WEEK ENDINr,. SATI'RnAY MAY 12,1945 TTTE CAnOEINTAK PAGE nvt Behind The Play In Sports HY DUN UK LKIOUBUB UTit Jind purpose of the entire pro- firitm whicli is pnrportttJly beinK fiirjicd out for tlic beticfit i-f all our people. Ed Hfiidcrson. down iti Wjishin.i- ton niiKhi be a voice cryinii In Iho Wildeincs.s. I imi viry happy to add nunc to his and hope the refrain is piiked up llirouKhoui the coimtty .Old i.inii’d oil until sorrelliing is doiu- about it. As he so well said, boys like .U‘>'v Owi'ii.-, Ralph Mel- ilf. Eddie Tolati, Heii'-v Annsti U. S. Negro League Is Launched With Brown Dodgers In Brooklyn [etty of Greensboro," said mends. * We rxpert to have a big attrac* I tion this year, and the O.DOO fans Ham-'22 points. , Washington was s the Junior meet.! noiincement of Winstoi.-S a I e m .econd with 12: and Tnanhcra Collcjn-, IMS football ll.llMdc. Ihlrd wilh 6 Pa.'l nvan .achcdulo include nine rradc right of Wash.nglon'a 12. Cnn-pelition tor thr tcachara In points. ^ ' li'de son-e f the best aggregation ■ho saw it last >ear are looking in the senior meet. Weston But- in college football . . _ ~ ~ , , fcjrward In cnmilli; h..ctt thi.a yuat lir .if Wnshlriglon was high scorer. James Brown will .end the Ram The new leasmi. no, to be cno- aUractlon wUh 12. Broidle of Washington. fused with the Negro .National ..r ,,, ihe hisloiy ul Itie All Stars af- with 10. was runner-up, Buller won Bed Negro American Leagues, which fuir. the fWll and the hiah Jump, and 'P rfaii.iufc.- have been operating for the pa.sl Two big gr.is.s bands have bn n Broidie won the 11)0 and 220 Bfv> SentemlxT 29 A and T Collegi o.n .f..ar« S\^ hi.! n,^N. KL-cund to furnish music for this ot- Haywood of Washington won the h^PhrntKr ^ A, and i.CoueM ten vears. will haw as Us piesi , , .„ . ii.mt.r ..r HilloHe shotoot: m Winston-Salem 6-('LI B CIRCtrr .ANNOUNLEI) AT EBHETS ITELU OFFIES OF KIKLY — HOPE EXPRESSED I ttR RECOO.NITION BY ORO.AN I4 Ell BALI. BROOKLYN. N. Y, — Tlie forma Kccuri'd to furnish music for this ot- Haywood of Washington won the g'aHioii where fiienrls will n>cet -it discus; Hunter of Hillside, shotput, ...... .... . e- , deni Jntin Shackleford, Negro law- v[ a s»h .. .h.. .rohns-on of Millerove. the 440; »1. Kentucky Slate, in Frank game August .Mh al the ill i.oris I OR i'l.NOAR.N .MI.UAI N1.W YORK l.i 'll fit the U-p.iioi id Edui'.iUoii, he IlltUlCl ot ( ■fficl.il Ni lillC for the Spin.;:irn .Medal f". the con ing yi-ar. Ih has .■•hfo.n siicli lore lba\f Immi given !• ii'lei • bcarance .iiid gf.wl udgii.cut Ihruiigh-! ayo becaiiM- of wh it tie . Ill alih out tins earcei Ih.il ti honor him in the rinu. on the ciii'ler path: Ilf wuiihl stiimiluie tiopc on Ihe pari '>f nii the gridiron ,.j»f.ri le up ■The .V.-KI ulh a pip I , .Ne ■il'- fan- .lilt Illy III fi.v . .Ilk.- c]eail.\ I have, by i-imuiislatue.s i)e.voiid llien been unable to aeriuire a bflULUtloll. •Ill hi. uvirseas Irui.t. he ■added |f> Hie morale of million ...ir lighiiiig men, lie ha.- le,s-t tlie pnjiiriices - V\ei\wben, Due England when I .k" ;,.; W.sh.:;i.,,; Euiurc tion ul Ihe Hulled Slums Negru yer Irurn Clcvolund. A ^..d.lst, of M^iriulVlud.um,' Hen ,1„l„.s..n. .,nd uthc-s should Ci.s, bull i.eusue wus ..nm.u,.cod ul V. dcy College und ul tm- Univ.T- .v_ ounilioii long a conference at Branch Rickeys '■tty of Michig.in l.aw School, tv; 1 • wt* ■ w/» r.ic Brooklyn club office Rickey, except Shackleford also Is a former indo- \Vashin;lon Hljill Win> and for his p.isitinn as operator of Eh- hondenl ball player. „ . *■ ‘ bets Field, where games wilt bv , Rickey dUclused thid he had le.jN- f rinail^lllar .IllTt plaved, and for l is iiitcicsl in the vd tbbets Field to Joe Hall who r u.,.rf-.rit i.i Nauro liiisi-ball will iiot wiH oporotc the Brown Dodficr.!. t be coniR-cled lith the organization. Following b the teamV, schedule I'TZhXhnS Six teams form the new loop,'games at Ebbets Field: Raleighs Washini.Hn High Sihou with Brooklyn represented by thel May 24. Hilldalc; 27. Pittsburgh ;'vam w«.-i honors in .. senior meet Brown Dodgers. Other members are Crnwford.s: 30. Detroit amongjhree high schepl track teams Hilldalt, Pa.. Detroit. Chicago, Tole- " do and the Piltsllurgh Crawfords. ;.l (.'ouneil of Major league jiraks contracted for ;iIm* a mem- are Ebbebs Field, Wrigloy Field, isoti ol I 1 11.ink ii i> liidh hme that wo eontrol. I stiip Doing hincty in the way wi' re- lilcrary, gnrri one another aiKl the sooiu'E [we learn that then* i- o” Mich Ihim* he has as an exclusive Negro .md th.it we f, .(flare all in the .‘•aino ho-d, thi' bolter •ned ! it going lo he for everylnrfly, f vhile people' Ii-cidenl.iliv. Ed Hinder brii;idc.i.‘'1er from member of Ihe N.it Johnson of Millgrov .Monroe of W.ishiriKfon. the mile, Hillside'.s team took the 440 re lay. .Another meet will be h»lri at Wa.shlngton High on Friday. May lllh. Wiiistf)!! Teachers An- nixinee '!.> I'oidball I.AIN 'lAl.K (''iiiiiiiucd fi "111 p.ig ich'd .■ll.. Into worn. . tilin' I- rippefl if'-sl from ihc II ilial.'l. ki r llllil lh«’ Coil-|euci ,1 TO ye.ir old ' aboi Physical Eilin Ihit J...-1 till' "f a --tiiuilmg conimiitee of ih ■ Chicago, and Forbes Field, l.oui^ had done moir lor' hettei 1-Mnei.ran A>soeiat..m for Health, hurgh. Five heme dates have been Anulo-Am. rieaii lelaiions than ..iiy ' PhvN,i al Kduc..ii"ii. and Rreiealioii. .iiranged for Hic Brooklyn nine, the U.11 'tv. t n‘ eve it - Ml It happens that he h the only •eol- fiisl bein,; set fur May 24 against V ' ' 1. ,Ti" n emle I of the— eommitters Hilldale. GREENSBORO — The origin: •The ivei-ige Negro edueaiir in-'Tle- fpiote-' ate Kd- What niiohl he At the beginning of the confer- South's Sixth Annual All Star liiiei-.o or vieeil wotkei d.je-. uotisaid ..hoiif the partieul.ir quoi.-> le- mce. iiitcnded by clul)-owncrs and ■ Ruseball Game will be held in ■e - I lo leeo iP/c uImI an iiifhi- f'lred to aoo\e. Kilwm B Hetuli'c- w.Iters, Rickey marie it clear that (;;i-t.(.n;boro on Augu.sl 5th. Stars 'upon the niabM'N ■» brought -on i- rti.mg a darn good job. if only -it is m.t n'y purpose to discu^ W- ^ frum all parts of the sooth accord tlirough our heroc*- in tlu-iiti soegcsiin.- Ji Detroit — June 6. Hilldalc (night game); l7 jherc Tuesday, May 8. Washington >clw>|l|||(b Chicago. High sored 42 points Hillside. .12. V tand Millgrove. 15. ' Whitted School of Duiham. with WINSTON-SAI.EM All-Star Came Set I’or Aug..) In Creenshoro GREENSBORO — The South's Sixth Annual fort Kentucky Oct. 13. N. C- Slate College. Dur Oet 20. Bhieficld Slate at Wi ton-Salcm. Oct. 27. Va. State College, at Win."!- ton-Salerr Homecoming) Nov. 3. J. C. Smith at Charlotte. Nov. 19 W, Va. State, at Institute. . 17. Dovei State, at Winston- ‘ SaVm j Nov. 24, Knoxville College Knoxville. Tenn Ix-t’.s Rack The Seventh! inul! I.oiiiv the day Neyro player.s becoming mem-1 jng lo a statement by A. J. Ham- glii th aiii> iniRixl ■igiiig upon agon aiiis. ThiDUgh.dil Ihe •(.. pii'iiod into I'hoi •-h IJetlu'.i ilie. Tin ihout the -strectN co. Mcne. •Ahmit h.df of tiio e who fou-^h’ d Niiovi'il to .;i i closer to Ihe cn- .1,. Wile WOMI' o, young gills fl i-hililri-ii Hai.ie,-. in .irm.s uiiti Idlers liy H.c seori' cliiing I" their nor of -l scre.irn- i.ii'iitiee. nor -..iiipping .sava^i , h.mgid, IV Olid of spot •|!el|i,, till hrea lied when ,i n-.u piejiidiei-s olten nails wnen * [1.1 .on. oti. Ihe eioVMl rii-iu'i the thrills nf snijrluu evMit> semi f-.m-ioot w.ie ei.el'.Mire .iloul udrcnalin coursiug tnrougli ihe - .ftold ,md M-i.mihled I t lr.tg-| veins of these wh . wime.-s alhlelic • , as meineiiloe- o| th- -Mieet.icle., tvelilji. The m.isSes fei 1, thi y seldoni 1 ., tin.ill e.imi 111 ..iitotnobile.-.itl.iiik. Tlii-y rat;..mi!i:?c their pre- id by huiiduds of freight; Indices. Wilh lOii.OOO people -veing iBuddy Young on ili" gridumi. 01 .loe Louis ‘I Jes-e Owens in action, they leci-cni/c the human ucuio muscular powir lielongs to no one i:ice Give this thought your consid- er:itii>n. TImnk J 'U. E B. Hender son.’' I have often wondered Ju.-i why our top Ni'groes. and I mean in the in.slance il.O'e in le ulifship br.nk- ets. have iH-r.'i.'t'd in .1 hand'- -ff. snooty altitude pie stmxt oil roi.fa of ne.irby ihc No I fegure ■ uildinus, hung lioin telephone da.v. Every hum .Mood man could conceive ■! h:i.s been, wiine—• ttie ext- cowered on the big. humble, quiet' na ii'sa--.sin from the cotton field- ■Thi-. I. not a lepi'il of cruel nf Alahiima. hut only .11 isolated in for the stances has any atirutinn been shown Loul.' by top N'-croes except '“hustle" on him f"r donation* this and that cause or to use his name as box office bait f" get peo ple inside the door for a price. Louis is ns entitled to the Spln- '.•irn Mednl as have been Dr. Du Bois, Marian Anderson. A C Spaulding, and the long list of prominent Necroes who have been given the medal. Sinee achUvement. not snri:il Dres' gc and position, is the ol?Ject Ilf concern here, who cm deny that Louis' achievement.* in breaking down rate nrejiidice.s and being an outstanding example called the ‘‘new Negro does not match that of other wnners of the award' Certainly no .v'ecro, and I m:ike no exception in this statemei’.t. i c:in even approach I,oui in the mag nitude of his contact with white people and in the degree of personal regard that whiles hold for him all over the world. In fact. -loe Louis is the biggest name we have today. Whllc the fact that Louis earns his living in the prize ring might of fend the delicate, social sensibili ties of our HEAVY ROOK SET. i: is .lot lo b. doubted that his stature Is not one wit dimini-hcri by thi snubbing of those wh.i are franklv envious of wh;it e Ho«* and •what ■T^ if hu-:Sping. when gru in SfH.ri semi i del son new' fact Her edit . ludi-d in the bers of clubs m our present organ- ig vised. I'-n- iz d hasehiTl league or of white ■d iii(orm;iiion. players becoming members of the md omissions in his oar- pjiipnscd Negro bawball leuBue." •e fxpei .ed to he in- Rickey said h«' hopi-d the league ev 'cd volume Right \vi old become a model for all cir- ■king ii'.fi'i'iTiati'in re- culls to follow, that a sound strue- tnirding 'hooting, hunluig. or fi.st - ture would come out of it and that lug club.', bowlo.u. or uiiusu.d league, in Mme. would be accept- 'lioris lea--ues and iii’,q;inriing iiidi-'. d liv the .National Association of \iriu.ils or teams th oiighoul tlie Prufcssionul Baseball Clubs. Such eoi.ntiy. Hi- I.' ixtiemely .inxiou* i-' aceepU.ncc would make league pla^- 11I1I in datji on thi*. ann he m, v 11- e.s eligible to be drafted by lh» reach.-d at tin South l.«-e Highw.iy. majors. F;.lls C’huieh. Vn-inia I Wtun this point wps stressed. V Riekiy declined l!i enter into a dis- Htcause .if the gre.ite: nei d fnr'cuj'ion concerning the possjbilltie.s fill.- and oils the veeivlit of hogs 00 nf Negro pl.iyers eventually play- which p'u e siipiioris v ill applv hi.* ing in the big league. He .-aid he d Jot L‘ui.'.! I'feo raised to 300 is -mds as against h;id made that clear te his opening long N'egroe' to-;ri'0 previous limit of 270 pounds remarks, th.il the vhite rrond.s, promoter of the diamond attraction, will be on hand to greet the many fans. The bids from seven other states in Dixie were very high iind in viting to the cm.imitleo for the fray, but all were turned down and scrapped in the waste bu.sket. “The game will be played in lion ive.s of ClMi-i • cri.^s of .1 ng for a liui blind of lioodo' l;irk .Africa "It is ;i i po pari of |i« ..|)le w II call (henisi-lvvs tlic hi“-' I i .icc >d hum:iM b> mg: irld. i the ■ Ne: p..per Dviai ik |il;icc u* riiursi- of .iction. "No. huniiin u.-miro • e but Ihi' m (f thy Owin' [II inti d .ifter .. not before, refl'-cti.-u of textbook on i ivior of I hmisc civiliz- :ii the lor 11 have t 1,., lefoi mil’''. .oiTor, scan- lal. and lust can be climin.ited mill tlie pa;,e: of the honest news- •AVhen these things ce.nse to be. 1 wspapers will not h-ive to report ■^m." Oeiting bark to the "re-wrlters md the sipiawkers, it might be not ’d here that the most vivid simile that I can recall is that of a wcU- knnwn leader of a po'wcrful orga m whe calls up the Negro .papi r iffire, if he is in the of lh:it particular paper, and says: "I uudcr.'timd Ih.u you h.id someMiiiig Ul th-i'- al "ut n e List Confidence ... YOU CAN'BE .SURE OF IT WHEN YOU MAKE A PERSONAL LOAN WITH THIS BANK If it IB neceasary for you to Ret money in a hurry, to iret it witho'ut implicating a friend and without paying exorbitant interest, you will appreciate the services of this banx. Our cashiers or oi.e of their assistants will be eager to help you. You’ll be able to put all your confidence in the person who han dles your business, for he will treat it as it were his own. This bank is composed of individuals who want to serve, individuals CAF1T>.1. COCA-COLA BOTTLDta co in W. 'll WAKE SALVAGE CO. Wo Buy BBd Boll ETorythlag of Valuo FURNITURE — STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS — RADIOS 337 S. Wilxninglen St. PbODO 2-2327 .,„r| lu I r-' • n,'l)u li.ii.' "f t>"‘ l-uiH'sl iivws- Whrn thi^sr things ceasr to be. vfipapers will not have to report m." Jetting buck lo Ihv “re-wrlters 1 the squHwkers. il might be not- hrrr tliiit the most vivid simile t ! can recall is that of a well- ■wn IcadcT "f a po-werful organ- linn who calls up thr Negro K .p.ipi r '(ffirr if ho is in the 11 of lh..i particular paper. :iiid > -I umh’is'aiiri lh.it you had lu'lhiiig Ul th"i'- al out me last .•k Will vi.ii plra-f- -fiid a m;iik- ro,.v ..f tl, " ■’ .i|. TIm'h ■haM III III ;,i-t Iho I'dili latod l).;it th ifsoiidi’d to I i-h " Th. mill •vata ■ he .. . ixpci-tod I •■.‘.TO.' •^oinUmim" -.ill him to a k hin. r the oajrf'r contain- ., hin> to hiN 'iffire nf p.iyrnoiit for thi* ..,.(1 iln' question liiinqiu K«’Mtlom (I d I lli.v .md I d..o-l W' of Nccm III' h .f'l'C wh III. I •mild u-i liaiik- V. Ill' ri’ no any of till.' ilk who ,1 hoiiflly por tKi' of ils entn- h.ipponiiig;- y. M-andal. "r mo Nfuio. do mako no oxreptinn in this statemerl, ! can evm approach Loul^ in the mau- j nitude of his contact with white: people and in the degree of personal' regard that whites hold for him all ciwr the world. In fact. Joe Louis is the biggest name we have today. While the fact that Louis earns his living in the prize ring might of- fmd the delicate, social sensibili ties of our HEAVY BOOK SET, it is rot to b.’ doubted that his stature K not one wit diminished by tlv snubbing «r those wh.. are franklv envious of what hr docs and whal 1 hi. ei.fod.ilities p'lrtend. ! The National Assoeialion for th'-. Adv:-n«oiTieut of r»loiod People, whi'-h founded tlic aw;ird and give*, it nut nriitiially. shouUI have long :,cy taken Ihe position that rerog- irioii of a' hievements of Negroes in ' all walks of life is a requisite for in suiral- -n. To narrow d'lwn the field : of -r-li ctions to a restri'tcd few "f tho'»- who sing songs, write bo'^k.-', pl.iys make sprerhes. preaeh ser- 11 niul so on IS L'ghly unwise and takes N« Ih. I lie'.' * by . poliey (•'.* both hpe. l Ml,liter ,111 I III pieienta- II1..I neli a li-qiT eaii wm " r and more le.p'-n.'ive reading r fu'W'piiiers rxl-t mainly ‘'U lation ,iud iifiverti'inc Unnl o-i-allrd belter e'' nient w.ik' ' id -iipp.iil.‘- Negro papir: right I (he line, ,is doe' Ihe so-eulled i-lh 'C’nt miiss's. I fear that Ihe lainis will have I > eontinuc iu iiini of 1. t*er writing and talks I rro...f p.-iiM'r.-- luc going t" In lh:it which keeps them .■nd tliey cannot be bhimed oing lh’ same. A Lifetime in Flames Why take chances on burning up a lifetime's effort in a single terrifying hour when it's to simple and inexpensive to pro tect yoxiTself against any pMsi- ble mishap. Your home and family can be absolutely pro tected from ANY disaster at but a few pennies a day. We'll ■how you how. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. DURHAM, N. C. I! ir U ULUiUlUPP lUi juu Iiiuiluj ... hurry, to jret it witho'dt implicating! a friend and without payinj? exorbitant interest, you will appreciate the aervicea of thia bank. Our cashiers or oi.e of their assistants will be eager to help you. You’ll be able to put all your confidence in the person who han dles your business, for he will treat it as it were his own. This bank is composed of individuals who want to serve, individuals in whom you can have utmost confidence! Mechanics & Fanners Bank DURHAM-RALEIGH Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. 337 S. Wilmington St. Phene 2-2327 SPONSOAEO av NATIONAL NEGRO INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ANNIVERsIhv /■! wnn YOUR HELP xwBma o nfliiofiei ot6fio insuinct uieek WE WILL PRODUCE Of NEW BUStNESS $50,u00,000.00 LIFE INSURANCE POST-WAR ;CBa for returndto soldiebs MCRr ycps for your boys and girls more PROtrOUQN rOR YOLA FAMILY MCRL' WAR BOND PUECBAMES THEY MERIT YOUR SUPPORT M 9T7RX TO CONSULT AN AC£Trr OP A t-IEKBER COMPANY TO-D&T fer WLL KELP YCU PLAN YOUR POST-WAR rUTURX •■•■I /.■•i North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company HOME OFFICE: DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA Meoibar Coinpaaj of the Natieiial Nc^sro Insura&M Aisedatloa ^JoESNT it make you feel good, to know part of a big job is finished? Makes you want to slap some of that war dust off your hands, even if you know you are going to have to wade right back into a fight again. But don't get the wrong idea from tbe picture above. I didn't knock out those two infamous dictators alone. It vas the full cooperation of all the Allies and their folks at home that made it possible for us to win. A continuance of that cooperation will soon bring victory over the third tyrant. REDDY KIL^WATT, Your Electric Servant. (CAKOIIWA POWER C LIGHT COMPANY^ Tour Friendly Electric Service Company