PACE EIGHT THE CAKOI,TlsnAN AVEEK ENniNG. SATUKDAV, .Tl'NR 0, 1!I45- Continued from Front Page NAACP WINS S. C. TEACHERS SALARY SUIT iz*- salaries, poslpunecl the opei i- live etteel uf its (ientu' until Apitl 1. liie salaiK.s \vii>n iK teiiniiltd. iKiVVevei, v.ill io- ii tio- ai.tiv'e to tin* Ix-i'.ilitiiii)' ol .-.aid sel.olaslii' li'Mii. Ulldi-I Ihe new I ei'iM lifiealioii plan }tovei 11114’ leaelier.v saiai ies. which may ae adopted hv the hoard, uioup i lassilieations aie as follows; (ll luivinit Maslt-i Oe^rei'S, 2) those havinti partial I’raduute irainintt. Cli those hav inn eolU-ne deyrees. and t-li those h'avinn two veais of eollene train- 114. Tile lieM test to h- appin-il is then pi.-i iod ot e.\petieiu' in tin teaching prolessioii. and in .iddi- lion «‘aeh teaeliei is :e.|iiiied to sand an examination to he pie- pared and scori-il by the Nation a! Kduealion lioaid Tlu- slati- tiieii places the teachei m tl. proper eiassilication and applying hi:, score ill the exaniinalion re ported by tile Nalionu! Boaid \vi’.' dttcrmine hi. dUicc in the table pupared under the state plan uhieh will automalicaliv fix the salary which he i.s to reeeive. If thl.'i plan is adopted bv the coun ty board as a method of pavintj county money to teachers, it will eliminate the unfair pmctici-.s hv the Board of dcterinininti stilari- s on the basis of race as heretofnis . This is the second teacher.s sal ary’ suit won in the State of South Cs.rolina bv NAACP attornevs. the first was thet case of DuVal TS. Charleston. S. C. School Board, di-cided in February of last year, when after a h«-arinu hefnr" th‘ same iudce. the con.^ent de cree was entered. THE REVEREND R. I . FILE. D. D.. PASTOR.E>tERITrR. THE MT. 7ION BAPTIST FHlTiril ASKS SPECIAL POINT SYSTEM TO AJD GI'S lobs and public Kialitude. ■Ser vice troops," said White, "di-priv- ud through no fault of their iwn frem earning certain points, will thus return to the United States 01 be discharged from the Army at a later date and may thereby be denied jobs or be forced to ac cept the least desirable ones." S2ND DOUGHBOYS. CAPTURED BY GERMANS. EN ROUTE HOME me week before the ces.sation of i hostilities. The Penn.sylvania sol-1 d'fi arrived oveisea.s in April I!)- 44 l.'ollins was a iiflemaii in ihe 37(Jth Infantry Heuimmt of !i2nd Division in Italy before his cap ture by tlic (lermans. The mission ol his platoon of Cornpanv L was to lake the last big mountain b«-- lon- the !•*(* Itiver Valley on the Italian front. The (Jernians had dug a net'vork of cave-; in the mountain and ut-re well conceal ed. The attack by ‘ollin.s' platoon began at night fall Manv men were wounded ori both .sides and by morning the pl.i'ton had dug in to await the counteiattack of the German.'. The attack came in th.- after noon and bitter tigbtini’ l..llu .v. d. Collins w;.-: wo'jieli’fi bv tin ■• in- (Mssion of an explodnn' hand grenade, captured Iv.- th.- (h-inuin ^couUinyjarU^imMifdf^^n^^a^^c^u^ ton m 11U7 and was licen.sed ti' practice nii-dicine by the boaiils o' medical exanuneis m .Niumi Carolina and N't \v Yo;k tint year. Alt’I piaeiifi.oi.' .1 -'ll II' wmli'. Ill elileled the AlJiiV III Woild V'ai I and m-iv. d .1 .1 h msl I.t. II. tbe .vl'itir.i! I'l.lp -. I'I.How 111!’ he letuiJi tioio iJiiiiUiiv reivu-e. hi oi'gaiii/i- ilaiul touiuled will, the aul >t otli 1:'. Coiiiiii indv lio.-e pital III Idltl. The m-'l.Uilioii lo C.tle.l on Nol'lll Seventh Stli'ft. was opeialed sueces-ifiilv lor nianv veai's ami in IPdf. iimim-iI 'o it: new home at I-II'miiIh and Cl.UM-h Str. ets. Fend: oblaiiied Im the euie Structloli ol till lievV hospital Wele 'pioemi-d. Ill a 1 a I g mea.-ue'. thiough the /eal. indu.sti \ and m tiiesl ot 1>1. Uliiiielt. Ill I1I4I, 1;.' saw a need lor fiiim«’i' i-xpansio.i ol the ho:}nlal and laigelv thr:i ills efforts mou- Ih.m S^fUU.UOU of ailditiolial lunds weir pu’cuiel a- an outiigiit giant liorn th.e F'.’d via! government lor the nilai’ge- tiine. Coinmunitv ho.-pital ivpre- ,ment progiam. .•\i the present si nts an investment of approxi- n'ately $.oU(J.iiol) and has one of th' best plants of H.'i tvpe in th. siuth. It was the ambition of Dr. Burnett that the ho.5nita] hecoim a Negro medical center for the eastern section of the state Dr. B’-irnett pursued his medical studies findher in England and Germany and at leading .Ame-i- can ciir..cs. .-Xt the »ime of his d( ath. he wa. h-ad of the Burnett- Ea’on clinic here. He was an examining nhy« fo; City draft honrrl No. 1. a mem ber of the Can.- F' a” Medical ; o- ciitv. the Old North Rmtr- Me ii-' cfi” ■society and the N.'itionai N’ - gro Medical a’^sneiation Siirvieine are hi-- fathi'r. .lo'-m Rurneft Eaton; and a p’-i>nd---.-n. ThotTue^ Burnett; a son F. '• •• F r.i.rnett. .1?- • a daughter Cel..n‘ T-hihe*-* ,A F'''nn, .!’• .^■'bn H Rbaiv'v Son®, fiin--’-’! di’eetnrs. had charge of ar:-an''e. rr.ent.s. lil.Odd y (Hinjislci-s R‘- i-ciie ()lil-\£c \n(| Sur vivors Insurance In ^.C. j RAl.F.ICH Old-Age ami Sor- ; -.'iyors Insurance beiu-fjis arc nov.- ; iieiiu: paid . v i\ in.-iitli al>out : 77!» tiM\. and .nl-. i.tulei ag. 18. v.die live III the Ji H' irii area In 'he- wii. Ir .Si.ite ■>( .'S'-iHi C.ii-.-lima there are .-mii,.- yo’iin-.. P-.-; ; vl.o receive tJn m n i.'lily payineiit.* iifaidefl O', th' i-'.il Seeiinlv ; Act elHIdieii. Iiml'-I aye 18. "I S!t2n(l Sen bees Send .S4.;{;5I: Result (H l>nrin:i (lam|)iii;n .\evv Volk K\ idem e that tlie .\;\A(.'l’ ii.iii 'iiwnl.- lamp.iigii mu hull,0(1 iiew m- iiilx'is i.s no! j>i mg .■nimed to the homi-lioiil, came tile loilli ol .1 ii-poit llolii Ilf- otl2llit Se.-iliee. now slalloif d 'll li.i India Hmm.i tliealer ol opei- aliens. The eam(Kiigii lor 3,00(1 e.\- e 1 ded all e\|>ectatioie . bringing -III a net tolal of $4.:(3l.aO in paid I lembi i^hitJ.'*. placing tin- unit Jii’.-^l 111 thi.y au-a of the pjcilic rc- .n iilly visiled In Walter White. In a eireulai aeiii oul In *luip l.oii WiHiam O ./ones with th. peimiv'ioii of the ('oniiiiandii)g . oflicei. the I'ompuny wa-: urged I'ol i.iilv to make 100'' meinhe;- .-.liip, hut to take Cii.'.!. siibsciip- tion.' as well. The I'ornmittee Moiking with Chaplain Jiine-^ and !:i'geh' 1 i'.'.[ic>nsi'de for t!;e id'.lisual succi .- of till' diiv'e in caKh'd: T-5 Owsh-v Bie-hanan. uf I Varhville. Tt-nn.. ehairnian; Sgl Charlie Wm.danl, Memphis. Tenn..: Sgt. Edward A. Winston. F.ltshurgh. Pa..: Cpl. Evnc’d W. B'.ston. Ml tt. r. Ga.: ^t't. f'liiri-nc.' P:eston A. Work. .'Mlin'ri. Ga.‘ \\ Benson. Inola Oklahoma: Pv*. Set. Sidney DcWalt. Jr.. .August.*!. Oa.: and Sgt. Nanoloon S. Kei*t. Pittsbuigh. Pa. Generous dnn.n- *’ons were also received from all ' the officers of Ihe Battalion. Col- end Salvii.i and Lieutenant Col onel H. C. Seaton of Carrollton. Georgia, arc Commanding officers of the units VFM* FFATHFRWEinilT RXZOOKA new fPittlierweight b.l.axika '•'itb an iihirrninum in'ti’ad of sterl '' ’■i-et fieri I'qiiipned v ilh an opti- ■al sjeht '.n :• ^nlriii” mmint has ‘-onn ricvelrm-rt hv Ocneral Electric In The Wake Of The News By Attorney Roejers D. O'Kelly lie'- r.l III '.-re: t*,' ii...lh> 1 .l«i I, M Ilivh-. II ..III. >-i ol the K.- i iidi offii'- of llie .Ro i'd Se emly U'.ard, t'Alay tli.d the wid.i.v I'f an in'ured W'-ik.r - rf •ag.', i. eligd.l.’ foi i>. i..-fii IF tiP h:i'. in hi r hi- l.didleii. 'teo- i’hlliiiei.. 0| .iJopUU .hiKlieli. im age (8 ;>'.• irriv ti.ply l-'i h--i h'li’- ill .it the '.1. *- lull. It..-I I.e cl.llllis M.I.VII > III foi 111.' I lol.'lieii Mol Iid> l„ l,.-i;! .... . ......hi' . ..t-.i. f ii tlf I l.i'di .-I, re[,. liiMioii. or I'h I-'- ' ' ' 18 1! WINS ANNA H HANES PHI/.K • Al.uvi- i .Hi Kiiniei- Phillips. ! (h.- ri .idiial'- of tti.- W jiistuO- I ii •i.-i. hei r..iie-.. wim w.m i die .Aiiii.i H H.>n. Pii7f of ten d.' 00 Mav ;‘). Ii-i, fo. n-r ill ih .I'l i jie « lli..lil tijp- pllir;. .ii.d iiplitl .f {hi- .V> T’.rO liil'lreii i-.i,., .•,,.-..||.d III the-' . clell e|,l;,i V • h'i'.l- ot Wlliftlun- I jAl Salem -.i F. i.vth Coi.nt.v She l-i fd.-O a llii ll.hei 'if till- W F. B. . iiiiH. It I. •(. CIm'i 'W Sliown above left, is Mrs K. H. Holland >f Birrrl .am. Ala., with her daughter, Miss Giuiia whu -was -.jradualed on Tiic>iay, from A. and T. Ccillcgc, 1,641/ Lalxirers From iiarliuilos Isiaiid Dockril At Hampton Roads, Va. HALEIGH A b' 1 1.(344 iab.'ieis Iri.m the B.irbaOos island docked at Haniptun Roads, Va . Sun day for riisiributioti to -A'ork in pul{>- wooa and sawmill operations large* l.v III North Carolina, Dr. J. .S. Dor- ton. Slate .Manpower director, an nounces .\oi-th C'aii.lma gets 1.847 "f these . workers, the remaining 21)7 going to employers iii itlier slates. Thir- ty-fiV'- lumber and piilpwiwd con- traetors and numbers of sub-con- tractors get these workers early lhl^ week They w ill reniam in the Sta'.’ foi Uo days, contingent upon ..v.uj- ■ ibihty n[ local labor, ami any liir- lia r woik will be subject to i-x- ; letideil eoiiliacl.s between Hi.- woik- • CIS and the en.|ilo>t 1.-. ' .1 11.>1 (iitbie.i.h. A.licville. ii-an- .ei- rei'iuitim, liflm-i 10 Noilh '.liii.' foi Hie Maiiji- W'-r f'oiniiu. - loll, who I.-lilt. Ill'>1 Hie ' ( iiiiiii lit N M H.iidy. '.f til'- Vogint.i I'.nol’ii.t l.iiiobi-i I'.i. VV.oM'iilot, .iinl l.e'li.' .1 by. .ii H.e N i'. Pulp To )'l.,n."idl.. i;ccnsborn. with a {>. S. Uegn-e m home economics. She was the milking student of the i>4 grad uates. Her hobbies aie music, ten nis .Ttid dramatics. spent several days in niidgciown. H.irbad* s'. making the eontrac's '•-ith the workers nermlcd by the rjritish Government They return- '-d home by plane and tr;iin last week. The boat on which the woikors '.avelcd was too large to dock .t any port in N. rtb Carolina, so ar- rangerrents ware made hr it to dock in the Hampton Roads area. -Ms.', Hampton Roads is nearer to most of the Emjiloyers than Wil mington. and the cost of transpor- linii the wi rkers to their jobs Ls thorefore les-s. ' Of the l.:447 workers for this Slate, 120 are to work in pulpwoud find 1.112 in sawmilling. The 297 oth er workers go to othi r .states on the ^.ime condilii ns H at apply to th'.).e it work in North Carolina. Raymond P. Umstead, Supervisor of Rural Itidii'-lries for NoiHi Car- ''lina, and Mr. Gilbnlh went to Hampton Roads Sunday to siu/eiin- li'iid the disii ibulioii '.f Harbado-^ '•■orkers to tin- North t.'arolma on- • I actors. ViHl.SUN Fde,;ii .Snow, lU year- old youth uf Wiliuii. pleaded eiiilty l rape of j 'tiiei- yi.ii old I'lilld heiV and wa: -.fiitenced lli taoprr lor Court to lioin lU to l'> .us in piiron ifKiii coi.KT siiuns soiri'fi ( ONSTIHI'I'IO.N AI' l.OOi'IIOl.E WASHINGTON — The U. S Su . pieiiu- Court has shown aiiti-Negru states tiuw they can ■•cuiiiply" witJi the I4lh Aincndriieiil of the Consti tution ino disciiiiiin.itiun on tl;e ■ ase. of iac«-. cie«-d. or colon ami with aiili-disci iiiuiiation luhiigs i>f tie emit, il-elt. without d'jing toe . ima-h violence lo lluii race pre- jiKlicc.s. U has tqld Ihe-se states, in efU.-t, 1..1I uluk- no Ne.'.n. mi a jury won't .sati'ly He l4lli Amendment, one v\ill be alright. In :i tJ-:t dteisien, the court yester day iJune 4i upl'.eld a death sen- icnce penalty h.r C, Atkins. Texas .Negro, who had appealed tt’ he High Court on the ground of nicial discrimination He charged that the jury commis sioners of Dallas Counly, Tex., had “deliberately, intentionally, u n -1 purposely limited the number of thi Negro race on the jury to one." In upholding the action of the jury commissioners, the majority dccisii’n of Justice Stanley Reed ^aid; ■■ in selection 'of a juryi ii' vrr has been held to require pro portional representation of races upon a jury Purposeful discrimin ation is not sustained by n showing , that on a single grand jury the num ber fif members of one race is less tl an one race's pniportion of the eligible individuals." Rec'l exiilained that the Court's iwst anti • discrimination rulings •vere bft.sed on the theory that e.\- •'lii'i' n of Negroes from jury list.s in ecmmiinilies where many Negroes dved indicated discrimination and not on the the theory that racial groups must b*' recognized" Chief Justice Harlan F. Stone and .Justice Hugh Black and Frank Mur- t hy dissented In a stiong word"d dls.sentina •ipinion. Ju.-'ticc .Murpby pointed out that, prior to the Supreme Cmirfs deci.smn in Hill vs. Texas, no Negro ever served on a grand jury in Daliai- In an attempt ‘o comply with that di-cision.’ Murphy continued, ••the jury commissioners who selected the grand jury panel were capelul l) fipj.otnt one Negro to a IC-me.'n- grand jury . . . No f.'umpliance "But that fact alone does not guaiaiilee compliaiiee with the 14Hi Amendment. . . ‘ K.icial Iiiuiiation no less tlun racial exclusion is Hit- formatum of MOU-., I .III evil vundemm-d by the eijiui pHitectiiin," Tin- Justice cmileiidfcJ that "if a liny is to be f.iiily clioSen from a IT" -tsU'.ii uf the comiiunity, it iiuist be done without limiting the number uf (HTsuns of a particular color, racial background, or faith • :all of which are irrelevant factoi.- • ill setting qualifications for jury service." Murphy then showea. by quoting Hie i,ury coininissioiiers theiiiselve:- how deliberately one Negro an«l oik more was chosen for the grand jury that indicted Atkins. Coinrrisloncr Wells testified; "We had no Intention of placing mure than one Negro on the panel. When we did that, we had finished willi the Negro." Just One Commissioner Tennant testified: "We thne did not go to see any other Negroes. That is the only one. I did not have any intention of put ting more than one on the list." Commsisioner Douglass said: 'Yes. .sir. there were other Negroe.s’ names mentioned besides the one we selected; we did not talk to them, and nur intentions were to get just one Negro on the grand jujry.’’ Justic eMurphy then remarked: “Clear proof of intentional and deliberate limitation on the basis of color would be difficult lo pin- duee." WHAT REALLY HAPPENED AT SPRINGFIELD A COUPLE of months ago five nisei girU left Springfield. Thev had come to this Massachusett city under friendly auspices and had found empF'yment. For several months they had tried without suc cess to win friends. Racial loelrance in Springfield was being widely advertised for the film "It Happend in Springfield" but it did not seem ' to include them. An article in the ; Catholic Worker tells why. Accord ing to David Mason, its autlior. the , “Springfield plan for overcoming racial hatreds i.s just another muni cipal publicity stunt." Mr. Mason based his opinion on the action of the city's central council of labor [unions in preventing the WRA i from locating fifteen needed Japa- * nese-American workers in Spring- ' field. One of the union sixikesiren ; .said: "They think they can bring them here because of the Spring- field plan Thi Spiiiicficld plan '* fine for piiblir'l.v purposes. It is a fine Hung on paper, but when it comes lo excciiii''n. it docs nut nic.Tji a thing." In this opinipn the bricklayer's unmn official was sup ported by the Springfield Daily News, which said on March 5; "Our Amenci'-ni is not broad enough tij riintinue with .'ippeasciiient of pell pie found to be trvucherous as thti ■Faps proved lo be." The editor evl- d tly ha.s read no paper but hia own. since he appeares to know nothing either of the loyalty of the gloat majoHty uf Amer icans or t>f the magnificienl militar; record made by tliose who havt jicniiillKl to enter the ed services. So the fifteen Japanese- .^;lll riciiiis, part of Hie UO.UOU who are being cotiipelled to leave their letocation eeiiters, went clscwherfl lu find work and the five iiiesj girls packed their belongings an quietly fled fioiti Spi ingfield's ustr cisni. .Meanwhile "It Happened ' Springfield" euiitiiiues to play crowded houses across the iiatio/ - The ('hristian Century May ;«)th. Rufus Wooten uf (303 South Wll minglon Street, was acquitted of charge uf indecent exposure. •4 rtoor IMPtlRTLD sr 9LC(;t.R.MAN NINON UlRroRAllON .NbV AOU. N Y. 'ims Italian front, Tiu- (Jeinians had dug a network of caves in the mountain and were well conceal- ■ ed. The attack by Colliii.s' platoon began at niglit fall. Manv men. v/ere wounded on both side.s and ' by morniiiB the pla*#an had dug in to await the counterattack of the German.*:. The attack came in the .il'tfT- noon and bitter fietitirip, f.dlo'A'ed. Ccllins wa.s wo-jn.h’d bv tin- eon- Ciission of an ••xplodini? Jiand grenade, eaptui'ed hv the German acouting party and held in a cave v/heie he received first aid treat ment. He later interned in a prisoner of war camp in Bologna on the northern side of the Po River. An imuortanf bridge stum- ulated near Hu- eaiiio was a fav orite largr-1 for the Allierl air craft. su th'.* PCjW.s- were moved to Mooseherg, Gennanv. bv f-eighl train. -.V BISHOPS ALLEYNE CHAL LENGE CHURCH the only sensation one was the removal of the Rev. Win. Harrison , Taylor from tlie presiding eUler- ship of the Philadelphia District He was succeeded hv the Edwin Kinney, pastor Pojilar Street fcllowcd bv the Rev. Algernon Church. Philadelphia and wa.s; Hillarv Fisher of Harrisburg, Mr Fisher's s'Jcce.s.sor is the Rev. J Q. Fountain of Willinmsoort. Pa . whose successor is the R--v. .T. E. Spruill of Newton. Pa. Rev. Geo. ^ J Hill goes to Newto’j to succ.'cd t Mi. Spiuill. Rev. Cnaiie. Eari t Bourne goes to Conloo Churcii. i Washington, succeeded at Sina.l, Memorial Church. York. Pa., bv 1 the Rev. William Barnwell Baker | formerly of Contce. The confer- , ence adjourned lo meet at Pop- I lar Street Church Philadelphu. ; next May 22nd. 1946. RED CROSS CLUB GIRL IN LONDON ON V-E DAY strvatism' of the British that we urt-d to talk about had disappear ed in a peace-happy mob that kissed the bobbies till their fa't' weer rod from lipstick as well a.s embiiriassmen' 3.500 JAM ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH TO PAY FINAL TRI BUTE TO PROMINENT PHY SICIAN AND SURGEON, The order of service follow.-: Song; St Stephen’s ehurch choh': Praver; Rev. -Mr. Williams, pastor (-■ongregational ehurch; ScriDt ire: Father L C. Dadc'. reelor. St. Mark's I*. K church: Song; St Stt phen s ciiurch choir; Tribute- Dr Waiter Hitches. State Hoanl of Health. Raleigh: Eiilogv Rev Ml. Thiiiiipkins. pastor. St. Ste- plen's:- "Goin“ Hmii''.” grout) fiiiin Wil!ist"u high .■school: Hm- eflii'tinn-' Tile R'\ • R 1 Ro"n»' r. ntt :.1 t Ri e .t H" ei- pr«'i-.lin'’ • Id' - -VMFZ .’lue ' and Di. Tliuiuokitv At till' \'.i1ir.n:il P.-'ni'-’er-- whr-re burial w;.- ni.-ide. th- Elk- and .Amerie.-ui T.'-'-ionnairer per fi-rined Ih'.’ir sf-i vic''.-, A .'-lu'ri 'k' tch of tlie lif-' of D'' Burni't* follows: Dr. But nett waB born -n Wi‘- inint’ioti on .Am il'*6 IHA} FTe w:i - tin- . ’>'1 Ilf .I'l'm Th->nri-- num an'' *h- lu'e Mae«;i. itii-n''*' H.- reefie.-d M-- .-nrH- e bi-.* l-.n at Gr-eeorv Institute in Wihi'iiiv’- ton :"’‘l u'a; or;tdirt’'-d A •md T for N‘'ei-0"-i, jO Gir.'n'ibovn '••itb a de^r^e of Bnchelor of Reior*r=> in 1911 H" received his medical dee’-ee from Howard university, in Washing- th-ee.iM'd ua;-,'- In many la-es t!.' iiii'th'I at u l-enelit'- II liii'le. M'-i ..f Hit- Ra il mil i.ffii' «if Hu- S" ial Seeiiiity U'/ard, s.iid t-xlay Ih.-t the wiilu.v i)f .in insured wi.rkir regaiiU-i-- ft age. h-- eligible for benefit IF' she liar, in hit care, bit ciilldren. step- childien. Ol jdi.|>l(0 'hildi-«ii. lin age 18 Si.e may ,-t|.|l.v t .! h-r b- ii" fit il Hie '.111 e lime tt,..l die I'l.OMl- fiayuenl- for the rliildien. ^^"llHll.v l« 'fit ... e !'i>abl»'. .ib'i. for the clii'oM'li. . tt'|). hililieii, t.r adopted children. uiu!»-r age IK, .»f a retind woiker v\ho is receiving mi'iilhly payments uf Social tosiir-, iiiice Application for the chililrens benefits ina> be mad.' at tbe time, that Hie |,rii'iil file- l,l^ "Wii rlaitii. Tbe \).i-e lainei who I,a. re.u’li-, >f| . C, 1.1 the :mvivoi of a de- e. h - any I .ii to I ‘ hev'- he or she liv-dde foi' p;iyiiti III' of Old-AgC ml S'lmivo’'* hould critl t He iiean'-t ofici- ol the Soii.d ieeoritv IJo.ifd and t.Hk uilli the ■i.inai'er 01 hi-' .'-'i f.u.i. ll il aji- liars thla benefil sare pay:iblp, the ;-'ia;,;inl wiP be' civee helj) 'if it 'i requested 1 in filling nut his pap er.' aiui in obtaininj atiy evidence 'hat nuiv be requirtd in connection with his claitr. S PATE OFFICER WINS ANNA H HANES RHIZK Above i:. Mi:-. I-Ainue Rhilli|JS. ftii-. ijiailuate of the Wiiislun- S.-leui Tfuchei' f’ollej^e, who won Ihe Amid H Hanes Prize of ten dollai;. on May 2;t. l'»4'. for her • Itoii- ill Hi- .i'I\.met loent, h-qi- piiif''; and uplift of the Negro iliildreti v.le> aie enroll'd in the ek-irenlaiy -hoob of Wiiislun- Salem r F'i'vHi foiuity She is a iiieniher of the W. Ft. B. DuRois Hoti'Uary Science C'lu'.) of the colle^i .iiiii .in hoiioi giad- u.ite in the viaii.inar grailc de }jarlii i-iit of the rcnool. Mi-: RioHip' 1 Ibe il.itichler of lb V :md .Ml- T. ('. I'liiHipi, of 1(321 K 14!h Slieel Rl’TIl TAVI.OK iContiiiiied from pag>- foun I knew wliat v.e \\ei- ll■-■lltm;- for: Peace foi Hk' kill;, our biothers kinder worUl, a cleaner biei'd Jlelp n.e. O God, when death i.« ncxir. To mock the hag'^aid face of fear. That when I fall il fall I must — Aly soul may triumph in the dust." WAKF. SALVAGE CO. Wc Bur luid Sell ETtrylhlao of Valu* FURNITURE — STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS — RADIOS 337 S. Wilmington St. Phono 2-2327 CIS and Hie cii.ployci's. .1. Hal Gilbieaili. ALlieville. man power reriuitiiig oriieer in North oliiia for tlit( War Maii|>ewer Commission, who u piej iiteii Hie •\.dei-.d Goveinmeiil; II, M Haidy, ■ f the Virginia Caiolni.i I,umber 'o., W.i>I> iitoii, and i.ei.he J workers to the .North Carolina con- ^uaiiiiilt-i' ciim))lianc»' with the 14lli, tractors. : Amendment. . . ; V "'ial Iiiuiiation no less Itian WU.SUN I'alqai Snow. 16-year- racial ifxclusion is the furtnati'in >' ol'l youth of Wilson, pk-udeil Kuilly jmies is an evil cuiideinmxl by the | ’... rape of a Ibier yiai old i liild eipiat pioteclioii Clause." beft- and was sentenced li* liuprr TIu- Jui-tice contended tlial "if a lur Court to lioni to to 1:, years in piry is to be faiiiy ciiosen from a| HIDE AWAY GRAY HAIR SLICK-BLACK R F'. Lee. Wilmington insur ance man, who is u iru.sU.’e of leh State Lodge of Elks. Mr. Lee IS an active ine.nbcr of Leading Lodge. 268. IBPOFt uf W. He t.s a prominent church \ •orkcr. being a member of Eb- ene/er Baptist church. C.APITAI. CDC.V't'OL.A BOTTUNG CO. 51S W. Mfrifut SU AT ALL DRUG STORES • f\ ' J - CO-TTONS— JERSEY— SPUNS— PRINTS— BLACK SHEERS—WHITE EYELETS—BUTCHER LINENS A Bumper Crop of New Summer Masterpieces! The cuntinjous demand lor M. & 0. dresses calls for lively shipments daily—Hundreds of new ones have been added to our .stocks again this week—that's what makes our dress Mepartmenl active daily. FOR TEEN AGE YOUNGSTERS. FOR JUNIOR AND MISSES. AND WE'VE NOT NEGLECTED THE WOMAN WHO WEARS LARGER SIZES. IN RALEIGH ITS FASHIONS Bulldlnt