PAGE TWO THE CAROLINIAN SATURDAY. Af>RlL'7.1846 Raleigh Personals BY VIVIAN MtLKNDON The R. U. S. held iheir iumual auarlerly buaid lucelHiu iasl Friday at Ihp Union Hall ..a West South! SI with the ijic.'idcal, Wi. U- R. 'lusidiiiij. The oac day .•ed to be a very i.ueceashd . lor the group. r..e F'idehty Lodge No. 211 ol j Klka and Capitol City Teiaple No. 310 will liold their bduculioiial Day Program at the Saint Alallhew Church on Sunday. Apul ttth at 3 30. The public is coidially invited. Mr. 1.. H. Wilcox, Lxallfd Kulei. Mrs. ilissie H. Cliuvib. Lit. Hulti and Mr. U. Towiies. iiiaslei ol ccie- inoniea. The Idle-A-While Social Club met at the home ol Mis. Hazel Williams, Club piesideiiL, .*1 lUid South » son Street on Thursday night. Alter Ihc ol the, a avli- cious Ii.joid by all present. The Marching Team of Flka w.ll meet on Wednesday nigh’, Apul 11 at the home ot Miss F.lizabelh I’ugh 505 South Saiidei.-* Slicel All men. bers arc iiiged to attend Mrs. C. S Ininci spent the hoh- days visiting .MisS nciliude- Wi liams .\lK .Mum Oi'ol. Savaii nab. Gu. Mrs. Frazer .il e.iy la..; 1 . ui umlc .'ta; [•lived in the cap.- IP- e llai 1 Misses I.uiiisc .Sp. aimai. Thelma Nehon visited Miss S mans paieiiLs m l.nmbeitoii uve-i j the vvee'k end. Mis. Minnie Thomas Buckle of 1201 Fast tame Stievi and her lit tle giandsoii. George, Jr, Wedne.vday. March 28th. lor New York. N. Y.. to visit her sons Mr und Mrs. Samuel Thomas and Air and Mrs. Alexander Thomas. 4lli W, 147th Street Progie-ssive* Cotmcil of Flks will meet at the Elk’s Home on Monuay. April nth at 8:00. The Booker T V’ashinglon Club will meet Tuesday night at the , home of Mr. and Mrs. Cobb, 405 West Lenoir Street. April 10th Mrs. Oriie Chavis of -120 Smith St. spent the holidays in Hamlet, where she j lined her husband. Mrs. John Lewis of 423 SouUi Swain Street celebrated her birth day recently with a dinner party at her home. Mis;, Eva Mae Cress of 713 ^‘St Martin Street, celebrlaed Inrth- day on Monday, April 2nd. Sh'- eiiurlained by several friends with a surprise party. A welcome newcomer to Raleigh is Mrs. Charles Rivera Fraicr. Jr.. the former Misa Val of Nashville. Tenn.. and St. PauL Minnesota. ruZciV "t I-:- I Hci uu;iOunU, LI.. L. 11- li-i-'v.. . ar., - uCvl.t glaamiic oI eltna.ij .kd.c.o CoiltgC. •- .mcUillle at UlU 11..e ut me Loii.i. U. I t.ilups Uos- ,Uul .1. il. Louis, .UO. rills .s .Vila I'laZcl scculid trip N..llli I -a. ilie lolUicuJ taught ..lid u.ii-ileU u.-mulKs al .N.,UU I alulma .-Mate Co.iegc HI IJuUiaiii. Mi> r.a/e. IS a giau.iatv of f isr, ClilVLl.-,.ly and sue has dolii li Hi the luk Luivclsity .•vbhi.H>l of tine Alls. The Cos:i.cU1ob.=1 Club ol Kai- 1 iiii.t at till' ..aii.e ol Mis. .Vial- llawcs on .-'vpiil 3. iy4' H‘ tiice i'f Ike piesiUei.l, me mvet- \\u.- lutormally aim lulls f’he bpimg z\l- r u.e OU.-...CSS was lakei. val Ol. • • V- •.•.».e playd :U ..pp. plait coll....-m‘b ol led vhickiu. tu.Uvi git.i. peas, Iiiulo salad .cU-J liot loll- Ke lea ... ;Jh uiv*".i,t' ..nd i.vim- mai*' ii.d i-ike tiii >:t.-eil. V pu-iUt U-. .Mu t•^ CoA- • u HUaii.. ^ I' I •“ .iji,,,-, i.'ii.i ,i.t |. . |‘ii 1 .'•aaiidels aiid is. 'Itiv.iiia Wc •••.cii- nappy to kav. ItMl-i. of T..IO.... Uwad .. 1 iiiW I. einbci. Ill.OODVlOlMli ST. L3U Sl'O-SSOKS t..VsT LK IKOLIC H.\LE1GH TTie Blooilworlh St L'SO eiitei l.iiiicd .' servicemen [ fioimCainp Buiiiei. Fo.l Bragg, and ivaii.p l.ejuue with a easier Fiulu | : 1. i.aa.., Ap. il 2. I IT:, days acl.vity began with a aMukfa..l ii.iiice .it the Club ti'.iii :y.3o a. Ill I'l I2.3l> p. m. This was loUoWed oy a .'troll to the Chavis Hiiglits Rceic.i'.i.iii Cciilei wijeie a .'ofiOail gaii.e wa' staged between jEUs auii iviviceiueii icatuinig ' ixed ti.iiiis One CiSO puls it this .v.iy • Alter mis'ing more balls 11..11 w caiiglii 11; ,'hghtly tired Hill juuilaiil Seiviccinen and GSOs ."iiirii d to lie- club for an egg hunt V'. Inch bad been prcparetl by ■e uiii'Clor. Mr Taylor, olhci st.ilf iii hi i- .iiid Volunteers.” On the stinll to the paik and buck .'iiap .hot.' weic lakt n oi !.• cioup. S' ... 'i .’cii egg' w.-re found I uihI ihi' side and back of the N. C. College Schedules 4th An nual Marriage Family Conference I DURHAM — ■'Iinpiovement of ; P,-r.-ionul R. latioiiships that lead lo- I ward' better Marriage and Family Life" is the theme of the 4th annual ciinferciue on the onservallon of Marriage and the Family to he held here at North Carolina State Col- biiilding. Hi.:.- -r the Whi' there Setoi'd lift-' to be I' filtered Ihe main club .i':d. took pait Hiiia ' Sgt Paul 'III' pi /.e and .Miss Thi- d.iys acti- •ilh lur.'rmal g.iiiit's ii.f.' at Life ’ Miss Grace Reeves, director of the Hampton Institute Ueparl- ment of Home Economics. "The Role of the New Family m the Postwar Period" and Edward Stainbrook, Duke University psychologist. "A p.sychology for a Democracy.” Other participants on the program ■who will serve as chairman consult ants and leaders of special interest areas include Dr. Muriel PetlonI Woolfolk of Bennett College. Greensboro; Dr. Flimmie P. Kil- trell Howard University, Washing ton; Mrs. Marie B. Schanks. Plan- nei Parenthood Federation, New York City; Mrs. Dorothy Miller, principal of the Margaret Washing ton Volational School, Washington, D C • Mrs Louise THpg. health ed ucator. Alabama State Department of Public He.iUh. Montgomery; Mrs. YWCA HAPPENINGS KALEIGH — On April 14, from 3:00 to 5:00 p. m...*U T. W. C. A. members trtU rMber at (Itc Central YWCA to vote on national YWCA Imaes and dls- cUM plans which were to have Deen part of National Convtsi- Uon plana. Becauso the National Con vention been called off, this process of disposing of Nation al Imues Is very neeeaaary. All KoJou.ner Truth-YWCA mem bers are urged to attend. Thia is an All Association Meeting of Branch and Central members. Mrs. Nora E. Lockhart la the Branch Delegate. CARTER Electric Company Anything Electrical 3 East Lenlor St Dial 20841 ITu- Fuuilu Wald Fluial Club nu t ,t ilu liuii.v ol .Mis. Same Giuy k.u-ii '■! Tik iiivvliue vvjs ver, McvsbuB A mail vv... giNcu to vb'' l.uL. UaVi' m.idt oy llu ir.em- Lers. The clul. was vvivvu by Mrs Giav-Mi's. A dvi.ciwui cdui.v of pulala salad, p.cklv. Olangf ItC, viiidy. Next .mcling will be wiU. Mis. Bvidiv Huiilti-' Members piv.'eni follow. Mes May 1' l-"y. "(--“‘““V Hiith D.ivts. Iica.ui.i; lia la ‘■‘J- .vcRlay, May W.ll.aj.. SM- lie Giay. Ella Crosslmg. Ada Bat I'hcr, Maiy Johtis. i., Della DilHc, Builk Lak. Davis, BU.ucbaid Dov- .-r Col .c‘li. .-AiUims, Hatt.e Johii- v.,n. E-s;.n MvddUn. El - , Ulvi.n, Matlio WilliuiJ'.s. Eliza beth I’ugh. Margaret Bulchei. Fran cis Butcher. .'..ief Petty office.- Harold S \datns spent Easier weei;eml with :.,s family. Mrs. Corume b. Adams sons. Haiold and Ullie. Chiel ns IS stationed at Earle. N. J- aiiu was b.rmeily attached to Uie local Navy Recruiting station Cluef ai.d Mu H. S. Adams had a.s their holiday guests, and Mis. Harmon Fiteh. Sgt. Pitch |,s stationed at Camp LeJuene. N t Ml. K.Mh ".“K'"* ““ T li,; win.loTi.SMcm where she Is a ' teacher. SM. F.tch's i lormcr rank- iini{ national tennis star. V - • ■ - (,S0 Gil ls To Kiilei lain kAl.Fliill ihc GSO of the L, a j.voilh SUi-il L*SO Will eiiter- ,1111 a Qii.iil--rnisat'r TiiicKiiig Unit ;i.c t.Iuu FiKliiy Evening. April i.i. ol » p. ni. with a formal dance .ally .vuinissioit to tile paily will H- .-y GSo caids only. OBEHUN k6^ news BY A.W K. MORGAN Cfil. Eparg-oii Hayo'. Jr, has not- .lied Ms paieiii.', .M;. and Mrs bp.irgi-on', of hi, safe airival :i. France. Ee .mail I'l Class Ri-beit Durham, of U. S, Navy, i.' in the city visiting MS paiei.ts, .Mr. and Mis. Charles Durham on ObeiTln H -ad. He is sta- '.loned at Oieul Lakes, HI On re- l.nniiig he will stop I'l Ilariisburg, '■ ■ v .-.t o'her friends and rela- N'o’ira Mae Manuel of Gietiis'ooro k..d as-her week end gue-i, .Mr> Rebecca Manuel and '.lUphli-r, Kathleen, and Helen ■. fliiiiler. Mrn. J-’lia Blown i, visiting her ....'band 111 Flulida. Mi.-ssis Ins Peelik.'. Mary Leake. > btia Fields and Juanita Stratford •pcin Easter Sunday visiting friends .1 N C. State College, Durham. Mr. Herbert L. Kelly, Sr., visited relatives in Durham during the FasliT holidays. Miss Margaret Manuel and Mr. .Nathaniel- Hunter of Mary Potter, Oxfutd. visited their relatives dur ing the holidays. Mr CTiri'topher D^bnam of A. Mis (li.idys Ho.^land Gloves, direi-lor of llie .M.iiiiagi and Fam ily Count-.I ol Ci.apel HiU and piof. h.'oi f sociology in the grad uate sehuol at North Cai-.lma Col kge, 1.' due. ting the 4lii annual am.-i'lice oil the Conservation of ki.iiagi- olid III. Family convm- ig at the eolk-gC Friday and Sat- .vlay. Apul U-i. Mrs. Groves. li,. eslabli.shed the conference ,i iy4l, IS an outstanding authori ty .,11 and family prob- gi- April (i l. Co-sponsoied by the college and the n;arriag- and family council, the conference this yci r. as for the past three years, will be under the direction of Mrs. (llaovs Huagland Binves of Chapel Hill noted author ity on marriage and family prob- Proiniiwnl among the speakers •hedulcd to i-ddrcss the two days’ sessions whlrh will meet in Duke Auditorium and the college’s Ad- ministrati'n Building, are Charles > Bniwmine. nation,.! representa- "f l!>e Chicago D.fender who will spenk FraL.y niphl in Duke .\iidi1orinm on "What Newspapers Can I)n For Marriage and Family ,s Mrs. Charles winston-Salem where’.m’ n the former Mis.s Val 11'‘cher Sgt. Fitch is h lormcr rank of Nashvillo. Tenn.. ond SI. io„„is olar. Minnesota. “ QfTheNews BY ATTY. ROGER D. O’KELLY EASIER iMfi Nu Eukler since Uuie began lia;. known niure suf'feiing than has Uie bcasou which is now euuing. No spriiigliuie iiiia brought uss hope, 'i'hiuughuul must ol the habitable eaiUi inulheis cry like it.tchei for their bons. and will not oc cutu- furteJ for Uteir sons ai dead ui treading llie dusty way > dcatli Fathers blinded by li-ai.' stfl the nans of Uieir homes to luid the bodies of Uieir children. Man's in humanity to null has dune its W'ursl. It has mounted to the heav ens, towards which eyes were once Riled for mercy, and swept tRv world wiUi luc and dcstiueUon. But when Ilian has done lus worst he must still reckon wUli God. Once before we did our worst. On cal vary- we eiuclRed Jesu.' Christ Then God did Ins best. On EasUi lie raised Christ fiom the dead, to become llie first iruils of them Uiul slept. For us in Adam all die, even 80 111 Chiist shall all be made aUve. Almiglity God, who through Thine only begotten sun, Jesus Christ, has overcome dealii and opened unto us the gate of eveilasiing life; wc humbly beseech Thee that, as by Thine special grace preventing us Thou dost put unto our minds goixl desire, so by Tliy continued help we may bring the same to good effect through Jesus Christ out Lord, who hvelh and reigned with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God world without end. Amen. I Editorial the Christian Century of March 28. 1945. ) GEORGIA’S BETTER WAY Repeal ol Uie poll tax by South ern States is better than a statute by Congress for’oiddiiig poll uxes. The best law, the enduring and the respected law, is an expression ol the common sense of the people af fected. So Georgia’s repeal of the poll tax is a milestone in our hls- ti.ry. The Georgi.i of Governor El lis Arnall is a different and a bet ter place than the realm in which his predecessor, Gene TaUnadge, rose to power by appealing to the basest instincts of hl.s fellow citi zens. The poll tax is obviously a com plex and a highly poliUcal issue both North and South. Long ago the payment of taxes was the gen eral qiiullficalions for voting thru- out the land. Gradually men who didn't pay taxes won the right to vote. The property qualification was '“removed so far as white men over 21 years of age were concerned. Much later, years Thter In soi^ states, women also were permitted to vote. Meantime In some South ern states, poll taxes were used for a new purpose. This was to restrict voting by Negroes. The Civil War amendments made indirection nec- e.ssaiy if voting were to be liniiled au allei tile lUCoiiatiuclioii ye-ns, Uetieei.-. the giaiidUlhci clause, Uic poll tax and other sclielues le piC- veiil Nkbieca iioii; '.oUiig were tried. The poll lux lurvivcu the cuiisUluiional oidi-ai ol die iusl iew decades uulu it came under poliU cal alUck, As long as Uu- Negio popululU'ii if Norlhelu bUlea wa.-, „iiiali, iheic was Rule agiWlion Noiln or buolli for lilt- repeal of the poU taXea. When, however, Negro volea in Haileui, for exui.iple, evuld uelcr- liiliie the vole of New Yolk Guy, or of tile Slate oi of ,1 eloae I'rea idential election, the a.iuaiioii wa, radically changed. The inuvenieiil of Ncgiocs lion the SouUi to the Noilh ui.d Wea. erealeu the demand in Gongrcas lot a bUilule outlawing puU laxo .Many cungreasmen and olliura have aaid that a fedeial act would be uiiconstituUonal. Opinions of huii eat men aa to llie authority of Con- giess diifer, but the question ol conslitutionalily is real. ,More press ing than coiialitutionai doubts haa been die urgency felt by congrcaainen. The Negio vole, onee for yiais. KepuObcans ami Demo- eiats alike Iruin Ikinois, Ohio, Fcnnsylvumu, New York and other slruiig indiiatrial alates have clam ored for aiiti-poll-iax legislation in order to hold or regain the Negro vote. These practical poRlical consider ations are upail from the merits ol poU-lax repeal. Of course, the poU taxes should be repealed. Negroes and whiles, men and women, should be enfranchised on the same terms, .md the payment of poll tax should mn be the test of fi’ness to vote. But il is vastly better to have the restriction removed voluntarily by the Stairs that impooed them than to hove the central govern- nicnt impose its political wUl thru- out the land. Compulsion is something unavoid able. but persuasion is greatly to be preferred. In a m:dKr as deli cate as race relation?, oil the good attainable is needed. So the nation will hope that the other seven states that retain poll Ifix laws will follow Georgia's lead. Ediorlal Collier’s of April 7. 194.D INJI RED IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENT .Mi>s Ar.-ig.iim aklllWi allU Ml. Nathaniel Hunter of Mary Potter. Ox(ord,^ visited Uietr relatives dur ing the holidays. •Mr. Christopher Df.bnam of A. and T. College, Giecnsboru spent the holidays with relatives in .the ity. .Miss Cora M. Smith of Durham was the week end guest of Miss Mary Kelly, .Miss Doris Malone of Sedalia, vis- Utd her parenls over llie week end Holidays. Miss ARce G. Bust had as her week end guest I’fc. John N. Tor- :ciice of Greensboro. .Mrs. Gertrude Webb continues Hi ..t her home on UbeiTm Road. Mrs, Callienne L. Kelly is ill at her home on Cluinberlain Street, We wish her much speed in iccovcriiig. Mrs. Lizzie Gaiter and sou, Mr. Howard Penix of Greensboro, were the holiday guests of relatives m .e city. .Miss Nannie Morgan spent the _aster Holidays iu Ph.ludelhpia. Pa.. riMting relatives. Fuends and relatives regret to k-arn of the pa.'Sing ol .Mrs. Paulin: Chiisliiias who died uu Saturday. Fuiieial sLivjce.-, were lielu at Ute ObeiTm Baptist Church on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Wall of Bal iiiuuic-, iMd.. are visiting friends and .lauves in the city. The ii.eiidly Nine Roeial Club met at the home of Mrs. Josenia Till- man on Thursday evening. Miss Grace Reeves, head of the Haniploii Institute Home Econo mics Uepui iment, was on program for the kevnole opening speech of the 4lli annual Marriage and Family Conference convening at Norlh GaiuUna College in Dur ham April C and 7. A former professor at Columbia University in New York and at Plum Blos som College iu Osaka Japan. Miss Reeves was listed to discuss "zhe postwar Family.” _ ; Jessie P. Guzman, director of Ref erence and He.-,earch, Tuskegee In stilute and many local and State authorities. AugirenUiig the assistance ol the limited number of outside special Ists in marriage and family prob lems, members of the North Caro lina College faculty will parUcipaie as chairman of geneial group oia- cussions. leaders of forums, and special consultants. In addition to Mrs Groves, who communtes from her work at the University of NdYtft Carolina In Chapel HIU In clude, Dr. Joseph H. Taylor and Dr. John Hope Franklin nf the Depart ment of History. Charles A. Ray, di rector of the News Bureau, the Rev. H H Mitchell, college minister and Miss Gladys M. Brown, win some North Carolina Stale Col lege, Durham, senior Sociology major, has been elected "Burma Sweetheart” by a contingent of U, S. American Aviation Engin eers stationed along the famous Ledo Road in Burma in the Chi na Burma India Theatre. Notice of Miss Browns' selection as "Hruma Sweetheart” was con tained in a communication sent to North Carolina College last month by Cpl FrisseU Lassiter of Rich mond. Va,, reporter for the GI’s in India all of whom he said had bren in the CBI theatre for more than 30 months. Miss Brown, whose home town is Handsom. Va.. was elected through the efforts of the follow ing Gl’s; Cpl. John Gordon of Louisa, Va : Pfe Edward Shipman of Lumber- ton N. C ; Cpl- Maurice Davis of Boston, Mass: Pvt, Redrica Bron- chee of New Haven. Conm; S^- Roy Kay of Anderson, S. C., Sp, Levy Sanders of Charleston, a. c., Sgt Torrls Tacneau of New Or- leans, La.; Cpl. William B'cMr- son ol Charleston. S C.l Pvt Curtis Wrenn of Rlchmo^. Va., Sgt Marion 'Walton of Jeffersom Tex,; and Cpl. FrisseU Lassiter of RichmMid, Va. SHAW I NIVEBSITY HOST TO N. f. STUDENT HEALTH A88 N The North Carolina Indent Health AssoolBlion will hold lu Meeting on April 20 and 21 at Shaw University, The State was to have been ho« to the Na tional Association this this meeting has been rompllsnee with «>-J“*Sg.«on Ofllce ol Defense Transpo^Uon Arthur P. Chlppey. ta science at St. Augustine t College is SesMent of the association and Miss Jennie L. Douglass Is founder and executive director. For PenoaaUaed Hud Laundry Phone GOO MODERN Hand Laundry 411 ObwllB Road CAPITAL CAB Oa DRIVE IN CLEANERS Cash and Carry 325 S. Bloodworth St. WE CABBY A FULL LINB OF BEAUTY and BABBEB Write For Price LUU We Ship Anywhere KUREX Beauty Products Co. 1730 FULTON 8TBEET BrMklya. (18i, New York A study of cotton farms in South Carofma reveals that ’I' •’if” farms made the lowest yields. Starmer bad If. « cost him more per pound to pro duce the cotton. 9137 FOR TASTY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN’S Tea Room :hicken shack Half Chicknn or A Chicken Sandwich BEER SOFT DRINKS Comer Croat end Leke St. PAINT - PAINT 1 HOME-COOKED FOODS And what a weal It wUl be— wasoaed exaetiy right, and av- ery dish boaaUng a real haoie •oaked ftovar. b&hcafe 411 8. JBtOUNT 8T. ■ ■ !■ .1^ I a TMENBW Royal Friday and Saturday BUSTER CRABBE — In VALLEY OF VENGEANCE' -ako- OTTO KRUGER — In "THEY LIVE IN FEAR" Sunday and Monday BOB LIVINGSTON — In "PRIDE OF THE PLAINS" Tuaaday and Wadnaaday “HIS HARLEM WIFE" with an All Star Colorad Caaf Thursday BARGAIN DAY Doubla Faatura Dr. Fleiiiuiic 1*. KiiU'cll of Wush- hiiigloii, D. C., head «! the How ard Univci.^ily Home Economics Uepaiimcnt, was sthcduled to participate on a special panel dis cussion of "Improvcniciits of Per- buiial Relationships that lead to ward better Marriages’ at the an nual Marriage and Family Con ference in Durham this week. Dr. Kittrell is active in Negro wom en's orgiinizailious in many sec tions of the country. liiuudwui-lii oireel o3U Lutertaius killi luazy luu-uivai vluJo. Uf. Jllll'llll 11. ‘JJlhl an. John Hope Franklin nf the Depart ment of History. Charles A. Ray, di rector of the News Bureau, the Rev. H H Mitchell, college minister and Dr. Leroy Russell Swift, director of the college’s Department of Pub- lie Health. Several outslaiidlng Durhamites from the educational religious and business fields are on program dur ing the two days’ meetings. Includ ed in this group are Dr. Miles M Fisher, pastor of the White Rock Baptist Church; Miss Rupert Blanchhard, secretary of Harriet, Tubman YWCA; Mrs. Plorlce Holmes, dean of girls at Hillside High School; Mrs. Ethel Wiggins and Mrs. Catherine Oroves Peele. of the Durham Family Service As sociation; W. J Kennedy. Jr,, ylw president of the N. C, Mutual Life Insurance Company and R. N. Har ris. of the Bankers' Fire Insurance Company. , Dr. Milton J. Rosenau, director of public healUi at the University o* Norlli Carolina. Mrs. Ada M. J**’'*** gin, president of the North Caro lina Conference of Parents and Teachers and Mrs, Alberta Levlng* ston of RaU-igh. Family Life Co-or- ilinator. are among other partici pants scheduled for Ihe sessions (llll'y UIV I PAINT - PAINT 1.49 Cal. 11 TMT* ol aatlalnclion* ColSJSsialia Railroad Salvage Co. 32# South Wilmington St OiAViSUElCUiS i’vt. Ciavio T. V*’aiicii ol Fort Devon ib visiimg his wite, Mrs. Ger- Uude Bates Waiivii of 14 Simlli i’laza. J’vl. Eugene Wi-al«.i was home ioUiiig Ins family ol 12 Graiidvilie mace ever Uii holidays. Ihc Rev. and Alls. 1’. H- John- jii and .'on and aMr. and *Vlrs. Rich mond Sanders were the uiunei xjcsls oi Mr.-. Eaftio Jacksou of 2 Smiih Plaza on Ea.'tc. Monday. pvt. William Duvis, Sr., ol New JciNcy is plaiiiiiiig to vis*l in-' fami ly who lives at b Smith Plaza Uns L-ek. BURNS FATAL TO PRISONER Mrs. John A. High and futnily ol Chavis Way spe-m Uie Easter lioliduys m Oxlurd, visiting .Mrs. ' High’s parents. Mrs. Alallic Junes of li Chatham Terrace spent the Easter holidays III Chapel Hill with leluUvcs and tric-nds. Mrs. Oscar Kendall of 21 Chavis Way has returned to the city after .spending several day., visiting her hiisbaiKl in New Jersey. .Mrs. atlauel Osburen of 4 Hyde Terrace has relumed home after vi.siting her daughter. Queen, who s in Washington, U. C., and uth- elutives in Baltimore. Md. fvU inends are glad to hear that Mrs. Georganna Hunter of 9 Hyde Terrace is able to be out again after being confined for several days. aMrif. Hester Ferrell of 4 Chavis Way is doing nicely after being on the sick list for seveial days. We wish for her a quick recovery. Mr. Leun Carson of 7 Brunswick Terrace was reported much better after being shut in for several days with a cold. Mrs. Paltie Brown of Cary, was in the city Tuesday visiting her sis ter-in-law, Mrs. Lola Brown of • Chatham Terrace. RALEIGH — demon Barbour of 214 West Lenoir Street, suffered a broken leg and painful bruises F-* day night whin a car Ftruck him oa he crossed West South Street near the railroad underpass. His condi tion is “well as could be expected" at Saint Agnes Hospital The driver of the car was James ! j- ----:. —__ . , __ , Rogers Brown, white, of Raleigh. THE ATTACK ! ? Route 4. ^ itAi-l-JGii Aa a pall ol cei- biatiuii ol Al.L tUuLb L>a> oeie- iialioii at luv B1U0UV.U1IU Z>Ueel .,bU llie UbU apolUtaied a Ki>^ t\.aiiiiVal Salurda>, .Uaich 31. ! alluii pixvcd to be veiy pupulai wiUi bulk seivu-umeii and voluu leers. The club was decoialed wiU buotiis of vaiiuud deaciiplion and crazy slog.uis. Tlie ceiling lights were out and lighling -vta.' luinislied from each booUi- Fealures at the Kamival weie the following; Cryslal Gazing uy Mrs. E. M. Kelly; Apple bobbing by Mrs. Ruby Fain; Lucky Chances by Miss M. E. Leach, tish I’aud by MBs Luciie Norniuu; Wheel of Fortune by Miss GsUy /Yrringlon. The Fieuk Show by AIB^ E. M. Williams featured the ftlurphy Family. Hairless and Leglcsa Dog, Pride and Beauty of Hawaii, Para dise on Ecarth, Ruins of China. For Women Only, For Meu Only, The Three Ink Spots. A Swimming Match, and the Tumblers. Misses Mary Duno and Susie Moure sponsored the "Jitterbug Haven.” The OPA Cafe by Misses Ruby E. Ellison, Morrison, Chandler was Uie center of attraction This fea ture was one of tlie more popular features for It offered a breathing spell from '|)oint m nhematics’ m order tn obtain a marsel of food. Everybody loaded up at this booth arid .'enl the Siuit-k Bar down on crushes for the remainder of the evening. A Chance in a Jug wa-i sponsored by Miss E. M. Mitchell. Mrs. J. M. Strickland of the Bloodworth St. U.SO Staff helped with this feature. Mrs, M. Kearney had charge of the Bowling chances. Other volunteers serving as pro gram assistants were; Misses Cevi lia Phillips and Ernestine Moore. J Mrs. Mary Alice Hmton. mei^ her of the ServicowivcH club serv'" os chairman of the decorating cor mittee. This committee dl do flrj job at getting the carnival effect the club. HENDERSON - An asphalt tank which was being heated for road re pair work exploded at the Vance County prison camp rear here wsi Wednesday and one j-.risoner, Ollle Vick, was fatally burned at a r^t. One guard and six other prison- -8 received severe bums. BUY AN EXTR A BOND! You Too May Get relief FROM ASTHMA SPASMS Do ihutft wheeling tAckekeap you fccm yyj**v„ rob you of half a centiOT BR^WS TOW eounUe* to ot3&xr¥ povroiR^ M ncud. loite •lu Voz |l.l» noner mSa to i» dirtrt. No good, m*^ COIX John K. Brater & Co. me. 3rd Ave, New York, N.Y. (H) CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTUNO CO. 51S W. Morgan 8L ambassador Now FIot’K* "^gprOEO VJCTONV" with — AU ItM Coot •toot* SuDdoy. April 8 BUD ABBOTT ijOXJ COSTEUZJ — Ih '.ftENE COME THE CO-EDE' AprU II - April 17 "MEET ME IN ST. COUIS" with — JUDV OAKIXND MAHGUEBITE O’BRIEN TOU DRAKE la Techatceloi LIAICMAI SUN. -M ON. - TUES. APRIL 8-9-10 Wing And A Prayer THE STORY OF CARRIER X Don Ameche, Dana Andrews, William Eythe “JASPER’S PARADISE” CorToon. NEWS WED. - THURS. APRIL 11 -12 Till We Meet Again StarrinK - RAY MlLLAND, BARBARA BRITTON Cartoon “Big Heel Wolbo” NP«* Chop. 3, “Volley of Voniohmg Mon” with Bill ElKolt Thai the »ed occilort ol • fuDoral U obeerved wUk the ulmoit dlguliy aad boou- ty—U Toa uk MO to Uke care ol erory dotaO- JZL Raleigh Funeral Home C. A, HAYWOOD, Piooldonl Phono 1-18M lUlolsk. North CarsUna 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE FRl. - SAT. APRIL 12 - 14 Texas Rangers Ride Again John Howard, ESlen Drew, Akira Tamirolf alBO Behind Prison Walls with — ALAN BAXTER, GERTRUDE MICHAEL Fr=.~- 4 of “THE MASKED MARVEL”

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