSA has been advertising sale of the 660 ill uses in Its ten larni lai>ur com munity projt'cts. E'SA lias been under constant- pressure by planters to liquidate it.4se Oasis ol SUCH legislation and community pixijects. The vvT.en me American people aie complaint u that the tenants V igorousiy opposed to ine enter- inclined to organize and ii.g w age Ol slavery.' "make trouble"—that is, ask for tne aenaie nas begun to debate •* l)ving out of their labor me out and me issue and ine ^'***” they used to gel as snare- Issue IS in douut, with labor mo- ;t:’'oppers living ijj giuosless, un- Frankly, jjst wh.\ heuuuh muizuig aii its''rcMurces*io'deieat chicken "- house - like wa not li. 1(1, 1 d.d no; unde; - ine measure. Tne ClU nas gent stand [a message to aii Senators cailing ! constarit fear. A I bestir stead monuuy allowances oi irom 62.75 to 67.6U. Since tne Workers Defense League is opposed to ail forms oX slavery, its national executive committee has been on record as lavoring lull pay for labor per- termed in camps, and as signment of CCte, at a|equate cempensation, to work of nation al importance for which they are qualiiied and which they are will ing to do. Now the WDL calls upon other labor organizations al so to protest against the system now in vogue. Renewed attention has been foc used on the matter by the resign ation of Paul G. Voeliter, manager of the CPS camp in Germfask, I .Michigan. “This action is taken ioniy after familiarising myself I llioroughly with the situation,*' •Mr. Voelker, a Michigan resident of independent means, declared. "1 have found the selective serv ice treatment of men in this CK camp to be the re-establishment of slavery in this nation and the punishment of men whose con- jcience does n o t permit their participation in war. As a liber ty-loving American citizen and , ex-serviceman, I cannot take part I in the administering of a system j of unpaid forced labor.** miww Evansville, Ind. — (WDL) ~ With the case against them for disorderly conduct dismissed, Ann Rodgers and Eleaxror Guttmann, the two young women arrested here tor ref*ising to observe res taurant jim-crow rules and for protesting against segregation in a democratic society, have suit foi false arrest and for enforcement ot the state civil rights act When they sat in the section marked "For Color.-d Patrons Only’* and refused to shift over to the "white section’* because of their belief in racism, the two were arrested and found guilty of disorderly conduct. Appeal to the circuit court, where members of the Workers Defense League as well as of the National Associa- tor the Advancement of Col* o:ed People, assisted, resulted .n dismissal RALEIGH BOY RCCEI^'ES COMMISSION aiLc'iition to the "outrageously I sweeping gram of power " confer- ilN MEDICINE rvi“~^v:«|Srr«|=SiSETSeRECEi)ENT tune lu d.> justifi H..i\ W. i’ im mber of Congress as follows: would havt bvuii ou st-ems mconceivable that time to see tliat jutir.- bt d..n.. f«kcbvd a war stage when to » ...I'.i.v .iv i. 1, , ' ^ clearly evident mat the to a itIali\L]> if lp,c>a i'uiiu.er German armies are decisively de- ot the minority lai*- ifcated, Congress would even con- "Let us have this lieaiii.g, TiiLivthe passage of a bill that IS no other propei tJuif lu do’ ol slavery. The working , incu skill and service, contribut- n ..n of the eommL-«>ion. said: 'ua very largely to the inevitable dtleat of the German armies. To maki’ these workers subject lo ' "niinai-d on back page) "As far a.s I ..in per.sonailv cun kintd. I think the L..uncv . , closed." Smithfield Herald, Local White Pa per, Takes Stand On Voting Issue By Carl 1.. Easterling SMITHFIELD - On March 26, the Editor of the Smithfield Herald, a bi-weekly, while pape; has the following to say about tti^ Negro vote issue which loomed in the town last week. “A commendable spirit of coopera tion lor a number of years has been developing between tlie whites and the Negroes of Smithfield and it is regretable tliat a nft has occurred ; in the good relations between the races as a result of the refusal of without ha\ii.^ U ItLl. i'lie iiu-ni iltj! he Mould le.'imi bcluie he Mould regi.-tfi any .^’cgloe^ " Tu llu cifdil uf W R. Culhn^. principal uf ih- Juh,. un Couinv •iti.iwng School, ai.d die oll.er Ne- gio leaders, iiu el'loii has been n.ude lu 'herd' .Nfi;ioe> ii.tu ic-givtijtiun to becuire the pa.cn- of politician.:. .Rather, iht- .\.giij UadLiaiiip in Smithfield h.i- encu ir.iiifd. un a giuduai ba-i-, uiilj- tin rpgistiatiui, of Negi'oe.s who am heln v« d to poi^ess the iiii, lli^enit- nrcesMirv for free judgment. Racial d H . and any hiK-n Minies. they aie drarted into the made llu- bi„u- .unied luices, they shed their bloixl 'll the battlefield.s :ilong side uf • l.ito roldicrs. If they are asked I - pill tluir bloud fur democracy, e huiiui-ably deny them the righ; ;h;.r m the democracy for whirti tiey fighf on liie ([, th. i.e .N'egiues of .Smithfield ar«- not •tant Even in face of thi.; latest ■;«( k in then - triving lu gain ociiiic lights tu Mhich they are Ik'd lln-y have not chosen to re- tu militancy. Th«y have pre* ed I'l stay out of court on the • veil though unquestionably .' could ultimately '-in & victory Registrar Alex Holman to register Negro citizens for voting m the town primary. Registrar Holman denied any dis crimination against the Negroes on,"**^’ -■^'nciicj and the soon account of race or color, but tlve.V peiplv kc-iieiiJly ifcogniz,; weight of the evidence does not Ix-ttei it will be for •cem to support his position Alt W'l.t^ .i- well NV Racial the Negroes who presented tliem- ‘lifri-iniiii..tijii is ..n i:;i- way out be- selves for registration — more than d '?> fiu-damt-nially wioiig. It 76 of them were turned down. *rhe contrary tu th»- very liearl of the registrar, following hli mterpreta- t®achm« of Je.'^us Child It i. speci- tion of the state law. wa* careful to '■ ^Kuily forbidden by ih. Cor -ilitu- demand that the Negroes explain the United States. ■I the constitution to his personal ‘sal- Negroes pay taxer they are sub- teed them by the highest aDd^ir* liafactiOD’ Whites were registered jectc-d to the same laws that govern ,n the land," F.ut hf.w l..ng Mill the Negroes re- I >'11 fi'uin militancy or beligeren- c> rii tht-ir struggle for basic rights'.* hilt depend upon how soon the ma- J -riiy race frees itself from deep- 1 "i d piejudices and refrains from ; living Negroes fundamental dem ocratic piviteges which are guaran Breaking aii medicai precedents anu crasiiuig aii quesuuna ot race. Dr. N. U. CaUOM'ay, liaz wexi 'iaylor bux-ei. aas ue^u appoiiiUd lu Uie sum ot me University ol ijiiiiuis nospiUili, iiei'j ill unicugo, ai me medical senuol with me rank ot nuuse pnysician. He is in ciiarge ol m« waid ol research medicuic Where patients are ad mitted lor Uie purpose ot mien- i Sive study m diagnosis and irea .- mont. The ward which Dr. Calloway oirecu IS ultra modern m its org anization. it has the latest ap pointments uicluding several au- conditiuned rooms, some of w .ikh may be varied from 20 below ze ro to 120 above m order tu ob serve the effects uf temperature, a study which is of value to mili tary operations. The ward has a complete per sonnel of interns, nurses, physiol ogists, dietician and a staff 11 spt cially tramed chemists to car ry out the various studies on the patients. Dr. Calloway's duties are to plan and direct the activities on the ward incl'jding the medical care in conjunction with improv ed diagnostic procedures and im proved treatment. Besides this work. Dr. Calloway works on the regular wards of the department of internal medi cine and is establishing methods in the hospital, to study diseases difficult to diagnose. Among these methods are procedures to recognize early body changes and the diagnosis of glandular disor ders. . Dr. Calloway has spent many years in prmaration for such (Continued on back page) i Col. Johnson, executive asAitabt to director of SelecUve Service. •Major General Lewi* B. Hershey. will be one of the speakers at the I9th Annual Public Welfare Insti tute for North Carolina Negro So cial Workers in Raleigh. Col. Johnson has special charge of matters pertaining to racial min- oriUes in connection with the operation of Selective Service System throughout the United States and insular possessions. Re 3 a veteran of World War I and as been connected with Selec Uve Service since inception. A graduate of Huward University, college and law school, member of the bar of the District of Colum bia and of North Carolina, he Is prominently identified with social work and race relations. Colonel Johnson is a member of the Board of Indeterminate Se ence and Parole of the Dii- tiici of Columbia, the ^ard of Directors of the Industrial Bank of Washington; and instructor in social science at Howard Univer sity. He was formerly executive secretary of the Twelfth Street Branch YMCA Washington, O. C. Harry p. Winston of Raleigh upon his recent graduation from ■ Army Air Field at Tuskegee, Ala., received the commission of flight officer and his pilot wings. He graduated from Virginia State College In J942 and served as a swimming instructor at the college He also was a member of the var- ■ilty wrestling te. ns there Flight Office '-Vinstoo is the son of Mrs. M. M V nston of this city — were^^feu^Tabdaie^T^ht House, because a majority of the voter* m their States were barred from voting by the poll The States involved are Alabama. South Carolina, Texas, Arkansas .\iississippi, Tennessee and Virginia. Georgia was on the list but was dropped when it rej^ealed its poll tax statute. •V f»T«tlve Director, arc the prui pal speakers announced for the 11 annual Public Weliare Insuiute . Negro Social Worker* to be hi here Wednesday, Thuraday, a Friday, April li-iS, Dr. Shepard will address the gt era! session at g o’clock Thurso night m Grecnleaf Hall at Shi University and CoL Johnson, sche uled for two addresses, v'lU spe at the opening duiner meeting a o'clock Wednesday night tn t Arcade Hotel Dinning Room a again Friday afternoon at 13:18 the Cheshire Meinoriai Building St- Augustine's College. I John R. Larkins, cunsultact ! Negro work in the State Dep« WASHINGTON, D. C.—In leati- of Welfare, ii) in tharge of i Onv Marrli U oiinn/trt in.> days' SeSSlOHS whien whlrh nn iNAAU* Aiikii HEALIU 6lLLAAlL>DJVlti\r iU All) ISEGKU mam WAiiHlNUTON, D. C.—-In leSU- mony Marcii 22 supporting inei^ days' sessions which which i principle oi the biU (S. lyi) ^o, Wednesday with registration ai amend the public UuaiUi Service i'^^kustine's College’s Cheshire Act, Dr. Louis T. Wrigni, N. A A ")orial Building where all day C. P. Board member told the htm- =»‘ons will be held, ale Education & Lab >r Commit- Ellen Winston, Commissi lee that because ol tue inequil- ‘^f Welfare, will address the ii able manner in which certain"^^ at 11;30 Wednesday, and states allocate tneir own general | Preside at the session Thun lunda under the present system, i at Shaw University when clinical and hospital care for Ne- -'^hepard addieses the institute groes IS praclicaliy non-existent.: ‘-gain at the concluding Friday In support Ol his stand for an I icrnoon session at St. August! amendment to insure medical as-1 College. sislanxw to Negro patients and' PnrlicipanL. and topics listed E iolect Negro members of the toe first day’s meeting incl'K* ledical proiession. Dr. Wright de- i.seussion of "Planning m C cla^ tnat a while person who Work PracUci” led by Miss A is ill has 14 times a better chanci \. Casaat 2-4; 15 Wedne-day "Wi of recovery than a Negro. He ,y Work PIa„ locliidln, Tone said that the Negro sutlers more . .-Scheduled Conferences n eta* from all sorts ot diseases than 'ecf.rd Study Calls in t whites as a direct result of wide «««- » • differentials between amounts spent by the states on public health. Current figures, he point ed out. "show that infant mortali- job." Miss Thedn Knr. B. ty is 69% higher than for whites,: 2;45.3;20- "Checks Case Worker toat a Negro child has an average I u.,e to Insure Flow^f Work life expectoncy of only 53 years 'i-—-« ^ "oric in contrast to a white child who can look forward to 65.’’ * Blames DUcriminaiion Dr. Wright explained, from ; medical standpoint, these differ (Continued o ’ '»d Office Inter- iews.’ .Mrs.i ice Clark Harrisun 2-2;4S; “U*( y Sheets, Note Books; axx) Ol I vices In Doing the Case Work ! Job," Mls.« Theda Bara I back page) Or. Winston, Commissioner of Public Welfare, will deliver the initial address at the 19th Annual Public Welfare Instittue for Ne gro Social Workers. She is a graduate of the Uni versity of Chicago, where she re ceived the A. M. and Ph D. de grees. Further study as been at the University of North Carolina. Dr. Winston has served the Fed eral Oovernment in various capa cities. She is the author of num erous articles and studies. Recent ly she collaborated with Richard Sterner and others in the writing of a book “The Negro’s Shue.” Dr. Winston Iz an accepted au thority in her field throughout the country. Dr. James E. Shepard, president of North Carolina College for Ne groes, who along with Col. Camp bell C. Johnson, will be the prin cipal speakers at the 19th Annual Welfare Institute for Social Work ers to T held here Wednesday. Thuraday and Friday, April U-IJ. Total overage. Tlie second day's meetings bi ■it 9;30 Thursday morning with 1 Annie D. Singfield and Mrs. Ji eto Sills discussing “Problems lated to explaining EligibUi Other topics to be discussed dui Ihe day Include “Ways of MaJ Clear to Clients Their Rights, eluding the Right fn AppeaL" J Ada McRnckan, 10:15 to 11:00 a. "The Psychological Services of Stale Board of Public Welfi ; Miss Marian S'-''’land, 11:10 j 12:00; “The Case Worker's Reij Isibllity After the Psychological ' Has Been Made,” Mis Gladys S ford. 12-12:45. Mrs. Isabelle K. Carter will 1 a special discus.sion immedla' after lunch and Miss Muriel ! Lsuchlin will discuss “PsychIa Social Work in a State Heap* during the same period, 2 to Miss Annie Mae Pattillo will the discussion of "Use Made of C munlty Resources by Case Work from 2:43 to 3 15. Miss Mac Holmes and P R. Brown cone the afternoon’s discussion with t interpreatlon of “The Responslb tr Children Discharged From ( re. inal Institutions." Frank A. Daniels, member of State Board of Welfare. U sc uled to participate In Thur night’s session at Shaw Unlve where Welfare Commissioner Ellen Winston will preside and James E. Shepard will dc4K-ei main speech. John R. Larkins. State wei consultant and director of the I (Continued on back xiage}

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