rAflP TWO- TITR CAKOUATIAN WKKK' T-xpiNc;. KATt’nriAV. mAv ims Raleigh Personals BY VIVIAN McLendon fi'itiKi;: ;uc wi:liiin; f-’r him ii I m'o\ ‘'ly- I.i;:!.- iv;i;hii Askew i>t ' l-'ciwk'r Si. is nbic ti' be “nt iiltiT living sielv f'’r -i-vi'nil ci.iys Karlirii- is .1 ukiuHT ■•I Miinly St. ; etiin ch. j The l.iiilics UsIm'i- IJniiiii of ilie [M.iiily St. f'hristi;iii (tru-i.h ;;M-t n • Iccnlly ;it the homo of Mi>s Floi>i." Ji'iios. 5^:J Sc'Ulh UoTiiidiiiy Stroll i Liltlo Miss Willio M. l.ouiso of 4- [l.j S. Swiiin SI. liii.s Loon oji tl.i* sick list. Hoi- many friends said, "luiny and yet well, Willie.” The Koiu'lh Ward Floral Club held its iiMinIhly ineoliiiy Wednes day, Api'il 2ath. at Iho home of Mis. Berdic ffiintor. .Mur all Inri- ni*ss was disoii.«srd. the olub was served with cliiok‘n salad, eraeker.s, sandwiohes. punch and oalic. Joint h'.«U*.ss( s wore Mrs. Btrdii- Hunter and Mrs. Collin James. Miss I.ucillc Griswold who has boon toneh'ny at Southport, is at home with her aunt. Mj.;. Mattie .1. j..ewis of 220 East Cab.irrus Street, who has been confined to bwl for the pa-t .--even or oiyhl weeks. Wo arc al: hapjiy to know that she i. a little improved, Out of town relatives and friends who visited her over the week end were Ri V. Levi Barnes. George t. Barnes, E. M. 3-c, Mr. Ilcrinan Wil liams, Sr., and Mr. Herman Wil liams, Jr., from Baltimore; Mrs. Beatrice Reid and Mr. Leslie W. Wooten of Greensboro; Mrs. Dillida Greene and Hortense liOwis from Goldsboro; Mr. Arthur Ora from Now Bern, and Mr.s. Oelavla Stokes ftferriett one of the teacliers in Row land. The Friday afternn.an Book Club entetrained a group i f servicemn on Friday cvctiim;. April 271h. al the Mary Talbert Home. President of the club. Mrs. M. Cagle, also Mesdames Geo. Burch. A. Green. A. B. Johnson. Lilly Hi rice, P. Hall, P. Devaiie. N. Small, and JI. Williams were hostesses. Everyone pre.^ent enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Mrs. James Curley "f .'i-'iR E. Edenton SI. has been 011 tlie sick list- Her many friends arc happy to hear that .she is able to be «iuJ- again. Mrs. Floimie Jones of (>43 South ' Boundary .St. received word that ] Mrs. Pearl Foster of Edgieomb her .son. Pfr William Jones is sick ' Tcr*a-.' has lieen sU'k and confined in a n»!t:iaii hospital. Hi.s many to her apt. for M ver.il days wi'-h Shortcakes from the South... OUEItLLN MiVi-S BY ANN n. .^IHRGAN Miss Barbara Edwards of Dur ham, N. C. was the week i nd giu t of Miss Clarice Hunter. Mis.s Mary W. Turner of New- bern was in the city over the week end. Miss Gwendolyn Gill and Louise Wat.'on of Scollaiul-Neck were in the city over Itu' week end. Mrs*. Gcrliude Pool,’ and grand daughter, Jeanne Pvole, attended the funeral ('I .Mr.-s. Madio Poole's uncle. Jo.';eph D. Dunn of Rocky Ml., N. C. t’pl. Clarence Hunter is visiting his parent.-;. Mr. aiii Mrs. H. W. Hunter on Van D>ko Ave. He is now on a 30 day furlough after be ing over seas 7 month.-. Pvt. William Dougltis spent the week end in the city with his moth r, Mr. Louise Southerland on 7(Vi ;;id St, Pvt. Douglas.s received the PurpI-' Heart fo. wounds re ceived in Belgium. Mr. Gilbert Hunter visited his tiarcnls over the week end. CHAVIS HEICHTS Washingfton Schoo! News COMLST CaaiuK'i.- aod .AturKan-t L.aikin KALLIGH Ti-e '••i-ilv of Al;-. b. 1 .Vo-.-, o> V.t o, I-. 0:1 obo-.-,! by -ii-- W ;i- P; - 1!h. -p-ri.e; A-' ... p;-...|....:-n.'' ■Jie ■ d ;m'; c nil;.I • • •:, .'lift .li. iiimib'’r in the arot.-.l lorces. Dili n.i II ..li (.n\!l! i;s KINC (Sfi'-’l (’AS;;!',;-! Fi.Ill rat .-eiviees t..r t'iiarle. K-: vbi.v, I.:, ot ■!:. V ill i. .'eloeK 1. ai S.oi.; .\i-i!.io.-;. j-,;, .0- ()• .\ .. •: I',.: iv W.-o.; al lli. I,12-1 vV. f. b.ii HH Sin el, loll.,'..... a : , b' .u.d lj- -m w-.icii te- • e, , He V.-.i- :hi .M.Ti . ; -b- I-I .Shut w.ir Ivnid . Line..!' '5''’o; t -i- . -T Ibntoll, '.41,' -.1 J.il.l,-.. v'!l Miss Fio.ssie P.'ikc.*. titrOelor i>f the widely known Coinni'inify Health Educalimi Project al Bcn- neit College. Grern.'-boro. wa.s a .speaker at the conference of the North Carolina Negro Student Health ..\ssoeiation held recently at Raleigh. The Health Project re ceived an award at the confeieneo for its progress .-iiu-j d was o; ized in September. Miss J’arker was formerly J. aiis Stiiiervisor in Edgecombe Coumy. N. C. for her a ver.v ituick iicovery. Master Theodore M. rriceai of J Chavis Way celebr.iled his tith birttiday last Monday. April 30. He received many supiises Happy biithduv Theodore. Master Jessie Welidail of 21 Ch.iv's W.iy cclebiolo dhis Cth birthday T.icsday, M.-y 1. He le- ceivitl rrary pre.ents. Happy binlulay Jessie. Mr.-*. Fl'.yd Pl-.illlp.- of no. r, Hyde Terrace and children were the din ner guest of .\Ir.s. Phillip's gland- motticr. Mrs. Anna Harris of tin citv. .Mr.s. I.. Hardee of iJ Sinilb Pla.-.a ii.id a;- hit- gueat fn.fi Waslniigtixi. I). C. her sister. Lillie Mi - Rio.lecti Hicks of no. 12 Chavis Way i.- able to be .Hit af ter a few tlay.s illness. Thi .•\!-.:at:e ehili beUl it; r'’..;!!- lar meeting .h. tin Chavis Height.s Office with Miss Chandler presiding, Mrs. FI..yd Phillips joint ho.stess. Mr.s. W A. Bh'Unt .•! W. Raleigh v.as the guest of her daughte’-ii’.- l:iw. Mrs. Jum- BhHint of Chavis AVav i.ei-ntly. airs A. Johns, n .f Bo.ston. Ma.-s, and Miss Join: Atai Bnister of Bridgeport. Conn, was in the Hts. y-.indav v- • i'ro i-.-.s . The Cradle n-Il dipt of th iFii t Baptist Ch...*c'o .-’ill h Id its b.rtb- day partie for the month of May at the h. me r.o Oscar Krndail. Sr.. 21 Ch.ivi.- W: y. Fridiiy May U. from 4 to 6 o'clock, till- pastor offieirs and mee - !)ers of t'.e Fii-t U-plist Sunday School tind parents of the Cradle Roll arc cordially invited to attend. YWCA II APPFMNGS RALEIGI: Tin- W..r..o,. • ty Comnnlltc uX Hic SoJo..: • , -'h VWl'A ; o'. I.JI 01 .aiiV-ali- Sunday. r.L- • 2!*:h ft th Y plan ■‘•■ivitn--. o( inti-ies; and ■ joyinent for the .lon.en i.f R.,h-.: Tlie pio:-:-aiTi pl-.ened i not for tl rifii.-.i.ei-:- of tin- v.n.t - ;.a,,j|v ‘ :as f-.!! • Mr:. I'da 1 G. V.- .e , '• *,- ’ ......luT. uir- ainl -.p-—b - f.ii>-ih. : farm: Garnet w'Mi tin- 1-. S An-'.y overseas; niilh, C'aile! Niirs. •PhiMip,- Hi-•pi;. '. Hi'-hmoiKl, V ;.: riuriil tT’d f, nev.-'. ei'-id .in- fn- V.:.- fe lol'V 'rt:.'l 1: h. .\1 , 1 the •otul i Plaid. Ml Vin. .0. N V.; Li 'p,ank C'l.ii. .\!eeh.-.:. .-i.iti F.;::: ' i.s P.an'K. Pal. e,.: S- g.d . 'worker. L-.urm.'n-;: \\ iHe:. li--'' - • _ - ■■■ iitl f.orm v.irl on '.h.l'n-.-'.s faim. ' CtI' and Eimice. D ie:- a'U Caiin -1 • Lrouo e, wh.i atlei't! -rh ■ ! - .i help with The pr-i :uilr.n 'In- fram w.-ri; (h-iin; afti'i' school '■•ili u ot Pi'oi. houis. V- .MtlNTIII.A' Ml ? riVG MAY 7 •.!l : ,is I vdi . -.In. ili- H. 'X. Joi.iis-jn. e Hi-Y Club-; had charge -if h,.]!. I p:-.;r.-in '.n Thur.-d.iy o' -k. Tile i:-o,i..-m w.is gi\in ......n-nial for R.n..i..lijh Wil- . win- k:'J. d a! P- .rl . Li .I-.tii! ('ll who i-- rt i . ' h- RAI.FKiH — Tl- ManagP- mvn* *r Hip So- Jciurm- ’r>-uMi YM.. i «ih hold D the montidv mc-etinr at the )s' V\VAnn.MeinL.> f.-nin?,. May 7. at Rtnn. Mrs, Nn-.i L. l.oi-lc- i 0 hart is elia'rnnn A*! ini-mhers i-ra-ibhe D. It. velt. are urird to he present. Ta fOI'RT NEWS ''-b'- >■-• Li-e Bei-iatnin, t;-.? V.- l Ma-‘in ‘o b cl: SUc-M. w .- c.-i!', ''oil ■! ope'i;ilin.; .1 I h ii:fl! . .. i-:ir with unpr.i-it- li’ale-. He u.i' r.-b-b-e. fined cost-- Sen or I*,o Vi .lb. May 1. ..;in Erii'iii.! : Ulysc- .M l , w.-.s iid.-i-'d t" .a pleaded gniH.' t'- a: Lli ly l.'-ckl-iir. of T.e.-'s T.:-v. ; ;i,\ • nPi'i- In- 1 .i:-i :iid battery n The H'-y riu'o,. a... m .-IK. vh-.-li ‘.-111 be In' I*,. : r-l!h:'riin- Stroud, I..|ih: 'nn.ij .. Mmr y Srhi.-ol..;. nil. u' . J.H i- !L .- .Mitch- 1 ;1. V W-tll. William Wimberly, t.cnu-'l Wb--;. i, I). lotlA MeKay rtl.i R. Til m Conio,. Go.'d .-■K. f;,- —i'''. (’-.(ji I.iik!. Herme'in Fdwards*. nn / H.ill. L-.nise Cutrhin. ,'ia.ctn..;.. Sn'i.- .M. Pope. '1 :.'.T II., V.;len;i Wynne. thli itrad.'. Ma-lha PioiMi. Gloria H-nt. V;..l.i 1). Lab:.-. Willie .McC'iil- 1. r--. .h:,!. ;.ii. noeo Nith.J.-. f! .,;.. . - (*, Baiiiier, St,:.!. V ('.-..Iiv, |>a.;l.!. • R. . . ('- n- ' -N. d. fib.h.-. C'-.p.-Jand. .l.ihti-)*). !;t;: o.-, Ida Bi-nv."-. D, l.i;-. Ki.-l.’s, L.-.'i'-.- M.i!'.!v-w.--, C.'l.:uili.i '! N'ich.-i-. .Ir . Bi nj:;ir,in ■!h'.Ni'-'i- Hart ^ J:».-iuehne • i.i- -111.! Wiii::.-n Leo. CLASSIFIED AVANT'. n — P.irllime Maid, two in f.ioil'-. no tiiildri'ii, 1 room. Ili.d ’ ^-I'hiY. Cjtl (’1 o i.t-' Hunter ; .. > ,, W, C, '. H-it-'. clr-1 H. f . 1. • ( 1: r -if In*” :;'h for ! Tor ?or»oaoli»c-d Hand Laundry Phone 4100 MO0FRN Hand Laundry 411 Obolin Hoad .1 Ap.-i! 23. with 1! ihb- p: -t > i\- • g. The R .g- cu i';.-. Bo '-, a f.-t • • i,(-/ :;r f:.-m the W;ilnn!;Ion Hi;-.h S.'• -.1 band v.-ith AAIB as;? ADOT? Now Playing ■'I’LL BE SEEING YOU" SHILLKV 'j'I-".-V' , jGSKPi! iVi'i Royal Friday and Saturday V.'ILI) BILL ELLIOTT Ii- 'TUSCON HAIDERS' DENNIS O KEEFE I i 'GOOD MORNING, JUDGE' Sundey .tnd Monday I )Iey ( 01,’ i,!- r. •: (•'; ;. Tailor ji'id Mrs, i'hl.-.- Olty .L-i-.,-. all of Raleigli. .‘Jits, ini-.jipv wii.i.iA.Ms : r \J ItM.I/I J) l-.-'iLKlCHI Fim.i.it ;ervi-r.. f- ,- .Mr.-'. C'nn ly W.’h ..r P.ih-ii h, '•.-i-re 0 nducleil on Sunday atl.;- niM-n fi-i'n*. Mir! 1: Street P..i:'ti;t Chiin-h with the pasioi. IIi'., P.i :1 .l.ihn-iii, officiating, .'."i.-. Willi ,i.- il'itd in .April JI, folln'.viii'.; ho in-i illncfs. Surviving are: a iLii-ihtev. M: M-ii.i Noble .-f Italii'di: ,1 P.- •-i'-.d AViiliams. of T’ol-i.jh; '-ne sis- t.--, Mrs. S:ii-iih Mr.lii* of To I- Al.- ; ai'.i tViii- :.!-,-.i'dihililr.-ii. Hi 'Ml. oa-.i .f p I V nil liie bin -l.slioncd in When assing through Rocky Mount Stop at the ALilFAiAKLF CAFE 20-1 Albemarle Ave. 1 Rocky .Mount, N. C. BAR-B-CUE and FRIED CHICKEN Our Specialty E. N. AND' RSON. Prop. FOR TASTY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN’S Tea Room and—— 2HICKEN SHACK Half Chicken or A Chicken Sandwich BEER SOFT DRINKS Corner Croat and Lake St. HOME-COOKED FOODS .-\ndi what a meal It will be— seasoned exactly 'Icht, and ev ery dish hoastiiit; a real borne- couked flavor. 15 & 11 C AFE 4ll S. BI.OL'NT ST. Arcade Shoe Shine Parlor SHOE SHINES OF THE BEST IS OUR BUSINESS SHOES l>yiT) AM- COLORS I..MHI-S SHINES .\ bPECIALTY SHOES CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED ARCADE HOTEL BLU. J. M. MASSEY. Prop. LlAiffiOtN Royal Friday and Saturday WILD HILL ELLIOTT — Ii- "TUSCON RAIDERS" Extra-richtjUndcTf'^ W that’s how they make’em in Dixie o'clock, the pisl.’i' ‘'llie. i-s ui’d me.- - bers of Ihe Fii-t Uiptisl SuntL.y School nnd parents of the Cradle Roll are cordially invited to attend, cd. YWC A II APPEMNCS ILM.KIGH The W'lnieii Activi ty Comniitlco of the SoJinnm-r ■ :i:’h Y'V.'C'.-\ net for iiiLi'iiizatinn . Sundnv. Ml-'- bl th-.- Y I' pbiii ;-clivitH-s of intere.st and en- joyineiit fnr tin- wimeii nf R;rl(-ig|i. The p'-'ign'm ph.rued i- »“’t f‘*f the memb-rshii) nl--::t- l>ut I'Pt-n to ;.ll ’Lik igh v.oli en ns the Y is u center for activities and feUi.w.;hiti amor-g all gniiii.-- and fuv eh t'Ues. S-!-- "f th- .cbvbn- planned by the oainmiltce wcic: A fl.leigh Wi.m' iC' Diroctory A S-rapt*«-k ol YWCA Aclivi- tics. Monthly book Revi.-ws. Orgatiirali.-n of a Minisfert-wives And your folks will soy that’s how to make Fruit Shortcakes every tit^. Auxiliaiy. for fiifm Thoyll sit up and take notice when you serve these delicate, l-,11 C u niv:il .-Nhibition crlsnv nastry squares with sweetened strawberries, peaches, or a com- , fi,,w«-r.-; and li bbics. binalion of any other seasonal fruits. Or use canned fruits, if you prefer. [ a rh>y. , No second rollings with this easy recipe - just cut the pastry m a ('..mnn.n.ii Cl,n-'m..- squares and bake.... Youll say you never tasUd shortcakes so good.. t!:- I Try them soon! * ,i monthly I' Fruit Shortcakes, Southern Style '% ' Mix 1% cups sifted ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR and ?i teaspoon SALT. Measure out % cup SPRY and divide into two equal parts. Strp I for Tmdcrncss-c\it in first half of Spry until as fine ns meal. Sirp 2 for Flakincse-CMt in remaining Spry until particles arc size of large peas. Add 2*4. tablespoons rold WATER, mixing thoroughly info a dmigh. Roll dough into oblong ',i inch thick. «5nt in 12 threo-inch square.s. Bake in very hot oven (460''F.) 12-15 minutes. At serving time, put sweetened STRAWBERRIES, PEACHES, or ’ other seasonal fresh fruit between squares and on top. Serves b. . , . Tl. e. pliiiin''d $ - li'-i-ed thill viK-h month ni.k'igli wt-iri-n v:m_ find uu iiclivi'y of int: i-c-.-'. a- '-by The i-omm'ttoc will miliate the p--i.-i-am "f art-vl't-- 'W h'*tt''fi''g a n,ii"ii:li W:it- M illii'i' •>'’ Molhri-'.-i !)iy Ml-' M Havwi'od, tin- Muilfu-r Ml Cap'.-in Vvii’"' H-yw-i'-d. wh" •vVa- r-i-'i'''v hoimri-d m Rah r.;h - l!avv.*-i’d will be honor-d H..-i.'i.il Day. ' Mr.-- L'.ui-.- F. IM-nn .md -0,.. Ma-. M'-CanIf-y ai ( -i-fiairm'-:: .,{ tin- Woiran’s .\'li\iiy C 'lnmiU''''. CIILKCII NEWS MARTIN STKLFT n.APTIST CllI RCn. MMU’ F- .M-M5TIN ST. Rev. 1'. H. 3ihii*-on, Pastor .!e*i'e Clrvefand Sanders. Reporter On Simdav. A-tII 2f);iv the m-ia- i hors and fri:nd> of the Martin St.! Baptirl Cbuivh -vk‘b’..I'.cd 'he fi..-:' ,i.--.'\-erMiry "f H"- jM-tor. the Rev. l», H. J-jhiui'-n. ... , I,.- ai'.-ersa. V scrvieo was hold Sunciiiv rifter:ioen at 3:00 v-i';: , ■ Biv -■ H. JaG.-- - . liKlrm'-T : in tl-.i School ot K.-ligio*:. Siiaw Uni- . versiiy a.-- the prinripal .'peaker. An ann'versaiy gift of mu- hi;r,. rired and fnr'y dollars was pic en'^ . cd to the R- .- .Tnh:-*-'^n from tF- I ir.vmebrs and friends of thi- c'nurch. HEARING WAVED IN FOKGFKV (ASF You Too May Get RELIEF FROM ASTHMA SP.ASM.S Do those whwzinp choking st- '..icks keep you from yoar work or rob you of your sleep? For over half a century BRATER’S POW- countleas .'tuffer.-* (mm spasms of DER ha-s brought hlesxed relief to urthma. Try BRATER'S POW DER. you too may find soothing rolieL l^xy to use. Caution, use BRATER’S POWEEP. only as dl 1 n eted. Largf size xx»x $1.00 at ‘ your drjggist, or **nd cash or money order to *01 direct. No goods mailed COE John K. Bratter & Co. INC i3Ci) 3id Ave.. New Yrrk. N.Y. (18) Wt-HiingK-n High SGi'iol band with AMBAS^ tnOT? Nov/ Playing "I'LL BE SEEING YOU" .... I-!, (LNGMH ItOCKIlS SHIKLKV TRMPI.I-: .IGKLi'H GOT'KX-: Sun., Mo.-i.. Ti'Cs. ''HOTEL BEHLLN" •i Kii'.i- -'in. K.-;. •••-'! M..- ■' iAU;- Wed. Thurs;., Fri., Saf. A SONG TO REMEML’LR" I’aii. M'.mi. Mr-'.- OLc r-m DENNIS O KEHFH In ' GOOD MORNING, JUDGE' Sunday and Monday r.Oi; l.!V!\(.'i|!}N In "B^^^E.^TH V/ESTEPN SKIP? Tuesday and Wednesday "MU.RDER RAP • Al- Al’ CoioTod Cost ARC.^DE HOTEL BLD. J. -M. .MASSEY, Prop. ILimilUM HoiBathsHsiseve Rheiiinatisoi and AftLitis Relief 111 ■/ P*l': 0. Co, Vo : i" i, ; Wl,r f.-rlirue 1- -uF 1 '• rn'.: - l:nJy »i>4 Thursday BARGAIN DAY Double Feature ae.vy.*..f That the sad occasion of a f'jnct.il is observed with the utmost dignity aad beau ty—if you ask to take care of over/ dulaU. Ralcieh Funeral Home C. A. HAYWOOD. President Phene 2-2835 Raleigh, North Carolina 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE t i ' Tr‘^ae^2Sr7!::'4!»y^' SUN.. MON. TUES MAY 6-7 8 “Barbary Coast Gent” \\-.\i l..•'(-l•: i:ki;i!V—v.iiii iiiiiiiH- 1: \i:.\i-:.s. .; .i:ii r..ki;.U)iN-|-- Piiii-- KK! ! 1.1,1 in-: i;;:.\v i:i;s r,1; ■rr, : lv. '-Ini; WUI- i:.-, u . Sr, 11. Ill} c)-:.i >111,i'll 'iiiiin Mnrcii of riioe: 'SWliL'EM S Ml:ji)l.E KOAD” "HO I LIP .lA.-lPKll’’ CivHoo.i NI-.-vVS WED. and THURS. “LAURA I .^u» .1 48. of i:i City winch RALEIGH -- Colf-r Ror P inl- Road. waiv. d h*- iring ■''ourt ic-ccnily in a •• • m ' he i.f cluir.,cd wii'; fur-jcry. Hv w: . boi'nd over lo Suoprioi Court iiii ' bond --f S.'>e>i Th'- di-fc--‘i.-iit I' (barged 'vi'-: '.>.1-., to K.il-C $.'(70 !if** iiisin- ,, William Mi’K:iil:-> .C.r.c-. an inmate of Dc--th'' R”W ■>' C ch- .il I’l :,v'. - ‘-xci-'ilioii f. :• ■no Kiiircic: -^f ' '• --.-if” 1-PVI-: :! • . •>-. R. . f f.-rgigii .loin-' Ki.Ti.f ail a;-;-’; - '...1; IT >!!:;inc*- maoc after J'-i;’^ - placed in pii-'on R--" tv-lmvofl ib:-' J..n- h..d died f-'- 'h pibrv k '.h >■ Uh- n-ii:.'-. ' • w.'li - Huirra SI rlu-- pooiBkc at«t I !■ . If iLlJ. «h«k o.-di'inr. ,«it»r Kf.ltijy alt |n-t3sr cl-arsf-. If >'-u il> I>.>1 • hl»in reiirf in to m.r*!} rrlurn uiiu.«l p.irtion. ar.J -rll r.fjnd )iur dollar aitliuul qurslivn. V VII. ( f»l PUN TOD\Y Nali»nal i!i a-.ina;^'. Int. (Itrl. t'l E K»,l tSt!: -Si.. .V«-« I*. N.I. PIfa-if -.f.-iit nir »(('•■ of i halli* of .SM.-U.W MIM.kM ir.lllS. ru |.sy ]iu>iinrii SI |,l !'• • • r and .*».!>. [ I am rrrlo«ine SI. Yu' AJdrr-.* J pay poMacr. VICTORY GARDEN NEEDS Plant Your Garden Now! Golden Bantam, Siov/ell, Evergreen, Sugar Corn— ‘‘Iowa Sil'.er King Corn” roasting ear.*;—63 days Sa-'o Your Ve^etabU'.s c. c. rotepnone Dusr (non pO!^o>■lCO^I f KiJl.s Be.nn Bev*'lo.v. Cr-hbage Wor.ns, potato Bugs \ HH KO -M.VKl v IJt K I'l A’nI T-- (;in>U' iu lni:) d.ww I l.il TnV \\ \:\--\\ - W ji i,.|■.l(^til \inli-l:-.ii|t I C-'ilooi: ‘ I'Oi.AK PF.ST" MfD-oJonc News [ Bill Elliott la Episode 7 of “Vailiy of Vanishing Men” It Like.-i (lilt to gfo ' V- But , Ilowov gardi-iLs. Dl- Ui-vp them rli-un. L , IV1. YOUNG 2CG E. MABTIN STREET FRl. and SAT. (Double Feature) MAY 11-12 “The Parson of Panamint’ t r.r(:(:!.i->* — i-i.i l.n IMIll.i.lt’ TFl.’UY .Jo.-a-i)!. .'''I'L :l(i c i|t — i’ojL'l ll;:ll —CO-FE.\TURE-— “Ladies of Washington” Tiii'iiY ;:,-.!''ii.vi.i. — i;i>N.-,i.!i ip.-.mi.am \ \ ••}ij (»( i\\ ,'S v\’ Ch’-i-ii r r. ->! •' rur \f\skfu .m.-'-rvfi ”

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