Raleigh Personals B¥ VIVIAN MeLBNDON Mr. Jornc-Y Autr.v cf B&Uimorc^ Md., was the week end guest of the Taylor Family of 1511 South Me Dowell Street, where he visited his little daughter. Little Miss Maxine Aulrv The Booker T. Washington club will hold its regular meeting Thurs day evening, May 17. at 8:00 at the home of Mrs. Blanche Dover of 200 Cuba Street. All members . re ur«- fd l ub cpresenl. Mr. John Chavis is president The First Bapti.si Church Senior Choir honored two of the choir members with a very tasty and do- liclous course last Friday evening after rehearsal. The honorees. Miss Rena Mitchell and M. L. Broadic, received two very attractive gifts. A very plcasun evening was enjoy ed by alt present. The pastor, Dr. O S. BuJoclc. Joined them with high remarks of encourasement Miss Sally Jones of 317 South CHAVIS HEIGHTS BY MAY L. BROADIE Mrs. Geneva Phillips of 6 Hyde Torrace celebroted her birthday re- certly. Mrs. Annie J. Syde. and her grand mother, Mrs. Anna Ed uards, were dinner guests for the occasion. Happy birthday, Mrs. Phillips. Little Miss Carol Mack of 6 Edge- comb Terrace was slightly injured Monday atfernoun while playing at the play ground. She was struck ac cidentally by the swing, knocking out two teeth and u cut on her lip and forehead. We wish for her a quick recovery. Mrs. Evelyn Wesley of 10 Ashe Terrace was rushed to Saint Agnes Hospital last Saturday. She was re ported as better. All friends arc glad to hear that she is improving. Mrs. Martha Perry cf 7 Franklin Terrace is spending a few days in Wilmington, with her daughter and snn-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Murk Richardson. Mrs. Josh Hunter of 11 Smith Plaza is a patient at Saint Agnes Hospital. Mrs. Hunter ic the former Miss Rosa Clark, of this city. Hur ry and get well. Mrs. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pulley and chil dren and Miss Marguerite Greene of 10 Franklin Terrace, will leave fur Wilmington to spend the week end with Mrs. Pulley’s sister, Mrs. Mark Richardson. Little Miss Delores High of 7 Chavis Way ha.s been sick and con fined to her home for several days. Her many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. JGS Club News RALEIGH — The Junior Girls Superviors Club of Chavis Helgnts Center entertained a few friends with a weiner roast and dance which was planned to be at Chavis Park, but due to the weather it was at Chavis Heights Center on Saturday the twenty eighth of April Our favorite song played was "DrcaiDf** by the Pled Piper, Soft drinkf were donated by Mr, Wiley Latham. Guwta present: Ml^ Margaret Jones, Mr. Claude Jones; Leon Lawson, Melvin Glenn, Jame|^Hinton and Sylvester Watson. MeflBbers present were: Mli^ci Brunhilda Lnwson. presi- Haywood Street woa the week end guest of Mis.'! Evelyn Little of Chavis Way, this city. The Progressive Council of Elks will hold its regular monthly meet'.’ ing Monday evennig at 8:00 at the Elks home, 61J East Davie Street. AH members are urged to be pre sent Business of importance. l.oyal Dt. Ruler. Mrs. Laura Moore. Mis.s Eva Mae Cresl of East Mar tin Street was called home to Mon roe due the illness of her father. Little Miss Willie M. Lewis of South Swain Street if able to be nut again after a short illness Pvt. Arthur Buskcrvillc, former Raleigh orchestra leader, and popu lar young man about 'own, is home on furlough after completing his basic training in an army camp m Texas. MRS. MARY HAYWOOD HONORED AS WAR MOTHER OF THE MONTH RALEIGH — Mrs. Mary M. ..Haywood of 902 Manly Street, is being honored by the Sojourner Truth YWl'A and the Cadets nf Saint Agnes School of Nursing at their Induction Program Sat urday, May 12. at 2:0C p, m. Mrs. Haywood is a member of of the W’ar Mothers Club and nf | the First Congregational Church. Her -son, Captain Vernon S. Haywood, has recently returned from overseas. Tuttle (ienter Friends Washington School News A«nesHospit ill For Porsoiuliied Hand Laundry , \u\iiiar\ Kiuls Phone 4100 ('Ompiled By Alexander Chalmers and Margaret Larkin I Wfti u.. .11 'llii .iiinii.il .1. MODERN ! trtml Laundry '.ii Oberlin Road Wadt’ .Smitii, pr:. ;i(idi’!. : w;.'- ;u a M ^ ■- ■:! ' ■ , ."1 1 \.i I ;;; ■>* . C.t. - . H . \Villiv i.t. .'nil. M', Ciiaf- H.i! .K H :.h ur.a .M.i will iiL lu-id Fi I I., f'l In tl- !i ’l l - ^ : .i- V ' •' four ir.'in h:j r-r .1. -h- irnal. .1 ii.ho! h^ - Lund. - T.ivl- li.-d n. ch- u'-.I :.:,fi h. iiiL hf‘r hti-b:itui‘s C I, \ S S f F 1 r. D V tS'fl.li _ I'lrlti-ue .M;.iil, lw*> ,l’, )5;.( }, I;, Ml fiimily. au rliililrijt, I roum. Di.il Wet .Sunday RALEIGH — The sixth annual reception for the Tuttlv Community Center Friends was held Sunday from 6 to 7 p. m. The program con sisted of music by the pre-school, directed by Mrs. Ray Smith und Mis.s Josephine Bryant, Pearl Weav er. a former prc-scho;l pupil, sang, ••Just A Prayer Away," Mrs. R, F Daniel, newly elected profident of; the Board of Directors presided. , Mrs. Daniel gave a brief history I of the Friends Organization and | presented the members. Board of' Directors to the to the Friends and parents. Miss Pearl Snodgrass gave the an nual report of the Friends activities. The repotr listed sifts and ser vices from the following pei-ple: Mrs. Daisy Evans. Mr.s. N. J, De laney, Mr. and Mrs. George Mitch ell, Mr. and Mr.s Prince Simmons, Miss Albenine Mason. Mrs. Joseph Mays. Miss Elsie Evk. Miss Jessie Guernsey, Mrs. Harper Fleming, Mrs. Ethel Hunt, Mrs. E. H. Goold. Mrs. Laura Wimberly. Miss Doro thy lane, Mr. Hubert Towns, the late Mrs Mary Christmas. St. Augus tine's Girls Service League, St. Annes Auxiliary and Christ Church. St. Annes Auxiliary of the Church of the Good Shepai^ Church. Wom an's Fellowship club nf St. Ambrose Church. Raleigh Chapter of the Hampton Club. YWA Club of the First Baptist Church. H. E. Class of Shaw University. The gifts included cash, subscrip tions to magazines, used clothing, scissors, pencils, stuffed animals, yellow and construction paper, can dy, linen, paper towels, refresh ments. books, magazines, a house which was planned ti be at Chavis Park, but due to tho weather it was at Chavn Heights Center on Saturday the twenty eighth of April Our favorite song played was "Dreams*' by the Pied Piper. Soft drinks were donated by Mr, Wiley Lalham. GuMts preM-nt; .Mils Margaret Jones, Mr. Claude Jone«r» Leon Lawson. Melvin Glenn. Jamef Hinton and Sylvester Watson. Members present were: .Mispes Brunhilda Lawson, presi dent; Lola Jeffreys, vice president: Lynell Winston, assistant secretary; Juanita Broadie, treasurer; Courdia Jeffreys, Mis. Dorothy Lilly, our advisor and Mr. Wiley J. Latham, were also pre.sent. WAR MOTHERS HONORED AT OPEN HOUSE RAI.EIGH — The Bloodworth St, USO will hold open house Sunday. May 13. at 0:30 o'clock honoring Local War Mothers of Chapter I. The following persons w'ill appear on program: Invocation by Rev. J. Howard Thompson: Mu.slcal Selection by Ttlissei Majorie Williams. Ruth Powi and Mr Wilbert Sanders; Origin of Mother’s Day. Miss Ollie Clark; Tribute to Motoher from datighler and son by Miss Blonnie L. Slade and Pfc. Leroy Yates of the U. S. M. C. R.. respectively. A basket of flowers will be presented to the lo cal chapter. Refreshments will be .served Annes Auxiliary and Christ Church, St. Annes Auxiliary of the Church of the Good Shepard Church. Wom an'), Fellowship club of St, Ambrose Church, R.ileigb Chapter of th- Hampton Club. YWA Chib of the First Baptist Church. H. E. Clas.s of Shaw University. The gifts included casli, subscrip, tlong to miigazinei, used clothing, scluors, pencils, stu Ted animals, yellow and conslructhi i paper, i an- dy, linen, paper towels, refresh ments. books, magazines, a house and hit. an egg hunt. Indian clubs and rulers. All of these Rifts end services have not only helped to continue and extend the program but hove been an inspiration to ihe board and staff. The gift of the tioiise and lot was a legacy left in the will of the late Mrs. Mary Christmas to the Center. The property is to be sold and the proceeds therefrom used to erect a room for working girls In memory of Mrs, Christmas's daughter, the late Mrs. Catherine C. Weatherford. Mrs. Chri.stmas was e member of the Mother's Club. This is the first ! leR,^cy left to any member a.jency ' of the Community Chest nf Ra leigh. RAINBOW WEDDING ! RALEIGH ~ Tlicre will be a I Rainbow Wedding under the aus- I pice.s of the Eastern Star, at the l.iicille Hunter School Tuesday eve ning, May 15lh, at cisht o'clock. -A special program proceeds the wed ding. Mr?. J. Fuairif Ahxio.icr -d Chtirlotte. who was Hie recent guest speaker at Sha-v v.spei j:i ; observanco i-f atinir.l M,iy wi'ek sponsored by Delta Siyina Thelj V-E Day Ohseriaiicr .\l Blooilnortli Sired I Si) Sunday, .May l ltli RALEIGH -- In li'eping with the Pro.di^it'.' Proclamiitio.; ■ t VL Day, it was annoinc-i.i last nuht by Wesley F T.ylor. Direitor ■{ the Bloodworth .Streo*. U.SO Club, that the h.cai duo *.niild lioii • special obseivance pi-jgram at (!»• club Sunday, .Mav KS, ..i p n, As plans had already oei ii affecKd for n Mother^ Ir.'v '•1011^111011 on Sunday at the dub. i t which iim a special tribute ti le paid to Ihe , American War Mother; ‘-f Ral i;;., Chapter I. the V-F. ob-.-rvance liiid:- a fitting place at this n.>i ticular time. Mr. Taylor ald;-- The special pnigri’m Is under .sponsorship of the Girl's Service Organization »f the Ul'.odw o-tn iStrccl USO Cliil) Miss Laur.c Brown is president if Ihe ori'aiiization. Iiivitalioii to this spf ci.il pi •..i.ini is extended to Ihe genei.il j.iihlic. THE NATIONAi/aSSOCIATION OF COLLEGE WOMEN HOLDS vouTii link; RALEIGH ..looilay i.ivl.i M ,v lA. at 7 o'cl'K l ;»in.’ ;'i p,.; 1 ji! the BloodwuiHi Slnei USD. Hie third annual Youth Chnie cor.iluci d by the Ra!ei:;li Diancli "f llu MatUmal A. socialion 'f Coll-• Woiiu 11. InviUtlioii I'l tin • , is extended to Ihe :'.ei,c-i,il p'li.lic, THE NATIONAI.'^ASSOCiATBIN OF COLLEGE WOMEN HOLDS S Ol’TH MMC RALEICH -.ioi'day lyhl .'1 .v j-1. at 7 O d.: ! :1 ' '1 O. I1-. ; Id tin- lUowi'.'.uiiJi sill'; t'Sfj. the tl.ird annual Youth Chnn' t-iMhict d by the Halei.'.li liiaiidi "f H:; National A ‘ocialioii f ('■■11 Wo ch.ipnr of iKita Si fill- •\ • ' I'l .* .Alpha Zeta Alexander. Ciiarh.ttc ; ia Tlu'n oifienl of .’vuxiliary. . AI;D fil THANKS Ml-' H .N’ohl- ami family wi.sh D..ink lie., tea'i- lnei»ds for i iiicii i'- .-li.iwn ih'iii (Itirinx ■ne I'hv and .. i-.y of Ihelr i.'.e;- .1)4 ;i!ai'.Hino;iicr, Mrs. COlllT Fi.i,; y-'U'k.i. ri'.y Com I O . 1L.1..-M I', t:.etl, .,i.' 12 .Sonin o C'livicted in u f cliurges of (.oac'ji;: ..ii'l ctigii^jing in ! : .•■ :. Uii Station li.. IF • ■ iL’ Fayi-HevillP I Ci ■|• .y|.lr. 17. of S.iTM' J '■‘ireet, were I I,T.•line to fou' n-nnih.s on th*- road.s. AlU. Wit; ..-., ifl. (if Raleigh. Rf. 2. end J.ir:,f»s McK-than, 16 of 7t;’ 12 Wr i S'.pth Strrel, were lilt i!n' : ;ii; .n the mad'. «’'«-penf)rd ip •!» pj.Vi-.cnt of cosU cr.d "ii Condition th i' they remain •m g*." ri h h tvi'jr n -lx-rt Ite SO'ith of in20 Hole- oian Strn’t w •• foiinn guilty of a *!i-or«l' .'■)> cotidiii't coonl and was ‘cnt'=n'td to 30 deys on the roads Coiivie.cii "f ,'f;:aul1 and hntt^tV '.11 h' H ife, .Menr, Jack Ramreur. 1;.. Swit. will entenced lo ir.oi' I t) H. ••i,:ifls. suspi-tiJ *‘i on p'''y'’.rni II.' f -!' and on con ' •!. • I Kio:i bi'- havi'tr if- ‘he '; »f the court for two v.'ar;. . Sniilh Street •hm of hotre •Ii ft fn hK.nnl ip ' v) y'h 'i h' r- e .Sh« P • Doistti P'-tific .•:.s "torn .11." P .;1 Shii(r..,tl horo SI:'I' V. PAIN'r - PAINT 1.49 Gal. 12 year* of •atUfa'Ttien. All Colors—'ilamii a«ad Enamels. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Railrriail Salvage Co. 321* SouUi W'imlngt'in SL t Ai'i'tAI. i;)C\-CDI.A itOTlLl.Vtl CO. 5*3 W. .Morgan Kt. THE NEW n .tLV Friday and Saluxday .K>IIN;.'V MAf'K T,|:f»WN—In •RANGE LAW' IHihl'.liT I’.AUM': III •'GET GOT.NG" Sunday and Monday IH) YRfJliKli: In "SONG OF NEVADA" Tuesday and Wednesday nriA IIAYWOIC-H I.n "COVER GIRL" S9:: ■•. > - i: vj. Ullj\ P.VNSiNf. 'ITIltDttiil lltH'KY MDCM S'I'DI* .\T IDE ADtlllAKlF CAFF 204 Albumarle Ave. Roirky Fvluunt, N. C. BAR-B-CUE and CHICKEN O'jf Specialty E. N. ANDERSON, Prop. pleaii.'tl •■iiihy t.i Kir- Ci-rr- 92' F. ■ t • p.i-f-l , -i ':-.- I.. ; lruiir:-i'; ' • unti '!■ •••!• • !v '•' AMBASSADOn Now playing "A SONG TO REMEMBER" j In Color ! Ikiul MAjni, M' rl‘ f)bi ton j i Sun.. Mon., Tue^ "KEYS TO THE KINGDOM'*' -.e-th Roi.l-. VI.'Do.voll, 'I'l.i.o-'I M.! i."!' KoiBgthsPe'ieve Riieiiisiaiisni 2nd Arthritis iielie: in 7 Days or Cost Yon tiotliing ] Y\ I , r .i Pi-iir I I . r • I-a.lf 1*. Ir nTt r..u.. . ^ . ni , . • 1... M'l.-e . i..,.r • ..!• 'lI-i -I • i». -I di • ..I SII. I. Yt .tlM-.piM. (U'.lLi f I •.H..ii;»t Huli.I.ur .'.it h.vrr,Pj j Jamsa. mncral oprinia. I >F;\I) NO MtlNF.V i Well iliip Hi;i,-IIAY talbiidsi .Salphnr I Mixrral itathn parrri pn-l. Pay pa>troan fl plu' po-lal* and I'.O.U. ohatyoii. If }BU -»^nil rhark or monry onlor. •e'll pay I all pi.«taar rtiarze*. If >uu do nol oblain f'lirf in H do.--, fnrroly rrturn onunnl pnriion, and w'll rrfond jranr dollar yyitliout riarriion. A! UL COT PON TODAY National Ur ■llht.iri-. tnr. !>rpt. 'F ' C M l i:ih .-I. Sw York 17. .N. 1. j . f'lra'^r Hrn! mr rari’in of 4 btlha of Tliursday BARGAIN DAY Double Feature »»O.ME-rOOKF d" foods And what a meal It will be— ..(•asii’icil exactly right, and ev ery iii-Ji liii.i.sting a real home- caukcil fliVtir. B & H CAFE •111 S. BLOUNT 8T. FOR TA.STY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN’S Tea Room ——and—— :hicken shack Half Chicken or A Chicken Sandvrich BEER SOFT DRINKS Corner Croaa and Lake St Arcade Shoe Shine Parlor SHOE SHINES OF THE BEST IS OMR BUSINESS SHOI..S DVFD ALL COLORS LADILS SHINES A SPIX’IALTT SHOES CAIT.]:d for and delivered ARCADE HOTEL BED. J. M. MASSEY. Prop. LiMMIA C'-.liV I.,. In view of tin" illf.-Oi'lH 1.. >iii. r ■niiM 1). -I t i nil pl-.i.i-.! h;. V , itiiy r>T 3’ and was n thi: n;u'14 ni!l :.n«l , .l:;ck Raiti-cur. • Milencul io •' 'll. ‘t. p; •;J • .rid on cfin : :hc ('•urt for ', Smith Street ii.ii Ilf hnirc . i:‘-ini.ni!ii i.'li ^ a: d vtjii:’ M II' ‘In the I t ! by I UlKil to Sieve:111 area.-', thei' f'.ie lh- lln n.- "Inlra-Cullui:il Athf-i: Th will be a f'lnun ^•l•n■•>.-tt)lu “t >^p laities discu.'- .n, ih f• lln^‘■ t'lpioK: Sofial .'A't.'rci'’. ••! Attitude. Rciicn-u- Ai' tnde, I.r Attiludi'i i'li'l !'i'r)>''t;'il f'. ||■•n•,in■ "A SONG TO RKMrMarR" In Color I'ii.il Nfuni. ?.4i i i Oh • ■'! Svn., Mon., Tues. "KEYS TO ITIK KINOnCM'' Wed.. Thi!-‘., rr.. f-a . FiE DIAMCL'd’HORSn.-iHOC" I In Color -l.Ml \«» MDM.V l..p ;.l lallii>l Snlpl I Itallm parrri pirl. Pay pa«tm *■ till'll r.'t:. If >ID du fi'it ahum .• , cnrrrtv rrtunt an'twl •i-'ll rrfgnd joor dullar __A1 \!I. fCl Pf)N TODAY- NMIanrl ... .lllr. , Ur, 'I' I, I. I r.ih I y ...-I. IJ. .S.l. , f. , , ■ IT. ...! .r. «f l.>-h. ^ I ! i; • V 1: VfliJt. 1 it i tl. Y'.i l'»r P CAPITAL CAB CO. M HOim BBHVICE Yon Ton Mav Crt RF.t.TFF FROM ASTHM.A, .SPASMS Do those •vbe'r’iir ehf*klnt» n‘. t.Tcks keep vou from your work or rob you of your sleep? For over half a cenlun' BR.'-'lVU’S POW- e.'imtless *i:*frr« from Bpasnis of DF.R has hruught blessed relief tn if-thma, T;y BUATF.R’S POW- DE'K, vnu tt-n mav find Hoothing relief. Easy to ukc. ruutlon. u.-* BOATER’S POWDER only kb dl OTt'd. Large aize iwx $1.00 at y•^.ll driggist, or »nd cash ox money order to tii direct No goitds tnailed COD John K. Brater & Go ing 36'J 3rJ .Avh., New Ycrk, N.Y. (*6) Finance or Borrow On Your Car DILLON MOTOR FINANCE 00. Wilmington at Davie — Phone 3-3231 That •h'' Bad orcnsl-sn of a funeral u ob'-Tyrd wilh thj ulmcrl digr.ily D4d be-au- ly—if you ask u* to lake care of every dcUU. Raleigh Funeral Home C. A. HAYWOOD, President Phone 2-2835 Raleiqh, North Carclina 24.HOUR AMBULANCE SF.RViCE SUN.-MON.-TUES. MAY 13-14-15 Something For The Boys f a'-l,•.•li :.Iii XfirlKii I f)‘,'ti;-,:. ''iri.-iii Uiii !;i Tcr**.nicr»Jor KWOuNlH-. CLUOM’.U ' C.o! TIRE RECAPPING CRAFTSMEN IN BUILDING AND RE BUILDING FINE TIRES AH Sizes Passangcr Car Tires Call McNEILL’S TIRE SHOP Lestei McNeill, Owner 325 Cabarrus Street "Acre of land or window box, don’t lorget your victor>’ garden. ’/^VICTORY GARDEN NEEDS Plant Your Garden Now! Golden Bnntnm. Stowell, Evergreen, Sugar Corn— “Iowa Silver King Corn*' roa.sting ears—63 days .Save Yotir Gfirden Use RO l ENONE DUST OR SPRAY Klf.l.S BCAN BEETLES POTATO BUGS CABBAGE AND TOMATO WORMS VTGORO GARDEN FERTILIZER V/!LL INCREASE YOUR CROP WLD.-TIIUKS. NEW.S MAY 16-17 S. M. YOUNG 206 E. MARTIN STREET The Mummy’s Ghost ^i;iii;.i i I u''' I’llA.X'lOV .ts Klimi.^, tlx' .Miinimv—witli ■IipIui ( itli .Vint-;; Ihil Mlii.ill—in--''Ihe S'alley of V.TJii.shirjK Men” C;irtooiii “KuAiiiaii kliopsody” News MiKsicHl “Ileliirid The Dig lop*' J_J. i tU. - SAT. (Double .’eature) MAY 18 - 19 i:oii SIi;!';:.)’; — i« Feud Of The Range Tarzan Triumphs . s niiiv .lop-'W \M:is.s.\ii i.i,i:i; — with IVaii’' iSl'j'ii;!. .^^lllll)y (Buy) Slu't'rii'ld EpL.ode 9 of “MASKED MARVEL”