E. HARGETT ST. RALEIGH. N. C. FUNEML Elks Choose Winston-Salem For ’46 MOVE MADE TO HALT BILL THAT AFFECTS NEOHO Wasamutuii, ij. e. — ‘I'.'n -\A- ACP c.xpiL-sscd oppos.l.-^.i to a bill iiuruducfiJ la^l \vii.k uy Cln«r.s?man Jitin Lr.-iniK. iD.. Michj winch would aaiciu ihv Uiulod Slatt'S dctt nif Acl so as to roquiii- tin "c'>n.'i-nt an * approval by usulutiun ui indin- anc*‘" botoic tcmpoiarv Kidvral war housinK could be built in an-, incorporated cilv >r town. This bill, the NAACP said, is a t;i;e' to the huusinc needs of NcKioes everywhere in the United Slati- As It now Stands, whenever tin Prisideni fmd. that iheie is an acute shortaiie of ho'j.-;ini’ whicli impedes the war effort, the Clov- t'rnincni may rent, piirch.'ise ■ take, hv em;n-'n‘ iomain n : e (•eedinKs. siitficii-ni land to huilf housinit proiei'ts for war wmki'r In this way, inanv N’«cro wa workers haV'- been a’oli’ to seen: greatlv needed hnii.siru: in .•^nit of the nppaition '>f ’eeal aiilhe ■ tics, ■■Condilion haw been ha-! enough under thi^ N’-iliona! Hon :- inp Act un !••; which perinanen- public hoU'iim tii'oci '.- are Iniil’, ' the NAACP .-•.aid -Recati^. Ui,- piovisinns in ‘oa’ Ac' -inr’ar 'o fho.se in !h' I,r-s;nsk!. Ineal hnu-- ing authorities at the instance of real estate operat'ir.s and nreju- diced white civic itro-ms. hav' .succeeded in defcatini: tin con- .sl''uction of liou'inii 'irotee's m BaMimin'e and other lara*- i-itie-?.” The oninion was expressed th.at Lisinski. a Detroit Reo: es''nta*:v ■ IS .s eking to kill of a 14fi0 uni' pioi*'e', to which Neeroe will he admit!.-d m-ar 'he Ford Wil’.,-.- Kun Plant, It is known that Ford l.a.s opp.ised this nroiect A’sn Diarborn. Melvindale and oilier riear-hv towns have goni- on re cord .-ii'alrisf it. The Detioit Hranch. NAAf’P has mad. X'lcroiis pi,it.-st to grees-ntiiii T.ei.livlii V 92iid Doughboys, Captured by Nazis ; \oi.r.MK .\.\\. xo. .'li irAi.Kuai. Noin ii CAiioi.iXA sati kdav. .irxi-: 'i, nn.-, I lacK Fil l-: (•I'XTs 3,500 JAM ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH TO PAY TRIBUTE TO PROMINENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON; BURIAL MADE IN NATIONAL CEMETERY DR. BURNETT WAS ONE OF FOUNDERS OF COMMUNITY HOSPITAL; CIVIC LEADER ^Johs Without Creed or Color^ FEPC Hopes BISHOP ALLEYNE CHALLENGES TO FIGHT THK CHUKCH .SHOULD FKHIT TO KK.MOVK THK INF- QUAIJTY IN A.MKHK'A' were tile words left ringing in the oars Oi tho delegate--, and in. nd). :s of tin instil .Ses.sit>n >f t.e- .Annual Conference of the Philadelphia Baltimore Conference o' tho AM- Zion Churc-h presid'd o\-er hv Hi-hop C. C. Allevn. In’d a' Cal- htinth Chiircli la.st w. i k. 'I'in R. v. I,, Wiiiti- pastor. The woid.s were spokun by Ih'.nop AKevne in hi.; adrii-e.-.s and I'X'ed *(1 in>nire the Cnriferyncc. Hi' told of the exnan.'-ion of the Ri' Episr »na! District over whi-'n ho presidorl and outlined fhi ten- point pr'.grnm for Ihi' ilomc MLs- S'-.n in this o-i-a Til.' R' V. Stepiieii Gill Spolts- V.1I.).I, |).i tor of .lolill We.sley Cl llieii. Ui )|\el. d a lei grippii-g e ... ..n - Sm. .lu.d Kntiiie. In III. la. I W.n Ih- . ..ll.d .New Yuik City — (WDL) — New ammunition in the light for pii'celimc job opportunity lor all 1 a.i b.-in made available with tii.' publication by the Worker.s Dc linse Li ague. 112 Eiisl lU Slrix t, New A’oik 3. N. Y.. of the painpii li 1. ‘Jobs Without Creed or Col or.' the storv of FF-PC by Wini- fi ed Haushenbush. This is tilt' most complete his- li.ry of Americas wartime tiy at I'tonomic democracy—the record of the Prc.sKlenf.s CVnmiitlce on Fan Employment Praclici—that has been minted so far. In addi- t'on Mls.ii Rau.shenb-jsh ha.s writ- 1-II a keen analysis of the in- c! easing di.scrimination in eni- plovment in the last 25 vears and has outlined the steps which cit izen .should take in order to make ine gains of the last throe rear.; permanent. ■Jobs Without Creed or Color" i.' being .sold bv the Workers De- f*ii.se Lt'ague at ten eints each, as an aid to neople who want to do something to help FEPC a', this critical point. In thi preface the 32 page pamphlet Etna P. Harris, WDL a.ssuciute national sicretary. points out that it us not tJu loudly protested filibuster.; '.'hieli it-allv Miiealen our match •inoc dllle and don't !,ke di- leii! FKf’t.' i; per; lelion of Ijerj r.a.s opposed mis proieci Deaiborn. Me’-, indah and other near-by town.s have gone on re cord .'igaipst It.- The Detroit Hrancli. NAACP ha.s mad* vieormis pruti-sl to t'oo- grersnian Leslmiki. V - 92nd Doughboys, Captured by Nazis En Route Home Noiiiiaiidv Hum- i.-etioii, France - Keceiitiv u l. d fium Hit Gel man pii.-oii .amp .it M.jose- bei'g. Fi ivah t Fir.st Class Rav iiiond Wiiite, 27. 231 Fa.-'l Liiid.-m Street. Kemiett Suuaie, Pennsvi- vania, and Fii'.ate First Clas-. M-. ci-c Collin--. :J2!t2 Ka.st 128lh Sti. et, Cleveland. Ohio, are enioute to leh Uniti'il Slale.s Lillowing m.-.i- ical examinatiims. i.s.suance of nv- clothing, and iwcesary admini strative processing at Normandv Base Section Recnveri'-d Allied Personnel Camp No. 1 A mortar man with the Fift-i Armv. White was captured on De cember 20. 1044 near Lugar. Italy. He wa.s'liberated bv Third .Army tanks near Monseherg. Germanv, 'rnntinood on h.nck paset 44!' Fpi--(")j)a! District (Wer whi''.T h*' presidi-d and outlined the ten- point program for the Home Mis- .s’.in in this a"ea Tilt- Hev. Steplu'ii Gill Spolls- v.ood. p.i-tor of John We.sl.-y Cl iiieh. di'Ineii d a vei v gripping I on •■Sol. ilu.il Kiilil.e. in 111. I'o t W.n Wi.il.r II.' ...ll.'l It. t.. Hu t>, Hi.il I'.ac' whi.'l. ... lit Chii-t, Hi. I.up I'aii,- A W.illai*' tlic on ; . I. m.'d iLslu.p m ilu' Cioi:.-h. : !■ if Ui. holJ Allevne ill pii.-.id- .i.L i.Mi 111.' eonfeien.e, !)i 11 r M. illor.l, s. i-r.'lai y ..f the Mir si.'i, and leeeiillv retuiiie;l lioii' the S.iii Francisco Confei'.-nee gave a vei V fittiiu', n poit on th.- .11 tiv It'.- ol lh«' Col r ii'iice Th. iiiemoiiul aditn. . wa.-' d. rveii'd bv Di. Hemv .1.-st fah; Tile elo-ing sermon was liv I’.e Hev. Algenon Fjher of Han. burg. Pa. I)i. Victor J. Tulane read till' report of the Slate if the Church. Rev. it. T Hunter I'l ad the n pnrt of the Countrv. Both Youth and Missionary- de partment wen- stressed verv ff icefullv and a progiam outlined that should prove helnful. Report .shows tint ?2n.7il2.tiO wa.s rni.s«'d duiiiig tiie y.-ar for all r;r-»n,ses in thi.i area. The changi'S we;-e slight an-l (Continu'd on back page! do something to help FEPC at this critical point. In the preface ti the 32 page pamphlet Ema P. Harri-s. AVDL associate national M cretarv. points out that it is not tin loudly protested filibuster.; '.vhich reallv threat.'ii our march !. eeonomir ih'iiujcnvv but in- 'lilti'ieii.-e and inaction of peo- 1 I'- u 1,0 don't Ilk.' di«'i-iimnati-)n. Congi es.siona! action "n the ( I I iiiiin"iit FEI*(* i.-- peiiil.ng. As ui-!',*'nl a.-- Ihi:; mea.-nre is, Hi.* oo- niopiialion:: hill wliich will de- ti inline the fate 'of thi' present loniinittee i.s quite as inipoitant tr.i. montli. If tliis monev do-"; ;..'l through, tin* Pr.-sidenl’.s Ci.minitlee will expire. June 30. Victory Ships Bear Names Of Negro Institutions Kuurlh in a series of Victory ship.s bearing the names of out standing Negro educational insti- Uitioas, the SS HOWARD VIC- TtjRY. honoring Howard Uniscr- .-•ny in Washington. D. C., was launched with elaborate cnrislen- ing ceremonies at the Hethlehcm- Fairfitld Shipyards. Baltimore, Monday. .May 14, .Mp.' Linnie R. Smith, president o; t;u- Hewaid Universitv .Alumni .•V-.-iHiatu.n ol the Di.-itrict ol Col- L inbi. awa.s .sponsor of iiu ve.ssel. Mis.s B Ruth Powell, president -if thi Howard University Student Council, .served as .Mis.s Ruth Smith'.; attendant, Thi' fir.st of the Negro colleg. named ships, the SS FISK VIC TORA’. was launched at Rich mond. Calif., on .April 25. 194.5 The second and third of the serh .-:. the SS TUSKEGEE VICTORY and the SS LANE VICTORY, wire launched on Ma.v 12 at thi O'fgnn Shipbuilding Co. and th" California Shipbuilding Cnrp. \. id respectively. Howard Universitv. for which the fourth Victory shin was nam ed. i.s the largest educational in stitution for Negroes in the Unit ed Slates. Privately controlled. b'Jt reeciving an annual apprupri aiion trom the Government, the univ^ersiiy has an enrollment ot more than 2.001) students. rroniinen' Howard Unlvci-sily olficiaLs itcnding Monday's launching ucludcd: Dr. P. B. Young, No folk. Va.. publi.she:. chan man the board of trus- tiis. Dr. ( Frederick Stanton. administrat..-c assistant to thi r.i -.dcnt: Dr. James M. Nabnt. J:.. si'i-i*-tary of tho university: V. I). Juir.i.- on, treasurer; F. D. \Viiki:isnn. it'gistrar. Armour J. Blackburn, field agent; and Dr. Dwight O. W. Holmes, pri'.sidenl of .Morgan College. Baltimore, and Dr. Frank Saunriens and Mrs. Viv ian J. Cooke, of the Baltimor.’ .A'limni Assnciiftion. A library is being nrnvided fo • thi SS HOWARD VICTORY ..s a gift from Howard Univer.silv. The launching was preceded bv a luncheon at York Hotel in Bal timore. with the Bethli'hem-Fair f'dd Co. acting as .sponsors. Th's V. a.s attended b% fiftv members of the Howard Universitv .Alum ni A.s.so'iation living in Baltimor-- and an i-qual numhi'r from th-' District of Columbia. Mayiiii ineiil the bl ed th ilegree. Iron: si • fi.il..' flMlii I'l D.ivi'l lit Bi-lilielt ' lyi t.' ytiM. D'lfoll.y iij; the cominwii-e- ■rcixe.-, I..:t week when iiiii FH|>raiii' w;o .iwaid- uiiirary D-ictoi id Mu-ii- Eighty-lliree graduates eventeen siat^ receivea d6- •Itu- -.'I tH' ■Fo Ilf lie I ibed lily. r Id tin,II- >.ni'!.--. ainba. ^.tliol -if your pen- l>l- tc III'' (;vjil.-. of the world, de- \utvJ dauebter, b-yal wife, niipir- IPs artist." iMorisey Photcj 200Snipers Failed to Halt Negro Trackers E. of Rhine The 18th General Hospital. «ble to turn around and get Er.gland -- On his fifth day be- svav. yi'iid the Rhine, Private Jeffer- "The re.sl of us scrambled out jcn Butli-r, of New Road.s. Louisi- ol the disabled vehicles and ana. was in one of seven Irueks fi ught as best we could from the r.icmg toward the front to estab ground 1 fired from a ditch with l;sh an ammunition dump whi'ii my carbin> until I was hit just hLs I'l'iivov lan into an enemv oc- abov*' Ih right elbow. Tliere were eupii'.l town and wa.s pinned nho it 20(J Germans hut thev got di-wii hv 200 Germ.jii .snipers foe only about nine of our men in nioi-i- than two h-'ur-- The 24- two hour.s. Then a do'/eii lei-oii \i-.:i old (Joarti'niuisfer Corp; iK...>vsaiii-e cars with le-aiv ina .Soldier wa. woiindi'd i-i tin- arm. iliiiiegiiiLs rarne up to n-liev*' u; Hi wa- flown ti* 'hi: I'nih-I I wa.s carried to .-afetv. Winn 1 Sl.ite.s .Aniiv gctieia! lio.'|)ilal h-ll til.' fight wa;: going pri-H'/ ■ Ahoiit 00 of us were riding up fv us.” toward till- fii.nt line-; in ;i\,n lh-i\'ale Butler ent*-r«'d the liii-l;-" :aiil l*;i\a|.- Untler. 'ani Aimv in Mai.-h I‘i4i .-ind ti .iln. d we had heen I'oing tlilojgh town :il Camp L-'e. Virginia, f'.i.iip .'liter town. We iiist about got into Blan.lint'. Floiida. and Camn .'I town calli'd Offenau wh"n snip- Pa kett. Virginia. He wa,; si iit iiv- (r:, ouem-d lip all around us. In ins«'a.s in August HU2 with a ,1h* first f*'W minute'; thev sma-sh .Ouartermaster Corps unit an-1 el radiator- and flattened tir-x? [served in Africa, Italy, and on all but the last truck, whicn France. S. C. TEACHERS SALARY SUIT DECISION WON Columbia. S. C. — A decision ruling that the Columbia. South Carolina School Board must abolish disci imination in the pay nu nt of teachers salarie.s based on r a c c or color, was handed di.wn May 26 by Judge J. Watios Waring in the case of Albert N. Thompson, Negro teacher! Tnompson was represented in his suit against tho Board. May 9th I'l the United States District Cf urt at Columbia by NAACP As- iSi.'-tant Special Counsel Edward R. Dudley and Attorneys Arthur D. iSl'ores and S. Morgan. 1 The NAACP fitSd suit on be- ihalt of Thompson.!# Negro teach- ■ ler. in February, ’445 seeing to i enjoin tho Board'from paying Ise.s salary to Negro teachers pos- ' .sissing similar qualification and e.xperienee. than white teachers i.n the basis of race. Judge Waring .slated in hi-' opifiimi that I lie present bu.-ir 1 'h;*d inhi'Hti'd a system that iin- ideiibti'illv prior to 1941 had in it la large di.spaiitv in salaiie.s and ,it w;i:' i-vuient that this resulled The NAACP'filSli' suit on be half of Thompsfl|i. ^ Negro teach-: cr, in February. '448 seejung tot enjoin the Board from paying. Ises salary to Negro teachers po.s-' .sissing similar qualification and experience, than while teachers on the basis of race. Judge Waring stated in hi-- optiiiim that the present boar! had iniierited a sy.stem that un- di ubtediv prior to 1941 had in it a large dbmaritv in salaii('.s and it was evident that this resulted from racial diffen'nei'.s. The (’luirl in ilisi-ussing the defense of tlv .SehiK*! Board, nanielv. lluil thov were working out a plan to eqiial- (Continued on b.ick page) (1.1 Elk.s Ilf Leading l.orlge, 263. anil Cape F'l-ar Lodge line up in front of tlie beautiful and palatial hi'me of the late Dr. Foster F. B.irnett just prior to la.si rites held in St. Stephens A. M. K. I'hurch, Flower car is slmwn as undertaker's helper.; arc placing flowers m v(-hiele. A heaiM load of flowers was taken directly to the National cemetery whi ic hurial wn.s made. By T. C. JERVAY W’llniington — Final rites fo»- one of Wilmington’s most prom inent native sons w ; • held Sun day afternoon at o.-ie-lhirty o' clock. at St Stephen's A. M. E. churrh, when o . er 3.500 people fri.m all walks of life gathered to pay their last respects to the late Dr. Foster F. Burnett, 51, one of the founders of Community hospital, and an outstanding civ ic leader here for the past twen ty-eight vears. Dr, Burnett, who had practic ed medicine in Wilmington for n« arlv thirtv years, died Thurs day morning a week ago at Com- munitv hospital after an extend ed illne.ss. Long before the funeral cortege, which was made up of over on'» hundred cars, arrived at the churrh. evrrv available seat, save those reserved for the funeral partv. wa.s taken. Later, standing room was not to be had. Practically every minister in the city participated in the im pressive services. Hospital ofncial.s, including the board of managers, entered the church directly behind the min- t«-le-.-.s. Among these were: Drs. Dosher. Codington, Mebane, Rod- n-an. Learv. and Messrs. Emmett Bellamy. Albert Brown, and Sgt Adkins, superintendent of Com* nninity,.and W. A. McCaig, chair man of the board of managers. Other honorary pallbears were E M. Butler and F. J. Rogers. Members of the Cape Fear Med ical, Dental, and Pharmaceutical Society of Southeastern North Carolina marched in as a body. Included were: Doctors DeVane, Fayetteville; Furlongue. Smith- field; Smith, Lumberton; Moore, Roanoke, Va.;’ Campbell. White- villo; Easely. Whitevillc; Mul- drow, Whitoville,: Hughes. Ra leigh; Carnes, Whiteville; Jackson. Laurinburg; C. A. Eaton. Winston- Salem: Hunter. Durham; Merritt. Clinton; Bulware. Lynchburg: Mark.s. Sanitorium. Wilmington professional men present were: Doctors Chandler, Gray. Wheeler, Avant. Roane, and Upperman. ! Also in the procession were graduate nurses, who served ai bearers of flowers, of which there were many: cadet nurses fron Crmmiinity hospital; members of the two local lodges of Elks; mem bers of T. J. Bullock post, num- 'bev 5. American legion. Active pallbearers, all selected by Dr. Burnett before hLs death, weer Messrs. R.'>hert H. Crawley. Ellis Freeman, Dan Latts, Dan Bush. Rocky Point; Elias aBtts, Hamn-stead. and I.K!vi Daniels. (Continued on back page! Asks Ssi^ci^ Point System To Aid GPs fAsks-SBfifME^wLt r ^ System To Aid GPs (2.) Till' funi'ial is .shown cnluring St. Stephen's church. Elks and nu inbi'i.s of T. J. Bullock Po.sl, American Ligion, formed honor guard.. The Ri v, H, B. Shaw, of John H. Shaw's Funeral Home. I.s .simwn .standing on steps awaiting ca.sket, behind which 1.S William 11. Shaw, of Shaw’s Funeral Home. Backs to camera are Di-. Hubi-rt Eaton. Dr. Burnett'.; son-in-law, Thomas Bui nett, hi; tatiier. and Mr.;. CeK-sti- Burnett Eaton, daughter. They are being as.;i;ti'ci by Clar«'nce Walker and William Spencer, exalted riilei.s *>f Leading Lodg*' and Cape Fear laidge, respectively. Fos ter F. Bumi'tt. Jr,, son, with evi-giasse.;, i.s lo the right of photo, facing cunera. . The selling up of a special point system governing the discharge of veterans in service troops was urged by the NAACP this week in a letter to Secretary of War Stimson. The plight of the Negro soldier being held indefinitely in the Army and overseas as the result of tho present 5-point system for soldiers with combat records, was brought to the attention of the War Department. In hi.s letter lo Secretary of War SHmstn. Wav':-.- White declared that a grave injustice was being inflicted on these men who in mexst instances had absolutely no Cfntrol over assignment to the service units which deprived them of opportunities for combat or heroic perfoi'mance. “Service t*oops, it was pointed out. have performed magnificently in this war. Theirs has been the unglam- oroiLS, unairfields in jungles and other difficult places and elimates from which bombers could take I off in dramatic forays against the :*nemy. It is the service troops which have carried supplies a.'thore in beachhead landings, of- 'ten in the face of withering fire, but the publicity and the citations have gone not to them but to the combat soldiers who could never :hnve succeeded had nut supplies fcllowed immediately behind Die |as.cault waves. i “It goes without saying that an American soldier in the engineer or quartermaster corps loves his family and home as dearly as u isoldier who fires a rifle or flies I a plane.” An even more serious penalty emphasized in the present system [which ignores the contributions mf nearly one million Negro sol diers attached to engineer, quar termaster. port battalion, truck ing. sanitation and other service units is the fact that the first soldiers home get the pick of (Continued on back page) WHITEMANTOANSWER MURDER CHARGE R/tLEIGH — The State will ac cept the plea of guilty to man- I slaugntcr b.v Ronald Perry, whit;, formerly of the Wake Forest section, for the murder of 20-year-old Lynn White four years ago. An indictment charging Perry with murder was ret'irned by the Wake County Grand Jury on Mon day. ■''he shooting allegedly took place ! at the home of Gertrude Battle of Wake Forest early in March, 1941, following an argument over some bootleg whiskey. White died in Saint Agnes Hospital here several hours after being wounded. Perry, who was arrested near Roxboro recently, claimed that he shot white in self defense. Many of the witnesses to the incident have disappeared, the solicitor said, and the interne who treated White at St. Agnes has died. (3.) Tho flagdrapi'd nu'taiic c.i.;kf't is shown in the church. Dr. WalU'r Hughes, of the State Department of Health, is shown di'livdring a tribute. Mini.;toi-s ann fraternal leaders arc also shown. '.All Phohos by H'Jrbcrt Howard) STATE ELKS CONVENE IN THREE-DAY SESSION Gold.sboro - Tin- N. C. Stjto Tho public session was hold at A.;.;>eiation of IBPO Elks of th.' Dillard High school, at 8 p. in. Worl.l i-onvcniil :n (M>Ilsi*'iro. ,’X'. M* nday, Ma.v 28. A banquet wai, f.. May 28lii. 29th and 3()th. The hi Id tlic .;ame night at tho high 2.')lh .-\iiiiu.ii t’diui-ntion was si-hiKil at tt o’clock. act*'! i.'i'd by Hit'll iil-'d;;!!!;: A busiiioss se.s.sit)n was conduct- tlu- Till War Loan toil for inoti and Women on Tucs- M;n- 29. The nion at First Alrioan Bapti.-t church, and th'J V emon hi-id their sossain at St. J.'nii'S A.MKZ church. Th*' clcr.ing -i-*ri w;*.-; luld on Wi'diu'sday, 30. with the folIi>wing pro- RED CROSS CLUB GIRL IN LONDON ON V-E DAY i;n\.' and 52(»U0.(III. K.'gi.stndion iM-i'an at lli Homo M:.\ I'Jtlli at 9;u(l a lowing at I l-Ud a. ni. w itii tna' KIk l. fol- on III * I UI v.iiiou.-i ( *'' Ml o .'h-ct.-.i, el!u.'.‘n a meeting. lo K!l. :•! :il 1 ' K|. r (1.ill!;.boro a and fr.it.-.nal Ic; id *t (III .-; K Biisiiii's.-; session: 1:00 I.. P;i!-.i'lo: 3:00 p. m. Exhibi- Munii'lpal Park; 4:00 p.m . .'b.Tll I'.icii', Mu!iicip:il Park; the Lite tor tlie 1947 8 p. m., Dance, Victory Ware house. Id Wii Ih.-. Washington. D. C. — Miss J Pericles McDuffie. American Red Crac' club worker, .says she she ; have been born a boy— erpt. .allv when she got to Lon don on V-E Day and had to car ry her luggage through Water loo Station while every taxi mar. and busboy in the city was cele brating. "Not that I minded!” she beam ed Arriving her last week on an emergency furlough granted be- .c.’xuse of famil.v illness. Miss Mc Duffie dropped into national headquarters to relate a few of her experiences in France and Fneland. I “I got back to London from .Paris in 14 hours." she said—“the jsame trip that took 13 davs when I left London to go to France in October. 1944. It was wonder ful to get back to a city that was ■ free of bombs. “At least 10.000 people were milling around Buckingham Pal- lace. and everyone in the city was wearing red, whit« and blue. American flags hung with the Un ion Jack, and the 'staunch Con- (Continued on back page) Raleigh NAACP Goal 1,000 Members RALEIGH — It Is the hope ol the Executive Body of the N. A. A. C. P., according to a state ment made by Andrew J. Turner, the Executive Secretary of the local branch, that Raleigh will reach it's goal by Sunday when the local branch will close its Spring Drive. Mr. Turner is urging every lo cal cit)ien.s that U Interested in a real democracy to oe at Marlin Street Baptist Church at 3:30 P. M. Sunday afternoon. June loth and hear Atty. E. R. Avant. Ally. Avant has liandled several cases in North Carolina for the NACP. He le a colorful apeajLCr and a fearleiis fighter.

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