WmK KKDTNG SATURDAY, .IT^KE IK, inir, THE CAROLINIAN PAGE THREE Extension Leaders To - jfeSW i '>nfer in Washinston TO EUROPE Aviation For Teachers .. The Aim of ScouJinq To liv.' as i;- nilv as I « :in. T'i ln', ni‘ inaitof vvhfif. a m.oi To lake wlial comes, ot unotl r)r i|:. and iTiou to failh and ilonor still. T'l do my nosi .-md lei tha: .stand, the record ol my hraiii a o d ' Itantl. And iIhmi if failure conic- to tup. stdl vvoik. and Jmp. lo viclniv. To iiavp n' .s*'cre| place vvliorc m I .stoop unseen lo Mi..re Tf bp liic .same when I'm alori" a.s when mv every dcovl i- known. To walk undaunted, mfraid of anv ;dep I have marie TV. Ik*, without pretense or siiam. (xaetiv what men tlunk 1 am. Occoneflchee Scout Camp to Open July 23rd The Oeeone‘ehre Coimeil Bov Stout C.amp wdl tipi-n lav. . .(lily 2.Trd and rim Ihrouttii An,*.- it.'l I2lli. From pre.sept p:e-'anip rtservations it apnrars that ov‘*r 30tl of the HlOO Bov .Seoiit.s now rcKistPi'Pd will be in attendaiv'e. The rampinK period will be di vided info three periods of one week eacli. No re.servaiiun can be accepted from anv troop.s after Juiv I. 1945. The first period will open with Ihe noon mean on Mon- dav Juiv 23rd, G. F Newell. Ccuncil Field Executive will servo r.s Camp Director. Dr. Val Hamlin. Ji.. one of the 375 Scouters in the dreoneechce Council will serve ns . ; 1- Front Da-ector. The Camp will he oDerated on a Troon Cempinc Rasas. Scoulers will rt ine to Camn with their Seoul.- ar.d camp with them. Three Cl iirts of H mo: wid lie lu-ld dur- inc the eampaiij period Georp" .ItlfiKs ol Hah ieh wd! .stjpervi.-t • tin preparinii 'f meal.s. Beard of Review and Court of Honor for Wake Tae Raliui. Wim- Comif. Poard of R.iviw.v wii; t.e .-ll er, Tluir.«(ia'.. June 1, rii'. i tho Court rf H.)nor wii! be iu hi • n Tu-.-dav June 2*i. at tile St. .^mb o^t- Ep s- eepal ehurch. Thi Ju'v an.! Au2 i-st Court of Hono: ••* i e h'-l.i a* Camp Whisperinit {hn- '. Durham Scooters Publish Sccut Ro* ter D'.iiny the pas’ week :h.' Dur- liarn Seoul,. until r ;;vi:r i ‘:o,i of tile .\ Iv.ii.i emeiu in. publislv'd the 1945 S.mu; R.i.-'- foi the Duihuin D:vi.sion. In le- fciimu In this publieatio;'. Rev. C K Proi’or. Pre.'-itii nt of 'h-- Oe- ert.eeehee Ci*unc:l and superite Uiident of tile 0.\f(':d Oi ph.in. ji'. said. T mst wan* to sav tiiat t is c.bout t'n niee.-t fil, ’ havi ev- c.- had. T'aese file.- are onio- ■■al;:- abb ^nd most of al! mv n.-- .t thidl to to.- how u.-li th-- i; o: itimi/ed and :s bi-mu ■. or. Y. uir airanu' i • .-nl-m 1- ill\ a: I 1 .-I •T-.’. :• li -liV - - ^ 1^- ■■ "i'M ■■ -I.:;' - %i .Xoilli C. '.ti .\..I r.i.a sm-.: m :i' • T:, f , .Some ..f the .-eh.,'Is reeeivin;, .weril.i ,il ti.e reccnl Cc-lh-.;" It' I rh f'.nfeniiee .i'. .Shaw Uni- .Ioiks. KiP; ilv a.e showi Col!.' e (■o!le;i-. iM for Sara:, . ten- me I., Ii.'.ial.i'r. 1- la..’.••• and Flxi iiitive i)'i>e!oi' .if •,!;,• .\.. c..>t;oi Mr. J..ll•e^ K i.yil... li.urlor . iJaiiy C'.iincil v!>o ii,,.-. jml iie.iliii .md jib-.-ii.i! t.im.iii.-n . .Hied ih-av.-:od.. ,\firJ:c S'la'.*. tr-ii' i i-il;. -eh''.' I.tft to >-• (1 •.; ; .To'- Ml.'. He-:;.- Siiillin,;s W.Tr-.-. 1! t.Tli't;i : l.'.-p. .r.ive Sis-,;.,iy of tiic f)ur- .'iivii'a; n !1; m.r.r, - th* p.i .'t-h- il M..r • . -lie •’ :■ iil b.siy as of the l.-•ll.'_e^ j.-t.'ie this time i Caroiina C, licit*-. Miss R'-mainc ."hown lierc are .A an . T, C.illose. were .'vr\ini; no mil!: at .ill. i Clark*', a sf.id, nt rci're.s-.'otative Larber-Scolia Coll-Lincoln rhi' iward rr, ide p. 't''ble ! fr .rr, Fa.vV.t vi!’.- Slate Teacliciu .Ai.idviiiv. Palmer ruena iUil In- h\ •!.■ X.it.oail IJ. .;y Council ' C ■!', • Mi .\ K U’c..lherf.,rti of MiP.ite ami W.ii.'Ioii-S-.lcii- Tech- thn.usli the D'.irlian: Dairy C-'Un ' St. .Aiiaustir.c C .lleu'a Ur, Muriel i i'. College. folk', for N’oith or on Siindav. .hirie I'P .-X 1. |n((>|*.l.uulii.' havin', lair' -i Nemo and d:, -'V'l. Lr'liliilc And'\ork- e bo., i.i.l.-l*. 1. i.ll.. *s . 'nt oi.i*. «..* f. irlhe-v'iie'iilf'-i* "*ill f* Xo“th Caroiba.'" ’ "I'l’ll V \\ ililt'I'I'drCC' 1. Ur w 'if . ,,' Boy Sci’af Field Book The Ik-v frc.iu- Fi- . 1 wiiitei, py D.. .T.:.. .• ;; .1,'. n- than Wiihain Yl.'",' Many .Y,111 unr' .■ f;m>t'-';r'.ci”*.-r' , Y.' D:.% St" M'l.- .. a- Ft.:-' wo:.; W. 't : :1. .sf fae Ivo .S'" ;• .\ Di Elb.-:* K r • >cu* K.'veeu;: ' a. Ill' ir-- til. r. V.'n.PKHFORCF O!-. •".I Cm:..' H \V. Washington — In order to make plans for further assi.sting color- •id farmers in stepping {ip their v. artimo production anci conserva tion of food, and in meeting thiir ipestwar agricjltural adjustment :p'blems. the U. S. Departmen' of Agriculture is inviting 45 Negrt State and District Extension lead er.- to Washington for a six-dav crnfcrence, .lune 23-28, M. I-. Wil son. director of Extension Servit-" .said tills week. Slates cxpectcfl to be repre.senf- ed al the onference are Alabama, A.ikansa.s. Florida, Georgia. Ken tucky. Louisiana, Missi.s.sipu;. Maryland, North Carolina. Okla- h» ma, South, Caroiina. Tennessee. Tixas, Virginia, and "West Virgin-' ja. Among other things, the con ferees will discu.'NS a p^.sl war cot ton program for the South, as sistance for returning veterans and displaced workers who wish to farm, incrca.sed production and Cfinservation of food, and runil health. Discussant.^ will include Dr. F |D. Patterson, president of Tusk**- igoe; C. C- Spaulding, pre.sidont of ithe North Carolina Mutual Ihf'- Insurance comnanv. Dr. Walter \Viikin.s of the U, S, Health Serv ice Dr. Arthur Rapcf of the Rii |reau of Agricultural Fron'>mie;. .and author of “Preface to Pe.a." lantrv" and "Tenants of the Al- imiphty;” Reuben Brigham. H. H IV.'illiamson. T, M. Camnbell. and i.Tohn W, Mitchell, all of Kxi nsior. i Service. j The program of the conference will be carried out on a workshop I pattern al.so will inrlude a ftour *'1 jthe nutrition I.aboratorv of the T7. | iS. public Health in^tituf**. Refhe«- : da. Md.. and a visit to Frcemcn’.s ! putritianal disea.t'-* '?linic. 1 At a .special dinner at Sln-.ve ' t^all. Dr, .Taekson D.^’i'is of the' fir nergi Fdiiration Board, anil i '■"'Mide A P-'-ni-tf. *lir*'efnrnr the i Associated Nes'io Press will hn ' the principal .sneaker.s j ■••*%n’t tninsfer (henv The 'iibstitiitcs *hev spiul .are scared lo st.nv and Af'''r she t’-id .nii e-ic*%'inter -> ratbe-- diffj^.ijt h" -''rt ATk« TlT.’sher .sii'hid and '.-'id, “There are times f re d 'ey eee ;i cood ■ rimch blit c.f rmirse T can't‘ • d .,*. Wili'i-.- ui. Sp.i;..! .1 w,: Oiii . X' 1.' ihi.'*';,*.-I !• : -ad '..fh E'’fi\V-\V('W - iii'.a-.it C"i'k;p'! ; v .-i wild. 1 n'.s.-; ! unu vi.'.i r.ob.'blv entf'* v-, r -• Ib.r,'- T'm- '-ii.i't h. tun- I '.u- T ' ’’ I’n-jiiiliiril. She Sins I" • C' lnrmu*" .1 •. .pic's fm 'I ftuics and si.:-,-- NFW YORK 'UN:" M..hel K di cii-'i'ii!.', nod i- pi.-n- Thr* -! «• -. piid'Ta-a'jvd principul >1 m *11 hri\e * '>f i.nn'-i p S fd w’.iic!, is in 'lie center *1 fdins p>-'.-,.i! -a ,',.d J’ .rlei:.. .-l.iei.. tb.d ;.br 'lb! J. Francis Price, Carolinan Columnist, for thirteen years a.s legistrar, director of publicity nr.d JLSsiatant professor of Gcrm- an at Shaw University has 'ooen appointed administrative assist ant on the stlaff of the Unit ed Nations Relief and Rehabili tation Administration according to advices reaching the Carolini an. Mr. Price is expected to serve ovcrsea.s in the Displaced Per sons Division of the Bureau of Services of UNRRA. For his duties overseas he Is now being '**ained al the University of Maryland. At the end of the training period he will be sent with other members of his unit to one of the UNRRA overseas regions. While in Raleigh. Mr. Price was a.ssociatcd with various civ ic proieeU? including the United "War Fund, the Raleigh Citizens Cemmittee, and the NAACP. He has been active a.s chair man of the board of directors of the N C. ShTte Conference of NA.ACP branches and second vice-president of t h e National Ar'oeiation of Cotiogiate Deans and Regi.strars in Negro schook In addition to hi.s work as ool- rmni-st of the Carolinian he .served as soeeial h atur*- writer, The aopnintment to UNRRA '.••as made .Tune 1. TIRE RECAPPING CRAFTSMEN IN BUILDING AND RE BUILDING FINE TIRES All Sizes Passanger Car Tires Call 3-10,31 McNEILL’S TIRE SHOP Lester McNeill, Owner 325 Cabarru* Street r'.f{c-?nth Froi:l Ur.ii Orosnized in Wake Countv I) ••_•.. SINNVHELI) HAMPTON INSTITUTE. Va. — to opportunity fur school teachers and others to prepare themselves lo teach the principles of aviation t • the air-minded pupil of the future will be offered at Hampton Insti tute this summer, in the workshop 111 aviation for teacheis to be con ducted during the six-week term of the Hampton Institute summer .school. June 19-July 31. Four semester hours of graduate credit will be allowed for complet- niR the retjuiremenl of the work- sh*>p. which will meet five days per week. Each instructional period will include one lecture and two laboratory periods. Field trips ana aemonstratlons will supplement formal instruction in the course, which is non-technlcal and general, and which is based on the program provided by the Avia tion Education Service of the Civil Aeronautics administration. It will include the history of aviation, general servicing and operation of aircraft, aerodynamics, meteoro- ology. communications, navigation, civil air regulations, and materiab and methMs of teaching aeronau tics. Pep$i-Cola Company/, Long FOR THE FARMS OF TOMORROW The future is bright for more and better telephone service for people living in rural oreas. Plans are alreody under way for resuming our rural telephone exponsion program which was suspended in 1942 when equipment and materials became mere urgently needed for the armed forces. Surveys ore being made to deter..iine the needs ond to provide the facts from which we can carry out plons for expansion of farm telephone service. / The Southern Bell Company's farm telephone ex«T pension program is port of the Bell System's notion*! wide program for rural telephone extension whenl inateriols become availoble again. This progrom calls] V, 1 foi the Durham Division. In re ferring to this publication Rev. C. K. Proctor, Prtvsidi nl of the Of- ccnccchec Council and superin- t( rident of the Oxford Orphanage .said. "I iust want to say that *t is about the nice.st file I have ev er had. Thc.se filc.s are quite valu able #nd most of al! giv*' us a thrill to sec how well the work is organized and is hc'nt* carried on. Yours wa.s armnged .so .splend idly and I so gral'M iI that you crovided me with a ropy.” Sueii letlcr.s of comnu’nd.Tli*)n have conic from manv Sc'uiter.s of hodi raer.'; in ihe Oeonecckee Council, the Regional an*! National Offie -. C’onim*’nlint; on the ruhtication and llic Si'**ni ioov**mcnl gener.a!- ly. Dr. C. (' Spniililing. .a meni- her of Ihe Diirhani Roy Scout Di vision and an internati'in.oMy known Rii.'^iness executive said. "11 our hoys are to have a ’.v-li rounded lif** and a .snun*l phibi.se- fhv to guide »h* ni in tiv future, it js vitally nee-'.ssary lor them t , have I h ■ training provirlf'cl bv Scouting and to practice th*- Scout Oath. Setiuting mainlain^i l!in* n'» bov can grow into the be.st kind ol citizen witliojt n-cognizing his oiiligalion l*i G'id. C'-rlainly there is no finer program in *’xtsttnr-' foi the youth of our nation than the program of tiie Roy Seouks ‘u' Ainriie.o. Look around for Seoii*- —thev ni^'ed vour a-.siNtance and cncoiiargenient. Plea.ie li-n-'J v*>u: infiuenr*' and .aid to ihe Bo.'.' Rroiit;; in vour eornmunitv." Enrollmenf by Counties in Otronoechee Lusted i.s the Roy .Seont, t'uh S'lout enrollment of tlie Oe(on*o- chee Council a.s of Ma.v 30. 194.o. Wake 3!>7. Durham 398. War:-e.i O, Vanei* 137. Franklin 65. Gran ville 44. Orange 81, Chatham 42, Ler 36, Harnett 47. Moore 60. Tin Council hope.s lo reach a total i.n rcilmcnl of C'ab ScouLs and Bov Scout.s of 1500 by Decemhi r 31. 1945. In referring to the growth of Scouting among Negroc.s in 19- 4.5. W, A. Dobson. Regional Ex '- rnlive .said. •‘With only one-third of our Boy.s Negroes well over half of our growth since January 1, 1945 has been in Negro Scout.s and Cuh.s. A present Region a Six has 19.794 Scouts and Cubs. Of thi.s numbtr 17,.553 are Bov Scout.-; and 2.241 and Cub Scouts. Region Six hopes to raise this number by December 3I;;t to 25.000 Scouts and Cub.s, Henderson-Vance County of Honor The H''n:lerson-'Vane' Countv Co'jrt of Honor and Divisional Committee meeting wilt be held on Tuesd.nv Juno 19th a* th*' Hen- ritrson Institute. W. E. Game'- v.Mlh preside over the Di'.'i.si'inal Committee meeting and At*orn- ev C. W. WiIiam.sor. will pm’-sid - o*'vr the Court of Honor. Durham Court of Honor and Bor.rd of Review The Durham Board of Re^•ie•.'■ \-as i'ekl on Ttie.sdriv J',ne 13. .at thi- Jolin .\verv Bov's Club Jin'"! tin Court of Honor will b*' iieVl at the St Joseph .•\ME ehimch on F;:vrtl'‘ville Street, the snon.soring ir..'*tilulion for Troop 105. Hillsboro Scouts to Hold Court cf Henor R,.'- F.- -le Ti, .n lb'; -n.-.n . - 1 be ttia ’M.iiiiv Ri-?ht R'.r.ii-t church will hold a Court of Hon- no you read tach pO\V-V.'0\V- wiielher it’.s about cookin.g a .g-iod meal in the op'-n or liow to tract a wild animal, or h.e.v to buii i a wildcrncs.s home — you will pif»bnbl.v catch yourself thinking Tha' must be fim--I gue.ss T't! try it" Tnq-jirr o' veur 'eenl S-m* Exfutivi' about tliis publira'.ien. Fifteenth Seoul Unit Organized in Wake County During th* oa-;’ 'k *;• e’ '• enth Bo'.- S.- uit Troop . f;f!i ..-ni!i uni* organ: der th'- .''ponso'-.'hi'p of quay .Spi'in'js Neero iiigh \vi'h tiie ''nie’lre.cni of ' ^hr Tl-ile-'h W:.|.-e Count sion mnv'-s "o biward n.'n'k '*f .Nf'gr'i Scouts . Sr-, ii’ - v',i.-h i- h'.ne: • -.iv! t'-. Y-." fY Till- Cominitt?e has .«i'lt'Cted .'=!ev- cn 1 topics for leclurt.s and s|jec- ial group di::cu.«si(in.s. and is plan ning to h.ovc exhibi’s of printed matter and sound films. Special emiihasi.'- will be given to the He-' bifiji',' the end of the year. The! C'l.iolhncnl of the Ral* igh-Wa'ie | C' '..niv Divi'ior. 97 on Janit- ar’- 1, 1944. Pi,in.® townr.l.* ihr ' organiga’ion of a B'i\- .Scuul, 5'if'np a! Tf;-wnsville and WP'- ■ .'iiv.sboro were iii.st aiioiii com-' ri: ted -:I t'n:- writing. H. L. T.iy- ' !'•; ;>,• '‘h'*;' "f A. .T. Tavlor of fne : Nr.finna' Staff u liw .Sfutrive.;rr. Ti' • .h,, - e* 'ho Oeeon'Trh'* (tonne;! Sfoiit UniLs and neariy loH" Fi Olds ' nd Cubs, NFW 5'OnK -CNSi — Mabel K, Thn-.«her. middle-aged principal >t P. S 90 which is in the center ot overcrowded Harlem, claiir.s that she her-ilf has no picjiKlice for she is so u.K‘d to Negro children that uhi’r* e!-ilcircn seem tc hi r anemic. Yet she defends th*- teacher who eanf help hut be prejudice. 'Teachers don't want t‘) I'omc to Harlem nnd ihev sho'ddnt’ have to. I- ’h.-- A'.ialnz’’' '!.■ askt.l, Tliey nake llieni st.ay three years and CAPn'AL COCA-COLA Kom.iNG c;o. .51.5 \V. Morgan St. Do make your street a respected community block beautiful. A Kept communit;. A Tru/t We I\een Wo keenly appreciate the trust our clients place in "s and we make every conscientious effort to keep faith with them. Every dtail, from first to last, is >;iven careful supervision. Noth- injr is too small, too unimport.int to do—if by so doing v.'e can console or be of service to the family. CAPITOL FUNERAL HOME Iblii K. Hargett St. Rhone 3-2415 HAITIICIJ. N. C. “HOT LIPS” PAGE Bond l«od«r Sontofion. tayu ‘‘Whfre tatin tmoolh, glotty hoir h wonled. I say us* Snow While Hair Beoulilter. lifts iti nome, rt'i refined ond Snow Whit*," MAKES HAIR MORE MANAGEABLE SNOW WHITE HAIR eEAUTIFIER it th* r«f:n«'d heir dretting p«ople ere talk- tn^ abovt. G*t and vto o box ond dh- cov«r th« onozing difference it moke* in yoor hair dresi and oppeoronee. It moket your heir tporkl* with richer, '.vormer, no- ^ lurcjl color—4ook toiler end titftler—eotier to nonage. It It delightful for ioto at Drug SHOW WHITE PtObUCTS CO Lynchburg. Vo. McNEILL’S TIRE SHOP Lester McNeill, Owner 325 Cabarrus Street SLINNYITELD CORNFLAKES R-Oz. H Pkg. 50 :Vlil(l Mellon Mf C 0 I I K E 2 I;!;: 41c 3 Lb. Rac 59c SlINNYITELD BRAN FLAKES 8-Oz. M 7 C SlINiVVFlELD RICE PUFFS 8-Oz, Pkg. lie •:9-OZ. GLA.S.S--20 BLUK POINTS—RICHLAND N'l. 2‘-i PRUNES RIVERSIDE SOY BEANS A NATIONAL FAVORITF, NECTAR TEA ENRICHED DAILY DATED MARVEL BREAD Nn. 1 Cans 1-20. I'v I.b, I.naf 15c lOc 34c 11c CORN LEMONS HO.ME GROWN' I-ARGi: .H'lCY TOMATOES LETTFCE FIlt.M ICEBERG do/. 4.)c 2 ibs. 2:k I9c 2hds. 23f BOLOGNA—Type 2, 4 pts. lb. 33c SMOKED SAUSAGE—Type 3, 6 pts., lb. 39c SPANISH MACKERAL, whole, Ib. 27c BUTTER FISH, fresh, Ib. 21c 201 East Hargett St. leicpnone expansion progroffF WhiefF «ror SUSpenOM'—^—p in 1942 when equipment and materials became more ^ ' urgently needed lor the ormed forces. Surveys ere / being made to determine the needs end to provide the facts from which we can carry out plons for expansion of farm telephone service. / j The Southern Belt Company's form telephone ex* J pansion program is part of the Bell System's nation^ vide program for rural telephone extension when • inaterials become available ogoin. This program calls for expenditure of a hundred million dollars during o three-to-five year period and will be an important factor in provitlmg jobs for the thousands of phone men now in the ormed forces. /' Southern Beu Teiephone rnd Telegraph CoMPANri ^ INCORRORATiO • Don’t Forget Father! SUNDAY, JUNE 17th IS His Day... Give Him Gifts from His Favorite Store • SLACK SUITS • SUSPENDERS • CIGARETTE LIGHTERS • SOCKS • BELTS • SPPORT SHIRTS • BILL FILOS • HANDKERCHIEFS • TIES • HATS -AND MANY OTHER THINGS TO SELECT FROM— CAtOUNA'I Uteitl -