SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1915 THE CAROLINIAN PAGE SEVEN tk^k;hiionk casI': api>kai.i-:i) William B. Stanley, 35, uf No. 5 Chavis Heights, who was sentenced in Superior Court to a total of two years In prison on convicted char ges of "assault on a female and ble trespass over the tele- jihone'', has filed notice of appeal. Howai the State Supreme Court thru '■>!;{ S K. J. Carnaite. j at SI.O?.'! an appeal and oppeaiance bond attorne.v Bond ua; bund of $7. of $1,000. 'rhi (li-feiKtant was convicted of U'-ing Hie li U'phune repeatedly to ideccnt tiverlures to Mrs. Cannun. win: hitjiit Street. Johnston County News TAN TOPICS 8/ flIlfN ‘Little sister’ you give me back my eyelashes?" "Next Door" By TED Sru BV MISS M. KAYNOK 0*1'. /vveiy, Jr,, has re- wurmn of. -''Chool auci spenumg Uic ‘ ^ c-Ui^Ui ItoiiUays tierc wiin lus sister, Jteairicc Avvry and Mr. and jAlra. Ludie Uraiithum. A iriend oi I also came home with him. Botii were iroiu Wiiistuii-Sulem. Miss Calheriue Dublin left Thurs day to speiui some lime in Pliila- Ueiphta, Ha. Aiiss Nora Dublin leturned ru Ue.iuty College in Durham after spcndiiig Siibter with her mother, Au> .\iaiy DubLn. Aiibs VVillie B Jones and Bernice VVilliaiub of T, C. were guests of the tjruiithaiiis recently. 'ihe t>Pc Club met at the home of Mib, Hoena Buzell Sunday at .. o'clock, Itev 11. D. Davis pleached a won u.Mui sermon at the Zion Church .SuriUa> at 3 o'clock Mr. Willie htchaid of Kinston visiteil Miss Beatrice Avery Tues- tl.iy and Wedne-,ojy of last week. I’fc James tiaiLuur. stationed at Camp Lee, Va, spent the week end lure with his family. •Ml'S Alice Sylvia Avery, daugh- ler ui .\lr. Itonieo Avery and the late Alice Avciy, was lecenlly mar- iied lo Henry Anderson. They will make their home with the bride's folks. Miss Naumie Williams and Mrs. ivlimue Chamber of New York City visiicd relatives and iriends here bra week. They relumed on tho 'vec’k end. The 11 o'clock services at the l?hii.-i Deciplc Church was opened by singing "Blessed Assurance " Stripiare lesson, 116th Fsaini, was lead by the Rev. Barns, prayer was offend by Brother Cox. Rev. H. U. Davis came to the front, chouse for Ills text the 12th chapt'-r of Hebrew, Ills subject was "Let Us Lay Aside Kvery Weight of Sin. " It was a \«iy inspiring sermon. Doors of Ihe c'lurch were opened while Uie ihuir sang, "Let the Saviour Bless Yuur Soul Right Now." One joined 11.1- church. .Night services were opened by Miiging "Cove- Lifted Me. " Rev. Davis read 2nd chapter of 11 Cor.,. I'layer WuS offered by Brother Ros- ). W'llhams, after which Rev. Buck U illiuiiis was presented by Rev. O.Ais as the speaker. He choosed b-r Ins text 2nd chapter of St. Mark Mrs. Susie Wlme iell for Wasti- wiin iici uauaniei-in-itiw lui u wiiiic. ane comimus lu slay veij Sick. «vv nope lor nci a .>pveuy ic- covery. tve aie vviy suiry ui learn uiai Mis. riossie isanucis is coniineu to ner nonu- in Deimuni. we nope lui «> -peedy recovciy. uioiiivr Ciauue daiiueis is vci> ill ai ms home. Wv pi ay uiai ne iiiuy soon ue oul again MISS Miiuicu Uiiiiis leiuineU lu Baltiiiuou me wech. end. ane nas uicii VasiUlig iiei ii.oliul' loi >unie nine. .Mie nioviu .vn.-'. lAielia onl iio to mt- couiiuy lo nvv wiUi nor uauatner, .\irs. liobena. .Ill 1 •gi\ > KlioW a is 111 at cl. we nope ■>iis. Uougius v.iamaii tier iioine mi Biiuge bit 111 a speiuy ifccoveiy. MI'S, .tieivin Csaiiums o on iiik iisi. V.e nope im ner a sp ecovery. oeai'cii i'ui* ii’csicasi oia^eib lb Lxieuueu INeW IWl'K ItVUi.,; - Al oils lo iiuu Uii siaycis o»»a iiesio, ciosaoiiig ciJioi oi ‘Uv uiuan-iaiiguage ^ uiuai, ii i*iai- tc«lo line fsaitiiiivi, nave uet ii -XiellUeu Ui oiliei coliidU'Uw Oy ui- iif.-tca iic'Waiu ouiiiiiuuci. it ippeuieu lo syiiipaim m iicwopa- piiS anu lanui aiiu nuiiai oigaii ions wi many luiiibli and .iitali mies Lu lu ip puwnciZi eceill ♦J.UUd leWalU ouel. .-aneis ucUiung luiiuiiions oi uHcr wide svni lo an coin- niuiiliivs avioss Ute coUiuiy wiucn nave si^euoie iiaiiall coiumes, anu ceuui's ill .aoaui yiiiuiita. Cell- liai muei'icu, r-uiopi, ana /viiica, in wiiicu agenl-s loi loiamaiian gCVt-inilieUU liaVe Ueell aelive. couTMi has uccn lUKeii Uy Uiuse pusung uie lew aid in me iiei uiui uie luiuiig ul xi'esea ui Uie duii-oui neie oii Jauuuiy in-iJ, was a pouiicui erinie. We Qo not assume lu lay ilie ulaine lor inai muiuei aV ine uoui any speeuu: gioup ol govein- nieiil, said iHoi'ini c. co'nesl, neau the cununillee. "Bui we uo Know liial Cai iu 'ITcsca iiiaUe ini- slid the l2lh verse, subject, •Thouji^.;. enemies because ol Ills oul Sin be Forgiven." He brought oul j^pykeif attacks upon and oppusi light of the text as the four men • Haacisls and Comniun* being faith, confidence, patience ^ And anioiig Uiose he loighl id hope He preached u wonder-j elcmeiili uiat had plans iji" il sermon We then enjoyed a shaping luly ’ii poUUcal and econ- I'lri sennem by Rev Cooley. It omic luluie, and loi controlling as some very spiritual remarks. public opunon WiUi legard lo uie .Next was a rally, alter Captains whole Italian situation." had reported, it was announced that xhe $d,(Kid is olleied for in- ^rigtfb fur rally, total for the day, > formation leading to apprbension S12G6I. land conviction ol those lesponsi- — — - ‘ [ble for Tresca's death. Any one 'fuiTiishiiig such iiiXoimation is iguaianteed ‘ful protection.'' Of- jiiciaiy issued by the New York FAYE'n-EVILLE — Tlie Fayette- ville Blanch uf the NAACP in Us fSfff llollingsworih, president; Mr. Geo. W. Wooten, vice president; Mr. J. C. Sturdifen, recording secretary; .Mrs Maggie Murchison, assistant secretary; Mr I.. E. Garris, treasur- ■» AVtTTKVIIXt; NAACP AN NOl’NCKs NEW OFFICERS Will be received in absolute con fidence.” The offer is to expire Jan. 11, 1847. fourth anniversary of the murder. Capital CUy Mayor to present Eagle Scout Badge Tuesday April 24lh will be a ivcu i^uci' uay lol" ivuiviKU' lUAU C..OWlU> •wlJCCMHy VO A1MU1V4 V^u.ut O- ovovcu liovluv b». iSufvli; o>.uu. v_u&. xuc tivYUvU » m Ol. u oy Aiioy ov Vjiviuaiii ii. auiuh-v... i.o.iioi Ui ocouv b>uiui mui ,1V. ouvigo Oil. cyiiii-ia la&iiiK v 1. Uie bouii Oi xiuiioi Will Ov .ovuica ei. il Vmg, CiidUiiiviii oi ...i, ..oop v.oiiUlltvieu Ui iiuilioi-i wa ..u iAUCiv llaUia, CliauTliail Ul uav tuicigii waAc cooiiiy c-ouiv oi ioaaOl. l.fewyn iiaycs paoukvao.i AA.CCi iOi IVUleiXil aillU WaiAc CO. ^ ocouimasivi'. neiiuerson-vaoce county Court nonor Apm 1/m -luin me icpuri ui Uie liciiUei- soii-vuiice uuiu'u Ul iievicw nciu oil vviuiiuay /ipi i .sm iiiuicauoiu uiai uiuuiiu uui .y acuuis wio come oeiuie Uie court oi iionoi "vu be heiu un i uesuay, zVpi u 11 m «ui tiuus awaius. me uuniuei oi Iscouis lo receive wieril cadKea o« Uie largesi ever uwuiuej ul a Court ol Honor in Um aieu. iiuersuii lias uiiee acoul iioopa ana one cuo Pacx auu l5>b i>coui> u Cabs regisiereu. Ihe goal lui ib-ia is sou Bcuuis and cubs by December .Hsi Ib-ia- ihe reguiai uivisiunai conimiilee mceliiiK wiu iollow Uie Court ol ilonoi. Tne pubhe IS inviUiU. , tieid tixeeuiive Newell debvers Seoul Message at Dunn I A huge alieuuaiice was on liaiid at Uie public scoui program iieiJ Bmiuay April bUi al Duiui. "the pioigain was sponsoieu uy "Hoop r,. C. &i-izer IS Uie l&coui- iiaaslei and vocalionai Agiicui- luie ioi me Hariiell county, liaiiuiig School and liie sponsoi- ing msluulion loi Uiis unu. curiiAin court ol Honor April i«h llie Durham Boaid ui Review was held on luesday nignl ul Uie j.mii Avery Boys dub under Uie supervision ol R. Kelly Bryant Auvahcement Chairman. 'I he Coun of ilonoi Will be held on "inursday April lyih al Uie C. M. B. Aleihodisl church, which is the sponsoring insUlulion lor Hoop ll4 James Robinson is the Bcoul- n.aslei ol this unit. A special pro- gi am IS being planned and the public IS invited to be pieseui. Chapel HiU Scouts to Participate in Clothing Drive Boy Scouts ol Chapel Uill to participate ih the United Nation- rinthing Drive during the uf Apra This troop is sponsored by the Orange County Training scliool. with A. J. Cald well as the Scoutmaster. Records reveal that fifteen million boys many of them Scout age, are among the 125.00,000 soffering THEY WORK 1 OR 48 STRAlGHlTIObRb iWO JIMA tDvlayed/ — iiow tvi isugio soldiers wuikevl 4tf buiu'S al aj sueicb uuuiig Ihe cuaouc hours ol { Ihe I'urly days uf Uic cuu^ucaI uf Uiis ; ishiiivj wufe described by "lech. bg'.. | L,airy bciiuleiiuarg, a -Vvarme Corps! cumbul cureispoiicieiil, ioiuierly uf. the b'.. Luuis iJloue-Dvmueiat. Ill I'lic case il took .• diiccl order urdeid by his comniaiiihug ofticei lorv Aiiiiy Hvt. ' L. Hollo way, of Jii2 iteynulds bU'cet. Brotis-1 WICK, Georgia, oil his ampuibious I truck during tne stoiming ol thia bl.icK vulcanic island. And before Holloway imaily cluinuered UuMn frvim Ills drivel's aeal, i had pul iii 48 hours brmguig Murine aruiicry ashore a a tune whtu it was need ed most ills unit was assigned ihe vtlal task of oriiiging in and setting up Aiarine iuas, the big guns that Help ed slicll the Japanese oil Mount buiibaclp. These men started witn aO uucks, and wnen they luiishvcl they had lost 2J of them — but the gulls were in and firing. Holloway drove duck after duck over the beaches rukeu by mortar fire. When he had brought in a gun he went back for needed ammuni- thun, Uis outfit brought in 315 tons of it The other Negro mentioned in Uie dispatches was Aimy Pvt. Prentiss; S. ''ylas, of Box 144, Slidell. La., | also a duck driver. | Sylns went into the open sea to aivage single-handedly one duck g.ven up Us lost. The Louisiana pri- ate woiked 48 hours, driving m lu leave the vehicles when he was orderi-d b yhis commanding officer to l.Mve the xehicles when he was near cumpkle exliuustion. He had driven the bouncing little amphi bious trucks through terrain raked by Japanese iifle, machine gun and mortar fire. Winn Mount Sunbaciu fclE the guns were turned on the northern ridges and aided substantially in advances in that sector. The Race Of Mankind I Exhibit Well Received ! E'AYETTEVILLE — During the past week almost 2,000 persons, grade school children, senior and junior high school students, college -.tudents and adults, viewed the Races of Mankind Lxliibtt in the Li biary of the E'ayvtteviUe Stale Teachers College, Fayetteville. The Negro schools in the and county .systems planned lo send just reprcdOntutive groups J>ui because of the gain made b> iho students first chu.sin the entire enroUrncnts were extended the pnvilege of see ing tiuse eo panels, prepared by The Cranbrook Institute of Science, wliu'ii j'livc visual presentation to >iKniIicanl tindiiigs about race and tiiltuie. The panel "Who are the Aryans'* brought much humor lo all who took "a visual half-hour cf ur m authropology fur the mil- 1.' ns." Many sludinls came the sec ond lure to .sec eertain portions of tne exhibit which struck them forcefully; oth rs wrote letters con- e>-iiniig the principles made more do T to them. JOHN ALBERT MrPIIEHSON BADI.Y HI RT IN ALTO-PEDES TRIAN COLLISION FAYF.TTEVILLE — On April 6tn, about 10:20 p. m., John Albert Mc Pherson, 57, a farmer and resident ef route 4, Fayetteville, was struck and seriously injured by an auto mobile at the intersection of Clilf- aalc and M.rgantun Roods. Lt. William G. Howard, Pope ETekt, driver of the auiumoWle, told Patrolman Dean that the vlcUiO, McPherson, was walking towaid his car and that th« Negro ran back and forth ucros the road, apparent ly unable to make up bu mmd rolman, said that .'/ePherson's left ed that night that be was lu too much pain to give Iht patrolman his account of the accident. O. W. Dean, state highway pat rolman. said Iht McPherson's left leg and right arm were broken. He was placed in Highsmith’s Hospital and his condition on April 7th was reported as fair. PAINT - PAINT 1.49 GaL 12 Teajs of aaliafaietioii. AU Coiotfr—StaiM aaol Ksamela. Mail Orders PronpUf fUlad Railroad Salvage Co. 329 South Wilmi ^ton St. Names Regional Camp Director The wiiU-T was advised during the past week by Deputy Region al Scout Executive ol the Region- ul OiTice m Atlanta that he had been named by the Regional gtutl to serve as director lor the Re gional Camping School lu be iield al Atlanta, Ua. May 22 through 29. Tu be assisted by Field Execu tive Lalb of Tampa. Fla. and W. il. Stephens uf Augustt, Ga. Ne gro Field Executive fruni Nortii Carolina, South Carulma, Georg- | iu and Florida will be in attend ance at this school. The school will be under the general direc tion uf W. A. Dobson, Regional Executive of Region six. Nation al and Regional Staff to be in at tendance will include Dr. Stanley A. Harris, National Director ol Inter-racial Activities. Deputy Regional Executives Frank Dix, Gilbert Bush, and A. J. Taylor. Assistant to the National Director of Inter-racial Activities. BUY AN EXTRA BOND! NOW AT FOUNTAINS TOO PEPSI COLA COMPANY, lONO ISLAND CITY I,N.Y. BOTTLED LOCALIY BY PIANCHISEO BOTTLERS * lMfh*Bn VmSII WAMillsjr \V. Wooten, ’ice pre.siaeni; ivir. j Sturdifen, recording secretary; .Mrs Maggie Murchison, assistant etreiary, Mr. I. E. Garris, treasur- I r. Mr. Fred Burns, chairman of Ihe executive committee; Rev. J. C t'liv ingtun, chairman of the mem- iMt.diip committee; Miss Beatrice M Cox cliairman of the publicity I'ommittoe; and Mr. Huggins, chair man of the program committee Tiio Association is m the mld t lif a membership drive and hopes tu r«--ach a goal of 500 members. Il IS hoped that every citizen will join nnd do his part to advance the fidence." The offer is to expire Jan. 11, 1947, lourth anniversary of the murder. I The Workers Defense League is closely cooperating in spread ing word of the reward offer. I T'herc will he aiioUier National [4 H Sod Conservation Contest this year. Lat:t year's winner in Nurlh Carolina was William G Waller of Durham. There were ten county winners BACK THE ATTACK !.' jack DAVIS tz/n/rffi AtAffi cxMP4My JXL/y£ai BAAfAjP rv7f^£ cnJ&~{fjr /yZ/yV* >>Hert/Anj uP WZZ/Z... KXXny t\A.Sr^ Al£ 7i> ur -tOhs uM-rvh.v Df ’AT Thh Jjy'> i/>f rn.y AtPeP W.. —i.sp n-r' 4 Z'o s v»/." By TED WATSCM ir .eveai that fifteen million boys many of them Scout age, are among the 125.00.000 s'iffering and destitute war victuna abroad whose future—in some cases— v.'tia«e lives depend on the suc cess of the United National Cloth ing Collection this month. Cer ts inly every Scout and Scouter will endeavor to do h.s part lo make the drive a success. Merit Badge Advancemeni Pioc^ure While advancement in the Se- c--nd and First Class Scout hiquirements is a natural feiituro m the Troop's life and continuous ly involves all its members. Merit Badge Advancement i.s mure of an individual proposition. By the tiiiii- boys have reach»d F i i s I Class their divi rge a.s t» t'r.iir further advancement and a nroper cugni/anee be t.aken. In .Merit Badge Advancemi nt as i-ell as in all other Scout Ad- aneement. the four iT PhEPARATION. EXAMINA TION. REVIEW and AWARDS .... involved Occoneechee Field Executive BREEZY By r. MEIVIN /l-E HEROWNCAK^ -ANP SHE CRIEP^ ^FINISH^Ep?^- WHILE 1 WA*; leATiN' rHAr7Do.^n^' 1 When will you really gel ANOTHER NEW CAR?... JIM STEELE IT'^ HELENA SAKEE.JIM.'SFARK ?.AIP,'C)4rajN&0F THE CONTINENT'" •-Bur.lTriOUOHT 4H£lVAE.KEFD(?tEP /W'SElN&T" m^CBiLKEKSUlL EPANOeabANTO explain... k ItHERE'':. BEESlASTEAP'i' SAP ThE TKAil LED I FLOW OF 6UNS BE- k J R'&MT HERE' SPABICr; PSAAU&u-LEDTOAyi'E llHATExaAN^THO^E 6YMPATHIZERE.-A'9 AN? RIFLES WE 5A ENTERTAINER I CAN GO, ANYPLACE UNSUEPECTEL; ■AND MELVIN TAPLE' when word is (^VEN that ^ THE AVI*; HA^E ^URKENPEREP,. " THEIR OPERATION'S WILL i BE&N WITH THE “SOP-* PORT CF THOSE 6i)NS" muiK-Uiaiv LEGAL NOTICE KXm'TRIX NOTICE iL.iV.i.g qualilieu ns executrix Ol ihe L^eidie ul Georgiana Wall, la'e Lii w.iKC Couuiy, L'toi'Ui LaiuUna, lIii.! u lu iiouiy klI poisons havutg .lam.., agaiiibi Uiv LxUtlc ul the muu i.(.CL.u.>ea lo cxiiiuu tiitm lu Uie un dv&i«;it -J ul 91a auuUi i^Uie blieei, ..jUlku. Nurin Uuiuiii.a. on or oe oie LUO am u-jy ul Aiaicli igiV ui ji.9 i.oiice will be piL'udeU ui b.( A Ult-ii iveuvery. All pviauiu inuebuu lo Uie c-aiule will plcu&e yiiifc'.t, Ihia UiL 8^h Uuy ut .Muich, 1915 Mr*. Be**ie Wiii>on. Lxetu.r..T F. J. Carnage. Ally. ..Uich lU. iV. 24. 3l-Apii. 7. 14 LxDcufzxi Node* HaviTig quAlilicd as executrix of the iusUite of Georgiana Wall, late of Wake County. North CaruUna, this IS lo notify all persons havng claims against the Ksute of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undesigned at 815 So'jth State Street, Raieigh, North Carolina, on or before the Bth day of Mar 1946 or this notice will be pleaded m bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said Elstate will please make immedi ate payment. This tho 6th day of March, 1945 Mrs. b.288je Wilson, Executrix F. J. Carnage, Atty. March 10, 17. 24. 31-April 7. II NOTH E TO CREDITORS Having qualified as executrix under the will of Ella C. Pegues, de. ceased, this Is lu notify all persons having T-Iaims against the estate of said deceased to present them duly verified to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of April. 1946 or this notice may be pleaded in bar of any recovery. All per-'ons In deLf*d to said estate will please make settlemei ' promptly. ThB I2th J«y of April. 1945. Ernestine P. Hamlin. Executrix of the will of Ella C. Pegues. Deceased. April 14. 3L 28-May S, 12. 19. Certainly not as soon as you hoperl... Only one thing is sure ns retjards your next car. Your i)n-sent car must Inst until you it... whether that be next year, the year after, or even 1948. Scare talk? No,simple facta that must l>e faced! The important ptiint is — the chances are with proper care and proper help you can SAVE THAT CAR. But you can’t wait, you can't delay, you can’t put it off! If will take more care than ever now to save that car! STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF MAKE A DATE NOW! LET YOUR ESSO DFjYIJIR.. Change that oil y/ lubricate thot chassM ^ Inspect those tires ^ Check thot battery core saves wear NEW JERSEY C*K. IMS.EUgUe.

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