SATURDAY. APRIL 14, 1945 THE CAROUNIAN SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 194S Raleigh Personals BY VIVIAN HcLENDON The B. and I. Girls held Uieir !gular meeting on Thursday night I the USO with Miss Kllu iMuc Wil' ams, president, presiding. Mrs. EUiel Alston Bumcs ul irooklyn, N. Y., is visaing her hus' and, Mr. Coluinhus Buiiies, ut 2Uj annon Street The NAACP will huld their lonthly meeting on April 22iid at 3C First Baptist Chuicli at -1.00 p. I. Mr. A. C. Parrish is president. The marriage of Miss Mary £. Williams, daughter of Mrs. Jose- hine Williams of Duiiiain which ok place on Saturday, March 24U>, . the AM£ Zion Church, Balti* ore, Md.. has been announced by tr mother. Rev. G. W. Edwards of- dated. Students of the Atlanta Univcr. ty School of Library Science in e city for a two week full time us- ganrent are: Miss U. Juanita John- n of Louisville, Ky., Lucille llun- r School library; Mr.-;. Sarah Jane ell, Muskogie, Okla., St. Augus- ne's College library and Mrs lanne M. Watson, Washiiigtoii, U. ., Richard B. liarrisoii library. Miss Hattie M. Day has return'- 1 to the city after .spending a few ays in Plainf.eld, N. J. and New ork City. Mr. T. C. Jervay, editor of ine filmingtun Journal, was in the city lis week on business. Little Miss Odvssia Bethuy is ill t her home on Dawson Street. Sgt. Chester Grant was in the city ver the week end. Mrs. Freeman Currie of 7U9 East lartin Street has returned home uf- er attending the funeral of a re* itive, Mrs. John Koseberg. ireensboro. JIAVU HEIGHTS Miss Selma Perry of Washing' an, D. C., has returned home af- er spending several days with Mrs. •ladys Ivery and family of 17 )are Terrace. Mrs. C. M. Smith of 4 Hyde Ter- ace is visiting friends and relauv n Washington, D. C.. Baltimore, Id., and New York City. Mrs. Rebecca Woods of Balti nore, Md, and niece, little Miss eere the recent guest of Mrs. Eflie )aily and family of 21 Smith Plaza. Mrs. Oscar Kendall of 21 Chavis Vay was called to Charleston W. fa., due to the illness of her sister, til ut her many friends hope that he will find her better. Mrs. R. M. Anderson uf 9 Chat- lam Terrace is visiting relatives nd friends in New Jersey and New fork City. Miss Mary Dixon and Little Tal* ie Dixon of 19 Smith Plaza spent few days recently with their real uncle, Mr. Alex Carney in Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Cooke of J17 West Lenoir Street, aie the ptouu parents of a fine baby girl, Joyce Keguel, born oil Tuej-duy, .'\pril Jr J, .l AteCaalcy's Hu»p.ul. iiie I'ljuay AUeiTiuuii Book Club met Uie home ol .\liss ttellic r>malt last FiiUay wiUi Uie presi' ueiit, .\Us. .Viamie Cagle, presid ing. /tiler liie meeting, a very deii* cioUs Loursu servid coiisaung of giapdiuil eocklails, ehiekeii sal- .•d, leliUCe, .-tllce loOiatoes, piekics, vt.iiioeity liiiga, /sailed ciackers, sing*.!' aie-iieclar and ieinoii pie. liie ccnler piece was ,i pot ol Eas- ,ei- liliies Wilii tail candles buiiimg •>n the maitlle and labie. .Mr. Aiiliur .'(and of lllU Stniin* ■ leld Street lioiioied Ills WilC .e- I'eiitly on her biriiiua;,. Sue leeeiv- lU IUuIO pl’JsCiUS i'lluSL" pieseiit weie; .Mesilaiiies Ester Hull, i.nla Atwateis, .\aicissa HoiTon. Came I'ncc, Flo.-isie Phillips of 'mlau..lpma, Ulivia Edwaius of liurham, and .wis. Alma Smith; Air. .md .Mrs. Uiis SUTckiaiiU, .Mr. V. ^)eoll and Mrs: Louis Jenkins. Mrs. llemy Flagg oi 113 Camden Slrcei, hoiiuied her tm.-^uaiid on Ins milhda^ U'cenily. A few fiieiids ■Ipcu iiirn lu enjoy tiic occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Colenuu Cobb cn- lertaiiieu tile rlouker T'. Wasliingloli Cuib at their meeting on TIuusday evening at iheir home, 4u7 West Lenoir Street. A Ueiiciuus couj'se was served by the hostess. The Fidelity Lodge ol Elks No. '7 and Capital City Temple 310 held their tegular Educaliuiiul Day Services at the St. Matthews Church last Sunday. The sermon was preached by Rev. Joseph Blunt. The program con.Msled of a duet by .Miss Mane McNeil and ^Irs. Layette Partin, quartet by Mrs. Parim, Miss McNeil. Mr. Lcach and Mr. Adams. The service.' were very spiritual. Mr. H. 11. Towns was master of ceremonies. OBEKUIS KOM) NEWS BV ANN B. MORGAN Mr. and Mrs Chester B. iMdgc-'rn .ind daughter. Marilyn, .pent the week end in Spring Hope-, to ulteod )hc wedding uf Mr.- Pridgen's sis ter Mr. Jacob Willougiiby of New York City and Nlrs. Lossie Waring and Sister, Miss Mary Teal .1 Wadtsljoro, spent the holiday sea son visiting relatives end friends the city. The Ladies Auxiliary met with Miss Grace* Battle on .Monday night On Tuesday evening the Tnanglo club niet with Mrs. Mitchell Horne. The members of the Wesleyaii Club met wi^h Miss Clarice Hunter on Thursday night. Miss Katie Stredwick is ill in St. Agnes Hospital. Friends and rela tives wish for her much speed i:i WOMEN 10101 Si ATE' WliiL WAR MOlilEKa LLLliS R.NcElGil — Mr.s. Lillian Cuga of Raleigh was elected piCsiucni ol a newly-loimcd State-wide urg,jiu /.laiun of Amuiican Wai Alotiieis clubs, composed ul N'egio W oiiu :i with soils and daughters in military service. The Btale-wide organization was formed at a two-day meclmg end ing balurday, with the Raleigh chapter, uigaiiized Utile more inaii a year ago wiih 14 members, now has over 2UU meiiibcis. Chapters in E'ayetteville, Mebaiie, Caiy, Hamlet, Louisburg, Parmci.e, 'uquay Springs and Winstoti-Salea: eiit uelegales. In addllioii to Mrs. Logan, officcis of the Slate organization are Mis. Blonnie Slade of Raleigh, Airs. Julia, Chance of Parinelee, .Mrs. Lilli in v.unes of Hamlet and Mrs. E'etgu- >11 of Fayetteville, vice presidcn;-.; .\iis. Pearl Freemaii of Raleigh, re ding bLcretury; .Mis. iMuicrva liter of .Mebaiie, luajtii'er; Aii.i. l.uey Rand uf Raleigh eonespund- i seciclary; .Mrs. Liuily Wilson, gvain-at-urms; Mrs. Susie Ma le ot Mebuiie Olid Mrs. Lula Ta.i- ner of Winston-Salem, color beai- .; .Mrs. Ethel Young of Raleigh, chaplain; and Alr.s. F. B. Marsh ol Hamlet, historian. The Rev. C. Andrew Kearns maUo e welei-me address at the Salur- liay session held in the Davie Street sbylenaii Church. The business non was addiessed by F. J. Car nage, Raleigh aliorney; William Wortham of New York City; and W. F. Taylor of Ihc Raleigh USO. A social session was lield Friday -. jiiing at the Mary Talbert llonii'. Speeiul guCsts weie Lt. Joseph C. Mask, tile Rev. .Mr. Yelveiton of Fayetteville .Tnd Wortham. The Raleigh chapter of Amcn- aii War Mothers has f.lled a draw- iig room in the Fort Bragg hospital at a Cost of $400, and has contribut ed radios, books and magazines to the hospital. V— — Sojourner Truth \W Names OUieers iCALElGH — Mrs. .Nora E. Lock hart was elected president of ihc Sojourner Truth YWCA at the an nual meeting. Ulhgr officer.' named. .Mrs. W. B Inb'ii'den, seciclary. .Mrs. L. F. Per rin and Mrs. L E .McCaal«*y, chair- nii-n ,.f women s ucliv.lie.-, Mrs. .Al berta Leving.'toii, bu.-.iitss and pro fessional gill'. .Mae K Ligiiii, young tr gills; -Mrs. J .M. C'laiiion, pulic aff.iii'; Maru- .Melve: anu Mrs. A1 Vfilii Flenung. na irbersliip; Mai- ,.irel Hugg. finance. .M.-' Minnie H, Fieiinan .md L Mariis. publicity, Imis L W. Logan and .Mrs. S. V 1 Perry, house.'lJoroth> Lane :ind .Mrs At lie K Ribinsi-n, volunteer woikers. WOMAN INJrREIl WHEN .STUI C^K BY TAXI Mrs. Sallie Lee of Clalrlon, Pa., was struck down Saturday n>ght by a City taxi cab at the cornel Blount Street and Now Bern Ave nue. She wa' lak n to Saint Agii 'ualeigk liruuch 01 Eol- llegc Homeu s liuD Eu- lertaui Uurliam liraueu ik.'\Liri(Jii — 11. a o'clock iiu., uay. .\prjl Ulh, the itaicign Bianeii (It iiic Naljuiial /i/iUwialion ol Col legv Uoiiun itonoi'e.l the Uuiliuiii Aiaiicn vMin a cotiec liour iii inu Bishop Tuttle building on St. Aug ustinus Campu.'. Nil's, i^oliaii O'Daii- 111 and Nil's, josepimiu Ctaiuoi. faiaeiouslj ushii'tu iiie guests nao uie living loom, ine toliuwiug pi / gi'..iii was piwsciiteu altir gieeliiiKi well giVtn uy .ors. Boutse i'liiii pieMUeiil ol till itaieigli oiaiicn: .lUisiu, Negro Nalioii.d tiyinii; in .-piialioiial poem, .Wis. Btlielyiie Ihonias; Grci.lings, Nits. N'uia l..oeK- mill, iiilroduciion« including liub- Uics .iiiU the pioicssioli, .vil's. Jose- plane C'limiun, lesuhie uf cluu ac- iivilKs, Nils. Lou.s. i'crriii, unu Nits. A. il. Nliiehill '>f Duiham. An open discussion on ihu topic, llie Coiiigi Womens Kespou.-i- biliiy 111 the I'osi War i'ei'io',i. lieited iniLi'cslilig eomnienis aooul Ihu improvement oi lacial relations Ml that leiisioiis would not be pre-' .'lilt 111 the commumtus ui return- iig Vvii'iaiis, (iiipn.isibcu the re- -putisibiloy ol iiiaiviM,^ uur uomuslic workers aware tiit piisuimul. re ds are ueing eumiiilici now lor : ill liK- liilure when laumers cx- d Job.', and the iiiiporl.mce of ou- mg mformeu tiboui pitirce piojKis- als. NicniLei.' ol tin Diiriiam Braiicii pifseiil w r: (*: .Mr.s. F. C'. Bi owii, Mrs. Chi'isliiio D.'Vi.s, .Mrs. C. Ruth EAJ- wards'. Nils Aiatlii.i Lpps, Mrs. A.H. MiU'heU, Mrs Nlaui 'J. Nlalfel, Nlrs. Pauline N wloii, .Miss Ruth G. Rush, Nliss Ruth h, Taylni, Mr.s. B. C Turner. P...''s;iig into the dinning room, e oehild three Uibles covered with Lici- table cloths and cenlied nil Lowls of Jiink loses, red and blue candle slicks in eystal holders. .Missc.s .Mae Ligi ii, Etta Duren, Mar- gaiel Bugg, Misdame.s M. W. Ak.n, .MaiH'l Ltiiliain aiiu L. li'Dai^ul. pie- .'idid, .seiviiig ehickeii salad, sihaeks, lea, coffee, punch and a.v'oi'led cookies. DLllSOAr'^mE EINEOLN niEATKE into the Supernatural, into those I ■.■alms I'l the unknown which siimulalvs te.ii' and super- .'iition in the mind ul man, Durso's Spook Show will be presenU-d at tlie i.mi.dn Tlieatn, and the puulic will liave an opportunity lu sec one Ilf the most unique ..nd grotesque .'hows ever pies.iited on the stage. Strange a.- it may soc-ni when inani- ;nat«' objects as'Uinc life and n.o- lion under the direction of the mys- tenou.c Diir^o, but .'iraiigei Ic..U wiU be accuniplished when the I ones of dead men actually walk uiound cn the stage, and glaiing giio-.t roam the theatre to the bor- •or of a dumbfounded audience. Does Durso actually possess pow ers that appertain to the Superna tural, or docs he manipulate bis uncanny feats by shrewd deception' This is a quesli-ni that the theatre audiences of the large cities ih--»iiiihniit tho Nation have been iilcal Nupply For uviiiaus Very' Low — Ihu civihail meal suppi., lui Apt it, iiiuy anu aune is ao.>ui iz p.r vinl buiow Ihu .supply wu iiau inu lust Ihreu luoiiuis ul tills year, iiiu UJficc ul I'ricu Aammisli'alion lias buuii u(i- visiu by uio War Eoid Adimnis- uaiion. in uil piooaUihly, the meat sup ply '.viii nut mei.ase until next iali wiiin livestock maikuimg scasonuf- jy incrcasis. liiu und cl me war m c.uiui>u Will not n-.aiciialiy ulfucl inu meal silulaiuii. U wiii hot im- luiuiatuly uuciu-se military neuds lor meat or mciuasi ihu civilian supply. 'ihc prisciil ruauclioh m supply r.iiscs many problems lor the liuusu- wife, who will gel less meat, and for all Goveinmeiit aguncius deai- iiig ,11 lood. While It will be iieeus- Miry fur housewives lu use more meat alternates, sueh as .soy beans, and mcal-ixU'iided leciiH-s, the peu piu of this coiiiiliy will nut be hun gry. I'herc will be enough food avoiiaule to prepare well baluncud meals and met all miiritional re quirement.', Dipai'tmeiii of 'Agneui- lure luiliit'unisls say. ora's job is to maiiuaiii the meat .'iliiig prices and to distribute fair ly the civilian supply. At the pie.-eiu tmi. ,'distnbutio'i meal is a serious problem, in n.any .sections of the vuuiiUy where there art- local sluiigliteiers there is plenty of mcliidmg choice cuts. In sections, many of ihim con gested war production centers, that re some instance In m Ihc ureas where cattle are priHluced, there'.s mighty lilUe meat of any kind. Ruliuniiig alone can nut correct this situaliuii. Recently the War Food Adminis- tialor delegated authority to OBA to write and pul regulations iuto effiyct tiial are aimed a bvllui distri bution. 'i'll' .'e regulatiuns are to cov er comineiciat and letail slauglitcr, farm sl.iugher tor sale, and custom laughter F'l. y are nut to curtail laughter '.11 larms for home con- sumplioh. The regulations will increase the supply ot catUe and hogs to feder- lly-ihspcctud slaughter houses, w hich III turn will increase the meal supply .nlu iiiter-Slate chaniuls. lA federal law states Inat only imals produced m federally inspected slautgher hoU'Cs can be shipped across Stale lines.i By nicieasing tli.' amount of meal that can be shipi>el across State lines, or.'A expcvts to gel more meat into those s«'Cti>.iis that now have very little However, this pro gram w'ul not incre.i'' the over-al! civilian meat supply. -The total meat supply as well as that .ill'X'.ited for civilians is less this ipiart. r than it w,js durine the first three months of 194.5. Il .t1'-i i' exiwcled ihal the new ilaugiilu's' regulations will help the Army »«cure the amount of meat nead*d to meet military require ments. The Army as well is buying for its own personnel, buys for oth- “r agencies such as tnc Navy, pris- i oners of war. etc. The Army has no stocks beyond working inventories ; t > meet its demands. The War Dcparimer' recently an nounced that more meat substitutes arc being used for prisoners of war, leauciiig Uie amount of meat re quired fur their feeding. Foreign aUocations — lend leaie — also have been reduced. YWCA Conducts Frugram RALEIGH — The Inier-Club Council uf the SoJourner Trirth YWCA met ql the Bloodworth Street USO last Tuesday afleriiuon with Miss Buriihilda Lawson acting ehaii'inan. 3G were pre.sunt. A Com muiiity Sing was conducled by Mrs. E. Morgan Kelly. A omniilteu was appointed to study a summer pro gram for all Girl Reserves of the city. This Council conducted by the Y. vV. C. A. fur Youth Recreation will convene at the USO every. Tuesday imd Wednesday at 4 p. m. All Girl Reserves and Ili-Y Boys are invited. Advisors were Miss J. Hicks, Mis.s M. Ligon, Mrs. K. M. Kelly and Mrs. C. Toole, executive setreary of the Sojourner Truth YWCA. Raleigh GSO-LSO Girls Entertain Men Of QM. I'rk. Eompany BY NICHOLAS G. I'ATTERSON RALEIGH — The GSO girls of the Raleigh BloodworUi Street USO •ntei'l:iined men of tiie (juarU-r- master Trucking Company. Fort Bragg, at a lormal parly given on Friday evening. April C, at the Millie was furnished by the 340th aristix-raEs under the direction of Warrant Officer R. Str'der, also of Fort Bragg. During the program Mr. King, program director of the club, inli'uduccd Miss Buena Vista Johnson, a promising young sing er w'hc is now attending Shaw Urn- versily and is also a member of the University Choral Group. She chose for her number 'My Bun dy," dedicated to the men of the Quartermaster Company. Tho'c responsible for the hut,e succ. ss of this affair were as fol- lows: Decoration Committee. Miss C. Young, Miss L. Harris, Miss B. Slade, Miss E. Young, Miss E. Hill, and Miss M. Hinton. Refi'L'Shmems, Miss Mary E. Mitchell, Miss Lcola Lee, Miss E. Leach, and Miss Dorotry Thomas. Program Committee, Miss L. Brown, Miss B. Lilly. Miss Greene, und Miss Juanita Wilson. This affair was the second largest planned for the current season. Anne Lewis has traveled to every war theatre and hus been hailed as the outstanding Negro performer on the USO circuit. When aftsing through Rocky Mount Stop at the ALBEMARLE CAFE 204 Albemarle Ave. Rocky Mount, N. C. BAR-B-CUE and FRIED CHICKEN Our Specialty E. N. ANDERSON, Prop. CARTER Electric Company Anything Electrical J East Lenior St. Dial 20a4 SQL! A R E of Your lucky number Over 26 ways—vertically— 1 Jiorizontally—dt^St^hally — to total YOUR I'jcky num ber. Send $1-00, and b^h- date for handmade chart. rightmire MatRamagieian 1066-AF Elmwood BuHalo (9). N. Y. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BEAUTY and BARBER Write For Price Lists We Ship Anywhere KLAREX Beauty Products Co. 1730 FULTON STREET Brooklyn, (13). New York For Paraoaaliaad Hand Laundry Phone 41(M MODERN Hcuid Laundry 411 Obarlin Read CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLINO CO. ftis W. Morgan 8L BOBfE-COOKED FOODS And what a Bscal It will be— seasoned exactly rlffat, and av- cry dish booftlng a real hem& cooked flavor. B&HCAFE 411 8. BLOUNT ST. NCN-CATICNCE) §liCE/ ALL ^ 50 . PUMPS—STRAPS -TIES-SANDALS A variety of styles, patterns, and colors in Ked, WItite, (Jreen, Wheat, Brown and Black. Roscoe-Griffin Shoe Co. Min Mary Dixon and Little Tal- ie Dixon of 19 Smith Plaza spent I few days recently with their treat uncle, Mr. Alex Carney ih Portsmouth, tira. iMrs. Alston Taylor. Sr., and son. Vslon, Jr., of Philadelphia. Pa, ^nt the week end with Mrs. Tay- or's sister. Mrs. Ada Darks ol 23 Jncoln Terrace. They are now with tlrs. Taylor’s mother, Mrs. Chavis, «f 81C Smith Bloodworth Street, who has been sick for several xeeks. We hope fur htr a quick ecovery. •Gn Thursday night. Miss Katie Stredwick Ls ill in St. Agnes Hospital. Friends and relu- lives wish for her mucli speed in recovering. Friends and relatives regret to learn of the passing of Mr. Leslie Wright, Sr., who dicti on Wednes day, Funeral service were held on Sunday afternoon at the Rush Me morial Church. Miss Elizabeth Craven, senior of Berry O'Kelly High School, was , the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Curtis recently. ■—Nirr. ST.iiiu T-ue ui u-iamwi. la. was struck down Saturday night by a City taxi cab at the cornet of Blount Street and New Bern Ave nue. She was lakfn to Saint Agnes Hospital bj' the driver. Nick Car ter. According to the attaches at St Agnes. Mrs. Lee suffered bruises of the liead, riaht shoulder and right hij). The latest report was that she was "rc.sting comforlal’ly.” ■ 'I ■ A A ^ ^ eNio' stu* ■N. . k*. - A tnug-fitting jocket kJ with a Rgure-fiat* tering peplum, eyelet embroidery-trimmed, otop a paneled skirt! Butcher lyn Spun ftoyon in Jet Block with Ice Pink, Summer Sky Blue, or Green Frost. Sizes 9 to 15. |i,| FiJiST in th4 CAKOLliM/iS COLRT NEWS turaV.Tir'dov-s he illm-ipul.U'i ni9 uncanny feats by shrewd deception'' This is a question that the theatre audiences of the large cities throughout the Nation have been trying to an.swcr. Some leave the theatre alter the i>erft'rmance with j different opinions, oltiers leave bc- fiiie the pel formanco is ovtr be- tause they are afraid to slay. Have you the courage to face what has appealed to others to bo siipernalinal? If so. do not fall to sec Durso. locks beyond working inventories .. meet its demands. The War Department recently an- Lovi Koariiey, 110 Slronaeh's Al loy. was convicted of assault and battery on Mary Eliz.ibutli Thomas uf 227 E. Davie Street. He was fin ed $15 and costs. Miss Thomas testified that Kear ney drew a knife on her, but did 'not cut her with it. I ASHBORO—Odell Brooks, 24, of , Randolph County, was convicted ui Supeiior Court lust week of having carnal knowledge of an 11 year old ((ill. Hu wa» sentenced to 25-30 years in prison. Herb i t Debnam, B07 Oberlin Roal, phaded guilty to being pub licly drunk, and cursing “at great length” in front of a church here, lie was oidercd to serve 3U clays (ill the roads. ' Richard Burrell, of Method, was taxed $5 and costs after pleading (guilty to a charge of public drunk- teniu'ss and disorderly conduct. I Otis Powell of 710 Manly Street I was convicted of assault and bat tery un Plenie Willis of 1435 Gar ner Road. The defendant was fined costs. Willis testified that after Powell struck him he. Powell, ran into po- Lt'c headquarters and invited Willis to follow, Willis did, and swore out :i warrant against Powell. H. V, Rouse of 514 S East Street was Cl iivictcd of assault and bat tery ''ll his wif.', Mrs. Marie Rouse and her sister, Lena Cooper, 320 F Street- He was ordered to pay eo.sts on each count. Gable Houston. 124 Cabarrus St. was found not guilty of u.c.^ault and battery on Louolla B'ddeti, 42(1 Gale Street. Pleading guilty to assault and battery on his wife. Ernest Alston of 33H Cannon Street, was ordered to pay costs. I Willie Watson of 4ii9 Bledsoe Ave nue entered a plea of guilty to a public-drunkenness charge and he w.'. oidtred l( jiay costs or serve ID days 1 FOR TASTY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN’S Tea Room and—— CHICKEN SHACK. Half Chicken or A Chicken Sandvricb BEER SOFT DRINKS Comer Crota and Lake St. You Too May Get RELIEF FROM ASTHMA SPASMS Do those wheezing choking at tacks keep you from your work or rob you of your sleep? For over half a century BRATER’S POW- countless suffers from spasms of D£R has brought blessed relief to asthma. Try BRATER’S POW DER, you too may find soothing reliel Easy to use. Caution, lue BRATER’S POWDER only as di rected. Lar^e size box $1.00 at your driggist, or a*nd cash oi money order to u* direct No goods mailed COB John K. Brater & Co. INCs 369 3rd Ave., New York, N.Y. (10J PILES GtT SniDY REUIF FROM ITCH AND MJRN THIN WAIK AND SIT IN COMFORT Use PoBlam—the CONCENTRATED ointment —as thousands have. The oily base HOLDS Poslam’s medication on the smarting skin to cool and soothe that agonizing Itch and burn. Sold from coast to coast for 35 years. Ask your doctor. Only 50c, aU drug stores. GLA CAPITAL CA» CO M MOOa SXBTICe DIAL 9137 Tortured man gets helpl Lemon Juice i > Mixed of Home 1 ■— f Relieved RHEUMATfC PAIN ^ 4 Sufferer! v|v ' I have UM-J A1 l.EMllI for several miinihs. I could hardly walk on account of niy knees. But mm those pains arc relieved. I can po like a race horse now,” Mort Shepard of Ohio. Don't be a vkilm of the pains and aches e.iuscd by rlieumatism*, himbapo Of neuritis without trying this simple, inexpensive rceipe you can mix at lomc. Two t.d li spoons of Al.I.ENRU, plus the juice of •, > lemon in a glass of water. X'oiir m(*ncy b.tek if not entirely salisfiod. .lust Hsr at a.'I drug stores. Buy ALI.FNIIU u-lay. piBlIIVliiugiaM" 1066-AF Elmwood Buffalo (9). N. Y. DRIVE IN GLEANERS Cash and Carry 325 S. Bloodworth St. Royal Friday and Saturday JOHN MACK BROWN — In "Law Men" — ala^ - JOAN DAVIS — In "Beautiful But Broke" Sunday and Monday ROY ROGFJIS — In "Yellow Rose of Texas" Tue'iday and Wednesday MANTAN MORELAND — In "Charlie Chan Secret Service" Thursday BARGAIN DAY Double Feature Arcade Shoe Shine Parlor SHOE SHINES OF THE BEST IS OUR BUSINESS SHOES DYED ALL COLORS L.XUIES SHINES A SPECIALTY .SHOES CAIXED FOR AND DELIVERED ARCADE HOTEL BLD. J. M. MASSEY, Prop. Wfc find fhar in ipite of war shonages you can Still gci'Smith Bros. Cough Drop*. We ll be Kladtler still when Victory Icr* u* make all rtrrybody need*. Smith Brm.- Blark or Mcntbol—still 5f. SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS •LACK OR MtNTHOL—54 Thai the sad occasion of a funeral Is observed with Ihe Utmost dignity and beau ty—U you ask un to take care of every detaiL Raleigh Funeral Home C. A. HAYWOOD. Preeldenl Pbeme 2-3M$ Ratoigh. North CaroUaa 24.HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE Roscoe-Griffin Shoe Co. 120 Fiiyetteville tfcet SUN. and MON. APRIL 15-16 “And Now Tomorrow” AL.AX L.ADD — LORKTTA YOUNG with SiLsan Hayward aiid Barry Sullivan Disney Cartoon “DONALD’S DAY OFF” “MERCHANT SEAMEN” Special Metrotone flews TUESDAY (One Day Only) APRIL 17 ADMISSION 30c To All Including Tax Doors Open—2:30 P. M. DURSO at the Lincoln Theatre APRIL 18-19 WED. and THURS. “CABIN IN THE SKY” FTTllKL W.ATRIiS. Famed Sinjrer of Torch Songs KDDIE “R0CHESTE:R” ANDERSON, LHN.A HORNR, Screen’s New Gorgeous Song Bird Chapter 4 of “Valley of Vanishing Men”—Bill Elliott “Trifles That Win Wars” Specialty New* FRI. and SAT (Double Feature) APRIL 20-21 JOHNNY MACK BROU^’ “Stranger From Pecos ” BORIS KARLOFF “Doctor Maniac” Chapter 5 of “The Masked MarveP’

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