RymXG, SATTIRBAY, .TUNE 0, 1045 THE CAROLINIAN PAGE THREE \ \ J Eight Prizes Aivanled At i\. (i. Eollegc's 34tli Eommrneoinent DURHA^! Eight prizes were given .sti:ienls {luriim N- r1ii Ciir • tliia C' IJvee' 3Atli Hiinii.il finals ex* erefsc;; hci' Monday. jMis;- j-itiinie W C’.iiii'i of flua Drew Stieei, l>uih:mi. wit ' ilon wi'.'i Mi:-S t)i ris O. Sharpe of iiurlingloii. was giadiiatcd "nianna lUtn laiiiii-." recievtNl the W. C Peaixoi prize in mathcniatii.-. and fini>)ieci Jicr col lege caret r ns a nien her uf tw.* of tin college'.s honorary sritola.'tie societies. Refa Kappa Clii and Al pha Kappa Mu. Other ]>iizc.s awarded were: the C. C Spaiildinu c 'nurcree prize t ; Miss Sharpe; Volkanitnui Clith piize fn « Cat Re..dliy Mable Whilrliead; the lliirham Hume Econotrir'i. Virgic Weaver; the Volkameni i Club ,.ii/e in iau Ji.sh, Marian 1. Jarrer; ihe Miiior commercial club pir/., Ruby G Hayes: I>i Chaplet of Rot.i K.ippa Chi hmu'i'a.y ,..a.,ti/ii' •oijeU's pilze in science. Came Rradlev, ih* Hr. W H Hc>'.cr pn/.e h i .-..t>ho. ,mtaes. Ethel Kslmiindson. .\I I.F.GER IIIGIIWAV KHBHFft .MtKFSIFI) RALEIGH .Milton Hni.Pa, .’H, of 6n) Haywood Lane, is out on S.'>0,i bond awaitiiir trial i a In.-liwnv robbery. Himter e- aceiiseri of ii tn ;;.-- Ctii- ti-: Lane • f KnichUir.a- t'f .*17 • ■ ‘•knocking him dt>wn wnh .. and brenkitv; hi'- leg" on May £UA FITZGERALD Parnowt RtcMiling Star, ItMlIa and Mghi Club in oIrKOtt Onr ttyl daiirad. SNOW WKITf HAia BEAU- TIREt can b* utad or orrr #>ad« e> hair h bring owl ond «nhanc« Hi naturol bcautr. Impart! a ridv s'oi eppaaronce lo WAR ITEMS MANL- KACTIRED IN N. C. RAl.EIGIf — War items manuLic* t lied i.nd pruces.sed in North Caro* linu should be uathcred together ,ind displayed in local communities Lefure they arc sent to Ruleigh to form a piri of the Slutc-widc per il.antiu exhibit to b ccollecied un der auspices of llic War Manpower C omtiiission for North Carolina, n IS suKgestcd by Dr. J. S. Dorlon. hlale WMC dircclor. Or. D‘)rton suggested this use of the local exhibit in order that the i .opit of tvery community in the hiato can realize the extent of the lomn'unit.v's contribution to the war cause. A display of locally pru- ( ueeii item.s will surprise many peu- iple in a community, even some cf j i.ie employers arid workers who ' 1.11 (:r-ip,ile(! m their production, a- ih.is br'-ii deir*>nstiatcd when ex- hvbils hiivc been held in some of jllie eilic.s .md towns i-f the Slate. A bronciiuiv, containing the let- r to Governor R. Gregg Cherry, oulliiiiiu the plan. Governor Chci- re.-ponse, .i rc-sp’-nse from Com- inii-.sioiicr of Asriculture W. Ken i.-oit, e.idoixmcnts ot the plan by MiM- Stale Miniiiitcinent-Labor Com mittee, by representatives of gov- ernn oiil procuromcni agencies and ly the Labor Branch of the War Hepartmenr, alon^ with a plan f-r i-'lieeting the war products, has ’ .in sent to local offices of the U. Employment Service of WMC .Old to all Government procurement . .. . 1'; .la St..-.v. Under this |)lun the local OSES- offices will be the clearing points. •.lUtr t..’ aio.d dup.itation. cvc.i ihough some of tl:c il *ms riuy be ' III din city by pioaucers or hy J luciiren'cnt leprescntalivcs. Re- i«.-ds are to be kep* of all nf.t- c..llecled for the permanent exhibit th^ Stale and area WMC offices and local USES offices. Although several communities nav c.ilieady exhibitc.l thcii pio- nets in connection with campaigns against absenteeism and job-shift ing. some of them may witnl t d;s- iday them again before they beeom' a part of the permanent Stale ex hibil. Others that have not done so. •nould hold these exhibits in'^he i leal USES office if suitable, or in Some display window, vacant store r- om oi hotel lobby. The plan • f having the (aTmanent State exhibit in Raleigh is striking .1 lespor.sive curd throughout the St.ote. Dr. Dorton reports receiving •'ovoial letters and calls in support f the proposal. More Meat Ex|icct‘(l By jiiiy 1,194.'> WASHINGTON — Housewives •-.ay take heart in the prediction «.f '■'•ire Administrator Chester Bowles • -.ru more meat is expected for civil- i in use by July 1. AVhal’s more, ne • 'Id a joint committe; in Congress ■hat the OP.A hopes to devise a plan hich will keep ihe distribution e£| e-t in better balance than hero-1 lofore I Added to an order for more Fed-' ral ins!>ectioii order which is rid-j ring tie country of some 11.000* • .’l;ick marketeers by distributing , I 'hat meat there is through legal • ntkt.'; but with the quota system rrrrtioii results should begin t' >hnw about the first of next month. Tim -;.:-cel!..tion of all LerrJ- IC ' Seventy-Five Graduate At Mary Potter School 1). NORMAN V. I’EALE HR. JAMES E. SHEPARD Bl.SHOP IJ W.ARI) NICHOLS Shown iiei'f arc the principals i:i North Carolina College s .IJt.h annual commoncement exercis es concluded Monday in Dur ham with the awarding of t)fi degrees lo senitiis from 7 states a id the D'.-’i'.cl of Cci. miina. Dr. .lames E. Shepard. pre.si- dent and founder of the col lege, pre.-;ided at ■xercises in Duke Auditorium when Dr. Norman V.nvtnt I’vale. pastor UR. A L. TURNER i>t N( w- York’s Marble Collegi ate church, spoke to the seniors Monday. Dr. Albert L. Turner, dean of the undergradua'e scht'ol. presented the candidates, and Bi.shup D. W.ii'd Nichols, pre.^id- ing bishop of the 9th Episcopal ciictnet of the AME church pleached the baccalaureate .sermon Sunday afternoon at 3:30. 96 N. C. College Seniors Get Degrees At 34th Finals DURHAM — Nil.tty .six North Carolina College seuior.s from .••vv - -u states and Uk District of C’olum- bia were candidates t'T acg^ce^ at the colle,ie'o :i4th anrual r'. mmence- ment here Mond,..- m'lming. June 4 Tl.f Rtv. Dr. 'd. Wa:d NichoL, prcsidiiii, biship .f Ihe 9th Epsico- pal District jf th- African Nletho- disl Episcopal Church, preached the baccalaureate sermon Sunday. June J, and Dr Norman Vincent Pcal..| pnstnr -f the Marble C-dlegia:"' Chuich -if New Y-.rk, gav-- ttw !;•' uali -iddr-’.'S M .luiny. Dr. T’c.tIi- ■ address was broadca.st o\cr Diirh. mj .-'.ui-.i; WDNC and Ri.lcig;--- WPT'. I Dr. .I.-,n es Sliepard. oro.-idc.ii! HAIR BEAUTIFIER you con droll yoio hair in oltneif ony itylo doiirod. SNOWi WHITE HAIR BEAU- ' TIFIER con bo uied on any ohade oF hoir to bring eu) ond onhoncr Hi nolvrol beauty. Importi 0 rkt^ gloi 'iiat the OP/\ hopi-s to devise a plan '•i. h wili keep Ihe distribution f.i e-o in better balance than hero- tefore Added to an order for more Fed- . ral itispection order which is rid- ; mg the countiy of -some 11.000 •I;.ck marketeer.® by distributing •. hat meat there is through legal • .alit.®; but with the quota system ; i-riitii'ii results should begin t > show about the first of next month. The r;-i'cellatijn "f all Leii'i- Lease and foreign relief meat ex- l.-.rts during July, August and Scj. :.,:nT wilt auh'tna'ically increa.'-c the m--al .supply f'*r the home fr-m- .Ml meal shqiment.s during Ihc-'e I, i-uth'; will be for the use of the luiLied .StatO' armed forces me. • i V-ii- ment here Mundav irmrning, Juno 4 Tl:e Riv, Dr. D. Ward NirhoL, presidin.K bi.shoji of Ihe 9th Epsico-' pal District ..£ th' African Nlctho- disl Episcopal Church, protirhed the baccalaureate sermon Sundtty. June! J. and Dr. Norman Vincent Peak’, | pastor -.f the Marble C.-llcghMo j Chinch of New York, gav.' the li-'"'" iiala .iddri'.'S Monday. Dr. r’ealo : addre.ss was broadcast over nurh.-m .-;..ii..ii WDNU and R.-.lciui; :. WPT Dr, .T;,n;es E Shepard. (ircsidiMt and founder of the colhve. pra.-id- id ;•! the f'xcrviscs and w,i. a"i U'd hy [ir R L Fh-wer;, prcskhni Duke Li.r.i-J ity and rhairmai. I the 1- !h triutif board, and bi',;li idri.ina'i-.,!ti. n offii.ii. from .N'-.ft! C;>’'"!in.. t’.-' University --f N’ f'h Carol.i;;i and Iluii.plon Insti- lutc. Five of thi- timely six senior.® L;i'..dra:i:-.'i with lion 'rs. Tlie> E';.!ii.:e E Ciuino ;f Durliarr; Mr.--. M;'i> Au.-Iin Tat , (Jolds>u,i .Mi;;- Op; stn-ooc of Burlirr.:- 'on, •m;ii:i!.: -nin l.mde" .'iid Mar- ■ I.uc.is Jame;. Uarr.dcn. S. C ; El!-. I,, Pi.ih.i.n;. I'lirham, “cum E. Meadows. Henderson; Margaret .> .\--cl. Durham; Ella L. Parham. Durham, N-ima L, Richardson. Nusluillc. Alma A. Shields, Hen- der.son; Gladys M. Siddle. ReidsvUle; Thelma 1. Spence. Belcress; Hazel 1- Taft. Greenville; Lorainc G. Thjrpe, Durham; Nellie Ward, Windsor; Miii-jorie J. Wilkinson. Akron, O.; Minnie B 'A lliams- Waterbury. Conn Ba-.'hcl-’r of Science: Clementine W. Amiv, Durham; John A. Bar- •-ee. Durhiim; Helen Branch. Golds- o-jr-i; Syble M. Brewer. Durham. 7.larT;mjc E. Caine, Durham; Jessie 11 Ci;f:eld. Durham; Evna N. El- ! iliulor:. W.iiston-Salom; Leo R. Fine. Thelma 1, Spence, Belcress; Hazel i‘ Taft, Greenville; Loraine G. Thorpe, ITurham; Nellie Ward, Windsor; Marjorie J. Wilkinson. Akron. O.; Minnie B Williams. Waterbury, Conn Bachelor of Science: Clementine W. Amcy. Durham; John A. Bar bee. Diirliam; Helen Branch. Golds boro; Syble M. Brewer. Durham: MatTiinic E. Caine, Durham; Jessie n, Cofiokl. Durh.im. Evna N. El- lituton. Winston-Salc-ni; Leo R Fine. K. m,-:.: City. Kan,; William A. Mnmoroncck. N. Y.: Willie L. G.Howay, Durhiim. Johnnie A. OXFORD — Fourteen boys and ,sixiy-ont girls received diplomas at the finalii of the fifty fiftli com- mencetnetu at Mary Potter. The awaid for hibhest scholursnip non- ora went to .vlamie Barnett. Tho ' uomn-ciiceiiient aaarcsd wu.s deliver ed by John W. Mitchell, Field zNgent, U. S. Dcpartnieni of Aguculture, jrianipion, Vu. Supu C. G. Credle of the Oxford City Schools, pre sented each graduate a copy ot tli-; Holy Bible al-mg with the diplom.. I cuen received. hir. Mitchell paid tribute to t.ic • ieadcrsiup of such schools as Mary ;i'otU.r in pioneering the liiglt school iWork of the Slate. He was introduc ed by SupciituctidciU T. A. Hamm*; oi 'he Oxford Oiphauage who rc- I called Mr. Mitchell's w-ork in this I section and his appreciation of tho prugrum ctirned on in lotmer year.s. ,Mr. Mitchell spoke on ‘Our Respon- Mbiliiy In A Democracy ' and made an eloqucni ptva lor gsc of the Christian faith as a ba.sis for build 's proper attitudes toward demo cracy. The speaker defined democracy at. “People making the laws and gov- -rning thc-.Tiselvcs-" He submitted Godernor Arnail of Georgias con cept of the freedoms wc work and iinhl for: “The way t-f life is not the four freedoms but freedom, in all its meanings.'' To America, Mi. r.iilcheU said tnat democracy m.ea.it t-cGom of the seas and freedom oi made, not more territory. The dcsi-e f the smaller nations of the wot Id V as represented as protection frem invasion and i ut.sidc control for ex ploitation. He cited the desire of minorities in the countries f- r the ;:,ht;- and piivilcfecs of human be- irgs and citizens, not dominated by any people or race. Speaking of ll.t wants of hc colored American, Mr. Mitclicll reminded hi.® audinece that 'we waul "righta anJ privileges of American citizenship, no more, no ! le.®s.'’ In urging his hearers to accept lihc re.'-pon.-ibilhies of democracy, the Speaker concluderl by challen.;- ing tnem t** got historical perspec tive of many .ireas and chart evi dence - f past progress and future made. To the (luestion hether we have mode and are making pn-gres.s to-1 ward democracy in North Carolina, , Mr. Mitchell compared sevLi..l i hasc.® of cur public life with the GOODlfEWS! To Ail Who Need a Laxative Now and Then When you f.vj nluggish. stomarh up- sot, lew la (-pints onU sonu-wbHt ‘'no I’cr-Mint" — h«-aii.so y-u n-ftl a eoo.1 cleaning "Ut. Just LEh" YOfRflELP IN FOR THE Wl'ICK RELIEF THAT KRUSCH4LV SALTS CAN BRING TOV. When you want relief you want it PRONTO—you don't want to wait for hours (Kni.schcn acta usually within An liouri—Caution —US'* only aa di- re-nod. Rervlatc the dose to suit you. reoulrementj. Get KRUSCiIEN SALTS today at any good drug store. .xttaus in 19'25. He called attention to teachers' salaries, number f teach- er.*'. consolidated schools, standard high schools, and expanded oppor tunities and provisions for higher education. The .significance of the -rniploymcnl of nearly two hundred colored policemen in southern cities was poitned out as Indicative of a newer concept of growing democra- 10 • •uoHfj 1^. Mitchell cy. progress along many other lines were given by Mr. Mitchell in his addre.ss as progre.ss marie over Iht- past twenty-live years. WOM.^N IN FOL- LOWINf; SIKJOTING RAI.EIGH - Jennie Gill .23. Is Ml jail pending tlie outiunie of the condition of J'hn Carter. -14, of ;’07 fl"ke Street, whom she shot in the neck with a >-holgun last week. C.irte,' is m Saint Agnes Hospital and. according ti- Hie latest repor'u, , ho is resting •‘com.f'irtably well." i Miss Gill accused Carter of ; thr-’atening h- r with a knife when ■■ fi;d 'in bim. The shotgun and I -niib' were I'coxtrod by Officers l.Iohii H Raker and Joe Winters, I A'ho arrested the woman Tl'.e shm)t- j ne • • k pl'K'f at 1312 Hil! Street. INEW FARMERS TO MEET AT A. AND T. COLLEGE, JUNE 8-9 GREENSBORO — The North Carolina Association of the New Farmers of America, an organiza tion of Negro farm boys of the state, will hold a statew'dc contest at A. and T. College. Friday and Saturday. June 8th and 9th, it was anncnced today by S. B. Simmons, State Advisor and National Treas- tirer of the body. Purpose of the contest will be to seek contestants in public speaking, singing and ath letics to represent the a.®soeiation at fhe natoinal meet which will bo held in Nashville. Tennessee Mon day and Tuesday. August 27th and 28lh. Prizes will consist of war stamps. Highlighting the program will be 'he .selection of two members of the group to compete for the honor of being the star modern farmer and the star superior farmer. In order to compete for the star modern farmer, the applicant mo.d show evidence of theree years of voca tional agricultural (raining in hi^h school and display rural leadership ability as well as having conducted an outstanding farm program. The star superli*r farmer must, in ad dition. show evidence of four years of vocational training in high school and one -year ot practical work in agricultural endeavors. Another feature of the NFA pro gram at A. and T., Simmons states, wili be a war bond rally commem orating James Reid of tne United States Army \.‘ho.Iast year, paid the supreme sacrifice in the defense of his country, somewhere in Italy. Reid, a graduate of the local col lege in 1939. was the tenth presi dent of the North Carolina chapter of the NFA. He was a member of the .ngrlcultural faculty of A. and T. College before being inducted into the Army. Simmons reports that of the J6,- 000 NFA members in this country. 3.000 of them are in North Carolina In December 1944, he states, the group donated 8 Sl.OOO war bonds and $1,500 in cash to the Negro Or phanage in Oxford. CASUALTY BLANKETfl FOR AAF A wartime version of the peace time automatic sleeping blanket, de veloped by General Electric, is be ing used by the U- S. Army Air Forces for wounded crew members to prevent shock from excessive cold at high altitudes. It wlU pro tect a man to temperatures as low as 60 degrees below zero. The Asheville Auction Market plan special feeder calf sales at Clyde and Asheville during Sept. BOTTLING CO. 515 W. Morgan St. A f1lO/A i NOW AT FOUNTAINS TOOl PEFSI-COIA COMPANY, LONO ISLAND CITY I, N.Y. BOTTIIO LOCAllY BY FRANCHISED BOTTLERS Summer Clothing Sale dAL-TU CAN BRING YOU. ■When you want relief yon wont It PRONTO—you don't want to wait for hours (Kruschon acts usually within an liouri — I’antlrm — use only as di rected. Repulatc the dose ' SAL cled. Rerulatc the dose to .suit your rn rcQuIremenU. Get KRUSOflEN M..TS today at any good drug store. iBl'tl/BE. GUL'V-LULA BOITUNG CO. 515 W. Morgan St. rowr fe, rAtlifmg *• tMIOUHAI jp hi^ tir.ffal-iiirratf .®nrm()?> Sun- .'.n. Ili h p Nidv.l-. w):-. . ici-.o !|. :• of I)an.t-1 Payne C'.l- 1 P.iir .1! L.iin. .-\ii.. ’•.Id the '■Ld;K'ati’'H. like irre- dc‘ir.. .1 '.\;.«pf>n ami not a pi'iz.e f • , y| ii'liavior ■■ Th'* prelate ,.’I.'he ..•■iiior;- to use 'heit rdii'-.in.iii ■'> ''I'C’i th‘ door;, ’ •'i.nic .i( iiicvemeii' 'iiicati .r.;.l adv.iiu'' tiu'tit atiri jjiji itu.il attui’. i» cul '■ • Hr P.-.d", , fina! ox' r- ti:Ci Mt'iiflay. iii'vd 'le t'radual'.•' h;.vi’ f.uth m dv' 7 I’lue 4 ll • L'ltiletl .Slates," ‘'FruTn the cur.vi'- tifui ;iiid ll -Id tenari’.usly,'' Dr. Peale .'Oid. ‘'that th*- rre.ifive gei - ins of the .Ariicncati peoplo is n'>t : ended, and that all "f "ur frontiers . a’-e not in the pa.-t." A.S the de«rrf> were conlerrcd. Dr. Albert I. Turner, dean of tm- laidri'oraduate college pre>entcd • candidate' .iiid Dr. Su.-'.'n Grey Ak- ' er.s, acting dean of the .'-chool "f Library Science, presented Libr.iry school candidal* 8- Dr Stephen J. Wright, dean i.f fac. Ity at Hamp ton Insiitulf, and f-'i-mcr head of the college's education department, a'vai'dod scholaiship prizes. F..ur of tr.c college's underaraduate .iivisions and one pr.ifessiunal S'.hool. the School of Library Sci- ince. offered candidates for the 9!! dei,rces- The de-.-recs awarded in cluded 33 bachelors of art. 20 bach- . rs I'f -cicnLe. in hi.me t -onomir. ; and '•rven liaeheloi's '>f .science in iiorary .'•cicnce The c«mdidan-s for degrees; Bachel r Of Aits- Gladys M. ' Brown, H.tnsom. V.i.; Sarali L. Er.wr.. Crisfleld, Md ; Patricia C. Coc'per, Durham; Florence E [^ivis. 'Durham; .Ai'.nie M Dnnir.gan, Dur- iharr; Eddie Marie Ervin. Wa.'hing- ton. D. C : J. H Everett, N.-wp.irt N'.ws. Va.; D.rls G G;i®l*'n. Elm City; Julia E. Gordc n Bruk-i; Jeanne Y H iv'-fieid. GlassijiM'o, N. ■J; I,..tncia ?.l Hickman. Jer.-;cy City. N J ; P .1. MoH.,nd, 'A'ln- ' ®lon-Saltn.; .-\iinic Holi.iu,*' • Hehdbcth. V.I - Man,.!' I. Janus. : C.TiTlden. S C. Edi'li D J.iltnson. ■ Winston-Salc-ii; J«-s-e M King, t A^hrv lif. William F Kina. Gvif- j tun; Mary M T.inds.nv , Rock Hill. 'S. r M.-'iv.f MrKi..v,rk Ashevin.-, I .M.'ltareiice V Mel,. ,.n, L.iv.-i \ ,M, [Blanche B Meadows, iJurham; Hum. fiilc!iri®t, Durham; Earnstinc 't'ii-r. Duiham; Jam*.® B. Hardy ’’huy, Ind.; Samuel J. Hill, Ashc- Emiy .M. Horringlon. Slale®- ' ilh ; James M. Hubbard, Jr. Dur ham; Eileen El Dorado Johnson. 'v'V York. N. Y,; George L. Sam uels. Dnrham; Mary S. Slade. Dur- I'lan.; Mary E. A. Tate. Goldsboro. Bachelor of Science in Commerc?- Dolls K. Blount. Edenlon; Grace J Rranchcoml). Norfolk, Va.; Wilii” M fhavt.'. Winton; Thelma J. Cope land. Greenville. S. C.; Emma L. CosiMi. Dayton, o.; Mary E. Gran- dy. Windsor: Ethel M. Green. Dur ham; Ruby G. Hayes, Trenton. N., .1 ; Cathryn .S. Imran, Lumherton:; Grace L. f-ec. Monroe; Sadie I. Lewi.'-. .Vi'VL Bern; Marguerite M. rr.'issiy, Wa.shington. D. C; Lillian R. Matthewson. N'.rfolk, V.k; Thel ma J. Page. Duiham; Annie R. Per- >nn, Both'-l; .Mir.oma G PraL. Dnr- li.if!., p'-ali'ite E Unriorw'jod, Ri'cky and Ethel I. T ylor. Durham Rai hclur of Science in Home Eco- Homes: riainneU T. Brown. Dui- Mildred C. Duncan. Harriet; El'ie A. Knlee, Shelby; Eula M. Hicks*, ftniham; .Annie R. Honebluc. (']''.'Wt 11; Thf^masine E Johnson, I’aiiilei: Inez M. Lewis. Clover. Va: Mai'iha O. M(.Ghec. Jersey City, N •I: Doris M. Mastm, Durham; (iludys H Mi.tthcw.son. Tarboro; Elizabeth M. Mercer. Rocky Mount; Annie R Middleton. Goldsboro; Virginia L P'.imph. Wade.sboro; Elva M Tr - liniier. Graham; Virgie M. Weaver. Durham; Gladys O. Wright, Norlina I Bachelor of Science in Library i.Seionce: Mable Hawkins Davis, i Wise; Gertha A. DeCanco, Raleigh; ; Nettie p. McNeil. Fayetteville; Ray ! ^ N. Moore. Durham; Bivreous Pro'-* ‘ ty. Durham; Lola E, Rumley, Gra- [ham; eBatrico E. Underwood, Rocky* ?.lount. \ ! V .Meiiro Laptain Named I To Help Diseharged [Veterans . : NE\Y YORK tCNSl — With the j ■ .ipp intment of Everett F. Murrow ! j of Hackensack, N. J.. to the rank * of captain fn the United States •Nrmy. Murrow has also been as- “tgned as adviser to the Veterans Pei'si'*nnel Division of thus city’s Se- lertue Servic** Headquarters | According to City Draft Director | McDermett, Murrow will be ir, chargi' of more than 68,000 men who Toeetve discharges from the army He will advise the®e boys as t* h iw til get jiibs and oouncil them, on their right® under the G I Bill of Rieht.® Ca|)f Murrow is a Bod- win College graduate and worked fu:- five years with the NAACP. Summer Clothing Sale DRESSES, SHOES SUITS, ETC. St. Monica’s THURSDA Y and SATURDA Y Corner New Bern & Tarboro Streets BACK THE ATTACK !! mm DISTANCE It’s still a big part of the war picture “fiettinj? filings done 'ill llie war is won*' is alill the l>ig jn{» of Long DiNlaoee. SuiiiHinies there'H an extra iiemy loud on rertuiii circuits. Then ihe operulor wili usk your help hy •aying—“Pleaw liiiiii voiir euli lo ininoteA.** Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company INCOPPOBATEO NOW AT FOUNTAINS TOO! PEPSI COLA COMPANY, LONO ISLAND CITV I, N.Y. BOTTLED LOCALLY BY FRANCHISED BOTTLERS v' * W Beautiful... . Classics / Charming charmers—these loovely classic dresses—and so very pretty—so many 'to pick from—ones with pretty pcplums and slim styles—cap sleeves, and frdly trimings. Come pick yours today ? They are the cream of the crop. $795 to $1975 SECOND FLOOR OF FASHION Mail orders please include 3% N. C. Sales Tax^ plus postage m KIN AI01INA'S UIOHT

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